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[Music] [Music] so hey guys welcome to Apple a homestead tarath here we're gonna set you right in the windowsill we didn't even getting out the doodad to put the phone or the camera on which will set you in the windowsill honey but you get some vitamin D now here's the deal this is a very quick video very simple tip video but I've been asked to make it because some people are perplexed by the whole idea of freezing their eggs that's okay we all have searched somewhere we all have to learn there's a lot of different ways of preserving eggs a lot of great tips out there do what works best for you but if you're like most people right now you are trying to do something very quick and easy you don't have to go to the store and get a whole lot of nothing to do what you need to do so we're gonna handle our business we're gonna be TCB and we're gonna get those eggs in the freezer let's show you what we did [Music] now some folks will recommend that you get a little handy dandy ice tray you can see that I just washed mine out okay now you can do this but my problem is a lot of times my eggs are too big in other words sometimes my yolk alone depending on how my girl was feeling that day the yolk alone not including the white can fill up most of a little tray area there okay there's different more square or maybe bigger ones or whatever you do what works best for you but I'm telling you that you can use these and have individual little eggs in each one freeze them pop them out this is one of the best options that a lot of people use i bypass that we ain't got no time for that girl let me tell you what I think you should do you need to think about how you bake what do you bake with you usually use one egg two egg three egg maybe a four egg for your recipes now if you want to have a big ole scramble up you do however many you want but I recommend that you literally think about rationing out and segmenting out your baggies according to how many eggs do you need for most of your recipes so like I said I would go through however many eggs you've got that are extras or however many you're wanting to freeze and think about how you want to proportion that out for recipes most recipes that you run into that are baking are 2 to 3 so I would say I would do X amount of 2 and a bag I would do X amount of 3 in a bag X amount the four in a bag mark those baggies and then we move forward [Music] make sure that anytime you're handling raw eggs eggs that need to be washed etc etc wash your hands washing your hands is a very good thing okay so I'm just going for the whole enchilada here to make the point I'm gonna crack four eggs into the bowl which I've already done I've got the eggshells I've already got my bag my example baggie marked date how many eggs and you need to put whether it's whole eggs or not because some people just want to keep the whites some people may just want to keep the yolks market because trust me you won't remember we're all getting older so what I'm gonna do is pour this just like so right into the bag once that's in there then I'm going to flatten it out onto I'm just gonna use a paper plate for example I'll show you I'm gonna lay it flat what I like to do is if I do several of these I like to do it with say a a baking sheet and you just lay them flat lay them flat and then you're gonna slide them into the freezer and let them freeze just like so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys it's that simple put them in the freezer lay them flat let them do their thing organize them a little bit later in separate categories however you want Tim just keep them in the freezer I will try to use them in a couple of months six months you'll use them up just remember they're there right just like anything else and don't forget your eggshells this is high-quality calcium for your girls feed them back to your hands what I'd like to do is bake them slightly and then grind them up or if push comes to shove honey don't toss this in your garden the spring is here and there goes the mower hey it's a real deal all the time we appreciate you watching y'all be safe be calm be healthy we'll see y'all next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Appalachia's Homestead with Patara
Views: 20,262
Rating: 4.9741101 out of 5
Keywords: Eggs, Preserving Eggs, How to freeze eggs, eggs for baking, chicken eggs, goose eggs, homestead, farm, food pantry, food preservation, appalachia
Id: fOmfiCKHgrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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