r/nicegirls - MY TAKE ON IT

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to my channel so first things first elephant in the room I'm wearing navy blue and I usually think that navy blue is blacks ugly cousin but it was sparkly but now I just don't know how I feel about it so there's that today we're gonna be talking about a subreddit called nice girls now nice girls is the parallel of nice guys the reason I'm doing nice girls for the people who claim that I hate women even though I am one it's because I've already kind of talked about nice guy but anyway if you want to see a video on the nice guys subreddit let me know and I can do that next but I think if we're gonna be judging people we should be harsh on everyone so here we have a screenshot of someone's snapchat and it says well I saw some chat yesterday ouch everyone is the same shaking my head I'm done now [ __ ] literally every guy they're all the same lol nobody ever wants just me but it's fine because I can always call that [ __ ] from 10,000 miles away nobody's ever just interested in you so give up and be a ho lmao live your life ladies now surely surely surely you cannot be serious I am serious and don't call me Shirley this is not someone who just got screwed over and is intensely in their feelings and perhaps a little bit too critical and overly analytical surely this is all based on fact so guys I guess the deal now is that literally every guy is the same so has it ever happened to you that you leave the house and you see a guy and then you walk a couple steps and you see literally the same guy again and again because all guys are literally the same like that's so relatable I'm so happy the sub right exists [Music] next up we have a text message and she starts with saying hey you just wanted to say you're very good-looking at senior around University I'll give you a [ __ ] compliment and you can't reply you [ __ ] you have no idea what you're missing out on everyone who's met me says I'm the most nicest and most prettiest girl they've ever met and you're gonna ignore me [ __ ] you you can't die [ __ ] you and your [ __ ] of a girlfriend you deserve everything bad comes at you holy [ __ ] I was asleep with my girlfriend and my phone was on silent you're getting blocked straight away what the actual [ __ ] [ __ ] off you piece of [ __ ] all guys are the same they leave all the good girls last and go for [ __ ] [ __ ] you go die in word then the guy says you know I have a GF so I would have left you for lust anyways what the actual [ __ ] racism Wow bye I've never understood why people bothered giving compliments if they were just trying to get something out of it it's just so transparent that you might as well just say like hey I want to have sexual relations with you let's go that's probably gonna be a lot more effective than just saying oh my god you're so pretty and then be like why are you [ __ ] answering like I don't understand the logic there and the fact that just saying straight up I want to have sex with you is more effective than that tells you how ineffective both of them are and if you already know that he has a girlfriend that makes you sleazy as hell you call the other girl a [ __ ] what do you call someone who tries to homewreck next up there's a post from facebook that says yo I don't get it like how come all these makeup coverage drug-taking skanky dressed hoes get a man but I'm over here rocking the natural look every day don't smoke or drink I dress classiest [ __ ] and my idea of a wild night is sitting in eating Chipotle and watching true crime [ __ ] and yet I'm single as [ __ ] shaking my head correct me if I'm wrong but I don't know anyone of class use [ __ ] who needs to tell people they're classy as [ __ ] most the time if you are something you don't need to say it it's just evident and if you have to say it there's such a thing as confidence sure but I also think that there's such a thing as a lack of humility or modesty where you're saying things not necessarily even because you believe them abut because you want to believe them and you want other people to believe them so then you have some validation everyone wants validation normal the amount though that varies greatly and says a lot about who you are the fact that this girl is talking down other women in order to talk herself up is really pathetic because if you're such a nice girl you don't need to drag other people down to show your individuality show your worth as a woman right you don't need to say another girl as a [ __ ] to underline that you're not one I just don't get it and classiest [ __ ] if you really want to be classiest book and you need everyone to know and you need to like exclaim it to the world maybe say I have a significant amount of class sounds a little better than classiest [ __ ] but this is clearly working really well for you so just keep doing your thing so here we have a tweet that says my ex used to put me on scene or block me when he doesn't want to be disturbed now even when I tell my boyfriend that you can focus on work he would tell me doing that as we speak babe while talking to me the right person will always make time and never be too busy for you see now this is the thing nothing is this absolute there is very little in the world that is black and white most of the time we fall in some kind of category of grey and I think that that's what nice guys and nice girls fail to understand that someone cannot drop everything for you I don't expect my husband to not work to not go to school or to drop everything as soon as I say something's wrong we both have responsibilities that's part of being an adult if you can't understand that someone has responsibilities then sorry to tell you but you're the problem this is such immature behavior it's so immature you can tell if someone cares if they take the time to talk to you the fact that he was taking his time to talk to you while he was working probably means he cares was a childish that he would block you extremely but it's a problem of communication that's all it is and the communication seems to be bad on both sides here so I'm not saying the guy's an angel but you are a little much whoever did this is a little too much you know I just feel like I continuously have to say really obvious things and it's kind of mind-numbing because I'm like am I crazy or are they crazy and I'm constantly in that state of wondering who's crazy though this is someone's tinder profile I'm guessing and someone just titled this post her entire profile is about how nice she is you guys keep asking why I'm single I'll see all you boyfriend slash husband's out there cheating on your significant others I get hit on by taken men everyday I don't want to be the oblivious girlfriend you're all trash that's my answer hold on you're on a profile looking for a man but then you say that all men are trash okay so why are you there like unless you're bi and you're only looking for women why even bother makeup profile so you can find a man also it's really interesting because in this post she's literally talking herself down she says I don't want to be the oblivious girlfriend you're admitting you're oblivious and that you don't notice things or what's the deal because if you're so aware that all men are trash and that all men are cheaters or whatever surely you wouldn't be oblivious because you know something that all their women don't know some kind of Philosopher's Stone that lets you know [ __ ] that nobody else knows magically and that makes you an even nicer girl right I'm sure it does so here we have a conversation between two people and the girl says [ __ ] you hang up for bet you talking to other [ __ ] shaking my head he says because I told you I'm tired have school tomorrow and it's almost 1:00 a.m. she says I don't give a [ __ ] what you have I didn't hang up so that means you can't hang up [ __ ] calm down we can talk in the morning in fact since you want to [ __ ] hang up on me and talk to other [ __ ] delete my [ __ ] number I genuinely hope this was a conversation between like 16 year olds or something because if you're an adult and this is your type of behavior you are not only incredibly immature but incredibly embarrassing so let's start at the beginning here the fact that he hung up not okay like I always thought that was a super immature reaction but if he had already said I'm tired I have to go to school tomorrow it's almost 1:00 a.m. he has a reason to hang up like what's the big deal why can't you hang up like are you talking about something so incredibly important that it can't wait until tomorrow doubtful so the fact that she actually wants to break up with him because he wants to go to bed because he has school and work the next day is kind of crazy and you know like I think the real connecting theme between all nice girls is how they set a standard for someone else that they don't even accomplish so like they want the guy to be there all the time they want him to be available at any moment of the day like screw their jobs at this point and they want to be able to act all types of ways while holding someone else to a higher standard I'm sure that if he called her a [ __ ] she would have lost her mind but she's allowed to call him a [ __ ] and that's okay somehow I don't know where they're pulling their logic out of this kidding actually do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 387,031
Rating: 4.9305325 out of 5
Keywords: cringe, nice girls, r/nicegirls, reddit
Id: _STb8nX4jVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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