HOW TO MAKE DIGITAL STICKERS - Using Procreate to Create Realistic Paper Stickers With Shadows

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hi guys it's Elena with bear in mind planner company today we are going to create a stay at home sticker that is going to be 3d that pops off your page on your digital bullet journal or a digital planner and you can create whatever you want with this but today we're gonna do a stay-home sticker because you know we're all at home so I'll show you an example here's a sticker here and if I lasso it and move it around you can tell that it has that shadow behind it and so if I show you like this sticker here that's all connected actually that's a lot of stickers there we go so this is a PNG and it does not have that shadow behind it which there's a lot of different reasons you would want a shadow or not have a shadow it's personal preference really and it's just another fun way to personalize your stuff so let's go ahead and get started so here we have 3000 by 3000 canvas with 300 dpi we want to stay high quality when we're creating our stickers and yes I have two of the same right here I was recording at least I thought I was recording and so round two round three that's I don't know I've lost count here I've created another layer and I'm going to go ahead and hide this one and if you want to you can turn on your drawing guide this is going to you edit your drawing guide you can make your grid smaller or larger this will allow you to have some lines to write straight letters and I'm going to go ahead and jump over here to calligraphy and I'm going to use my model line brush and color wise I'm going to go ahead and hit a nice bright pink color you know and I'm gonna bring this up quite a bit actually to about seventy percent for size and [Music] [Music] [Music] stay home I'm gonna go ahead and add another layer while I work on my little house I'm gonna go ahead and grab this blue color and we can still keep that about the same size now I'm going to make a rectangle and then hold it it will snap too and I'm gonna fill it sure your threshold is good and sometimes you end up with like a light dotted line if that happens when you fill your color slide it back and forth and you'll be able to see the threshold that way and there's a bar that lights up over here along the top now I'll help you navigate I'm gonna go ahead and take a charcoal color and do a triangle at the top same thing I'm gonna hold and snap yeah now I'm not trying to make this perfect I kind of want it to be a little wonky a little fun a little you know have hard edges so we're just winging it as we go along I'm going to grab a white and to find pure white you know if this was in the middle we would just tap twice over here and you'll find white I'm gonna bring my auto line brush down to about 20% okay and start over I didn't like how those lines did not connect [Music] there we go those are connected now and still you can edit your shape bring that out a little more since it was a little too triangle ish snap - there we go and now I'm going to grab my dark blue again I'm actually gonna find a nice light blue over here I'm gonna fill in so they look like panes of glass and drop this down even smaller I do a bright yellow door [Music] no clothes it must have been my threshold yeah it was my threshold so so you see this I don't know if you can see that but there is like a faint blue line that's inside there if I drag this up that goes away now if I go all the way it's gonna fill everything in but I just want to drop that down a little bit now I don't have that blue line is my grid or drawing guide there we go but now you see that there is no blue line there all right and I'll do I did this last one the one I thought I was recording and grab that blue color again see and then my threshold is too high there so I'm gonna drive that back and grab that charcoal color again for doorknob and grab the white [Music] more detail in those windows there we go [Music] and if I turn my background color off here you can see that we still need to make the effect of the sticker and so how we're gonna do that is we're going to add in another layer in this layer I want you to bring underneath both of your drawings that you just did the lettering and your drawing or whatever it is you drew and I want to put airbrushing and I want my hard airbrush for this and you're gonna want you know a decent size right now that's 60 70 percent somewhere around there and I have an in pure white yeah you're just going to trace your letters just like if you are writing them and take your time with this it doesn't have to be perfect if you need to go back and thicken some up or fill some in it's not a big deal some of these you can leave alone but like everything on the inside definitely fill up and now sometimes you know an S you can fill it all the way in if you want to or you can also connect it like so there we go whatever you want this to look like is up to you and just play around with it until you are happy with it and now our house I actually want to move that house over just a little bit and now my house is selected so it has that dotted line around it if I tap on the outside of my house then I get that just you know a tiny nudge in the direction that I want to go which is nice for helping me get a position just where where I want it so now I'm gonna go back to my lair with the white that I'm putting on the background still have my hard airbrush and I never changed the size so that's still the same and again staying on the edge and just drawing around the edges now here I can just fill that up because I know that that's a closed box and so as you can see I have one hole just a white sticker now behind everything and this is how we are going to create that shadow and what you're going to do is take your white that you just did I want you to duplicate it go back up here grab black pure black by double tapping on the bottom or the edge of your color wheel and drag and drop it now I have a black item there I want you to bring that underneath the white and keep that black layer selected and go up here to your magic wand and click on Gaussian blur now this is a sliding adjustment as well and so the more you slide it over the bigger it's going to give you if that effect I usually go between like eight and nine percent 10 and see where are we here that's 8 1/2 that's 9 that's 10 and 11 yeah it's somewhere in there let's just go with 9 and so now it gives us that shadow you could also go one step further here by making sure your layer is selected go ahead and hit your selection tool and maybe tapping on that like right hand bottom corner one or two times three times maybe and that will move it and it'll give you a drop shadow or you can you know hit back and it'll go back to where it was that it was it's right in the middle but no we have created our 3d effect so you can merge these down by either clicking the top layer and merging down each one individually or you can hold and swish of them together that's my technical term I'm gonna coin that so wash them together and so you can copy it jump over here to my planner and I can paste this right into my planner I'm going to crop this so a sticker is not too out of hand now one thing to be careful of because you've got that shadow don't go too close or you'll drop off your shadow but there you go there is another stay home sticker all right well I hope you liked this tutorial and I hope this is so recording okay it is I hope you liked this tutorial if you do please give me a thumbs up and if you want to subscribe to see more videos that are upcoming please hit that subscribe button subscribe button and the Bell notification then you'll get notified when a new video is released alright guys well if you enjoyed this video please make sure that you give me a thumbs up and hit the subscribe button so that way you can see more upcoming videos and if you want hit the bell notification so you'll be notified when new videos come out leave a comment below if you've got questions if you've got suggestions on videos that you want to see or maybe I didn't explain something well enough for you and I can definitely help you out in any way alright well stay home stay healthy and yeah we'll see you next time I
Channel: Bear In Mind Planner Co.
Views: 8,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planners, digital planners, iPad planner, how to digital plan, using dropbox, goodnotes5, digital stickers, digital stickers procreate, how to make digital stickers, make digital stickers on ipad, how to procreate app, procreate tutorial, procreate tutorial stickers, hand drawn stickers, hand drawn digital sticker, free digital stickers, free stickers, digital planner, plan with me tip, plan with me, digital sticker tutorial, how to digital sticker, make custom stickers
Id: Qiir_wYMuXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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