pretty average sized farm

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this is a normal stardew Valley Farm and this is my farm nope just just a little bit smaller a little bit smaller tiny bit more tiny bit more there we go oh boy [Music] here it is wow um it's kind of weird to be able to see the entire Farm in literally one screen here I zoomed in a little that just feels more comforting because I can like actually like feel like I have more more Farm than I do okay you know line to yourself isn't the way to do this honestly like I'm just gonna clear a good chunk of it right now because it's just so small sorry I mean average oh yeah I started cut in but my main goal for this series is to complete the community center which is honestly harder than you might think yeah no realistically this is like this is all the farm you need I don't think I don't think you could really need much more we can see some wonderfully bugged leaves there's no stumps which means I'm not gonna have very much hardwood but uh that's fine I guess I quickly gathered some wood from my limited trees to make a quick chest so I could store some stuff and then checked out the Backwoods in the mountains for a couple of quick forageables and then made my way over to Pierre's to buy my crops just went ahead and checked I am going to need to buy at least seven potatoes to reach farming level one so I can get a scarecrow so yeah that's that's probably gonna be my top priority you know what I'm honestly tempted to just plant all these parsnips because but I mean I guess as long as I just as long as I just keep keep the amount of crops I've planted below 15. I won't have to when the heck did I get this I I was too busy yammering on to notice how my blind was sitting right in my hot bar okay well that's pretty good we'll find out where I got that I'll just do a quick replay on screen nice uh okay I guess we just have an agency now very cool and with these two crops we have just enough inventory space and also that is all the stuff we need for the community center knocked out right on day one and we haven't even checked the bottom left-hand Corner either oh wait I'm an idiot I don't even sell these seeds what am I doing I just checked Cinder sap for us for any forageables since you can normally find a lot of them down there and surprisingly enough there actually weren't any only some spring onions which I grabbed then went to bed fishing is probably gonna be just as important as it always is so I guess let's just spend most the day doing that right I am gonna bring a hoe cause when I can't get those artifact spots just a little bit of me dies inside every time nice and this cutscenes previewing to me that there's a bubble spot I was gonna just run right up to the mountain but I guess I'm gonna fish on this bubble spot for a bit I fished until about 11AM when the bubble spot ran out and I thought really hard about selling all my fish but then changed my mind and ran home and dropped it all off I fished out the mountain lake the rest of the day since it is the best place to make money in Spring and I didn't really want to fish at the beach since it's just worse for money in every way hey Sebastian how's it going man thank you for hanging out with me here shout out Sebastian it's never been my favorite but he's here to hang out with me what a nice guy if I had a gift I knew he would like I'd give it to him nice level one level two level three and okay level three that's not too bad a bunch of fish are on the ground so I'm gonna go grab those since they won't disappear but you know it just makes me nervous just having a lot having them lying there I think I'm also gonna sell as many fish as I can just to see if I can buy a fiberglass Rod I should grab that bait then just because if I do buy it 50 bait is actually gonna really help me in case you can't tell I'm I'm kind of tryharding on the save just maybe a little bit because you know we have a small farm so I gotta kind of Step It Up how much money we'd normally be making from crops into other areas a quick collection of all the fish I was gonna sell and a Sprint down to Willie's store led to this so we're gonna need 1800 that's 200 ooh might actually have to sell like basically all of them yeah I think we do we're gonna be so short okay no okay wait here we will sell eight bait to have just enough for a fiberglass pole not ideal but whatever it works all right future Wally gig tell me tell me how the fishing went okay give me the update I like how time freezes when you're catching a fish so it's like mayor Lewis is just like observing you like oh wow he's catching a fish back but I better stop and watch real quick it's so funny future Wall gun here sorry if there are any rude interruptions editor just probably thought there was some something funny I said during it so you know but yeah a past while ago things went pretty well we got three Catfish which is oh okay you know a bunch of other fish there's tons of stuff lying on the ground can't really see it since the menu is like blocking it wait here there now you can see it got some artifacts and whatnot we didn't quite hit fishing five which I'm a little upset about but you know we'll get it tomorrow so I guess let's just pass out there we go I got a bit more wood right away on Spring fourth since with all the fish I was saving for My Level 5 fishing level up for the 25 extra sell price it was clogging on my chest big time I then just indulged in a casual a dish hours of straight fishing with zero breaks we used our last piece of bait and we did just get 20 more from a chest but I'm finished fishing because my inventory is so full but yeah we hit level five fishing and we have loads of fish so I'm gonna I got like what three hours left and we're like five I could pass out since I leveled up so I'm just gonna run home do a couple trips pick everything up uh maybe just maybe eat one or two fish chop down some trees uh but then yeah we'll we'll be able to suddenly get a lot of money and I think we should have enough time left to plant Harvest potatoes if I'm not mistaken yeah it's on the 13th of spring so we should have plenty of time oh yeah I also got a diamond so that's 750 gold so uh that's gonna make my life very easier very easier good one buddy all right I ate a couple fish so I'll just I think I'm gonna spend the rest of today until I run out of energy just probably clearing up the farm since I'm gonna be planting a lot of stuff tomorrow tree in the rock we're gonna adopt this cat even though we're kind of low on space we're gonna name it um mandala because I I don't know man I feel like it oh wait I think I was an idiot and didn't water yesterday my plan today was to sell all my fish and buy a bunch of potatoes to get my money up also I wanted an excuse to make this cool edit guys watch this man that never gets old I'm telling you it might if I keep doing throughout this video but I'm gonna keep feeling because it's so awesome oh yay community center unlocked wait all right you know I'm gonna sell these fish I'm sure I'll be able to catch any other ones I need I was gonna like save them but that is just way too much work all right batch one a cool 3.3 K and second load of fish four this much more wow that's like really good we have a lot of money cool so the question is how many potatoes am I willing to water that's a very good question today is pretty much just gonna be the day where I like actually attend to my like responsibilities outside of just like fishing so before before I do anything I'm just gonna kind of run around check my trash cans grab Forge bulls and whatnot and while I do that I'm gonna kind of think about how many potatoes I want to buy I'm hesitant to buy too many since we still aren't gonna have scarecrows but I kind of do want to take a Gamble and just like pray to the good Lord like I'm not religious personally but I'm gonna pray big time that I won't eat that one seed if it doesn't eat that seed I will just be the happiest man alive I think we're gonna buy 50 potato seeds maybe I'll buy a few salads for the mine too so we'll go with 50. there we go anything else we really want I mean not really right don't really need any anything like that it is tempting to buy more but I just I just don't know if I want to commit to watering them to be quite Frank and then you know what let's sell our diamond and uh donate these gemstones then we'll see how much money we have left just over six thousand don't seem to remember how much salad even costs 220. we're gonna buy five might be a little excess but I I do think it'll it'll probably be worth it and then you know I talk big game but will my farm even be able to fit 50 potatoes also for the memes I think I might plant these cauliflower seeds somewhere else and see if I can just get a giant cauliflower for funsies you know a giant cauliflower on a tiny Farm situational irony or dramatic irony I don't know one of those all right nine cauliflower 50 odd potatoes life is going good except for my hand when I'm gonna have to water this all tomorrow but it's gonna rain oh my God thank the good Lord the rest of the day I just collected a little bit more wood so I could snag myself another chest and only made one minor miscalculation okay [Music] that's that's two that's a potato and a thing gone okay we've we've won the lottery once so far we just got to keep getting lucky all right time for the mines I didn't bring my chest um okay all right I'm back I restarted the day screw that let's hope I did not check the lock uh hopefully it's a good luck day we'll see see at the bottom of Mines hopefully this is an insane copper bin that is crazy we are already somehow at 28 copper on floor four and already out of inventory just like I expected I'm very glad I decided to restart the day we are however also out of energy very quick which is gonna seriously halt our progression if we like we wouldn't even be close to out if we hadn't gotten exhausted like that but hey what can you do you know life goes on wow that is unbelievably lucky I didn't even know that could happen I just got the wooden club which is gonna make literally every single Monster trivial because this does like eight times as much damage as the thing and I can also combo with it all right got me some boots gonna do a quick drop off and then I think I'm just gonna eat this and this to get two more inventory slots a sword I I will keep because I can sell but yeah I literally don't I don't even need it oh that sword is definitely gonna get deleted yeah that sword's gone yep whoopsies whatever I didn't want it anyways I kept mining until 1am and reached floor 35 so halfway through the really annoying dark floors but I decided I was not making another five floors in 50 minutes so I set up a quick smelting setup and farmed copper till I passed out alright we're leveling up finally we got some potato some taters what the hell is my cat doing Jesus Christ man get out of there I didn't even notice that well he's gone now see ya mandala very cool oh yeah we can also visit the visit today and I will also you know maybe I'll maybe I'll kill some slimes all right all right so the plans today my plans consisted of quickly checking the traveling cart looking for anything I might need for the community center or just useful to have around unlocking the community center okie dokie Community Center Online locked donating my forgeables to the new landlocked Community Center all right this is done might plant these might not really haven't decided if I want to bother yet uh if I was I think I'd probably use sprinklers I think get out of my damn way junamo and then smelting through my copper backlog while I'm fishing two birds with one stone whoa okay okay Sebastian we we are not this close yet buddy uh could mom taking a step back my friend and you know what this is a good point a good point to call it a day I think so uh let's head home actually wait I'm really scared this is gonna get like ran over so I'm going to bring as much home as I can you know what I'll be fishing up here mainly so I'll leave that okay I'm totally gonna forget and be like where the heck is my fishing rod like a dumbass literally the worst possible basic sprinkler setup okay well I already messed it up sorry you guys are about to witness the worst basic sprinkler setup ever seen my goal is to just have a basic sprinkler covering all of these okay we could only fit that many and also it's probably the ugliest thing I've ever created but uh yeah at least we'll be leveling up our foraging wow okay this Farm is unfathomably ugly but it's fine it works that's all that matters and the ancient seed is intact that is all that matters we can't afford the energy to craft another scarecrow so we're gonna have to stick with one for now if I place it well I might be able to cover everything but I I don't think so like like this is gonna cover most things at least most important things it's okay I know I was gonna leave this I I noticed I was gonna leave this tree but it's really peeving me oh yeah my giant cauliflower pipe dream is gone unfortunately because a crow ruined my life again unlucky my plans for the rest of the day were pretty much just to keep Mining and hopefully reach floor 40 so I'd get some iron up and going and grab myself those basic sprinklers so I can fill in my incompleted a very ugly forgeable setup oh my God okay I spaced out I was accidentally carrying my default fishing rod instead of grabbing my weapon and screw mining without a weapon Especially since one of the things I wanted to do was to get the slimes completed but yeah I don't know okie dokie we have officially reached the ice levels okay I'm gonna spend all that on that and then holy crap I messed up wait I have to get home no I'm just gonna upgrade my pickaxe but there's no way I'm gonna make it okay we can maybe make it go go go go go go go go go no I'm pretty sure he closes at four man no it's four man okay well I guess I'll just go farm iron then while I wait [Music] wow okay well um we have some rice now gold rice you know maybe we'll do something with that eventually unlikely though because it's kind of useless but whatever all right well I got a couple of things that are top priority today don't have the inventory space to spare so the old rods gotta go but hey you know it served its purpose my plans for today included quickly knocking out the adventurous Guild quest and killing my tent slime so I could get in if I ever needed to sell or buy something then just fishing since it was raining and catfish days always make a lot of money oh yeah I almost forgot I also upgraded my copper to pickaxe so I could work towards iron so I could break those stupid stones on my farm all right copper pickaxe nice then we're gonna go straight up to iron [Music] a stupendous day of fishing twenty eight hundred dollars is a very cool very based 15K earned not too bad I did not realize like how fast this stuff spreads oh wait we might actually have a problem huh I really hope these rocks don't destroy they don't destroy any of my crops because that would suck and I can't really do anything about it like I could use a bomb but that would probably just destroy more crops than I would have saved anyways I searched around in my chest for a little bit after that to look for some bug meat so I could craft some bait for my fishing rod since I wanted to fish a lot again today and I was getting pretty low but I couldn't find any so I had to waste a little bit of time and run over the mines to look for it there here we go that is the bug meat we wanted 126 should be more than good enough also there's a bubble spot here which is great my main goal for fishing right now besides obviously just making money is I really want to catch the legend fish because I think that'll just be kind of cool to do it's really annoy going to hit Level 10 without using food so I'm going to see if I can get to like 789 probably eight or nine and then just use some food because I know for a fact I can use trout soup to get to level 10 if I'm level nine but I'm I'm pretty sure I could also probably get a plus two fishing boost which would obviously save me a lot of time because eight to nine does take a pretty long amount of time but that's just a pipe dream we're already one third Throne we're only level six and that might seem good but you know leveling is exponential so we will see if we actually make it I fish for the entire day literally until I could barely walk home I was about to fish till I passed out but then I remembered I actually have money to lose but yeah I would not I did not want to lose a thousand gold there and yeah I was totally right oh but nice we have potatoes okay and that's perfect because we are able to set up basic sprinklers because uh we'll level up because yeah farming too and that gets us basic sprinklers so we'll set those up tomorrow probably oh yeah we're also gonna make like a lot of money from these but you know not the most important oh wow 500 gold thank you and that's another free 250 and I'm spacing out so I didn't see the notification but I think we can pick up our pickaxe too all right my inventory is packed that's a good thing because it's a busy day like I said I had big plans today so I decided to wait until later to water and filled up my inventory with everything I needed to make today very productive stop number one was to donate some of my spring crops to the spring crop bundle then sell all my potatoes for a cool 7K gold okay that's gonna be four thousand three hundred okay nice and finally I got my copper pickaxe and donated some more gemstones I've been holding on to for later then use my new pickaxe to farm the rest of the day for copper and iron and finally at the end of the day I failed my inventory full of fish and legged it home as fast as I could since I've been leaving some out there in a chest and they were probably like starting to get bad or something I don't know all right very cool very very epic day just gonna run home sell these fish head to bed kind of forgot I had them up there honestly so I was kind of just like finding it's you know like when you find find like 20 bucks in an old coat pocket like a winter coat pocket that is one of the few perks of being extremely forgetful is that you just sometimes surprise yourself for literally no work it's great and that's what I was waiting for the sprinkler and like mayonnaise machine oh on apparently level 32 is Pete grow nice oh my gosh and we've made the 25k let's go dude uh honestly okay you know what I'm not even a game for year one completion so we're gonna go mushrooms just cause you know I don't know I'm just kind of feeling mushrooms you know I mean the rare case of me choosing mushrooms egg Festival tomorrow okay we got 19k so I think it's just barely I think it's just it's just time to like start preparing for sprinklers I think and farm I did I managed to farm up a little bit over 50 iron ore or around 13 bars which is a pretty good start I was gonna need more since I needed to do forageables as well since I set them up for sprinklers it would be kind of dumb but it's a decent start and we'll cover a couple of my strawberries and basically all my forageables all right well uh I guess I guess I'll go ahead and buy myself probably like 75 seeds I'll I'll definitely have to do some hand watering but uh I can live I can live with that I mean I guess I got some time I'll go pre-water all the tiles [Music] okay 75 strawberry seeds acquired now I guess uh let's I'm just gonna chat with everyone get myself some some doubloons for my trouble because I still haven't completed that Quest and then my computer ran out of storage so OBS stopped recording please subscribe so I can afford new SSD also I want 200k subs only if you're enjoying the video though uh what happened uh so I won of course no I'm not lying you can tell by the Hat in my head that I definitely didn't spawn in man why did I write that joke and now I'm gonna have to read comments that I cheated forever then you know I planted my strawberries and whatnot and noticed I was not recording but you know now we back in real time let's go we did it nice uh and the forguals are ready okay that's huge um wow kind of wish I'd had more forethought I I should have just waited to plant the strawberries by day I don't even think I I don't plan A lot of these forageables so I I didn't I didn't notice that they were almost ready so I guess what I'll do is go buy maybe some more potatoes and just plant them on these sprinkler spots so they aren't wasted something like that don't know what I'll do with all these actually you know what maybe maybe what I'll just do is craft these into more wild seeds AIDS and we'll see don't know how many spaces we'll be able to fit but probably a decent chunk think these should all be getting watered after watering my crops I donated some more stuff to the community center bring crops completed 20 speed grow nice uh I think I'll just Chuck those on the strawberries for now I guess right upgraded my pickaxe to iron so I could work on getting rid of those big rocks that were really annoying me kind of messing up my sprinkler setup all right steel pickaxe my rocks are gonna be gone very very soon and worked on unlocking the mine carts finally got the second scarecrow up I might have forgotten lost another cauliflower but it's okay it's just one cauliflower not exactly crippling plus all the strawberries are safe which are the real money makers anywho wasn't really feeling like doing anything too productive today so I kind of just worked on a couple of chores you know I watered all my crops of course cut down some trees and then started fishing oh no way I got a Fire Quartz let's go now I can donate this to the museum and I don't have to get to floor 80. just kidding I still have to get to floor 80. because I need to get gold bar but you know whatever still saves me some time I guess since they can be pretty rare okay couple more fish collected I think I'm just gonna drop these off uh then honestly just go to bed I think I'm gonna do a mining day tomorrow oh wait no no I was gonna buy salad too I'll buy some salad and I guess yeah let's go mining because I I want to get the mine cards They're Gonna Save Me so much time I I always try to get them super early oh wait but I'm gonna be exhausted did I level up a skill I accidentally exhausted my selfish yeah I think I hit fishing level eight so I think I should be good just barely we will see I think I got this though nice five Omni geodes I guess we can open those [Music] all right uh I guess I'm just gonna buy a backpack grab my pickaxe and then head over to the mines and get mining this is crazy how much food I'm getting from trash cans thank you luck yippee 24 slots just for me I can actually afford to carry all this food with me now so I think my goal today um there is no chance I'm going to level up as much as I did I'm feeling I'm feeling probably like maybe maybe 10 floors no more maybe 15 if I'm lucky it was a pretty good mining day I managed to make it all the way down to floor 70 which was a little bit below my goal of 80 but still decent progress and I could definitely knock out 70 to 80 in just one or two more days probably definitely one actually now that I'm saying it we have uh managed to do it okay now we just need to leg it home all right we have to go we have to go we have to go it is gonna be kind of close but I think we're gonna be just fine as long as we don't like I don't know do something dumb oh man negative 1K it's fine at least we leveled up plus one more per vain that will save me a lot of time mining on Spring 17th I gathered up all my gemstones and geodes for a quick sell slash opening and donate and then since I had a surprising amount of time left in the day I managed to make it to level 80 in the mines finally nice um wow I just came down here because I had a full energy bar but we have made it to the floors I guess my objective for the rest of the day is gonna be grab five gold which we have completed already and then I guess find a void Essence too this guy should hopefully give me what I need thank you very much all right that's literally everything I need that should be the mine carts unlocked as early as tonight all right got a small magnet ring don't need it because I got two giant ones when I was mining I fished the rest of the day for catfish for a quick cash injection since it was raining and it was kind of stupid to waste the chance to get these super valuable fish then got a little bit of community center strategizing in two more things donated and I think that's basically every single thing I can get in Spring except um I do I could technically get these but I think what I'm just gonna do is do the ones that aren't parsnips but eh actually well you know they are kind of rare no I think I'll do the other Seasons because I'll just use quality fertilizer then I'll think about maybe doing them but I probably won't thanks to my excellent planning I'm gonna get this donated and then promptly pass out because I might have forgotten to pick it up from the thing in time but hey one star we got the cards done baby that's gonna speed it up big time but hey well who we got the cards baby okey dokey I just uh I figure I'll just complete these two quests right away get them out of my face because they're insanely easy to do and yeah Jody's just gonna be standing right here so I'll give her the cauliflower really quickly and nice that'll give me 350 gold perfect damn this many spring onions probably would have been nicer closer to the start because I actually have salad now but whatever it's still a little bit energy oh my God what the holy crap guys do you see it okay it actually feels like a crime to destroy the Among Us spring onions oh my God I have the best job man after that extremely hilarious uh interaction I just spent the rest of the day fishing fishing had gotten a lot easier since I had the backpack up right now I didn't have to constantly be shuffling between chests and whatnot I just had enough space for all the fish I needed it was pretty uneventful except for the end yo treasure chest and diamonds okay dude I will take that happily what the the last cast of the night too okay that's good it's like well plus a lot of money I'm not gonna sell it today just because I don't really need to and it's just kind of cool to like have lying around I'm just shocked I actually managed to get one kind of crazy this is a forageable the more real that I was really worried about not getting purely because it's like a spring it's the one of the only thing in Spring that you actually like really need for the community center and you have like a decent chance to just straight up not get it I hadn't really mentioned it but I was just kind of manifesting that it wouldn't be a problem and we'll be saved thankfully which is great everything else we can kind of just get like any time of the year most things besides the crops obviously but I already have those so the main thing was this bad boy but it's under lock now I just realized I'm a bozo I specifically chose the mushroom cave so I could get the memorial and my plan was to just buy the other trees it's whatever okay cool you guys want to know something I'm kind of an idiot I have a steel pickaxe yet I did not remove these rocks after that embarrassing realization I just spent the rest of the day farming in the mines I was trying to get some gold and iron and just generally more copper basically all yours up and running since I needed the copper for furnaces and the iron and the gold for for better sprinklers when it turned to summer so I could replace all my basic Sprinklers and I'll waste a ton of tiles because basic sprinklers are really good on the big farms because you have plenty of space because basic sprinklers while super easy to make are obviously really space inefficient but when space actually does matter on a farm like this rushing the quality sprinklers is definitely worth it it is the Harvest today we're making big money today I am very excited oh okay do you know we're like two seconds of the day might as well I also got a little bit of quartz especially Fire Quartz so that is gonna be excellent I'm also oh my gosh my inventory is gonna be so full okay I need to empty this really quick before I collect everything we've reached that point in the stardew playthrough where the third chest is being added that means we're really making some progress now I'm gonna wait one day to sell these so I can level up my farming and snag 10 more money it's just kind of stupid not to honestly I think I'm also gonna gift Caroline I completely forgot about gifting her because you can do that really good money making method she doesn't really like anything though I think I'll give her gold quality daffodils and she does like those but not love of course I only have silver I've gold of literally everything else but no gold daffodil oh nice I found it called daffodil we'll walk into the CC figured I'd do a quick CC run while I'm here no harm in it come on Caroline I I just want to give you a flower Caroline come on she's thinking about it she thought about it she thought about it oh let me in thought I had my chance I'm not good enough friends unlucky but she really just prepare to talk to Abigail by turning slightly to the left that's so funny oh my God finally okay take your goddamn flower Jesus Christ holy smokes how is that even possible actually longest conversation ever that was like a two-hour convo between them the 21st was a pretty low-key day of Mining and farming for ours till late and the 22nd I bought myself the copper ax upgrade and sold some strawberries I'd built up to finally buy myself an iridium Rod I wanted a comfortable backup of money since I don't like going down to zero gold it just kind of feels bad in case I do need to buy something for whatever reason I just use my new iridium rod to fish for the rest of the day the 23rd was another full fishing day since I really wanted to go for the legend fish and needed level 9 fishing so I could have a chance to try for it there was no plus two fishing so I needed to get nine I could just use a shred soup to go from nine to ten the 24th is of course the flower dance where all the NPCs get together and dance normally someone would be Romancing a character so they'd be able to dance with them but uh I I did not so I had no reason to go but it felt wrong to skip it so I went anyways may as well show up here just to buy these so I can maybe make some more seed packets later probably gonna be a waste of money but whatever guess I'll just you know watch the thing again like I always do alone with no one but who cares about the flower dance I spent the rest of the day farming copper like a kick a chat I cannot say that with a straight face strawberries again let's go strawberries actually don't make as much as I remember to be honest but we don't actually we won't actually be needing as much money as a normal playthrough purely because we're just not gonna have as much space to plant crops well we won't be getting any more harvests from these so uh guess guess I'll just pick up all the sprinklers probably break all these and then I'm gonna see if I can find like a way more efficient way to place these out we are going to be swapping equality since we have farming level six but you know these two pieces is a wood are really annoying me so I'm just gonna wait until my ax is done upgrading and then buy one I'm also not entirely sure but I feel like I might be able to fit a barn and a coop here but I really don't know I think we're gonna have to sacrifice a little bit of farming space so we can get ourselves a coop and a barn and I think I'm gonna get one like pretty soon here I think I might spend the rest of my energy just probably cutting down trees because you need a lot of wood to get a coop I don't think you need Stone though which is kind of nice before we can build a coop we're gonna have to move our cell bin and we're gonna put it very much out of the way right there and then if I'm not crazy I mean we could actually just buy a barn right now we could do a coop to a coupe I feel like it'd probably be smart if we put a coupe like here yeah I think here is pretty good so actually in lieu of that wait let me grab wood really quick all right can the barn fit it's a moment of truth yes it barely fits okay we can't quite align it with the path which is unlucky I wonder if I can break that why risk it how much time do I have yeah I'm sure I'll be back in time I can in fact not break it okay get me out of here okay we barely have enough time all right all right all right well shucker that what what oh my God okay I was having a heart attack why couldn't I build there bro that's that's actually scaring me okay we're fine we're fine one thing that's going to be kind of annoying is that I'm gonna have to pay for 100 of all the hay costs which is is gonna be like actually quite expensive I'm not gonna lie I don't think I'm gonna bother buying a silo I think I'll just like put a chest inside the barn for now but yeah we'll we'll see if that becomes a nightmare all right right here this is critical because we got the quality sprinklers also a cheese press so we can make cheese with our milk when this Barn is eventually built Robin is probably very confused as to why I'm even here for a farm this small but you know it'd be rude to like disrespect my grandpa's memory like that oh yeah you might have noticed I set this up uh yeah I I know crows can't come when there's 15 crops below planted but I'm not taking any risks man okay no risks period objective number one is make 19 quality sprinklers I probably should have double checked if I can even put down that many but you know whatever uh let's see how many we can fit all right this is my best attempt keyword attempt at a setup it's actually you know it's pretty efficient like depending on what I have like sure over here this is a complete travesty like what the hell is this what am I doing but it's it's I think it's worth it just because we have such a little space now we just need to make sure we have it all covered with scarecrows and of course I left down here six by three it's literally a perfect fit okay that's great and can I fit below yes I can okay nice so this uh we're gonna be chilling for sure yeah being chilling and you know what there we go this is just gonna be a few more crops guys because why not that is just beautiful you know the peak of efficiency day 27 since it was raining I spent all day up in the mountain with a trout soup eaten trying to get the legend fish and uh I made an extremely disturbing Discovery I had not caught a legend fish for hours and there was actually a pretty good reason why I wasn't catching one that uh you're about to see my live reaction to finding out just keep in mind you need level 10 to even have a chance to catch the legend fish and I'm level nine ten with the soup oh my God guys I haven't eaten this the AHA no okay we're fine we have a few more chances please okay please come on you can't do this to me I've been fishing for 25 minutes if I have to restart today I will actually cry okay guys here's the Grim reality I just fished 25 minutes and I didn't get the legend fish do I want to restart the day I could definitely get it that's a fact I know I could if it's not raining then it's it's game over and we don't get the legend fish but dude why didn't I check the TV in the morning what am I doing oh I mean I guess oh yeah yeah okay okay it's time to run up there and not be an idiot and catch the gosh the gosh freaking darn Legend fish oh my God okay we caught it Jesus gold star too not too bad actually good for me that was way too much of a nightmare oh my God we have fishing level 10 too that's kind of funny that just shows you how much fishing I did over those two days I had like 200 bait and now I have like 116 so you guys have no idea how much I did I was actually about to give up and like cry if I had to restart that day I'm so glad it rained today like it would have been the end of the world like fish um Legend fish isn't my main goal but holy smokes just would have sucked holy smokes wait I didn't even notice I got the barn I should have bought some animals they could have started growing up whatever I'll handle that summer first tomorrow because it's time to go to summer then I took a break in real life and forgot to record the following day so I do not have summer first on on recording but you know I just set up all the crops I needed and my farm ended up looking like this also guys please like subscribe and comment if you enjoyed this video I'm probably gonna make a part two but seeing all you guys seeing if you guys actually enjoyed the video make me very motivated
Channel: Waligug
Views: 790,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aO7sHm3FL5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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