Pro Chef Reacts... To Jamie Oliver's AUTHENTIC Carbonara

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frying a bit of water a bit of water that  water and the fat today guys we're going to   be reviewing jamie oliver's carbonara if you are  new to the channel welcome my name is james i've   been cooking for many many years and i have  plenty of other recipes on my youtube channel   so in any case if you do like this video  then be sure to share like and subscribe   and let's get started hi guys we're gonna make  spaghetti carbonara a classic Italian dish pasta   cheese bacon what's not to love right but it's  really controversial i want to give you what i   think is the most authentic recipe so first up so  far from what we've just seen it looks like it's   going to be a good video guys you only need five  ingredients guanciale this is the cured cheek of   pork and as you can see it's all about the fat  it's salted it's got pepper it's dried and it's   aged of course it's similar to smoked bacon and  you can get some pretty good results actually   but you can see this is quite lean so try and get  them to not cut off the fat because you need it or   there's pancetta jamie's right about this if you  cannot get guanciale then you can substitute with   either bacon or pancetta bacon normally is smoked  so this will add another flavor to it pancetta   is for me a better recommendation i would also  recommend that you ask the butcher if you have   a butcher to cut the bacon and the panchetta a  little thicker because if they're in a cube or   a lardon when you cook the guanciale you'll still  have a bit of a spongy or soft center if you don't   overcook it they won't be like little pebbles but  it'll still have a bit of a soft center to it they   don't have that texture when you bite into it if  you can eat pork or if you don't want to eat meat   and you want to make like a vegetarian version  use zucchini use other things you don't have to   use exactly this there are always substitutes  most people use parmesan but actually the more   classic is pecorino romano sheep's cheese it's  crumbly it's salty if you can get pecorino use   pecorino if you can't then use Parmigiano and at  a very last resort use grana Padano now if you're   in italy and you ask for pecorino and you don't  really remember does it end with pecorino an o so you need to be careful because if you go in  italy and you ask for pecorina you're gonna get it   so stick with the pecorino the one with the O! we don't know free-range organic egg   pasta he cracked the egg by making it sit on the  cutting board and you can see that it's starting   to leak you don't need to do this when using  eggs some of them are actually quite delicate   if you want them to stand up there's a trick you  can take a little bit of salt put the egg on top   and then blow the rest of the salt away and you  won't even see it one other thing i want to point   out is that and I've seen this in multiple  videos with Jamie is that you want to take   off your rings when cooking why because if food  gets stuck in there bacterial start to grow and   then we can contaminate the rest of the food and  you can get yourself sick as well as other people   pasta black pepper and then optional garlic so  first up guys grab the pasta by two hands twist   it into the water by twisting it it won't  stick together put a tiny amount of salt   in this water when making pasta at home you want  to add the pasta to a roaring pot of boiling water   why roaring because when you add the pasta to  the water it's going to drop the temperature   and this will take longer to cook it'll take  longer for that water to come back up to temp   and then you also want to add the salt after it's  at a boil and don't break the spaghetti there's a   reason why the pasta is that length you don't need  to break it into smaller pieces because the cheese   and the guanciale is salty this beautiful pasta  takes eight minutes to cook Jamie is right about   this so you don't need to be adding extra salt on  top of this however the spaghetti is not salted so   that it's important to salt the water and then  that water will be absorbed into the pasta and   we'll give it some flavor so I've got my guanciale  I'm going to remove the skin this is good you want   to remove the skin as is quite tough and i'm going  to take a nice centimeter slice of the guanciale   roughly chop this to about half centimeter chunks  now the pan is cold turn it on to a medium high   heat the reason i want it cold is because i  want to render the Jamie is very theatrical   yes render the fat out it's good it helps you  learn if you um if you're like this guanciale   goes in to the pan and this pan is getting hot  give the garlic a crack and then put it in the pan   as this starts to sizzle the fats will just  pull out some of that perfume from the garlic   this is a little trick anytime that you want  to add the aroma the flavor of garlic to a dish   without adding the garlic but again garlic  is an optional ingredient in carbonara then   there's the black pepper get your peppercorns  in a pestle and mortar crack it one suggestion   i would have if you're going to go through the  effort and actually crush your own black pepper   in a pestle and mortar is that you toast the  black pepper before you crush it take another   saute pan put them in the saute pan and then cook  them over medium heat until you start to smell   a stronger fragrance and what will the toasting  do it will help the peppercorns release more aroma   it'll be better it'll be a lot stronger than just  normally crushing them like this a little sieve   this is one of the most important little bits and  no one really does it okay honestly this is the   outer skin this is much milder what we have here  is the inside part the peppercorn which is hotter   this is a very good trick that Jamie is showing  you if you crush a lot of black pepper it's a good   idea to take a sieve and to separate the crushed  from the finer black pepper and if you're new in   the kitchen remember this is a good technique  to learn which is hotter perfect for a good hot   carbonara be very careful with adding that much  black pepper to the carbonara the guanciale has   black pepper if it's too spicy you will have to  add more sauce more pasta to reduce the spiciness   now let's get on to the eggs eggs are really  really delicate and if you don't treat these right   you end up with stir-fried noodles and we don't  want that no we do not want stir fried doodles   when we're making carbonara i'm going to take  a bowl and i'm going to crack the egg straight   into there and i'm just going to add a little  pecorino to that so like 20 grams now we're time   sensitive so we're going to have a little whisk  up it's important to add finely grated pecorino   to the egg not thickly grated because it will not  be the same so if you have a Microplane it'll be   easier we've got dark guanciale we've got the fat  that's come out of it and that's what you want you   want attitude and color now it's important not to  overcook the guanciale or the pancetta otherwise   you will have little pebbles in your dish and it's  not fun i don't like it at least biting into cubes   of hard little rocks instead of having that soft  spongy center to them if you have to cook one   thing at a time maybe i would cook the other  ingredients such as the conchae and everything   first and then cook the pasta and then have that  ready if you cannot manage both things at the same   time i'm gonna remove that garlic turn the heat  off and we're gonna drag the pasta and the water   into the pan it's a good idea to turn off the  heat just for safety reasons now the residual   heat in that pan if you're using a thick bottom  pan will continue to keep the pan hot you add   the hot pasta add that directly to the pan and  then like he's going to be using he's going to   be using the pasta water to mix with that use  the water to stop the frying a bit of water get a ladle when adding the water to the pan you  don't need to be using the tongs and be splashing   the saute pan with water because you're gonna get  salty water all over the counter and everything   else this is not good that is what's going  to emulsify to become a creamy sauce also one   thing if you are using tongs metal tongues like  this be careful not to scrape your non-stick pan   even if it's a good one such as this brand just  be careful not to scrape it can you hear that   quiet no frying at all only then  can we think about adding our egg   as we toss we add some more no don't  add the water like this if you are a   new cook and you're going to be making  carbonara at work and you see jamie doing this   don't copy him if you do this in a professional  kitchen if the chef catches you doing this   this will probably be your last day at work or  you're going to have a very very bad day trust me! that's the cream you get the cream creamy  through the emulsification of the cooking water   and the fat and technique and timing  so as simple as this is it's technical   get your friends your family get them around the  table glass of wine look at that guys look at that   this is why i like jamie he's very theatrical he's  very entertaining and you can tell when he cooks   especially when he likes to cook something  carbonara and you finish with more pepper   wow i'm so excited spaghetti that is way too much  black pepper to add to this you like it very spicy   that's fine that's a personal choice but that  is a lot of pepper to add to this carbonara   with a beautiful little finishing of pecorino  that is as classic as i can give you guys from   chefs from nonners are newbies i believe  i would say that this is an easy recipe for   someone to follow i'll speak more about that  in a second it's about quality ingredients   the guanciale the pecorino romana quality eggs  the pepper technique of the pepper good pasta and   then the sensitivity of cooking it right jamie's  very passionate about making this you can tell   for two people and of course the most important  thing when you eat pasta is don't watch it eat it that my friends is a thing of joy the  only thing i would say a few things   one the black pepper is a little  too much you don't need to add this   and the garlic of course is a personal choice but  besides that he really made a nice carbonara and   actually, this carbonara looks better than what you  get in most restaurants in any case guys i hope   you enjoyed this video if you have any questions  or comments let me know in the comments down below   be sure to share like and subscribe and until  next time i'll see you guys again very soon!
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 754,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, food, James Makinson, Chef James, jamie oliver carbonara, italian chefs react to carbonara, italian chef reacts to jamie oliver, how to make a carbonara sauce without cream, How to Make Classic Carbonara, Jamie Oliver, pro chef reacts to jamie oliver, pro chef reacts to carbonara, food tube carbonara, jamie oliver carbonara reaction, reaction to jamie oliver, react jamie oliver, carbonara original, carbonara recipe, italian carbonara, jamie's egg fried rice
Id: yrOGL3E7PaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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