Preston Crashed our Prom inside our HOUSE!

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we are getting ready for a giant prom in our house see if that's too mad he chose oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hey fam it's rebecca zamol and right now we are getting ready for a giant prom in our house you guys know we won a contest with j15 magazine it was a diy prom but they came and set everything up including crowns for prom king and queen rebecca we're good and they said the prom king and queen will be picked by which couple wins the most prom challenges by the way maddie you never told me which of the boys you picked for your prom date because that is a secret that is gonna be revealed today so we need to get ready as fast as possible because our dates are gonna be showing up any second by the way maddie what trust are you going to be wearing to prom today i'm just wearing one of my old prom dresses i didn't have time to get a new one well that is too bad because i may have gotten you something a present for me i cannot believe that i have to share my wife my date with an ex-boyfriend of hers this is ridiculous all you need to do is win the couple's challenge and then you and rebecca can be prom king and queen but you're going to face some competition with me and my prom date are the twins and you're wearing the wedding ring i'm married this is going to come back bad for you i promise okay maddie this isn't exactly what i had originally planned for you but i hope you like it just as much what is this is this a bell dress our prom theme is once upon a prom and i thought you might as well be belle thank you so much oh i'm glad you liked it okay to be honest i looked in your diary i found that blue dress like you had put and i was gonna get it for you but i ruined it with bleach i was hoping to give you your dream prom dress but i was like hopefully you'll like this one too i love it all right damn fam so now we have to get dressed in to our dresses this is so exciting all right no you are looking good right now but actually don't know who your prom date is who is it oh it's a big surprise but you guys are gonna love her really you're keeping a surprise from us yeah why don't you just give us a little hint no way i don't want to ruin the surprise okay enough of this girl talk let's put it on our boot in the ears yeah zamfam in case you did not know i agreed to go to prom with two people not only matt but also my ex boyfriend john is coming here which means i'm gonna be competing in challenges with two different guys now this all started because my ex brought me unicorn and comment below who you think's gonna win prom king and queen this is gonna get really awkward well nothing makes me feel like a man like a white rose so rick if you can't tell us about your date what are qualities you like about girls i like someone who's independent a self-starter oh that sounds super boring ow sorry come on man i'll do it myself geez i'm just really nervous because i haven't seen my wife since our wedding day wow that's really weird i know i've been tracking her movement she hasn't even come close to me you track your wife of course i hope that prom just puts us into a better mood because we need to go on our honeymoon and we are now all dressed for prom okay maddie so obviously i don't know who your date is i really hope he is a guy that likes a smart independent girl a guy you know who likes honesty and family and you're sure that your date has all of those oh i am 100 positive okay what's going on rebecca i might not be able to make it to prom in time but if i don't make sure no one gets to the fountain the game master is sending two youtubers to crash your prom they have something for you that will give you important information tell no one rebecca are you okay yeah bye by the way is the fountain gonna be in prom at all no it's on the side of the house are you sure you're okay yeah i'll be right back just i'll meet you in the hallway okay zane pam did you hear that rztwin said she might not be able to make it i cannot tell daniel he will be devastated jersey twin also said something about the fountain but the fountain is outside so i think we're totally fine hey rebecca what's taking so long did you hear that you're what okay you know let's go down and have the most amazing we're all are you ready yeah whoa wow it looks just like prom in here it's incredible great okay we all have our corsages for our dates right yes yes we need to make sure that you are subscribed have notifications on and click the thumbs up button in four three two one comment down below prom squad if you did it in that time oh i think i hear the girls coming wow so how do we look you guys look amazing well thank you you guys look really nice too good i have the most amazing flower for the most amazing woman all right prom date number one that's right because i'm winning all of the challenges you realize that there are couples challenges right and the couple that's gonna win is me and my wife i am so nervous for my date you have a prom date yeah and they're hot okay well my prom date is even more hot oh must be rztw that's not rz twins john i'm looking for my lovely prom date rebecca oursey twin must be next are you kidding me right now he actually showed up it's rebecca's second prom date rebecca hi john i got this for you he got her a corsage too no wait no way and it's red for love no no no no no no no no not on the zambian hair clip what about okay yeah rose is red for love okay get out of here okay okay okay well there are some challenges and we'll decide at the end who's prom king and queen it's definitely not gonna be you guys number two do you think this is gonna be awkward yes siri okay you know what i'm not really into like pda and touching no one needs to see them two together oh my probate is here zampam i cannot believe that we finally get the reveal of who maddie picked see if that's too maddie choose he looks like a banana where's my prom date back here did he just walk right past her she really knows how to pick them okay what guy wears wings an angel oh my gosh i like the yellow yeah beauty and the beast couple goals i mean we're already matching so we are definitely going to win prom king and queen thank you okay come on oh man i want you all to meet my prom date kyle when did you meet this guy he looks like a mustang hey she met him on wednesday okay man zambian i cannot believe that that is maddie's prom date he said something about picking him on thursday instead of wednesday did she wait to ask him to prom yes looks like they saved the best for last [Music] [Applause] that's right noah's date hi sweetheart she seems nice definitely not what i was expecting coming honey hi hi hi eve i'm rebecca welcome to prom i heard we're competing in couples challenges and the best couple gets to win that's not rz twin that's mr nice guy i will be your host dj for this spectacular event this is my photographer let's do you'll be competing in couples challenge at the end of the night the winners will be announced as prom king and queen but before we get started let's take some prom photos so we can remember this once upon a prom let's go i cannot believe that jon is here i mean this is ridiculous but can we not talk about that guy the camera guy what does he have on his head is that like a red curtain or is he right here comment down below why do you think he's here all i know is he better be good at taking photos i have to look good when i'm king all right now it's time to find your perfect prom pose and take a perfect picture okay well since i have two prom dates it's three person prom poses gosh how am i in the middle of the sandwich right now maybe i take one at a time yeah let's just take one at a time none of your ex boyfriends are coming right no i mean i don't think so if you guys want a chance to be prom king you guys need to be nice to each other otherwise i am out of here i'm done taking photos dude there's no way we're doing that i'm not even getting okay that was so awkward have you heard from rz twin why would i have heard from marzi twin daniel just asking gosh you know i think you should just focus on having fun i mean this is once upon a prom but i'm worried about her i haven't seen her since the wedding yeah i think she's okay but i have two dates you can always borrow one maybe the angel take matt okay so what should our first pose be we should do like a beauty and the beast thing ready three two one and then next pose let's just do the typical prom photo next these are not good photo thank you again for getting me this body the other one was a little too man a pleasure doing business with you she is a scary one my date will be here soon i'm tracking her now she's not close at all sam famazi twin still hasn't shown up daniel has no idea what should i do should i tell him hopefully she shows up seriously why are we taking photos without her this is getting a little bit too sad why don't we just go ahead and start the challenge okay oh hi eve hi i really like your cousin's dress thank you i think it's even better than the blue one isn't even the best i'm pretty great oh hey i heard all about your dress oh yeah my cousin got it for me she said that the blue one would have looked great on you she did she said this one was like kind of too yellow but it's belle i think the yellow looks good yeah well you should take it up with her i'm gonna go take my photo coming honey hey i'm so happy you're here first pose titanic pose get ready feels good right great uh okay now you can be there okay you're breathing all over me you can go over there okay all right i'm done coming honey zamfam this is super awkward having my ex-boyfriend here and my husband i'm pretty sure this was a bad idea i'm a little annoyed with matt right now though because all he seems to be caring about is becoming prom king did i make the right decision and who should be prom king and queen okay now that was a pretty awkward photo shoot but now it's time for challenge number one best dress couple win get ready to strut show stuff on the red carpet okay seriously you're not gonna walk this fashion show with him are you be nice i don't wanna hurt his feelings okay well there's only gonna be one prom cake is that all you're worried about just being prom king seriously i gotta go i'm first are you picturing the crown on my head i am arthy twin is not here yet but i know she'll be here soon okay in the meantime if i'm gonna have a chance to win any of these challenges i need a date next best thing to actually have an rd twin here i'm gonna make right now dum dum dum dum my new wife rebecca this is prom is this a prom or a wedding show yourself you're just supposed to show your outfit this looks uncomfortable for everybody involved myself included okay we're married i nailed that fashion show all right hey have you seen anything like a chocolate fountain or maybe some other kind of fountain the fountain on the side of the house thanks man wait should i have said that zamfam i'm gonna go move this fountain i just gotta be back before my big moment with rz twin i love the color coordination and you know missing out that love some yellow in sync now we are talking so how did your fashion show go good except for the fact that we're wearing yellow you love yellow yeah but you don't what what do you mean what are you talking about eve told me how you said that yellow is not my color whoa whoa whoa i'm pretty sure she got my words twisted around i did not mean that at all i was just telling her about how i destroyed the blue dress but that i love this dress on you i think it's perfect really yeah she seemed pretty sure don't copy me a very stylish couple but is the one in the dress wearing the pants looks like he just added injury to insult what just happened come on mercy twin get out of here so rick noah how's your date eve she loves me how's your date guile his name is kyle and he's more of a beast than you will ever be well eve loves my gentle touch seems like it [Music] very very stylish couple i like the way that they dance and they move black kid right here on the bed just prom king it's all about you you're the best i'm not here okay that concludes challenge number one it was a tough decision not really because one person walked with a piece of paper i'm going to announce the winner maddie and kai take that right now whoa for challenge number two head to the dance floor hey hey i need you to check the side of the house oh wait all right you did you distract them all right all right all right we are ready for challenge number two best couple dance wins you have two minutes to practice your dance okay oh come on honey i need to see the gentleman over here right away please come on come on yourself come on here's the deal i have a bonus challenge for you best pickup line win where's that phone do you want to hold accepted you want to wear the bald king crown or anything that was your chance but make sure you do not tell the girls this is just for ourselves okay get the dancing we've already won one challenge so if we win this second challenge we will definitely be prom king and queen and we are gonna win this because we are gonna do a tick tock dance so just like follow my lead one two three four shimmy shimmy oh crap oh no we may not win this all right pete brothers i'll get revenge hey there you are honey i've been looking all over for you we need to start practicing for the dance competition i don't need to practice help me um okay here you guys follow my lead dance around me okay i'm around you if we lose it's on you okay john i don't have much time because i have two prom dates so i have one minute to work out something with you okay so what do you want to do for the dance let's do the dirty dancing big jump what about like a dance before or something no it's got to be the big jump okay so should we practice it i don't like to practice things looks like they're doing some kind of dance challenge so you're sure you don't want us to do any type of practice before i win practice love rebecca sounds like your minutes up get out of here okay rebecca i actually have an idea okay we do our dance from the flash mob at our wedding whoa our wedding flash mob let's go to the side of the house to get a better view wait a sec i have goose bumps okay what's going that's weird i definitely want to win this yeah and i want to be prom king so bad prom king and queen so it's been a while zamfam since we've done this routine but have you ever seen it comment below if you start a wedding flashlight here here oh yeah six seven eight we are definitely going to win this dance challenge hey do you know how to do the tango because you are dancing away with my heart right now okay okay i'm good jon are you okay am i a dead angel because this must be heaven what all right i'm gonna keep dancing we're gonna win oh oh oh is your name google because you have everything i'm searching for all right yeah that's a good one all right two minutes is up everybody make your way to the dance floor for the next challenge best couple dance wins let's go shake it oh yeah now who's going first i'm pretty sure that eve pushed me go back and watch and see if she did and i'm pretty sure that eve doesn't even like rick noah and no i'm not jealous i have my own prom date there is no way my wife is winning this dance with her ex [Music] is she gonna do the dirty dancing jump oh okay wow i told you didn't even lift me up ah seriously i guess that was the first dance let's please move on to the second who's next we're up next to just do everything that i taught you and do not mess up are you my blood because i'm all positive that you're my type let's just dance zfm did you see that i went to go jump and he just bailed on me this is why we broke up in the first place i don't want no chicken boyfriend zamfam is maddie trying to teach her date a tick-tock dance i thought it was amazing was that supposed to be terrible because if so good job who's next so uh do you know what me and the little mermaid have in common what we both want to be part of your world wow how original [Music] look eve is so mean she's just standing there while rick know what dan says around her no way even nice she's been so nice to me well she's definitely not been nice to me xavier what do you think about eve i mean she's been pretty nice to me but maddie said she wasn't nice to her i don't know maybe maddie's jealous she is with rick noah comment below what you think really that's so much a couple but it's a decent mood let's move on to the next okay zamfam this is getting really sad i mean should i tell him about rc twin she said she might not make it and she's still not here yet dancing with paper this is bad [Music] this one's for you rz twin we're gonna win this i know you're not here and now the last and final couple matt and rebecca let's see what you get [Music] i am definitely going to win prom king now seriously yeah let's go on and announce the winner okay there were definitely a lot of dance moves but i've made my decision and the winner is rebecca and john oh this is all happening so fast the winner is rebecca and max we did it yes i did it mostly but yeah they both did it time to move on the challenge number three meet me at the table before we start challenge number three i want to announce the winner of a bonus challenge that i did with the boys and it was a pickup line challenge and the winner of that pickup line challenge is so that's why he pretended to lay on the floor like a dead angel this is such a great story hey hey mr hands go away right now maddie has won one that we have won one and now me and john have won one i guess whoever wins this challenge is going to be prom king and queen that is correct and this challenge right in front of you is do not choose the wrong point but if there is a tie i will be taking the final win we will go down the line one by one starting with uh let's start with this guy so if you get a good drink you win if you get a bad drink you lose very simple after you start all right i'm up first we're up first wait wait there's only one cup here okay fine how rude three two one there's a spider in there that's daniel's biggest fear no no no no no no no no you know what i know i can't win this without my wife i gotta make a phone call zampium i feel so bad daniel is upset because rztwin hasn't showed up yet and i haven't told him anything come on aussie twin pick up oh she's not answering hello daniel i'm just trying to call you you finally showed up i'm sorry daniel i'm not the prom type or the marrying type so is that why you came today just to tell me that you don't want to go to prom with me and you don't want to be my wife no the game master sent me to warn you that not everyone in the prom can be trusted and he's sending someone to get everyone out are you that someone no i just came to make sure you are safe thank you i have to go get inside well who am i looking for if it's not you the fountain is the key the key to prom am i gonna win without my wife damn fam i can't believe everything that rztwin just told me but one thing julie does care about me all right you ready okay is it oh wait this looks like a strawberry smoothie you're going to win this and be prom king and queen cheers [Music] oh my gosh youtube just had punch mixed with a little sour milk let's move on to the next okay matt this is it if we get the good drink that means that we are prom king and queen yeah just do it for me so we can get prom king three two one oh my gosh it looks like here we go okay zam comment below what you think this is hopefully it's good okay looks like you did not win this round so let's move on to some potential winner rebecca we didn't win you didn't win i still have another shot with john wait if you and john win then he becomes prom king you know your biggest dream all you care about okay you do it it's your turn go ahead and reveal yo we'll do it together ready and oh it looks so good no no it doesn't damn fam you guys know what this is now's our chance to get in oh we can get in the tunnel through the back of the house love is like a burning flame cheers oh it burns god that was hot sauce that was the hottest hot sauce i have ever taken it doesn't look like so and so it's gonna be prom cake okay you know what it also means that i'm not gonna be prom queen i hope you're happy man oh wait you only care about prom king i forgot you were hot yes my mouth is on fire but you know what else that means that the people that are going to win this round have to be rick noah and eve they're the only ones that didn't get something bad okay okay last but not least pull off the cover you two and take a sip it's green zamfam comment down below if you know what that is before we drink let's make a cheers to love did you hear that maddie and cheers to love yes okay here we go they're drinking it someone's gonna be dropping some truth bombs hmm this is great how does it make you feel amazing all i know is that i'm here to get revenge for my brothers what did she just say if that's lie detector mixture maybe it hasn't like sunk in yet my other crush treats me way better than you other crush who is he talking about well it doesn't matter because we just won and that is actually correct you got the best station drink so you have won this challenge which means it's a full weight tag now before i announce the winner everybody come meet me at the awards table let's go cfm it looks like it is now a four-way tie which means it is all up to mr nice guy to pick the prom king and queen who do you think it's going to be comment below there's only one person that i want to be prom queen with all right it is time to announce the winner after all these amazing challenges once upon a prom king and queen are wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you three need to stay everyone else wait okay why are you guys crashing our prom [Music] oh brianna preston what are you guys doing here who are they they're youtubers we've played with brie we've gamed with her don't you guys live in texas we have important information somebody told us to give you their name was gm game master we need that information matt you can put your hands okay okay sorry sorry well i heard you guys were having a prom and we used to be prom king and queen so i think it's time for a prom off oh you ain't even ready for this not ready no wait so if this is a couple versus couple prom challenge then if we win you guys have to agree to give us the information from the game master fine but if we won you're crowning us prom king and prom queen deal no no wait wait wait wait one second you're ruining my time right now seriously not listen matt we need to get that information from the game master i don't know why he told them to give it to us but we need to find that out that's the most important thing you're just gonna have to deal with it and we just have to win this prom challenge okay i already won this you can't win anything so just do it come on okay bray preston we all talked about it and yes we would like to do this couple's challenge and the winner will get that or we get information i heard there's a swat team here that's them it was us we were disguised from youtube no slot no swatch just texas oh texas i know i know so daniel they said that they have some information from the gm and we need that information so we have agreed to do some type of challenge to win prom king and queen however we just don't know what the challenge is oh don't worry i brought some what yeah always come prepared you guys really clean this out damn fam best prom dress wins toilet paper challenge yes what if we do it to the guys no yeah daniel sorry man matt it's a couple's challenge and we all know daniel's kind of not a couple right now oh oh oh sorry sorry okay sorry so we're gonna be dressing our guys and zamfam help us win cause we're gonna have the best prom dress daniel can you keep it together enough to film i'll be okay this is prom challenge number one best toilet paper prom dress win daniel and i will be your guys's hacker judges girls you have one minute to dress up your prom dates starting now okay yeah do it rebecca do it this is not going well less mommy more why is matt looking so much better than me right now i'm rebecca doing pretty good right now he actually looks really good whatever it takes whatever it takes i have to be pronking not about being prom king it's about getting the information that we need no it's about being prom king and prom queen matt's spinning way too much yeah okay okay this is too much breathe come on oh he's falling down he's falling over he's holding over sorry i lost a little bit dizzy this is not going well guys no it's not chicken family every girl needs a corsage for prom a little dizzy still matt i just made you ready oh man we know who the winner is go tell him that is time it is now time for me and daniel to rate the best prom dress i spun and spawned my way to victory i think please be gentle well this is a very difficult decision to make but i think the winner of this challenge is going to have to be brianna impressive i thought you were going to hack the system that i thought you were going to like actually make a good promise i did but someone spun a few too many times and now it's all on the floor okay we need a chance to tie it up rebecca i'm pretty sure i said best two out of three wins what there was definitely no two and out of three unless you guys are scared of us beating you yeah yeah yeah whoa no we're from texas we never backed down from a challenge i actually have the bag don't know what these are who's most likely to couples editions yes okay matt and i have been married way longer than you guys and we've dated we know each other so well and we shoot music videos together all the time i usually do it in 24 hours they're amazing but we play minecraft together we also met more recently so it's frustrating we're gonna win this challenge and you're gonna see how the experts do it okay sam fans so this is the who's most likely to challenge couples edition you guys know they won the last challenge we have to tie it up in this challenge yeah give me my crown because we're gonna win information anyways the first couple to getting three matching answers right wins are you guys ready yeah ready go okay maddie ask us some questions question number one who's most likely to cry during a movie three two one one point hello bambi that's a sad movie rebecca we watch that in private you cry more it's a majestic movie i understand it's the next question please okay question number two who's most likely to fart and say it wasn't them i know this one this is super easy that is not true you guys this morning walked by and totally crop dusted me agree to disagree we should move on question number three who's most likely to go a week without showering i'm not proud of this one i'm not proud of this one either three two one yeah no shot if you go in a pool that's pretty much showering no no no no no it is yeah so at least we got one right they have some but we have two we can easily tie this up actually they already have three matches and you guys only have one so they technically won what are you doing studying math math yes right you know what let's just do a couple more okay in case of one there is still a chance because if they get the net too wrong and we get it right we could tie them so let's keep going champions match the thumbs up we have to win i like them but we've got to beat them you know absolutely not no question number four who's most likely to trip in public easy okay they're getting everything right perfect well we got ours right rebecca i'm about ready to lose my shoes right now i've washed them i lost my shoes you know what i need this i need this i hate it we want you can i take this at least take the l you are not prom king i am not prom queen so here matt crown down this is matt do it okay here this is a big moment thank you okay free it just feels right oh it fits perfectly your hair looks perfectly walked in that you're just saying come on let me just give it give it to him listen so you guys have won you're officially prom king and queen but is there anything we can do to get that information that you guys have that's from the game master everybody watching this video right now subscribes to all of our channels we might consider it and we had something else in mind oh okay okay make sure that you are subscribed to their channels all of them right now turn on notifications let them know that you came from this video okay done easy we're good we have amazing viewers yes we'll do it actually the 24 hour music video that sounded pretty cool yeah i mean it is pretty cool come on what are you saying can you do it matt they are saying we have 24 hours to do a music video song challenge
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 19,410,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: preston, crashed, prom, house, diy, surprising, cousin, maddie, dream, our, rebecca, real, best friend, rebecca zamolo, matt and rebecca, daniel, cameraman, learn, unlock, tik tok, challenge, familia diamond, night, fv family, ninja, the labrant fam, overnight, huge, faze rug, bad idea, 24 hours, dobre brothers, lucas and marcus, matt slays, 2020, vlog, 123 go, comedy, in real life, youtube, video, brianna, swat, sml, jelly, mrbeast, sssniperwolf, ssundee, battle royale, final, aphmau, viral
Id: YDIr7ta8dVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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