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good morning my YouTube fans Apple preparedness here today we're gonna do something a little bit different for all you folks out there who are beginner Preppers follow me along as I go into my favorite Walmart and show you the items that you at night would like to purchase that you could put in your prepping supplies we're gonna cover food medicine clothing tools survival equipment things that you need to keep in your survival protection this is gonna be a series of videos so stay tuned for more okay folks the first thing you need to get is a wheel part that works fine have a good card will drive you nuts while you're out shopping our first thing is don't buy fresh vegetables don't buy fresh fruit only if it going to consume them within the next few days and it's not really a good prep right um I'm gonna take you right down that a canned goods you show you what is good prep right up and your sweet tooth has to be taken care of but beware some items have a shelf life most candies do not they're a little bit expensive they do can go they can go rancid but if you store them properly all these foods right here candies sugars and sweeties will make your mouth happy and of course your teeth rot so think about that this is the best place to find canned goods your local Walmart super Walmart that is everything from A to Z eat what you store store what you eat when you set up your pantry set up where you can record the expiration date of the items that you're purchasing you don't have to go by the expiration date but first in last out or last in first out is a good theory to go by buying the lowest prices diced potatoes you growing your own potatoes is a good thing but in case you can't there are new diced potatoes and carrots these foods will last quite a good time as long as you save them at a normal temperature range do not let them fluctuate these items have a shelf life but they can go rancid the oils are the best ones to get because the oil does not get rancid because it's in a sealed container milk products have a slow have the shortest shelf life powdered are the best kind to get these guys up here use your own ingredients later if you don't have this ingredients you don't use it but remember store what you eat eat while you store first in first out last in first out however you want to go by that theory works fine you don't want to shock your digestive system if you have to conserve your food your caloric intake mayonnaise is not a very good product that has a long-term storage and let's insert a glass container you can make your own mayonnaise if you have chickens ketchup is a very good story sliced mustard has a very good storage life relish mustard all have great stories lives pastas you can make your own macaroni and cheese you don't to buy these expensive boxes Velveeta has a very long shelf life these chef boyardee items are great for kiddies but folks not good for your intestinal system when you're under duress these noir products are fantastic as long as you have the things that go in with it most of these ingredients require butter or some other product remember when you buy your items look for what has to be added to it if it takes up a lot of items something that you don't want to buy by the noodles make up your own sauces make up your own dry sauces these ready meals are perfect down here these are great for that bug out bag for your work bag even though it has high sodium content these guys are the greatest you want that calorie you want that fat these items are fantastic you can eat them cold you could eat them warm by placing them in any warm object even on your car radiator the Hormel beef tips are the best ones that I found these guys are yummy you just remember you have to heat it up about another maybe 30 to 45 seconds above the required time depending on your microwave or if you're gonna heat them in a boiling water the potatoes you have to stir them very well mix it in with the gravy you can add salt and pepper to taste but I recommend these guys plus they're dollar ninety-eight each now what I'm taking home today are the compliments that completes chicken breast and dressing beef pot roast and the beef roast beef and gravy mashed potatoes in your rice Department if you love rice the Caliph the Carolina jasmine is what I recommend it comes in these nice bags they are a little bit expensive but you can store them away in the container that can they come in they have a ziplock top if you have another way of storage them the airtight container that's even better the success Rice's are great your rice section rice is a staple if you eat rice already your body won't have too much of trouble transitioning now we've made our way to the other side of the canned goods these are the tomato-based and some more beans and rice if you don't have BM you're sorely out of luck is being M is a staple up here in New England bushes bushes is a great selection of beans for your canned goods remember beans beans the world around the more you eat the more yet well we just keep on going folks I don't prefer to use the ramen I try to stay away from that as much as I can but in a pinch the Brahmans are great the price is fantastic you just add hot water in a way you go remember not very many calories it will fill your stomach but it's not very many calories your soups your soups are fantastic for long-term storage or short-term storage because you're gonna use you're gonna go through them pretty regularly and when you set up your pantry I always remember to have it set up in your sections it's like a grocery store so when you go down there you can shop like you're at a grocery store liquid bras are great some of these guys have a long very very long shelf life let's move over to the can goodies now this is my favorite section right here what we're looking for right now are these great value pulled pork BBQ and the chicken chunk they have the no beams or a very very beautiful price Hormel chili spam you can get spam but I would suggest you buy someplace else and what we're gonna take home today folks is the Hormel chili no beans large container one package of pulled pork and barbecue sauce and the fully cooked roast beef and for you folks out there who like fish I like basically cod tuna and lobster but of course that's a little bit more expensive to go into your your bug out bag or your storage but remember these have a long shelf life these new tuna in the pouches is basically MREs those are called flexible cans prices are pretty reasonable of course these do have and will always have a good shelf life well you could always go into your oil section canola's unsaturated fat remember to read labels oils can go rancid over time so use if you go through a lot of oil a big family then suggest that you buy a few of these if you're on a budget always look at what I'm doing this is my budget I will purchase things that I know that I could use remember one is none 2 is 1 3 is 2 now over here and yummy I mean my tummy's section scientists have Coco these new microwavable dishes and let me tell you folks some of these are good to the tummy already mixed up bread or to make tough cookies all you have to do is add eggs sometimes these are don't have to add anything oh and also remember when you're purchasing these items to find the ones that don't require anything other than maybe water to cook them the least is best everybody has to have a decent breakfast and these have long-term storage capabilities your sugars your molasses your maple syrups look for the highest content of the natural ingredients less fructose corn syrup try to stay away from fructose corn syrup in your daily life and also stay away from it either prepper life flour they always need flour enriched plain if you have your owner ability to store your a wheat that's even better a little bit of things to know that do your gravies you could make your own gravies but if you want to buy little pouches that's a book to your budget remember salt salt salt salt salt salt stores salt saves salt makes your foods taste great certain canned fruits do not last remember certain canned fruits do not last they dealt discolor some will discolor but still tastes just as yummy as a daily with the box now this is something recently come around in the market these Uncle Ben's ready Rice's if you look at them they've already been prepared and if you look at the shelf life 12:19 everybody has mixed feelings about these type of foods but it's something you need right away they're great for your bug out bags we just remember to put them in your cycle get him in get him out and a dollar seventy eight that's a pretty cheap meal and folks I'm gonna take home these two here the butter and garlic flavor and the roasted chicken and we'll do a taste test in another future upcoming video so look out for that one folks look out for that new video we're going to come up how to remember about cereals cereals in the morning is great for getting up and go but they can cost you quite a little bit more money oatmeal was a great staple it does have a good shelf life but it does attract the little critters so if you have to put in a different container even better those plastic totes are perfect for putting your food in grits grits is another staple in what part of the country you're from just remember that the ingredients that you add to it to enhance the flavor can come at a great expense sugar molasses but err things like that so take that into account also these breakfast shakes I have a several containers of these breakfast shakes I got a Sam's Club they are perfect for that but you just need milk remember that you can buy milk that's in the long-term storage section Walmart does not sell long-term storage milk but cereals last as we found out from some of my videos so you can store cereals for long term you just need to make sure they're put in a different type of container or repackaged to keep any other odors because they do absorb odors if their seals have been compromised they will go stale if that seals compromised also but do your own tests follow along Admiral preparedness as we show you how to do basic prepping if you're looking for other things that have long-term stories capability pop-tarts the US government uses them in their MRE breakfast meals so they can't be wrong and there's always peanut butter peanut butter is a staple at least have at least 12 to 15 containers of peanut butter they make a great barter item when it comes to coffees the world is full of different kinds of coffees if you have a specific brand that you like stock up on that brand in that large containers these large cans this is a smaller can but it is convenient to store away coffee and these type of containers I say as long as you don't open the lid open the seal they're good everybody's trying to get away from these metal cans 25 years shelf-life can copy your t's remember t's make the day go by fantastic anytime for those sniffles or coughs tea is a great thing to have in your long-term food storage we're now in the cookie section and the fruit cup section I've had some fruit cups last up to five years as you've seen past videos they do have a good shelf life but none of this does here none of these items pass that has long-term shelf life because the oils they use the oils go rancid so don't bother on a long-term store these items stay a double C if you're gonna have them have them okay but remember they won't last they just won't last because of the way they're processed dried cranberries dried fruits of this dried fruits that's one of the one things that do last they are expensive but you could find the right price if you shop around we all know about dried meat if you have a dehydrator and have access to meat now is the time to start learning how to do that we'll talk about how to dehydrate food in another episode but for now these are already prepared they are really really expensive so if you know somebody who knows how to make turkey barter with them folks peanuts peanuts are very debatable if they don't have any oils in them they'll have a long-term storage if they have oils in them get them down there store them eat them within six months to a year folks it's all about the oils carbonated fluids I do not store carbonated fluids only for the fact that it's just a money price per it just outweighs itself but when it comes to toilet device toilet type materials potty time is important if you have to stock up it does take up space folks that's the problem if you have an issue with that just squeeze the squeeze them put them into a vacuum and store them away there is no shelf life on your bathroom products when it comes to paper but the old phone book if you still get them and your neighbors are throwing them away ask your neighbors if you could have those phone books that's what people use before there was the readily available amount of toilet paper in America we've pretty much covered cleaning materials over the years there's always a need for cleaning materials so you have to just use your discretion on your budgeting paper towels same thing you can use a cloth towel and reuse it reuse or use it then try to avoid storing your paper towels just doesn't make any sense when it comes to trash bags so I would highly recommend at least about five containers of trash bags different sizes different sizes because they don't make these anymore if they become unavailable tissue paper that's another one of those judgment calls I personally do not store them I have other things that I can use what my nose and once again you find that you can get eggs at a lower price just remember if you're getting them fresh get them unwashed there's a few videos out there that show you how to store eggs and lie basically it'll preserve them for up to a year right now this Walmart has great value white large eggs for 78 cents that's not too shabby if you have the ability to budget in Ostrom are fully cooked bacon is perfect this vacuum-sealed becomes ready-made cook is very expensive when it comes to that but that's what is we want to go into the baby section just to make a couple comments about baby food it does have the same expiration dates but you want to be real careful when it comes to the canned goods if you have little ones in your house you have to be prepared to make your own baby food these things are great but remember before this the advent of this baby food there was food the kids could eat so just think about that when you're trying to wean them off breast milk be very careful grab the books if you have little ones in your house you want to prepare for them you got to be careful because the government mandates that these dry powders be taken off the market once their viability decreases because the malnutrition can occur in your children so if you're still on formulas and things like that for your your children or your grandchildren just remember you have to prepare for them too but as we all know these things didn't exist a hundred years ago so just go back and do your research if you can print the Phinn formation out and print it out as prepping for a child is a whole lot different than prepping for an adult I'm not really a fan of disposable diapers when it comes to children because Gulley's you get out there and wash that diaper out and you got fertilizer but these things are a quick way to get the kid changed when you have a landfill problem a lot east don't go well and septic to system and it can be quite expensive so if you're dealing with baby diapers buy the old diapers store them away you can use them as you want but remember these are one-time uses and if fro weighs but a diaper has multiple uses and after the child is grown out of them you can use it for other things or you could barter them use diapers can't be bartered having things for the little ones stored away I don't have mixed feelings on it at all because I don't have children that are babies anymore I probably won't ever have many more again but if you're one of the lucky ones to have children out there and you know prepper remember they grow out of those clothes rather quickly so if you have a way to get hand-me-downs or you're at your local fish store don't buy up new folks there's no need to most people who have children know about the one goes down one goes up one goes down one goes up theory so just remember they grow out of them quickly in the technology section we're just gonna skip on through this area there's no need to even talk about technology when it comes to being a prepper because there's not gonna be any technology that you're gonna need other than your own two hands and the work that you do every day these are gonna consider pretty luxuries when there's no power remember when there's no electricity these stop working if the transmission stations no longer exist there's no need to have a TV if you have videos that's great and fine but remember a still power you have to produce you want to keep a digital record or something you're able to that's fine but in the future without power is how you're supposed to think the future without power when it comes to lighting look for LEDs low energy consumption if you have to you always need to store up a few items a lot of these have shelf lives but duct tape is endless duct tape will last you a long long time a few rolls kept in a nice dry container is your best bet and your best hedge most of these tapes here you already have in your house but not in quantity but that's okay glues have a shelf life not very long at all if you have to foam areas up maybe a can of this foam to keep out the critters use some other material that they can't chew through and then foam them out again low low consumable light lighting is perfect prep you start now you want to worry about it later because those low can low-voltage consumable lights use less energy for your solar system if that's what you have fuel tanks not good for long-term storage but you sure can can them around and eat them lubricants and greases and oils always have that stuff available when it comes to energy car batteries will be found everywhere I have to worry about buying them just be able to get them at your picking on your travels out make sure you carry a crescent wrench so that way you can unbolt them if you have a wagon perfect you could take them home in your wagon when you're on the hunt for batteries look for the deep-cycle ones these guys right here deep cycle means they could be taken up and taken down and not ruin the battery's fishing supplies do have a shelf life if you hear anywhere near a water source fishing supplies is a must when the lights go out no one's gonna be asking you for your license to fish bows and arrows they're quiet and they're lethal air guns BB guns these little guys can be lethal to those little critters backpacks you can never have not enough back backpacks your bug out bag pack your work backpack your school bug out backpack fill that guy with all the necessities that we'll cover and pass in future videos survival items that you need any camp store will have what you want at any time just use your discretion and if your budget doesn't allow it then just move on we're just gonna cover a small items here sleeping bags a must if you're having a bug out but most people have sleeping bags it's the right temperature ones for the right environments sleeping pads are perfect you need those two tents we always recommend at least have one pup tent and one large tent that way if you have to bug out and get in get out seem seders these guys are great you buy those tents that you know we're gonna leak you use the Scotchgard Naseem seal you could tape to transition that tent from being porous like Swiss cheese to nice and tidy dry bicycles bicycles do not have a shelf life they will last forever if you take care of them get a tube patch repair kit find the right bike they'll be everywhere but they'll be they'll be needing so be careful with your bikes bike sheet and lock them up and during an sh2 you then that's what you're gonna save your life maybe would be a bike board games board games are a must something to keep the family occupied a lot of lights are out there not very expensive they don't have a shelf life if you had little ones they have the play toys they'll be happy but remember games keep the mind active you can always buy a couple put them away chess deck of cards buys a few deck of cards keep them in various areas that way you can occupy your time while you're waiting for rescue a lot of these games are very compact a lot of them a little bit bigger but you can still have fun for all your furry friends and you're flying friends remember that they need to be prepped for also either through food like the bucket style but remember they have to be kept happy too or they'll run away I don't recommend buying items like these but if you know how to do rawhide the chew toys the two sticks like these here we'd be perfect for long-term storage put them away and forget about them seal them up remember your pets seams seams are very important fruits vegetables things you can grow in your own yard and ward off the scurvy what off boredom seas every year [Music] you're not very expensive and they do last quite a while for stored properly and that's your food supply you could do it from our foot the full garden outdoor food preparation folks if you've got that grill and you take care of it it'll last you for quite a while propane will be something a little go by the wayside in the future so just maintain a steady supply but if you're smart you could buy the 20-pound propane bottles and dump them into the 8 ounce propane containers and reuse them over and over and over again so remember outdoor food preparation might have to be the way you get your food cooked while you're out gardening you're gonna need some face for that garden tool and security out of safety items gloves always wear gloves it's important to take care of your hands and sh t event simple gardening tools if you have to scavenge this is where you'll go to find that stuff it'll be quickly just stuff will go bye-bye but just make sure you and getting it out all these other items are luxuries so remember if you want to attract birds feed them get rid of those insects if you have a way to feed the food feed the plants that's a way to go also it does have a decent shelf life but not a permanent one so buying the early spring or bright wouldn't winters over and should last you to two through summer through fall jiffy makes a fantastic greenhouse for spices and vegetables always look at these guys their shelf life is extended because of the way they process the material they're guaranteed to grow you just add water and sunlight and you can transplant them later and once again these are fantastic jiffy pots because they're biodegradable you put the food and grow in there bury it in the ground well replant it to a larger container jiffy seed starters for your gardening needs I highly recommend if anybody has any problems getting on the ground are these rye raised garden beds they also help keep the critters away but they also sell the plastic things to keep them out also visit your local Home Depot to find more quantities of it but here Walmart they at least give you the option to borrow outdoor solar lights these are self-explanatory folks from spot lights to mood lighting to emergency lighting to spot lights these guys here are free energy producers they can be used for other things but remember silver lighting at night is important to keep it compound safe and secure sensual sense your senses now take this one lamp oil it's very important if you're gonna use these little lamps to have some of the oil around there did uncle bad so if your budget allows it one or two bottles of lamp oil well folks we hit the back we hit the jackpot when it comes to appliances a lot of these guys here are energy hogs so remember if you have the ability to keep the power on don't deprive yourself of those luxuries but I've seen these things before they are great to have around if you could afford them for those folks out there who prepare their own food these are the oven toast toaster ovens and convection ovens we'll use that energy you produce very stingy stingy least engine they will use it very well smaller microwaves are also a good hedge against energy consumption they do use a lot less power in a large car appliances during an sh t that can be a trying event unless you have the power available if you've got battery backup in burgers you have solar wind you can still use your appliances it's just the upkeep washing them cleaning them if you're in a group a lot of people are there these guys would be a lifesaver when those people come to eat we want to sit down and have that food right away so if you have a group and you can have electricity on throw away your appliances
Channel: Admiral Preparedness
Views: 180,049
Rating: 4.7470169 out of 5
Keywords: emergency preparedness, prepper, preppers, prepping, long term food storage, EMP, MRE, camping, hiking, emergency food, emergency food storage, city prepper, rural prepper, urban prepper, bug out bag, bugging out, bugging in, Dollar Tree, Frugal prepper, frugal prepping, budget prepper, budget prepping, dhs, emergency lighting, prepping for SHTF, shtf 2019, national debt, food fatigue, beginner prepper
Id: jnS1OXezjl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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