NINJA FOODI GRILL-Roasted Prime Sirloin Tip Roast!

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welcome everybody today we're going to be making a sirloin tip roast this is a four pound prime sirloin tip roast we're going to roast it in the ninja foodie grill gorgeousness right here we're going to make an olive oil herb rub for this guy we're gonna give them a nice little massage with those lovely herbs and I just made one an hour ago and it is fantastic come on over and let's get started [Music] so to begin with what we're going to do you're going to make sure your pan is in the ninja foodie grill also you want to make sure that splatter screen is installed you're gonna want to lower the lid your ninja foodie is on we're gonna hit roast and we're gonna bring this temp down to 325 and we're gonna hit start while the ninja food is preheating we're going to prepare the roast that's gonna go in there look at that gorgeous piece of meat it's a four pound sirloin roast it was an eight pound and I actually cut it in half I'm not a butchers if somebody out there is a butcher and knows how to do this correctly please leave me a comment but this is I mean it's a gorgeous hunk of meat gorgeous I've had this sitting out for close to an hour it's okay to let a roast this size sit out that long I wanted it warmed up just a bit before I give it a rub down and put it in the ninja foodie grill now I did trim this a bit I cut off some of the silver skin I left some of it on if you don't want this fat on here you can take it off I'm gonna leave it out leave it on because it's just gonna render render out also there's a hunk of fat here I'm gonna go ahead and take this off you want to use a sharp knife just watch your fingers yeah this is a big big hunk of fat here I got most of it out I could dig that out but I'm not going to and just eyeball if you don't want like this is a little bit of a fat cap here I am perfectly fine with that it's just it's gonna render out and help keep this funk and meat moist a bit to make this rub I like to use olive oil you can use whatever oil that you want just gonna put probably three tablespoons of olive oil in there I'm also gonna go ahead and add rosemary this is like a rosemary grinder I have this is gonna take a while so I'm going to fast forward to this so we're putting in here probably two teaspoons two to three teaspoons of rosemary I love rosemary and you can use fresh if you have it in the house I don't have any fresh thyme or fresh rosemary in the house so I'm gonna go ahead and use the dried this just put it right in there now time I just like to I just use my hand as a measurement I know it's not accurate but I unfortunately do it this way that's about probably T's one and a half to two teaspoons of fresh thyme kosher salt you want to be generous just probably measure this that's probably one teaspoon we're gonna add two teaspoons of kosher salt fresh black pepper that's probably a teaspoon and a half to two teaspoons of fresh black pepper and what I like to do you're just gonna mix this up that's all you're gonna do it creates a nice nice paste that's a little thick so what I'm gonna do is add a bit more olive oil so we're looking at probably four tablespoons of olive oil oh I did forget one ingredient and since I don't have any fresh garlic in the house either I know I need to go to the store probably a half a teaspoon of granulated garlic now we're gonna give this a good old stir that's all of that is all you need a roast sirloin tip now you can put gloves on if you want I'm just using my plain old hands take that fork out you're just gonna take some of this mixture and you're just gonna rub it in to this roast you're gonna put make sure you get all sides top bottom now we're gonna flip this guy oh yeah look at that this is a beautiful piece of meat this is gonna be so good no once again I didn't butcher this the best make sure you go to your butcher and ask for a four pound roast because this is going to get super well done here I mean I could try talking it I could actually squeeze this whole thing together and tie together but I'm not gonna do that today once again make sure you get all sides get the front the back the sides everything on this guy and give him a good massage flip him over again use the remainder on the top half here you want to season the meat the fat everything we turn this guy around tell me he isn't a beautiful boy a beautiful little beast gorgeous now I'm gonna use the meter thermometer this is like a fifth time I've used this thermometer and I give it a thumbs up it connects via bluetooth with your phone it's really it's it's a good app I haven't played with it that much so I'm not like 100% app certified but there's a line right here and you want to make sure that it's inserted to at least that point right there so we're gonna find the largest part of this guy and put it smack-dab in the center if we can just want to make sure he's in there it's very important to try to get and get it into the center also to keep in mind and then into foodie grill you want to make sure to be even better I probably should have went this way which I I can actually do that right now there we go this is actually a better move right here because that is in the center I feel it and also you don't want it sticking up because it will hit the top of the grill and the first time I did that that's what happened noticed it right away you know the roast wasn't cooked at all and I just reinserted the thermometer and it was fine okay so here's the app we're gonna start our cook says no cook setup since I already inserted that thermometer the center of that meat is 39 degrees I don't have a target temperature set and they say the ambient temperature registers right there it's 58 degrees that's gonna go up and you see this is big this will be a good experiment yes the ambient I just went up one degree 60 see how my fingers are increasing the temperature of the ambient temp let me take it off there goes it's going back down so we're gonna set this cook cook up we're gonna go here the internal temperatures 39 it says what do you want to cook we're gonna hit beef and we're doing a roast we can do rare but we're gonna hit rare but we're also gonna go down let's go back down do what we did before we're gonna choose rare is 125 now the first cook I did there's gonna be carryover temp so I'm gonna do 120 and I want the internal temperature to be 125 which is perfectly rare and what we're gonna do is we're waiting for the ninja foodie that there it is ding-ding-ding so what's gonna happen is I'm going to put the roast into the ninja foodie grill and then we're gonna hit start cook I'm gonna go ahead and open the lid we're gonna take the hunk of meat and we're just gonna put it right down into the pan please be careful it's the edges are hot we're just gonna immediately close the lid what we're gonna do right now we're just gonna hit start cook and this message always pops up because it's a nice reminder it has good information there so I'm just going to hit start cook again and there it is so what's going on in there right now internal temperature is 40 the target is 120 the ambient temperature in there is 213 it's going up because by opening that lid all that heat escaped you can see how it's jumping up and this is really cool it's estimating the cook time so that takes a few minutes for that to come up I will show you that into the meter figures out how long it's gonna take the cook roast the roast function defaults the 15 minutes and yes I was yakking for that amount of time a few couple minutes I was talking we're gonna just press and hold this with the ninja frutti grill it doesn't jump up in increments which is kind of a bummer but that's okay I can live with it I'm just gonna set this I'm gonna go over what I think it's going to take the cook I'm gonna bump it up to one hour but I know it's gonna be done before that but I just don't want the grill to stop if I don't add enough minutes one hour so it's gonna start once it holds solid then it's gonna start counting down there we go now it's starting to count down and once again the temperature is 325 and I do want to show you this app again you can see the ambient temperature it says it's 337 degrees in there internal temperatures 41 and our target temperature is 120 now it's still trying to figure out how long it's gonna take to cook and it's pretty spot-on so the roast beef has been cooking for about huh sure than the math before I spoke shouldn't I have all right so the roast beef has been cooking for about 25 minutes but I do want to show you the free open it I want to show you the app it estimated the remaining cook time to be 30 minutes the internal temperature right now is 65 target temp remains the same it's 120 ambient temperatures 323 325 it's kind of cool this is really cool but I did set nut another alarm on my phone for like 20 minutes to remind me to come look at the roast which we're gonna do right now that is beautiful so what I like to do what I did on the last one I'm just going to flip this over just like that and yes the thermometer is it's not hitting the bottom but it's down below that doesn't impede the use of it or the function of it I just want to make sure the roast is brown on all sides if you can do something like this by all means go ahead and do it and guys ladies gentlemen everybody out there if you could smell my kitchen right now it smells so good and yeah I left that open way too long so I want that other side too Brown we're down to 27 minutes I'm probably gonna let that cook for probably like 15 minutes and then I'm going to flip it back over again you don't have to flip it if you don't want to but I'm thinking why not brown all sides to get that crispy crispy goodness he still have two minutes left on the 15 minutes that I wanted to flip this back over I'm gonna go ahead and raise the lid look at that gorgeousness oh my god so you want to try to do this quickly but be careful about it and also you want to turn your meat because any oven whether it's a full-size oven into foodie convection oven whatever type of oven it will have hot spots and cold spots so not just with roast you want to turn your food no matter what you're cooking whether you're baking roasting and even air crisping you know you'll see certain parts of the fries will get browner than others so you learn you become one with the ninja grow that you just learn your oven and then you know it's hard to explain but if you do this all the time you will you'll get to know like I said you'll become one with the ninja foodie grill all right here's the app it's telling me to remove from the heat the internal temperatures 114 target is 120 and a temp in there is 325 so I'm gonna go ahead and take this out and it should while its resting it will go up to 120 and Beyond so I'm gonna go ahead and take that out so we're gonna take this guy out look at him he is beautiful once again be careful because this is hot you're gonna remove this the best way that you can yeah I could have used like an aluminum sling or something to take this out but I'm fine just doing it this way and look at that it's gonna put it over here on the cutting board now our roast this size once again it was like 4 pounds or 1.8 kilograms I'm gonna let this rest for probably like 15 or 20 minutes more closer to the 20-minute mark just to make sure all those juices stay in the meat use your meter app guys ladies gentlemen guys gals invest in some kind of a thermometer that works like the meter the meter I think it's like how much is it 58 there are $60 on Amazon that's the one that can go 33 feet so I'm gonna let this guy sit I'm gonna leave the meter thermometer in it because it's kind of nifty I can't believe I just said nifty it's kind of cool nifty that you can it's still connected to the phone to the thermometer right here and that was hot yes and right now let me just bring this over so you can see just show you the top portion it's a hundred and eighteen degrees internal and ever 120 is the target so I know this is gonna go up above 120 which I am okay with I'm going to show you the final internal temperature now the time left on the hour is seven minutes and 57 seconds so we'll say eight minutes so this Rose cooked it for 52 minutes and the ninja foodie grill on the RO cycle and this isn't a beautiful gorgeous piece of meat now I want to show you this app again the internal temperature is already up to 126 degrees our target temperature was 120 which is fine the ambient is zero because I don't know why it's zero but it is real just two minutes remaining for resting it actually tells you how long this roast should rest but I'm gonna go beyond that two minutes because I think it needs to rest for it doesn't seem like it's been that long maybe um maybe five minutes max but I'm gonna let it go like at least 15 minutes well it's not overcooked for me but the internal temperature is 134 the target was 120 it's saying overcooked cook is now medium-rare I'm fine with rhenium rare visit its if it's anywhere from rare medium rare medium I'll accept but this is fine but see how easy this this app is pretty cool that was hesitant to take it out when I was telling me to take it out at a hundred and I can't remember the temp but it's a good little app and it's a terrific little thermometer but let's move on to the roast someone to go ahead and take the meter probe out beautiful I'll just clean that up it's a little bit dirty but that's fine we are gonna slice this guy up I'm just using this I'm not gonna go deep I'm just studying it so I don't want to puncture the meat here goes the first slice is the outside edge which will probably be well done which I'm fine that's well you always have to expect that with a roast a couple more slices and we'll be down to the goods oh yeah look at that look at this I sprinkled that with a little bit of my favorite salt of all time the Maldon sea salt highly recommend it delicious this it just melts onto the roast but look at that beautiful the perfect in the ninja foodie grill I'm gonna hold this with one arm hopefully I'm gonna take a little bite of this so good so delicious yeah deliciousness this is a roast a roast deliciousness or a deliciousness of Ruth that does make any sense but go with it perfect this is a guys if you liked this video give it a thumbs up they give it two thumbs up go for it the roast came out perfect and the ninja foodie grill please subscribe hit the notifications button check us out on the Facebook group Instagram everything get pressure crisp out there no really once again guys I gotta stop saying guys once again I appreciate all my viewers and thank you so much for watching I appreciate it pick up a roast make a roast and your ninja foodie grill you will not regret it take care everybody
Channel: Pressure Crisp
Views: 137,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ninja foodi grill, ninja foodi grill recipes, recipes for the ninja foodi grill, ninja foodi grill roast beef, how to recipes for the ninja foodi grill, roast beef in the ninja foodi grill, ninja foodi grill recipes for roast beef, how to. use the ninja foodi grill, how to cook a roast in the ninja foodi, air. fryer roast beef, steak in the ninja foodi grill, air fryer roast beef, how to cook a roast beef in the ninja foodi grill, how to cook roast in the ninja foodi grill, beef
Id: riMJgNa6w50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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