FOOD STORAGE - Canning Delicious Beef Vegetable Soup

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hi it's Chef JD Pendleton and today I'm going to teach you how to can up my beef vegetable soup now this is really good I get a lot of oohs and ahhs over this at the holidays people want me to make a big vat of this soup especially at Christmastime and this is really great when it's cold outside now you have to excuse the background noise because we are finishing out a staircase in the room addition my son here is finishing out the trim carpentry work on the room addition we finally got a break in all this cold weather it's about about 58 degrees outside right now so what you want to do is you will start out with a little bit of olive oil and I use a nice great olive oil just a little bit you want to put too much fat in your canned foods all right in there and you can see the here I just pre-chopped all of my vegetables look at that I've got sliced carrots onions red green and orange and yellow peppers celery here I've got some more peppers I got two cloves with garlic I'm just going to mash up here at the last minute here but you can see here the different colors of peppers here that I have and yeah here's another Bowl here as well I got some more carrots and celery here so altogether it was two stalks two full stalks of celery one whole great big bag of baby carrots I think I have and a bag of these peppers that I've gotten from Walmart okay now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and we're going to lightly just lightly cook our our garlic okay we're just going to throw in our garlic and turn on our heat probably to turn on our heat first we go so it's just two cloves of garlic and here we have the canner we blew in through the nipple made sure that was clear we put a little oil on the ring I use just a little bit of grapeseed oil you can use olive oil or vegetable oil wherever you like and just put just a little touch on there and kind of rub that in the ring that helps it to slide nice and usually still stiff but yet it still slides and make sure your candor spot touch with your knobs you don't want to let your knobs then here we just have our jars steaming here because steam is what really sterilizes the jars and those have been steaming for about a half an hour actually you only need to steam them for about 10 to 15 minutes and remember you are pressure canning so you can even bypass this stage because I already sterilized in my dishwasher but when your water bath canning you don't want to bypass this stage okay because water bath canning doesn't get as hot as pressure canning and it's for pressure canning meat this does process at 10 pounds of pressure for 90 minutes okay just so we got that out front now stick it back up here again where you can see okay we're just too much too quick so just gonna kind of toast up that jar like they're just a little bit really good and then what we're going to do now is we're gonna put in all of our vegetables all these vegetables there we go few whole chopped onions in here two stalks of celery a big bag of carrots all day there's more on top of this I'm gonna drizzle a little more olive oil just a little very light coating give that a nice cloth then you can make just vegetable soup and you can that up that's fine and this will finish cooking in that 90 minute process you don't have to cook it very long I just want to kind of get that the garlic flavor throughout the vegetables you probably feel the onions been separate and then put in the vegetables if you like but like I said it's all I'm going to cook up it's all good okay so I kind of got that mixed in there just a little bit now we're going to add 2 cans of whole kernel corn and I got the no salt added but then yet on the back of the ingredients it still says that there's sodium in the corn and I'm just going to dump it in as you sit all I'm going to mix that in if you want you can do two cans of corn it actually calls for two and a half to three cups of corn I just kind of wanted to see I'm not a real corn fan I think I will go ahead with in the second can of corn again there we go juice it all it all in there juice has all the vitamins and stuff in it that you want you need looks good looks real good actually to do this we're going to add a roast that I cooked in the crock pot and I cut up in small pieces and I added some water to the broth see that the roast is just chopped up for chopping some small pieces there you go this is beef vegetable soup now I need enough water in here and brought in here to cover these vegetables what I have here is I have another thing of beef broth we're going to go ahead and add it I don't normally add store-bought beef broth but dump that in and this is a 48 ounce 48 ounces of beef broth crank that heat up here there we go I need plenty cuz I step out put the potatoes in here yet so I'll get the potatoes in laughs because I'm keeping this this also has cabbage in it too by the way and I'm going to add that last we have the potatoes and the cabbage slaw because I really don't want those to cook for more than a minute or two before I put them in the canning jars okay now I'm just going to add one can fish ball can resume toes one not in we're not look delicious and honey we've only just began we're going to add salt and pepper to this to taste remember spices get stronger after it's been sitting on the Shelf a while so be careful the amount that you use you can always add a little bit to it every time you make it and open up a jar here I'm just using sea salt and in fact then that was two teaspoons of cating salt 2 teaspoons of canning salt and here I have a vacuum sealed container Alvie face for the pop one two three tablespoons of my beef base this is just a real concentrated I made beef stock that I have dehydrated myself it's a very gelatinous beef stock or you can buy it by oriental farms it's really good it's low-sodium that oh my goodness the Orient informal is just as good as the homemade I don't usually say that about too many things but I really enjoy it so three tablespoons of that ought to do it I'm going to heat this up and why this is heating up I want to go chop my potatoes and we'll be right back okay we've come up to a simmer so now I'm just going to add on the potatoes and you can see here that I use Yukon Gold so that way I could leave on the pill and you really can't taste the pill in here it leaves the vitamins in here and be honest with you during the cleaning process it keeps the potatoes from being mushy and falling apart it really does help hold them together and I chopped a little larger than bite-sized because even though there's you know this well a little bit indicating process but I like my vegetables a little I'm a chunkier side and assured you make it through the canning process better without being mushy when they are a little larger normally I would chop them a little finer if I knew I was going to just right out eat the suit but and you can put in as many potatoes as you like this time I didn't get cut through all the way that's fine I see you decide how many vegetables of what your favorite vegetables are that you want to put in here that's the the glory about this I think it needs more potatoes I think I might try to put in a cup of milk and goes in here just keep this in RIT and we'll be right back okay we're just going to go ahead and add about 1/2 of a head of cabbage here small nice and chopped up remember we want to add this right after we add the potatoes so we don't want those potatoes cooking through all the way we're just going to kind of heat everything through if you have the whole head of cabbage if you like you're going to love this soup it is so go this so good and you don't even have to can this just make this a big vat of this and you take this to the next church potluck that is fine you have all the family coming over for Christmas dinner then make this up this is really good it's great now what we're going to do here now is we're going to add okay what we're going to add it here is we're going to add 46 fluid ounces of tomato juice now I might have to divide this into two pots this is a 16 quart pot we'll see because I got to add two of these for a richer flavor add three I'll rinse those cans out here in just a second and so I'm in this now because it's too full when I can't mmm not like rich in knife that now we're going to start testing for flavors and spices again that was 246 ounce cans of the tomato juice now we're going to add our sugar and our heat we start with 1/2 a cup of sugar and we're cup of sugar and we want to balance the sweet and the hot ok hot and sweet the vegetables in the beef broth that's our savory so what we're going to add now is we're going to add this chili powder you're going to add about 3 or 4 tablespoons of chili powder to this just some big heaping tablespoons here I don't like the egg make mine too hot you can make it as hot and spicy do you like it give it a stir it's all nice and broke up does not look delicious look at that but the coloring on that can be delicious we're going to start taste sampling I know it's going to need more sugar than that so we get it ready good chef will always keep some clean spoon sitting nearby and we're just going to start taste testing until we get it adjusted to where we want it remember never doubled it kind of dip down in there okay that's good but it definitely needs more sugar there's a half cup I'm going to go for another cup of sugar so that was a cup and a half of sugar total here so far you know be sure to blend really well between each addition and remember whenever you add hot spices like cayenne pepper you want to heat this it's hotter the spices get hotter as this heats up another clean spoon we're going to try it again still not there yet so now we're at two and a half cups of sugar trust me you'll know when you get this right this will have a nice sweet sweet hot flavor to it I know what you're thinking sugar in my beef vegetable soup oh yeah just trust me on this sweet and not the cayenne pepper with it oh yeah and I thought it needs a little bit more cayenne pepper too by the way so I put in another tablespoon of cayenne pepper and you can add more beef face to this - that's fine now I bring this up to simmer this will be ready - can because I don't want these potatoes cook through I want you to test here okay the sweetness is perfect you're probably still staying to use a little bit more the heat try one last clean spoonful here let me see what it needs that's good I think it needs more salt another tablespoon of salt there we go I take a couple taste samplings but remember this is going to be your winter batch of soup that you're cleaning up so you want to make sure you got it right and then maybe you might want to adjust the chili powder I think I found it and I'm also going to add a little bit of the celery salt Oh about a teaspoon smells like delicious this smells so good okay and there we have in our soup itself is done cabbage isn't quite cooked all the way through the vegetables are not cooked all the way through but they will in that 90 minute Keating process time remember ten pounds of pressure okay we've got our lids about a hundred and eighty degrees at 200 degrees it's just barely bubbling here on the bottom we've sterilized everything even these pieces here shave even sterilize our big ladle okay go ahead and go up our jars to about a 3/4 of an inch to one inch headspace when it's just fine I think some of these vegetables will swell a little bit it should add plenty of fluids to it probably a little bit 2-fold just out here in just a minute these jars are hot I always get down from the bottom what'd you get a good mix of vegetables showdown lots of woods here at the top let's get hot so be really careful remember the potatoes are not done in this neither of the carrots we're going to finish cooking in the canning process okay I'm just going to go ahead and show you how I do this now just take some clean napkins never double dip dip it here in the clean water that our lids are in brush off the tops just like that I think I have too much in here it's about three quarters yeah have a little bit too much in there you want to get too much of overflows there now let's try that again it gives us a one-inch headspace I'm more comfortable with that powder take your finger check the tops of the rims by dipping it in the hot water my hands are very clean up and caning all day so speck the lids make sure you only have one and yes I line line up with the words just finger tight and then over to the canner I'm gonna go ahead and we're just going to continue to do this until we get the candor full okay nice and hot I'll show this to you isn't that absolutely gorgeous beautiful suit like I said you can make this as spicy as you like be sure and fill your canner up with extra water and again I'll show this to you again isn't that pretty that way you're gonna run this for my team and I'm sure you got plenty of water here and we'll be right back okay you can see here we have water oops up for me you can see here we have water almost probably about a half of an inch from the bottom rim of this cap that will be plenty for that 90-minute processing blow through your vent pipe make sure lock that on and when this pops up we're going to turn this on medium high to high heat and we're going to let this theme that with the steam starts really coming out of here you can really see it and feel it you can really feel the pressure of the steam coming out this little tip right here will start to lift up or it will lift up and lock itself and when the nipples nice and steamy you're going to steam vent.this for ten minutes then you're going to place on your tin Newtown laughter sorry got the air compressor from the room addition riding on you're going to put on your ten pound rocker that's this is single is five pounds another one's ten and another one is fifteen well for a thousand feet or below altitude you use ten pounds above that check your ball blue blue book recommendations but or your candy your can of recommendations but it's usually fifteen pounds if you're over you know eleven about thousand twelve thirteen hundred feet higher three thousand feet above sea level you probably want to use fifteen pounds but for me I'm below a thousand feet so I know that I use a 10-pound weight so the steam steam vents for a ten minutes then you add the weight then about three to five ten minutes it'll start rocking like this and then when it starts rocking like this we're going to time this and make sure it rocks steadily if you lose pressure you have to start over again you don't want to throw it out or let it go away you just start the time over again and it's fine the food will just be a little over processed but you just start your timer over again so don't walk away I can forget about it then just start your timer over again don't throw your don't throw it away about ninety minutes okay ninety minutes ten pounds of pressure with consistent rocking or if you got temperature gauge it probably between ten or eleven pounds on your typical gauge okay so we don't wanna put that on just yet now we'll be back here and we'll see you back here in about oh about about an hour and a half two hours okay if you have any questions just be sure and we'll leave a comment or a question below okay these are popping and sealing in the canner ninety minutes are up our pin has dropped and we've left these sit in the canner for about 5-10 minutes some of these have already sealed in the canner itself and look at that isn't that just beautiful now that is what I call soup and here you have it my beef vegetable soup this is chef and builder Jamie Pendleton blessings
Channel: Our Little Homestead!
Views: 376,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beef Vegetable Soup, canning soup, canning beef vegetable soup, beef soup, vegetable soup, Chef Janie Pendleton, Chef Janie, Soup recipe, how to can soup, how to can beef, ball canning jars, ball lids, recipe, how to can, how to pressure can beef, how to pressure can, homesteading, our half acre homestead, pantry, food storage, Christ, vegetables, Kitchen, Soup recipes, best soups, prepper, healthy prepper, prepping for SHTF, organic
Id: v_ilRF1s6F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 17 2014
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