I Went to PROM to Reveal my Ex Boyfriend Hacker Crush at GKC School! Chad & Vy have a Date Dance

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- Hey, Spy Ninjas! Today is prom night! - I am excited, right Melvin? Oh, oh, oh, whoa whoa whoa! Six feet. - I'm excited too, though. I can't wait! How about you, Marvin? - Ow! I was excited! - Daniel, don't break the arm of my date. Bro date. - Wait, do you guys have an invite yet? - Melvin and I have got a plan. We are gonna down to the, with the DeLorean, and we're going to- - We got the tickets. - Well, you see, we're just gonna hop in the DeLorean- - Then we will find our outfits, and then just show up all swagged out to this prom! - Speaking of outfits, you guys got your outfits? - Yes. - I wanna see. I wanna see. I wanna see. - It's a big night. My first prom. My first date. Well, it's not really a date. It's just a mission. Found out about Vy's past, that's all it is. Does anybody know how to tie a tie? Okay, I think I put this tie on right. I don't know what I'm doing. Gotta make sure that my breath smells nice, so. Ah, minty fresh. All right. - All right. Are you ready to get on your outfit, Vy? - Yeah, I am super excited, Chad. I'm gonna get ready and put some make-up on. It's gonna be our first prom together! - Well, you're going with someone else actually, so it'll be my first prom with Melvin actually. - We'll see each other. I mean, I'm just going to find out about our childhood. - That's true. We'll sill have fun together. I'm gonna go put on this white shirt, so I'll be back. - M'kay. - Spy Ninjas, I'm super excited! This is gonna be my fourth prom. I'm super pumped to shake my tushy on the dance floor. But I gotta get rid of these pigtails. These pigtails don't scream prom. Brush my hair a little bit. I haven't brushed it in a couple days. All right, I think I'm ready. I got my hair brushed. I look pretty awesome. - Let's get dressed. What Daniel, Regina, and Vy don't know is that I'm gonna be the reason why Chad gets to go in the first place. It's not the most ethical thing to hack into this prom, but when the invites are so exclusive, you gotta do what you gotta do. So while the Spy Ninjas just wanna go discover stuff about this GKC, I'm just gonna go for the real reason everyone's tryin' to go to prom: to find love. Aww. Whatever. I just want clout. Ah, my beard is nasty. Better get some hair product. - Got most of my outfit on here, but first, we are going reveal Daniel's prom outfit! Daniel, are you ready?! He's got a staff. Whoa! You look great, Daniel. - I'm wearing a tie for the first time in my life. For prom night, I'll do anything. - Ooh. Are you ready to see Melvin, Daniel? - Yes! Well, I guess. - Oh, okay. - He's your Watch Brother now. He's not mine. - Melvin, are you ready?! Show us what you're workin' with. Ooh! Wow! Look at this guy! Look at those mustache hairs! - Yeah, it's ridiculous. Ah! - That's a real mustache, Melvin? - Let's reveal some of the ladies. I think Regina's in her room changing right now. Oh, Regina?! Ooh! Shazam! Look at that! - We're matching! What! - Ooh! - Maroon and maroon. - Get away, six feet! Oh, I'm excited for the prom. - Look at us. - Wow. - We're actually like dates now. - It kinda seems real. - Hm. - This is gonna be super fun. - What does Vy look like? - That is a great question, Regina! C'mon over this way everybody. Vy, we are ready! (cheering) - Whoa! Melvin, I think I found a new date. Oh, wait. Vy already has a different date, and it's not me. - It's not, yeah. I already accepted that invitation. - Aw. - You guys haven't seen my full outfit yet, though. Here, someone hold the camera. Daniel? Or Melvin? It's Spider-Chad! (cheering) - Look, he even got blue buttons, the blue trim, the attention to detail is just muah. - Attention to detail. - Me and Chad still have to go grab our tickets. - Yes, we do. So we will meet you guys at the prom online. We'll see you guys there. - You guys can't tell I'm nervous, right? 'Cause I'm not. - Yeah, you have the same composure as the number six on your stick. (laughing) - Okay, I'm gonna get ready. - Let's go, Melvin. I hope what you're planning is gonna work, Melvin. - Oh yeah. - We need to have tickets. - Okay, Melvin, you know where we're goin'? - The park! - So the server for the prom is at the park, huh? Okay, I hope you're right. - I guess it's time to log on to the prom app, find my date, and then we can complete the mission! Wait, what's the mission again? I could've sworn we were doing this for a mission, but I forgot what the mission was. Oh! Vy's ex boyfriend is somewhere in here. - We're all in disguise in this virtual prom right now, because hackers are gonna be there, and they can't know that we are the Spy Ninjas. You know what's weird too? Vy's ex boyfriend is a hacker! We're gonna find out who it is today! Okay, I'm gonna log on. I gotta think of a user name where the hackers don't know it's me, so it's gotta be kinda random. Hogwarts! Ron Weasley seventy-seven. That's gonna be my user name. - Woo-hoo! Here we go to the prom, Melvin! - Why's everyone so focused on going to this prom anyway? - We're gonna spy on that guy who's trying to hit on my wife. - Well, what? Is she not in love with you anymore? What's the reason for her deception or something? - Of course she's in love with me. She's going to get information about the GKC school that her and I went to as little kids. Apparently, this guy went there with her. So he must remember. Vy and I don't remember. - Over here on my side, there's a little server thing. - Okay, let's go hook this up to the server! Here we go! - Ooh! - Woo-hoo! Yeah, so you're gonna scale this wall right here, Melvin? You're gonna get in trouble, dude. I don't think you should do this. - That's why you should play look-out. Here, Chad, hold this. - Okay. Okay, fine. All right, so Melvin's climbing it right now. I see him in there. He's in there. Okay. C'mon Melvin, hurry up. You gotta be fast, man. You got it, Melvin? Hopefully that should do it. - Let's go log on to the server, and see if I can find Daniel and Regina. Who's all in here? Oh, wow! It's poppin'! There's a lot of people here. Where's Daniel and Regina? I wonder what their user names are. Here's one that says Durrglas. Gee, I wonder who that could be. C'mon Daniel, you gotta be a little less obvious than that. I'm gonna click in to Durrglas. I'm pretty sure this is Daniel. - All right, says we're connecting with somebody. Vy, is that you? - Yeah, it's me! It's me! - Have you seen Regina, or Chad, or Melvin or anyone? - - Well, I just found Regina here at the prom, and then all of a sudden, she just left me. Can you believe that? My date left me. Now I'm all alone! I don't know what to do! Should I dance? - Oh, Daniel, calm down. Calm down. I'm sure Regina will be back. - I don't know, she might've had a different date. She might've clicked in to somebody else and said, "Ooh la la, who is that papi?" And left me. - No, she wouldn't do that. - Daniel! Vy! - Oh! Regina! - I found your guys' chat room! - Well It's about time you found us, Regina! You left me out here in the prom dance floor. - Whoa. - People are clickin' in on me and talkin' to me, and I was like, "I don't know what to do! I don't do my hands. Do I dance? Do I talk? - Daniel, I was tryin' to look for Vy's date! I was trying to mingle with the other people, tryin' to figure it out, who it is! - Yeah Daniel, calm down. - You're right, that's the whole mission of this prom. You're right. I forgot. - You know, Daniel, what if we all dance together to ease the nerves? - Okay, okay, yeah. Teach me some prom dance moves, and then we'll move on to the slow dance, right? - I'm gonna follow Regina. - Do a little bit of this. - One of these? - Like this? - Sprinkle it. - Oh yeah. - How you feelin' now, Daniel? - I feel pretty good! - I kinda wanna dance with other people now, so we can mingle. Hopefully we run into my BFF. - Do you know anything about your ex boyfriend that we could look out for if we find him? - What about things he likes? And then we can find out what his username is. - In one of my clues, he did say 'secret Romeo'. So maybe like, Romeo xo, or something like that. - Romeo, huh? That must mean something. - He's the Romeo, and I'm his Juliet apparently. - Huh! That's so sweet and romantic! - Daniel, no! That's my ex boyfriend! We don't say that! Wait, is someone trying to join in our chat? - I think so! I see someone! - Everybody make sure your disguises are on! - Yeah, maybe act natural. Keep dancing. - Oh yeah. Natural. Dancin'. - Hey! Is this the dance floor? - Oh, hey there. - Is this really Vy's ex boyfriend? - Do you know anything about like, GKC? - Yeah, I wear GKC cologne for men. It's actually pretty cool. It's really expensive stuff. - That's not what we're talking about, but. - Can you guys do this? Like ride the waves. - Riding the waves. Riding the waves. - Pretty cool. It's a pretty cool dance move I just made up. Ridin' the wave. - You don't know any information about Good Kid Center? Maybe this really handsome man, back in the day used to be peoples' girlfriends? - Did you say handsome man? 'Cause that's definitely me. - What's, what's your names? - Oh, my name is Ron Weasley. - Not like your username, like what's your name? And your phone number too. What's your phone number? - Hey, man. You're coming on a little to strong, all right? Just, just back of a little bit. - Man, we all have dates. - Whoa, okay. Fine. You know, if you guys aren't cool with that, I guess I'll just go and find some really cool people, because you guys are kinda lame. So, see ya! - Bye. - Whew! Oh my gosh, thanks Daniel and Vy for saving me. I did not like him. - I didn't like him either. That- that's weird, man. - But guys, guys, guys, how do we know for sure that's not your ex boyfriend, Vy? That could've been him. - Okay, that guy seem like such a jerk. I don't know. I don't think I would date someone like that back in the day. I feel like I would date someone like a Romeo. Someone suave. Someone romantic. Someone sweet. - A Chad! The mission is important, I understand, but we should take breaks in a while, right? Is it time to slow dance yet? Maybe? - We don't have time for slow dancing. We're on a really important mission. - Well, I just thought that, you know, to blend in more. Like rush- okay, fine, fine, fine. - Now, I'm not the best hacker. That's what Daniel and Regin are for. I'm hard-wiring my laptop to the public server, while inside a hacker-proof device, should make our connection super secure so we won't have to worry about anybody finding out our location. - Wow, you're doing pretty good. (gibberish) - Oh, look at that hacking skill. Pretty good. (laughing) - I don't even know if I wanna join the Spy Ninjas 'cause of Daniel and Regina. - What? Why? - Why don't we just make a new team with just you, Vy, and myself? - No, Daniel and Regina are awesome! They're the best, man! - I think I found a back door to the server! I can't log us in, but I can get us tickets. - Okay. - And then we can access it from the safe house. Well, maybe after this whole prom thing, maybe I can start tryin' to make things right. - Yeah, 'cause it's not just up to me. It's up to all the Spy Ninjas, including all you Spy Ninjas, to decide if we should allow Melvin back into the team or not. - You guys can make sure to let me know I'm doing right by making sure you subscribe to the PZ9 The Best Fighter channel! - Whoa, whoa, whoa, we're not on your channel right now. We're on Vy's channel, so, uh. - Well, you can subscribe to her. - There ya go. - So make sure you subscribe to Vy's channel by taking your phone, flipping it vertically, scrolling right down, and hitting that subscribe button, and turning it gray. - Yeah. - And then you're apart of the team. I have the remote access stored on the computer. - So we can go back to the safe house, and still get access to the prom. - Oh yes! - Let's go! - Hold on, wait, wait! - Whoa, someone's coming in! Someone's coming in! - Okay, act natural. - Greetings and salutations, fellows, ladies and lords! - Oh, wow. - You got some real nice hair, hacker! - Oh, why thank you, my dear. - Someone who says 'my dear' sounds like a very romantic language. - I wouldn't mind if this guy used to be somebody's boyfriend. He's pretty cool. - He knows how to smooth talk. - Hey, hey, Regina, calm down, okay? Remember? This is- you know. - Do you like Shakespeare? - He's an acquired taste. However, I have acquired such taste. - Uh, sir? - Yes, lad? - Oh! We're good, we're good. When you were little, do you remember having a best friend, and you would make best friend bracelets with each other? - Well, I do recall one thing that I made was shoelaces. - Shoelaces? - Regina, can you kick him out or something? - Get him outta here. I don't think he's the one. He doesn't know anything either. - Okay a little bit of this. Three, two, one, kick him out! Oh my gosh! - Good job, Regina. Good job! - He looks like Justin Timberlake when he was in N'Sync. - Oh the ramen noodle hair! - It's not April thirtieth anymore! It's gonna be May! - It's gonna be me. - Bye, bye, bye. - May. - I'm lovin' it. - Okay, Melvin. We need to get into his prom right now. - But there's no like, no quiet place that we can chill. - The laundry room. Now, we need to make sure to not get caught by the moderators. 'Cause if they find us without tickets, they'll boot us out. - Okay, Melvin, you're hacking your way in? - Already done. (cheering) - Now we just gotta find the chatroom that everybody else is in. - Okay, we're in. Who did we connect to first? - You guys got tickets? - Why, yes. Of course we do. Right, Melvin? - Actually, dude, we're just waiting for our dates. - It's PZ409 is my date. Can you check the list? - Well, there does happen to be a PZ409 on the list - I told you! With a plus one, right? - Yes, you can come through. - All right! Thank you, sir! All right, we will head on into the prom. - Yeah, and mind your own business. Why don't you just enjoy the digital prom. - Hey, hey. Thank you- - You wanna come in or not? - Thank you for your security work, sir. We appreciate being kept safe while at the prom here. So, thank you. - Have a good time. - You almost blew it, dude! Don't lose your temper! - Yeah- - Stay cool, man! - Hey Regina, Vy looks like she's in her own little world right now dancing. So I mean, now's a good time for us to, you know, practice slow dancing. - I'm back! - That was cool, Vy. - Can we see it again? That was awesome. Oh yeah, Vy, I wanna join you! - Oh cool, yeah! Let's do the drums together! - C'mon Daniel! C'mon Daniel! - Uh, uh. - Spin! - C'mon Daniel! Come on, Danny boy! - I'm actually gonna pick someone to join us now. 'Cause the guys are just kinda crazy, these hackers. - Oh, how 'bout this guy? 'TooShy4WG' - Oh, he's shy! - Hey, I know what it's like to be shy and at your first prom, um, buddy. Let's see who this guy is. - I'm gonna invite him now. - Aw, are you shy? - Is this the chatroom? - Uh, yes it is. Uh, what's wrong, buddy? - Uh, my friends told me I should come, but I don't know how to dance. - You know, Durrglas here has uh, just started dancin' too, so I think you can dance with us. - You won't make fun of me? - No, we won't make fun of you. - Okay, oh wow. Oh, I like the shoulders. - Yeah, there ya go! - Whoa! Wow! You are a quick learner! Oh my Gosh! - That was good, man! Hey, that was good! (moaning) - You're a great dancer, TooShy4WG. - I've never danced in front of people before. - That guy, though. Would he even come up and talk to me? Look how shy he is. - Right now, you're into boys like Chad, you know, that are ultra confident. This guys seems like the opposite. I don't think your taste in men has changed that much over the years. - You're right, Daniel. You know what to do, Regina. You know what to do. - Can we give him the boot? - Give him the Reggie boot. - I'm so glad that you guys are my friends now. I can't wait to spend the rest of the evening here with my new friends. - Oh. - Who knew we would encounter so many hackers? And none of 'em seems to be my ex BFF. I'm gonna look again for a different username here. Oh my gosh! This username is All4VQ! - VQ is Vy Qwaint! - It's definitely him! All right, mask on, Daniel. - If we can confirm this is the guy, we can confirm everything about your past! - All right, act cool. Act cool. - Oh my Gosh. (stutters) - Hello. - H-hi. - Is it you? - Is it me you're looking for? - Vy Qwaint? - Regina, it's happening! - It's happening! - You know, I don't really like to reveal my uh, identity at a masquerade ball. Uh, let's get to know each other a little bit more before we, you know, reveal ourselves. - I'm waiting for someone who's really special to me. I brought her this rose. - Okay, okay. It's gettin' real hot in here, um. - The dance is almost over, and I have a secret I need to tell her. I have a big crush on her, and I haven't been able to tell her because I'm too afraid. (gasps) - Oh wow! - I gotta go and find her, unless you're Vy Qwaint. - Spy Ninja huddle! Quick, quick! Spy Ninja huddle! - We'll be right back, sir, uh. - What should I do? Should I reveal my face?! - This guy pretty much admitted that he has a crush on you! So, what's the worst that's gonna happen if you reveal yourself? - He's the only lead we've got into figuring out more about the GKC and your past! - I'm so nervous, you guys. I really don't wanna reveal my identity, but I guess that's the only choice, right? Oh my gosh. - You guys can become friends again, and the then can tell you everything about your past. - Okay, okay. I'm so nervous. I'm so nervous. I'm diving back in. Okay, I have uh, I have something to tell you. - What is it? - I'm uh, uh, I am Vy Qwaint. It's it's really me. - Oh my gosh! You're even more beautiful than I remember. I got you this rose. - Thank you, that's so sweet of you. Do you remember in the Gifted Kid Center when we were best friends? - Of course! Of course I remember! - You used to hold my hand and go on the swings. - Wow, okay. You know, I actually do wanna get to know you better. Maybe if you take off your mask, I can remember who you are and get to know you a little bit better. - Okay, I'll take my mask off. For you. - He's gonna remove his mask! Here's the moment! Oh my gosh! (panting) - Daniel! - Regina, it's gonna happen! It's gonna happen! - I know! We're gonna find out who Vy's ex boyfriend is! - It's happening! It's happening! (gasping) - It's gonna happen! - What is up, prom goers? Melvin and Chad have successfully crashed the prom. I mean, welcome to the prom. I mean, we're here! - Prom intruders. Booting all prom attendees out. - Chad! - What the heck?! - What are you guys doing here?! - We just got booted out! Where's the other dude? - We were gonna see his face! - They figured us out, man! - Ahh! - Oh, Melvin, I thought you said you were good at hacking! - We were talking about crashing the prom, I didn't literally mean, like crash it! - It's Chad and Melvin. It looks like they were in the laundry room! (groans) They are ruining everything! I'm gonna get them! I am so upset with him right now. We were about to see him! Oh my gosh. - Hello. - What are you guys doing here? You ruined our moment, Chad! - What do you mean? - My ex BFF was revealing his face, chad! - Is that the guy with big heart face? - Yes. - Yeah. - And then you and your big ole' Spiderman costume walked in on our- walked in our- (laughing) - You can do this, Regina. - Yeah, you walked in our virtual prom chatroom, and ruined it, and then the heart man got scared and left. - Yeah, you oughtta be ashamed of yourself. - I was just tryin' to join prom and have a good time with you guys. You guys were dancing, and partying, and I felt really left out, and I wanted to come have fun too. - Well, you kinda ruined the mission, Chad. - Melvin, come on out. It was Melvin and I- we crashed the prom together, I'm sorry! - Gnarly boys! - We spent a whole gosh dang week gettin' ready for this prom, and you guys blew it. We didn't even get to the slow dancing part that you guys kept saying there was gonna be. - I never said that. - In your dreams. - I feel so bad that I ruined this for you guys! You were just about to get that guy unmasked! - Yeah, we were gonna find out all about our past- our childhood, Chad! - It was my fault. I couldn't get Chad any tickets in time, and I thought the only way to do it was to hack. But I'm not that good of a hacker. - Good thing I came prepared with a back-up plan b. Just follow me, everybody. Well, except for Daniel and Regina. You guys gotta stay back inside for the little thing we talked about, right? - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah, yeah. - Social distancing. - We'll stay inside. - Yeah, we'll be here. - Okay, so it's just gonna be me and you, Vy. Melvin's gonna film. Thanks, Melvin. - Yeah, no problem. - Oh, thanks for being the cameraman. - Here's my back-up plan, Vy! - Oh my gosh, Chad! I had no idea! - I'm sorry for ruining your prom, but uh, here's what Melvin and I set up. - Wow! - And look, our friends are joining us! Look, Regina's inside watching! Regina! - Aww! - Hi, Regina! - And, over here. - There's more? - Daniel's here as well! - Aw, hi Daniel. - Daniel! - You've been gettin' roses all day, Vy, but you haven't gotten one from me. - Aw, the most important one from the most important person in my life. - Aw thanks, Vy. You can't have a prom without music. Which is why we got Daniel over here. Look at this! Ah, you hear that? - Oh, wow! He's playing the guitar! - You can hear it, right? - Yeah! - Aw that's so sweet! - That's so sweet. - But wait, you can't just have a guitar playing. You gotta have a little keyboard. Hit it, girl, hit it! (gasps) - Yeah, yeah, she's got that cat keyboard! - Chad, I can't believe you did all this! - Well, at prom you gotta have a dance, right? A slow dance. - Yeah! - Let's go! On top of the rose petals! All right, isn't this nice, Vy? - Yeah. - Uh, actually Vy's too short, the framing is like really awkward. - You can't get us both in the camera shot? - Well, at a weird, tilted angle. - I came prepared. Here we go. I came prepared just in case. - Aw, you're so sweet, Chad. Aw. - There we go. (acoustic guitar playing) - It's Daniel! - Hey guys! - How nice is this? - Regina! (gasps) ♪ Oh love love love ♪ ♪ Oh love ♪ ♪ Chad's in love ♪ ♪ And Vy's in love ♪ - Oh! - And hit it! (cheering) (clapping) - Wow, what a fantastic video by the Spy Ninjas! Make sure to subscribe to Vy, to Chad, to Daniel, and Regina! And we'll catch you on the next episode. Thanks for watching, Spy Ninjas. Goodnight.
Channel: Vy Qwaint
Views: 25,336,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, prom, dance, hackers, virtual, online, romance, boyfriend, crush, girlfriend, mystery, lazarbeam, tiktoks, laugh, mrbeast, friend, video, superbowserlogan, sml, problem, brent rivera, pranked, sister, freakout, prank, fgteev, roblox, guesty, escape, jelly, dobre, pool, challenge, flamingo, game, sssniperwolf, riddles, solve, shopping, new, house, unspeakable, views, minecraft, jeffy, party, funny, fun, 123 go, diy, date, school, friends, best friend, chad wild clay, cwc, vy qwaint, vy, chad, pz9, daniel, regina, melvin
Id: 4ipIsEulr5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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