Air Fryer Crab Rangoon

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hi there and welcome to the salted pepper where we cook for real life using real food and we keep it real simple and today we're gonna make a delicious appetizer in the Ninja foodie I'm using the six and a half quart but you could use any model you'd like you can even use a different air fryer that would be fine so you could use the indoor grill on the air fry setting you can use the digital oven on the air fry setting or whatever air fryer you have you can make this delicious air fryer crab rangoon and let me tell you they taste just like they were deep fried but don't take my word for it make them yourself and I'm gonna show you how to do that right now so crab rangoon is really easy to make there's only four ingredients that go into it it is cream cheese imitation crabmeat but you can substitute that and I will get into that in just a minute some green onion and some oyster sauce and that's it so it's very easy oh and the wonton wrappers you have to have those right but other than that that's it you could add some garlic in if you wanted you could add a little hot sauce in there if you wanted but these are the four typical ingredients found in crab rangoon now the difficult part of crab rangoon is not mixing up the ingredients its folding them into those beautiful shapes but after a lot of research and a lot of messed up crab rangoon let me tell you they looked a hot mess I finally figured out like a little secret that I can share with you so that you can fold them up quickly efficiently and so easily and it works every single time but first let's get our filling done so what I'm gonna do is chop up the imitation crab Muller now like I said earlier you can use you can use some substitutes one thing I've really enjoy using is shrimp and making shrimp rangoon so if you wanted to do that you would thal your shrimp and then saute them just for a few minutes whether it's in the ninja foodie or in a skillet on the stove that would be fine just until they are done you don't want to overcook them but just until they turn pink and they are done and then let them cool and you can chop them up the same way I'm gonna chop up the imitation crabmeat of course you could always use a knife or a food processor just use the pulse button because you don't want to you don't want to turn it into mush I'm gonna use my manual food processor from pampered chef just because if I'm doing something little like this it's just easy to use and I can control exactly how fine I chop it so I'm putting in two ounces of the imitation crabmeat you can also use real crabmeat and if you use real crabmeat you don't need to chop it up and I also don't recommend that you spend a ton of money on lump because guess what you're gonna be mixing it up so that's gonna be wasted so a good economical alternative and a little it's a little bit sweeter to is the claw meat so if you want to use real crab just get the claw meat and it'll be good to go all right so I'm just gonna process this until it is chopped up the way I like it you don't want large pieces because they tend to get in the way when you're folding up the crab rangoon the wontons into that that looks pretty good I'm just gonna yeah I think that'll work just fine all right so let me get this part out and then I'm just gonna use this as the bowl and just keep going with mixing the rest of the ingredients so the next thing I'm gonna add is two ounces of cream cheese now I've also done this with three ounces of imitation crabmeat and just 2 ounces of cream cheese and you know you can do it any kind of way you want if you want more meat in there it's fine you can do that but I kind of settle on the equal amounts just because I think it's simple to remember so two ounces of imitation crabmeat and two ounces of cream cheese and just dump that in and your cream cheese does need to be room temperature so the next ingredient I'm going to add in is green onions now I've made this recipe with leeks because when I was testing the recipe that's what I had on hand and I needed to use them up and it was absolutely delicious so you could use leeks you can use green onion you could even use finely minced white onion if you like or red onion so that's totally up to you this is about a tablespoon and a half and there you know fairly small pieces and then the last ingredient is one half of a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce now you might be tempted to add more in don't keep it at the half of a tablespoon unless you're making a double batch of course because you need to be careful about the liquid amounts that you put into the mixture or it gets too wet and then it tends to leak out of your wonton wrappers and they don't air fry correctly so definitely keep an eye on your liquid ingredients for this so it's 1/2 of a tablespoon that I'm using and then we just mix it up already smells good I love making these and also you can make them ahead of time they freeze beautifully and what I suggest that you do you could either cook them you know air fry them and then freeze them or you can freeze them raw either way they work perfectly reheated so or cooked for the first time so what I do is I'll make up a batch put them on a parchment lined sheet tray put them in the freezer let them freeze individually and then when they're completely frozen I'll put them in a baggie and leave them in the freezer until I'm ready to use them and then you can air fry them up just as I'm gonna explain in a few minutes and if you need to reheat them I found that the same temperature and timing works you probably can shorten the time by a couple minutes but it's the same thing whether they're frozen and cooked or uncooked and frozen or fresh believe it or not so it's pretty easy and there are a nice snack to have on hand all right so now for the exciting part and that is how to fold these little guys up so that they are easy to do and we can get them in the airfryer pretty quickly so first thing you want to do is turn your ninja foodie on or your air fryer you want to preheat definitely for this recipe we're not gonna go at a high temperature to air fry so we want to start off with the pot really hot so I'm going to preheat on broil that's the hottest setting but you use whatever the highest temperature is on the appliance that you're using and also make sure that you have your air fryer basket inside when you preheat you want that surface to be super hot too when we start to air fry the crab rangoon all right so royal 10 minutes is fine that's what we want and that is about the time it'll take for us to make up all of these crab rangoon now the first secret that I learned after a lot of trial and error more error really is to use a rack okay a cooling rack like this to put your wonton wrappers out on the reason being it's because when you use it on if when you try to fold them on a flat surface as you dab them with water the water tends to go onto the flat surface it moistens the entire wonton wrapper and then it's very difficult to work with and fold so this was my solution for that one you want to also keep your your wonton wrappers if they're opened already in a ziplock bag and squeeze as much air out as you can you can store them in the freezer or in the refrigerator and as long as they aren't exposed to air they will stay fresh for a long time all right so about eight of them fit on this rack at a time so let me get out eight and you want to do this as an assembly line okay so you want to go ahead and have all of them laid out it just makes it go really fast and it's more efficient another important thing is to make sure that you only have one okay they're very thin and it's easy to get to and then that will create some problems with airframes so just make sure that they are just one wonton per crab rangoon all right there we go put this back in and seal the bag back up until we're ready for the next batch this usually makes about 16 of them so it depends on how much filling you put in you only want to put in one teaspoon to one and a half teaspoons no more than that or they'll be over full and if they're over full they will not hold up nicely at all so I'm gonna use a little scoop from pampered chef this is about probably one and a half teaspoons and I probably won't fill it up all the way and then just take my mixture here and plop it right in the center and I'm gonna do the same thing on all of them that one's a little bit bigger but I think it's gonna be fine and if you come across some cream cheese that isn't mixed in just mix it in because I see a little bump right there and now it looks like I'm only going to get about say maybe three more so this is only gonna make 12 for me but I made these a little fuller they're about a 1 and a half teaspoons of piece so that's gonna be just fine I don't need any more than that anyway and it's easy to double so you can double triple quadruple the batch it makes no difference all right the next thing you want to do is take a pastry brush or you can use your finger if you prefer and this is where this is the most important thing honestly because this is gonna have you successfully fold your wonton wrappers take a little bit of water onto the end of the brush and dab in each corner close to where the filling is okay and once that is moistened then you are gonna take your two corners here fold them up and pinch together right there that's sealing that center piece close to where the filling is then you will do the same thing here push your finger here bring it up and seal right there mine's not very eating but it's still gonna be pretty same thing on the other side push up right there and seal and then once you have these beautiful shapes you just push them down so that they sit and there you go there's number one crab rangoon there's nothing to this I'm telling you it's super easy and but if you don't feel like being bothered with this but the last one I'll show you a different technique that you can use it's just as delicious just not as pretty [Music] alright I'm gonna move this a little bit more towards the center because when I try to make it a little more even alright so bring these edges up and pinch close to where the filling is then take the side and do the same thing pinch close to where the filling is flip it around do the same thing [Music] pretty [Music] all right there we go and we should be just about done with our 10-minute preheat it usually takes about 10 minutes or so to do these up and I do want to point out that I had one little blowout where I put my finger nail through the wonton wrapper I'm not gonna worry about it I'm gonna show you what happens in the airfryer when you do something like that because it's inevitable it happens no big deal just some of the feelings gonna leak out but it's gonna be just fine I don't want you to throw those away okay I want you to fry them up they're delicious and they turn out just fine all right so now let me move these here for a second we're gonna go ahead and get to the air crisp function and take your heat all the way down to 300 now you know that I test my recipes a lot and this was the temperature that worked the best to evenly crisp up the wontons okay or the crab rangoon so I just want to let you know that I did try higher temps and they ended up burning a little bit before they were all crisp so 300 is the temperature you want and we are going to spritz the basket with a little bit of oil I'm using canola you could use whatever oil you prefer couple spritzes in there and then I'm just going to put the crab rangoon in to the ninja foodie apparently quickly we don't want all the heat to escape and it fits probably eight to ten I would say you can get in there in one batch there we go couple spritz is on the top here and put the tender-crisp lid down hit the start button take this to ten minutes and we are going to air crisp for five minutes and then I'm gonna flip them on their side so that the sides get nice and crunchy in the meantime I saved some of the mixture here and I'm gonna set up some more wontons and show you a couple of different ways that you could fold them just if you wanted something different or you know these would be wonderful if you didn't like the mixture that I made up today these are even wonderful to do like little appetizers with like a pork egg roll filling so they're just quick and easy and they look absolutely beautiful as an appetizer so you know have fun with it get creative put whatever filling in there you like just make sure it's not too wet or it won't work as well okay all right so let me get some more of these up here don't do one at a time cause that alright so the next thing you could do it you could fold into triangles okay so to do that just put your filling again in the middle and kind of spread it out just a tad here and then brush along the edges and get it close to where the mixture is because you want to definitely make sure that that is a good seal that's the most important part is when you get right here you want to make sure you seal all the way around and I've got a little bit of filling that's poking out here I'm gonna try to poke it back in and hopefully get a good seal and then just seal your triangles up now you could do something cute you could make him look like little tortellinis if you wanted by just folding them like that you can you know however you want to do it that's another way you could do it you keep it in the triangle form which I can't take that apart now but it's just the regular triangle that would be fine fact I'll make another triangle and leave it alone and that way we can cook these up and I'll show you how they look when they're done and then there's one more way that you can fold them and that is like into a little purse they call it and I'll show you that as well all right so let's do another one that is a triangle here all right so again just spread that out a little bit take it up close and then go all the way up to the top of the triangle close to the filling first and then all the way up there you go so that's a triangle you can do that and now let me show you how to do what they call a little purse which I'm not an expert at this by any stretch of the imagination I usually end up making the purses because I got so frustrated trying to do them the real way so I'm thrilled that I now know what I'm doing to make crab rangoon that way I'm just keeping an eye here on the time but we still have plenty of time all right I hope I remember how to do this because I haven't done it in quite some time basically just wet the corners and I go a little bit into the where the center is Jo st. you start with the same concept here but instead also bring up these little edges and these little edges and push together and try not to get your fingernail in there and then you've got these little purses okay so there's just a couple other ways that you can do it all right so I'm gonna let this go for another minute or 45 seconds and then we will flip them and get them spritzed a little bit and I'll show you how they're coming along all right so it's been five minutes so let's go ahead and open this up and they look so good already oh I just love these all right so now you could see that the tops are getting nice and brown but the sides aren't really so what I do is turn them on their side for the next two to three minutes some of them are little front a little difficult to get on their side depending on how I rolled them I'm having trouble with this little guy so I'm gonna approach it a little differently here and put him up like that okay that one really wanted to go on its side didn't it oh and I'm just gonna leave alone there we go well this is optional of course you could continue to go with them straight up and down it's fine but I just found that this is it gets a better even crisp that's the one that I had to blow out so you can see it's kind of coming out but it's gonna be fine I'm making this a little more cumbersome than it needs to be honestly there we go all right perfect now another little spritz back down with the crisper lid and we're gonna go another three to five minutes all right so it's been three minutes and let's go ahead and see how they're doing they look absolutely fantastic but I think they can still go a few more minutes so or at least another minute so I'm gonna keep an eye on them and check every minute for the next two and then we'll take them out we'll get them onto a cooling rack now if you are not serving them right away you want to put them on a cooling rack so that they don't steam on the bottom and lose their crispness so use the cooling rack and put them back on there until you're ready to put them on your plate to serve oh and let me talk about this delicious sauce dipping sauce now traditionally the crab wontons are served with a reddish kind of sweet sour sauce but I didn't want to do that I wanted to do something different and I had some pineapples so I made a pineapple sweet and sour sauce it it goes so fantastically with these crab rangoon and a ton of other stuff let me tell you and I'm gonna link to that video right up there for you in case you want to make your own pineapple sweet and sour sauce it's super easy to do alright let's take a little peek all right we can go the whole tent so use your judgment on that one anywhere from eight to ten minutes is usually what they've been taking and be interesting to see when I throw these in the air fire how long those take different shapes alrighty 10 minutes Wow they look so good alright now I'm just gonna take those out and put them on my little cooling rack here now this one got a little deformed that's my fault the way I folded it but the rest of them look really good so this one was the one that I had to blow out and it's fine it looks fine spurts fine to serve or it's fine to snack on you know always try one before you serve them right so maybe I'll you didn't try that one alright they look fantastic I mean they are gorgeous so before this pot pulls down any I'm gonna spritz and I'm gonna get the rest to these in and we're gonna air fry those up as well and I'm gonna go ahead and just lay this one on its side okay so now we're gonna go back on 300 and hit start we only need 10 minutes oh and I almost forgot give a little spritz on the top alright there we go alright these are so pretty alright I'm gonna take the one with the blowout oh my goodness I probably need to let it cool just a minute though really I'm excited and they look just like the ones you get at the Chinese takeout I mean they are just gorgeous absolutely gorgeous all right so it's been about eight minutes and I'm gonna go ahead and give them a check I did flip them at the five minute mark and they look like they are done so I'm gonna go ahead and take these out those are pretty that one I don't know not so pretty and these are cute I think that shape would be so perfect with a pork egg roll filling or a shrimp egg roll filling I think that would be wonderful all right so we can go ahead and turn this off we are done and we made two four two four six eight ten eleven only eleven I probably could have gotten a dozen out of that and if you use less filling obviously it will stretch more and you can get up to 18 out of them because I've done that before or you can increase your ingredients and you can make as many as you want all right now so this has been sitting for what a good ten minutes right so let's see are we still gonna get a nice crunch I bet you we will I know this actually because I've made them several times all right dip it in that sauce [Music] Wow these are perfect I recommend the teaspoon and a half of filling the ones I made with one teaspoon but just didn't get enough of the crab in the and the cream cheese flavor and this is just a perfect amount nice with that crunch off it's just absolutely delicious so good this dipping sauce is really good with them as well so I have to give that a try all right that's it for crab rangoon or you can obviously fill them with whatever you want to call them whatever you want but they are absolutely delicious super easy to make and there's no need to get the deep-fried kind from your favorite Chinese takeout any longer make them at home make them yours make them delicious
Channel: The Salted Pepper
Views: 33,241
Rating: 4.8834953 out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Foodi, Ninja Foodi Recipes, The Salted Pepper, how to fold crab rangoon wontons, how to make crab rangoon at home, air fryer crab rangoon recipe, air fryer crab rangoon, Ninja Foodi Crab Rangoon
Id: cBAjJIV02jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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