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Channel: 5-Minute Crafts
Views: 26,754,124
Rating: 4.6473513 out of 5
Keywords: proyectos faciles, trucos de belliza, howto, tutorial, handcraft, tips, 5 minute craft, useful things, life hacks, crafts, diy, 5-minute crafts, tricks, do it yourself, diy projects, trucos, diy activities, 5 minutes craft, lifehacks, recipe, recipes, cooking ideas, delicious breakfast, egg recipes, egg, eggs, yummy breakfast idea, quick breakfast, noodles, how to cook eggs, egg sandwich, baked avocados, egg rolls with cheese, pancakes, breakfast idea
Id: 66Ck_5SePZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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