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[Music] hello friends welcome back today we we're gonna freeze all the things in this video I am gonna show you how to freeze bread how to freeze flour how to freeze eggs how to freeze cheese how to freeze milk just how to freeze all the things all the things I've made actually some such a big list of how to freeze various things that I'm hoping to have a second video come out after this one I just I don't want to throw too much at you at one time I'm already showing you like eight for ten different things today if you're new here welcome my name is Jim rel this is a large family table and I help mamas feed all their people and right now during these trying times I am getting messages and emails and questions galore from Mamas who are suddenly home or who have been home and y'all are just dealing with massive food management issues and questions and a lot of moms that I'm talking to you are dealing with coming home with odds-and-ends items from the grocery store not getting half of what's on their list and just getting what they can they're trying to make this work and stretch it and feed their families and I hear you here you got here yes so I'm just gonna based on my years of experience fries and things freeze in various things doing freezer meals and feed in my family of ten nine still at home one what has jumped ship but I feed people all the time so let me just let's get started I think I'm looking at my stuff here on the counter I think we're gonna get started with how to freeze eggs so let's let's just jump right in I'm doing all of my bazillion requested videos this Sunday after I look out my kitchen aid mixer out and see I need to rinse these off because if your New Year burns we've recently moved and if you've been around a while you know hey Jeff I was finally not giving me a little bit blow we get to see her cook yeah so when it comes to fries and eggs now why would you want to freeze eggs as well eggs have an expiration date on them you might also have backyard chickens maybe you're getting more eggs than you need I know right now for my family because I generally have always shopped four to six weeks at a time and have built up pantry and the stock pile and all that even without major rule offense going on I know because we recently moved about a month ago now and you never know when you move chickens if they will stop their egg production for a bit my new flock of chickens actually just started laying this winter and they started laying eggs maybe maybe a month before I moved definitely - I'm gonna say month let's just say so we've been getting eight to nine eggs or so a day total out of the 11th if you're new to chickens not every chicken necessarily lays every day they'll have they have a little pattern and if you have two or three that don't play one day will done the rest of them will and it all works out me so whenever I did my big grocery pickup were beginning of March I got about about 15 some eggs or so which again in a large family we can go through four dozen eggs if we're doing scrambled eggs for breakfast and all our chilli mom say so right now I'm using at my store-bought eggs and we're building up a nice collection of eggs from our heads so so truly I don't have a need in my real life right now to have frozen eggs but I know there are mamas out there who need to freeze everything they need to preserve everything and also need more room in the refrigerator and all of these various various life dynamics we've got going on right now so it's not going to hurt me to have frozen eggs in my freezer anyway how would you use frozen eggs well you can use frozen eggs just like regular old eggs I have a variety of things we're going to freeze eggs in in a perfect world if you've had and I know Tupperware this butter brand they sell the egg containers they're really cute and I had one and I really think I passed it on I think several years ago someone gave me it was a dozen egg carton and it was plastic it was really talked aware and it's really cute but I'm pretty sure I passed it on to another mom a friend of mine anyway if you have something like that then you can just crack an egg in each little plastic egg holder and then if you will freeze that later after it's frozen you can pop the eggs out and then freeze them in a large baggie now of course a lot of us are at home a lot of us don't have exactly what we want to work with so I thought through what I had in my kitchen to freeze eggs in another thing you can do and say this is something I don't have the age-old trip is freeze and eggs and ice cube tricks I do not have I don't own an ice cube tray I don't I don't I know it but see if I can go to the store right now my pickup for ice cube trays just to do this video but I'm not going out so thinking through what I have oh so if you have an ice cube tray you can literally just crack the neck in each little holder for your ice and freeze it and then send things crack it I feel like I need visual was here for you do so my bags are washing out crack each one of your eggs and then fill a freezer baggy and label it and your eggs should be gonna president and therefore actually here or so then whatever you want to make scrambled eggs for breakfast if you need eggs in the freezer for baking basically anything you would need an egg for you can go to your freezer eggs and use them accordingly and again some people mix their eggs first some people do not i'm not going to that's our milk i'm going to show you milk you're short so thinking through the hat with what I had on him I had already bought this little contraption or my instant pot to do egg bytes in in the instant pot okay and I thought you know what this will work well I'm going to crack an egg in each one of these and we're going to freeze it pop it out same thing I've got these silicon muffin pans going to crack an egg or two in each one and never have a bunch of these silicon little cupcake liners why don't you probably have this just look around see what you can find you might have a reusable entrant you might have two or four ice cube tricks that you can use you can crack your icing bowl use your ice cube trays to freeze your eggs then watch your ice cube tray with hot soapy water and you will be good to go so this is sad to say a pack of store-bought eggs that looks like these will hold about one egg and I know us I have up our chicken chicken of dynamics here we have our eleven lady pens and then I I'm in a run on the local tractor hardware store when I saw all the things going on and I got more chickens so by the time our new little bullets are done we will have 47 chickens yes we will and six turkeys and I was reading last night about guinea fowl and ducks and geese we're just going all out here on the farm so in a situation like that but again my family we can easily use four dozen eggs for breakfast freezing eggs will be a perfect solution when we are overrun with eggs and would overrun our friends family with eggs I can freeze any excess eggs for later now I will say but using these silicone baking pans it's best to have them on a metal baking sheet before you do what I have done so I will just carefully have to get them onto a baking sheet here in general here this this is why you want to have it on a sheet first let me just pull the band-aid quickly here that's another thing you can also if you have have needs to have separate egg whites separate yolks you can separate your eggs beforehand and then have cubes of egg whites to use of egg knows what anyway you you need it for your eggs I've got my mixer out because you'll see all kinds of emergency pantry from home cooking videos coming out from a base on what so many of you are telling me you need right now I got in another video what we're going to do a stand mixer French bread bunch of different types of easy credits for right now now I do save my eggshells for my chickens but you are suddenly getting into backyard chicken sphere some people watch them out first some people make them first I never take any extra time to do anything I give them to my chickens and out of three chicken flocks I've never had a flock of chickens turn into egg eaters the concern is let me just give some chicken tips in this freezing video huh because there's the taste of the white and some of the yolk in the egg chickens make it a taste for their own eggs but again I give them their eggshells and it could be to that mine dry I'm not giving them wet I mean we filled this bowl with scraps throughout the day so tomorrow morning they'll have a for scraps see there's one of our food from our Easter Egger chickens oh and you give the eggs back to the chickens because it just it helps with the calcium that they need your heart nations sometimes if chickens don't have enough of what they need I think it's oyster shell that you put in with their food and get that into troubles as well that will help partner up their bags I haven't had that issue either but I've read it so like most things I know just enough to be dangerous so far out of our chickens our eastern actors only lay the steel but there are Easter Eggers that alene a lavender and even a bluer and there's no taste difference with the eggs or anything it's just a fun variety of the show I'm gonna do some these muffin cups ace this is what you have it and let's just say you know I know lots of people are giving and sharing and passing things on and if someone has blessed you with some eggs and you're worried about using them in time fill in the blank of the reasons there's reasons and uses for this so use it as it applies right so these eggs are going in the freezer obviously not my chicken eggs with shells but all these are gonna get these in the freezer I'm gonna move on to the next thing once these are frozen we will circle back to getting these in a bag it's as simple as we're gonna put this tray of eggs in okay so there's our two pants in here that'll freeze so then this actually brings me to the very next thing super simple but so important to freeze is that one of my chickens okay odds sound could be a kid could be a chicken you never know next thing we're gonna talk about freezing is bread now I started freezing bread way over a decade ago my asthma a little song-and-dance goes we lived in our old little farmhouse my husband was gone all the time had a whole bunch of kids had a really small grocery budget my grocery budget was 250 to $300 a month that's when I learned once a month grocery shopping I would take all the kids we'd go at the beginning of the month I had a really tight frugal meal plan and I just I worked every penny of that budget I knew we needed 15 gallons of milk for the month yeah that is a chicken we have 15 gallons of milk for the month we needed about 15 loaves of bread I had this one actually it's the one over here I had this extra refrigerator that I kept in my laundry room and I had my one refrigerator in my kitchen and I would get the 15 gallons of milk for the month and the 15 loaves of bread and basically spend all of my grocery budget at the beginning a month that included fresh fruits and vegetables the way that we did that is we ate our most perishable fruits and vegetables first by the end of the month we're going through more like root vegetables and apples and such things that have a longer shelf life the berries and the bananas and everything got eaten at the beginning back to bread this is how I have always frozen my bread okay now I did not get this bread recently I know there is like a bread crisis going on I got this bread probably a month or so ago whenever I got it and back in the day when I would get my 15 loaves at the time and now we lived 40 minutes from most stores and I think all my kids were like 10 and under 12 and under you know I did it like that for several years and it was just easier for me as a mama to get what I needed and then be home and not have to run out to the store all the time so I just throw entire loaves in the freezer whenever we need them whenever we need another loaf I take it and put it into the refrigerator it defrost or I set it out on the counter it'll be ready a few hours later I don't do any extra wrapping or anything special when it comes to freezing bread so I know right now there's some of you who you can't go back out and maybe you have I know there's some of you who are not in a position to go back out maybe you've gotten groceries for a family member who's immunocompromised or elderly or can't go out for you know hope people have their reasons so you can keep your bread in your refrigerator but if you're concerned and you don't want it to go bad or let's say you're getting ready to shelter in place or there's already a shelter in place whatever your reason mama that you need to freeze your bread just throw it in your freezer it will do fine in there I have frozen bread that way for months and months freeze your bread that's it simple as that get too impressed with my bread collection because as I said we thought we were a smaller family I would go through 15 loaves or so a month now we could easily easily go through a loaf of day I mean a loaf is lunch you know that's like one sack of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches two loaves is a French toast breakfast now I do have videos coming out and I showed you my mixer we're gonna do a bunch of different types of homemade bread and that's what I'm gonna start working on now of course I'm doing the videos for it but I'm gonna start building up my stock of homemade bread to half because even now like our local Walmart we have one three minutes away since we moved here they're limiting one loaf of bread per household one gallon of milk per household one dozen eggs per household there's no flour there's no sugar I mean there's you know it's it's like that everywhere right so all that to say I may not be able to get anymore store-bought bread for a time so I'm gonna make up a bunch of homemade bread and yay we'll get that done with good success it's just flour tortillas we have some flour tortillas from some breakfast freezer meals that I was filming and sharing about and I have a new bread trees are real packing ready to come out all of that anyway I've had some extras and so maybe maybe in the past I would have said Oh an extra pack of tortillas we'll just feed it to the chickens right now times are what they are I threw the extra tortillas in the refrigerator same use when you need up put them out on the counter or put them in your refrigerator the day before they're gonna defrost just another hot commodity item right now milk okay I already mentioned what my stores are doing I don't say any of this to build fear I hope that all of this just helps you and purchase you and later when people come back to watch these videos and we don't have a worldwide pandemic these are just great frugal pantry and emergency pantry type tricks to help you so back in the day when I would buy my 15 gallons of no no I know you can't go anywhere right now my 15 gallons ago a month ago I got 12 gallons of milk like it was nothing because again my family will drink a gallon a day and it's 12 gallons of milk for a family of 10 I don't even worry about freezing it now over a decade ago when I truly shop once a month and what I mean by that is I didn't always go back for a second trip it just wasn't in my budget I just had every single penny down and I knew how much milk I needed so what I would do is I would keep about four gallons out of my main refrigerator in my kitchen and then I would keep about four gallons in the back refrigerator refrigerator part and then I would freeze the difference which would be about seven gallons in the up top freezer I can still put things on top of it or whatever we would roll through milk I guess about a gallon every two days anyway so here's what I'm freezing milk for I have currently two gallons for my last one you call from about a month ago they're getting close to the day we've obviously really cut back on our milk usage we're not using it like for drinking so much it's more for cooking so I know I'll be using those two gallons here but again I'm treating them like golden so this is a gallon of whole milk my husband had to go out yesterday and when he goes out to the store right now I and how did you get a gallon of whole milk I mean you might only go once or twice a week well why are you doing that tomorrow well we have a baby goat coming that's going to need bottle fit one of the ways to bottle feed a baby goat it's with whole milk normally in our world this would not be an issue but right now I don't want to bring a baby goat here and obviously not have several gallons of milk already frozen for him so that's something I'm thinking ahead on so I've read different ways to freeze milk I know many years ago I read a wonderful book called America's cheapest family I think I read that one I read that with a long long time ago and I think now they're called money smart family and I'm pretty sure they have a YouTube channel now too but anyway I believe what they said in their milk is they wouldn't open it and pour a little bit out or cut it into a cup obviously and then freeze it and they that work well for their family so I'm a rebel and over a decade ago when I would come home with all this milk I just stopped the whole gallon in the freezer I never had any trouble with it okay so here's a frozen gallon now it's a little misshapen all I would do if I wanted my if my family needed milk I had some frozen how would I get that how how would I get this back into a liquid so obviously we're going to defrost it it takes about two days or so if you take a gallon of milk and put it into your fruit your refrigerate from your freezer into your refrigerator it's gonna take at least two days for it to defrost and slowly liquid form also if there's going to be a lot of ice so I do as it's defrosting you know whatever I'm in that back refrigerator whenever I go Chuck whenever I go to get something else when I see the frozen milk you just shake it up obviously this one is frozen solid I've never had trouble doing it this way now any milks and these milks don't many milks have like a dent or divot on the side now I had heard a bazillion years ago that that was but I may be spreading this information here okay but I tell you what I heard is that that was because milk can freeze during transport and so that helps it in the freezing and defrosting process I don't know one of my YouTube viewers her she said her husband drive to milk truck and that's not true so don't listen to me on that thing I'm teaching you only thing I'm sharing today is you can take a gallon of milk and you can put it in your freezer it can be a month past its date you can take it out set it in your refrigerator for two days or so you're gonna do some shaking because you want to get it if you know I'll creamy and mixed up again and then you're gonna have milk that's good for drinking for cereal for cooking its milk again so if someone lets you with some extra milk I know right now I'm seeing a lot of restaurants that have to close down right now in our country in general I'm seeing pictures all over Facebook where restaurants are letting some families come in and get what they need I know one of my friends was blessed with a couple extra gallons of milk and a whole bunch of eggs you know there's there's people who are getting bulk food items it's like how can we be one of those people but there are people being blessed with both food items they don't usually have that much of in their home also if you're getting your gallon when you go out and you've cut way back on your household ran out of milk but you're trying to hold on to your milk for your cooking for your baking for your recipes which obviously everyone's doing a whole lot of cooking at home right now then that's where if your family is not going to drink it and maybe you have a half gallon that you're slowly eating away on the refrigerator if you freeze your next gallon if you need to if you're worried about the day so a whole lot of ways it could be helpful in freezing milk and then futuristically when all things are back to normal if you're doing once a month grocery shoppin or even bi-weekly grocery shopping or if you want to keep an extra gallon in your freezer for such a time as this that's how that could work for you two other things that you can freeze oh and also obviously notes gonna be a little wobbling if you had a metal bowl if you want to put in your we like visuals you know if you want to set it in a bowl like that if you want to set it in a baking dish I'm picturing a rubber tub you got to use what you have at home right now right but you can set it in that and that will help offset the floppiness there okay so some other refrigerators staples that again might not have room for your refrigerator you might have been given extra of you might have bought you might a bot Extra Butter and you want to make sure you have enough for later all your the reasons shredded cheese again you just change the cheese we're all in your freezer that's it as long as your cheese is shredded it's gonna freeze just fine then you can take it out for casseroles for tacos for toppings on soup for cheese on your eggs cheese is gonna do great there butter has a good shelf life what is this this is um come on I just saw the date here come on date okay I'm gonna look at every side I'm going to find the date there it is this butter is good until July 30th 2020 we've got several months on the date here but anyway it goes I mean I saw someone maybe within the last six months who they went to sharp shopper that's our close up grocery store here in this area we've got like three locations of different directions it's wonderful I have not been there during this current crisis at all again trying to just stay home as much as possible are not going out at all anyway but my friend got like these double packs of butter we're gonna say they were a dollar or something they were crazy sharp shopper had a ton of them my friend is a lot of baking and I think she got like 10 or 15 packs and just do a minute in her freezer it's best to freeze the butter if you can it's - its expiration date but even once butter expired you know once it gets to the use by date best five seven thirty 2020 even if you get to that date your butter is still gonna be good for a little bit in your refrigerator all that to say if you want to freeze your butter there's no technical right you're taking it whenever you want your butter set it back out in your refrigerator I've heard that unsalted butter frozen butter can last up to a year or more in the refrigerator unsalted butter might be up to six months or so don't even know where I've heard that but it's just uh just some things that I've heard so they've talked about I've never got the white board out so we've talked about freezing eggs when the process of doing that with talk about freezing bread freezing milk freezing cheese freezing butter cheese blocks are going to be crumbly sour cream let's see if I have any celery now I do have let's see well this sour creams February 27 20 still good so a lot of things especially for you mama's who aren't used to be at home minge and all this food all the time I would totally still use this sour cream and it's almost a month past its date there is no odor there's nothing growing in it this would be this would have all kinds of fun mold the green mold the black mold the red roll of all kinds like your nose let you know and then your eyes let you know so this summer cream I would totally I would still use this now I wouldn't freeze this but I do have I think two tubs of sour cream out in my outside refrigerator and the date I was going through checking dates on things today taking inventory kind of thinking through what I'll need and when I need it those kind of thoughts were all thinking right now by two incomes of sour cream our data for April 15 this one off just note we'll have to use that here this week so if we got close to that date and I'm and I'm on top of things I just put them in the freezer now the sour cream that you freeze is not going to again vegetables here the sour cream that you praised is not going to be like smooth and creamy sour cream that you would just love to telefono baked potato right now it's not going to have that consistency again however when you defrost it it's perfect for baking there's a lot of basically any recipe that would have several print in it you could subsea you could use your pretty frozen sour cream in so many things you can do with it so if you have some sour cream you get close to the date and if you don't care how it looks throw it in your freezer and you can use it later for different recipes and for so then the next thing I want to talk about which i think is super super important right now I got a kind of more more than one message from a mom who maybe thought maybe she was over by a 15 pound bag of flour or a 25 pound bag of flour or 10 pound bag of flour I mean flour is a hot commodity now you can't find it anywhere but there are moms contacting me who have flour and they want it to last and they're not sure how to get the best shelf life from their flowers or flour that I'm currently using I mean I will be using this for all kinds of things I have this container on my camp my counter you just want to put it in an airtight container that's not a kind of couldn´t certain questions that I'm getting one mom in particular and I think she was a single mom bunch of kids got a bunch of flour and she has mice she's doing mice issues fill in any person situation everyone's got flour at home now what do we do with it so this is actually this is cornmeal that I would use for corn bread and I have the corporate recipe I'll link it below you can do it stovetop but you can do it in the oven or in a machine and if you've never done for breakfast or it's really easy and it's another way to stretch your all-purpose flour so I would treat cornmeal as it would flour so we go get it being a flour so we have to look at it okay so then flour yes okay so this flour has a date on it better if used by August 19th 2021 so it does have a long date on it and this is its matenda ten pounds a ten pound bag of flour and this is flour I've had I've had in my freezer for a bit and so that's my first thought to tell you what to do with your flour if you want to extend the shelf life if you want to make sure three months from now you have flour work with mice haven't gotten into it and I want to say screech pies I know especially if you watched my moving videos I had videos when I was unloading pantry staples and doing lots of things on my garage shelves for those of you who are concerned that was that was temporary for me to get out of my moving head I have sentenced gone through organized everything you don't want to leave things like flour and instant mashed potato flakes and you know different pantry items oatmeal and such anywhere that critters can get into it and during these times I mean I wouldn't chance it so if you're able to if you have some room in your freezer what I have always done pretty much is just put whole as a flower just like nest into the freezer it will kill flower gets its wonderful little evil creatures in it it'll kill those kind of eggs and things yummy but that's why you cook it freezin that will kill those the concern is and this is what I want to tell you the concern is and if any kind of moisture gets into your dry flour it can ruin your flour so that's the risk you take doing it the way I've always done it by putting a whole bag in the freezer I've never had moisture get into it but here I am telling you you know that that's my concern for you so what I would have to do is well number one and again we all are working with what we have because I do a lot of freezer meals I have I have two boxes of these freezer bags left and I also when I went to Ikea I got I got away from their plastic bags too so what I would tell you to do and we will do this with this is open up this bag of flour and divide it between a couple freezer bags now you can do something I know moms in my area are having a hard time finding flour and I was telling a mom today like these little size packages this is two pounds so yeah a little two pound thing of flour in my local you can still find these at the Dollar Tree and so if you have little packages like this of cornmeal or flour and you want them to be stable and ready to go anytime you eat them again all of this could be over in a few weeks we could still be dealing with things and food issues and a few months none of that is perfect for fear I say all of that just as reality not unless you know so I would say your pantry items your dry goods that you have on hand but it's time when you're hunkering down do the best you can to ensure that they're going to be safe so with these smaller packages of flour you can put them let's see if I can get to it here okay and that did didn't damage my bag might've worked better but look the other way let's test it let's just test all the things here and the date on this cornmeal says best if used by January 14 2014 1 now let's say you don't have freezer space and I get it I totally do I feed a large family of 10 all the time plus you know a lot of my work is food so I have to store food and have food and all of that but I get it you don't have an extra freezer refrigerator in your garage even if all you can do is get small bags like this in gallon freezer bags and then as the saying goes store it in a cool dark place another thing that you do is get in plastic tote again I'm thinking of a mama's who you know your home now you've got these pantry items maybe you have mice or other critters that you're dealing with and you just want to have your food safe to feed your babies right it doesn't have to be anything that big and this is good this is good thank you thank you okay doesn't have to necessarily be one this big but surely a lot of us have totes around our house right and so you know this is a pretty neat what I'm trying to become nogales this is maybe it was 30 but this is like a five to seven wall $2 Walmart thing so if you can if you don't know one already get yourself something like this and then you can bag up and put pantry staples in it and then put the lid on it and that would be one of the ways outside of freezing but you're able to put it in your freezer I would at least put it in a bag put in a freezer bag like this you could write the date on it from when you're gonna put it in there when you go to use it take this cornmeal for instance you don't have to defrost it or do anything you can use it right out of the freezer then when you're done using it let's say it's going to use two cups to make support for cornbread muffins when you're done using it you just zip it back up you put it right back in the freezer you can use it any you need it out of the freezer which makes freezing these kind of pantry tons perfect okay so then this is a bigger thing bigger thing and again I want you to be better than me and be better than your mama right and we're going to actually put this into some gallon freezer bags and I am going to label what they are and put the date on it but say the same you can use your flour out of the bag zip it back up to the back of the freezer and it's they're fresh with no printers in it and no critters can't get into it anytime you need creative now I bought this because my husband has a certain type of tea Betty likes to drink that a lot of times we just go ahead and buy it you know he doesn't want much of life but I thought well if we have to make homemade own sweet tea which I know the easiest thing in the world to make right what am i doing boom I got two more gallons do a little something like this it's not gonna hold it open perfectly but that'd be enough now let's not waste any of this preciousness let me know I know I've shared doing homemade biscuits or making cakes homemade waffles let me know if you would like to see a video of all the things you can do it with Europe Wow now a lot of times in the past when I've been baking you know I might use 10 pounds of flour be doing a bunch of freezer biscuits waffles or pancakes but I can see because this bag like it's this feeling a little wet on the outside or not if you were taking a bag in and out and left it up for too long I could just you just gotta watch it because again our concern is moisture okay but that could even have them taking any of these bags out just be mindful take them out get what you need put it back and your flour and make a year to two years and in the freezer really there's oils in it and that's what if it's left out can cause it to go rancid and plus get critters in it so around here so these are the things you want to watch but Freda that takes care of basically any issue you could have with entry flower and then if you had the extra bags if you wanted to I mean if you were just really concerned right now about being able to get any flower anytime soon you can even go back in so here we go we've got ten pounds of flour now in two gallon freezer bags gonna get these in the freezer and then also with this up for milk you can do this do the same thing I could take these palatable packages and store them separately in a gallon bag I feel fine these with the size of them put them in the freezer like ok so then I've gotten some more ducks some more things out here to talk to us about another things that I know people have onion right now is brights now of course all of these items in perfect pantry conditions you know which is a cool dry place with no invaders coming in they should be good for a year to 18 months honestly you know even with oatmeal and we've got instant mashed potato flakes and flour and cornmeal I mean these things should last a while in a pantry but for various concerns and reasons all of this could be put in the freezer as well brown rice honestly I just couple bags in the freezer I'm like the laziest the laziest freezer person ever and of course this says flour on it but you can even write rice and you can put your rice in the freezer it's going to be just like the flour and you can just use what you need from the freezer you don't need to do any special defrosting right special handling with it it's going to be kept perfect in the freezer for a nice long time so again use the bag it came in but for a little extra extra you can put it in a freezer bag same thing with oatmeal now normal for me is to buy a 25 pound bag of oatmeal whenever I go to a store like sharp shopper that sells both my own flour and sugar in those big bags whenever I can't get to a sharp shopper for oatmeal and such I have always gotten at Walmart of course right now another top commodity and I think some stores by limiting these very date on this oatmeal is September 19th 2021 oatmeal is another thing that you have to watch like the little people bugs so if you're concerned about your opium if you're concerned about the temperature of your pantry I know we're filling out the freezer here with all these little pantry staples but if you're able to get them in the freezer and if that would make you feel more comfortable with the things you have on hand go for it so again with this oatmeal you just need to freeze it in a freezer bag yeah I will probably have videos coming out on this but I'm just gonna throw this information at you let's say you make oatmeal and I have two different stages of making oatmeal I either make too much and then we have oatmeal for a few mornings or I don't make enough and then I make it there to make bacon more the same morning just depends some days I have very eager to appeal either eaters than others with your left over oatmeal you can freeze it an individual little cups again think of like the little muffin pans that we're currently freeze on those eggs and freeze your own little individual cups pop them out you can put them in little individual baggies use the right reusable bag is from Ikea with any way you want to swing it you can have a gallon freezer bag with 20 different single serving oatmeal's in it that someone just pulls out whenever they want oatmeal very versatile so if you're not used to working with oatmeal a lot I use this in meatloaf all the time as a binder instead of bread also you can do a lot of cookies without me baked goods with oatmeal so lots of oatmeal goods coming at you I'll lick suppress a peacefull of using oatmeal but anyway we're gonna put some old-fashioned oats in the freezer here but again in your freezer your oatmeal it's going to be good for a year 18 months other pantry storage which I'm not showing that in this video and again it's just going to kind of watch you get your hands on you can get five gallon buckets with food grade lids I was looking at the other day if it's food bags to store your flour and buckets store your oatmeal store your beans and such but again we're just we're using and freezing and conserving and stretching what we have another thing so instant mashed potatoes again they should be good for a year or so in your pantry whenever you open them if you're not I mean if I open one of these I'm using the whole thing at one time that may not be in a case in your family so you can put what is left in the freezer or if you're just concerned about your instant mashed potatoes and right now instant mashed potatoes are really important you can put them in a freezer bag in your freezer another thing that does not need any kind of special defrosting use what you need and then put them back now the date on these are August 6 2021 so fine in a pantry if you're comfortable with it but if not here's how we do it for the freezer now one thing I've ordered recently again with my was my current quest for milk and life and I mentioned I have about two gallons left for cooking I have a couple gallons of the vitamin D frozen for the upcoming little Billy Goat but again we're just not sure how long will the one gallon of milk per household last I don't know all that to say something that I did even today was in a closed in the stores you can't find powdered milk or if you can that's something if you see a package of powdered milk and you're concerned about not having milk for your family right now get it get the powder get a thing a part milk leave one for someone else get one for your family all back for a while I was not seeing powdered milk even available on Amazon and that's something that's concerning to me that has ignited my little hole stutter that was my home stutters been paused for a while my home steward is awakened now within my soul it's been concerning to me even the lack of things on Amazon you know I see people telling large families oh if you can't get what you need at the store just order it have it delivered to you a lot of places we were sold out as well it's all that to say today I looked for powdered milk on Amazon and I found two different companies that currently have powdered milk I will link the powdered milk but I'm ordering down in the description below it's two different brands I don't know which one would be best they're both probably six more my half dozen another when I've got a bigger bag suppose when my family's gonna see some rain is it a lot we go through it quickly but sometimes I I have had times in the class confessing all my sins where I might have a 25 pound bag of oatmeal get away from me I did not get it in a bucket I had just been using it right out of my pantry in the Navy I thought I could have frozen back tonight yeah the freezers no I did talk to another large family mama friend of mine and she had someone who'd been wanting to give her an extra freezer for a while I think maybe it was at her family members house and they had told her for a while you could get this freezer so it was used it was free the price was right and because of this current situation she went ahead and got that freezer and then I was at the grocery store last week shopping for a family member who wasn't going out and there was another couple in the store and we got to talking and the gentleman was saying we've had that freezer in our garage for two years and all its had in it is an extra bag price so people are are learning the importance of their freezers now if they have them let's say you don't have an extra full freezer or just an extra freezer in general this shows you we've got two boxes and dried potatoes so this is about four almost five pounds total of oatmeal ten towers of flour two pounds of rice and four pounds of cornmeal so this would take up probably the bottom of someone's freezer and then also I'm talking about phrasing it of course but let's say you don't have the extra room in your freezer quite yet you could of course put some of this in your refrigerator you could put some of this back in your pantry just keep an eye on it put you could put some of this in a tote like this just make sure your and you know write down times like these I would in on it like check your pantry stock every day see how it's doing see if there's any critter activity make sure you're using things up check your dates you know everyone has a little bit of extra time right now and then I laugh I'm like I haven't found any of this extra time yet but we're all home right now so you could make yourself a pantry list with all your items in your pantry and the expiration dates and just keep that handy so you know things that you need to use so we've done frozen eggs frozen bread frozen milk frozen cheese frozen butter how to freeze flour half freeze rice how to freeze oatmeal conference court meal how to freeze dry mashed potatoes I also wanted to tell you I have a brand new in light of the current situation emergency pantry list with the most muted pantry items you should try to have on hand also a pantry inventory list so you can't go through write down what you have how many pounds right down the expiration dates how you're freezing it also a weekly bi-weekly monthly meal planner all kinds of goodies so that will actually be the first link in the description below where you can get that ok so this is a a small top freezer here these eggs there I still wouldn't pop them out yet but they were frozen enough where I can kinda rig up my pan here I wanted to show you how much room this took up in the top of my freezer obviously have if you have more freezer room you can freeze more things but here's a good sampling of keeping these particular pantry items fresh in the freezer for a long period of time okay it has been a couple hours maybe two hours or so these eggs are able to be popped so Dan I'm just gonna have a baggie full of eggs here now whenever you do want to use eggs from your frozen eggs - you'll want to take out that many you need they're gonna need to defrost so it might be where you pull out what you need the night before I have also heard from some moms even when I shared about this on Instagram today we've had trouble with the yolks one mom said that she used to have to pop the yolks and had a little salt so there's something you can try I've never done it that way but there are certainly other ways and methods again you can also go ahead and mix the eggs up and make something already mixed so these will go out the freezer those will go back there's other interesting smells so thank you for hanging out with me all afternoon while we froze all of these emergency pantry staples and froze the eggs and just froze all the things I do plan to do a part two video coming up soon where we're gonna freeze fresh fruits and vegetables I also want to go through different ways to freeze beans so there will be another video please let me know down in the comments below share other things that you have successfully frozen let us know any tips or tricks with that also be sure to click the link in the description box to of course go to the blog and see the step-by-step directions and pictures for all of these things this how to freeze series but also click to get my brand new emergency pantry planning kit that has all the forms and printables that you need to keep on top of your pantry always but especially right now with all the loosey-goosey stuff we got going on remember I love you jesus loves you I'll be back real soon with another brand new video bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jamerrill Stewart, Large Family Table
Views: 627,770
Rating: 4.8771906 out of 5
Keywords: Jamerrill Stewart, Homeschool Mom, Freezer meals, large family grocery haul, QUARANTINE Kitchen, quarantine cooking, quarantine cooking vlog, how to freeze bread, how to freeze eggs for storage, how to freeze eggs for cooking, how to freeze eggs in ice cube trays, how to freeze eggs for later use, how to freeze flour, how to freeze butter, how to freeze rice, how to freeze food, how to, meal prep, large family freezer meals, freezer meal prep, freezer meals tasty, Jamerrill
Id: QaYkgqUPmEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 4sec (3124 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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