"Pressing for the Blessing" with Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection today on Kingdom connection recorded live at Hillsong conference 2015 in Sydney Australia with over 20,000 people in attendance Jennsen franklin delivers the timely pressing for their blessing if you have your Bibles I would like for you to open them with me to the book of Genesis I want to go to the book of Genesis chapter 32 I just felt like that what I'm going to share with you right now if you will let the Holy Spirit kind of plow deep if you will let the Holy Spirit do what he wants to do because you've you've come from all over the world so open your heart open your spirit and let him speak to you tonight in Genesis chapter 32 there's the amazing story of Jacob wrestling with God in verse 24 then Jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day now when he saw that he did not prevail against him he touched the socket of his hip and the socket of Jacob's hip was out of joint as he wrestled with him and he said let me go for the day breaks but he said I will not let you go unless you bless me so he said to him what is your name and he said Jacob notice instantly something was released and he said your name shall be called no more Jacob you shall be no more Jacob but Israel for you have struggled with God and with men and you have prevailed so I want to talk to you for a few moments about pressing for the blessing pressing for the blessing in the story Jacob was afraid he was greatly afraid greatly distressed because he had four hundred men coming to wipe him out his brother Esau you remember he had he had stolen the birthright from his brother and now some years later his brother has finally located him and he is mad and he is furious and he's got 400 armed men and he's going to not only wipe jacob out but he's going to wipe his family out he's going to wipe his children out because he has to destroy the bloodline to get in that position of inheritance again he has to wipe his brother out and the Bible said that he was greatly distressed he was afraid afraid for his family afraid for his future afraid for things that were going on and in that moment he became desperate and he begins to focus on Esau and he begins to cry out to God at the River J Buc he begins to cry out God do something about Esau Esau is my problem Esau is my issue god I really need you now I'm in a desperate situation I'm afraid of what's going to happen if you don't handle Esau Esau is coming to get me Esau is coming to kill me God do something Esau is my problem he thought that he had too much Esau but God was thinking what your real issue is is you have too much Jacob sometimes what we think is the real problem is not the real problem the real problem is us God can handle your Esau's God can handle whatever is coming to stop you and and hinder you God was saying you don't have a problem that I can't handle the issue is not too much Esau the issue is too much Jacob but when I get through with you this night by the time I finish wrestling with you there shall be no more Jacob you're not going to leave here like you came you're not going to leave here struggling with the same issues that you struggled with because I'm going to so touch you I'm going to so transform you then he says something powerful if you look it up if you look and get a few other commentaries to look this versa he says I'm going to change your name and you shall no longer be called Jacob I'm going to call you Israel which means Prince and then he makes this promise and and it's powerful he said for you shall have power with God and favor with men power with God and favor with men God has got a plan and a purpose for every person who is listening to me right now God wants to make something useful something influential something power powerful with every person under the sound of my voice right now God is wanting you to understand that he can bless you tonight with something called the blessing it's a supernatural force on your life that gives you power with God and it gives you favor with men and it causes the blessing to come on your life to such a degree that even if people try to curse you even if haters start hating on you even if people start attacking you there is a blessing on your life that God says because they have wrestled and they have desired what I had for them I'm going to give them power with God and favor with men everybody shall power with God and favor with men the Bible said that in Hosea he was weeping and wrestling weeping and wrestling he was he was a desperate man it's time for us to get a little desperate I want to say to all of the men in this room that the women shouldn't be the only ones who shed tears and weep but there comes a time when as men we need to wrestle with God for our families and it's okay to weep sometimes because I try to act strong in front of them but sometimes I tremble inside because I don't have all the answers but I can go and I can wrestle with God on behalf of my family and I can wrestle and I can weep all night he wrestled and he wept he was broken he was desperate you know you're desperate when you'll wrestle an angel Jacob wrestled the angel until it was a draw it was a tie this is crazy they're not even in the same weight division the Bible said in Psalms eight and five that that he is made man a little lower than the Angels sums 120 said bless the lord o ye angels which excel in strength one angel slew 185 thousand men in the Old Testament and yet he is so desperate that he wrestles and he weeps with that angel because he says I can't let my family just be attacked and I can't let my life just not matter and something's not right and I need a change and I need something in my life that is forever changed and I won't let go until you bless me he's wrestling until it was a draw how is that possible you've seen the stories I've seen them that some terrible accident happens and and apparent and desperation a man or a woman they pick up a car it's a superhuman strength because then they're not just doing it maybe their child is caught up under the car and something in them says I'm so desperate I'm so desperately that they get supernatural strength this was the desperation of Jacob's heart he was not wrestling for fun he was not wrestling for bragging rights he was a desperate man and he was capable of doing desperate things and what I'm trying to say to you is when you're really going to get changed from God when you're gonna go more than the surface when it's going to be more than happy and clappy and then you go right back to who you were and what you were in the fear the depression the sin the whatever if you really want change you have to lose the casual state of mind and you have to get desperate you have to say if Lord I'm wrestling and I'm weeping and he lost the casual state of mind the angel is closely monitoring the fight he could have killed him anytime he wanted to but notice something God is not interested in destroying you and hurting you God is interested in changing you he's focused on one thing he wanted change in Jacob he could have killed him but instead he just held on to him and let him fight until there was no more Jacob his name means liar deceiver you know he stole the birthright he came out of the womb as a twin his brother Esau and he had his brother by the heel and he was trying to remove him from the blessing from the birth something in him was always lying and deceiving and was just Shady and he was partly cloudy there was always he was that kid you know that you always something's just not quite right about that guy this was Jacob I want to get the Jacob out of Jacob so that he can reach his full potential the reason that God allows us to struggle the reason that God allows us to have pressure and weeping and wrestling is not to kill us is not to crush us is not to destroy us but to change us we're not prone to change in comfort we're not prone to change when we're on top of the world we're not prone to change when everything's going our way and God is more interested in your character than he is your comfort he's more interested in his will and his plan and he wants to get to a point where he says hey you know that old you that always was playing the game when I get through with you this night there will be no more Jacob you're going to emerge from this place as a prince with God and you're going to have power with God and you're going to have favor with men and I'm going to open doors no man can stop I'm going to pour out blessings on your life and I'm going to use you for my calls in my glory and I'm going to see you reach your full potential and watch this Jacob recognized this is my moment and he said to the angel I will not let you go until you bless me there's one way you're gonna get out of here he said to God it was actually God and he said to him I will not let you go until you bless me and that's the only way I'm gonna let you leave me we've got to become more aggressive in getting the blessing of God we've got a hunger and thirst we've got to get desperate I'm telling you the world is desperate and the world is looking for some people who've had an encounter with God the world is looking for some people who have been so transformed there's no more Jacob and they have become Prince's with God they have become people who have power with God in favor with men get more aggressive when you got God's attention like you've got it this week I just sense in my heart and I just feel deep in my soul this is your hour this is your moment this is when the Holy Spirit is saying I'm ready to change some things in your life and I'm ready to move you to a level that you have power with God in favor with men like you have never experienced before now here's the key to the story the angel asked him what is your name and why is that so significant because the last time he was asked that very question was when his father was dying on his deathbed and he was blind the old man was blind and he was dying and Jacob came in and when his father asked him what is your name he couldn't see him he said what is your name and he said my name is Esau and because he deceived the father the father blessed him with the double portion blessing and he left now the angel our God is asking him what is your name and he says I'm going to deal with who I really am but last time you asked me that question I didn't tell the truth the last time you asked me that question I didn't admit I was a deceiver I was a liar I was a manipulator the last time you asked me that question and what really God was saying was are you still plagued with that lack of character are you still plagued with that old nature are you still plagued with Jacob and he said I am Jacob in other words he could have lied and he could have tried to say something else but God was warning him to get to the place that he came to the end and faced who he really was he said to him no longer no longer will you be called Jacob from this night forward there will be no more Jacob but you shall be Israel you shall be a prince you shall have power with God and you shall have favor with men and that night Jacob walked away he had a different name he had a different nature he had a different future he didn't walk the same he walked with a limp he was not the same person that he used to be God in one night so transformed him that he had a pronounced blessing on his life and God gave him favor with men and God gave him power with God to such a degree that we still talk about the transformation and inside of every Jacob is a Israel waiting to be renamed inside of every Saul of Tarsus is a Paul the Apostle waiting to be renamed inside of the drug addict or the alcoholic or the person who's got issues going on there is someone that is waiting to be renamed and God is saying I'm ready to pronounce tonight that there's no more Jacob you are a new creation and you have power with God and you have favour with me put your hands together and clap just a moment I want that to get down in your spirit I want it to become a cry of your heart power with God in favor with men and so what I felt in my heart was to call you to a challenge every day of my life for many years I pray several prayers I pray the prayer of Jabez I pray the Lord's Prayer and I pray this prayer father give me power with God and give me favor with men and there's things that God will do for you when you reach that point a blessing and and it's all been purchased through Jesus the blood that He shed on the cross has the power to transform and change your family and many of you are in this place tonight but your burden is your family because there are forces that are coming to destroy your family and you're saying God do something about Esau and you thought it was about Esau but God has brought you here tonight to say let me transform you and when I get my wheel with you you're gonna go home and you'll have power with God in such favor with men that no weapon formed against you or your seed will prosper I don't know who I'm preaching to tonight but I want to declare that our God is a healing God and he can heal your body right now in this room cancer must bow down AIDS must bow down heart disease must bow down because there's something called the blessing that can come on our life and it gives us power with God and favor with men the resources will come the finances will come the blessing on your life is unstoppable and I just wonder tonight if there are young people in this room who would be willing who would be willing to say I'm going to get my blessing I will not let you go Lord until you bless me I'm pressing for my blessing I'm not gonna let up I'm not gonna let go because when you get broken before God look out when he asks you what is your name and you get honest before him and you quit playing the game you quit pretending and you say Lord this is who I am this is all I've got and I give myself completely to you there is a blessing that comes on your life through the blood of Jesus Christ suddenly you have power with God you have favor with men everybody in this room stand to your feet there in Brisbane all over wherever you're viewing this at different campuses how many of you tonight would like for God to pronounce and don't put Jacobs name in there put your name in there no more how many of you would like for him to put a blessing on you that you have power with God when you pray and favor with me right people the right blessings the right doors the right opportunities power with God favor with men who I feel that in my soul tonight somebody is going to get the blessing on their life like never before lift your hands high and if you don't care what anybody thinks open up your mouth and cry out to God for a few moments cry out to him all over this ring if you've got a son if you've got a daughter if you've got a situation in your family cry out to God for a moment I didn't say whisper I didn't say just kind of mumble I said cry out to God with a hunger with a desperation cry out to it change me God change my situation give me power with God give me favor with me does anybody feel a stirring in your heart tonight that's saying this one's for me this one's for me this is my word I'm tired of some things I'm ready for the change I'm ready for the blessing I'm ready for the favour I'm ready for the power in the favor of God like a tidal wave to hit my life in my family I want you to reach over and put your arm around somebody and begin to pray for a moment I want to hear I want to hear an army a prayer warriors beginning to pray for a moment we're wrestling right now everybody say change change change change change change change change no more Jacob no more no more no more no more double life no more no more no more depression no more fear no more intimidation no more holding me back no more telling me I'm a nobody and nothing I'm done with that I've got power with God I've got favour with men no more holding my dreams back no more reason no more feeling like I'm a failure I shake all of that off I shake yes turday off lord I receive power with you and favor with men that's it lift your voice come on pray the Spirit of God is changing people chains are falling off miracles are happening in this room go for it hunger for the desperate like Jacob you need to say I will not let you go until you bless me I will not let you go until you bless there is an answer there is a miracle miracles can strike as suddenly as tragedies so just raise your hands now and begin to rejoice that the blessing is on you I speak blessing to you power of God and the favor of men on you receive it right now with a shout of praise in this house Oh no more Jacob no more no more no more no more addiction no more God has entrusted this ministry with an unprecedented opportunity to reach Upstate South Carolina and connect people to the church like never before in just a few short months we will officially open free Chapel Spartanburg right in the heart of this Northwest region and together we can make history as we prepare a brand-new state-of-the-art auditorium and family facilities to lift the name of Jesus and see Souls 1 for the kingdom of God you can be a part of this historic moment when you join with Kingdom connection and partners around the globe and help us make the dream a reality with your best gift of support this month you can request jynson Franklin's four CD series based on his most requested book right people right place right plan this series activates supernatural wisdom in your life as you discover your god-given internal compass and help discern the very voice of God or become a history maker in Spartanburg and so your best gift of $1,000 or more and receive the complete right people right place right plan 2015 collection including the four CD series an autographed copy of Jensen's best-selling book the accompanying devotional and will also place your name or the name of a loved one on our history makers commemorative wall in honor of your faith and partnership there's no greater investment we can make together than in building the Church of Jesus Christ and reaching souls join us as we step out on faith and connect to what God is doing in Spartanburg South Carolina and the 120 nations that we reach around the globe through Kingdom connection life is real vivid alive beating breathing it happens behind closed doors and out in front there's joy there's laughter chaos lifelong friendships are forged love is found moments cherished and never forgotten life is a gift and together we are real family friends real people experiencing real life is free chapel this program has been brought to you by the friends and partners of Jenson franklin media ministries for more information on this broadcast or for additional resources go online at Jensen Franklin dot o-r-g you
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 80,580
Rating: 4.8978724 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Free Chapel, TV, Ministry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2015
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