How to Cartoon Yourself in Procreate Holly Pixels

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hey there and welcome back to Holley pixels in this video I'm going to show you how to create yourself as a cartoon in the procreate app it's super simple even if you don't know how to draw you can do this so let's check it out all right I'll put time stamp down below when the extra tutorial starts but you're going to just kind of explain a few things so this tutorial is for anybody who just cannot draw but say you want to draw say you want to try to do this technique and do something a little bit of fun with a photograph you can so I actually went in and pulled a few pictures from the internet just to try this on to show you so when I saw this this technique I think I saw it on Instagram first and then I saw it on YouTube and I thought you know what guys we used to do this back in the 90s in Photoshop that shows you my age but the one difference is that they leave the photograph behind the cartoon objects versus we use adjust fill didn't make a full photograph a full cartoon from the photograph so that's the difference and I'll show you what I mean as we get through the tutorial but I thought hey this is fun and if people don't know how to draw this is something easy you're just tracing so it's not like it's that hard so let's just do it so I pulled a few photographs I found on the Internet now please remember if you're going to sell anything or do anything like that that you want to promote yourself and your business that you probably shouldn't do that these images are typically copyrighted and you want to avoid taking anybody's images you're not allowed or given the permission to use so that being said you know I I did pull a couple off the internet just so I could show you guys and test them out before I did this tutorial so this was one of ariana grande that I did this is the one we're going to do in the tutorial and I'll show you that one in a minute this is some stock photos that I actually purchased so I did purchase them for use in this again a stock photo card EB I got off the internet and I wanted to pull one that wasn't really that great of a quality just so you can see what that looks like when we get to it we can we can look at that another image I found online of Reese Witherspoon and another of ariana grande this was the first one I did so I kind of did some it's a little different techniques to it but it's all pretty much the same now what people are doing on now with their this technique that I'm seeing is they're doing it on their iPhones and they're using the I believe it's the Adobe app on their the draw app and so all I can think of is that so tiny and I could never do that I need something a little bit bigger to work on I don't even like reply we're going to Instagram messages because I can't it's so small and I don't I'm I don't have the ability to like fully put out my thoughts on that so I don't know how they do it but they do but they're probably a lot younger than I am so I'm gonna do this on the iPad in the procreate app versus what I used to do in Photoshop so we can get an idea this is the one I posted on Instagram the other day everybody was like you know you want to try we won't shoot or I think you guys are gonna be really surprised at how easy this is so I think we should just jump right into it and get started okay so the first thing we want to do is create a canvas to start with I typically have them already set up that I like to use if you want to create a custom size you can I have an Instagram Square when I use it's 300 by 300 I actually Oh size it down later if I need to get some of this dust off of here it does set my desk in I think your thing is just sort of floating on top of it if you're doing this for a client you want to make sure that you have the right resolution and your size set up correctly from here because if you're not going to take it in anywhere else like say illustrator you want to make sure it's set up right here I'm not going to go into that into this video I do have a video on dpi resolution you're welcome to check out but I'm just gonna use my Instagram Square which is just a 3,000 by 3,000 pixel I think it's the rooms like I don't know what it is exactly but I like to go a little bit bigger than that what I do mine so I have my my square here now when it comes to photographs you're going to want to choose a photograph that is that is well lit and has some nice contrast to it photographs that maybe somebody put their phone where they believe filters to it and so hazy are not going to look good and you'll know you'll see that once you create it so you want to look for something a little well lit so let's just look for a minute on the Internet of pictures of ariana grande so you can see what I mean all right so this is an image search of ariana grande and I wanted to show you what I mean you want to make sure that the eyes are well lit and easy to see like this image right here is not very good it's not going to show up real well as far as a cartoon look because her eyes are kind of poorly did dimly lit and that's probably because this is more of a paparazzi picture done on a 7 repeat things like this are just not going to look that great because they're too overly done you definitely want to pick images where you're going to be able to see their faces really nicely I know this is probably not a good one to use but see how nice her eyes are although that's kind of blurry because it's assumed in so again looking for images that have really nice lighting typically professional headshots are going to be a little bit better than something taking with cellphone like this has too much filter I don't think you're gonna get as great a quality of it you could try it for sure but this isn't really good picture that would work well to you and like I said caught a nice contrast in the colors and you just you can see things nicely their eyes are nice and open that's gonna work really well the color everything's lit very well this is not going to be good that's not gonna be a good image so just be aware of that when you're doing that so I chose a stock photograph that I purchased for myself to use in this demonstration because it's very well lit and professionally done those tend to work a little bit better I think in this instance now this is if you're doing the technique the way they're doing it now where they have the image still left behind it if not you can always use one of these and then fill in the colors again alright so I'm gonna add my photograph which is this image here and I'm going to go ahead and just make sure it's the size that I want it to be now because I'm going to be adding things like a halo and a circle I might want to make her just a hair smaller just so that it works out best for me now what would be really nice about this photograph is that the top of the head is not cut off so don't worry about anything if I had the rest of the hair down here that would be kind of nice but I don't so we're just gonna leave it as is anything if you're just starting out try not to do anything that has hands in it or anything like that because it's going to give too much to work with start once you get the hang of it since start breaking things like that in alright so I've got that on a new layer I'm going to go ahead before I do anything as far as getting rid of anything on the picture I'm gonna do a new layer above it and I'm gonna start outlining the basic outline of her so I know where I want to get rid of the rest of the photograph now I'm using the inking pens studio pen that comes default with procreate and again this is on a new layer above it and all I'm doing is just kind of coming in and tracing around the image it's okay if you start and stop and you get like these thick and thin lines this pin has pressure so the more you push the more you get the less you push push the less you get and that's kind of that thing about comic book look is that sometimes those lines have those nice thick and thins and don't worry if you get some stuck on the outside you'd rather have some of the hair stuck on the outside versus the inside just makes it a little easier for you and you're just going to come in and trace around the edges of your image to get started and you want to make sure all of your lines close they all touch because if we decide to do some fills and stuff we don't we don't want to accidentally have anything left open so there's one where I do I went a little too far over all right so I have her outlined now and there's a couple of ways you could do this you could create a clipping mask and and put everything on it and save your background if you need to I'm just gonna erase it away I think it's a little bit easier so I'm just going to come into cooking on the photograph layer and choosing an eraser pencil I'm using a mono brush from my Colorado brush to certainly use whatever you want but I like to come in and get close to the edge and just kind of do like a basic erase around if you're having a hard time seeing because maybe they're wearing a lighter clothes what you can do next before you do that is click on the background layer here and choose a color that's going to give you a background color you might want to work with and that's gonna make it a little bit easier for you to see that you're getting everything like right there I missed a spot next to that one so if you just want to get really nice and tight and close the less you have the better so I like to get a nice kind of like even line of a race around it and then I'll show you what I do once I have that all done okay so once I have my line kind of around where I'm gonna race I'm gonna use my selection tool and come down here and just make a selection the beauty about procreate is while that's doing that you can move around and continue your selection and I'm just going right in to where I had erased oh crap and you don't want to do like that you don't want to accidentally drag your finger because then you're gonna have to start over unfortunately there's no way to make it better so this is not the the most perfect way and unfortunately procreate does have a little bit of sensitivities like that you may run into and if this becomes too complicated just use your eraser to go in and erase the rest I do this because it's just faster provided I don't screw up like that where I've accidentally drugged my finger around it so I'm going to go like that and then I'm going to continue my line around so you'll see now I have the selection around that whole outside so I'm gonna take my three fingers to do the I would swipe down and it's gonna bring up my cut and paste I'm just gonna click cut to get rid of it and that gets rid of it now I can come in and look and make sure I did get see there's a few little strays I might need to just kind of check for and that's why having a solid background color versus white might be more helpful to you so it looks pretty good so before I do anything else I'm going to go ahead and create my little shape around her at the bottom so there's a couple of things I could do I'm actually gonna do it on a new layer in case I don't like it or I want to move it I'm gonna use my inking pin again on the top you could do a circle like a little hole so you could go in and go like this you could go in and make like a you know go a square like this which i think is what I'll do so basically I'm just coming in and coming like this and creating a nice whoops I want to make sure everything is nice and lined up and I'm just kind of well it's like just a geometric looking them right I could geometric shape like this so the reason I did it like this is I have it kind of coming off so so when I erase the way back here it's gonna look like she's in there so I don't want this to expand too far past I could click on it and you know move it down but we don't wanna go down here because then we have all that fill down there that we don't aren't gonna be able to do so that looks pretty good so now what I'll do is I'll come in and just erase away where that line connects and so it looks like she is coming out of it like it's like around her seam so now we need to get rid of the photograph down here let me just come in here and I would click on her again and just start erasing away from that line and then we'll want to get rid of that ink line once we're done - so I'll do that now you could have done this in the beginning you could have inked this first and then do it but I like to kind of like see where everything is without having that background on it all right so now I'm gonna come into that first inking line here that we did and get rid of this just up to there just up to there all right so now she looks like she's in it right so we can merge those two together those two inking lines together so they're on their own okay so the next thing you do start going in and out letting the rest of her so again this is where I come in and say see I left that there I don't know what that's from this is where I say you don't have to know how to draw you literally can come in with your PIN and just trace so I like to just do more like kind of harder edges on things like the hair and that's gonna come down a little bit low that's okay because it's a cartoon so everything is not everything's more exaggerated not perfect right so let's just come in this and don't worry if you leave a little extra that's fine I mean this is not gonna look exactly like the last one I did but you'll get the idea and then I'm going to come in and do her face and I'm because I may want to fill in later I want to make sure all of my lines are touching you know so I'm closing it in so like her face would be one outline right and then I would come down here and do the neck and I might bring this one down here and come in and remember the pressure you place is going to give you different thick and thin lines to that so if I want to select her neck it would be one selection I'm pretty sure that's connected so I'll just come in I'm gonna do this I'm gonna go ahead and ink in some of the details I've liked her dress here that she does have like a little tiny line here so a little less pressure if you want to do that you can now people who have more flyaway hairs it's gonna be a pain in your tush but you know I'm trying to work with the most simplest one I can for you all okay so that's pretty much the outline of everything there now we want to go in and do you say like the eyebrows so we know the eyebrows are kind of here close that in all right so we want to do like a line for the eye here and then we want to just trace like where her natural eyeliner is and outline the eye and I like to fill in the black part you can also do like a little line if they have here then when we do things like eyelashes I like to make them really exaggerated on these so we can go really big if you want to do that you do little tiny ones you can do a whole bunch of them you know you just want to make it more exaggerated okay so I'm not sure how much of that line we'll see there now when it gets really dark on the eye it's hard to tell if you've got it closed in but I just want to pay attention to make sure you did all right so I'm just gonna do where I'm gonna bring hers up and over her bangs a little bit I wanna make sure they match okay now for the nose now she's facing more sideways but if you were straight on you would make sure you do that appropriately so you're just tracing kind of these like shapes more or less if that makes sense just putting him in like that you do have these little pieces here get it coming in and trace the lips I'm telling you this is so easy if you don't know how to draw sometimes this is a good way to like teach you how to draw to you I am NOT a human figure door so I'm gonna draw in a couple of these little like places where a clavicle is and then she's pretty much outlined right now we want to start doing some fills and what we would do next I'll do the hair last but I am gonna come in and fill in the eyebrows so if you use your finger to press and hold you can kind of sample the color of the eyebrow if you want I'm just gonna do a little bit this darker color here and actually I'm gonna do it on a layer below the outline so I have the outline layer and they don't have that one and I will come in and just fill in that color for her eyebrow and you don't really see it over here so I'm not too worried about it here but if I had two eyebrows obviously I would do that okay so like I said what the what the kids are doing now is they're leaving the photograph behind is that they wouldn't fill in any of the colors of the skin which is why having a really nice picture looks good because usually those are airbrushed okay so I want to go ahead and do the hair next no this is gonna be a little bit more complicated so I'm gonna do a new layer just underneath I'm gonna actually do it underneath the outline layer I'm going to turn on a reference now I wanted to make sure all my lines are connected to this won't work so if I click on the outlines and hit reference and then I go on to my new layer I can sample a base color of her hair so something kind of like mid-tone so it's not the highlights like these brighter colors and it's really not this darker color it's just kind of more of like a mid-tone color and I could take that now and drag it into her hair and fill that in and that would look great right but I see something here that I want to do because I have some dimension that way her hair is turned so I'm gonna turn off the rough grunts here and go back to my black and I'm just going to do this you see how like this is kind of more like flipped and we want this to be a little shade darker so I'm gonna do that first then I'm gonna turn them back reference back on and come into that layer and I'm going to select a more of a mid-tone again and I'm gonna drag that in so it fills in that part of the hair and then I'm gonna select this one the darker color and filled that and so now you see it looks like it's kind of the depth in between it so before we go in and add the different like shading and things of the hair let's turn it off and then let's click on this outline layer and turn off our reference and what we want to do now is just kind of add in some like little black lines for like maybe well people can see where the bangs are kind of coming in from up here just like you would if this was a cartoon we're just gonna bring some of these things in just to give it some definition and there's really I mean there's really no right or wrong way to do this stuff if you're just tracing and you're just learning I mean have fun with it well people start telling you you're doing things wrong or whatever that's if you're trying to really just like learn true techniques and maybe that's when you go to art school but if not and you're just having fun on your iPad do what makes you happy okay don't let people tell you you suck or anything like that because you don't suck so now when I turn that color back on see how now I'm already starting to see some of the the lines from that so if I went back to this picture here you're gonna see how I started bringing in more colors to that right so let's go back in to here and what I'm gonna do now is on that I'm going to make sure I'm on my hair layer and I'm gonna turn it off and sample some color so my sample my dark colors first I'm just gonna kind of come in and sample this one and then turn it back on and start bringing in now you can change the size of your brush if you want to and this is where you just play it have fun and it might take a little while to get this part done but that's okay the more time you spend on the hair the better and you can vary the weights of your brushstroke too to give it a little bit more interesting this to it as well so let's turn it off and let's come and pick up like a highlight color turn it back on and the same technique we're just gonna start bringing in some color I probably bring that light of a color in underneath but we could pull highlight color just be a little bit deeper I think the hardest part of this will be like if you have curly hair so we're just gonna keep doing that a few times until we're happy with what it looks like and this is not gonna I don't think any two are ever gonna look hot you know and feel free to go over some of the ones you've already done the more you do and the more you blend um I think the more cool it will look and remember it's a cartoon it's not supposed to be perfect I don't bring those in there so I mean that looks pretty decent I'm gonna add a few highlights down in here so I'm gonna select it and just go a hair lighter and bring those in here just to give it a little bit more definition so that looks pretty good I'm gonna erase away down here now if her hair had come down longer we could have expanded her hair pieces to kind of come out from the edges of this this little shape if we wanted to so now that we have that we want to go ahead and do a new layer above our reference layer or above our outline layer and we're going to select white and with that same ink pan we're going to start adding highlights so I like to just kind of come in there's like some hard rules about highlights like you can do on the hair if you want to follow that go for it I'm just gonna add a few streaks because I'm not chained in art like that so I really don't know how to do that but I do it because I think it just adds cool features to the comic book look of it okay so the next thing we do is start working on the eyes so we want to create these catch lights on the eyes hers were kind of high so let's come up we'll do one here it's bigger and one small here and I like to just kind of add a few little dots and we'll repeat that over here oops yeah just a few little dots to the eyes like that this is where I said it needs to have like a nice highlight or a nice little eyes or well wid that gives you that we also end up with highlights kind of here usually have a highlight down the nose maybe not that big something like that usually we have highlight here and then here we tend to have like this like you know but a highlight on the lips on the chin and then all the cheeks are usually kind of highly - maybe a little bit of highlight down here and then you can even bring it into like the clothes if you wanted to just little pieces of highlight fun with it again like I said no hard and fast rules about that so that's where they would leave the coloring I'm going to go ahead and do something else I'm going to go ahead and do a new layer I'm remembering it just above my background layer and I'm going to go ahead and take you could fill in like with a deeper color of whatever background color you chose and fill in this part so it looks like kind of like a little whole layer coming out of whoops all right and then just above that layer I am gonna come in and choose the airbrushing soft airbrush with that darker color and just kind of like create a lookup shape kind of around her like this and then I'm going to come in with my adjustments a Gaussian and just blurt out a little so it looks more real so it just gives it a little bit of depth behind her if you can see that alright so we've done that now we want to create like the little halos and outline so I'm doing new layer above and choose white and what I did I think I think I did is on this picture yeah I did like another little line and I did a couple halos up here so I'm just gonna take my white and just kind of do nope I need to change my brush back to my inking brush my bad I just did kind of like I'm gonna go thinner now if you guys were wondering what brush size I was using on that for my canvas I was doing about a 4 or 5 so if that's a question you have so I'm just gonna kind of go off a little bit you know give it a little bit more ok great that shave there I'm going to edit my shape a little oops I didn't mean to do that well let me do that one more time I'm just gonna do a shape quick shape if you've ever if you've not done the quick shape you it's kind of cool and procreate you just hold yeah and then you can edit shape and you can kind of like move some things around until you're happy and then let go and then we'll go ahead and remove from our outline with the outline part to show okay like that and then we'll go ahead and do one on her head like a halo so it's a quick quick shape so you're just gonna draw oops you're just gonna draw it and hold it and what I like to do actually because I'm new I'm gonna erase away some I like to start down here so that my lines if they don't look perfect they look okay so you could take this whoops well let me let me just redo that so let's turn to our new layer so you could take and create it as it looks like this and then erase away from behind here so it looks like it's going around her head if you wanted to do that and then you can even do another one you could do a double yeah and then erase again erase away from behind her head like this and create little little shapes you could do like hearts you could do like little squares you could do a lot of different things the final thing that I did was created a layer just above the Gaussian layer I made of that background and with a white brush I did go into my own brushes which is my creative light set and I choose like my star and my sparkles and I just came in and put those little stars kind of in there I could even shoot let me choose my sparkle one as well just to make it look like she's kind of like more galaxies looking okay like she's kind of floating in outer space and then that's really what they're doing on Instagram and then that you're seeing that's being done they're not going in and filling in any of the other colors so you leaving that at all in there if you wanted to do that you could turn your reference layer on the outline and do a new fill and do the same thing like we do with hair so maybe instead we select like the color of the face bring that in and then you could come in with like an airbrush and make some deeper colors so maybe we come in and go a little bit deeper and we choose an airbrush let's just go to airbrush let's go to soft and make it kind of smaller of our new layer idea and then I would just kind of like actually what I would do as a layer above it and clip it to the one the base color and do a little deeper and you know if you can see that on screen or not but extending adding some more contours and you would fill in the eyes and the clothes and do just the same thing so maybe I would come down here I didn't fill in that color so that's not gonna work so maybe does come here yeah so you could do that and create something even further if you don't like the way the photograph behind it looks you know that's definitely something you can do and just keep filling in fill in the eyes fill on the whites fill in the lips and use your airbrush to come in and oops we might clipping masks let's just choose a color here I'll show you again fill in my lips and then whoops I'm gonna I don't want to like get all that color in there that's one on what the references sometimes you have to fix that but I'm gonna do a clip of that and just go a little bit deeper at that color and come in and fill my brush might be a little bit too big for that and just create dimension and you can keep going just like that but that's it that's all you're doing I know it's a little long of a video but I wanted to give you guys something kind of fun that you could do here at the end of the year if you do not like to draw or you're not good at drawing and you want to do something like this you could certainly follow these steps and practice and play and have fun and you don't have to be an artist to do it alright so all of the items I've used in this video we'll be linked via the link in the description box if you're on YouTube they will be listed on the blog post so you click on that and come on over and do that so I'll put my brushes on there I'll link to the stock photo on shutterstock if you want to buy that one and use it you can but that's pretty much it I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you've had a wonderful holiday season and I will see you [Music]
Channel: Holly Pixels
Views: 1,855,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon yourself, instagram cartoon, cartoon yourself procreate, instagram cartoon edits, instagram cartoon tutorial, instagram cartoon profile pic, instagram cartoon without adobe draw, holly pixels, holly pixels procreate, procreate cartoon tutorial, procreate cartoon yourself, procreate cartoon drawing, procreate cartoon portrait, ipad procreate cartoon, procreate ipad pro cartoon, how to draw a cartoon character on procreate, procreate photo to cartoon, procreate tutorial
Id: 6eukg1I3Jxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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