I Tested Banned Toys With My Daughter

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I'm testing banned toys in America with my daughter zadie this first one is a fairy that flies in the sky whoa this toy was apparently banned in 2000 because it hit over 8.9 million people in the face just like it almost hit me this Cabbage Patch doll came out in 1996. do you want to say hi this doll was made so the baby could eat food like this watch okay you try do you like it more you want more okay there is a reason that this toy was banned just like it can eat different things it can also Smash and eat people's fingers so watch ah my finger would get stuck this is not safe for babies so unfortunately this Cabbage Patch doll was banned this is a cool toy though you just have to monitor with your baby oh she didn't go like this push item is an easy bake oven now I had one of these growing up and I loved my Easy Bake Oven except it was a lot of work for a little bit of food but I still loved it and I guess the reason this was banned is like kids would get their fingers stuck in and they would like catch on fire get burned one girl's finger actually had to get amputated which is terrifying right now I'm gonna try to make something these are mini whoopie pies there's gotta be instructions somewhere comment below if you've ever used one of these before okay so this has to be preheated for 20 minutes I've started it already to get it going one vanilla frosting mix and one and a half teaspoons of water oh man when did this turn into a baking video got a bowl right here terrible at baking but we're gonna oh this is going to be the middle of the whipping pie or whoopie pie have you guys had these whoopie pies before are you making the frosting first yeah that's what it said to do it's the best part I don't know now I need a measuring thing oh here we go here we just Add Water one and then a half did I do enough it looks like I need more water like my gut tells me to use more water but Matt thinks no and I should follow instructions but there's no way this is gonna turn into frosting it's no good no more water I started at number eight but I okay so make sure to check the number of the recipe so that was step eight so we're ahead oh wow look at this one and a half again okay one do the right amount okay that's two that's two okay no no it's like a hat do not use that ah just use the same spoon it's all going in your stomach anyways what do I always say I don't know what do you always say Max trust the process oh brother you got this I think I need more water you do not need more water I do this is The Not So Easy Bake Oven no just pour it directly in don't just that is how a real Chef does it oh look now it's actually forming wow oh look at that there's a twist with this easy bake it's supposed to have everything and make it easy but no it says sprinkle flour on your hands and mix and roll this into balls well guess what I don't have flour but I do have sugar sugar are you kidding me she's gonna make it a little sweeter okay and then it says to split it in half but really you can skip that process and just make sure yeah so that you have one side of the cookie on one side baking the other side bacon as well this is what Easy Bake Oven is all about it's about improvising and making it good literally a foolproof recipe that's super easy to make and that's why they call it Easy Bake Oven but you're not following that direction Matt just you don't get one of these if it turns out good I think I'll take my chances on this one now that I'm extra you should not have extra okay so look now I'm pushing my thing in there we go oh yeah now we wait minutes for my whoopie pies to bake Alexa set timer for 12 minutes second timer 12 minutes seconds starting now really you did the timer you didn't think I'd remember you sit on your tooth what this Thai Monster's stuffed animal was launched in 2011 and what you would do is you would push it and it would play gibberish this one doesn't work okay I read that some are so old the sound doesn't work like the batteries expired oh she likes it she's just throwing the thing gibberish that we thought this thing was speaking was actually secret messages supposedly it's turn off the TV and watch the baby punch the baby and he's gonna eat me and he's hurting me you guys go back try to hear it I just heard it thank God that thing was banned Sadie don't eat that this is a Barbie that came out in the 90s and it was a rollerblading Barbie it says skates Flicker and flare now you're probably wondering why would a rollerblading Barbie be banned well guess what on the bottom of her Skate City look at this it's a lighter it could literally cause a fire when they said you skateboard and it lights up this works is crazy oh did you see that it literally Sparks how dangerous is that it is literally a lighter on a Barbie and definitely not safe for kids no no I'm sorry I got banned I got banned for a reason these band items are yo-yo water balls these were banned because this cord could strangle someone which is definitely not safe zadie doesn't understand that there's a chord yet thank goodness you just like swing it around okay and you throw it I don't really understand Matt I'm gonna let you show this one these can actually go pretty far and when you hit something it lights up just like this whoa but you go like this boom watch this here we go three two one [Music] broke maybe they got banned because they were lame or maybe you just don't know how to do it come on this was banned there is no way I'm actually letting her see this because this was banned because kids could swallow the magnet I'm gonna do this and we're gonna have a ton of supervision it's a very cool idea but that piece is so small and it's making me nervous with zadie we're gonna test it out look at this Dave this magnet got swallowed by so many kids obviously I mean this looks like candy to me that looks like candy yeah you having fun over there zadie's reading the instructions on reasons she should not play with this toy it's kind of satisfying to play with and I think it's kind of cool but I would never let my daughter play with this especially Alone zadie look what Mom just made but don't touch if only you couldn't swallow it let's see what she does uh oh it came off now what I don't know for zadie this is a 70s toy called Cracker balls but I guess you're just supposed to like hit these back and forth whoa uh oh oh do you see that yeah you hit at the bottom and at the top I got it these were banned because I wonder why it could smash your fingers and I guess that hurt and also sometimes if you hit them too hard they would shatter and the pieces would fly everywhere including your eyes I think there's a trick to this send me a video if you know how to really use one of these either way it was banned furries and ow oh I just hit my finger this next band item was called The Flying rocket and you're about to see why it was banned hit the water that dissipation all right let's try this take two oh look at that oh man [Music] whoa did he get it oh my God whoa whoa damn fam so as you can see it was banned because that thing would shoot up in the air and they don't just fall on someone's head probably a kid or an adult like me good thing it was banned 12 minutes is up and now you get to see my specialty and now I have to make this whippy pie still a little doughy you know they set 12 minutes now if you like undercooked brownies this easy bake oven is for you okay definitely not quite cooked I probably could have left it in longer they said 12 minutes Easy Bake did me dirty and did not make it so it was cooked but Rebecca they said to cut it in half you did not follow instructions I did water in as well okay and I did not use flour I did use sugar but I had no flour I still don't understand why this was banned this thing is amazing you shouldn't be putting your fingers in an oven anyways here and let me know you watch this video all the way to my Easy Bake Oven Masterpiece mmm
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo Shorts
Views: 1,033,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EWvv3e1TEs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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