Italian Chef Reacts to Pro Chef Perfect Lasagna @ChefJamesMakinson

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but in any case hey Vincenzo hey you got me I'm giving you some content today we're making an Italian recipe all right well here I am reacting to you so thank you for the content today we're reacting to Chef James mckinson lasagna video Chef James is very good at reacting to videos but can he take my reaction to his lasagna let's see today we are going to be making lasagna and today is actually one of my recipes one of your recipes why you didn't use my recipe believe it or not I do have a lot of recipes one thing I want you guys we know that you're a chef you're a pretty good one too so keep in mind today is that this recipe is flexible so feel free to modify it how you see fit ooh what are you trying to say here did you use was sour and this is not going to be like Jamie's recipe Oh yay well done we're not going to be adding English mustard to this and we're not no please please don't be adding any lemon to it and no bloody nuts as well there's nothing quite like making an Italian dish with Spanish ingredients there is nothing wrong with that as long as you use the right ingredients they can be made anywhere in the world I can see that he has mozzarella compana so from the region of CA where Naples is so that must be a very good mozzarella it's called ricotta in there as you can see all right let's have a look so he's got bay leaf it's got a s today which is good chopped tomatoes ricotta it's got Buffalo mozzarella look the ingredients look good let's see let's see how it's going to make it as far as the pasta Sheets if you have fresh it's much easier guys make lasagna with fresh pasta Sheets if you can find the brand R from the supermarket it's amazing if you can make it yourself better if you can get it from a a pasta makeup go for it these are instant and well we're going to see how they turn out because instant will do the job it will work yes but the fresh sheats take your lasagna to the next level to the real level first we're going to prep Theo now yeah good pronunciation Bravo starting the right way you tell Jamie the suito Italian Sofrito is the same as Mira in France yeah onions carrots and celery these are the aromatics and if you haven't tried celery before celery especially when it's fresh and when you break it open it's very pungent so you don't want to use too much of this because other that's right well said some people don't like the celery you don't have to use it but if you use it like you said it's pungent you need a little bit of that what I would suggest is use an entire big carrot use more carrots cuz the carrots give sweetness with sauce then you use about a quarter of onion or half an onion the most and then a celery stick uh but no more than that even half a celery stick will do the job we're going to be cutting everything Bern which means very very very small Dice and Jim speaks Spanish now he speaks Italian he's got French words how many language do you speak once the Pen's h oliv o goes in throw on the leaves okay once you start to see Ripples and it's slightly smoking time to starting with b Leaf oh starting with the meat right okay okay look I've seen lots of people doing this especially Americans and James is American starting from the meat I'm going to try I I don't think this is wrong starting from the meat Brown the meat and then you do the Sofrito I believe that's what James is doing put the mint me then we want to Brown this off so keep it on high heat that po look good we'll add a little bit of salt I hope it doesn't put too much salt in this recipe you want a super hot pan and you want to keep that heat high enough because otherwise it won't Brown and see all the flavors are in there I understand I understand James well done once you get you know you start to see that it's starting to stick like this where you have nice Brown that brown flavor this is what you want all right so leave it on high or medium depending on your burner some burners cook a little faster than others yeah you have to be careful because sometimes uh you use gas which cooks very fast induction can cook very very fast on a high heat uh electric is lower you just need to be familiar with the cook top you're using and don't burn the ingredients the thing is if you cook on a very high heat you need to be there and just keep moving the food around on a medium low heat you can relax a little bit more um but um in this case uh James is not going anywhere staying there making sure that it keeps stirring more oil that's generous that's that's a very generous amount of oil yeah once the Pan's hot yeah keep in mind we don't want to burn this veggies go in I'm just surprised he didn't put the wine so I guess now he's going to put meat and the Sofrito together and then he puts the wine I like that now what we're going to do is we're going to add the meat back in and if you have a little too much fat with the meat then you need to like separate a little bit of it because we don't want too much fat give this a good mix this is good so important is mixing the Sofrito with the meat now they're making love together very important but see the meat is a bit dry now you need to put the wine in there so you revive the meat you make the meat tend up and full of flavors and now we're going to add the wine so yes yes well done well done well done well done what we're going to do is the wine is going to deglaze the pans so it'll help release all of this like pond that's at the bottom this is important nothing like a bit yes of Spanish wine and an Italian Dish it's good I mean one is one doesn't have to be Italian uh you can work with the ingredients the uh look like you know if you are in Ecuador and you have wine made in Ecuador it's fine extra vir oil with Ecuador you know all the fresh ingredients are local they're not from Italy [Music] this is going to make the meat tender it's going to combine all the ingredients very well the one is important make sure you have a glass too please drink it it's been generous too which I like it normally I would say a glass a standard glass of wine would do the job maybe added more but the wine evaporates so it's okay more kids can't eat these because the wine evaporates all the alcohol evaporates so don't be scared if your kids are going to eat this they can it's safe so once the wine has reduced at least by half and as you can see here the meat has actually absorbed the wine we're going to add the tomato sauce in okay I don't know why I didn't put all at once but okay so okay okay it must be his choice normally when you make bolog you don't want it like super wet b b it's like super wet the sauce you want it more of a meaty sauce and that's right that's right Bravo well that's right that's right you don't want the wet you want meat it's a meat sauce the consistency right now is okay we want it a little it is good wet why because the pasta sheets they need to absorb extra liquid and we don't want it to dry out in the oven that's Shing you have to cook this for 4 hours too so you know you don't want it to be too dry from now so the consistency more or less right now is pretty good but what's going to happen this needs to cook for a good you know 30 minutes 45 minutes or more uh you want to bring it up to high heat bring it up to a boil drop it down to low heat and then what we're going to do is we're going to add the top to it look he's making lasagna forgot I was I was thinking he's making bolog it's a bolog done in half an hour 1 hour for Las if you can make a bolog sauce properly a big batch do four hours cooking you what you can do you can use some today and the rest you freeze it and you take it out whenever you need it so I know he's making this today for the bolog they showing you but if you can make this and cook it for 4 hours the next time you make lasagna you defrosted you're going to have fantastic lasagna I have two types of rotta this one's from mcadon this one's from Italy one from mcadon interesting two different type of ricotta what are you going to do with ricotta so I guess the ricotta is replacing the bamal I usually Basham a nice Basham sauce in my lasagna even though is originally French Basham is very popular in Italian dishes like lasagna one from Italy that has a lot more flavor also the consistency is much smoother one from madana has like a very rough texture if you can see this tomato sauce has reduced and actually that looks beautiful that looks really really good and I put B Leaf in there I did see it it looks good all the flavors that we have been cooking and cooking and cooking have concentrated when you swipe it like this if you can see that it's dry on the bottom which it is still it's a little firm this is good it's good it's very good you may need to add a little bit of water to this just so we have more sauce to use when I know it sounds weird but trust me adding a little bit of milk full cream milk it combines the ingredient more gives you a different color and um I think it's slightly better than water water is fine water is completely fine milk full cream milk will be uh the best I think so for the monzarella de buler since it is a fresh cheese he's using a very good mozzarella guys like it normally use normal mozzarella but this is Buffalo mozzarella so this is going to be even more delicious can be extremely wet and if it's a little that's right it's very creamy too wet what you may want to do is to literally cut it in half or smaller pieces and just try to such a chef dry it off a little bit because we don't want too much water and we don't want to make this super super super wet that's the that's the Buffalo milk that comes out and it could make your lasagna more wet yeah so he's doing a very good job we want to add a little bit of sauce to this you can add just a little bit of tomato sauce if you want but since I don't have any yes I believe it's a good idea bra extra I'm going to add a little bit of bolog you know but uh just a little bit you need to add sauce to the bottom because otherwise you do you do you do you do it's going to be too dry it is a good idea to try to get these as close together as possible sometimes to make these work you have to cut them yeah you cut them or if they are dry you can just break them with your hands but again try to use fresh if you can so sauce pasta sauce pasta rotta oh so the rotta goes on top okay and when you're making the lasagna take your time you know keep in mind this is like layering a sandwich you want to it is it is look I will put parmo cheese and mozzarella too um so the ricotta doesn't go in every layer okay see I will put bamal sauce in each layer not too much just a little bit take your time and think about how you're going to layer it and when layering it I'm going to be adding flavor you B there's no basil going in lasagna and I've been to Bologna trust me there is no basil in lasagna and and it's delicious guys in bologna had some of the best lasagnas ever but I don't see this a problem I don't see this uh I don't believe this is wrong what James is doing is adding flavors with the beautiful Basel in there it doesn't mean it because in bologa they don't do it you can't do it you can do it um that's actually a nice touch me personally I'm not going to put basil in my lasagna but I don't see why not rip it up add a few pieces here and there can add a little bit of Parmesan as well parmesan I like this touching the base with his name is not chopping it because if you chop it the flavors will stay on the chopping board and on the knife you treat basil gently and cut it with your hands this got the parano very good and I'm going to add a little bit of mozzarella not too much I'm just going to add a little bit this just adds to the goodness because this I like this cing with his ends again this is good type of mozzarella since it's Buffalo mozzarella and it's from Italy it has a lot of flavor in it and yeah a lot of flavors it's salty it's rich and flavor FL yeah Cella is a good melting cheese so if you want that gooiness when you go into cutting it be sure to add a lot put the rotta in the middle right okay so another first layer middle layer you have rotta okay now since we did add egg to the rot not much it is going to puff up a little bit oh so there's not a right okay look I never use Rec time lasagna so okay I believe um Sicilian and some people in calabia as well I think they use ricotta in the lasagna so it's not completely wrong it's not traditional from bologa uh but I know that Sicilians do and that's the the way they make they make [Music] lasagna today we're going to be doing four layers you can do so far it looks pretty good after say three minimum at least three this is is why I mean you need to make extra because if you have this little Gap here that's right cuz the bottom layers is see four was enough but as you get to the top you actually is kind of expanding like you need more to fill the top if you know what I mean uh because the the dish is like narrow the bottom and then expands gets wide up so you always need more okay so in this case you should have enough uh but always good to buy an extra packet is shape to buy uh buser sheet okay that little piece rest of the B is on top all right so once you have everything on top we're going to add a little more basil to this what I've learned over there is and trust me you do whatever you want but trust me have a Basel tomato sauce okay that you already have and cover the top layer with that not with the Ragu not with the bolog because the meat now will kind of dry up a little bit and so I just make a basil tomato sauce very plain very very simple or you can even just use Pata if you want to be lazy just use Pata and then you cover the tray the dish the caserole and bacon the reason why is because I don't want to dry the meat on Top This is just me I found this technique very useful James is doing a great job James is doing what most people do what chefs do what people in Italy do too nothing wrong with that but my personal advice my advice is use a Basel sauce for the top layer or a pada if you want to be lazy yes cover the lasagna and put it in the oven then after about 25 minutes you take it out remove the foil put peino cheese or parmesan cheese on top in this case you can also add mozzarella back in the alen and melt that cheese for about 10 minutes now you can add the basil at the end stage when making the B yeah you could do that probably better but um if you like it James it's fine but um I prefer to add it like this you also have the leaves you can see it it's fresh you can distribute it more evenly as well just make sure that you cover it with cheese because otherwise it yes well said well said well said well said so you cover the basil with the cheese so the basil doesn't burn so important such an important detail he said it he cares about details it's very very important even though I might not agree in adding cheese and basil right now but what it just see it amazing amazing amazing amazing so he's taking his time he's covering every single piece of Basil so good well done we're not going to very cheesy and what he's doing it's great be putting a bash on this so we are going to be adding extra cheese to this so we have that color and to prevent the cheese from burning before the lasagna is actually done all we need to do is heat this up to a certain temperature where the cheese inside melts and to where everything all the flavors combine we need to cover this so the cheese on top doesn't burn before that happens and then at the end so important we can raise the temperature in the oven higher put it on broil and then get a nice golden brown color with the cheese Broiler or as we call it in Australia the grill top of the alond it's a good choice um but I will probably keep going fan forc because the broiler or you know the grill can burn the cheese a little bit but if you like the crust the crusty crunchy crust on top of the lasagna then the grill the broiler will do a fantastic job all right now we're going to put this in the oven for about 45 minutes to an hour eventually that's pretty good 45 minutes is H very generous that looks good that looks pretty good that looks really really good the Basel didn't burn the color is good the cheese is good I will just do 10 minutes to make it the the the top part a little bit crusty which I like it otherwise looks like it's ready to me ooh wow you like an extra crusty okay uh James I know you're in Barcelona but are you making CR Brule yeah it looks good it really looks good and I like our Cris on top it's really really good I'm going to let this go down for a few minutes because it's still a little too hot and you do want to check it because we added egg to this to make sure that get to at Le see if you serve it now when it's too hot what you what's going to happen is you put it in the plate and lasna will go flat instead me personally okay I like to have lasagna room temperature I cut it and then I put it in my plate and the lasagna is nothing in Fair doesn't go like there are so many variations of lasagna there's so many different ways you know people say ricotta no ricotta I normally don't use ricotta but uh this lasagna is beautiful and I would love to eat this he did a fantastic job that is delicious and that's very crunchy too you can hear the crunch the thing is though about this is that when you leave this for like a day or so the pasta absorbs more of that flavor so when you yes we'll see we'll see we'll see it tastes better the day after eat this the second day it's even better no yeah I agree I'm with you James you've done a great job I actually want a Minion person James and there's nothing wrong in this video you use beautiful ingredients you've done a very good job uh you put your passion and love in there um what to say James you're good well done can't wait to meet you so guys what do you think of James do you think he did a good job they did a very good job you can teach Jimmy Oliva and Gordon Ramsey how to make lasagna thank you so much for watching this episode I will see you in the next Vincenzo plate reaction videoa venzo plate oh
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 213,765
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Id: btxaZMBXlZE
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Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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