Outlining With Procreate

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hey what is up guys and gals of you - BJ Dell back with another procreate video today's video though any of the techniques that you see you can apply them towards any graphic design program so if you've got Photoshop if you've got anything that uses layers you're going to be able to use today's principles and transfer and apply those to any other graphic design program but what I'm going to be focusing on is telling you how I use three different techniques to create visually striking designs and mainly focused on the line work so the first one we're just going to create a heavy black outline with a brush tool second one we're going to then use that same design that we did and add a white outline so that has some contrast if you decide to put a heavily black ink outline design on a dark background or a dark t-shirt and then third and finally we're gonna take the lines and totally remove them from the design creating a negative space which then the dark background or dark t-shirt is going to show through that negative space and actually work as the line layer so let's go ahead and hop on into it alright so I'm gonna start this video pretty much from scratch and just kind of show you how I I go from start to finish then we'll talk about the the different line options I usually start out my sketches just with a blue line the being October and Halloween let's just do a quick skull here when I'm sketching I don't really worry too much about getting everything perfect I'll usually worry about that once I actually go back in to do the lines and do the inking on it so I just kind of get the basic feel for where I want everything and kind of worry about touching it up as I go later so can I keep that mine doesn't have to be perfect the first time around so got everything pretty much in the spot that I want it we're go back up to my layers menu and then go over here to the magic wand and drop the opacity down so I can just barely see it but it's gonna work as a a guide once I start laying the the lines here so make a new layer on top of the line there and then I'm just gonna go ahead and start to go in here and start inking you'll see as I'm doing this I erase quite a bit until I get the perfect line that I'm looking for kind of just the thickness too until I get it right what I look for is I really like to get a nice ending stroke down here which you can always go back in with the eraser to and kind of sharpen that up to get a little bit sharper tip so just kind of continue you want to get the right look that's one thing I love about procreate is just how easy it is to undo something with the two finger tap rather than having to go up to a hold another menu and hit an undo and it's not bad if you're you know on a desktop and using Photoshop and can just use keyboard shortcuts but makes a little bit of pain and you've gotta go up to a separate menu every time some of these programs on the iPads so I'm going just going back in with the eraser and touching up get those lines nice and sharp it's got a good taper at the end makes a little bit more visually interesting doing us calling us close to Halloween but I've always been a sucker for like horror based designs I love drawing skulls and Frankenstein's monster and stuff like that it's always been one of my kind of go to use over the years you think creepy that always kind of some fun little like cute spin on it combine the two now with this being a longer stroke up here at the top I'm gonna go ahead and go into the menu here for the the brush and streamline it what this does it kind of studies your stroke as you go around so you get a nice even line and you don't get any jitters like I said love the erase I will use it constantly until I get it looking perfect of course one of the other benefits of working with digital is you're not stuck with a line that you just drew like yarn with pen and ink so a lot more forgiving good enough drop that streamline when you that's the only thing I don't like when you switch back and forth between like an eraser and a the brush if you've got streamline on it actually sticks so you got to go back and emanuelly turn it off I wish they didn't bring it over from one to the other okay close enough like I said this is just gonna be a quick kind of tutorial it's more about the lines and how to do that so this isn't gonna be some long drawn-out illustration class all right so we're good there now I'm gonna go ahead and delete the lines there so we'll kill those the original blue layer sketch that we did so now we've got the lines I'm gonna go ahead and make a new layer and then hold and drag this underneath so my line layer is on the top and then I'm going to click on here again and set this as a reference so know I've talked about this one of my previous videos this is kind of nice because it actually will let you click and drag to fill in colors and use that top line layer as a reference to where to put the colors which is kind of cool so we're gonna do like a red here there we go so brighten it up a little bit the cool thing about this and why I don't actually put the colors in that line layer there number one it's gonna become a little bit more evident once we go and talk about the lines themselves in these next few steps but then also if you're adding in shadows and highlights to it you don't have to worry about going over top of that line layer with your highlights because that White's gonna fill in on top of there so this lets you keep it all underneath so I've got the flat slate in go ahead and make another layer and we're gonna do shadows on this layer so we'll just hit this usually what I do start with black I'll get one section done like that then go up to your opacity here and then just move your pencil down here to get a decent-looking opacity for that shadow you can also add a shadow layer sometimes I do it if you want to not just use the one color and you want to kind of hand pick what colors your shadow shadows are gonna be you can always do that on the layer using the black like this is nice because it's gonna use this red color for example on this one it's gonna use that for your your reference for what this black is gonna do since it's sitting on top let's say that I had certain areas of this that were different colors it's just gonna darken in that specific color so you're doing all your shadows on one layer and it's just adapting to whatever is underneath it so that way you don't have to go through and pick I'll say you've got you know five different base colors on your on your flats you don't have to go through and pick five different shadow colors and then go back through and pick five different highlight colors this kind of does the work for you sometimes the designs gonna kind of need and going and handpicking them it is gonna make it a little bit more interesting you can get some some cool effects but for the most part this is how I do it saves time and the results come out pretty good it's more like a like this cell shading technique so go through here and hit a few more always keep in mind for the shadows of where your lights coming in from of course in this design get set to where lights coming in from this way so everything's gonna be on this left-hand side the only exception is in here since this is kind of more sunken in it's gonna have that so it's pretty good there I am going to go back on here to the line layer do some erasing here so I can get some a little bit of colors in the eyes so it looks a little bit more 3-dimensional has a little bit more depth do that and will do it to the nose cavity as well alright cool you got that now let's go back in new layer and let's do some white for the highlights it's getting the light source is coming from this right side so everything's gonna be bouncing off the side I might do a tutorial later just talking about using light source and kind of figuring out where to put the stuff I'm sure there's other videos on YouTube that you can probably look up if you need help figuring that out there's a lot of books on the subject to you I mean it's you know one of the the principles of art or painting or drawing or anything so there's a lot of information out there let's again go up here opacity drop it down to get a nice glow don't want it too bright the the highlighting is is one of the exceptions like shadows you can do that all on one layer highlighting sometimes you might have to make a couple of layers if you use this white technique for highlighting reason being is the the highlights not gonna look the same on a light color as it is a dark color so let's say I had a very bright yellow section of this the same design it's not gonna show up as well on the bright yellow as it does on the dark and you know adjusting it one way is gonna make it too dark or too light on one and you're not going to be able to see it so sometimes you'll have to do two let's fill this in with some shadow all right all right so that's pretty much our design there what I'll do is I'll turn off this background to just to see sometimes if you're working on a white background and your highlights go out of your lines you're not gonna be able to see that they're out since you got that to a white one so I'll turn that off and just double-check it so we look good here so this finishes on you throw this up on a t-shirt throw it up on a poster mainly I want to talk about t-shirt design today and the the different options there and why I go with with certain options so I think it's pretty well known in t-shirt design black and dark colors seem to always sell better than light colors with this design if we threw it on a black background what it's going to do is you're not going to be able to see the the lines they're gonna drop out now this looks okay on here but once you get it onto a t-shirt and the printing process takes effect that black of those lines is not going to be as black as the t-shirt so you kind of get this weird kind of glare effect on it which doesn't really look all that great if you put this on a white t-shirt or a light t-shirt obviously your lines are gonna be right there you can see them stands out they're thick they're bold they look awesome so this is one example just straight black lines throw it on light t-shirt you can throw it on the black like I said but you're gonna get that weird glare effect and you're gonna it's just going to look a little off so that's one option the second option that I do is you can actually add a line around this to make it stand out one of the bad things about procreate it does not have a built in stroke option so I always if I need to do it I always take a design from from the iPad I throw it into Photoshop it's a one step process I'm not gonna edit this and show you because it's super easy if you just go up on bring your bring your design in go up to your top menu go to edit go down to stroke it's gonna bring up the stroke menu set that stroke to white and usually play around with the the size usually I'll do anywhere from like 10 to 15 pixels and once you hit that is just gonna automatically the programs just going to add a white stroke around your design so it's gonna look awesome if you put it on the dark color it's gonna pop more you've got that kind of contrast between the the light and the dark to make your lines stand out now on procreate there are ways I guess around it you could do it the guess the simplest but the most time-consuming at the same time is of course if you go to your white here and we're gonna add a new layer put it at the very back behind everything and if you set your your brush to streamline that's gonna be the best to get a nice stroke line to it but it's gonna require you tracing around your entire thing and of course here it's not gonna look a mechanical it's not gonna look as good as Photoshop because you're gonna have like here you'll see the the lines a little thinner here it's a little thicker so it's gonna be hard to get a uniform line across the entire thing you know sometimes some designs that might actually look good to have it not perfect but this is one way you can do it if you want to stay in procreate another way you can do it and with a design like this it's not gonna be perfect but you you can get away with it if you have a more complex design let's say that it's a character with you know legs that are kind of spread apart and you've got that it's not going to work with this being more of a solid design you could do it this way with some of the new features in procreate so to do that we're gonna go ahead and I'll delete this out so we can go back we're gonna make a new layer we're gonna drop it behind here now from here what we're gonna do is we're going to take this actually make this easier for right now we're going to combine all these okay and then we're going to duplicate this layer so now you've got two of this exact same thing here now on this one on the bottom one we're gonna select this layer and then make sure your whites up here and then we're going to fill this layer so now you have a white layer directly behind the skull layer up here now if we go in here we go to the the arrow for transform and warp is one of the new features that they added with one of the most recent updates with procreate so gonna need the warp and then see you'll just start to drag out the outside areas of your design you can see it's not perfect you're gonna have areas like this here that this isn't coming up right and if you move it here it's gonna drop there and if you do here and it's gonna be you know wider on this side or if you want you can get it close and then go in by hand it's gonna save you a lot of time so let's just keep it there and then if you want to go in by hand on that white layer you know you can thicken this up a little bit to make it a little more uniform across and then this back part here so that's an option like I said it's not gonna work with every design you do it's not gonna give you the perfect results if you've got Photoshop if you've got another program that allows you to to add that stroke highly recommend doing that it's gonna save yourself a ton of time so that's the outline option and then you'll see here when we throw it the background the black it just pops a lot more and you've got that that image that's really gonna stand out a lot better so so that's an option let's take this all the way back so we have our layers again don't keep going catch up here okay so we've got our layers now this next and final option is it's not something you're gonna use all the time but for something that's it's basic like this that you want a really striking image works really well this only works if you're doing dark backgrounds so if you're doing t-shirts it's got to go on a dark color it's got to go on black it's got to go on a dark Heather but it's a really fun way to do it and basically what you're gonna do is you're gonna be using the color of the t-shirt as the lines so you're gonna make a negative space in the design that the t-shirts gonna work as the as the lines for it so I'll show you how to do that here so we're gonna go ahead and just go through each of our layers we're gonna go ahead and select this top line layer each time so select that go down to your shadows and clear go back up to your lines select highlights and clear go back up to your lines select and clear out the color so what this is going to do is it's going to make sure that there's no overlapping parts of the highlights shadows or the flats so the lines up here are gonna take away anything that's that's touching them now that we've done that what we can do is let's change its background color to something darker here all right so now just take off the line layer and you're gonna see everything disappears this Gray's a little bit too light everything looks a little bit washed out so but if we change it to black you're gonna see it as it changes so here it looks like it's aligned and everything like that but the cool thing is that there's actually no lines there the t-shirt is actually doing the work of the lines if you change this to let's say a purple and you're gonna see your lines look like the t-shirt of course like right now this color and not that good so you might want to play around the the red that I've gots a little washed out if we put a darker color in we're gonna select this layer and make sure it just stays in there and fill that in so you see just by going a little bit darker color there it's gonna be a little bolder now one thing that I like to do here and you might have to depending on how your lines look here you might have to do some touch-ups down here so to do that if you just go back in with the base color of your flats so if you want to kind of touch up some stuff as you go along it's an extra step but looks kind of cool throw this back to the black and just play around the color see see what color changing does to the overall design so it looks kind of cool with the teal there this gives you the option to to make more than one design you can change colors and you'll have multiple designs that you can put on different color of t-shirts to give you more options as you can see that the lines look like they change with the background and that's because there's nothing there the lines are gone it's just an empty negative space that are doing the work so all right mm change this back to black all right there you go three simple ways to do lines you got the solid black color lines you've got the white outline and then you've got the negative space lines alright guys that's it for today hopefully you found the video informative and if you did please hit that like and subscribe button down at the bottom and let me know in the comments what do you guys want to see in the next series of videos anything you want me to cover in particular also in the comments let me know what techniques do you guys use in your work any of the techniques covered today do you use or do use something different definitely like to know as for me I can be found online on Twitter and Instagram at BJ Dell and also at my website BJ delcom so until next time keep creating
Channel: Let's Draw with BeeJayDeL
Views: 622,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: procreate, ipad pro, apple pencil, art, illustration, t-shirt design, merch by amazon, merch, print on demand, inking, graphic design, drawing, learn to draw, drawing tutorial, procreate tutorial, digital art, procreate brushes, procreate app, how to draw, how to, digital drawing
Id: aA3GAulLckA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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