#1 Best Food Storage Seminar! Wendy DeWitt

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we've been really excited about this night our words about three months to get system to it to come speak to us tonight and I really enjoy the few minutes that we've had a moment and know several people that have listened to her presentation in the past that have just ranted and raved about it so I think this is going to be a great experience for all of us I would a little bit about sister to quit and that I didn't know before tonight she's the area caning coordinator which so she's the coordinator over 51 states it was cleared quite and down here to Gilbert and that's just amazing she's fairly busy woman and I'm sure we'll learn a lot from her and she's had this calling for five years but she's been teaching this particular class for 15 years and she has a degree from ASU and she's been married for 35 years she has six children and 15 grandchildren okay so we just are really excited about tonight and turn the time over sister so evening brothers and sisters I'm really excited to be here tonight first thing I'm going to ask you is how many of you no joke see like I'm blushing oh yeah this is really strange all right we can do it all right get over it how many of you have a cell phone raise your hands woohoo how many of you have a year's supply of food raise your hands all right I used to ask why you don't have your food storage first off I teach this class all over all over probably four or five six times a month for the last five years so I have been all over and talked to hundreds and hundreds of people and it's usually the same response just a few hands go up when I was called to this position one of the things that I was you know asked what is this an area candy coordinator and they said well you you do this and this and this but part of your calling and the biggest part is that you are to inspire and motivate the saints in the area to get their food storage and I laughed and said okay 60 years of profits have had no effect on them and I'm going to tell him something so you know right off the bat fell self-esteem went down and I don't know what I'm going to do with this calling I ended up doing this class and I want to tell you right off the bat that this class is not sanctioned by the church I'm not here under the authority of Salt Lake City or anything like that I'm a mom I'm a grandma I've been doing food storage for a long time and this is bottom line the way I do food storage if you don't like it brothers and sisters please is my phone number on that book please don't call me and tell me what a bad idea this is or how that's not going to work there's a hundred ways to do food storage this is one it's only one if you like it use it if you don't like it think how much you paid for the book and it was worth every penny alright now I used to ask why'd all people have their food storage and I always got the same answer so I came up with my own kind of a Dave Letterman style top reasons why I don't have my food storage and I'm only going to do five because it's an hour-and-a-half class and it takes every minute of that so we're going to do the top five reasons number five my neighbors have a two year supply no they don't 80% of the members of the church have no food storage so if your plan has been - everybody's going to gather at the steak center and everybody's going to bring their food and we'll all share an elijah's barrel will never empty and we'll all be happy this is a bad plan because 80% of you aren't going to bring anything but you're still going to show up to eat so this is your plan get a new one number four I pay tithing for 20 years the church can owe me a little food another misconception is that the church is storing food we have grain silo grains all over the nation and all this food in fact there's a secret city under salt lake you know they drive the little golf carts they don't there is a secret city but they have no food there it's just the how many of you know about the secret city under salt lake okay some people look at me like what yeah there really is but they're not storing food all the food that the church has right now all their stores across the nation would feed four percent of the members of the church not the nation but the members of the church so here's another plan that is bad if you're waiting for the church to store your food you need a new plan both of these lessons are telling you nobody is storing food for you and you're not storing food for yourself so this is really a perfect time with all of the things that have been going on in the south if people had had preparations if they had had even 72-hour kits this would not be happening so with we need to understand that the times are getting bad we need to have our food number three I can't afford scrap booking and food storage the guys don't get this but the girls do you know what I'm talking about the food storage program that you have in your hands your little book I wrote that probably fifteen years ago and I've expanded on it the last five years a lot and what you've got in there a lot of information but bottom line here is the food storage program will cost you about a dollar a day per person now I asked you who had cell phones because almost everybody has a cell phone if you say I can't afford food storage but you can afford you can afford a cell phone something's wrong with your priorities a dollar a day president Benson said the the commandment to store food may be as essential to your temporal salvation as boarding the ark was in the days of Noah brothers and sisters that's life and death a dollar a day your child's temporal salvation has to be worth $1 a day so make it a priority don't use money as an excuse I'm not saying that everybody's wealthy but honestly I Drive through your neighborhoods to get to these classes I have never once driven past the mud hut never they always are homes with two three-car garages we live in the richest society in the history of the world we have to be able to set priorities and say I can afford a dollar a day to save my child's life number two I'm waiting for the cannery to sell Papa John's dehydrated pizza food storage has a real stigma and it's unfortunate a lot of times when they're talking to me about doing this class they'll say now we'd like to have refreshments afterwards and they always almost always say we thought we'd have what are you having tonight pardon me okay you're not having pinto bean fudge I mean it's it's inevitable we're going to have dehydrated apple crisp you know an apple cobbler with your hydrated apples and pinto bean punch and I'm quite guys if you're going to make fudge don't put pinto beans in it make real fudge put pinto beans in your chili food storage has a stigma that it's got to be something made out of wheat and it doesn't food storage program you've got in your hands has things like chicken alfredo beet stew tamale pie rice pudding chocolate chip cookies you name it brothers and sisters there are very few things that you can't put in a food storage with this type of a program and we'll get into that a little further and the number one reason why I don't have my year supply of food I've got a job for kids going to school to church callings I just don't have time for my family's temporal salvation honestly this is the number one reason how many of you knew that this was going to be on food storage I got to tell you I'm always amazed that anybody shows up how much boring can it get than food storage I just go I wouldn't go to a thing on food storage you've been hearing about it for 60 years if you're that old and nobody's listening why would you come because you want to do it I know you want to do it you want to obey the Prophet it's just so overwhelming how much is a year's supply how much is it going to cost where do I put it what are you looking at these powdered milk and beans and white and weak and salt you go what can I make out of that what's for dinner it's overwhelming hopefully tonight with the program that I'm going to give you some of that will go away that you will be able to say hey food storage makes sense this is easy I can do this in fact a lot of people have gotten real excited about food storage when they put it in the context of what we're going to do tonight alright program isn't right or wrong it it you know like I say it's just the way I do food storage whether you're going to do one month kits how many of you does anybody not know what a one month kit is that's one person we're back in the back doesn't know what a one month kit comes in two boxes it will feed one adult for one month seven and a half cups of food per day this will sustain life brothers and sisters if you have no food storage this is what you start with you get a one month kit if you want to live two months you get two when my kids it's a simple process the church made this so easy it's the no-brainer to stay alive and you know what they want you to stay alive I guarantee the Lord wants you to stay alive you two things are going to happen if you don't get your food storage you're going to suffer really really bad and then you're going to die and then you're going to go before the Lord and he's going to be really mad at you because he needed you here I don't need you up there I know I've got Abraham and Joseph Smith and everybody you can name I've got the leadership up here I needed you down there I trained you I gave you wealth I gave you help I gave you everything that you could do to survive so that you could help bring forth tsiyon and here you are dead because you didn't get your food supply because honestly brothers and sisters nobody's storing food for you nobody's storing food at all so please one month kids that's the way to start that will sustain life now I did sustain life long long time ago so I got way beyond that I got to where I'm looking at all this this you know salt Wheaton and the basics and I'm going what's for dinner you know I I wanted more than that so if when you get to the point that you've got the basics and you want to go on this is where you start with this book it's based on worst case scenario I'm a detailed person and it just you know I thought well what if there's a flood where if there's an earthquake what if there's a nuclear war what if what if and so I just gave it the worst-case scenario said if we lost all electricity lost all water all power from the city if I was on my own in my backyard could I survive and feed my family in the summer time I would probably kill myself so I don't need a whole year supply maybe just six months but in the wintertime we can survive and that's the program here we've got a solar oven for cooking we've got all kinds of foods that are precooked or prepared or whatever and you can with the water storage who thought that up raise your hand that cool thing back there you are cool you are sigh I'm so impressed I walked in and well look at that I'm taking this home and I'm going to fact I'll probably start going to put it in my book I'll get your name and put your picture credit on there because you know we all get so much credit for what we do pay you later like I get paid alright you can survive that's the whole program here worst-case scenario I can feed my family 365 days with what I've got in my house if everything else shut down now if everything doesn't shut down I'm going to be dancing on the street thinking I've got a stove oh I had to do is turn on this turn on the heat and I've got running water but I'm not planning on that I'm planning on a New Orleans centered scenario without all the water we're not going to get a flood here I wouldn't think okay the system in your book and you don't have to turn to it right now but page probably the last page there no it's not you guys didn't get an index did you there's no index page yeah you'll just have to guess where everything is in the book whoever got the book from me get let's get an index page because there should have been an index page and we'll make up copies and just give them to whoever wants them so leaders get with me and we'll get that because that's kind of an important page the system itself is really really simple and it's what I taught for fifteen years like ten years ago I was just teaching this and that was kind of a neat system on how much is a year supply food you are going to choose seven meals that your family likes seven breakfasts and seven dinners my husband said where's lunch I said honey we're going to get up late we're going to go to bed early not doing lunch so do you want to do lunch have a good time do whatever you want but I just do breakfast and dinner we've got if you're doing dinner now you can choose seven dinners seven breakfasts you multiply it by 52 there's 52 weeks in the year if spaghetti is one of your meals you're going to have it fifty-two times over the years time okay 52 weeks times 52 let's say it takes a pound of spaghetti and a jar of ragu to feed your family you're going to buy 52 pounds of spaghetti noodles fifty-two jars of ragu you've got a year supply move to your next recipe everything in it you multiply by 52 you've got a year supply it's just that simple now you know down to the teaspoon of salt how much is a year's supply for your family my personal food storage has 14 dinners nine breakfasts and about 12 desserts chocolate cake chocolate pudding chocolate brownies chocolate chip cookies you know your imagination is just about the only thing that's going and your budget will will be the time out there but really there are so many things that can be part of your your supply I like soups and stews and chilies because they're very simple to eat to cook in the solar oven they're one pot meals they're filling they're not real expensive you just can't have steak and baked potatoes it's just not going to work but there are a lot of things out there that you would never have thought could be food storage so will you know in the book you're going to see lots of recipes it's probably 14 different dinner recipes Parmesan chicken and beef stew and all kinds of interesting things that you wouldn't have thought can be food storage you are welcome to use the recipes absolutely go for it keep in mind they are very basic recipes my chili may not be half as good as your grandma Ethel's Chili's recipe so what I'd like you to do is use the recipes to see what kind of things can be used what kind of things how to cook them in a solar oven like if you've got a killer recipe for chili go ahead and see how mine works how much it makes how long it takes and then use yours to do the 50 times 52 so if you're doing your own recipes page 21 of your book when you're doing your own recipes let's say you're making that chili and it takes a pound of pinto beans and a tablespoon of chili powder you know a couple of the things that are in there you're going to say all right on this sheet of paper that is you know what that's the equivalencies you didn't get a shopping list either guys I'm so sorry see I never know what's going to show up you'll have to make your own shopping list start with a apples apricots bah bah bah bah bah all the way down to yeast or whatever you have in it typical things that are going to be in your food storage do it on the computer so you can move everything around if you get it alphabetically out of line and then print it up after you get that but you've got probably a three page sheet of all these different things let's say pinto beans you put down pinto beans you're going to have 52 pounds of pinto beans and 52 tablespoons of chili powder for your chili recipe you're going to go to the equivalencies page after you've got all your all your ingredients from all your recipes on your shopping list you just you know say like if you have salt and the first recipe takes 52 teaspoons the next one takes 26 you go 52 comma 26 comma every recipe that you put down you're going to keep it a running tally of the salt sugar anything that goes in it when you're done you're going to be able to add that up and say my whole year supply for all of my meals I need four hundred and eighty seven teaspoons of salt woo okay you go to this equivalencies page on 21 which you do have and you see salt says that one and a half tablespoons in an ounce one of those containers of salt is 26 ounces equals 39 tablespoons or 117 teaspoons so you're going to know by that and everything else that are that is on here exactly how many containers of salt how many cans of apples everything that's on there this is a pretty concise list of things that go in food storage so using this you'll be able to transfer to translate your recipes into cans of apples tablespoons of salt or how many containers of salt okay any questions about the system itself pretty simple isn't it see how you sieve in my whole class I'd be done by now all right make your own menus I take the little cards because I'll answer questions and then I get off-track and I don't want to forget anything yes sir no because I did those all by myself with my little tea spoon and my little cup and everything one by one my children thought I was obsessed they were going to send me to a psychologist and I didn't because I wasn't doing this at the time I was just doing my own food strike so that's just you'll have to sit down with your tea spoon in your little fourth cup and do your own you're welcome all right where are your story your supply of food people have come up with all kinds of ingenious things little tables with tablecloths over the top and there's 500 pounds of weed under it and you know you'd never guess you don't have to do that a whole year supply for one person using this kind of a system will fit into ten of the boxes like you get from the cannery that holds the six number ten cans ten boxes fit under a twin size bed it's perfect I mean just slides right under there you've got your whole year supply under one bed you want to keep everything well let's see twin size bed don't store in the garage you do not want your food in the garage with the exception of a few items we is one of them you can store wheat in your attic where it gets to be 180 degrees really really hot really really cold wheat does fine so don't think that you have to keep your wheat in the house sugar you can keep that outside toilet paper you know that's about it everything else you should keep inside don't can baking powder or baking soda don't do anything to those leave them in their original containers because they tend to blow up so keep that in mind sugar don't can your sugar I know it comes can but they have to do that for FDA regulations things like that sugar doesn't get that doesn't go bad it goes hard you get a baseball bat give it a tap its back it's no problem keep sugar get those big buckets the big five-gallon buckets and either line it with plastic and pour the sugar in if you want to save space or just put the sugar bags in there and then just put the lid on it and your sugar is good forever it just doesn't I shouldn't say forever years and years 20 you know 15 20 years your sugars should stay good it's wasting money to put it in a can and put a packet in it it cost you a dollar to do that so don't can your sugar I know you do that in one month kids but if you're if you're not going to do the one-month kits if you're going to do the seven meals then you will get specifically what you want one month kids you know it gives you a whole can of sugar and a whole can of wheat that sugar is just not going to it's going too far out last the wheat so decide how you want to do that rotation was always a problem I go in and I think I got 50 pounds of spaghetti here somewhere and it's just not there or things go bad you know you just you go in there and you go oh I didn't know that was 27 years old I have powdered milk it's 27 years old you know what's still good it was the milk made or something like that it's still good so you know don't throw anything out until you look at it and honestly sometimes you'll open something up and it smells bad oats are notorious for that it smells bad doesn't mean it is bad unless it's green and crawling away just you know put it in a large container shake it up let it air out 90% of the time it will come back it's just taken on the smell of the can so please when you open things don't assume it's bad give it a little time a few days to air out let's see the rotation everything that I do in in this rotation system is based on long shelf life I'm all about how long can I make this last because that means I don't have to rotate it very often the shorter shelf life I have is three years and that's potato pearls and powdered milk and quite honestly if you keep it in a cool dark place or dry place it will last longer I have powder powdered milk and potato pearls that are five years old and they're still good sometimes the potato Broyles will go a little dark we call them toasted so you know they still taste good yes I know usually I say cool dark place I'll go where is there a cool dark place in the Valley of the Sun in all unless your dad oh yeah you're fine you're fine yeah 80 80 degrees anywhere between 78 and 82 depending on a this summer interesting that we can live with 78 degree weather when it's wintertime but in the summertime we can live with 82 anybody else do that just me you can be really really hot in the summer and it's okay just you know turn that up a little more rotation back to rotation the process here is you make all your list get your shopping list made up you watch for the sales this is a really great way to do it because when spaghetti goes on sale you go out and you buy your whole 52 pounds or whatever it is you two need you get it on sale in a timely manner and I don't mean in a week or even a month but in a timely matter you buy all your food storage that's on your list keep your list with you wherever you go and when you find things on sale you'll know how much you bought and when you bought it you're going to store in under your beds whatever is under your bed cannot be more important than your family's temporal salvation so take it out and put something else you put it somewhere else you get your like potato pearls and powdered milk things that have the shorter shelf life keep them in the same area so that you're not when it's time to rotate you're not going through every room you get a little book the little book is your food storage book and you're going to say canned 15 cans of powdered milk in September of five and it goes under the bed whatever else you know it all goes under the bed and you keep a list Becky's room has all these different things and johns wouldn't have this every year say New Year's Day you get your book out you go through it and you say oh look three years ago Ike and powdered milk and potato pearls and they're going to expire you know just they're not quite yet but when they get close to expiration I give it two three years because it really does last longer if you take good care of it don't store it in your garage you look at that and you say well I'm going to have to replace my powdered milk and my potato pearls because it's been three years so you go in you go to the cannery you look at your list you did 15 cans of oat or Perls go to the cannery you can 15 cans of potato pearls you bring it back you take the old stuff out you put it in your pantry your kitchen pantry or you'll give it to your children or do whatever you want to do with it and you put the fresh under the bed you now have a whole year supply and once again you've got three years to go because most of the things in the food storage that you have here has a 5 10 20 years shelf-life some of it is indefinite so with this program every three years is all you have to think about it it works for me because I'm not good at the little cards and the keeping track and and the rolling shelves and the whole thing it just didn't work for me this works for me I know that stuff is good until 2010 I know this is going to go bad next year it's also a good idea to have a food storage slush fund you're going to spend quite a bit of money on the in the front end of this so what you want to do is after you purchase it all take out say ten dollars a month now that's less than than going out to to dinner you know much less ten dollars a month and you put it in your food storage slush fund three years from now you're going to have three hundred and sixty dollars to replace your powdered milk and your potato pearls so it really doesn't even affect your budget just keep this little running budget going to replace your food storage as it needs it alright any questions about the rotation system yes I can anything that the cannery cans is the best way to do it I don't like the bags you know I'm sorry too if anybody's got those mylar bags I just don't like them they say that mice can't you know that nothing gets in them I had we have a ranch outside of Xolo and they made a nest in it they fed off of it all winter long so yeah the powder from the food on the outside of it attracts them and they just nibble right through and you can take a pencil and pop a hole in it just like that it's just that simple so I like the cans they don't you know you have to keep them off the ground so they don't rust but they're in your house on carpet most likely so that shouldn't happen but anything you can put in can I do because it has a longer shelf life all right let's see moving on we've got the basic foundation of this food storage if you're not going to do this that I'm going to talk about forget it go back to the one-month kits because you can't do this without going through this step so deal with it this is canned meat don't anybody make any rude comments or I'll take your book away this is chicken and this is beef and I know it doesn't look wonderful but you know tuna fish doesn't look that great if you put it in a jar but it's still really good meat you cannot buy meat that is this good it's fully cooked and ready to eat and this is the easiest process you will ever ever do I can put up a hundred pounds of meat in one day from 8:00 in the morning until maybe 4:00 in the afternoon a hundred pounds you figure if you have a pound of meat every day in three days I could do my whole year supply in three days using to Canter's the process here is very first off when you get canned meat like Costco you have a can of chicken it's a three pound can that can is going to last maybe two years because it's metal the meat in this char has a minimum 10 year shelf-life I say ten years we have meat that's 20 years old and it's still good but I say ten years because you know you can you can spend three days doing new meat every 10 years so I give this a really long shelf life this is you can can anything chicken beef moose caribou snake anything you can get your hands on if it's meat you can can it the exceptions are processed meats like hot dogs and bologna and turkey ham you can't do those they go mushy the process here you take raw meat that's the beauty of it now if you get a counter and you get the book it's going to tell you to cook it first do what you want but I don't do it that way neither do any other people that I do this with we would never cook it first because it then it's double processed and it's just not as good oh let me finish with the can if you get the can of you pay like three dollars a pound we have done the test you get a pound of skin and bones a pounded liquid and a pound of meat I got a full pound of chicken out of this one pint holds a pound of meat it makes its own juice there's no water there's nothing added to it but a little bit of salt you take raw meat you slam it in the jar you do the process it's in the book detailed instructions in the book you don't even don't even look at your instructions if you buy one of these because the instructions in my book are better they're more detailed you're going to do everything you need to do with the lid he didn't know that you put it in a canner you cook it for it's 75 minutes four pints and an hour and a half four quarts court holds two pounds of meat pint holds one pound you take it out you wipe it off you put it in the box you shove it under the bed and you've got your meat for your food storage minimum 10 years fully cooked ready to eat it could not be simpler yes just rotating it like using it that's the biggest problem is that it's impossible not to use it's so good it's so convenient you mean you think about what you guys make if you make chicken enchiladas chicken soup chicken delight any kind of chicken salad sandwiches chicken tacos beef tacos anything that you have meat it's fully cooked and ready to eat you open it up you can have dinner in 15 minutes so your biggest problem isn't having it sit under the bed it's keeping it under the bed because you use it so when meat goes on sale I just go down and that's the nice part too everything goes on sale you don't pay full price for anything so it's time saving its money saving and it's amazing food storage because with this your food storage now includes beef stew chicken delight Parmesan chicken taco pie and just about anything enchiladas you've got real meat your options are TVP has anybody had TVP if you have a dog even your dog won't eat TVP and I'm not making a joke nobody can eat PvP it's really disgusting when you compare it to real meat and I know I know it looks really strange one.girl called it a science experiment I'm going you know what it is tender it's delicious it's absolutely amazing and you bought it on sale you can can it in one day and it lasts minimum ten years so for food storage this is a must yes anything I do just because they're really easy and they've been really cheap lately but boneless skinless but if you can do legs I just don't like to use the space with bones because I'm not going to eat the bones but it you know just depends on what you want to do someone else have a question okay let's go to the canner this is 70 years old 7-0 I bring this because it's a smaller one and because it's an antique and because it tells you it still works if you buy a canner you will hand it down to your grandchildren they won't know what to do with it but you'll hand it down to them I mean how many of you know how to can meet this has been around for almost a hundred years and nobody knows how to do it they look at this they go ooh they get all disgusting then just laughing going I know you buy tuna fish I know how to do and that's all this is it's just other kinds of meat that you have done yourself the process could not be simpler ladies and gentlemen you know you take the lid off buying a canner I've already gone through the process so I'm going to tell you what to buy in the book it gives you details on what what kind of counter to buy if you already have a canner and it has a gasket the rubber gasket then that's fine you know it's the first thing to go if you don't have a canner do not buy one with a gasket because I guarantee at some point you're going to put all your meat in there and you're going to turn it on and steam is going to pour out every place except where it should because the gasket always goes bad get a metal to metal canner first I'm going to tell you the price if you a brand-new and it's going to cost you one hundred and fifty dollars for a beautiful canner just I mean it's gorgeous it'll do double stacks of pints you can do 7 quarts it's beautiful too in the book it's a 92121 quart but I have since when I used to tell people don't bother buying a used one just get a nice one it'll last forever I have since gone to ebay and bought five canners every one of them have worked perfectly as long as it is metal to metal meaning no rubber gasket it has when you get on eBay if you're going to do it on eBay look at the picture and you can tell if it has a gauge on it has 5 10 15 that tells you how many pounds of pressure it should have a release valve on it over here this type of thing it should have little wing nuts that will you know clamp down the lid pressure release inside it should have a tray because the bottles should not sit on the bottom of the candidate should sit on a tray and basically those are just the five requirements the five that I purchased ran between 50 to 70 dollars and that included the shipping so you can get a really good deal on eBay buying a used one or if you have get you and if you're worried about it the Extension Center will check them for free ASU Extension Center just call them and they'll check your counter for free question has to be a pressure canner for me you have to have pressure yeah they've got the bath the water bath all those touches it has to be a pressure canner has to be under ten pounds of pressure for ninety minutes the whole thing there you don't don't cheat on that if you ever I've only had one jar in 10 years 15 years of doing this I've only had one jar that I opened up later and the seal was not you know if you hear this okay that that means it's come undone don't don't even mess with it just throw it away do not take any chances but if the lid is still good it's not bulging should be fine had a question yes call go on go online and like if it's a presto just go online to presto and ask them I've got this model number can you send me a couple of gaskets and that way you'll have them for I wouldn't know because they're going to they're not going to cost that much less on eBay if you're looking at 50 dollars it's just not worth having the hassle of having to keep gas sits around and wait for them to go bad because they always go bad yes um a pressure cooker the difference in a pressure cooker in a pressure canner if you're looking on ebay put in both names because a lot of people don't know the difference they call it a pressure canner when it attacks or they call it a pressure cooker when it's actually a pressure canner but it should be a pressure canner but the requirements that I gave you make it a pressure canner some people have said that they've done that with pressure cookers but I don't know how they get 210 pounds of pressure how they know that it's at 10 pounds unless they've got the gauge and all the little things that go with it so they may call it a pressure cooker if it's got all these things it's a pressure canner same thing any other questions about canning meat Extension Center if you have a used canner and you're worried that it's not working or you're concerned okay in the old days you I know you've all heard stories about pressure canner is blowing up and it killed and Ethel and all five of her kids it's just you know what the accidents did happen they were generally gasket types and they weren't watching it they walked away this is you know a car can be dangerous too if you're not careful but you just have to sit with it you don't go to the movies while your pressure canner is cooking your meat you stay right with it so it's it's a it's just not dangerous we've been doing it for ever and if you're careful with it it isn't dangerous especially the new ones that have all of the release gauges and all the valves and things like that so they're very safe just use common sense all right any questions about candy meats let's move on oh I have some other things that I have to tell you look at my little things here it doesn't take any liquid please don't call me and say do I put water in this it's just meat you jam it in as far as you can don't cut it up into small pieces if you put large pieces you can always cut it up later so hamburger I put in raw also and hamburger if you if you broke the jar you'd still be holding a mason burger it you have to literally cut it out of the jar but if you if you don't do that if you cook it first it turns into little tiny grainy it's just you can't eat it so I put it in raw everything is raw a little bit of salt you can put spices in there but I don't like to if I want chilli and I picked out a jarred hamburger that has taco seasoning then I'm you know I don't have the versatility so I don't put spices in it except for salt you can it's not a big deal yes okay any other questions on that glass top stoves I used to tell people don't probably don't want to cook on a glass top stove but I have sense I have a glass top stove probably cooked 300 pounds of meat on it my sister back east has cooked 600 pounds on her glass top stove no problems at all so make that a decision of your own if you are uncomfortable then don't you can use a little propane cooker out in your backyard and do it that way if it doesn't seal if you take the meat out you use good jars buy new jars to start with make it just a little investment of saying okay I'm going to buy new jars because if you get jars from di or grandma's attic or something they may have a little hairline crack and you open up your jaw and you love all this meat floating in the water it's really sad so use good jars and then you can reuse them over and over and over because you know that where they came from and how many times they've been used let's see if it doesn't feel you take it out and one hasn't sealed you have two options you can have it for dinner tonight or you can put a new ring and a lid on it and Rees we cook it it'll be double cooked but it's great for soup also after Thanksgiving sometimes you'll have a whole lot of turkey left over and you're thinking you stick it in the freezer and you wait till a year later when it's turned different colors and then you throw it away just go ahead and can it you can can already cook meat by putting a little liquid buoy on and a little chicken bouillon or something like that and it will be double processed it's not a big deal it's great for soup doesn't have the same texture as when it's fresh but it still cooks and seals up beautifully so you can I claim my husband went elk honey swore he was going to get an elk so I cleaned out my freezers like you know 80 pounds of meat waiting for this huge elk so we went out and bought some hamburger to fill the freezer but I cooked everything everything that was in there I just put it in jars and it's beautiful it doesn't doesn't have any there's you can use anything with the exceptions of the things that I told you all right cookers I think we've covered everything on that the book tells you what sizes are really good and what to get and what not to get all right let's go to in your book on your source page the last note page 20 abided independence this is a book that is not published anymore but the publisher I'm good friends with I don't get any kickbacks on anything so don't don't hesitate bite of Independence is a really great book on how to make everything from scratch this is the kind of book that tells you how to make cream of mushroom soup I didn't know you could make cream of mushroom soup little can cost 85 cents you know if you if you do pass rolls if you have a lot of kids and make casseroles you're spending a lot of money on that little can of soup you can make your own cream of mushroom soup with nothing but flower soup base some spices and milk and it costs like 15 cents for two quarts and you make it fresh you can cook it in the solar oven so rather than storing cans of food that have a really short shelf life you don't know how long they were in the store you can have cream of mushroom soup in your cans that have 15 and 20 years shelf life you know the things that like flour you grind that up use white flour real white wheat you grind that up you use your other spices and you've got a shelf life that went from 2 years to 15 or 20 years tomato soup graham crackers soymilk peanut butter enchilada sauce chocolate cake all the different things that you would want to have in your food storage rather than buying them ready-made and have a short shelf life like a cake mix you have your own you have your own recipe for a cake mix it uses flour sugar cocoa salt things that have a really long shelf life so the bite of Independence if you have another book that gives you things from scratch that's great if not this is a really good book for all those kinds of things the book that you have has a lot of the recipes in it it has graham crackers and tomato soup and cream of mushroom soup so there's a lot of things in the book before you go out and buy this book check the book that you've got and see if those things the things that you might need aren't already in there there are things that I call sacred food wheat beans Crisco that comes in the in the metal top can not the little pull back with the Crisco and their old type those are sacred food I'm never going to open those hopefully 50 years from now when I'm dead my great-grandchildren will be going through my closets and going oh look at this wait how old it is it costs you a dollar every time you can a can of wheat if you're making homemade bread all the time just buy some wheat and put it in a bucket because your every time you open that you have to replace it it's going to cost you another dollar to replace it so things that have a really really long shelf life 15 20 years put those in the back of the closet and 20 years from now if we haven't used it hopefully none of us will ever you use it the next 20 years but if you haven't used it then you can take it out you know your book will be all mad and who knows what it's going to look like and you probably won't have any teeth to eat the food but you're going to say all right you know it's probably still good but if not I'll replace it so that's the things that really lasts a long time I do not open I'll just go buy fresh yes sir pressure can pressure yeah in the glass jars go online put in pressure can pinto beans and 500 websites will come up to tell you how to pressure can or a powder pressure cooker stay here you know what these are so cheap buy some new ones I know you know I've got that same attitude I just can't throw anything away guy with a gun you know they always talk about the guy with a gun who's gonna come and take my food he's gonna get my suit mix and you guys have eaten soup mix haven't you yeah he's going to get my reg wheat because I love the white wheat I just I have a hard time throwing anything away to sow the beans I would do pressure cook let's see so that's so honey is another thing that sacred food you can end up by honey and those great big five gallon jars get them in the smaller things because you can put that in the solar oven and the heat will bring it back you know how they get gets crystallized you can just heat that up in the solar oven and it's a really easy process but a great big container it's really hard to chunk that stuff out try and reconstitute it yes you can't I bought it all when I knew they were going to the boil top I just went over to Costco and bought about 46 pound cases of it and they just went to the boil top and I'm really unhappy about that but the good news is the boil top still has a 10-year shelf life and that's not bad so and we carry the Crisco at the cannery in even in the cardboard container still has they say a 10 year shelf-life so you know even the butter flavored it's great in fact somebody remind me to talk about Crisco when we start talking about this because in fact I'll just tell you now this little machine I opened up one of my 6-pound joy one of my six pounds jars of Crisco it's called a jar vac and because somebody said oh they don't last that long and it was five years old open it up and it was beautiful and I was really ticked to think that I'd opened up my sacred food just to prove a point and then I'm looking at the six pound of Crisco and I'm going I am never going to eat six pounds of Crisco in one year because it's going to go bad once you open it it's got one year maybe not even that long and so I'm looking at all this Crisco and I thought hey so I put it in the jars and I I back impacted date it and it's just like it's never been open it has its unlimited shelf life again I've got Crisco now that's three years old that I jar backed and we'll talk about more of the jar backing but just so you know that you can do Crisco if you in fact you might want to take your Crisco or your butter flavor whatever take it out of the container and jar vac it for your ship for your own daily use you open it up you unseal it you take out what you want you seal it back up it's just like it's never been opened all right let's see we did did you do spices oh I'll get there don't worry spices are going to make or break your food storage you can have a bowl of beans or you can have a bowl of chili and it's all about spices the place that I've written down here if you've got another place that's great but if you don't this is a wonderful place to go it's called Saguaro spices it's like 35th Avenue in Indian school so it's a little ways out maybe go in with some neighbors they sell spices by the pound that little tiny container of cinnamon in the store that cost you three dollars this is a pound of cinnamon for three dollars do you know how big a pound of parsley is those of you who cook with parsley it's like this big you'll never use a pound of parsley but spices I'm giving spices a 10 year shelf-life they're probably lasts longer and a lot of people won't let spices go more than six months I'm just not that big of a snob in my you know I'm not that big of a gourmet but they're so cheap go ahead and replace them if you want to replace them every year or every five years put put whatever number you want a replacement for spices because they last a long time put them in a jar put the lid on it don't back in pack it the vacuum pack it will the fine powders will ruin your jar vac so don't just put a lid on it and stick it in a box mark your box and shove it under the bed and my I gave my spices a ten year shelf-life I should make it less because they're so cheap but you do what you want on that spices are just can't beat the per pound let's see how many of you said you had your food storage raise your hands how you going okay as long as you got a solar oven you're set because everything else you can have propane but guys it's illegal to have a 5,000 gallon propane in your backyard and it's not safe and it would take that to your supply of food we don't have yards big enough for wood can you imagine going out there and 118 degree weather and and starting the fire yeah the solar oven I can't lift it because I'm all wired feel like I'm going to explode but if somebody can lift this up for me the solar oven is amazing it is okay guys come on you lift it up so they can see because a lot of people have never seen a solar oven this is the coolest toy I've ever had I actually have two of them set this out in your backyard okay thank you that's all you had to do lift up the lid you put your food in there in 20 minutes it's up to 250 degrees in 30 minutes it's up to 300 degrees the hottest I got this thing was three hundred and forty five degrees I really wanted 350 but it would quite get there so if somebody says it'll do three hundred and eighty degrees don't buy I've been doing this for a long time this was the best one I've ever seen I really like this one in your book cost about one hundred and fifty dollars you go to survival unlimited calm or some other places I understand there's someone else bought one in this area but it is about a hundred and fifty dollars I paid 250 for mine and I bought two of them because I was so impressed I wanted to cook dinner in one and do desserts in another you can't start dinner at five o'clock by the way not going to work so get used to having your big meal in the middle of the day like our ancestors did and then have something that dinner you know some kind of bread and milk or jam or something like that it will cook anything it bakes bread it makes cinnamon rolls it makes granola I can I can do tapioca pudding and thicken it in in the Isola Robin I can make a cheese sauce or a cream sauce I mean everything the only thing that I could not do in this solar oven was fry I can't get the oil hot enough to fry if you really have to have fried foods that Indian frybread just is not going to not going to escape you you'll want to look into a parabolic solar cooker but if not I don't have one because I'm just going hey you know whatever I can make cinnamon rolls and chocolate chip chocolate chip cookies what else do I need I can do it in this so solar oven really is a must because you can have all the food in the world but it really doesn't taste good to chew raw wheat it just doesn't cut it when you can have homemade bread yes it's in the book books tells you exactly what kind of cook were to get by your oven first and then your pans because your oven if you've got this lovely pen and that handles are too big not much you can do about it so and it talks all about painting jars black and all kinds of fun ideas that you can do for cookware yes it does not depend on how hot it is it depends on whether the sun is shining now I confess when it's 122 degrees outside it gets hotter faster but it still gets to 350 45 degrees in the middle of winter as long as you're facing it towards the Sun it's all about the Sun and the reflectors you can cook in a solar oven in Alaska as long as the sun is shining so it for where we are three hundred and sixty four and a half days of sunshine a year this is perfect for us and I really would if you've got a big family I'd get two because it takes about twice as long to cook if bread takes 25 minutes it takes about 45 minutes to cook bread but it Browns bread beautifully it really I've been been so impressed with how the solar oven makes food just like my regular oven it is an oven alright any other questions on the solar oven yes yes I've never clean mine the pans are good yeah if you spill in it yeah you know you're going to have to get it out of the Sun and clean it because it will bake it on there and it has a fairly fragile paint on the inside and you if you look at mine really close you'll see that that the paint peeled off i preheated it without leaving a little crack open so follow the instructions in the book it yeah if you don't spill things in it there is no cleaning you just open it up and take things out it is like a suitcase that thing folds up I carried it in it's just like a suitcase it's no big it's like a podium you know the podiums that that you see in church it's about that size it has a handle you could carry it with you on a 72 hour Trek if emergencies came up this would be perfect to have you grab some of your food and get your solar oven it you can sterilize water all kinds of things can be done in your solar oven and it's in the book so we won't go in any further unless there's really an important question we'll move on from the solar oven get one get two all right all right somebody always ask what happens water brains because yeah what do you do in a range you can't if the sun's not shining you can't cook in a solar oven but when the sun is shining you do this and this was so cool let's see 2003 so it's been 2 years ago I spent most of the summer cooking out in my solar oven making cool things like jar breads and jar cakes and jar brownies and jar muffins and car cornbread and the process is you cook the food without the ring and without the lid you cook this is a Ghiradelli chocolate fudge nut brownie you cook it but you're put your battery in or your dough or whatever it is the instructions are in the book you cook it in your solar oven or your regular oven if we have electricity use your oven put it in there you cook it when it's all done take it out put a lid on it put a ring on it and within about three minutes it's sealed and it's fully cooked ready to eat and I I ate breads brownies cakes and cornbread that was two years old last July I ate the last of my corn breads that I made in July of 2003 absolutely delicious the more moist things were really good like the applesauce cake was wonderful the brownies were wonderful bread you know it was a little dry but it was okay still bread you could still toast it and put jam on it or something now the idea here is not how old of a cake can I eat before I die that's not what we're about what we're about is on your sunny days you go out and you bake your little hearts out you make breads and cakes and cookies and brownies and cornbread all kinds of muffins and blueberry muffins and all these things and you have all this fully cooked food sitting on your shelves and when that rainy day comes you say oh gosh kids I'm so sorry we're going to have to have chocolate chip chocolate cake for dinner tonight and chicken sandwiches and you know whatever because you've got fully cooked meat fully cooked bread fully cooked desserts all sitting on your shelf now you might think gee you know after a year after a month wouldn't it have food poisoning or would it be dangerous normally it would if you used eggs we use Knox every recipe in the book has exchanged the eggs with Knox unflavored gelatin and it can be a generic brand in the book it tells you where to get it bulk if you buy a bulk it's about three cents an egg and the process is in the book it's so easy you add a little cold water to a teaspoon of Knox you had a little hot water you stir it up and it acts just like an egg it raises brownies and cakes and it does it thickens tapioca it works wonderfully and the good thing about this is we're powdered eggs have a really short shelf life and they're very expensive this this is I call this unlimited dispersed forever and it's really cheap I got this from a lady at the cannery I asked somebody there who has some really old knocks and she brought this and I said how old is it she said well I got it from my mother and she's been dead for 17 years so I don't know how long she had it but it's really old because it doesn't come like this anymore so we figure 20 years plus we're looking at the 20-year shelf-life and there was no special no special container at all the little paper packets work the same so everything that I cooked I cooked with this really old NOx and it worked beautifully if you have somebody who's allergic to eggs I would do this now because you can your kids can have all kinds of things that they couldn't have before because you can exchange the eggs with the NOx all right any questions about jar breads yes okay you want to use straight sided jars they're called jelly jars you can see this it'll just pop right out and that's really and you put Crisco and the instructions are really nice now I guarantee if you have a chocolate cake in a jar that has a neck like this and it won't come out if you give a kid a fork he'll find a way to get it out so don't worry about what kind of jar you put it in you know got any fill your jars with food so no problem there all right any other questions yeah because the pints are easier to carry and when I drag all this stuff in the court jars get really heavy that's the only reason you can put it in court jars if you you know those big pickles no you can't do the pickle jars because they don't have the kind of screw on lid any kind of jar that has the the this kind of lid the Mesa the canning lid any sized jar will work just fine and like I say the straight-sided is nice but straight sided jars are nice but you don't have to use that yes breads cakes cookies baking all your bakery things yes yeah don't you can't do chicken you can't do any of that kind of stuff just the baking items that's why it's called jar cakes jar cakes cornbread is wonderful the recipe in the book is a really good cornbread recipe all right see if I've forgotten anything breads brownies muffins cakes cornbread cookies cookies are a little difficult because you know it's so thick but it still works it'll still go for you let's see covered all that yeast will last indefinitely if you put it in your freezer even those vacuum-packed ones keep them in your freezer as much yeast as you're going to need and you'll know exactly how much that is because you would have put it on your list every time you needed a teaspoon of yeast you put it on your list keep it in the freezer outside of the freezer it has a one-year shelf life so figure that's what we've been told to get a year supply just keep it in your freezer and you should have it forever white wheat is a hybrid kind of week that a lot of people including myself really like red wheat the turkey red hard wheat is a little heavy for me it's a little the texture the taste it's just a little heavy I am a white bread fan and you know can't do white bread because that's not good for you white wheat is kind of our little blessing that the white wheat or the white bread fans got it's hybrid but it has all of the nutritional value the moisture content the cost is the same the only difference between the turkey redheart and the white wheat is whether or not you like a lighter texture lighter flavor lighter color everything it's almost like you've taken whole wheat bread flour and white flour and mix them half-and-half so if you if you're not a wheat fan or if you have allergies to wheat a lot of people have fewer allergies with this kind of wheat I'm just not a real whole wheat flake fan until I got to the white wheat and it is really really good so try that you can't change at any one month kits if you want white kit wheat you have to go down and can it because it's not an exchange item yes not true not true yep it has a same shelf life there's no reason for it to have a shorter shelf life it's got the same moisture content and a same nutritional content everything about it and we're talking 25 years so if it lasts 23 years and somebody's nitpicking you know I'm still giving it a really long shelf life and it goes in the back with my sacred food yes and that's what lasted yeah they found wheat in the pyramids that's still sprouted so I gave wheat a really long shelf life I don't like wheat like a bowl of wheat a bowl of cereal it's just not in my food storage you know if I'm having wheat I'm grinding it up and I'm making cinnamon rolls or homemade bread so we is definitely in my food storage but just depends on how you want to use it I get a weak grinder doesn't do you any good to have wheat if you don't have a grinder and the one that I have in the book is country living grains something.com it's in the book but the reason I got it it's the largest wheat grinder they make brother Rogers didn't you say you had one of those it is wonderful the only problem is it's about three hundred and fifty dollars but it is the largest one they make it grinds anything and the reason I like it is because if you email the guy the that you buy it from he will send you directions on how to hook it up to a bicycle a stationary bicycle and you can ride your bike and grind your wheat so I thought that was kind of a cool idea and if you've ever done this trying to get 18 cups of flour you're going to really want a larger grinder the last thing I have here is this cool toy called the denny jar back and it tells you in the book where it again it I'll tell you right off the bat it's going to be about fifty five sixty dollars depending wherever you get it it will cost $90 elsewhere but go to the book I can't remember where it is QVC QVC calm and shipping and everything should be about fifty-five dollars if you don't do anything else in this class you're going to want this even if you don't believe in food storage if you're here because your wife made you come and you think it's ridiculous get one of these because you will not believe the absolute how much fun this toy is and it will save you a lot of money what you're going to do okay first off if you have a food saver anybody have a food saver if you've already got a food saver then you don't need to buy one of these it you can get something called a jar sealer get online everything home comm and it's a little toy that little contraption that goes over the top of your lid and it sucks out the air using your food saver if it has the port on the top of it little hole on the top and a little rubber tube comes out of it and then this attachment you can do the same thing that I'm going to talk about if you don't have a food saver don't bother getting one this is better it does more and it's easier if you called me find my note if you called Salt Lake and said can I store raisins or nuts or cornmeal or brown rice or chocolate chips or dried fruits or sesame seeds or butter or peanut butter they'd say no you can't store those they're high sugar high oil content they go bad I mean you've all gone in the pantry ladies to get walnuts to put in your chocolate chip cookies and they're rancid you've gone to get chocolate chips and they've gone white or powdery or they're you know it just goes bad especially in Arizona we've all done that how much food have we wasted we have these are chocolate chips that were stored on the same day this is over July of oh three so these are two-year-old chocolate chips two months after I stored these they started turning white if you'll notice it's just a nasty white powder because the seal came undone so two years later this is the chocolate chips are still absolutely perfect you can open it up listen open it up take out what you want put the lid back on seal it back up put it in your little dinner jar back and it's just like it had never been opened you have indefinite we have chocolate chips that are 15 years old we have raisins that are 20 years old granted the raisins are a sugary but you know what the raisins would look like after 20 years if you didn't have them sealed up yes question yet they turn white why bother and takes up room in your freezer you seal them up with your jar vac you've got a 15 maybe 20 years shelf-life why bother with the freezer stick it in the box shove it under the bed no problem the different things that that I talked about that can be sealed are going to make your food storage this is where it always gets everybody's going pop because it's so exciting he's going you mean I can store after Halloween last year yeah you know my husband's not here Oh taping this cut the tape I bought 30 or 40 pounds of Snickers and Baby Ruth and all my favourite candy bars I put him in the court jars because they held more stacked him in already still wrapped a stacked him in there and stuffed them in put him in and sealed it up now I had candy for a week it was just yeah they're still good I opened one out the other day my grandkids came over and I passed out candy absolutely just like the day I bought them a year later yes the same same lid over and over and over open it carefully so that you don't bend it dent or anything you can use that lid over and over and over that's the cool part about this is with a can of food once you open it it's done you have to use it with this you just seal it back up put more in it seal it back up take it out whatever it's it's amazing it's the coolest thing because you will never have nuts or raisins or poppy seeds or sesame seeds nothing goes bad I can't even tell you what the shelf life is on a lot of this stuff because we've never had anything go bad we've been doing it for 20 years and we only realized like 10 years ago how cool this was you know we had some things that had been my sister gave her niece heard her daughter my niece some raisins and they were still in a cupboard someplace those are the ones that were 20 years old and she said yeah she opened it up and she said they were a little a little grainy they've kind of gone sugary but they were still good she put them in chocolate chiara oatmeal cookies and they were delicious so I don't know what the shelf-life is but I know it's at least 10-15 years has to be glass jars and metal lids with the gasket that's the only thing it will seal it won't do any plastic yes yes yes I that's how I do my brown sugar put them in the jars although you know you don't have to you can put brown sugar in the buckets it doesn't it shouldn't go bad I'm going to give it maybe five years you could put them in the buckets and even though it goes hard chunk some out and put a little bread in it and it comes right back brown sugar is resilient like honey all right the other cool thing about this that yes well thank you don't crank the lid really hard because then it won't be able to seal I got a call from New Jersey of all places on going I've never been to New Jersey how did you get my number that was funny but she had she had the book and she was using it she said it won't seal and we finally discovered they were putting the lids on too tight before they put it in the jar back now a quart jar will fit yes see this is what spaghetti jar the cool thing about this is any glass jar with its original metal lid can be resealed with this you can't do that with the with the food saver but the jar vac a baby food jars spaghetti jars hot sauce jars and start saving your glass jars and their original lids because you put stuff in it and you seal it up and it's good to go how many of you have taken out a jar of spaghetti sauce ragu and you pour out half of it you make your dinner you stick the other in the refrigerator and you come back in a couple of weeks and there's more there than when you put it in you might think this was a good thing normally having more would be good this is not a good thing you don't want this to happen put it jar after you emptied after you take out what you want when I got mine I emptied my refrigerator and I resealed everything my garlic my hoisin sauce my my spaghetti sauce my hot sauces everything I sealed it all up three months later this it was still exactly like it was it was still fresh three months later in the refrigerator please if it belongs in the refrigerator keep it in the fridge if it belongs on the shelf put it on the shelf so if you're if you're canning chocolate chips it'll go on the shelf if you're resealing spaghetti sauce or hot sauce or something that would normally go on the refrigerator put it in the refrigerator and you will not have food go bad it's it's amazing you're going to it'll pay for itself just in not having spoiled food someone had a question noob let's see peanut butter butter shortening I talked a little bit about that this is butter and I sealed this last year and I have some butter and margarine that is two years old going on three years and you've cleaned the lid really well clean the rim really well just put anything butter and margarine shortening seal it in your jar back date it and it sits on the shelf and you might go ahh your grandmother's never put refrigerate refrigerated their butter it always sat on the counter any you know I'm over fifty and I remember my grandmother long time ago back in the days when you know they had an icebox they kept their butter on the counter you didn't have to refrigerate it we just do this does not have to be refrigerated you can store butter and margarine and Crisco and butter flavored Crisco any of that stuff and it sits on the shelf don't put it in the garage any questions I haven't done all every recipe in the book I've exchanged oil with shortening because shortening has a really long shelf life oil has a really short shelf life and I figure I've already got ten years in that container if I buy oil and put in the jars I'm going to have to use a jar and go through the whole process so I just I don't use oil I know there are some people who are really hooked on you know the virgin oil or wobb wobb well whatever it is I just never did I'm not that fussy of a cook and so everything's been exchanged with shortening and that's just fine with me i melted in the solar oven and use it just like oil because of the long shelf life so even the church has exchanged if you notice the one month kids don't have oil in them anymore they have shortening because it does have a long shelf life yes there are two ways you can in California my counterpart in California said that they were putting jars of peanut butter in cans throwing a couple oxygen packets in it sealing it up and they were going on five years they had a five year shelf life problem is you can't get very many jars of peanut butter in a number-10 can I'm finding that if you take it out of its jar and put it in you know once you open it then go ahead and transfer it into a quart jar and seal it up you should be able to expand that shelf-life peanut butter has got a one year shelf life once you open it maybe not even that long so you know most of them come in a plastic container and it's very permeable it just doesn't keep the air out it's hard to find anything in a glass container anymore so transfer it into the glass container seal it up should have I'm guessing three four years shelf-life maybe longer in the jar back yes gee Oh tell me about it you make homemade cheese I mean I always feel so unworthy when I do these classes because you know you guys are here because you're interested in it you probably know more than I do anyway but you know here's somebody makes homemade cheese no I don't make homemade cheese I've never tried putting in a jar I dunno if you put cheese regular cheese like the cruddy stuff from the store it will go in the jar and it will extend that shelf-life I keep my cheese in the freezer that's probably bad but you know I dunno and I found this out last year that Kraft makes a canned cheese go online and see if you can look it up with Kraft it's kind of it's a it's a yellow cheese tasting type thing like a cheddar cheese a mild cheddar cheese it's more of a white color but it's I think it's a one-pound can and we're looking at a five year shelf life so this is the first time that I have found anything that will store cheese for any length of time a hard cheese like when you want a great cheese on your enchiladas or your tacos or something so that's that's where I would go for the cheese any other questions you can put it in the jar back yeah yeah just just take cut it into smaller pieces and put it in your jar and seal it up it lasts much longer a lot of things you can do a lot of things with it it actually comes with a cool little attachment here I don't use I feel like I'm the the veggie bita whatever that Lucy I Love Lucy thing only only old people would remember that yeah thank you has this cool little attachment and it has metal lids with rubber underneath it and you can put that over a metal or a jar a glass bowl of some kind of round Bowl you put that on it and you put this on it and it will suck the air out of the bowl and seal this lid onto the bolt so that if you have a green salad or a fruit salad or if you're marinating meat it will actually if you poke holes it will it will suck the marinade into the meat because of the pressure it's a great little toy comes with three sides lids so the chill if you get one of these you'll know what those lids are for it fruit salad you make a fresh fruit salad it'll last for days so that's another little addition to it what else any other questions I think we're about done you don't want an honest answer about powdered milk powdered milk is powdered milk there's nothing we can do about it it's nasty we hate it I don't drink it you know they say eat which you store in store what you eat that means except for powdered milk if you have real milk don't drink powdered milk store powdered milk drink the real stuff all I do with powdered milk is cook with it and it works just fine you really it doesn't make a big difference when you're cooking with it but I would never drink powdered milk it's just awful so yes di if you're buying it for jar cakes and and sit in jar back stuff di sells them for a quarter go to yard sales grandma's attic whatever if you're looking for the jars for meats we sell them at the cannery and they're as cheap as they get with the exception of Big Lots you know Big Lots we'll sell them I think they're 50 cents a jar or something like that so those are the two places that I found and we carry court and pint but we don't carry widemouth and Big Lots will carry the wide mouth so those are your two places for the cheapest in season sometimes Walmart will carry them but they're usually more expensive all right any other questions yes it's not a perfect solution I forgot my keys in Euros and she buy oval and makes it half and half that's what we drink it wasn't she was she was trying to make make the whole milk stretch if we're in a worst-case scenario we won't have whole milk and we're going to have to drink it you know that's why I say I don't I don't have any whole milk in my food storage as far as drinking you know I got I got the chocolate what is it no that the orange drink and the hot chocolate those are my drinks but the powdered milk is simply for cooking and I have a lot of powdered milk because I I do a lot of cooking with it no tap you know the different things all the different things that I cook with the drinking you know and when they found that kids don't really need as much milk as we thought they did so you know you use your own judgment on that how much milk you think you your kids are going to drink I'd love to see you make a kids drink powdered milk any other questions I appreciate your coming brothers and sisters like I said go ahead that's alright that's why I'm here for osa buckets don't use buckets we get bucket food all the time and it's always gone bad so you did you hear her say that what do you do just grind it up and nobody knows personally I would buy new wheat because wheat is cheap it's one of the cheap things if this was your chocolate chips I would be feeling really sad for you because you know it's chocolate but this is wheat go buy some new wheat go buy some new wheat toss it if I see if I see shells in there I guarantee the bugs were there they were there those are their grandchildren you know somewhere in there that are just waiting get some new week and shoot the fan to your neighbor's house Griffin oh that's just the coolest thing I've ever seen that right there I'm going to use that in every class that I do I think that is a coolest thing I've ever seen you throw it out every six months conference comes in between conference sessions empty out the water put in some new you know that's that's about it you emptied out twice a year in the book it tells you how many teaspoons of bleach to put in it but I've never seen anything that is more ingenious than that and it doesn't take up very much space you you'll have to store water brothers and sisters if you know that's you can have all the food in the world but if you don't have any water you're going to have no way to cook it unless everything is you know meat and breads and and ready cook things but you're going to need water yes where did you get your barrels cuz I got mine 15 years ago I don't know where to get them anymore and there's a sign-up sheet back there people interested in there you go and and those of you who are still having trouble with the word of wisdom you can go to the Coke and Pepsi things and sometimes it still tastes a little bit like that you can you know get your fix yes don't throw your filled late okay love it yeah okay the pigs and the cows and yeah my homeowner's won't let us have pigs and cows so you know we'll give them to you yes don't don't store in buckets if it's already in buckets what we're finding is people are coming to the cannery a lot with the buckets because they open it up and find that the food has not lasted the buckets are plastic they're just permeable there's no way to get around it you know the metal is going to be better if it's already in buckets you might want to check it and you might want to transfer it into cans before it does go bad yeah I'm sorry I have lots and lots of buckets myself yes how often would you have to rotate water if you don't put the chlorine in it I have streaks out yeah okay what do you guys live here in there because it's black and UV protected in the 55 gallons not going to last a year without bleach do you think you could go three months okay all right there's the expert I am NOT the expert on water I have a little tiny thing like that water because it would take forever to cover water in the desert all I'm going to tell you is you have to have it yes I think sometimes the taste that people get a little the taste isn't real good right I don't even think it yeah and you could you could boil it in your in your solar oven to kind of get rid of the taste if you wanted to do some of that but you know yes gee I wish I could a quarter cup of bleach i whatever is in the book that's what I suggest I don't think it's as much as a quarter cup he is saying he doesn't taste it I usually do I'm not real fond of it but you know people in New Orleans would have loved to have had a 55 gallon barrel of bleach with a I mean a water with a quarter cup of bleach back into that doc unless it says P ETA on the bottom don't store water in milk jugs and that kind of stuff because they will deteriorate and crack and you'll have this really ugly water stain on the top of your ceiling if you have put it up in your second-story why ask me how I know that I'm not supposed to can me wait no you do can wheat can we don't put it in plastic buckets sugar don't don't can sugar yeah we definitely put in the cans it has a really long shelf life it's it's just you know indestructible almost it's a really great great way to anything that you can store at the cannery anything that they store put in cans put in cans because that's a good way to store things it's it's safe it's clean it's you know stacks easily everything about it is good but there are a lot of things that you can't put in cans like chocolate chips and raisins and and other things that we have to store it in different ways any other questions in the cans yeah in the cans this is personal but I don't I don't particularly like the pasta the spaghetti from the cannery it's too thick so you might want to if you if you found that don't buy 200 pounds of something that you haven't tried just because it's on your list you know you might you might be unhappy about that so be sure and test things first yes it's in the book survival Unlimited it's on your source page solar ovens at the bottom of page 20 got it any other questions it always takes an hour and a half isn't that amazing I love it brothers and sisters thank you for coming I really do love doing this you know sometimes I'm thinking oh my gosh because it's all over the place and five six times a month and yet every time I do it I feel a spirit that just up flip it lifts me it makes me glad that I'm doing something hopefully it was something that has inspired you that's my calling is to motivate and inspire you if anything here has inspired you that you would like to use and get your food storage then my time has been well spent I know the church is true brothers and sisters I know the prophets have never given a prophecy that is not going to be fulfilled every bad thing that you've ever read that this will be the most horrible time in the history of the world I mean there's have been a lot of history and a lot of it's really bad it's it's going to be worse than anything that's ever happened I'll tell you what is better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it and the church has far too long been ignoring the prophecies and and the Council of the prophets I pray brothers and sisters that you will feel the spirit that you will have a desire to be prepared and to follow the counsel of the prophets and if you use anything here that's great if you get the one-month kit get 12 of them whatever it takes to make sure that your family will survive whatever may happen and if nothing happens and we should get down on our knees and thank our Father in Heaven that we have lived through a time that has been such a blessing in our lives I hope I hope we don't go through hard times but somebody's going to and if you're not getting food storage you're teaching your children not to get it and they'll teach their children and it'll go all that all down those lines if you are believer in it and you teach your children it's important you will save generations if it never happens to you or your children somewhere down the line you will have a direct effect on keeping those children alive and saving them to bring forth Sion and I say this in the name of Jesus Christ amen okay everything
Channel: Joshua Farnsworth
Views: 375,617
Rating: 4.8312454 out of 5
Keywords: foodstorage, food storage
Id: gOLuIApyNPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 58sec (5218 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2011
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