Birth To Death Of A Cheerleader In Real Life

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let's go we're here just one more push oh my goodness it is a beautiful baby girl mom [Music] what are we gonna name her [Music] this is birth the death of a cheerleader and your mom's a national champion now you need to get back into the program for your first birthday I'm going back in so exciting our first birthday Rebecca this is your first birthday I can't believe it today is gonna be the best day ever because your mom planned a very special birthday it's cheer theme and you know Mommy hasn't worn this in a little bit but she got it out because today I'm gonna be cheering for the first time with you your first cheers exciting I forgot to light the cake okay tails are in the kitchen I'll be right back look at you you're gonna be walking any day now that you're one one day you're gonna be just like your mom and go to bed in there it's time it's time your first time cheering grab the Pom-Pom kick it shake it shake it I'm gonna show you my cartwheel go go Rebecca happy first what happened to Rebecca's mom is she okay happy birthday to Shannon hey wake up wake up are you okay Shannon Chan wake up wake up wake up what what happened you're just fainted what were you doing I faded again I was just cheering with my daughter for the first time Rebecca you okay come here Rebecca we need to go to the doctors right now I'm feeling every time you try to cheer I'm fine you should not be holding a baby I said I'm fine I I said I was fine you need to go see the doctor where's Rebecca you guys what happened to my mom She fainted Rebecca is she gonna be okay it looks like it as long as she doesn't do any more cheer moves but you got to get back here in middle school now and you're going to cheer camp and I can't believe we're going to Cheer Camp let's do our song two four six eight eight cheers Camp will make us great if you think we're wrong Rebecca Lindsay you guys are going to love Cheer Camp back when I was your age I went with my best friend and we learned all of the skills that took us to Nationals eventually you went to Nationals and she won and she can still do a round off back handspring back flip no way yep I did that not really supposed to be doing that anymore show her do it your dad's upstairs put your stuff down I'll do it really quickly come on Rebecca's having her mom do a tumbling move the doctor said that she's not supposed to Tumble oh no is this a good idea is this how you do it round out backhand bring back flip Mom are you okay I'm fine I'm just gonna use the bathroom [Music] [Music] Rebecca come on come on wake up what happened she was tumbling she's not supposed to Tumble that's what causes her to faint she never told me that wake up wake up wake up who knows her mom gonna make it okay I have to do CPR wake up Mom look up I'm so sorry Mom if I didn't ask you to do that move this would never happen okay she was saving something for you and I thought today would be a good day to give this to you your mom made this and here's the key to get inside but your mom said you cannot open this until you win Nationals why not she said you wouldn't understand what's inside I love you I don't think I can do cheer anymore I know it's really hard right now you have your bestie here that's here for you I'm so sorry about your mom it's okay promise me we'll always be to your besties friend Rebecca I'm responsible for my mom's dad I don't think I can go back can we just do another program I don't think I can finish this one you have to finish birth to death look you're going into high school next for a cheerleader tryouts I don't know if I can do you want to find out what's in that walking no I mean I do but I can't even imagine if that was my fault but actually yeah it wasn't your mom it's just in the program plus it's the same thing you want to know what's in that lock box too right subscribe right now if you want to find out what's in that lockbox anymore they're subscribing Rebecca you have to do it for them too fine I guess I want to see what's in that lock box you bought this cousin I'm so nervous about this we have to make the cheerleading team this is perfect Rebecca has her cheer bestie with her to support her on the team this will cheer up do you see all you see all of the really talented you're gonna be fine you brought it right you mean the lock box I obviously want to see what's inside this lock box but there's no way I can make the team we're gonna make the team and then win Nationals so you can open that walk box tryouts are starting let's do this welcome to tryouts yeah welcome to tryouts as you know we won nationals last year and we want to win again we're gonna need a team that's up to the task up to the task okay go audition all right first up I hope you guys like old school YMCA she hit the floor then crawl someone get her out of here it clearly hurt hey what's up I'm Derek here audition [Music] thank you not another dancer they're just wannabe cheerleaders my name's Claire this is my audition go team go team what are those moves that will never work in a cheer formation [Music] Lindsay you're up you've got this step one to go Internationals [Music] oh no come on stay up hold that scale go team was that okay I think I stumbled on the last part no it was totally fine they're definitely gonna see how good you are next up oh no hi I'm Rebecca let's go Toros let's go turtles team here's the results of the final cheer team if I call your name please leave please leave period Gracie Michelle and last and least Lindsay Lindsay didn't make the team but Rebecca did do you think she'll do it everyone else please go get size for your uniform make this year well then I'm not gonna join the team if you are no Rebecca you have to join the team so that you can go to Nationals and open that wall clock I want to do this but I can't do this without you you're the reason I'm here we're cheer besties remember we are but do it for your mom um I called your name why are you still here yeah why because I'm talking to her can we just have a moment please no I called your name now leave what oh hi guys oh no she did it wait a minute it's a program no no no no no no it's okay you have to stay what how could you do that to Lindsay she didn't deserve that I haven't had cheerleader I can do whatever I want yeah she can and besides don't you want to win Nationals so you can open that box from your mom and the only way to do that I think is to be on a cheer team right so if you want to be on our team you have to play by our rules see you but practice tomorrow thank you I hate that big red oh so do I but I don't have any other option if I want to go to Nationals I have to work with them and that's how you complete this virtue desk program well now that I'm on the cheerleading team what's next it looks like you're a sophomore and you're going homecoming week you just gotta get to Nationals you got this all right ladies this week is homecoming and that means we will be doing our routine in front of the whole school yeah the whole school so it needs to be perfect it's perfect perfect you just like I can't right now Rebecca can you just like go over the routine with them sure everyone line up five six damage out out arms up and wrap and wrap step clap step clap Step Up wait wait no I'm sorry I'm not laughing at you girl look at those dancers over there none of them are doing the same thing they're like noodles weak Bland and no one remembers them I actually think their moves are pretty cool I think it's time for lunch let's go girls I just have to get to Nationals [Music] oh look it's all the wannabe cheerleaders that didn't make the team and here's the Biggest Loser of them all at least they have some talent you have no Talent whatsoever I hate that big red she bullies everyone how about you and your clones go eat somewhere else let's just eat our lunch this isn't necessary you're right this isn't necessary but this is foreign let's eat somewhere else it smells a little desperate in here Lindsay I'm so sorry I didn't know she was going to do that I would have tried to stop her why is she so mean to me I don't know this is not cool at all I'm done I'm quitting the team I'm not gonna let her get away with it Rebecca you can't quit think of your mom and the keep the lockbox you have to win that I can't do this so I can't be a part of a team where the captain is a bully remember we pinky promise we're gonna be cheer besties forever you can't quit cheer besties wish you were cheering with me no you're gonna win Nationals you're gonna do it for your mom that's what's important Rebecca what are you doing here I said we're eating somewhere else I was making sure my best friend was okay we threw a slushie on her say you're sorry did that make you upset I am so sorry it's gonna be okay that was uncalled for but I'm glad you apologized and I'm also sorry about this oh why did you do that big red let's go Rebecca you know what no I'm not going I quit I quit I quit she quit she can't we need to convince her to do anything to rejoin that to your team I guess you're never gonna see your mommy little love box then and we're still gonna win Nationals I bet your mom is looking down at you right now so disappointed hey don't don't Rebecca you can't quit I'm sorry I have to go someone needs to stand up to her mom I need you right now I don't know what to do I don't want to quit but I can't be on a team of boys my best friend she's been there for me as you went away I want to open your love box but I don't know which choice is the right one to make I'm sorry you guys the game's over I quit the cheerleading no well you know what next up is graduation you can figure out a way to get back on that team and win a National what no I'm sorry you guys I can't be on a team like that you gotta go back in and get that lock box figure it out be creative what I can't win Nationals if I'm not a cheerleader thank God we are finally getting out of this place I know that this is hard for you but your mom would be really proud of you thanks to your bestie all right everyone settle in we have a lot of graduating to do today speaking up I would like to say a special congratulations to our cheer team who won nationals this year and they'll be moving on to try and win College Nationals as well yeah everyone clap I'd like to bring up our cheeratorian to say a few words thank you winnings here Nationals two years in a row was amazing but the secret to that success was never quitting right Rebecca listen to her she's trying to get under your skin but the secret to Our Success is all our moms are proud of us except for your mom Rebecca because she's dead you'll never deserve what's in that lock box cheerleaders go spread some cheer over there over there get out of here take it back you guys stay here clean it up what you'll never deserve what's in that lock box get out of here cheerleaders are the worst no those cheerleaders are the worst it's just not fair all I want is for you to get into that lock box I mean it's impossible unless I won national switch clearly I don't but you guys are dancers right I remember at the audition you guys were really good and Lindsay and I we've been cheering our whole life you guys are going to the local University right they don't have a cheerleading team but we could start one that sounds good foreign [Applause] if we want to beat the Tauros and Nationals then we're gonna have to do something different they've been working together forever but what we have is we have originality what if we include some dancing moves into our cheerleading routine oh I got it how about a little pop we can even do some do some body rolls how about we do a peel off oh it's so perfect a hamster a handstand yeah we can do that oh maybe that's not the best move you're a little rusty that's fine I think it's time to start practicing five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight hop to the right okay hop to the left around oh they're actually kind of good shut up there's no way we're gonna let them win Nationals how are you gonna make sure that I have a plan yeah wow [Applause] [Music] what happened to Matt he tried to take over but Rebecca that was a great idea you might actually beat this birth to death program you really think we have a chance yeah I think you guys could win Nationals oh you just need to practice and figure out exactly how to find you don't have time for that you're going into Nationals right now right now if I don't win this Rebecca believe in yourself you're gonna win this okay damn fam wish me luck don't try to take over again welcome to the college national championship it is down to two teams the Rainy national champions the Toro and the snakes competition will begin in 10 minutes we've caught this everyone told us we couldn't do it but here we are at Nationals and we can win so let's get set go through those routines I'll be right back so Mom this is it I'm really nervous right now I hope I did the right thing all I know is I want to see what's inside that lock box what is it that you left for me I'm gonna win Nationals for you Mom you make sure they're warmed up I have something to do you got it okay girls ready here we go five six seven eight one foreign Nationals Rebecca doesn't complete this program I really hate that big red did she do five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight foreign [Music] but that means no physical activity for at least a week at least it's not broken no it's not broken yeah but wait get back here no that's physical activity why do the Toros always get to win they're not even that good we actually could have won Rebecca what are we gonna do [Music] yeah she's back she has a chance to win Nationals let's go it's just a straight neck and they haven't cleared me but we gotta go we gotta hurry come on come on Grandma we are so gonna win how do you know they still have to cheer because they don't have enough people to compete I guess you can't count because we have five let's go you guys [Music] I thought you said they didn't have enough people they weren't supposed to and the girl's in a neck brace there's no way they can win writing no no they can't we're the Toros do you think we'll be National Champion I don't know but we did our best and that's all that matters and no matter what the outcome is just know your mom would be proud could have done this without you guys it was a close competition but the first runner outfit the national championships of college cheerleading is [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah you did I can't do this without you guys you guys have to be there what what are you doing where's my box where's my lock box my lockbox is gone where is it are you sure you put it there yeah I can't find it we're gonna go let's keep looking we want Nationals but did you guys see what happened to the lock box zamfam please comment below if you saw what happened to that love books if I don't find me well you need to get back to your high school reunion who am I gonna see there oh my gosh Rebecca big red it's so good to see you at our time our Union we haven't seen you since College since National and you're pregnant I am and you guys are too yeah how far along are you guys well I'm doing April I'm doing may congratulations eyes are so nice actually do you mind giving us a minute can you give us a minute okay hey big red it's been a while I know it really has Rebecca honestly I just feel awful about the way we treated you back at Nationals I just hope that we can be friends yeah that was a long time ago that was like 10 years we're different people now we're going to be mom of course I can forgive you especially too about taking your lock box I just feel it's so awful wait wait you took my lock box yeah you know you guys had just won I was just feeling so jealous and angry and I didn't have an outlet for that that do you have it now I don't remember what I did with it like pregnancy brain I think I threw it away that's okay it's totally fine thank you I'm really sorry wait so we don't really like her do we oh yeah it looks like you're going back to Nationals Nationals I don't know what's gonna happen but you got to get in there and find out how am I going back to Nationals or if I could be careful to death Uno national championships my old stomping ground Lindsay Rebecca why'd you have me meet here I mean does bring back memories winning the national championships I actually have something really important to show you I went to my neighbor's garage sale and it's a garage pale garage sale sale and it turns out it was that mean head cheerleader big red big dead she actually is dead but big dead look what I found at our garage sale I had to bring it to you are you okay what is it that feel that feels no hold on to that take that feeling and multiply it by one million that's how I felt to have you my greatest achievement in life was you low mom I've been waiting for this box since it was National you finally got to open it this is the best thing Rebecca [Music] Rebecca wake up she's not breathing find your best is dead that was an emotional birth the death of a cheerleader program after my mom died I followed in her footsteps to win Nationals and opened the lock box even though it was taken from me I was finally able to retrieve the special message from my mom hi baby girl zadie I wanted to tell you I just like the mom in the program my greatest achievement with you you're the most special thing ever zamfam make sure you are subscribed with notifications on and smash the thumbs up if you thought this birth to death of a cheerleader program was as special as it was to us I love you Sadie
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 16,409,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birth, to, death, cheerleader, in real life, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: xRvquxZnmb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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