flying into OSHKOSH

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just spilled oil all over my shoes and all over the ground off to a great start [Music] today we're flying from ann arbor michigan to oshkosh wisconsin for eaa airventure this is my first time going to oshkosh let alone going to any airshow so i'm pretty excited i'm flying in the bonanza with my friend emma and my friends jimmy and james are flying in with us in a club 172. after giving them a little bit of a head start emma and i finished packing up the plane it started up and took off for oshkosh bonanza literally hauls so much stuff crazy i literally wouldn't buy it today okay so seat belts are good doors and windows i'll close that in a minute circuit breakers are all in electrical switches are off i want that on avionics masters are position set house flaps are open car key's off mixture is rich prop is auto fall forward throttle burns keeper all the way ready ready to go clear okay cool run the rest of our checklist i guess because we can avionics masters on lights will turn our taxi light on flaps are up ann arbor municipal airport ann arbor michigan automated weather observation one one five six zulu wind calm visibility niner okay so we're taking sky condition clear and tower opens in three minutes which is annoying that is zero zero seven good morning good morning trim is set to take off make sure it's rich bottle up to 1900 mag check prop is coming over to manual and down fuel quantity looks good oil temperature and pressure look good fuel pressure is good doors and windows landing lights coming on taxi light is off you ready to roll yes let's go hannibal tower bonanza five nine or two with charlie holding short runway two four ready for departure vfr to the west side ninety two one shelley and arbor tower runway two four clip to take off right turn westbound two four clipper king car off uh right turn off course steel charlie okay finals clear runway's clear upwards clear air speeds coming up temperature pressure both look like they're in the green there's 60. positive rate we're going to bring the gear up [Music] lights off gears up so we're basically on course right now yeah we are all right prop is coming back to 23. and i'm not even going to need sunglasses but it's so humid outside already my hair is just like oh so frizzy already thank god you brought your straightener because i know it's going to be rough out there never too much good day have a good one too charlie before where is kenosha actually it's south of milwaukee i think like literally right over here three five zero serious park five seven three seven oh yeah there it is yeah okay cool yeah detroit approach good morning bonanza five niner two one charlie vfr request okay three five zero to contact tomorrow southwest limited county airport metropolitan three zero zero six hello detroit coach good morning bonanza five niner two on charlie's vfr request ben has a five one two one charlie do you try to first walk four seven one seven four seven one seven and that's bonanza five niner two one charlie all right please call me back sir hello hope he does not care where we're going wow november 2-1 charlie say your request but it is a five night or two on charlie's type bravo echo three five at thousand six hundred climbing four thousand five hundred request flight following to kenosha wisconsin echo november whiskey number two and charlie roger you're right or contact one zero miles west of the ann arbor airport maintained via party channel number three zero zero six maintain vfr three zero zero six charlie for further advisories contact great lakes approach 118.65 18652 and charlie have a good one so angry great lakes approach bonanza five niner two one charlie four thousand five hundred december 500 charlie approach uh thanks altimeter three zero zero eight three zero zero eight kilo charlie do you read that back three thousand climbing ten yeah okay i do too i kind of want to brief the approach too like along the way yeah you have the um like the sheet there you go i looked at it but i like don't like i remember how to do it so i'm not worried about it but yeah okay so all these different transitions they're gonna like let us know where they've been broadcasting which one is [Applause] [Applause] listen for a minute maybe i'll somebody just say it always just go the old approach yeah okay we'll just do that then approach bonanza five nine or two on charlie 4 500. financial 521 charlie release approach champions zero zero seven two charlie okay so we just have to let fisk approach know flight of two bonanza and cessna i guess six eight six zero hotel contact approach one eight point five five you say eighteen fifty five six year hotel [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hotel uh radar services is terminated blocked via car and if you like to use by following a distally uh you contact chicago personnel one two eight point two one twenty eight point two at three and our radar thursday termination all right we'll talk chicago on one to eight point two in the dfr hotel don't cancel me kicking them off number five nine two one charlie that says traffic after 12 o'clock five miles also um [Applause] yeah okay but there's a five nine or two in charlie 4 500 and we have the traffic at our 12 o'clock at night 5921 charlie chicago approach roger earl here midway outsiders three zero zero five say destination 305 at destination is kenosha wisconsin echo november whiskey they got canceled we did looking for advisories today again [Applause] we're just in front of 2-1 charlie also going to kenosha we're with them 4 500. i'll [Applause] like 12 30ish are they above or below the face they're above the like oh i see them yeah okay cool another 6-0 hotel you said you're going to go underneath the bravo up the shoreline i would rather go under it way better [Applause] same altitude westbound uh overtaking by about 39. should i give him a wave suckers [Applause] charlie maintain vfr out or below 2 000 for your transition past midway's uh final approach they'll be coming across the shore at 3 000. bfr below 2000 500 traffic uh in the midway will be across north at 3 000 maintain vfr at or below 2000. all right we'll keep the defense to just below 2000. all right [Applause] charlie contact approach one two seven eight seven one two seven point eight seven two and charlie have a good one approach bonanza five nine or two on charlie 3100 descending to 2000. number five charlie chicago approach uh midway up number three zero zero five three zero zero five six eight six zero two thousand three hundred descending one thousand nine [Applause] [Applause] stay outside the bravo airspace three three zero five and remain outside the bravo five under two of charlie 686 hotel chicago approach your temperature three zero zero five stay outside the bravo air space you're probably not gonna climb for another oh 20 miles or so you could climb up if you want underneath it just be advised there's gonna be multiple aircraft and mountain tool here descending to four and three thousand okay we'll climb up here the previous controller had it's under two altimeter three zero zero five visual approaches in use landing and departing runways two five right and left advise and initial contact give information charlie do you want charlie you're going on the east side of the west side of uh waukegan west side we can either we can go on the east uh 2-1 show there's a skyline 12 o'clock in two miles same direction 2 300. look at the traffic here kylie so number two on charlotte if you want to go ahead and climb up but you could climb maintain vfr or at the 3500 equipment the bravo the gate on top of that aircraft coming to three thousand five hundred cleared through two okay five one one one and say you're left here two and charlie has a traffic sight if i'm right kill mike just be advised midway is landing runway two two left all right carol mike thanks sir oh my god glass of water number two one charlie radar service is terminated squawk vfr contact kenosha tower 118.6 squawk vfr and over to tower two and charlie have a good one all right i can take it all right pull the pin out with your other hand easier that way yep and then flip it there you go kenosha tower good morning bonanza five nine or two one charlie nine miles to the south with information charlie and mount full stop that's what you want charlie knows good morning report entering the uh left downwind or base whatever you're better set up for for two five left report two hours report two out and report entering name left down under base for runway two five left two but harley bonanza five nine or two one charlie is two miles to the south on a 45 to left downward runway two five one answer two internally one two six zero at five runway two five left clear lamp two five left clear to land right okay we're gonna rip it into a bank props back in auto all right [Music] gas is on the fullest tank under carriage light indicator make sure full rich prop is coming full forward auto and seat belts here's down here's down we felt to come down all right gas is on the fullest tank undercarriage light indicator mixture full wrench proper board auto and seat belts adjustable locked vinyls [Music] kenosha air kenosha aviation whichever one it is do you know charlie charlie turn right at delta that next intersection text to the raptors frequency right at delta texas with you too and charlie thank you all right so flaps are coming up in the green we'll turn the landing lights off um the city spot this one is just like further ahead like there's one right there that's down radios are coming off uh we did it we did it kind of [Music] [Applause] [Music] kenosha aviation with information delta ready for taxi and shelly richard make a right train on the ramp and uh runway two five right text would be a delta one bravo alpha and cross three three at delta one but let me get one two two seven five yep kenosha tower bonanza five niner two one charlie holding short runway two five right ready for departure a few northwestbound charlie kenosha tower runway two five right click or take up proceed on course two five right clear for takeoff on course two one charlie all right our air speed is starting to come alive temperature pressure both of the green all right pause heading yes it'll be 336 if we're going to rip on it looks like six-year hotel is taking a different heading so we can follow them if you want let's follow them headings three two three i don't know if you're currently looking for flight following uh negative two on charlotte i have no additional traffic for you frequency changes have a good one charlie hotel are you up hello hello where are you guys direct to we're direct away right now still can't get the adidas uh you're back right i'm trying to slow down right now sorry oh we looking perfect oh are they right there yeah oh cool i don't have any sights so they are yeah they're just off our tail on the right silver dc three contact oshkosh tower one two six point sixty three roger davis when you want to slow down to ninety oh not till we get the away i think [Applause] [Music] at the fuckaway transition [Applause] okay so what am i doing next you are just following the south shoreline of all these lakes so just follow the south shoreline here like go a little bit closer to your hotel there this plane is stressing me out they're like right [Music] so we've got like a little ways to chill retail southwest of fish rocky southwest assist monitor tower 118.5 still follow the south shoreline and a half mile southwest just gonna follow this lake this lake shoreline all the way south like this right maintain 1800 feet i don't know what this guy behind us is doing like he's gonna have to slow down a lot is there any flight green lake at this time affirmative there's a flight uh bonanza and 172 south of greenlake [Applause] there's another i know there's multiple planes like way less than half a mile i don't know i feel like i said we're a bonanza 172 so we should know he should know yeah approach bonanza in the flight that's just south of greenville lake we are a flight of two just to confirm financial flight roger shooting about low wing half mile southwest of fisk rocky wings yeah so on the other side here it's just on there's like a road also and then the railroad track is just nothing like that we've still got a ways to go until then we've got what is it like 10 miles probably okay these are the railroad tracks right here yes okay look at that 1890 on the dock nailed it this is so much fun i know look at them so cool that we're gonna get literally the whole approach on video people on tick tock are gonna be like what's that yeah what are you doing five miles to go until fish cherokee half mile south west of fisk rock your wings right behind us has finally gotten to 0.5 miles behind us oh good but the problem is he has two other people behind him who are too close too we're almost at fifth banana flight half mile southwest of brisk rocky rings all right good rock there for that flight to the northeast along the railroad tracks enter a right downwind for over the gravel pit for runway two seven maintain one thousand eight hundred feet until you start your downwind turn and begin descending also monitor tower 118.5 okay we are going to switch back to the left tank now okay so check it to the left all right so now the runway in sight you just follow the railroad tracks until you're ready to turn into that one okay cool i see it what's the order of the dots so it goes orange green white okay you'll probably get orange or green yeah definitely where did they go where'd they go put it on our other side now okay okay are you over the gravel pit oh no we're not yet i think it's pretty far yeah it's like right off the departure end of uh two seven okay oh boy here we go orange dot has 4 600 feet of runway green has three thousand one hundred cool flight of two over the gravel bit starts to decent props coming back to pull forward and auto gas is on the left hand undercarriage light indicator make sure full wrench before it auto and seat belts which dot though they'll tell you as you come into final box coming down gas is on the full stain kind of occurred we have the light in the indicators prior to reaching the shoreline okay we're going to push it here then yeah it's quite a two-turn base now right right to the orange dot all the way around to the orange dot lane on the green dot runway two steps so orange dot quickly land on the green dot yes so just keep the turn coming you think yep all right turn right to the orange and then green gas is on fullest tank undercarriage light indicator look at all those departures yeah that's wild over the gravel pit start your descent [Music] that's not the ground pit don't forget your gear that would not be good [Music] [Applause] quota land on the green dot 1.27 oh that's it you're high on the downwind it needs you to pick up your descent keep keep descending on the midfield all right so we can pull off midfield also drop your gear you need your gear down the lane hold on fly to turn left into the grass on the runway welcome to oshkosh
Channel: Stevie Triesenberg
Views: 350,194
Rating: 4.9118156 out of 5
Id: 8r9WLEb2OUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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