Uncle Roger HATE Great British Bake Off Mexican Week (ft. Joshua Weissman)

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Great British Bake Off is good show but every time they move away from making Western cakes they always mess up high yeah and today we reveal Great British Bake Off Mexican week Uncle Roger don't have good feeling about this I don't have a good feeling about this either is this the first actually the first frame yeah minute zero oh my goodness take a deep breath Uncle Joshua it all gonna be okay hello viewer hello no are you excited for Mexican week I'm really excited although I don't feel like we should make Mexican jokes because people get upset oh no Mexican jokes at all I don't think so well not even one not even one oh my God there's no way you know how you know how many people this has to pass through to be approved to go on television television is a lot of work you got to go through barriers this is a British comedy they loved the pan so funny so humorous I dying laughing I did now you know I like I like dry humor this humor is is just try at my ex-wife while the Bakers practiced their signatures they haven't a clue what they'll be asked to make in today's Mexican technical Bakers it's time for your technical challenge so uh Paul any words of advice you've got to get your flavor combinations right and your textures yeah but that every food that every dish yeah you need to get flavor right and your texture right that's like when you get in the car you have to start it before you go yeah when you take a [ __ ] you have to wipe yourself and then wash your hand useless information some people that's optional um depending on where you where you are remind me not to shake Uncle Josh on hand I didn't say I didn't I mean for your technical challenge Paul would like you to make eight Mexican tacos your Mexican taco be made yeah first off that's redundant Mexican tacos why would you Italian spaghetti it's also not baked oh this is going to be interesting Taco's new one on me this is my first time doing tacos I bet it's the same like you make tortillas tortillas yeah tortillas okay she just contested yeah yeah yeah she looks really scared though you see her like did you see her face she is [ __ ] distressed British people making Mexican food I would be scared also yeah oh tacos for a technical it's Mexican wheat Pro it has to be tacos tell me about the fillings then you've got a picca de color which is basically you got pickled to gallo Justin pronouncing wrong it okay but hit the judge nobody telling him the research great choose your attack okay the most awkward eating oh the moon like she never eat taco before the instructions aren't really that detailed for each of the elements that just says make the pico de gallo make the refried beans the instruction really quite useless you say make the pico de gallo make the refried bean make the guacamole because they don't know the actual directions on how to do it they're just like we'll just figure it out I don't know just like buying a book called Running for tummy and that instruction go fast so the first bit is for the tortillas blend the drained corn until you have a smooth thick paste the planting corn no way fallen out onto a wax surface and add massive Arena then makes to form a dough Master harina I think it's like corn flour oh the nobody mixing corn with just make the tortillas So based off what it looked like they basically made Masa if it's the right corn and then added more masa that's dehydrated to it no [ __ ] reason like getting Starbucks pasta and then they add flour to it I think it's gonna be sort of like a fig red like dough texture carbon least to stand I let it rest don't touch it let it rest yeah interesting there's no gluten so what are you resting like so it just relax a little bit so it has some some me time yeah don't need to let it rest this tortilla not the queen oh oh oh man it took me a second this British pick off need to use the British joke Uncle Roger you're brutal man to be arrested marinade the steak steak okay steaks would you eat that like that no I'm not really a rule what kind of question is that would you eat that like that it's a raw piece of meat do you go to the grocery store and just point at a package of meat would you eat it like that they have to fill time this hour-long show oh yeah that's right but no I do like his shirt you like his shirt do you know who this guy is no but the guy next to it was pretty attractive strong jawline don't fall in love with that guy look at the food sorry Kate that's my fiance oh they're a fiance does she know you look at Guy online where you meet Kate grinder are you on crying though she questions sometimes you know so the ingredients tell you what spices and herbs to use but they don't say how much ground cumin or small paprika dried oregano like a man human paprika oracano Ankara to think that too many different spices is supposed to be simple I mean I I guess for seasoning the meat a lot of the time it's like salt pepper and like a few spices in lime juice and you could call it a day but that's uh I am flinging things into a bowl with gay abandon ancho Chilito okay abandoned oh dangerous it's a British thing if you say that in America people will be really confused I understand the words it's just like for some reason when you say it in in like an American accent hey guys I'm gonna go down to the street and do something with gay abandon goodbye you know yeah we're gonna go who is Brandon who Benton and why is he k Uncle Josh I would like to have work with you Brandon you can be his side piece so ancho teleporter is dangerous ancho chili powder okay just like my actually it's not too hot I'm gonna sneeze it inside you can't really taste this why not that's pretty nice well it's meant to be hot anyway it's meant to be Mexican in it that does not sound good that sounds so derogatory She's Like It's Hot might as well be Mexican in it it's like the most English thing I could ever hear Uncle Joshua you need to do one video you speak English like this I'll do it for as long as I can until I'm tired of it oh it's [ __ ] donkey Pico de galio oh my God this is the first time I've heard them I think Pico means small maybe yeah it's like a salsa just reading the ingredients it's not really like salsa it's more like relish so salsa you put on the side but pico de gallo you can put in the Taco pico de gallo Pico de galio what is it in it it's kinda not trying to do Mexican accent no no no no no no no no no here's the thing English people are usually white your last name mean white man also you already knew that yeah your favorite as he always tell me if it's not white it's not right correct I've never said that every day I've never said that I've been saying that to me the whole time oh I've never said that my brand is on the line here Nigel they are by yourself I think it's gorgeous I love Korean then cilantro I know people hate it apparently there's a gene that makes you taste coriander like soap it tastes like soap everybody's got them there it is I'm doing this to mine there's a soap guy nobody likes that guy yes nobody likes a soap guy a spicy soapy salty and sour great the refried beans the instructions said make the refried beans that the fake smile ever I don't understand what I don't understand that emotion take your smile you give when your boss trying to make joke and you hate your boss but you still have to smile that's what Ulysses does every day to me camera pen to him that is Joshua Weissman worker it's not that cook simmer and it will get soft oh my God he's got soup he's got soup going on that not Reef right he didn't even cook the onion those onions are dead ass raw the only reason that there's even the slightest amount of translucence in this because they're sitting in the hot broth I guarantee you when you bite into that it's a raw ass onion that's fixing a bit I am honestly never but again raw ass onion what I okay I forget that these are home Cooks though I'm I'm trying to be light it's just it's just bad refried bean this just Bean it's not even fried once Bean with like poorly chopped onions but you know I'm gonna start making my little Camellia guacamole oh how many apricots oh my goodness no [ __ ] way she is peeling it like that absolutely not honestly Uncle Roger in my entire life I've never seen this in making all the Mexican ancestors that cry the peeling avocado like they're peeling Ginger boom boom chopped tomatoes are going in red onions jalapenos Red Onion usually Mexican we use white onions correct but usually oh chunk because Paul said it's about flavor and texture I like Paul said it's about flavor and texture in what world is that not important if you work at Jamie Oliver kitchen let's say avocado so let's smoke oh at least you know how to use avocado yeah this this one does she's she's used one before she a millennial they all love the avocado toast too bad they won't be able to buy a house are you looking for smooth and chunky that's the best way smooth and chunky why do you say it like that you're looking for a smooth and chunky that's the best way smooth and chunky that's the best way Uncle Josh I think turn on why did he say it like that he didn't have to say it like that he was he he was a smooth and chunky Uncle Joshua every video you make on your channel you always start with opening the cabinet correct yeah I thought you would come out the closet by now just finish finish that's what refried beans looks like what nothing actually yeah if you had no idea what refried beans look like then yeah that's exactly what they look like if you're blind then yes this white refried bean look like Bakers you have half an hour left make the tortillas divide the rest I don't want eight equal balls flatten using the lid just gonna go why don't they give them tortilla press tortilla press is like Mexican version of rice cooker everybody have one I have three they give them all all the fancy [ __ ] the kitchen a the fancy fridge everything I can't give them tortilla press at this point I don't think there's a single importer in all of UK that Imports tortilla presses if you're Mexican don't move to UK that's what they're doing to your food yeah they are small but I guess tacos are supposed to be small bite size I think is the correct term bite size that's not what how big is your mouth that is not it was this big around she goes ah bite size perfect is she gonna unhinge her jaw like an anaconda and just she can fit a lot of big thing in her mouth don't underestimate that woman she's doing every man a service sorry children Matthias traditionally I think I mean to be cooked on a hot stone you just kind of go something that was good yeah that's how they're supposed to be you're supposed to like slap them in there in two minutes on each side I think two minutes on each side that too long is gonna dry out the tortilla oh it should be it should be like it should be second my 30 seconds look exactly but I do want some brown on there you don't want your titilla to be too dry not bad let's start as it's drying out oh my God come on does he usually he doesn't think that that's right I hope not that tortilla looked like the dried hands of a 75 year old man that tortilla look like Uncle Roger after my ex-wife leave that's some attack was done just need to make steak now [Music] medium rare first off okay so zero oil in the pan illegal to jail locked up no parole I don't know how to cook steak I will cook it like about five minutes each side everyone's got an opinion on steak and everyone thinks you've done it wrong no not not that's not true yes everyone has an opinion on steak but I think everyone's opinion on what's Happening Here should just be that this is wrong but Uncle Josh are it okay they bake her they're not supposed to know too much drastic go easy on them okay oh Mike so your sticks cook perfectly that's not perfect my steak's gonna be hot what the [ __ ] is that it's actually stir fries that's exactly what I was gonna say it's like stir frying without any of the frying or stirring just going to start assembling well just to be Fork full of each holy guacamole where to put the glockimolo no [ __ ] way she just said that where to put the clock yeah where the [ __ ] do I put the [ __ ] guacamolo in it I've got cookie Merlot in it Bakers you have one minute left [Music] cheesy Stuff throw it [Music] no way they just they just they just hit two cultures right in the head Greek culture and Mexican culture are you for real Uncle Roger never have taco with feta cheese on each hour like what what the hell did someone get arrested at the end of this I have one more to go these are quite stuffed I legitimately think that they Googled an image of a taco and did their very best effort to just recreate it based off the visuals and did absolutely no research beyond that photograph I think I think they saw Cotija and they went oh something crumbly only feta I wish that we'd had like quantities oh [Laughter] she just took a fat dump on that taco there is absolutely no way it's basically I can think to use an avocado well that's um small Bakers your time is up bring your tacos down to the table and place them in front of your photograph oh wow it's so weird how they put picture in front it like they all die now it's like their memorial this is what's left of them I I have a lot of emotions on garage or I feel sad I feel scared I feel angry ah Great British pick off you have so much budget You're such popular show why don't you do little bit of research next time and remember don't dry out your tortillas don't peel your avocado needs a nephew go subscribe to Uncle Joshua he's so good at cooking he got Uncle Tito let's go get some taco now some real [ __ ] yeah salsa limes white onion just like you said yeah you you what you Uncle not Kanye West cheers [Music] guys singing bye-bye
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 4,109,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, nigel ng comedy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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