Procreate Drawing HACK for those that can't draw || Make Digital Stickers for Digital Planning

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so I have a confession for you guys before I was a digital planner I was all about my bullet journal so here's the truth I am certainly not an artist if you take a look at my doodle add a picture there are some very elementary things going on here which I guess works out since I was an elementary school teacher drawing has never been a Forte of mine so today I'm gonna show you how I use my iPad to fake my way into being a better drawer make sure you like and subscribe and let's jump in [Music] so today I'm gonna use my fur child Bailey as my inspiration and try to design a sticker that reminds me of her so I'm gonna start by opening up procreate but rather than just drawing right from the beginning I'm gonna use a little bit of a trick and I'm gonna pull another picture from the internet to help us out so I'm gonna simply go to Google and look for an image that I can use to model my sticker off of so I see this really cute dog up here with the spots so I'm gonna click on the image add two photos and go back to per free now that I'm in appropriate I want to bring that image into my layers so I'm gonna click on the wrench and hit insert a photo and it'll bring up my camera roll so I can simply add that picture to my design now I want to make it take up pretty much the entire screen because this will allow me to get more detail now here's where the trick comes in essentially I am going to be tracing this image but procreate makes us much easier I'm gonna click this magic wand this is for the adjustments there's lots of different options we're gonna play around with here but the very first one is called opacity and once I click on it just by swiping left and right I'm gonna change how see-through my image is so if I go all the way left you can't see it at all all the way to the right it looks like a normal picture so I'm gonna bring the opacity way down so you can just barely see my image now what I want to do is open another layer this is where I'm gonna actually draw my image and I like to start when I'm looking at clipart images I usually grab black and then I'm gonna go to my brushes choose calligraphy and grab that mono line brush that I've talked about in the past this is one of my go-to is when I'm starting a new drawing I'm going to make sure I'm in another layer and then the easy part is you're simply going to trace the image now remember on procreate by pinching you're able to zoom up on an image which allows you to get much closer and so now I'm going to be able to simply trace the image of the dog now remember just by clicking with two fingers you're gonna be able to erase and try again also remember you can spin the image to really line it up the way you want to when you do have lines that overlap a little bit you're gonna be able to erase and clean those lines up so it really doesn't need to be perfect because you can do a lot of thinning up and now I've got my dog's nose so now that I've got my dog's nose you can see if I go back to my layers I'm able to turn off the original drawing and all you see is the dog's nose so this is the idea behind this we can trace an image turn off that image and then use it as we see fit now do remember that a lot of the images you find online people have copyrights too so this is a great strategy for personal use but you want to make sure you're not tracing someone's image and then selling it as your own so I'm going to go around and finish tracing the rest of the dog [Music] as I'm finishing up tracing the dog if you were called a beginning this video I talked about how I loved how the dog's face looked and his body and his tail but I didn't love the spot so notice that as I'm tracing it I'm just leaving those spots out and that's the great thing about drawing on procreating using the strategy is you can take something that's on the internet and change it just enough to match what you need all right so there's my dog now before I show you how we're going to color and continue working on this I do want to take a little bit of time to clean up my line so I'm going to go back in with my eraser and make it the smallest setting and just go back in and go into any of these areas where you see a little bit of line overlapping for a little bit of line gap there we have it I now have my little dog ready to go now if I go back into my layers I can turn off that bottom image and you can see my drawing which is essentially just a trace version of something I found on the Internet now I can go through and actually start to color my dog so there's a few different ways you can do this I'm going to show you just a few of them so I'm gonna start just by using a color that I like and dropping it on to the area that I want it to be now so long as it's a closed figure it'll fill that entire area [Music] now another little trick I'll show you for pulling out colors if I go back to that image that I created initially move it off to the side now I can go back to my little magic wand and bring the opacity back up and now I can pull colors for me like I've shown you in past videos just by holding my finger onto it so if there was a color and that dog I really liked that I now wanted to use my sticker I simply hold my finger down and you'll see that that color is selected now I'm glad this happened because I want to show you how to fix this essentially what has happened is I've tried to fill in the body however somewhere in the body there is a line break so that's actually filling in almost the entire palate - the tail on the paws which seems to be closed objects so somewhere in this drawing there is a break so there's a few ways to get around this when this occurs you need to go back to black and grab my pencil and just start tracing over some of the areas that look like it may not be totally closed I have a hunch it's somewhere in the paws effect if I look right there there seems to be a little bit of a gap there just because there are so many line breaks there so I'm gonna just quickly zoom in on my paws make sure they're all closed and then we'll try again so this is one thing you can do if you notice your entire finger tries to fill in let's give that a go up again and drop it and there you go so I've fixed whatever the problem was I have found that when I do much more detailed drawings it can be really hard to fix that fill feature so there is another thing you can do and to do this I'm actually gonna create another layer and I'm gonna make sure that it is underneath my current drawing because this is gonna make it easier to color in so I'm gonna simply go through and kind of start the coloring in process so I do want to be careful I'm not cross that line but because I am under the line you won't see a lot of overlap of colors it almost creates a little bit of a barrier as in for you so I'm doing it very loosely on the inside with being careful on the outside and just making sure that I'm going around the entire layer and my goal here is not to color in the whole thing by hand but instead to create an outside layer that I now know is closed because I've gone here multiple times and I'll be able to fill that in afterwards so I'm gonna keep going around and then if you see now I can drag and drop the color and it'll actually fill the area so book those are the two ways that I'll fill in if I notice when I try to fill in colors it's not working so I'm just gonna quickly color the rest of this dog there we have it now we have our little dog just like we found on the internet but I was able to recreate it without the spots on top to make it look a little bit more like my dog so this is one way you can use that opacity layer and an image on the Internet to recreate something even if you don't have a lot drawing skills so this is one thing you can do if you don't feel like you're a good artist but let's say that while I love the dog's head I actually want him to be sitting so now I can recreate that same dog in a sitting pose by using another image online and start a new picture so I'm going to open up a new canvas insert a photo and I'm gonna bring in two photos this time so first I'm gonna bring in this picture of the dog that I like in terms of the position that he is in and then I'm gonna bring in that picture that I just had cuz I liked the head that yet so for now I'm gonna make that picture small and off to the side and you'll notice when you bring in pictures it automatically puts them in different layers so I want to make this one more opaque I want to show you another way you can do this instead of clicking on the magic wand up top you can actually open your layers click on the letter N and it'll bring up a lot of the options for that layer including at the top the opacity so I can bring the opacity down and now I want to make sure that I'm in a new layer and I'm gonna start tracing over this dog just like I did before so I'm gonna go through and Sketch up this dog now now the big difference here is because I like the body of this one but not the head I am going to just sketch out the body of this dog and wait for the pet so let me finish up real quick the other nice thing about using images from the internet is you have the ability to use them as a base but change them to fit your needs so for example in this image I really don't love how short the tail is because my dog has a huge tail so aren't actually gonna recreate a tail that matches a little bit more of what I have on my dog now that I'm done with the body I'm gonna make the opacity of my other dog layer go down and then start to line it up with the body that I have now drawn once I kind of like how it looks and go through the same process of tracing again you can start to see where the strategy can be so helpful if you find that you don't have the greatest drawing abilities or even if there's something that is hard for you to draw compared to other things using an image from the internet you're able to really create and make what you want of it and use it as a base I feel like artists do this a lot by looking at an image the only difference is on the outside we're actually able to put it underneath our drawing to use as the starting ground well I've said in the beginning we want to make sure that we're not selling products that work directly tracing from other people there are ways that you can use this technique just to help you with problem areas of your drawing so I've kind of decided that I like the shape of the eyes but didn't really like how that people looked so I'm really creating my own look here all right so there we have it there's my little dog hybrid I see the resemblance to my own dog so I was able to bring in different images I had three images total as well as my own creativity used to create this picture so when you want to ring them into the planter do you want to make sure that everything is off except for the actual sticker that you've created including the background and then you're gonna click on the wrench and you're gonna hit share and then you're gonna export it as a PNG and if you're working on your iPad simply save it to your camera roll and then we'll hop back over to my planner click on the little camera or the picture up top and there's the little sticker that I've created and there you have it now even if you do not have great artistic ability you're able to create drawings of any kind of the year you want even if it's something that's a little more complicated to draw just by using that opacity and layers in your procreate app on your iPad and hope you found this useful I'll see all of you in my next video
Channel: MOR Designs
Views: 44,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: procreate, drawing hack, dracking, procreatetutorial, digital planning, digital planner, digital sticker, planner stickers, goodnotes planner, procreate 5, ipad drawing, procreate speed paintiong, procreate tips, digital planner goodnotes, digital planner ipad pro, ipad pro planner, procreate tutorial, digital stickers, digital stickers procreate, how to make digital stickers, how to make stickers, digital planner stickers, procreate stickers, how to use procreate
Id: yYhGKy4Do5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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