QUEEN'S BALL Bridgerton Challenge

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today 10 girls will be competing in a bridgerton in real life challenge to win a chance to become the queen's diamond this is bridgerton in real life this is red light green light if you get out you are eliminated from the challenge are you ready yeah okay richardson ladies green light red bite green light red knight you only have 15 more seconds to cross the finish line green light red light you are out which means you're eliminated from the challenge are you kidding me that's not fair are just fall i'm sorry those are just the rules how are you that like the duke anymore like what the duke five more seconds green light congratulations all of you made it on to the next round [Applause] what the girls don't know is that we set up hidden cameras all around the house so that we can help rebecca find out who she should take to the queen's ball let's meet our bridgerton ladies i was able to hack in i got a little bit of background and all of these contestants well spill some tea daniel this girl is the favorite of the season she's a little miss perfect but she might have a dark side oh this perfect diamond she looks super familiar there you go lady amanda you'll need to wear this for the challenge oh looks like melanie showed up her dancing skills will set her apart from the other contestants yeah everybody knows her she actually choreographed all of our christmas musical lady melanie here you go put that on this girl is not afraid to stand up for herself daniel wasn't she princess jasmine right lady darian in your presence here you go thank you oh lyanna's here she always calls this drama doesn't she have beef with maddie i hope that doesn't throw her off lady lyanna here is your necklace thank you madam this girl seems pretty normal no red flags here another girl that looks familiar did we just finish each other's sandwiches [Music] thank you you're welcome i'm so excited to go to the queen's ball yes the queen chooses the diamond the diamond is the one all the boys want oh oh no maddie she's already starting this competition off on the wrong foot how is she going to win the diamond with competition like this she still has a chance man i'm rooting for her lady madison madison be careful i swear there's no information on this girl that's a little sus lady that's your necklace good luck whoa snow white's in the mix easy daniel lazy white lady white there you go i haven't seen this girl before but i guess she can speak different languages how many more girls are coming daniel lady taylor hey lady taylor there you go welcome this is the last contestant i know who that is that's rapunzel from 100 princesses she still has a wig on lady audrey audrey what beautiful hair ladies you will all be competing for a chance to go with me to the queen's ball in real life yes you will be earning charms that will go on the necklace that you are wearing and at the end of this whoever has the most charm will win the challenge oh and i hear lady susserton will be revealing some information about one of you guys but that will come later for now time for challenge one maybe susserton what kind of secrets is she gonna spill and who is she i hear someone here is under a false identity doesn't matter what dirt she digs up i'm gonna win the challenge i'll do whatever it takes this is the bridgeton croquet challenge you each have a bow and you will be hitting it wherever you please if it goes through one of the ladies they have to do a punishment however if you hit it through this star you win the challenge but be aware there is an elimination one you don't want your ball to go through that or maybe you do time to play some croquet i'm going from the girl who i get a really nasty vibe from lady white pick your punishment crickets in dress that's what you get i'm gonna aim a little this way really lady lyanna choose your punishment remove two layers of clothing how do i always get this one uh i can't help you with that one yes yes yes she can do it on her own yes please not much clothing under that dress though there must be some bloomers because this is wrong oh my gosh you've been wearing the same pair of underwear since prom i washed them really i thought you only wore that when you ran out of laundry they're just really comfortable okay back off okay well that's one layer you've got one to go um do you mind oh it keeps your waist small yes of course dance is very bridgerton of you all right let's keep going with the croquet all right ladies here we go for the store were you really going for the store lady dorian pick your punishment balance a book on ahead until challenge is over are you serious a bridgette lady always needs good posture a book on the head looks so great on you excellent lady dorian no one's gotten the star yet stop laughing at me you bumped me i did not yes you did no i did not bloody liar i don't want a punishment lady liana totally pushed her no i don't think she did then who did daniel pick your punishment okay cake in the face i'm so sorry lady madison i can't look what if i hold this okay smell it it smells so good you got it it looks great on you green is your color it is sorry maddie i think maddie's losing her confidence right now she doesn't seem like the normal maddie i know guys quiet i need to focus there's only one person that i'm aiming for leonia's going for blood she does not like me not at all lady madison once again another punishment i have to stand in the freezing ice bath for the rest of the challenge it's okay ice is good for you it gets your blood flowing it's gonna be so cold it is so cold i'm really glad that i have this towel right now is there anything left on my face right now same thing it looks like another lady has been eliminated unfortunately this is the end of the challenge for you i'm very sorry don't feel bad oh my god congratulations you have won the croquet challenge which means you win this star charm to put on your necklace oh my goodness thank you i was supposed to win okay everyone head inside congratulations uh lady madison you can get out of that bathtub finally must be freezing in there lady amanda she is living up to being that favorite she might be the diamond daniel i wonder what lady saucerton is writing about i don't know are you worried no of course i'm not worried are you worried no of course not i think you should be worried i don't gossip that's fine this is musical chairs there are nine ladies and only eight chairs whoever wins the challenge gets to pick a lady to eliminate from the challenge also this challenge is worth two charms music starts now what the girls don't know is as the chairs are narrowed down there is one chair with a card that has a twist [Music] i'm sorry lady amanda step to the side lady amanda everybody up javier please move a chair [Music] move a little faster don't be shy don't worry you're not eliminated if you're such a lady just step aside oh whoa whoa it's just musical chairs stand up ladies up here and begin the girls are taking this challenge very seriously but when ladies susserting comes she will be exposing one of them oh lady white is taking everybody out lady white just pushed me i would never she's cheating what it's okay you're not eliminated don't worry that was crazy yeah when i'm getting her out oh yeah that redhead was rolling her eyes at you these ladies are getting vicious so much more intense than i thought for musical chairs yes it's okay it's okay play nice ladies it's just a challenge that you get two charms if you win it isn't that the third girl she's thrown to the ground are you ready for the twist [Music] five ladies oh no melanie sorry melanie it's okay at least there were no falls this time because i play fair and square well you do but there are things you ladies don't know we have hidden a truth card under one of those chairs so look under your chair and see if you have it it's me which means that you have to reveal which lady you think should be eliminated from the challenge and why lady white she's a cheetah good choice close filling tea early let's remove a chair and keep going four beautiful ladies as polite as can be playing musical chairs [Music] oh really right like karma is not much of a lady neither are you oh okay this looks like it's getting a little fun but there is a truth card so everyone look under your chair who has the truth card i found it oh lyanna okay spell your truth which of the ladies do you think should be eliminated and why hmm lady madison me she better not win and choose me to be eliminated and then there were three oh my gosh this is so cutthroat oh i'm gonna have to give it to lady dorian how careful lady yes your hair ladies don't fall on the ground it is now down to the two ladies the winner will get two cards and be in the lead for this challenge for a chance to go to the queen's boat with me let's play [Music] you know what leona is the winner congratulations lyanna you are the winner of the two charms oh they're so pretty and now it is time for the moment of truth lyanna you must pick a lady to eliminate from the challenge it's out of my control but i really don't want maddie eliminated from this challenge i hope she doesn't pick her one is too easy and the other rolled their eyes at me lady taylor oh are you kidding me screw the accent i didn't roll my eyes i have a twitch and i know that you were the one that told her i did that what well i'm glad she left no wait she dropped the accent do you think she was lying when she talked about rolling her eyes well that didn't go as expected but this is getting fun everyone head to the tea room don't be shy these girls are about to spill some tea this is the spill the tea challenge we will be playing two truths and a lie and it's up to the other girls to figure out which one is the lie if you get it correct you get a tea bag whoever has the most tea bags at the end wins and whoever has the least is eliminated this is challenge number three so you will be winning three charms for this one let's start to my right lady dorian i think melanie should be eliminated me what did i do don't worry she doesn't even know you i think amanda should be eliminated and i think the honor should be eliminated everyone show your card which statement do you think is the lie xantham you guys play along to anyone that picked one that is a lie and you get the tea bag i've never been rejected by a boy i've never had a bad hair day and i've dated two boys at once before my lie would obviously be never been rejected by a man everyone that holds up number three that is a lie and you get to tea bag i went to prom with someone's ex in this room i would never get back together with him and i was a power ranger oh leona's totally talking about maddie's crush fake shawn mendes that's not her crush anymore why you can so defensive daniel this is so easy everyone show your card if you guess number two that is the lie and you are correct i knew that one i didn't pick this i'm so sorry it says one don't be a sore loser moving on i've lived in paris i have three older sisters and i play piano if you held up one you are correct i hate tomato soup i am 25 years old and i have a cat anyone holding up three that is the lie and you are correct belle is my favorite disney princess i have a puppy and i hate the color yellow everyone pick your card i've got this one maddie awesome everyone that got three got it correct i picked three lady melanie i think that is a two what melanie is good friends with maddie how did she get that wrong i'm a dancer i think lyanna should be eliminated and i love tomatoes there's no way you're a dancer but this is the lie wow i've been to disneyland i've dated seven boys at once and i love spending time with everyone here everyone pick your answers if you guessed three you are correct thank you which means lyanna you are the winner of this challenge and the three charms for your necklace one step closer to going to the queen's balls i'm sorry but unfortunately melanie you have the lowest which means you are eliminated from this challenge i don't know what happened i knew two of them i'm sorry melanie but unfortunately you have to leave see you lady melanie all right ladies that was a tough one but the games must go on now it is time to bring in the like that did boys seem off to you about maddie she's just not being her normal self she seems normal to me but what's going on with lady white she's a little sauce oh the date card challenge is up rebecca asked me to help her on this one so i gotta go by myself yeah just stay here i got this i got this this is the date card challenge i have brought in these gentlemen to judge the ladies and whichever lady has not picked will unfortunately be eliminated oh damn real quick yes yeah check amongst yourself men what is it daniel okay there's something off with one of these girls right well which one is it i don't know but i know the lady sustained probably does i don't want to pick the wrong girl to potentially be the queen's diamond something wrong with maddie i don't know why she seems off too okay i'll be back here all right gentlemen it is now time to introduce the first lady i present to you lady lyanna hello gentlemen hello so a couple of things about me is i love all types of fighting styles i love cats and i hate horror movies what's your favorite kind of fighting anything that is fun on camera cat to demonstrate oh i can't do everything else in the dress thank you lady lyanna i don't know i'm scared remember the lady that wins this challenge now wins four charms for their necklace next lady amanda oh look the way she walks right now i'm lazy amanda and i like friendship ice cream and i don't like spiders thank you lady amanda wow you think the boys liked her or not that happened to me all the time back before i got married every time it was hard fighting the boys off what boys is she talking about right now lady white i love long walks in the park and i hate losing i hate so much that you would sabotage oh it would never yes lady white is a lady thank you very much remember boys you are picking your favorites and we'll couple everyone up whoever doesn't lose this lady elizabeth i like playing piano eating good food and i hate bacon i do love bacon every day oh again i think we all like a little bacon here and there the beautiful amazing intelligent lady madison hi i like beauty and the beast i like tic tocs and i hate pickles she smarted like a pig oh yes she did it was it was kind of cute though guys not like all these other ladies they look much better these boys are lame i have no idea why they're here we're searching for the diamond but i want to know what's going on with ladies and we need the tea rebecca do you think i did okay i mean i snorted i don't i don't think they noticed it it wasn't noticeable at all practicing your curtsy again silly girl just a curtsy not to trip at all oh okay see guys there's a perfectly reasonable explanation lady dorian hello my lords i like balls reading and i hate awkward silences so keep me interested unless and final lady lady audrey i really hate waking up early in the morning and i also hate when men wear flip-flops who's making breakfast then thank you lady audrey some very bold but true statements sandals on guys i choose lady amanda easy choice amanda i'm an amanda guy i always have been i must go with lady amanda as soon as she entered the room i forgot how to breathe my vote is the votes are in the boys have all voted and it was unanimous for the winner and that is lady amanda winning the challenge did lenny white just give javier something comment down below i didn't catch it lady amanda gets to decide which boy she would like to couple up with it's so hard to choose when you're the best i choose you oh thank you thank you now that lady amanda has won the four charms it is now time to figure out which two girls will be eliminated please stand up and reveal which girl you would like to couple up with amanda but she's taken he is unfortunately not available right so i choose lady her yeah elizabeth actually oh congratulations interesting thank you please all right please stand up sir and reveal who you are choosing well of course amanda but my second fiddle lady leon we love a second fiddle don't we that's not awkward at all javier please stand up and who would you like to choose i'm sure to someone i might be related to slightly well i don't have that many options lady white oh this is such a surprise thank you congratulations lady white daniel me you know what um ladies why don't you come up to the front i feel like i'm on the hot seat okay daniel it is down to you you may only pick one lady to move on to the next round all amazing choices i have to go with maddie daniel chose maddie didn't see that coming congratulations bye i'm so my gosh these girls are really getting upset about not being the diamond not everyone can win there's only one diamond everyone knows that who do you think is gonna win now it's time for the talent show the ladies will be performing in front of these gentlemen who will be picking the best talent and the worst the winner will receive these five charms and one step closer to going to the queen's ball up first lady white [Music] wow dashing on her very toes she's leaving just where she came from now we have lady lyanna reading some poetry my second fiddle hello gentlemen i will be reading an exit from the book that i wrote called the secrets within me may i suggest something that i say quite a bit some secrets aren't meant for sharing thank you which ones are meant for well that is right some secrets are not meant for sharing unless it's lady susserton who should be arriving any second sam fam up next lady amanda who will be singing that's what means i don't settle in the garden there'll be lots and lots lots of flowers thank you lady amanda she almost has as good of a voice as me oh i'll save my singing for later okay i'm back how's maddie daniel hey come on no she's she's fine did you see anything weird nothing too crazy just lady white slip something javier i don't know super sus super sus yeah i gotta go warn rebecca what if she chooses her to be the winner it's the middle of the talent show daniel i don't care i'm just gonna go tell rebecca presenting lady elizabeth doing some matches you don't see anything no what are you doing matt and i think that lady white is sabotaging everybody what no no she's not it's just a challenge she's not cheating it's fit about it okay go get it stamping this is finally it ladies dusterton is gonna spill the tea on one of these ladies who do you think it is i can't mess up this talent show i haven't won any challenges yet but my dance is gonna be the best and last but certainly not least the queen of the tick tock dances lady madison is she trying [Music] uh what just happened uh i'll be right back you guys i'm lost you kind of have to feel bad for her no time for feelings we must vote maddie fatty hey rebecca listen it was not your fault the music went off okay you can have another opportunity to do the talent it's not about the talent show i haven't won a single challenge there's no way i'm going to the queen's ball maddie you could still be picked to be the diamond i mean there's more challenges left none of the guys chose me except for daniel the music went off and i still haven't even won a challenge it's not happening well maddie i think the one thing you're missing right now is your confidence i mean this isn't the confident maddie that i know all the girls out there they're so much prettier than me and better than me that's not true listen maddie you still have a chance to win this challenge and go to the ball you need to have the confidence that i matt daniel we all know you have including the damn film okay we need that maddie confidence so stay with me i am confident i am confident i'm maddie i'm maddie i'm lady maddie i'm lady man i'm lady maddie and i'm ready to win i'm lady maddie and i'm ready to run i can't hear you i'm late about it you're not ready to win i'm playing man you're not ready we're ladies but you got this i'm lady maddy and i'm ready to win we've seen all of the talents and now unfortunately it is now time to reveal who the gentleman picked as the least talented lady it was quite a unanimous decision it wasn't very hard to decide it was pretty obvious and the one going home is the witch curse oh now it is time to reveal the overall winner of the talent show winning five of these charms for their necklace and one step closer to going to the queen's bowl and the winner is gentlemen lady white i can't believe i'm going to be the diamond well you're not going to be the diamond i will hear the diamonds okay wait here you go i have ladies sisters paper here what what society papers exposing all the tea lady white is not who she says she is oh real name is mariah mariah remember when rebecca surprised her daughter with 100 disney princesses well mariah rigged the princess's challenges so she would win is that true i would never do that to you i am a lady of society who are you my name is lady white not according to something [Applause] oh my gosh she's crazy she rigged the challenge we sent her to disneyland she dropped her charms oh it's okay lady never loses her cool and then there were three i hope you're ready to escape because first to escape wins all three girls are locked in rooms and first to escape wins lady lyanna and lady amanda both have five charms each but this challenge is worth six charms so it's anyone's game damn fans smash the thumbs up right now and comment below who do you think is going to win who is gonna go with me to the queen's ball same thing i need to be the first to escape it's my only chance to be the diamond at the queen's ball i just need to look around for her clues i can't believe lady susserton exposed lady white like that i have to win this challenge so i can be the diamond let's see oh look at this there's an x on the chest table and there's a chess piece missing okay this must be a clue we need to look for a chess piece i got a clue oh this might be a clue zf no one has escaped yet who do you think is going to win this i'm getting so nervous obviously i'm rooting for maddie but it could be anyone wow lady white daniel got another situation what's going on it's down to three girls right now maddie lyanna and amanda escape room the only competition is miss perfect because honestly maddie yeah we don't have to worry about her and i think i found the clue oh my gosh i got it this is such a close call it's gonna win come on where am i did you hit something no i'm trying to get back in like wiring or no no no we just we lost the feed i don't know why it's out who's gonna win the challenge there's no idea who's rebecca going to pick stamping i hear someone coming is that lady liliana we're lady a man does wait i did it you know what that means i was the first escape which means you got six charms and you are going to the queen's mom it wasn't confident it was a confidence oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so neither of us were the diamond but it doesn't matter because we had so much fun and there were so many boys yes
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 16,008,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bridgerton, in real life, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: AbZ6nM7gzYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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