3 Flowers Anyone Can Draw in Procreate

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hello and welcome to another every Tuesday tutorial in this week's tutorial we're going to be creating three florals that anyone can make in procreate so what you see on screen is exactly what we're going to be creating together today's video is brought to you by envato elements the Netflix of graphic design Envato elements boosts your workflow by giving you unlimited access to state of the art creative resources access thousands of procreate assets install beautiful brushes gorgeous text effects in over fifty million stock photos check out the link in the video description and take your creative work to the next level as always the color palette for this project is entirely free just tap on the link in the video description you can download it and install it and then follow along we're actually only using one brush for this entire project and it is my free mono eight brush I'll also leave a link in the video description to that as well so I'm going to create a brand new document that is 1500 pixels by 1500 pixels at 300 dpi and then we'll get started okay I've got my canvas all set up you can see I've got my color palette right here and I've got my brush selected right here the first florals we're going to create our buds so flowers that have not bloomed yet for this one I'm going to start with my light pink color so it's the fourth one in so grab that and I've got my mono white brush and that's what I'm going to keep a little bit on the larger side because we're going to create those buds first and then we'll draw connecting stems so I'm at about 12% so I'm just going to draw them kind of sporadically here okay so the next thing we're going to do is create a new layer right above this we can label the Swan buds create a brand new layer I'm going to grab this darker green color right here so it's the second one and then reduce the size of my brush down to about 8% and then I'm just going to draw some stems to connect them all okay and now I'm going to reduce the size of my brush down to about three percent and I'm just going to draw in where my stem connects to my flower buds so now we're going to draw in some leaves so I'm going to create a brand new layer and then I'm going to drag it beneath my stems layer so let me label this one stems okay tap on the top layer drag it beneath the stems layer this one are going to label leaves and we're going to grab our lightest green color so it's the very first one right here and draw in some leaves okay it can be a little bit hard to see what's going on because all my stems are in front so now that I have the base of all my leaves drawn in I'm just going to temporarily turn off the visibility of my stem so just uncheck the visibility and now I can fill these in and draw in some details so for each one of these leaves I'm just going to drag my color in and fill them in okay and we want to create a brand new layer that way we can get a little bit sloppy with our lines and not have to worry about how everything lines up so we're just going to create a brand new layer right above the leaves layer tap on it and choose clipping mask and this will be called leaf details all right so now we can draw past the leaf and it won't show up in the white area so that's exactly what we want so for these details we're just going to draw a line through the leaf and then you're going to draw something kind of like a v-shape okay I've got all my weave details drawn in now and now I can turn my stems layer back on now we want to create a little bit more dimension in our buds so we're going to establish a light source and we're going to say that the light source is coming from the top right so we're going to have the lightest color of our buds at the very top right of all these ovals so in order to create that impression of light we're going to add in some shadows so I'm going to create a new layer right above the buds layer and label this bud shadows we're going to apply a clipping mask to this so tap on the layer thumbnail choose clipping mask we're going to grab this darker color of pink right here so it's a second to the last one that's right next to the brown color and what you're going to do is so the lights coming from here for this direction so we're going to create kind of an arc and then we're going to fill that arc and drop some color in same thing over here so now the light source is going to be hitting the side part more than it's going to be hitting the very top of it okay so we've got that shadow and then the last thing we're going to do is just add some shadows to the leaves just to add a little bit more depth and finish everything off so in order to do that we're going to duplicate our stems layer so just drag it to the left choose duplicate and this bottom stems layer we're going to offset it so grab your arrow tool and then you're just going to drag it or tap it down into the left and we're going to add a Gaussian blur to it so tap on your magic wand tool choose Gaussian blur and then drag it to about five percent I would say looks good and we're going to change the blend mode just so it shows up as a shadow and a little bit darker to multiply so just drag all the way up until you get to multiply and then we need to apply it only to the leaves because you can see right here we've got this weird funky shape right below our bud so in order to fix that what we're going to do is merge our leaf details with our leaves so what you're going to do is just pinch these two layers together and that will merge them together and maintain that clipping mask and now all we have to do with the stems shadow layer let me rename this all we have to do is tap on the layer thumbnail and choose clipping mask and that will mask it right into the leaf shape so you see we've got these nice little subtle shadows on the leaves and when we zoom out we get a really nice depth effect okay so that is flour number one let's group all of our layers together just to keep it organized so just drag all of your layers over to the right and then choose group and we'll call this one flower buds alright we're going to create a new layer and we're moving on to flower number two so flower number two is just a simple 5 petaled flower there's a bunch of different 5 petaled flowers out there you can also use the same method to create a six or seven or eight petal flower whatever you would like to do grab our lightest pink color so it's the fourth one in and then we also still have our mono a brush selected and I'm at a size of about six percent so what you want to do is just draw an asterisk a five lined star so I'm going to draw just like this so it's basically an X with a line up at the top and now we have our base or skeleton of our flower so I'm going to reduce the size just a little bit more I'm going to down about 4% and for my petals you can also look at some reference photos of real petals and that will also help give you an idea of the shape to make your petals but essentially you're just going to come up and you're going to give the top of the petal a little bit of a zigzag shape and then bring it down okay this one looks a little narrow so I'm just going to make this a little bit larger and now we can just color drop each one of these petals and fill it all up okay that looks good we're going to create a brand new layer let me label this one petals so the center part of our petal let me create a new layer is called your anther so I'm going to rename this anther and we're going to grab our brown for this and you're just going to draw some dots in the middle you can see I've got some ovals and kind of teardrop shapes as well as some circles so very up the shapes very up the sizes and but keep it kind of tiny right in the middle and you'll be all set so those are anthers and now we're just going to put in some petal lines so I'm going to create a new layer label this one puddle lines I'm going to drag this beneath the anther layer and grab my white and reduce the size down to 2% and I'm just going to draw in a few lines here okay our flower is looking really good so far so the next thing we want to do is add in some supporting leaves so we're going to draw a different leaf shape for this one just to change it up and give you more options for whatever flowers you would like to make in the future so I'm going to create a brand new layer and call this leaf drag it below your petals layer we're going to grab our darkest green so the second one right here and this petal shape is going to come up it's going to notch in come up again notch in and then come up towards the top and make a peak and then the exact same thing on the other side and I'm going to draw a smaller one right here and then I'll put in one more on this side so these are a kind of a spiky or leaf style okay so I need to fill these up with color so I'm going to turn off my petal layers visibility just so I can see where the ends are meeting that way I know I can fill it in because if you don't have a closed shape then your color will bleed out and onto your background so now that this is a closed shape I can color drop this okay let's turn our petals back on alright so we're going to add in some details again so we're going to do the exact same thing that we did for our buds is create a new layer right above it this is going to be called leaf details we're going to create a clipping mask so tap on the layer thumbnail choose clipping mask we're going to grab our lightest green color and we're going to keep the size at 2% and what we're going to do is draw a line all the way to the top you're going to draw a line from the tip of each one of these spikes and you're going to curve it a little bit so it's going to come down and then curve in just like that and then to add a little bit of extra detail off of this curved line you're going to start kind of around the center point and then curve it up to where this notch happens and then we can just add in some additional line details here okay and then repeat the exact same thing for your other leaves all right and then just to finish this off we want to add a little bit of extra shadow so we're going to repeat the exact same process that we did for our buds so we're going to grab the petal shape right here so tap on the layer thumbnail choose select create a brand new layer above it we're going to fill this with black so just double tap it wherever the black is and that will give you true black tap on the new layers thumbnail and choose fill layer and that will fill it with black we're going to merge our leaf details and leak layer together so just pinch those together and then just drag this new petal shadow beneath the petals layer and we're going to label this petal shadow and then apply a Gaussian blur so tap on your magic wand Gaussian blur and then drag it up to about 4% and then we're going to offset it again step on your arrow tool and then just drag it down and over and that looks good we're going to change the blend mode to multiply so tap on the little N drag this up to multiply and then we want to apply a clipping mask so it only appears within these leaves so tap on the layer thumbnail and choose clipping mask and there we go alright so we're on to our third flower so let's group all these layers together and call this 5 petaled flower create a new layer right above it and this one's going to be a very simplified version of a peony so we're going to start with our petals first so I'm going to grab the lightest pink color again and this one's going to be an oval with a point at the very bottom of it so it's going to be this shape and you want to make sure it's closed and then fill it in you're going to create a new layer drag it beneath the first petal so we'll just call this one petal one and this one we'll call petal two and for this one we're going to grab the second darkest pink color and we're going to draw two petals that are the exact same shapes it's almost like a heart and then fill those in and then we're going to create another layer and drag that beneath petal 2 and this one's going to be called petal 3 okay and we're going to grab the darkest pink color and we're just going to draw two petals so they end up right in between each of these and then fill those in okay so we've got the base of our flower and we want to add a little bit of extra depth because we want whoever's looking at this to know that the inside of it is opening up so in order to do that we're going to turn off the visibility of petal one create a new layer right above petal three grab your brown color for this and we're going to draw an oval that's kind of right in the middle right here we can turn off the petal - if you want to make sure that it's closed fill it in I'm going to rotate this a little bit now we can turn on our petal - and our petal one and you want to make sure that this new shape it definitely doesn't have to be a perfectly oval shape we just need a shape right here that we can blur and give reference that the flower is opening up so we just need to this to poke through just a little bit so I'm actually going to toggle this down just slightly so I just see a little bit of the brown between both of these notches and now we're going to apply a Gaussian blur to it so tap on your magic wand choose Gaussian blur and now you're going to drag it I think seven percent looks pretty good alright so all we have to do is draw in a stem add some leaves and finish this off so we're going to start with our stem so our stem is going to be on top of some of these petals so it needs to be at the very very top of our layers so create a new layer and label this one stem grab our dark green color let's go up to 8% draw a stem and now let's add in some details where the stem meets the petals so for our leaves we're going to create some additional stems that branch off the original stem and now we want to draw some teardrop shaped leaves so you're just going to start with your point draw a teardrop and close it off and you can vary up the sizes of these two to add a little bit more interest okay and then to give the leaves just a little of dimension we're going to create a new layer right above the stem layer this one is going to be called stem highlights and we're going to grab our light green color create a clipping mask and then split each one of these leaves in half so we're just going to come up and then just shade a side and I kind of alternate these so that completes our flower number three so let me group all my layers together and we're going to call this panty and then if you want to drop in a background color just to show off all of your florals what I do is I tap on my background color choose my darkest green and then just drag the slider to the darker area where it's almost black but it's still got a little green in it and that gives some nice contrast so those are three flowers that anyone can draw in progre once again links to the free color palette and the free brush that I use are right in the video description so just tap there and you can have access to both of those if you enjoyed this tutorial please hit the like button subscribe and don't forget to the bell icon so you'll be notified of new tutorials just like this one in the future for more procreate design and lettering tutorials and freebies head on over to my site every - Tuesday comm you can also find me over on Instagram my handle is every Tuesday if you try this out and post it there I would love it if you tag me thanks so much for watching and I will see you next week
Channel: Every Tuesday
Views: 488,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flower, florals, flowers, floral, flower design, floral design, floral illustration, elements, element, object, objects, beginner, how to, tutorial, design, overlap, overlapping, procreate, procreate tutorial, design tutorial, foliage, digital illustration, digital florals, digital flowers, digital flower, digital art, procreate art, procreate painting, iPad illustration, iPad florals, procreate florals, procreate flowers, simple design, masking, layer masking, floral tutorial, illustration
Id: qw411vLroUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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