Men are battered - MY TAKE ON IT

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to my channel so today we are going to be looking at something weird for a change so my best friend came across this page on Facebook and she was like you need to look at this this is some weird [ __ ] so the page is called the transformed wife so it is a Christian persuasion type page where issues are talked about through a Christian lens let's say so on their Facebook there is a section that says our purpose so I'm going to read that just so you get an idea of what we're dealing with here the aged women may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chaste keepers at home good obedient to their own husband's that the Word of God be not blasphemed before we get into this let me just be clear I have nothing against Christianity I was raised Christian most of my family is Christian Catholic so there's no hate here even if I don't live my life according to the Bible so anyways I thought we could go to the website to see what this whole thing is about then I came across some very interesting things it felt like a lot of what is written in this blog is very particular yet generalized and what I mean when I say that is that the author's thinking of a particular moment in their life and then is generalizing it as if it happens all the time or everyone kind of relates to that so there is a moment when there's a description of how women should submit to their husbands and in that vein when they submit to their husbands only seek counsel in their husbands and only talk to their husbands about church and for advice for everything right and the author even said you know sometimes pastors try to get in the way to cause a divorce or something I'm like wait that's not a general thing that's something that might have happened sometimes but I don't think that's the usual norm right so I did notice that on this blog which I don't really necessarily blame because I feel like everyone has the tendency to do that a little bit however I also came across this post that I thought we could talk about men are battered for being sexual beings written by anonymous thank you for this article sex is basic to marriage thoughts on two points immediately come to mind when why deprive their husbands they're opening up their husbands to be tempted by Satan this is not good at all we are to do nothing to cause our brothers to stumble no not even our husbands this is so true however the modern husband is expected to suck it up be a man and serve your wife etc it's as if God's design for the husband's desire of his wife was an error that needs to be suppressed I had to give a million bucks to not just have sex with my wife on a regular basis but to have her understand that my desire for her is not a perversion I'm not sick in the head of wanting my wife I'm not a pervert for desiring her there's nothing wrong with me for thinking she's sexy or is there maybe I'm missing something and God's design is faulty I just want to be desired by her but I feel is very interesting here is that usually in the media that I consume anyways men are portrayed as these sexual beings that are always just looking to have sex and they can't see past it which i think is really stupid in the same way that I think that it's really stupid to pretend that women are obsessed all women are just obsessed with shopping and super materialistic and dumb you know like these stereotypes I'm not saying those are the main stereotypes but these stereotypes are dumb and it's interesting to me to see that here the stereotype has kind of flipped over where this husband wants to have sex with his wife yet he is being treated like he's a pervert for that which to me is very strange because I think most wives would want their husband to look at them in that way I think most wives want to be wanted by their husband isn't that part of getting married knowing that you want to be with that person forever in all aspects of the marriage whether it's the bedroom urges companionship or whatever then there's another point being made that says most husbands probably tell their wives how much they want sex but not to the extent since they know how their wives will respond more rejection this is why God commands older women to teach younger women to love their husbands which includes satisfying sexually this person says the rejection is torture plain and simple I believe that a big part of the problem at least in Christian homes can be laid at the feet of the church women do any of your women's lunches special speakers etc discuss the importance of sex with your husbands do they discuss the importance of husbands or husband's trampled on as ignorant cavemen completely out of touch with today's refined women it seems that the latter is the norm of sinful society I hope it's not the norm for church meetings I can understand that rejection in any way shape or form whether it's like sexual or not is horrible and it can make you question a lot of things and it really can be emotionally damaging to be rejected in all these different ways however I do want to make it very clear that in a marriage in a marriage there's no inherent owing your spouse sex like I understand that with most marriages like the understanding is that people are gonna have sex and maybe some marriages are different I don't know but I think it's really [ __ ] up to kind of paint this picture of I will be able to function unless you let me have sex with you or stuff like that whether it's the man or the woman saying it it really disgusts me because it's undermining the other person because it's like there are two people involved in having sex and if you're gonna guilt someone into having it because like they're supposed to or that's you know like what they were created for and man needs that because God created them that way I don't like that kind of argument whatsoever because I really think it is based on manipulation and guilt tripping and general gaslighting there's so many things that come to mind but whether it's a man or a woman seeing this I just feel like you have to act a very particular way about rejection because like I said it can very quickly turn into something of manipulative and disgusting versus you expressing your emotions here it feels a little bit slimy in the sense until you have meetings discussing about how important it is for like women to have sex with their husbands and it's just like there doesn't need to be a meeting you can have a conversation with your wife you know like you can have a conversation with your husband it feels a little bit silly to act like there have to be these meetings where instead of hospital why ever the problem is having like someone stand on a podium and be like okay guys so this is the deal with the sex you know I don't know that feels weird to me please groups appear to be all about boosting a woman's self-esteem look at yourself through God's eyes how is your relationship with God today at least that's how it looks like from the advertisements in the church lobby church lobbies have advertisements now I haven't been to church in a long time anyway I do want to say one thing I do generally feel that there is a double standard right now with men and women in the sense that a lot of the times you see on Twitter especially now like women talking about having a certain standard for the man they want in their lives and having self-respect and demanding someone that you know fulfills all of their wants I guess or like everything they want in a mate I see a double standard because a lot of the times when I see men voicing similar things like I want a woman who does X Y & Z which they're totally allowed to say by the way a lot of people are like oh well you're just some loser boy like who are you to say anything bla bla bla so I do see a lot of men being silenced online about what they want in life and what they want out of women and women saying the same thing and being like praised for it so I do think that there is a little bit of a problem and I do think it has a lot to do with today's feminism which isn't really feminism anymore a lot of the times it's just misandry pretending to be about equal rights but I'm not gonna get I'm not gonna go into that right now but I think you guys know what I mean men get battered over the head in our groups for being sexual beings do women hear any similar straight talk about your role for your husband's I've been in church a long time and I can't think of one time I've heard a sermon putting responsibility on the wife in this manner it's as if the Song of Solomon was never written ladies you want a different husband desire him love him you probably don't have to have sex every time but let him look at you touch you etc let him know he's not a pervert for desiring you let him know he's not broken for wanting you uplift him he's only human just like you you'll change his life I promise if you don't do that the consequences will be your responsibility now I don't like how this man is talking I really don't but at the same time I feel like something really sad is happening in his life right now and I don't mean that in a patronizing way whatsoever like it really seems like his feelings are hurt like he feels unloved like listen to this let him look at you touch you let him know he's not broken for wanting you like it sounds like the person he's with is seriously distant or cold or something's up because this guy sounds really sad at the same time that sadness seems to be letting out some ugly kind of things like saying if you don't do that the consequences will be your responsibility so the implication is like what if you don't care about him he's gonna cheat on you if something's up in your marriage you talk to the person and you talk to the person and you keep trying or you go to marriage counseling you keep trying until you don't want to try anymore and then you end it and then you can go have your affairs or whatever but you don't cheat on them because they're not doing something that maybe you haven't even told them about you know what I mean but in terms of what I was saying before about the particular generalizations do you see what I'm talking about here he's talking about one specific woman obviously and one specific case his own obviously and he's acting as if it's a general thing he's acting as if most women act like their husbands are perverts for wanting them which I don't think is a general case a general situation but he's acting like that and I feel like that's a very common theme in this blog is that they talk about issues but instead of just saying hey this is my issue I am going through this it's a generalization of what children today or women today or men today and I'm just kind of like no this is a particular problem with you however I do think that this article does bring up an important problem that we do have in today's society that I do think that we see a lot over social media which is a double standard where men are kind of shat on at any point in time and it's okay and everyone's like haha whatever it's just a joke but if it happens to a woman everyone's up in arms and it's really sad because it's just kind of like can't we all just be companions in this can't we all just struggle together out [ __ ] on each other or like screaming at someone just because of their gender I don't know I feel like that would be a pretty easy thing to do but you know internet wars or internet wars they never [ __ ] end anyways guys I know this was a little bit different but I did think it was genuinely interesting I will leave the link to this blog in the description bar in case you're interested in reading about some Christian type stuff and anyways thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 91,226
Rating: 4.9265127 out of 5
Keywords: christianity, men's rights, sex, relationships, marriage
Id: difxwBluJ_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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