Busting 24 Princess Myths in 24 Hours

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today we're busting a hundred princess myths in 24 hours the first myth is that if you eat an apple from a witch it's gonna be poison i'm fine myth busted watch out what did you do don't worry true love's first kiss we'll bring her back you almost ran my dress smith busted myth number three is that princesses can walk on water just like elsa come on [Applause] well that didn't work but we're going to keep trying and if we do walk on water we will win 1 000 but if we bust this myth and can't do it one of you will win a thousand dollars yeah but you have to be subscribed go subscribe right now growing up i loved princesses i wanted to be one and i still do and now i want to find out if what i believed about princesses is actually true like do they actually break glass when they sing let's try that myth right now it work snow white's turn cinderella's got it let me try oh it's not a myth it's true a princess smith everyone thinks is true is that princesses don't have kids but actually ariel has a daughter zadie hey baby ariel huh can you tell the zamfam what we're saying you're right that myth is busted last princess to lose their animal wins a thousand dollars everyone choose your animal chameleon spider snake rat we have snake father here and we're starting with the snake on matt or should i say anna oh man oh my gosh well that thing really wraps around yeah it's like a little back massage snake confirmed who's got the rat oh that'd be me that's not gonna work that's just so funny oh yeah okay i'll go over here yeah yeah yeah maddie switch with daniel right over here i'm just glad i got a spider snow white does not like snakes next snake father is bringing the rat is this rat have a name so i can talk to him why don't you name him stewie hi so hey bart i'm a princess do you want to be best friends this princess smith is that every princess has an animal companion which is why we're doing this challenge oh that is a big spider let's just rest her here on your shoulders what's your name whisper this is charlotte okay she can whisper some sweet nothing's in your ear thank you for that i think snow white like saying to birds not spiders but you know i guess challenge begins now how badly do you want that thousand dollars zam fam comment below which of these you would want to have and which would be your least favorite i thought princess is like doll animals stewie has decided to stick his claws into my shoulder so this is really nice i'm sure anything princesses don't need an animal companion if it's a spider maddie don't you want that thousand dollars i do but there's a spider on me and i don't even know where it is right now don't move chameleon's going down my arm but i have to win this challenge why has no one got their animals off yet i thought this would be a lot easier i can't think all my kids see people doing father can you please get the spider off the neck no white and then there were three princesses come on chameleon my arm's getting really hard could you just go onto my head or my shoulder again i think my snake is sleeping on my body right now come here yeah daniel i'm kind of like multitasking i think we can get on it out right now ready oh watch out oh okay hey matt our friends want to meet maybe no i say wait i can go closer i have a feeling like if they meet that might be bad for you okay okay i can't do this anymore snake's gonna attack you not getting killed feeling super constricted right now she's going she's going okay well i have a chameleon on my head okay can i tap out oh let it go oh my gosh oh my god wait they don't like chameleons do they oh my gosh why is this thing coming towards my head you're out you're welcome here we go and then there were two princesses we have rapunzel with the chameleon and cinderella with the rack who do you think is going to win oh man stewie's really scared right now he is digging in i guess it's true princesses do have animal companions i feel like they like us more than normal one of them peed i think it's thank you right there yeah oh my god we want a thousand dollars i'll split it with you 500 for you and 500 for me what are you gonna give me 500. you wouldn't fit in that that's silly this list says that if a princess picks up a bow and arrow they will hit a target princesses are you ready yeah yeah that one didn't work princesses let's try again second time's the charm princesses and go well i guess that myth is busted [Music] sam what are you doing this is scotchgard it's water resistant which means that it repels water it'll make me walk on water good luck matt i got a lot on there princess might not be able to do this but a prince can this is princess miss three let it go matt it didn't work i think i got a few steps i almost got it this next miss says that princesses have long magical hair that is so strong it can hold a grown person whoever can climb up and save me wins ten thousand dollars you guys ready yeah cinderella you're up first ah you're low heavy daniel oh sorry come on come save me here we go i'm not that strong i'm sorry you didn't even get off the ground sorry i've been working out but the dress is so constricting can't even get up you do better bill i'm snow white i will do better i'm about to win this thousand dollars come on snow white ah a lot of hair rapunzel you got this snow white why am i doing all the work so close this looks like a job for a man oh come on now or should i say a prince the other two didn't make it there's no way prince charming can here we go oh oh he's making it up oh my gosh it hurts a little bit at least i have strong hair come on prince jeremy and i'm pulling prince charming might save me i made it ten thousand dollars oh no but this myth is true everyone knows that these floats i'll be using them as walking sticks why are you dressed up as a princess though i didn't get the memo that i could be a prince you can't be a prince come on cinderella that had to hurt she didn't even use the walking stick okay we're not getting anywhere close to that thousand dollars how am i supposed to find glass slippers and pools another princess myth is that all princesses get along it looks like this myth is true but let's find out how was your night last night don't play nice cinderella i know you've been getting with my beast this past week oh he's not a beast anymore he's a prince charming yeah who made him that way well now he wants a real princess i still see him every night and he still makes me call him a beast was he home last night past midnight no you didn't cinderella this myth is busted the next princess myth is that princesses can talk to animals and we're about to find out if that's true hello my little creature would you like to chat with me maybe you'd like a little lettuce duck please tell me all the latest gossip in the petting zoo just a little bit well hello sparkle please tell me the petting zoo gossip i'm dying to know really rooster no way goat did that so who do you have a crush on oh you're just hungry lucy come on what no way i thought lamb was so nice oh my gosh i had no idea all the drama that was happening in this petting zoo this is not a myth at all princesses can't talk to animals thanks belle for having tea with me of course and elsa there's something i've been wanting to tell you bill the tea elsa isn't a princess what do you mean i'm not a princess i mean it's a myth elsa is not a princess and neither is does this moana i'm not a princess what is it a princess who am i it's just a myth you're actually a queen oh well that's even better then i'm a queen elsa is there milk in this teeth yes i always put milk in all of my tea oh the princesses were polite oh man i'm gonna have to break this to moana except she's not even a queen sadie can't find out this princess is about to float across the water with these floaties on our feet where are they on your arms okay you know what i'm not the best swimmer daniel this is not gonna work can i just get a chamfered bell it didn't even keep her floating at least i can't drown this way i can't swim either though why would there be a mouse in the pool there's a myth that says the genie is in this lamp and he will grant me any three wishes that i want so i'm gonna make my three wishes now my first wish is that everyone watching right now subscribes and turns on notifications my second wish is that zadie grows up to be a happy healthy girl and my last and final wish is that we will hit 13 million in the zamfam by the end of 2022. i guess we'll have to wait and see if this myth is true or if it gets busted this next myth says that if a princess kisses a frog the frog will turn into a prince i am so excited for this myth do you think this is gonna work you know what i'm gonna bust this myth right now i'm going first i put like open mouth oh my gosh matt didn't work i'm actually okay with that who wants to go next fine i'll go i'll go daniel okay maddie are you ready to kiss the frog yes i'm ready to get my prince in order to make sure that this works really well close your eyes go really slow go go go go a prince the myth is true i got my prince charming do you want to go on a date of course yes i do okay hey hey hey we have the rest of the challenge okay sorry buddy this was only to bust them back i'll call you i'll get your number how are you gonna get his number i don't know him that myth is true no myth busted but what are we gonna tell her never elsa is about to walk on water with this slip and slide you guys ready to get that thousand dollars but no got it [Music] sorry elsa yeah that's okay the slip inside didn't bother me anyway why didn't she use her powers she's not a real princess well don't tell sadie that this is last princess to leave the mattress once you have one minute to get whatever you want time starts now since i am aurora i need as much candy as i can because aurora falls asleep and i need to be last to leave the mattress this will do and i'm a princess i'm not going to sabotage anyone i want to win this fair and square i got an energy drink so i can last this whole time i mean this could last a long walk hold on i can use these to get everybody out yes yes i have the perfect inspiration to keep me awake pictures of boys in my diary and i guarantee that daniel is getting coffee so this will make him fall asleep always keep an extra cup of coffee back in the hackaroo fun four three two one okay everyone has their items and at the end of this we'll find out what princess myth we are busted what do you get when you win i mean when i win this challenge when whoever wins this challenge they get to post an embarrassing photo of the other three princesses on our game master network app so climb on come on brave sorry what are all those foam things for you'll see later better not be a sabotage i mean princesses don't sabotage right you guys yeah never no at least this will be a fair challenge this time why'd you say it like that maddie no reason okay well what should we do while we're waiting let's test each other about princesses oh princess trivia zamfam i want you to play along also who was the first disney princess easy cinderella yeah cinderella for sure i think it was actually snow white oh yes maddie you are right how many official disney princesses are there you actually know that yeah absolutely oh i feel like twenty seventeen twenty seven they're a little cheaper by the dozen there's only twelve whoa whoa did you know that comment below if you did name all of them in the comments section too it's time for daniel to go night night what is the name of princess aurora's prince oh oh i should know but i'm getting a little tired so i'm just gonna have some candy you know because i need energy for this challenge speaking of energy i'm so glad i have my energy no what i left it over there it was energy drink ah too bad for you you should just go brave sam pam i'm gonna try to take a little bit of daniel's coffee so good anybody gonna answer okay prince charles prince german prince kevin wow none of you knew it especially you aurora it's prince philip okay i was close prince charming prince philip it kind of sounds the same daniel hey you look like you're spilling your coffee thank you i can get to this wow matt actually doing something nice having more candy hey that's my chocolate hey you got my clothes okay you know what i'll do the next trivia can you name all of snow white's seven dwarfs i know that they're sneezy there's doc there's bashful dopey grouchy grumpy jumpy grumpy one more smiley happy happy there's one more oh i know sleepy oh how did he fall asleep i don't know guys let's push him off he's the first loser of this challenge oh good night brave there's more room now and then there were three princesses i have an idea what we can do next i'm gonna tell two princess ghost stories we all know the story of cinderella right she had an evil stepmother that pushed her away and she was saved by a fairy godmother and a prince that's not the true story the true story is that she decided to her evil stepmother and she made her dad marry the housekeeper i got one more for you everybody knows the story of the little mermaid and ariel when she gets her voice back yes that's not the truth at the end of the real ghost story by brothers grimm ariel is left by the prince he marries another woman and she throws herself into the sea and turns to the seafoam no what happened to true love wait i dropped my focus just get off well yeah you can do it but you'll have to lose the challenge no i don't want to get off and lose the challenge you know it's fine no one important is calling me i'm gonna text maddy's crush and give him a hundred dollars if he calls her right now that'll get her off this mattress well there's something that i do at sleepovers that isn't exactly princess related but it'd be really fun on this mattress and involve those pillows what three comments is calling me what my crush is calling me you don't call me maddie maddie why would he be calling you right now but this could be the only opportunity he had to talk to him maybe he's moving out of town hey hello he hung up you know what i bet he actually supposed to hung up on i'm gonna go call him back oh my gosh why are you laughing daniel oh i don't know funny that that happened to her like i was saying before we should take these pillows and do what all princesses do at a sleepover and that is i wasn't ready for that i just won the challenge i can finally go to sleep and get some rest on this mattress i'm just gonna go to sleep she'll be no problem i can't get comfortable i'm a princess why can't i fall asleep that's like my thing i'm aurora hold on a pee that's the myth a real princess cannot sleep if there is a pee under a mattress does that mean i'm a real princess look over here there's bread crumbs there's a myth that bread crumbs will lead you home no that leads you to a witch let's see if this myth is true or if we have to bust it the breadcrumbs are going out of the warehouse where does this go matt stop eating the bread dang it see the bread comes right to your house my myth is right well technically it's my tiny house daniel let's go see inside hello my pretty coming sigh a witch that means my miss was right i thought all disney princesses were old no maddie that's clearly a myth i mean look at maleficent is coming what do we do oh look a bucket of water it's a myth if you throw a bucket of water in the windshield melt and turn into smoke don't be shy [Music] oh it didn't work that's from the wizard of oz daniel there's no place like home there's no place let go i bet you're wishing i was in a princess outfit right now because i'm gonna walk on water okay prince i'm the silver stuff back let's go [Music] are you kidding me why was that actually kind of close you look great maddie you want to try that no hop on's in the pool this next miss says that when a princess finds true love her and her prince break out into a song isn't it crazy we found true love for me and you just met like three minutes ago but that doesn't matter because it's true love why is she singing because we found love here in this warehouse as friends no no you're my prince myth busted and the next myth says that a prince is super strong carry me away okay okay a princess always needs to be rescued by your prince that myth is busted i got this i got this yeah hop on um hey snow white what are you doing later what about that girl in the paint another princess smith is that her prince has only eyes for her talking to me myth busted the frog he's so weak can you please just untie this all you have to do is say that i'm your one true love and you're not into any other princesses oh know what you couldn't tie this right you're on your own buddy i thought princesses were supposed to be polite that myth is already busted now say it sitting around that slip inside was way too heavy so you got to use saran wrap i'm going to fly right across the pool get ready to make that a thousand dollars come on daniel take it from the zoo come back [Music] hey anna i have some news for you i know that our parents said that we were sisters but you're actually adopted no no no no it's okay it's just a myth that myth was busted this princess smith says that when a princess is exiled from her kingdom she can survive in the forest you got exiled too yeah same name okay well now we have to figure out how to survive in the woods everybody gather berries berries i need to first find shelter princesses always need a place to stay that hopefully won't get their hair messed up maybe i can collect sticks ugh this is in case i see any dragons oh little dirtier than most princesses think but this should be good i've gotta tell the other princesses you see any berries i need all the berries elderberries boysenberries marion berries i just need berries to survive what am i gonna do i can't find any berries every princess knows that the only way to survive in the woods is to find woodland friends that can gather things for you woodland creatures come to me i'm supposed to fly to my arms where are they oh i spotted a friend hello friends friends kept it oh no that's not a friend all right mom i got the ring i'm ready for bros oh no oh my god no where's the ring sounds like he was gonna propose his girlfriend off this picnic box this is the perfect place for survival i have to tell the other princesses yes oh i found an abandoned picnic we can survive in the woods why would someone abandon this i don't know dig in before it's too late right before the boys get here true i heard hootie whoo what is this where'd you get all this i just stumbled upon it so this princess smith is real princesses can survive in the forest how long do we have isn't somebody gonna come back for this i hear someone we gotta go take the things don't ask questions i'll tell you what this is it this is the place this is oh my god where is oh my god it looks like bear took everything no did your beast tell you this is going to work but it's definitely not once this buck is filled with water i'm going to stay afloat and walk across this pool yes you guys we got to support belts for the thousand dollars that could have been belle she could have walked on water i think i got the angle wrong you know what let me try this i got it don't do it oh you just broke up he's not even a princess those are my cleaning buckets so none of these princesses walked on water which means this myth is busted which means one of you wins a thousand dollars we have to give money to the zamfam again yes yes so make sure that you are subscribed and comment below your instagram handle you know what give me one more try [Music] every time
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 12,928,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: busting, 24, princess, myths, 24 hours, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: fVfdpR6skr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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