Prepper Series: How to Freeze Eggs (Up to One Year!)

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hi this is JD Pendleton from our little homestead and today I'm going to teach you how to freeze eggs for up to one year hi this is Jamie Pendleton from our little homestead and we're coming back at you I've had a lot of people ask me how I can how I store my eggs or how they can store their eggs this is how I do it alright so basically what I did here is I washed these up really good and I just kept the labels on so you could see that these came from tractor supply they were on sale they had a bunch of them at this point so and these fit twelve jumbo eggs and they're normally for people who were chickens you know so they don't get their eggs Kloster or the paper sometimes can harbor bacteria so these are really washable reusable these are great if you're not reselling your eggs or if you have a client that comes back and gets the same eggs all the time from your chicken so this is what you're looking for got it at Tractor Supply you can order these online or I think Walmart's camping being area station has it but these are all upload for the dishwasher only cuz you're going to want to clean your surface around the area with a vinegar or bleach wipes or a bleach dry and I even did this 24 hour microbe and spray sanitizer on here as well and you're gonna want to wash your hands really well which I'm gonna do against them so touch that now I'm just going to take a couple of now these are not sterile gloves there's no such thing as anything sterile they're called clean gloves if it's steroid you'd get them be getting them out of a package but time steam and pressure like an autoclave or a pressure can or a pressure cooker that's the only way to truly get anything sterile so you're touching things with your bare hands just make sure you have clean hands because that's really what you're talking here you're talking clean all right so now you've got your clean gloves on and what I do is I actually wash my gloves you don't need to spray these or anything like that okay no spraying so what you're going to do is you're gonna go ahead and get a little soap on each egg and wash it I set that right here that's clean I just got that out of the dishwasher now in a steam setting you can use your dishwasher on a steam setting all right so what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna crack the egg like this and then I'm gonna bring it over because these are washed got washed in a dishwasher and I'm gonna drop my jumbo egg right inside just like that it'll probably go over to the next one that's fine all right I'm gonna do it again break the egg drop it in look at that double yolk there you go okay and we're going to continue to do this do we fill this up and if you want and this is important you can actually separate your eggs you can do the yolks on one side and whites on the other if you know you're gonna have recipes for separated eggs you can go ahead and do that remember this is what farmers do you can do this all year round just want to make things as clean as possible no soap on my hand give it a crack skip over one because there's a lot of yolks going in here and after I get this all filled up what I'm going to do is I'm going to close the lid on this and I'm gonna take this out to the freezer and I'm gonna freeze it just like this and after they're frozen solid I'm gonna pop them out and put them in you note in here they won't stick together at this point and I'm gonna put them inside of a freezer baggie make sure it's a freezer baggie and it's labeled for that and these are good for one year in the freezer if you have any suggestions or tips about keeping eggs and how you keep them without glassing them then leave a comment down below but never freeze in the shells or I freeze out of the shells and they're good for one year I hope this answered all of your questions it's very easy very simple and now you can buy eggs and you have a way to keep your chicken eggs longer alright now I know some of the questions that I'm gonna get about this because you do not have to add sugar or salt to this method and these will still keep for a year okay but be sure and use a plastic container and if you want to do these in a muffin tin and get them more flat so they lay more flat and they're not soaked up like in the freezer you can do that as well
Channel: Our Little Homestead!
Views: 8,688
Rating: 4.9155469 out of 5
Keywords: How to Freeze Eggs, up to one year, Our Little Homestead, Janie Pendleton, Emergency food storage, how to store eggs long-term, preppers, homestead, homesteaders, emergency, DIY, how to, store eggs, Emergency Food, food storage
Id: r1_cQYTP3Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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