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welcome to the vlog and welcome to moonville papua new guinea my name is ryan we're just 13 miles from indonesian border heading back to we hack so let's go get started fuel on [Music] he's coming up nice right check it for hot starts hunk starts hot starts is basically as it's continuing on with the yellow on the red but it did right generator on top forward our b2 on which is the way that our home base could track us alternating around in the aux bus all right let's get our air going stinking hot here all right fuel caps and selectors let's go to the top just so i'm not on this side slope here all stations move the 126 decimal seven november tango kilo taxi moonville for our correction we whack we'll be on cloud one seven thousand all stations move bill well it's a really really nice day out for a flight back to we whack kind of a long flight so i thought i'd take the flight and just share with you why i'm a bush pilot here in papua new guinea so yeah when we get airborne we'll start talking about that all right field caps and selectors are good controls are good turn off our train awareness system switches and instruments i'm empty today so i'll be rotating at 53 knots and 62 knots if i had to come back in bank six five nine or eight november tango kilo taxi november tango kilo taxi moon bill we whack one pob flaps are good trimming the board let's get our trim starting to move where we want it to be i do full right rudder trim for takeoff i'm going to have 35 knots by those yellow cones on the left the first yellow cones if i'm not by that 35 i'm empty i should be full reverse heavy braking cut off pull off and shut up if we're going off we're just going to continue straight ahead all the way off if we need to after takeoff i'm going to pitch for 85 knots consider epl come on dog get out of the way he's small enough even if he walked under my prop it'd still be okay come on people i'm not throwing away there you go anyways let's start back over after takeoff pitch for 85 consider epl consider feather otherwise 80 full flaps cut out pull off and shut off emergencies crack my door masters all off ignition lights harnesses 32 degrees out at 3 000 14 20 14 correction 1370 for 1420 and the reason why there's a difference is because we're in bypass and you do it 50 under apparent bypass that's why all right harnesses idle and governor check we've already done our taxi calls a 1370 rotated 53 mission condition flaps 20 one harnesses and no dog i'm just going to lock my elbow in so i'm not just bouncing all over the place [Music] all right there we go all right here's pizza live there's 35 ounce my way down oh there we go see what i mean all right now's over get my speed up and we'll climb out at 73 knots at 740 on the itt there's 73 oh climbing out i was climbing out at 2200 feet i think now it's getting back down to around 1100 or so anyways i am completely empty which definitely helps a lot let's go ahead and make our turn out clear the hill and once we're over this hill we'll just nose back over get our air speed back up over 85 then we'll start taking our flaps out there's 85 20 degrees of flaps over 90 will go zero degrees and let's bring our prop back to 2000 rpm we'll climb at 100 knots that way i can throw the autopilot on if it's below 100 knots you can't use the autopilot so i'm just gonna climb out right at 100 knots so i can use that i'm gonna get around this next hill right here and then we'll get on course for we whack we've got like 8 000 foot mountain right there i'm only at 4 600 so there's lots of clouds always we'll go around that and then we'll be on our way all right landing light off bypass and ignition turned off thanks six five niner eight november tango kilo departure november tank aquila departed moonville time one zero we'll be tracking zero five nine or correction zero five seven on climb one seven thousand estimating overhead hound three-niner i'll see some moonbow one two six decimal seven kodiak november tango kilo departed moon bill for we passing six thousand four hundred on climb at one 7 000 all right now that we're just about clear these little hills right here we can almost get a horse now an hour and eight minutes back to we whack from out here if you guys fly sims uh this is a really fun place to come into i think it's already on x-plane 11 and i'm pretty sure probably beyond a flight simulator 2020 as well but it is on x-plane just standard but i think the identifier is incorrect for it i've had a lot of comments down below a lot of questions why i'm doing this job here in papua new guinea why am i not with the airlines if am i ever going to go to the airlines and how i got my job here as a bush pilot so i thought i'd cover some of that today i haven't yet just because i want to keep this uh strictly flying channel and i don't really want to go into my personal details that much so i fly with a mission organization called ethnos 360 aviation and our main focus for being here in papua new guinea is tribal church planning so you might agree with that you might disagree with that to be honest i really don't care but that's why i'm here i want to be a part of tribal church planning and i didn't really feel like my gifts and abilities were in speaking and preaching and things like that so i actually went into aviation i actually went into aviation when i was 19 got my pilot's license in michigan at a community college and after like a year and a half i was like yeah this is so boring like i don't think i could just stay here and drone along and did without any purpose it was really boring i definitely could not do airlines because i wanted to have i wanted to do something that i felt had purpose in life and i really do get a sense of purpose here i really enjoy the fact that i get to fly for people i get to be feeling like i'm helping people every day so i really do enjoy the aspect but more importantly i wanted to be a part of tribal church planning and ethnos 360 aviation their main focus is to assist the tribal church planters so that what i mean by tribal church planters is missionaries have gone into these tribes to not only present the gospel to them but to translate they teach them how to read they actually come up with an alphabet for these because these are png there's like 800 plus languages they actually break their language down develop a alphabet for them and actually teach them to read their own tribal language so they're doing more than just presenting the gospel to them so that's the reason why i'm doing what i'm doing i really don't have much of a desire to go fly for the airlines i think i would enjoy it for a little bit but i don't think i would have the sense of purpose behind it as much as this so that's why i really enjoy what i do here and to be honest this isn't like any other flying in the world except maybe indonesia or philippines or something like that but anyways i really enjoy what i do and also the other question i get a lot is how did i get my job as a bush pilot here so because i apply with this mission organization it's probably a lot different than a lot of other companies i don't know specifically what a lot of the other companies require i would guess they would require at least a thousand hours of total time probably some turbine time because they don't fly piston engines here in this country anymore they used to have some operators that flew cessna 206s but nobody flies those anymore all right that chime just let me know it's four degrees celsius outside so flip out my keto heat even though it's perfectly clear out i still get in the habit of it just also somehow there's the yellow flashing thing the whole way home anyways like i was saying i fly for rednose 360 aviation and i got my job with them because i was going into missions originally so i went through all of their missionary training and then went through their missionary aviation training which was another nine months out in arizona i'll leave a link down below to their website if you are interested in mission aviation go check it out to find out what exactly we do if you wanted more information but yeah we went out to avia out to arizona we did basically push training on some really really short runways in a cessna 206. i think the shortest one was like 900 feet long or something like that it was fun it was really fun all right it's getting chilly in here i'm just passing 15 000 feet so the reason why i'm heading back at 17 000 feet rather than just like let's say 11 000 feet is because it will save me 40 pounds of fuel which isn't really tons but over the year it does add up but really the main thing was is i had passengers going out to moonville and that gave me an extra 40 pounds that i could put on and we lack to go out that way just to be able to get them the most amount of weight possible all right i need to go ahead and text the guy in wewhack to let him know that what time my eta is and we whack i'm almost at 17 000 feet so once i level off the gps will spit out what time i'm expected to get there all right there we are at 17 000 my speed's gonna probably speed up just a couple of knots not really that much maybe 119 at most i'm thinking that's what it usually does [Applause] then i'm just going to go ahead and bring my pork and my itd itt down so bring my itt down to 700 and that's where we'll let it set cruising back to wewhack all right we're just 50 miles to run a wee whack about 18 more minutes to go show you how i'm going to set up my descent profile flight plan button come down here i've already put in a thousand feet because i want to be a thousand feet over top of the field and i'm actually gonna put it in vertical track a thousand feet so i can just stay my altitude for as long as possible it's just about half a descent right now that's what that little tod is then it also puts a little top of descent right on the main map page as well but as you can see from this camera here i've got a filter on it finally to where it's starting to get the prop blower out of it it's a 32 neutral density 32 that's the biggest one today or the darkest one they make anyways someone on instagram bought that for me i i remember you i have to go look up your name again but thank you so much for getting that i really do appreciate it now that i have that i really want to get one for this camera up here as well as the side camera so i'm going to order those as well just so i can get rid of that and just blur the props you don't have to see it anymore i hate it as much as you do too lazy to buy them because it's such a pain to get anything here anyways that was betty letting us know it's top of descent so i turned my altitude select here all the way down to a thousand feet hit my vertical speed and flip that down to about 800 feet initially and it'll zoom past 800 right up to a thousand and then i do two more clicks up to a thousand also as i'm pitching over now my speed's going to increase my coordination is going to be out so i'm going to take out a little bit of that right rudder trim or put it in left right or trim however you want to think of it and the little blue cyan arc on the screen is going to let me know where i'm going to actually get to my altitude what my plan is is to get into wee whack is to basically get to a thousand feet fly overhead the winds are coming from the east kind of the southeast today so i will just do a left-hand pattern left out one and land on runway one zero all right let's turn off my keto heats yes it is still below five degrees but i don't really care because we're going down into hot see big weather all right i also take off my oxygen below 14 000 now if you're wondering well how much does the oxygen cost is it really cost savings as far as like if you were to go up high as opposed to not use oxygen and whatnot we figured out it's like three dollars per pilot per hour so if we had two and here it obviously is like six bucks so yes it is a lot cheaper using oxygen and flying low positions kodiak november tango kilo 2 8 miles to the west southwest on the 240 radio passing at 1 2 000. estimating we wack time one four all right let's take our autopilot off of our just gps gpss mode hit the heading button the bug hit the heading button and then i can wiggle my way around these clouds should be able to find a nice little road to go through i'm just fine for some reason i did have to punch through i couldn't find a hole i'd have to be at least 3 100 feet that's my minimum safe altitude and yes we do every single one of my flights is actually an ifr flight plan until i say this because it's a little bit different in the united states you get clearances and whatnot here you file it but you don't get clearances unless you were to go to like fort mooresville or nadzab airport so what that allows me to do is punch through clouds and go vfr ifr vfr back and forth that's really the only thing it allows me to do but 90 of the time you can wiggle your weight through clouds just fine wiggling through clouds is by far the most fun thing to do i would say it's as much fun as landing on some of these bush runways for sure all right i'm not seeing any holes right here there's a bunch over there but that's not really in the right direction and i'm too lazy to go over there so we do need to have to go through this i'm well over my minimum safe i don't see any holes right here anyways so we'll just punch right through it because it's only about like a few hundred a few hundred feet wide slow on down just in case we hit some pumps there's it is back back up all stationary whack cardiac number tango kilo 900 miles to the west north correction southwest 5 hundred odds a cent circuit time one five we whack we'll be flying overhead for a left downwind one right one zero one way runway all right throw our landing light on everything is off selectors and brakes are good our cause is we'll just leave it enabled our vref we're empty today if i wanted to come in the slowest i could come in is like 61 knots but like i said i'm thinking there's going to be some winch here so i'm probably just going to come in at 70 knots because it's long and it doesn't matter to land really really short but i'm just going to put this in at 61 nuts or correction 60 knots because it's kind of right on the border anyways here's all the bumps we'll do our inlet in a minute if we do need to go around for any reason it's power up 20 degrees of flaps for 73 knots which is our vx which is the best angle of climb and then reset our power up to 740. so the reason why i don't say set my power up to 740 is because you can over torque or over temp this engine really quick and easy by just pushing it you can't ever firewall it doesn't have the auto throttle and all that cool stuff um so basically you just power up and you watch your white needle come close to the top of the green arc which is 740 on the itt it's not the torque but the itt you go 20 degrees of flaps you pitch up you start your turn whatever way you're going to do it and then you look back at your itt and then you reset it to get 740 which is just your max all right let's call for our search and rescue bank six five nine or eight november tango kilo in the circuit we whack cancel will be flying overhead to join a left downwind runway 1-0 we whack all right let's just bring our torque all the way down to probably because we're empty probably in the 200s to low 300s board 138 knots 10 degrees of flaps it feels like a break too or this is my seatbelt lock a lot of people ask what this thing is i keep flipping it's my seat belt lock to make it so it doesn't go forward all right lights and inlet we've already talked about that prop and harness did that flaps under 120 let's go 20 degrees of flaps because i'm 1600 feet instead of a thousand feet over the field 90 knots on downwind 80 knots on base and 70 knots on final and it looks beautiful out here doesn't it look how clear that water is looks amazing the coral's probably not that great here right here but go over two more bays over as a warm beach the coral there looks like something came straight out of national geographic it's incredible there's a lot of history like war history at the womb area over there all right turning pace 80 knots 500. with full flaps checklist is complete 13 knots will be on the nose here shortly and we'll just shoot for around the 500 foot marker so i don't have to use my brakes really for the taxiway once i get down low on these trees i'll probably start getting some more bumps from the windshear potentially go across all right boys this is whack guys all those bomb craters are just on the other side of that fence over there and like i said whenever i get my 360 camera i'll be able to show you those a little better because i can aim him down and what not anyways guys i hope you guys enjoyed that flight thank you so much for coming along and watching the video if you did like it give this video a thumbs up it sure does help my channel grow and leave a comment down below on what you thought of it be sure to subscribe i put out videos twice a week so if this is the kind of videos you guys like watching be sure to subscribe hit that notification bell just so you're not missing out on any of my videos but wednesdays and saturdays is when i post them so just put in high idle and super low beta so that my fuel guy can hear that i landed so that he'll actually come fuel me otherwise if he doesn't hear you pull up then he doesn't come all right hopefully that was enough for him anyways from here i'm heading down to medan another hour and ten minute flight or so then picking up a bunch of meat for our store in garoka then onto garoka so i'm going to see if i can actually film that flight potentially as well we'll see all right shutting down let's get our ending fuel ending hubs turn off my blower all my lights aux bus generator alternator cut off below 38 we'll do feather i'm just watching my itt drop all the way below 200 and then my ng right here about below like eight to five percent flip up my aux fuel pump anyways thanks again guys have a good one
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 67,317
Rating: 4.9602947 out of 5
Keywords: flight vlog, landing, airplane, pilot vlog, bush pilot, kodiak 100, quest kodiak, flying vlog, cockpit view, cockpit view landing, missionary bush pilot, flying video, pilot vlog youtube, bush pilots papua, bush flying, backcountry flying, g1000, fly, flight training, runway, fly with me, flying, kodiak, learn to fly, vlog, takeoff, plane landing, bush pilot training, flight, fs2020, bush plane, stol, papua new guinea, pilot, bush flying PNG, aircraft, how to become a bush pilot
Id: sN71nIXA9sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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