Grill Grate Sear 'N Sizzle Review & Demonstration

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hi there and welcome to the salted pepper where we cook for real life using real food and we keep it real simple and today what I thought I would do is show you this new accessory that is available for the ninja foodie it's called the serum sizzle it is a product from girl grade and they were kind enough to send it to me a couple of weeks ago for me to try it out I posted about this on my facebook business page as well as in my facebook ninja food groups and the response was amazing they flew off the shelves everybody seemed to get one so then the questions started coming in well we've got it now how do we configure it for the six and a half quart foodie or the 8 quart foodie and so I thought that's what I would go over a little bit today is how to set this in different levels for different types of cooking and then we're gonna cook some stuff too so I'll show you how to grill a steak a chicken breast also a piece of salmon and then one of the coolest features about this real great is that you flip it over and it's a griddle so we'll use the griddle to make eggs in a basket and you can see how easy it is to use and the different heights that you can get with things that either came with a ninja foodie or some accessories that you may have on hand so real quick let me just go over what this is made of this is made in the United States they'll ship though anywhere in the world is my understanding but I think going out of the country there are higher shipping cost but they will ship anywhere they said so this is made out of hard anodized aluminum it is not heavy like cast iron but it is a sturdy grate like I'm impressed with the quality of it and they'll give you some instructions on how to season it when you first get it you can season just the rails here you don't need to totally put a whole bunch of oil down in here just lightly season these rails then after two to three four uses you won't even have to season it anymore because the meat that you cook on there the natural fats in the meats will keep it seasoned so there are three positions there's a few more but I'm going to go over the three main way that you can configure this as the grill side so we're only gonna focus on the girls side right now this is the reversible rack and it's in the low position and if you put the grate right on the rack it fits perfectly obviously it was designed for this rack and then you can put it right into the ninja fruity and this works whether you have the six and a half quart or the 8 quart and it puts it at about the same height in both pots so in this position this would be if you were going to grill up larger pieces of meat or if you wanted to like grill up at a whole eggplant or something like that you would use the low position so that you had enough room in the pot for that food that is probably not the most common position though that you'll use but it's certainly I'm gonna come in handy so that is the low position now the medium position can be done and a couple of ways but one of the easiest ways is just to use your diffuser legs from your basket so these come off of the bottom of the basket and they will work to hold this grate up and I have tested this many times so the heat of this does not do anything to these diffuser legs because they were designed to be heated up anyway you know it's for the air fry basket so that makes sense right and this is going to be medium position and this is probably the most common position that you will use for almost all steaks and chickens and burgers and things like that it gives you a good amount of room here but it raises the grate up closer to the heating element because remember when we are gonna use the grill we're only using the heating element on the top of the foodie and you're gonna use either the broiled or the air crisp on the hottest setting so broil is the hottest setting on the ninja foodie gets up to about 425 degrees from my testing and air crisp will go up to 400 you can use either setting but I've just been using the hottest one royal and it's worked great alright so there is one more one more way you can do this and this is the high position which I'm going to show you right now and there's a couple ways you can achieve that because that is done with something that doesn't come with all ninja foodies so let me go over that first this is the cook and crisp rack that goes inside of the air Crest basket it came with some models of the 6.5 quart ninja foodie but it didn't come with all of them so you may or may not have this rack and that's okay because I do know that many of you have the dehydration racks there are two models of dehydration racks the one that I prefer that in my Amazon store is actually not the ninja foodie brand it's a little bit sturdier and I use it much more because this one is the ninja foodie brand and it just didn't I don't know it kind of collapses but it works so either one will work no worries about that whatsoever and to get it to work what you want to do I'll use the one that comes from ninja foodie first just slide it in you don't need to put the rack in just slide it in and then with the one from the ninja foodie you want to hold these together once you put it into the pot you're fine it's gonna stay okay but you want to keep these tight until you get into the pot and then it's fine I've done that several times now the other one which is from Gold Lion I feel like it's a little bit it's just a little sturdier you know that's all it just seems to work a little bit better but it's the same exact principle you just slide this in and it sits there this one doesn't have the wobble though but both will work for you so if you have the dehydration rack and you you can use that in the high position or you can actually use it in the medium position or you can use it in a low position so honestly for me I think that the dehydration rack is gonna serve the best purpose for this you could just adjust however you want and you can turn it around and do the griddle you might not want to go up that high depending on what you're doing I'm gonna be doing eggs in a basket so I'm probably gonna go down to that level there so anyway so that's the ways that they can be configured and there's other ways I'm sure we're gonna learn and if you come up with any let me know just keep in mind that it does need to be on something that is high heat they don't recommend putting it on things that you know might get too hot under here or start to warp or trap heat so we do need to be careful about what we set this on so before you before you pick a pan that you want to use you just might want to check and make sure that it's safe that you can set that on [Music] all right so I have the ninja foodie this is a six and a half quart and I have it preheating on the broil setting and you need to preheat for at least 10 minutes and the grill grate is in there so the serum sizzle grill grate is in the ninja foodie on the medium position just using the diffuser legs okay so that's been in there and we're just coming up on eight minutes or so so what I'm gonna do first is do the grilled chicken how I prepared this is just a thawed chicken breast I trimmed it up a little bit and I just put some garlic powder some onion powder some basil some salt and some pepper so very simple no oil nothing like that and we're gonna grill it up so let's see here we still have about a minute and a half to go let's go ahead and take a temp of what the grill grate is so I've got this infrared thermometer and I'm just gonna see what the temperature is okay all right so it's at 450 now that's great all of my testing with an oven thermometer in the foodie on broil has only ever gotten up to 425 so I'm really excited about that and I've gotten the grill grate up to as high as 476 before so let's let it finish up this minute and then we will get our chicken breast on to grill I'm gonna use foil and I'm gonna go to ten let's go to 15 minutes I don't think it's gonna take that long but we'll see all right so now I'm gonna get the chicken breast on the grill and I'm gonna do that at a little bit of like a 45 degree angle and then what you want to do is kind of press down a little bit just so that the meat touches the rails that's gonna give you that nice sear and then quickly close the lid you don't want to leave the lid up too long because you don't want the heat to dissipate that we've built up and now we just cook it so I'll probably cook it for about five minutes and then I will do a turn now you don't have to flip your meat if you don't want to on the grill I usually do because I try to get grill marks on both sides I know one side I'm gonna mess up so I try to have two chances at it but you don't have to because we are cooking from the top so we're cooking from the top and we're cooking from the bottom by the heat of the grill great and it works fantastic I can't wait for you to see how the chicken turns out its it shouldn't been just a little over five minutes and now let's see if we're ready to turn our chicken breast so I'm just gonna open the lid and try to do this pretty quickly here and if the chicken breast does not lift up oh my gosh it's so juicy it looks great it does not lift up off the grate it is not ready to be turned now I'm not a good griller so I may not have beautiful grill marks because I don't do my turns right but anyway it's gonna taste delicious and it's already smelling wonderful so I'm gonna let it go another couple minutes and then I'm gonna flip it over to the other side and I will probably take a temp at about that time I would think it's probably gonna take about twelve to fourteen minutes to cook this chicken breast but I'm not positive you know the best thing to do with any kind of chicken is definitely to use a meat thermometer to test it so that you know that at the thickest part it is 165 degrees it could even be 160 because if you're gonna let it rest which I'm going to do it will come up to the 165 so usually I take my chicken breast out at about 160 and let it finish cooking while it's resting real quick I wanted to go over these I'm gonna show you how I use them but you might wonder why they're here and why I'm not using them to flip the chicken they are they're large and so they're meant for outdoor grills I mean that's what grill grates is known for they have some wonderful products for outdoor grills so they have this as well and it works great for one purpose okay and I'm gonna show that to you when the chicken is done but for turning purposes it's just a little big and it doesn't work in my opinion very well for turning things in the ninja fitting but it is a very clever design and I can't wait to show you what I do with it and how I use it because it's it's just a brilliant design alright so let's go ahead and flip the chicken over again you don't have to do this and you'll see when I open the lid that it is browning up nicely on the other side so you don't have to flip it all you could just let it cook but I'm a flipper so I want to flip it Wow oh my gosh I got I've got perfect grill marks that's like a first for me so I'm super excited and you know what I'm gonna try to get some grill marks on the other side of course they're gonna go straight across but you know what that's okay I got too excited when I saw these perfect grill marks I don't think I've ever done that in my entire life so that's super exciting to me all right let's finish cooking this will probably take maybe about three more minutes you know what as a matter of fact let's get a temp on it now no harm in that right I don't want to be leaving the lid up too long but let's go ahead and see and we're at about 130 so yeah I would say maybe I don't know three to five more minutes so I'm just gonna let that finish cooking and then I will take it out put it on the plate we'll let it rest and then I will taste that and I know I can smell it it's gonna be delicious and then we will go ahead and Grill up our steak and I'll make up the little marinade for the salmon and we'll show you how to cook steak and salmon and then of course use the griddle for eggs in a basket I'm super excited to show you that one all right so it's been about 11 and a half minutes and I just took a temp and we are ready to take the chicken out it was up to 162 so we'll let it finish cooking here while it rest it just needs to come up a couple of degrees it is gorgeous it smells lovely I mean it really smells lovely and it looks amazing so now let me show you this cool thing because this is just I just love it so the grill grates hot you could obviously let it cool down and then grab it out with some gloves still because it'll probably be a little warm but if you don't want to do that you can just put these in and pick it straight up now it's hot I'm gonna wash it up though for the next thing but so isn't that cool now the one thing I will say is that the tension on these is pretty tight so if you don't have good grip you don't definitely probably don't want to hold it way up here you want to hold them down a little bit but if you have if you have trouble with your grip these might be a little hard to use but they do come in handy so I wanted to point that out that does not come with the grill grate it is a separate accessory that you can get I think they have a bundle now for the sear and sizzle and I'm gonna link to all that below for you so that you can go look at it and pick one up if you want okay alright so let's taste the chicken I have the ninja fitty preheating with the grate in again so that we can cook the steak meanwhile let me see what this tastes like I'm gonna go down here I'm gonna try both ends here now what I like about the girl great is I really like the way it the juices inside are there I can see it but there's like a nice you know it does have skin on it so it's not crispy but like it's got this grilled effect on the outside that I think is great I haven't gotten that with broiling a chicken breast not on the grate so I do think there's an advantage to the great that was amazing I overcooked it down just a little about right not this side though so it's absolutely delicious I overcooked it I mean it happens you know when you want it you have to make sure that this side the thicker part gets to be 165 sometimes this dries out it's still delicious but it's a little on the dry side so let me take a bit here because I could oh my gosh I can already tell you it's perfectly juicy that looks beautiful great now one way to avoid that is obviously to split your chicken brush through the middle and get more even like cutlets so to speak and then you wouldn't have the problem with different that being more done than this but anyway I don't mind it it tastes really good it's amazing so good and I think I probably overcooked it so I did 12 minutes so I would say probably maybe somewhere between 10 and 11 minutes which is great for a grilled chicken um cuz it's just it's just a little on the dry side so I just think overcooked it put it I mean hey that's not the grill grates fault that's my fault mmm delicious though all right I'm gonna finish preheating this and I'm gonna get my steak seasoned up and then we will grill up the steak [Music] all right so we're almost finished our preheat here for 10 minutes I'm gonna go ahead and set some more time on the royal function to 12 minutes I don't think my steaks gonna take that long because I like my medium-rare and what I have here is just a sirloin okay so nothing fancy just a sirloin and I just season it with salt and pepper that's all open this up ah that's sear I love the name of the great the sear and sizzle I think that's pretty clever too all right I'm just pressing down on this beef here just so it makes contact with those rails and then I'm gonna go ahead and lower it and we will broil for about two and a half minutes and then I will attempt to do that turn again and make perfect grill marks on the steak if I can go two for two I am really gonna be impressed I have never ever gotten perfect grill marks in my life all right so it's been about 2 and 1/2 minutes so let's see if we can turn the steak now remember if it doesn't turn easily it's not ready to be released and I'll just put the lid back down and it's not ready okay it did not lift up don't force it just leave it alone as its ears on it will release itself from the great so I'm just gonna let it go another minute and then I will try it again all right so let's check it now and see if we can do that little turn it smells so good all right now it released I don't know if I'm doing I don't think I'm doing this right I think I screwed this up that's okay all right I'm gonna go ahead and get a quick temp on it like I said I like my steak medium-rare all right it's real rare so we're not quite there yet it's only about 90 degrees so we're gonna keep on going so I'll let it go probably another two to three minutes and then I'm gonna flip it so I might need to add some more time but that's okay I mean you know your steaks gonna cook differently based on the cut based on the thick so and based on how you like it so there's really no set times or anything for you to grow your steak just do it how you like it and then just do it on broil or air crisp on the 400 degree setting all right so it's been about seven minutes I'm gonna go ahead and flip it to the other side and we'll see what kind of grill marks I got I'm not very hopeful about them but that's okay well they're not too bad actually you know what they're not too bad pretty good not as good as the chicken though all right something just gonna let that go I probably won't even worry about turning it but I don't know maybe I will I'll go for those grill marks on the other side too all right I'm gonna go ahead and just try to get those grill marks on the other side they're not important and you don't have to do this I'm being fussy right now just because I'm fussy sometimes and I think I love to hear this sizzle press it down and I'm only gonna go maybe 30 more seconds so I doubt I'll get Chris crosses on that side but it's okay I don't want to overcook my stake that is way more important to me all right I am gonna take this off I'm not even gonna worry about dumping it cuz I can just kind of tell it's done and it was already up to about 118 degrees so which are the ninja fitting off so we will let this rest it's important again that you want to let it rest oh let's see if what I got on the other side well I did it I'm telling you this is impressive I am really digging the serum sizzle great really okay so I'm gonna get it out clean it up and get that Sam and going taste this and we'll get our salmon on alright so the steak has been resting for a few minutes probably about five minutes and I cleaned up the grill great got it back in same position I'm doing the salmon on the same position so all three of these meats were done on the medium with just the diffuser legs but then I'm gonna have to use my dehydrator rack or I could use this rack to do the Gretl side of it but I'll show that just a minute let's see how the steak tastes it looks amazing hopefully I did not overcook it it does not look like I did that looks pretty good oh yeah now that's how I like a steak so to me this is perfect I know other people will like it more well-done some might even like it less done but you can cook it however you like it looks amazing now I'm not a huge fan of sirloin we've also done filet oh that it was the best filet ever hmm even like I like the flag as it's more tender and it's just kind of buttery and soft and you know this is a chewier type of meat but it is still so flavorful and so delicious I mean anybody would be happy with this and this is absolutely wonderful my husband is going to be thrilled he'll be able to eat the leftovers mmm you get such a great flavor from the sear on the outside and that's the secret guys it doesn't matter what your grill marks look like it's about the searing and the high temps and you know short of an outdoor grill I think the searing sizzle really does bring grilling indoor I am happier with the results from this then I was with the ninja pretty grill because I did get that I did test it out and I returned it I just wasn't happy with it and and I didn't know that this was coming so it wasn't like that but I thought well I'll give it a try see if this thing works better than the grill I think it does it's my preference anyway but everybody can make up their own mind all right I'm gonna finish letting this heat up you do need to heat up for a full 10 minutes you want that great super hot before you put your food on and so that takes a little bit of time but you know it's no different than heating up a grill you need to heat your grill up too to get the sear so I'll let that go and then I'll get the salmon on salmon takes no time at all we'll taste that I'll talk about the marinade that I have on there in case you want to make that up at home it's delicious and they will do the eggs in the basket which is like I'm so excited about that one [Music] all right so we just have a little about a minute a little under a minute to go so I'm just gonna take this down now salmon doesn't take any time at all to grill I'm not gonna try to get cross to grill marks or anything I'm just gonna put it down it's a flesh side down so that the skin side is up that's how I'm gonna choose to do it you could obviously do it the other way but I want to get some grill marks on the top of the salmon so let me just tell you about the marinade that I put on here it's super easy to do and it's really delicious it's one tablespoon of sesame oil 2 teaspoons of hoisin 1 teaspoon of lemongrass and 1 teaspoon of a chili garlic sauce that you can get in the Asian aisle of your grocery store and I just combined those so you can make as much or as little as you want it made enough to brush on here and then to have a little bit left over that I will probably brush on when I flip it over so let's get it on the grill now because we've got some fat and some moisture in there that's why we're really you know really getting it to really really sizzle and even with the art with the sesame oil you might see a little bit of smoke when it hits the grate that's perfectly fine it'll go away I haven't had any issues with this setting off my smoke alarm like I did with the ninja kriti indoor grill so that has not been a problem for me so so far so good all right so I am gonna check on it now I can start to smell it so I just want to check and make sure nothing's burning and you know salmon was gonna cook up really fast and it looks like oh the skin is getting all nice on the outside that's that's cool all right let's see if I can flip it over so I could take a look and start to just baste it a little bit here oh my goodness gracious look at that wow that's beautiful really really beautiful all right so I'm just gonna put this back on and we're gonna go ahead and put the lid back down oh my gosh it's so pretty and then I have a confession to make I don't like salmon that much in fact until the other day I didn't think I liked it at all but I bought this more expensive king salmon and it was really good because I'm working on a recipe and I wanted to get I wanted to see if there was a difference you know not that you have to get the expensive kind you can get any kind of salmon you want but I thought well if I'm gonna have to test this and eat it over and over and over again I want to get the more expensive Cod and maybe I'll like that and when we did this the other day it was amazing like I think I might be changing my mind but I don't cook salmon a lot so I really don't have like times to give you I just know that I want it to be done and flaky but not dry so I have no idea how long it's gonna take but I only think maybe a minute but yeah it was amazing cuz I've never liked salmon and now it's like hmm this is pretty good so I might even try to get the less expensive kind and see you know see if I can convince my husband to like that too see cuz Salmons great for you it's so healthy alright I think I'm gonna go ahead and check on the salmon and see how it's doing I might even brush on some marinade and it's looking really really good here let me go ahead and brush on a little bit of marinade and maybe I can get a feel you know what I think it's almost done really I really do Wow it looks so good alright let me just put this down just to sort of caramelize the marinade that I put on so maybe 45 seconds to a minute and then I'm gonna pull it off and I will give it a taste clean up the rack and then we will get to the eggs in a basket using the griddle side which is you know you know I'm excited about that one I've also done pancakes on the griddle side now I wasn't able to get them that golden-brown but they cooked beautifully and I was very happy with the flavor of them not that that has anything to do with the griddle I think I just made a good pancake mix that day but I was really happy with the flavor and if I can get it figure out how to get the Browning going um I'll be super happy with that and you'll be seeing that as a recipe but as I'm now it's still in the testing phase I'm gonna go ahead and just take it off just because I don't want to overcook it and it looks really good it sizzling away in here so I'm just gonna grab it off of here it's beautiful and the skin on the back side some people eat the skin I actually made a salmon one day and I even ate the skin and it was good but so the skin is nice and crispy from being on that grill great that's pretty awesome whether you eat the skin or not you know that's to live to you all right let's see you gonna taste like now from the non salmon fan well it's cooked nicely I can tell that peels right away it's flaky and it's done and it doesn't look dry mmm this is amazing hmm okay so of all that we've done so far this is my favorite and I can't believe that coming from me I mean I love the chicken I love the steak but flavors in this are just so good it's so good I'm eating the whole thing hmm I'm a fan all right let me get this cleaned up and we'll get the griddle and we'll do our eggs in a basket okay and meanwhile I'm gonna finish this [Music] all right so I've been preheating with the griddle on the griddle side and I'm gonna go ahead and add some thyme here I'm gonna add six minutes and that'll be good because I think it takes about five well no a just seven just to be safe I think takes about five minutes to do this so what I've used is the dehydration rack and I put it on the second rung now there's no dehydration rack on there it actually just slides right into this those slots and I love that all right so I'm gonna throw a little bit of butter on here and then I'm gonna put my bread on I've got one side buttered up no butter on the bottom and I've got a little cutout that I did of a maple leaf and I'm gonna throw this on here you can get two of these sandwiches I'm only gonna do one today but or two of these eggs in a basket so you can do two side by side no problem then I just have one large egg and I've got a little bit of salt and pepper in there and I'm just gonna pour it right into the middle and it starts to cook immediately it's so awesome and then just close the lid and go on broil and in my experience it's taken around four minutes four to five minutes to get that yolk the way that I like it which is on the runny side you could cook it longer you know and do a fried egg no problem it's your preference I like my yolk a little runny don't just let it go and then we will take it out oh yeah put it on seven minutes it's not gonna take that long though this is a little cookie cutter that I used I also used it on my Thanksgiving pumpkin sheet that's a layered pumpkin cheesecake pie and I will link to that recipe right up there because even though this is coming out after Thanksgiving you might still want to make this pie it is absolutely spectacular it's gorgeous and it tastes delicious let me just clean up here and by the time we come back that'll be done and I'll plate it and eat it all right so I'm already smelling like the toast so I'm gonna take a look cuz I think we're probably yeah you know what we're done already look at that oh my goodness not even as a little overtime Wow and it's perfectly toasted on both sides hoping you can see that it's hard for me too can you see it it's toasted on both sides this is gonna be delicious so go ahead and turn this off and it smells so good so this would be great for grilled cheese - I would think I haven't tried that yet but I think I'd be great all right let me take my little maple leaf and dig in there look at that oh my gosh that is perfect the whites are cooked but it's runny mm-hmm that is perfect mmm this is like my favorite thing in the world this bread is so perfect it's buttery mmm I can't believe how fast this cooked this time maybe I didn't pay enough attention because it actually could have gone in less time than I did wow it's so good all right well I certainly hope you found this video informative and if you are interested in getting a girl great it's called the searing sizzle it's made by grill brave I will link to it below in my video description and I think I'll be doing a little write-up on my website as well which is WWE salted pepper calm I'll tell you I'm impressed real grape did a great job with this design it works phenomenal it was easy for me to clean there are gonna get some stains on there don't worry about that that's called seasoning it's gonna be fine I love this product and I will be using it in future videos for sure
Channel: The Salted Pepper
Views: 43,365
Rating: 4.9336405 out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Foodi, Ninja Foodi Recipes, The Salted Pepper, Ninja Foodi Grill Grate, Ninja Foodi Accesories, Ninja Foodi Grilled Steak, Ninja Foodi Grilled Chicken, Ninja Foodi Grilled Salmon, Ninja Foodi Eggs in a Basket, ninja foodi griddle plate, ninja foodi griddle, Sear n Sizzle, Sear and Sizzle Grate, Grill Grates Sear N Sizzle, Ninja Foodi Grill Grate Review, Ninja Foodi Sear N Sizzle grill grate review, Grill Grate Sear N Sizzle demonstration
Id: V9NBxyI0w30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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