Private Pilot Lesson 2

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estás your laughter yeah weather so I need to yeah push that in weathers 25:37 Knoxville Knoxville downtown Island Airport automated weather observation one six one zero two the wind variable at zero five visibility more than one zero sky condition clear below 1 mm temperature 1/2 dew point minus one altimeter three zero two niner remarks we advise the downtown I want air okay and we'll just set field elevation yep 830 and then check your barometric pressure and we got three zero two diner around together about five miles to the south 2,000 feet it sounds up okay weather copy check transponder standby which is on correct yep put it on altitude they change this change the rule now they want it on altitude from the time you taxi to the time you were shut down and it's all what's it on yeah put it on altitude there you go okay let's see we're good and we've got none of that have lights on a night we're not at night taxi area clear looks good yup flaps with the cap on 71 stared over three miles to the release it's filled with sound with four zero town helicopter 390 papa right downwind faces stuff yeah we'll pull for do brake check help watch this guy them right all right you break check all right put your flower back to the south check your parting every field will ever think I left for zero a forward-looking thousand feet okay hold on here take it off and roll forward a little bit take your feet off the brakes now play your part brake see if it stops here there you go that's what he wants to see gotcha all right chicken rider go and we're ready to taxi correct yep we call radio tell them we're going like say downtown Cessna for our sky Hawk four three two one Romeo is taxing from the fuel farm to runway 8 autumn traffic cessna 4 3 3 1 Romeo is taxing from fuel farm to runway 8 0 I would help bro go straight over cause fitzy live it down went through 308 sorry I mean your taxi taxi with either power or brakes but not both at the same time unless you're coming around country now Joey Potter party gate downtown right driver we don't have right traffic I said affiliate is eight miles to the east and downtown where eight zero correct yeah bro a hundred look at the wind side always want to take off into the wind that one's showing pretty good spirit Delta zero axis be good perfect perfecto that storm came through last night we had a lot of thunderstorm activity at our at our place in Sevierville yeah that's some rainism thunder enough to freak out the ten-year-old yep it must have been like us say give her like a set landing mr. Pitts yours I'm will give the credit to Oh marking mark here guys might look for a spare airplane so far got one pound that was a lousy landing sound pack a little faster this dr. Rob the other day we is out this planet for about 20 minutes yeah I got rerun up yep just stay on the yellow line yellow brick road get that nose wheel right on it way around so if anybody else wants to come traffic card access Juliet Golf is three and a half miles to the seats we'll be entering the downwind for runway no no come on dear yellow light here let me let me get it let me jump it over you got to have your nose wheel straight you want to be on this yellow line all these little deals paint a picture to the examiner so you know it's attention to detail and you'll get it but you want to be on that line and you want to have those rudder pedals even okay or you won't be able to get a good rudder check when you go to check your flight controls okay brake on take your time with your checklist okay let's see here taxi does have traffic light nice until we hit golf on the downwind for runway eight doors windows latched okay my door and my window is latched and my seatbelts on my shoulder our song extra wrist we hold that out until we take offered no you can put it in okay 1700 you got the brakes on we're good alright you're going to do your bags you're going to go real slow now one two okay check your drop there you want to hold your right hand on that okay go to two all right there's a good drop back to both now what do want back to boat good okay and it was car Pete pulled out the paratha yep I'm gonna drop suction five but that runs these two instruments your attitude indicator and directional gyro that fails that pump fails you lose those two those whole fresh is in the green a little temperature a little cool not warmed up yet ammeter positive throttle 900 will pull it back trims take off we're good flight controls pleat free all right our only forward all the way to the left all the way back around the horn do that three times check both ailerons your elevator and when you're looking back there get your brothers to check flight instruments we're going to do the flow pattern correct start with your airs being at air speed is up and down yep I'll set this we pull it out now there we go what do you think here right now ah no senator I said do it gone forever isn't happening live just tweak it up just a little bit get in the middle okay so the heading you got you got your vor frequency in there tune it I had that Morse code okay and you're in v-loc not GPSS GPSS v-loc so you got your frequencies 123 9 is a NOx approach we'll get a flight following if they're not too busy over there okay Qatar vor let's put a waypoint in here and you can do it two ways the easiest way scroll it out to about 20 miles south perfect 5 - all right don't hit your cursor all right now hit direct and enter twice all right now scroll it out to 20 miles you're all set okay come down just an operative or on altitude 1240 fr there's nothing on your checklist you got to just go for a float neither do we know this is good vertical speed zero that's correct we need a shadow set this or that's your directional gyro 20 about 237 and two 40s good 1940 yeah all right that's good wings level is on the race looks level fluid in the race okay two more items on your checklist okay landing light on put a both on both on flats are up good let them know we're going you put your checklist up is there floor that's good we're going to say three one Romeo taxi to four two eight zero take it off a runway to it take it off runway to it downtown the start of the new transmissions downtown traffic cessna 3-1 rubio taxi to eight for departure downtown okay what time you've taken off a you that's what we're going to do go ahead young start your roll then all all the way back then jump we're taking off runway when you tell them your taxi if they think you just taxing it over to here Alan of traffic 4 3 3 1 Romeo is taxing to take off runway 8 0 I'll help that's a traffic sign I 7 Juliet golf clear the exes SL what did they have four airplanes over there they have 170 mm Oh 150 200 150 bunch of different ones for this one I was have eight flight instructors this guy's had every one of them ok let's use all our runway check clear here clear out there yep I could yourself right in the middle put some power on all right square to build the runway anticipate that you're going to the airplane is going to want to veer to the left due to torque and D factor and slipstream so try to keep us right in the middle flight runner yep drop your feet all the way down to the bottom of those rudder pedals and pull power put that about right there to keep your hand on your brow there you go and we'll 2:16 then we'll rotate there you go pull back good takeoff now push forward a little bit take your left foot put it back by the seat you don't need it for climb and get your trim set so you don't have any pressure on the stick all right look at the ball you got a football steady pressure and hold it on just enough not right there then just keep that constant keep that steady pressure constant even long in the middle or if your pitch attitude to give you 80 how many years ago were you over there at all branched off the tape mm Oh for Lord six well you got a good memory man you remember your instructors name you buckle took lessons from them too oh did he really go did you ever get his license heat my uncle did yeah he's instrument commercial Wow yep they never get anything with it but no that's actually what got me got me flying the first time was him doing it well get that play if you're going to get a commercial get the flight instructor cuz it's you don't there's no time limit on it or anything like that then you can use up with it and we'll go up to 3,000 thousand yep and hit for housebound over there alright now you prize did you guys ever get like following from Memphis Center when you were out in the practice area I don't remember doing that okay well this is 23 9 and I'm going to call them and tell them to look out for us ok the height of this traffic calls and everything it's a free service it saved my life twice in the last two years I mean would have been MIT Aires I mean it was yep but very very close so a lot of instructors don't want to do it they think it's a pain in the ass after it it'll save you like awful and the guys love it they love to do it for you that's what they're there for got it that's approach that's before 3 3 1 Romeo 3 1 Romeo left approach we're just off downtown we're headed for the house bound practice area we'd like some flight following if you have time please he'll give us a score we'll put it in cup he gave more Romeo for code zero three three four zero three three four okay go ahead put it in three seven seven three two Julie tango contact traffic to the Paseo 25.0 he'll call out traffic points 5.5 ion force it's great we had an accident when I was at Sky Ranch and a guy flew into a thunderstorm at night in one of the 150s and he lived out of it destroyed the airplane but they asked him why in the hearing why he wasn't up the flight following from Chattanooga and he says his instructor told him never to do that Wow can you imagine that flew right into a thundersense what they're there for right now I'm doing anchors traffic about five to six o'clock and that's impossible in longer than I do so push your nose down look at the natural horizon start rubbing it down November to one Yankee all right now it let your ears we go above 100 and then pull it back to 2200 rpm but keep looking to see your horizons coming up that means you're climbing you meet more nose down trim see has the airplanes accelerating your left you're gaining more lift yeah all right now pull your power back to 2,300 20 to put that the edges of the green hello everyone Romeo credit contact four miles northeast of downtown a three thousand I'll flood them attorney without in honor what with your request 3:02 night we're just going to be outfit over it just like supply following some thrilling Romeo Rudra without fit about three thousand all right leave mixture up Oh nearby thirty-five coming to 3604 six out convoy 3575 muscle departure better cuz I maintain ones but you get to listen to the radio are getting back around and that'll help your skills would talk about these talk proof tomboy 3575 maintain that okay whatever what happens in a turn nine o'clock and parvathi first of all you adverse you're the nose wants to go in the opposite direction so that's why you have to put rudder end of the now when you're established in your angle of bank there is no more adverse yaw take your foot off the rudder all right and you also lose lift in a turn so you got a compensate for that anything they looking on the on the warding off the natural horizon so let's just do a couple of a couple of turns let's come to the left first left yep aileron and rudder put that rudder in there and I want you to overuse it when we first start all right now take your foot off of it now come back to the right aileron and rudder simultaneously now keep it a little bit longer let okay now take it out 354 to 442 foot them girl turn coming alright back to the left rudder in aileron at the same time now that was nice keep it in you're taking it out too long or too too soon okay let it kind of stabilize at the angle value 5 okay let's come back to the right track to maintain was the reason I hang on this this basic flying double perfect I get guys with a lot of flight time and they never touched the rudder they never use it alright let's go back to the left rudder is kind of a lost art then we must put off the rudder thank oh god they try out they - the first one 25.5 pretty nice pretty nice alright let's come back to the right have a great day alright now I want you to go all the way around 360 degrees about you're about a 30-degree angle Bank right there take it all the way over 3,000 of our filling foot look at the natural horizon get your eyes at the line Afeni 1/3 plate 30-degree angle of bank and very that right don't work so I'll try to track it around the horizon little bumpy out here it's very good always try to apply with your fingertips and whether they keep above the air filter for this frequency or on the ground one to 1.7 what the reactive rajarao for cancellation receives three or four chains of us well you get around the house let's reverse it use your ail around and your rudder simultaneously alright reverse there you go now hold the steady pressure on that rudder now take it out very nice it always is a little bumpy when with one of those fronts come through tip pressure that's in back of it basically but when you were in school did you guys ever go over the lift formula what creates lift yes okay I'll give you a little bit for that since you got a good background on that I hope you understand trimming and so forth another to do so Michael if he contacts Atlanta center one three three point six one three three seven seven seven Delta whiskey contact mouthful proton one one eight point zero one one eight point zero three five seven so fifteen natural first Bobby Stefan stick to very few seven Catholic cooling off the functional Emma two three three or two ways verify at 5:05 give me a turn to the right where it's only a 180 turn to the right down to 5500 we'd like to start a VFR defense November 2001 six elude appendage or discourage several more three when Romeo traffic three miles east your position three thousand inbound for downtown is a speech Sarah okay we'll keep an eye out for thank you if you just turn back to the north a little bit they'll go faster and won't be effect all right we're fast two one zero and we'll come back to the north to the north got it the air surface fq la paz lemon half cross 30 at 11 with Oscar alright there you go there's well there's what a flight following is worth right here right now there's a table I like it okay let's do a let's do a couple of progressive stalls here as a matter of fact let's now let's come left let's come back around to the left I want to head back towards that cement plant that was good rudder very good now if you're going somewhere on a cross-country just as a VFR pilot might go over to your destination it's just like flying are you got everything V apart but they're giving you calls and you know keeping you out of air spaces that you should be in its priorities are important but yes authority does that's the real Romeo to using one way to downtown affirmative performative runway 8 and the Redis over terminators fault just going out here yeah alright now I want you to pull you put your car per hour your mixture in full rich yep that will be three when Romeo the traffic is now about nine o'clock and four miles indicate 2500 what though alright we're looking for about two I'm Romeo westbound fingers of Akira offer that the maintain said of those 7000 sub-q off no keep giving us okay get your run through vector Romeo convict generator heat out operator he don't weigh out with have a clear power all the way to idle all the way back to the mics out at the lattice enter one three all right now I want you to trim it up sir those things right over horizon I take your hands off see how you're doing okay that's good now we're going to do is I gave up free these little love no fiber aggressive stalls but most your helix Roger on your yoke just pull it back and when it stalls let it for those down really let it real easy almost have to hold it back okay all right let it increase we're going to do these down to about 2,000 feet now tell me what what airspeed we stall out there this time 45 yeah there you go all right I'm gonna we're going to do a couple more these are called progressive stalls they just get you know one with the other traffic now just off of the southeast be a 2200 we had the traffic yep yes sir we do hold it back let it stall see you tell you want a stall right it likes to fly yeah you want more there you go now hold that stick all the way back pull it all the way back into your lap there's a stall that it down real easy okay let's level off at 2,000 put your power back on and give me a left turn here I want to go around that okay car beat in and push it goes down strip it down because we had a lot of nose up treatment they're seniors upset seal off I have their fourth spot in some coffin thank you for adding one seven zero percent a fourth oh okay just hold me at 2,000 feet push down a trip down trip that nose down take me around that stack right there two times I'm try to hold your 2,000 feet get it all trimmed up alright turn around a point yeah just keep your turn in there they got a look at your point though look at the horizon that don't chase that out timber just look at the rise and try to cycle it out on the horizon so those on the right pick me around here a couple times all right now look at your point you're supposed to be looking at your point about 70% of the time because it's a ground reference but over seeing a seven killed off with four visual proton away five lift press the finger five left Eli now don't use it once you're in your turn here don't use any rudder right now you don't need it work yourself down a 2,000 very good pretty good it's amazing how it comes back to you quick you know yeah okay have you had what I got to do it today but have you had time to study those slow flight approach and departure stalls I have okay just get those commit those the memory next time well tomorrow I think we're on tomorrow right what he going yeah yeah a lot more turnaround we'll go over those three tomorrow okay okay get get going on those as your you're ahead of the curve here and what you do in investment over you're trying to see what the winds doing to you obviously the wind is blowing us into it right now and you vary your angle a bank to maintain a constant radius around there that's the idea these in your 70 awful concept our one to one point to what I want to was a circular all right Kevin take us home alright let's see here oldest of two thousand two thousand and there's a knock so so we'll be over here somewhere alright look for that jump does that dump there's your golf course right there there's the dump right here right on your nose that's our entry point for both runways okay go midfield crosswind from there here's the other way hit direct hit D and hit enter twice there give you a nice line right to the airport and let's go on down to 1800 settle the entry and we want to make a call we're proximately three miles northeast tell everybody we're inbound for runway eight we're three miles northeast and inbound for runway eight island up traffic cessna three three one Romeo is it bound for a zero I'll help three miles from Romeo that's still enough approach ready Silverstone edit and change rather good things are there for three over Leon thank you all right that's my fault now you can tell mikage cover your heat out power to two thousand see downtown says to Fort Smith on Romeo is mile and a half north east and we're entering a downwind for runway eight out of traffic cessna four three three one Romeo is mild half to the Northeast entering left-hand traffic eight zero I'll help all right go ahead and turn downwind yeah hold up 1,800 feet head for the Sunspear the middle to come out on ramp taxi to runway eight down all right now work yourself back up to 1800 that's where everybody's lookin for us Oh three top other party knows low tax away from the field farm right track all right when we get to the bridge we're going to push pull turn trip we're going to push our nose down pull our power to idle start our turn new notches and those up trim and we're going to look on the final and give themselves a belly check make sure nobody's coming in to ruin our day pull your power back to two thousand we need to go down to 1800 we don't want a high start here push your right on down there's your bridge push all the way back on the power early back for lya downtown all right put your nose on that apartment building there you go look out here make sure nobody's coming in and three one Romeo's up face turn five all right ringing final look at threader in there now look around the corner so you don't over or undershoot all right now good landings are the result of a real study pitch attitude take your hands off the controls real quick you need some nose down trim and work fast we're fast here because for the north wind on the base pushed us so put your left wing down for a slip right rudder full right rudder all the way as far as you can go this increases you're ready to descent without it now use your aileron I'll keep your keep your rudder in there and use your LS for directional control all right now you can kick it out fly it right down to the runway and we're fast we had a tail win there now just parallel the runway can't we're up here three night probably take their eyes off the runway there's two little hills way of the distance now hold your eyes on those two little Hills and just be patient with it now high forties I'll show your brakes about that put both hands on you yolk and pull it all the way back both hands on you yo both hands all the way back that throws the elevator up for aerodynamic braking all right let's get off the runway we got a guy that's right back this year I tell everybody we're clear of runway 8 out on traffic four three three one of you is clear our weight zero I don't know all right let's get on our straight away and then you never want to read a checklist why your taxiing so we'll do a flow pattern and clean our airplane up hold that all the way back okay now use your just use your rudder pedal spell use your brake all right let's get up make sure our flaps are up first on this flow pattern flaps up flaps are up lean your mixture an inch carburetor heat in landing lights off Center your trim back up Bri knocked off your Papa Ferrari so it goes one two three four five just a little flow pattern and we want to taxi and we want to park our airplane into the wind so let's go around the tanks okay yeah charlie popeck there you go right on that little line there the two asphalt I pull your power back for you fella right now get far enough up here so the next guy can't have a chance to hit that taxi right when he turns right there okay brake on and read you're after landing and secure checklist transponder stamp on mMmmm flaps up good mixture only one-inch carburetor heat cold landing light off trim reset we're good engine shutdown electrical and avionics off so do we we just turn the switch off yeah yeah just go all the way to the left on that one Oh 1200 we leave it where it is then we need to go to 12 I put it 1200 because it'll love shut that fuel valve off better error idle cutoff Oh way back pull all the way back go to good seat so that valve sets ition off on the prop stops faster switch off goodbye
Channel: Tommy Thomasson
Views: 146,823
Rating: 4.8654261 out of 5
Keywords: Private Pilot Licence, KDKX, Island Home, airport, flight training, Knoxville (City/Town/Village), flying lessons, Flight Instructor (Profession), john burt, DKX, cessna 172, cfi, island home airport, landing, gopro, airplane, plane, fly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2015
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