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what's up beautiful when you thought there was only one mundo and then you realize there was two and now you realize there's three of us three two bring the forth next now he's not ready yet John's here visiting special I'm gonna say hi you guys you guys he's never been on camera noises first you to bhai your eyes welcome to my right that was great okay I would thank you man you guys I actually have to get to work now so if you could just get off camera oh that would be so good for me bye thank you so much what's up beautiful how are you doing today you look stunning a lot of you want my opinion on what is going on with the weird hair trends going on on Instagram and there is a lot of weird things going on oh I have seen I have seen a lot good happening on there that is not cute also a lot of really cute things that I really want to try stop why don't we take a trip into social media lens and see what the hell's going on and what is the weirdest color jobs being done the weirdest techniques just the crazy stuff going on in hair color these days because there is a lot and I love it let's check it out okay so we're jumping right into it with something that I've definitely tried if you guys haven't seen that video of me trying to repair color it was so fun it actually went terribly wrong and ended up just making really ugly muddy colors that were just not quite the cutest thing ever I'm very interesting how this is gonna come out because I have seen a lot of awful whoa wait this is kind of pretty wait why did it not come out like this for me wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on this is what all your and do me like that you're not gonna show me the rest okay kind of pretty again though I don't see the point in it besides to look cool while you're doing it okay and now what is going on okay what I want this what summer 2019 herons boat like hello can I get that on my head I think of them now on my head that's incredible amazing I don't think that's permanent oh that's actually a really cool idea I'm getting a lot of ideas right now that's so fun to use a stencil and then spray like a non permanent hair color over that and just have like a [ __ ] flower on your head for no reason why would you not like that's really cute oh my god I want to do that okay moving on fun fun fun fun fun oh he's going and oh my god he's literally creating art in their head dude imagine wearing so festival everyone would look at you and be like wait look is that on your head and I'd be like flowers duh so we now had this root color going on and the hair of putting red directly on this white hair and that is giving me high anxiety oh my god now it's gray what do we have going on here what is it I want to know everything in my life oh my god color inspo 2019 that is it that is what's gonna happen we just saw this before but this woman like does it only on the surface of the hair which doesn't make a lot of sense to me because underneath the surface of the hair how is that gonna stop from bleeding onto the rest of the blonde hair like I just think it's not a good idea and we should not be doing this and this happiness isn't a real person and now we're combing it yeah I think that is the worst idea to comb because you're just gonna comb it in and it's gonna get like spotting on the other side it's not you're not gonna get a consistent comb through no matter how good you are at home and girl I'm a pretty good comer I have been told that a few times my life and I'm a really good comer and like even I wouldn't make bleep marks so if the haircutting champion of the year can't do it and either can that is not it no that ain't it girl this is it and that ain't it this is it and that is it now we have some kind of raking motion going on with a lot of colorful colors I don't know how this is supposed to be a hair technique it looks very tie-dye but it is getting a little monkey and icky and gray in some areas because all the colors are mixing together and they're not all primary colors so [Music] oh my god how did that okay hold on do you think I missed that girl you think I missed that what is that um listen the easiest way to make bad color look good is to put curls in it oh that's shady that's okay does that mean no this is these are pretty colors I just don't like Wow let's keep watching to see what I don't know they're just like not saturated enough or something like it just looks kind of like some spots didn't pick up enough you know but kind of cool I have to say it's kind of cool what is this what I don't think ready we're doing it again we're spray painting what what is this oh my god yes oh my god guys try this for the video I really want to spray paint here now fine what is this magic dog is magic y'all that is it oh my god who doesn't want a garden in the bottoms of their hair raise your hand if you don't want a garden in the bottom of your hair and none of you at homes better to raise your hands because you all want a fox garden in your hair I know each and every one of you personally I know you would all want a garden in your hair please don't act like you're above it like you're cooler than that cuz like we all know you're not sweetie thank you okay so our blue cheese extremely long boots now and they are atrocious looking black on here now what is this fine again it's hard when you have inconsistency in the color if you're not working on a perfectly blank white slate and then putting purples and oranges and reds on top at you're just gonna get inconsistency like you can tell there's a little bit of that's what I'm really the hairs houses fault I mean you can't spend five days doing like you clients come in for an hour and a half or like whatever two hours three hours you don't got all day I mean so there's only so much you can do with the hair cells but like I don't know what my favorite what is no all matter of us is pixel hair color I'm not ready is that a minion tell me that's a minion white what stop is this an entire minion since yo they need a raise what was that that was literally minions drawn in their hair with color do you guys know how complicated that is very I've tried to do this also in a video impossible oh my god to bleach all the sections out in perfect little like spots that way you making a minion picture after I mean that is literally top notch hair coloring right there and whoever the dot da ba don't eat already that was insane John John come here Eric get the brothers on this it's inside of the hair John are you wanting this are you getting this in your little head it's another character on the other side no it's in there minion oh it's a different no it's like one of those one eyeball thing oh oh my god oh wait I think there's more I think there's more on dope if you're into mosaic she's living though she's living what is this what is this why we putting water in here oh not more dripped color this [ __ ] is so weird haha and there's no point to it just do it the way I do it it's just hilarious too messy oh we got more stencils you guys argue so the stencil work I've been watching this a lot it's like a new thing going on stencil hair color you want that earth yeah absolutely yes but tonight's here y'all back that before parrot is not over though it was out what do you got what do you got what do you guys gonna guess what do you know I'm gonna be different colors huh different colors Jah are we doing blue and purple blue and purple blue purple that's so satisfying watching that do you just like go over that yellow hair oh it's an ocean it's an ocean ocean there's no no no it's a sunset no no it's a dinosaur sorry that's so pretty okay thanks guys thanks for joining me for a little hair dress reacts for having us yeah goddamn I seen ok blank canvas we love a blank canvas so what do we got going on here what's your guess what's your guess what are we doing what are we doing oh oh yo is that a bouquet y'all know I love bouquets you call my house I always got a bouquet that is artistic what I think I liked it better before it was cut that is a look thought I was going to shave my head girl you know I'd be having that this cabeza on this cabeza yeah pretty but fun but also like a kind a lot commitment very a commitment fault we love when it starts at the rainbow what do you got on this one oh oh now that is a nice mix of colors I like that they're doing like boom boom boom boom all different colors going down oh there's no better feeling shout that color and you filled in the sink in it's all shut up oh I got jealous oh my gosh that is the prettiest color I think I've seen in this entire video is that the same color was before oh we got more pixel color this is so weird like I don't even know what to say about it like I want that in my head would imagine it fading out and you just have like we're in yellow spots in your hair after like the color fades off of it like I don't know about that and you really have to get a touch-up a lot this is definitely telling you where froude what yo y'all playing with me now this haircut and this hair color are you kidding oh my god the rainbow root somebody give me a medium kiddin okay this is by far the prettiest thing I saw this entire time I'm sorry man I'm gonna stop I'm gonna stop for today that was too much dye has to add this video like that was freaking beautiful oh yes I need on my head beautiful gorgeous my baby girl that is all for today I definitely enjoyed seeing some new trends going on in the hair industry and so inspiring and so cool and now all I want to do is go and play with some mannequin heads and do some weird [ __ ] and so that's probably gonna do the rest of the day you guys want us to be doing these looks let me know comment below give this video a like alright I never asked you to do that but I'm gonna ask you for today thank you so much for being here and watching today don't forget to follow me on Instagram and ex monitor for updates and new hair product releases don't forget to add your extra life apps Oh next time please hey this is the mondo family and you are watching the Brad mondo Jenna [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 7,727,828
Rating: 4.91008 out of 5
Keywords: HAIRDRESSER REACTS TO CRAZY HAIR COLORING!, COLORFUL HAIR IDEAS THAT ARE SO COOL, bradmondo, hairdresser reacts, diy hair, hair dresser, hair dye, colorful hair, colourful hairstyles, colourful hair colours, colorful hair ideas, colorful hair wigs, colorful hair don't care, hairstyle, haircut, hair cutting, pixelated hair, pixelated hair color, pixie hair, pixie haircut, hair painting, painting on hair, hair art, hair artist, hair art tutorial, hair transformation, rainbow
Id: qe7qlbvxY3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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