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today guys we're going to be reviewing uncle  roger's recreation of Jamie Oliver's egg fried   rice with chili jam this video just came out and  apparently, there's been a lot of talk about it   so today we're going to review it if you are new  Welcome to the channel my name is james makinson   I've been cooking for many many years all over  America and Europe and i have plenty of other   recipes on my youtube channel so hopefully you  will enjoy this video and if you do then be sure   to share like and subscribe and let's get started  two years ago uncle roger revealed jamie oliver   egg fire rice and it goes so viral so today uncle  roger i'm gonna recreate his fire rice see if it's   actually as bad as what we think we're gonna make  jamie oliver egg fire rice at my friend antilles   restaurant if anybody's made jamie oliver's  egg for rice then let me know in the comments   down below and well let me know what you think  of it and then sell to all the customers here   how you doing auntie liz i'm good thank you how  are you good good it's been a long time since   i got fired from here yeah i mean you did try to  kill a couple of our customers why you don't want   peanut i'm allergic no no just eat peanut hospital  very close don't worry so why my restaurant you're   gonna scare away all my customers no no this is  UK everybody loves Jamie Oliver here your customer   couldn't love it and guys if you want to visit  mei mei's restaurant is in borough market it's very   close to London bridge the tower of London tower  bridge so if you didn't want to spend your day   in this area, it's actually quite nice because you  can go to borough market you can go to the tower   of London and then of course you have tower bridge  tower bridge is the one with the two towers london   bridge is the one next to it and then of course  i would recommend if you haven't been to london   before going to the tower london there's a lot of  history if you're into it we're gonna make it as   close to original wijo as possible okay see uncle  roger he went by jamie oliver frying pan free   i even got Jamie Oliver checkered shirt where'd  you get this shirt from uncle roger oh Jamie   Oliver all his restaurants closed down you just  walk in there and take tablecloth emotional   damage a fried rice an absolute classic and uncle  roger got this recipe so consistent delicious   easy and simple start with big pan  see nobody use wok anymore until is   now a few things with auntie liz's kitchen  is she's using all inductions she may have   a gas burner and another part of it but i don't  see it so this isn't going to be the exact same   thing as cooking on fire with making egg fred  rice is going to be different and of course   uncle roger's using what jamie oliver was using  the frying pan he's not going to be using a wok so   you can use a frying pan if this is the only thing  you have um it'll be a little different though   if you're cooking with a frying pan compared  to a wok oh this works when i'm wearing this   shirt i feel like channeling Jamie Oliver  first step spring onion take six spring onion and uncle roger just cut off the white part of  the scallions the green onions and just toss them   you can use both parts you can use the white and  the green part the white part of the onions you   can cook you can use them for garnish as well  but you can because they are a little sharper   more like an onion the green part of the green  onions is a lot milder this is why you can use   them for garnish they're not as sharp you don't  need to cook them for so long because they will   wilt and they will turn brown the white bit you  can cook with just like normal onions what do   you think of my chopping until this i still think  there needs to be some room for improvement but   you haven't lost like that much nobody uses this  this like pubic hair who want to use this this   is looking so beautiful gonna be nice side dish  yes you could do this as a side dish no trouble   at all next olive oil olive oil for egg fire rice  this is white people oil jamie oliver favorite   hi yeah i [ __ ] up so messy on garage olive  oil in a hot frying pan and uncle roger's using   what looks like extra virgin olive oil extra  virgin is a lot darker or it has more color to   it than normal olive oil because it's unrefined or  it's been minimally refined compared to the rest   so it'll have a lot more flavor to it now this  is one reason why you shouldn't be using extra   virgin specifically with a lot of well dishes  with cooking because extra virgin has a lower   smoking point it has a lot of flavor in it as well  it's best used for salads and dressings but again   this will overpower some dressings in Italian and  Spanish cuisine they do use a lot of extra virgin   to cook with in the north we don't one reason is  because of all the flavor and everything else the   other reasons because it's extremely expensive in  comparison to the other if breaking ankle rods are   hard now we know what the next step is spring  onion and we get them sizzling straight away   you hear sizzling i hear my ancestors  crying i ah it really will think not good nobody see that nobody see that we're serving  this i can't it's okay it Jamie Oliver fire   rice if they get diarrhea it expected disclaimer  anyone gets ill it's not on us in the professional   kitchen if you do drop something a utensil if you  drop the food that you're cooking you have to get   rid of it you can't reuse it the reason for this  is that there's a lot of bacteria viruses dirt   chemicals as well on the floor and the chemicals  you can't really get rid of if you're cooking so   instead of hurting them the best practice is  to change the utensils wash the pans and if you   drop a piece of steak on the floor  throw it out and start all over again   next up we have Jamie Oliver favorite packet rice  british people love this [ __ ] how does it make   you feel you got the exact same rice too and it  looks like it says basmati on it if you have tried   it then let me know what it tastes like because i  haven't used prepackaged rice like this that there   are so many people here looking at your restaurant  using packet rice i gonna ruin antilles business   do you eat packet rice and chilies i definitely  don't eat packet rice no i use proper rice this rice tastes almost as good as yours so clumpy look at and see what i was meaning about  the green onions are going to start wilting or   they're toned brown you can see in the pan if  you cook them for too long this is what happens   this [ __ ] this stickier than teenagers suck  this rice look at this how jamie oliver cooked   with this [ __ ] the oil all gone the spring onion  wilting how he cooked like this i don't even know need more oil in it that's what jay means hollywood there's a lot  of people watching uncle roger make this if any   of you guys were present while watching uncle  roger make this please let me know and if you   have met him then i would be very interested to  know as well why my own crowd roasting me now there's a lot of pressure  there's a lot of pressure   in okay editor we cut away the part where  i spill it okay what next chili jam please little bit of chili jam why because so many people here did  you ask them to come watch us cook if you look at it because uncle  roger's giving us a better shot   of cameron goes of the chili jam  it is chili jam this jam it has   a lot of pectin in it it looks like and of  course it will have a lot of sugar in it um i don't know i think honestly i  think he was inspired by using sambal   and maybe substituting it so i don't know that  to me having this on toast would be fantastic   for breakfast putting this in egg fried  rice for lunch or dinner no not my style   you can see auntie is just shaking her  head she's probably disgusted by seeing   this look at this nice color what do  you think want to taste it no i'm okay oh terrible terrible oh and see i'm garage is  using the spoon to cook with the egg fried rice   and he's also tasting with it and you see  auntie liz grabbing it from him and giving   him a clean one you're not supposed to use the  same utensils that you cook with to taste with   because if you are sick you don't want to get  customers sick and she's also in a show kitchen   the next time i'm in London i'm going to have  to stop by and see if she's open crack the egg is that what jamie oliver do correct  we crack the egg in there and then we   [ __ ] up the egg we only need half the tofu   and see this tofu uh it has too much water  in it it's too wet it makes it too mushy and   i mean some people in the last video were also  saying yes if you fry it and yeah you could and   add it at the very end where you don't cook with  it um you can possibly i mean if you're feeding   children is one thing but to feed adults there's  no breaking tofu like how auntie helen break uncle   roger oh my god you think yeah lick my hand i'd  rather not click my tofu hand we're friends but   not that good friends don't think dirty until  is is that what you're doing peanut allergy   guy every night in bedroom lick tofu off his hat  yeah i think jamie puts water in this next oh yeah oh you just see the look and the expression on  her face it says everything um yeah no not good   there's only one thing in life that should be  this wet only auntie Esther should be this way   sorry Esther this is making uncle roger  sad now i'm making comedy channel why   you torturing me like this this is the most  depressing thing encourage you to ever see   look at this it's just clumpy and gloopy and if  any of you guys have actually tried this at home   tell me if it's better or worse than what uncle  roger's making this is something that you would   expect from say somebody that's following this  recipe an average person it's not going to turn   out the same as Jamie Oliver's and he's also  been quite messy hasn't he i mean you see rice   all the way around the induction even on  the handle yeah very very messy what is this   you can really can see your reflection inside  mulan's gonna start singing when you see this get a bowl olive oil in the bowl  why that what Jamie Oliver do what Jamie was doing is he was trying to create  a mold and you can do this with a bowl with   a ramekin or anything else and not just with  rice with other ingredients you can either use   oil or butter as a lubricant he shouldn't have  used so much oil he should have used a little   bit of oil and then taken say a paper towel  and wiped off the excess because otherwise   the grains of rice are going to look very wet  and this is why in the original video you can   see that there's a reflection off the rice  because they've just been coated with olive   oil we're just building sand castle now  you say san casa i say sad castle yeah   jamie oliver egg fire rice yeah yeah uncle  roger just look at the mess camera look   at the mess look at the mess what mess  this one jamie oliver would have wanted   do you like the broken tofu it's broken like my  soul right now in the professional kitchen and   even at home is good practice to clean as you go  we say this all the time it means when you make   a mess you clean it while you're cooking you have  nothing to do wipe the counter because at the end   if you don't do this you're gonna be left with  this and you can see the mess that uncle rogers   made he has food all over the counter he still  has green onions that he hasn't thrown away he   has rice all over the burners the lid to the chili  jam is off the lid to the olive oil is off so if   you knock it it can go everywhere the knife's just  thrown on the cutting board the carton to the tofu   is on the cutting board he still has excess  tofu on the cutting board things like this it's clumpy a bit sad but then  they got this weird sweetness   from the chili jam eat all sorts of  [ __ ] try just try don't be [ __ ] what you think what you think a  pretty bad very bad pretty disgusting   as you said before this tastes like sad and see i  think auntie liz was being a little nice because   she's just saying it's pretty bad she's being  professional about it but this there's other words   for this because this doesn't look um doesn't  look very pleasant this spring onion so flaccid   peanut allergic guy is here for you this is  your husband auntie liz and this your new baby   yeah this is little baby harrison have your  baby try egg fire rice before no i don't   think i'm going to start with this either  you don't want this baby harrison try try i'd rather eat a peanut butter sandwich okay  we got some customer of mei mei restaurant   try what is the weird sweetness it's the mango  chili jar a chili jam yeah you already did we   might sell this at maymay restaurant new dish  on the menu tell camera what you think better   than mine better than yours yeah but it's on my  cooking who you're cooking for i'm cooling for   myself i only use the microwave rice that's why  you're so skinny because you're starving yourself   if you're cooking like this uncle raj you're going  to die from hunger high yeah it sounds sweet sweet   good sweet correct that means your taste  but working yeah but i don't like the recipe   i'm sure she isn't the only one that doesn't like  the recipe when our camera woman she's curious it's not too bad what yeah not too bad not too  bad i did much worse did you see all the other   asian people they're complaining yeah i mean  i'm western you know it's good guys try it   these the people who buy jamie oliver cookbook what have you been up to since our last  film with you thoughts anything happened in   your life that you want to tell our viewer  had a baby have a baby you also have food i hear you got some nice book come out believe those bloopers i'm just going to keep like   like that ready kitten kitty nothing  happened so you've got new baby yeah yeah egg fire rice an absolute classic  and uncle roger hi yeah [ __ ] train get proper restaurant why your restaurant under  train track i know exactly how encourager feels   well guys i have to say that that was a very  good video that um did of remaking jamie oliver's   recipe he had auntie liz obviously there to help  him and everything and he had a professional   kitchen at her restaurant like i said if you have  made his egg fried rice with chili jam then let   me know in the comments down below let me know how  it is if it was better or worse than uncle roger i   have plenty of other videos on my youtube channel  and if you are interested in a good recipe or   another interesting video then you should click  on this one here and if you did like it then   don't forget to share like and subscribe and  i will see you guys again very soon take care!
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 364,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, jamie oliver, uncle roger jamie oliver fried rice, uncle roger jamie oliver, uncle roger make fried rice, uncle roger makes egg fried rice, uncle roger make egg fried rice reaction, jamie oliver egg fried rice, chilli jam jamie oliver, chili jam uncle roger, how to make egg fried rice, Chef Elizabeth Haigh, mei mei restaurant london, uncle roger fried rice, pro chef react to uncle roger, pro chef reacts to uncle roger jamie oliver, chef james makinson
Id: 0LVfHmSZj6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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