Preparing for the fall Feasts by Corey Haynes

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um i have a i keep a schedule a calendar i write out you know all the things that are coming up i know my next several months of when i'm going to be speaking here grafted and as soon as i'm done with one i know i have roughly a month to start preparing praying fasting over the next message that i'm going to give and um so obviously when i saw the proximity of tonight to yom teruah to the fall feast i'm like all right you know i'll just i'll just talk about the feast because that's i love the feast they're fun to talk about and uh so i was all excited to just you know kind of dig into the to young toru and yom kippur and god kind of set me straight and said are you ready are we ready and as much uh fun as much as i enjoy studying the feast days there there should be an element of preparedness in these weeks you know leading up to it um you know and i know i spoke about this immediately after the spring feast like don't waste this time be preparing getting ready for the fall feast um if this is your second year of doing the fall feast you should know they're all coming up they come up every year our mindset should always be of getting ready being prepared for these things and not you know we have no excuse to be caught off guard because it's in our bible it's in our scripture and if you've done it more than once then you know how it works or to learn always learn more every year just by doing just by trying to keep the feast as best i can there's always more to learn but we should be ready we should be prepared well in advance so um the father was repeatedly telling me are we ready so that will really be the theme of the message more than the feast but it's it's about getting there so if you would join me in prayer please our father our king you are great you are perfect you are generous you are kind you are merciful father i thank you for the written word i thank you for the holy spirit father that comes alongside us father i thank you for your anointed salvation our messiah yeshua father as i speak tonight i give you full permission to correct me to change to do to have your way i hope father that i represent the way you've been talking to me correctly i pray father that these words would encourage that these words would edify the body and that you would be glorified father father we love you may your kingdom be forever and ever father and again we thank you for your anointed salvation yeshua hamashiach amen first thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16 for the lord himself shall come down from heaven with a commanding shout with the voice of the archangel and with a blast of god shofar in first corinthians 15 we read uh starting at verse 50. now i say this brothers and sisters the flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god and what decays cannot inherit what does not decay behold i will tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the last shofar for the shofar will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we will be changed and again in revelation 11 at verse 15 [Music] the seventh angel trumpeted and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our lord and his anointed one and he shall reign forever and ever so i tend to look at trumpets as the day our messiah might return now i want to be very careful in no way am i setting a date in no way am i putting our king in a box he will return when he is ready that's his authority no way am i trying to limit that but i look at the pattern in scripture of the shofar the shofar blowing and what that symbolizes what that represents and i think it's highly likely again this is cory's opinion that yeshua returns on a day of trumpets that's for his opinion that changes okay so i'm not i want to be very careful in how i state that because i know that there are probably people who have other opinions and they might very well be right the king will return on his timeline not mine but there is a precedence there is a pattern for god appearing with the sound of the shofar with the shout in exodus 19 starting at verse 16 in the morning of the third day there was thundering and lightning a thick cloud on the mountain and the blast of an exceedingly loud shofar all the people in camp trembled then moses brought the people out of the camp to meet god and they stood at the lowest part of the mountain so there's this pattern of the shofar or the trumpet or the loud blast of his voice and him appearing to us that's why i think it's likely that that yom teruah fits that same pattern but what did they do prior to that third day prior to that trumpet blast and if we go back a little bit and start at verse 10 adonai says to moses go to the people and sanctify them today and tomorrow let them wash their clothing be ready for the third day or on the third day ada and i will come down upon the mount sinai in the sight of all people so there's this this idea of getting ready for his appearance are we ready for yeshua's return are we ready for a shofar blast and for lightning across the sky are we ready for him to touch down at the mount of olives and are we ready to go meet him and is there anything that could prevent us from taking part in that event and when i think about preparing for the fall feast uh first thing is did i get my vacation time turned in uh did i do i have my camping gear ready um it's oklahoma so i need to pack for winter summer spring and fall for that one week and that's that's my mental or that's that's what that's my practical preparation and and if i don't ask for vacation time in advance there's a good chance that that's going to create a problem at my at my work and that would be my fault and if i don't prepare for sukkot or prepare for the feast and have whatever gear i need or have my shofar ready to to celebrate then then it's my fault that i'm not adequately adequately equipped to celebrate that makes sense that that while he commanded these events we join in with him and we have responsibility in that if this really were that day i mean if we really felt like you know what this might be the the week i mean we're less than seven days away now and if we really felt that this is the time that messiah was going to return are we ready do you even do we think like that would we be worried about camping gear would be would we be worried about vacation time i don't think i'd be worried about my job at all if i truly truly felt this was the one and i think that's part of the reason why we don't know is because maybe if we thought we had it figured out we might abandon everything and we've seen this happen from false states but there's still that expectancy there's still that desire to be ready when he returns is there anything that we need to do to get ready from a spiritual sense from a biblical sense is there anything that we need to do immediately what jumps to my mind about being prepared is the parable of the ten virgins and i know we know that story and i've talked about that specifically before but you know in matthew 25 at verse 10 but while they were going off to buy these were the five that didn't come prepared the bridegroom came and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast and the door was shut now later the other virgins came saying sir sir open up for us but he replied amen i tell you i do not know you therefore stay alert where you know neither the day nor the hour i want you to just take a second and try to imagine the heartbreak these were women young women that knew messiah they had gone out to meet him they were almost prepared and he has to say to them i don't know you i don't want to hear that i don't want any of you to hear that i don't want anybody to hear that so what can we do [Music] to have oil not just oil in the lamb but some extra oil being prepared so the first topic is is preparation have you ever heard anyone say that um you should live every day like it's your last or the christianese version of that is you know live every day like yeshua is returning today but is that really practical for us i mean do we really do that like i said if i really believe that yeshua was coming back today i'm you know i'm not gonna go go to work this week or you know there's gonna be a lot of things different if i really truly was living like that the question that i was going to ask here and it actually is is funny to me now but you know do you keep your house like your in-laws are going to come over every day but the thing of that is is that i live with my daughter and son-in-law in their backyard so whitney has no choice in that matter um you know when when you know you're gonna have a guest you prepare for that you prepare an extra you know a great meal or you know a feast as it were and you would probably clean your house or tidy up a little bit you would prepare for that guest to be with you now we should always kind of be ready to entertain like that should be a mandate for us is to always be ready to have guests but just honestly if you knew your in-laws were coming over you probably straighten up a little bit you probably have some good food ready and prepared um like this this is just natural this is how we are and i think that's the the beauty of the feast days and the beauty of god's calendar is that he gives us these appointed times that we can practice getting ready that we can kind of prepare to entertain our team and while i would say yes let's be ready every day but these feast days provide us a set time in the calendar where we can prepare or we can get ready or we can look forward to a meeting with our king and shabbat is actually a little perfect example of this i want to read on exodus 16 at verse 22 it says on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread two omers for each individual so all the leaders of the community came and informed moses but he said to them this is what adonai has said tomorrow is a shabbat of rest a holy shabbat to adonai bake whatever you would bake and boil what you would boil store up for yourselves everything that remains to be kept until morning so they're talking about gathering the mana here in the wilderness and at first when they tried to gather extra it just rotted but for some reason when they would gather extra on friday as a preparation day it didn't rot the thing that kind of struck me in this that i had not really maybe seen before is that you actually work for seven days of work it's not that you get a day off where where oh god just gave me a day off on that sixth day you collect twice as much you're still doing the work of seven days but because your heart's desire is to spend the seventh day with your king we do that without complaints we actually do that with joy and excitement or that should be our heart that we're willing to do extra work so that i can take that whole day of shabbat the sabbath off and rest with god the jubilee and the sabbatical years are the same way there's the same pattern in place in leviticus 25 it says now if you ask what are we to eat during the seventh year see we are not to sow nor gather in our increase i will command my blessing to you in the sixth year so that it will yield a harvest sufficient for three years god will provide everything you need to honor his feast but what it requires of us are we willing to go out into the field to do the extra work ahead of time to join with him isn't it a testimony of his greatness that not only does he provide feast days and celebrations for us but he provides everything we need beforehand to join with him he provides his presence at these feast days his presence at the shabbat and even more than that for the feast days we're commanded not to come empty-handed he provides the offering that we will bring and give to him during the feast if you think about that for a minute what king would do that what i mean he literally does every part of it and he provides for every part of it and what he asked is that we would join with him i don't want to confuse this as a salvation by works or it works kind of thing it's not but he provides the blessing and what we have to do is to go out into the field and grab hold of it because we love him so much that we want to be with him on these feast days or with him on the shabbat i'm willing to do extra work through the week or extra work on that sixth day and so that my seventh day is planned out no work no buying or selling i want to focus on him and i don't want to make other people work i want to focus on him so there's that element of preparedness there's an element of thinking ahead to what's coming and if we haven't been thinking about the fall feast if we haven't been thinking about what do i need what am i to bring how am i to be prepared to show up for this event then it's going to catch you off guard and you'll be like one of those virgins that wasn't prepared the feast day is going to go on god's calendar is going to go on with or without us the question is are we willing to participate are we willing to partner with god and to celebrate with him again he set up the celebration he set up the blessing in the field that we would be ready he provides his presence what more could we ask for and he provides the offering that we would give to him you may think you group crops in your garden but that doesn't happen without god you may think you have an animal that would be worthy of sacrifice that doesn't happen without god he provides every element of the feasts what he asks of us is to participate to join with him can we put aside our flesh long enough to say god i partner with you i want to honor this shabbat i want to honor yom teruah i want to honor yom kapoor and i want to honor sukkot and i know father that you have and that you will provide everything i need when we first started keeping shabbat i was self-employed and it was it was kind of that challenge of wait i got to give up a work day i got to give up my freedom of working whenever i want really is what it was because i tend to procrastinate and do my projects last minute which means sometimes at midnight or two in the morning i'm working on a computer but it's worth it i i can't imagine what's what i could say that i would rather do this than be with god at the feast days i would rather do this than to to rest with him on shabbat i mean can you honestly think of something that you would place of higher value than time with your king i can't think of anything that's worth more than him another thing that i would worry about keeping us from celebrating and that's unrepentant sin i'm not talking about sin that you apologize for i'm talking about unrepentant sin and there's a difference i can say i'm sorry for not taking out the trash but if i continue not taking out the trash the trash is still piling up is when you change your way and you turn back to god i'm going to read some scriptures this is not my opinion i'm going to read some scriptures that are going to be challenging in malachi 3 we were talking about this this morning starting at verse 17. so they shall be mine says adonai zava oat in the day i make my own special possession so i will spare them as one spares his son serving him and you will return and distinguish between the righteous and the wicked between the one who serves god and the one who does not serve him for behold the day is coming it will burn like a furnace when all the proud and every evil doer will become stubble the day that is coming will set them ablaze says adonai zavaot leaving them neither root nor branch deuteronomy 29 starting at verse 18. now when somebody hears the word of this oath and in his heart considers himself blessed thinking shalom will be mine even though i walk in the stubbornness of my heart thus sweeping away the moist with the dry adonai will be unwilling to forgive him for then the anger of adonai and his jealousy will smoke against that person so all the oath that is written in this scroll will settle on him and adonai will blot out his name from under the heavens adonai will single him out from all the tribes of israel for calamity according to all the oaths of the covenant written in this scroll of the torah first corinthians six starting at nine or don't you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god don't be deceived the sexually immoral idolaters adulterers those who practice homosexuality thieves the greedy drunkards slanderers swindlers none of these will inherit the kingdom of god that is what some of you were but you were washed you were made holy you were set right in the name of the lord yeshua the messiah and by the ruach of our god i want you to notice the first line because when we read that set of scripture we send to say well i'm not sexually immoral or i'm not an idolater but it says those that are unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god that should be a very scary kind of phrase to hear i mean no different thing than yeshua's saying to to you i don't know you in revelation 22 at 13 it says i am the alpha and the omega the first and the last the beginning and the end how fortunate are those who wash their robes so that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter through the gates into the city outside are the dogs and the sorcerers the sexually immoral and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood i yeshua have sent my angel to testify these things to you for my communities i am the root and the offspring of david the bright and morning star hebrews 12 14 says strive for peace with everyone and for the holiness without which no one will see the lord if you have unrepentant sin if you have something you're dealing with now is the time repent pray to your king ask for mercy ask for help ask for his ruach to help you but don't think that you can carry that sin into the fall feast this may not be the one this may not be the year but do you really want to be casual with that do you want to have a lacks attitude about entering into a feast with god and walking in sin those scriptures i read should terrify every one of us moreover it should prick our hearts not to dishonor our king and bring those things to him why would we want to embarrass our king the next issue is dealing with unforgiveness matthew 18 starting at verse 32 in summoning the first slave his master said to him you wicked slave i forgave all that debt because you pleaded with me wasn't it necessary for you also to show mercy to your fellow slave just as i showed mercy to you enraged the master handed him over to torturers until he paid back all that he owed so also my heavenly father will do to you unless each of you from your hearts forgives your brother it's not a suggestion it's not just a good thing to do for a happy life to forgive people not only is forgiveness a commandment it's a commandment that comes with a very severe warning enraged the master handed him over to torturers until he paid back this is not the only place second corinthians 2 now anyone you forgive i also forgive for indeed what i have forgiven if i have forgiven anything i did it for you in the presence of messiah so that we might not be outwitted by satan for we are ignorant of his schemes walking in unforgiveness leaves you as a target for satan is that where you want to be is holding on to that grudge or hoping one day that that person will figure it out and come groveling to you for forgiveness worth being an enemy of satan being a target of satan when i read this it made me think of the lord's prayer i want you to think about this because i i've always looked at the lord's prayer as kind of a checklist our father who art in heaven checked hallowed be thy name check your will be done on earth as it is in heaven check give us this day our daily bread check forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us check lead us not into temptation and deliver us from the evil one if we don't forgive you are a target of that temptation you are a target of that evil one that's satan that's one statement and in fact i would suggest to you that one of our greatest commandments through the lord's prayer is to offer forgiveness because that's god's will god did that for you he did it for every one of us and then now we are to be like that wicked slave that wicked servant and withhold it from our brother or sister you're not going to walk in to yom teruah or yom kippur or sukkot harboring unforgiveness and then expect to meet with god i i was very challenged by this because i always thought well yeah it just makes good sense to forgive people no we're in danger if we don't you're in danger you're we're uh we're at a place where we can be easily attacked if we don't offer forgiveness i can't speak for all of you but i've been forgiven for a lot of stuff i mean a lot and a lot the list is pretty long i'm sorry to say but then i would withhold forgiveness for something small i mean comparatively so because i can tell you what i deserve by the commandment is to be stoned to death or to be kicked out of the camp forever that's what i deserve for my sin but yeshua has made that correct he's offered me that forgiveness and now if we try to withhold that from somebody else you're a target you put a great bullseye on your back and the enemy's going to come after you he will attack you in various ways matthew 5 23 says therefore if you were presenting your offering upon the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you leave your offering there before the altar and go first be reconciled to your brother and then come present your offering do you understand that he's telling you before you offer to me you better get correct with your brothers and sisters before we show up at yom teruah to blow our shofars and shout and celebrate we better get correct with our brothers and sisters before we join in at yom kippur and we humble ourselves and we fast or however you choose to do that and then at the end of that you celebrate your messiah you better have offered up forgiveness before that and before you enter the camp to celebrate sukkot the wedding feast the end of the year of the the torah reading and then that that concept of eternity is that next day don't drag in unforgiveness into that are we ready i know that there's a lot of things going on in the world right now this year is unlike any year i've ever experienced in my mind i would say that we're at the beginning not the end i would say that there's more to come i'm not a fortune teller i'm not speaking in the office of the prophetic right now i'm just saying as a normal person that sees the news and just like all of you that we're in some strange days more than ever though now we need to be practicing getting ready to enter into god's presence we need to be prepared to enter into his presence whatever you have to do to get ready to get your heart ready to get your household ready now's the time we're six days away and if you've waited this long wow but you still have six days you've got time but you got to put in the work you got to be willing to go out in the field and grab that extra harvest that was provided by god to you every sabbath we partner with our king and we say you're the priority father not sports on tv not the tv not the movies whatever however your your sabbath is set apart for you and your family you're saying that this is you know this time with you father is more important than anything else it's what i desire more than anything else is to partner with you father and that's every shabbat so we get to practice every week but when the feast days come along we need to turn it up because that's what our king is doing he doesn't waste his time so if he puts something in there where he says i want to meet with you on this day he's not going to waste his time he's doing it for purpose and for reason and for meaning that you only get if you show up and celebrate but if you want to show up and celebrate and go reap the harvest and get there partner with your king i mean how the lack of a better word how cool is that that the god that made everything we know made the heavens and the earth that created you would like to spend one day every week with you that he'd like to to have you celebrate by blowing a shofar that he wants to to have you go through humility not humility humbling yourself at yom kippur with him that he wants to celebrate for seven eight days in temporary huts in the wilderness [Music] it's overwhelming to me you know i we have a president but i don't think he wants to come hang out with me for seven days in a tent i don't know i haven't invited him but he doesn't strike me as the the camping individual and he's just the president of one country i'm talking about the king of the i'm talking about the creator talking about your messiah talking about the one that's going to resurrect you and invite you into his kingdom he wants to hang out with you he wants to partner with you and he's going to provide everything you need everything are you willing to work a little bit extra to get it you want to spend and get a double harvest and that's the theme of two it's a double blessing and when you go out on friday and you get twice as much food that's a double blessing you think of that like he was blessing them every day and then he gives him a double blessing his goodness can't be overstated here his kindness and his mercy and his willingness to celebrate with us it should be overwhelming to all of us how great are you god how amazing are you god how generous and how kind there will come a day when things get hard for us there's going to come a day where we're persecuted and that we may be killed in his name we're not seeing those things here yet but we do have christian brothers and sisters that are dying around the world on behalf of messiah right now we're still pretty comfortable right now we still can go to the store and eat buy food we can go out to eat we can come here and celebrate as a big family together these feast days should serve as a marker for us we should be just like i said like when i'm done with tonight's message and i go home tomorrow i'll start praying about my next time up here which will actually be sukkot i'll be i'll be praying about what to talk about and what to say and asking god what he wants me to talk about i'm not going to wait till the last minute because it doesn't work very well i come i come up here unprepared and it doesn't go very well it's not appropriate it doesn't honor my king to come up here and not be ready the same for all of us though when we show up for the feast days or when we approach even the shabbats it dishonors our king if we show up and we're not ready now i know life happens and sometimes it's unavoidable somebody's sick or a work emergency or whatever and it presents this challenge in getting to shabbat but those should be rare occurrences for most of us matthew 24 starting at verse 14 it says this good news of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come and that chapter you really is just dealing with what we need to be looking for and watching for in end times events for just as lightning in verse 27 it says just as lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west so also will be the coming of the son of man i don't know for sure what day that will be again it's my hunch that it'll be around a yom teruah lightning moves pretty quick so if you think you're going to see that flash of lightning then repent then prepare then run and find your brother and offer forgiveness i'm afraid you won't have time now god is sovereign i'm not in his place he is judged and he will judge every one of us fairly and correctly but do you want to wait for the last second do you want to count on your knowledge you want to count on your ability to get all these things done [Music] in the flash of an eye i know this is kind of heavy stuff and i'm sorry because we were coming into into this with a pretty a pretty high mood and everybody was celebrating in that fashion and so i'm sitting back there and i'm like wow everybody's amped up and it's great and billy because i can hear how i'm coming with get ready but i love you guys so much and if i don't tell you what god tells me to tell you if i don't tell you what he's dealing with in my heart and i've failed you it can't always be you know happy and joy the thing of it is is that it is happy and joy because we're going to be celebrating with our king and what does he ask of you does he ask too much does he ask too much if he says you know what i want you to get ready be prepared to bring an offering and i'll even give you the offering does he ask too much if he says you know what you can't be sinning you can't you can't be living a lifestyle that i haven't approved of that's not holy is he asking too much if he says you know what i've forgiven you of so much can you forgive your brother of something little when i spoke last time about talked about the 10 virgins and i said you know that this this very well could be representative of our children so parents this message isn't just for you to take personally but you need to take it for your household if you have children if you have grandchildren you need to look at this message for your household talk to them they're not too young to talk to them and start talking about subjects like preparing for feast days or what is sin and what is not sin or even what is forgiveness and what is unforgiveness they're not too young but setting our bar so low that that's all they ever hit is that low bar get your households ready there's gonna come a day that will be our last in these bodies this body will not cannot enter the kingdom of god and i'm okay with that i really am i'm excited for what that resurrected body will be like but i want to have the work done now ahead of time if he doesn't come back this year praise him anyways we'll get ready next year he doesn't come back that year praise him anyways and we'll get ready the year after that because that's what these calendar events do they it doesn't it doesn't say like you've got to be so heightened and hyper vigilant every day of the year they said i'm going to give you some calendar dates i'm going to point them out to you and i want you to build up to them i want you to join me with them i want you to celebrate them with me what a great gift what a kindness what a kindness that he speaks to us and he's spoken to us from the very creation about these events i said it out in the hallway earlier but this if this is your second sukkot if this is your second cycle through the feast days you should not be caught off guard you should be prepared and every year you learn more every year you get better if this is your first year and you have questions or you need advice talk to somebody talk to lex talk to me greg billy jack or whitney or any of these men that have been here or families that have been walking through these feast days get some advice how do you do it they're really not hard none of them are hard they're fun but i want you to be ready for them in every aspect if you would pray with me please one more time our father our king thank you for your kindness you for your mercy and thank you for just laying it all out in black and white for us to read to study to pray over none of us is going to have the excuse of we didn't know or we didn't see on that day father much as much as what i've said here was to help and to edify and to build up father i know that it's also going to be a witness against well i pray that your holy spirit would convict all of our hearts to prepare to partner with you for these feast days for every shabbat even father i'm so grateful that you are willing to join with us and to have your spirit celebrate with us and even on our our day of humbling our day of fasting your spirit will rest with us father and get us through that day father i want to be ready and i want to help other people be ready father father if there's any wickedness in me if there's any unrepentant sin in me father please point it out give me the courage and the strength to repent to change no excuses no excuses father father if i'm walking in unforgiveness towards any brother or sister towards anybody even in my family maybe even if they don't walk this walk father because you didn't qualify that you didn't you didn't say just forgive certain people brother please point that out i'll give you permission to speak to me to speak to us in our dreams speak to us in visions speak to us wherever you can father father i'm excited to celebrate with you i'm excited to join with you father and ultimately father you paid the price for me to be a part of your kingdom see every one of these feast days points to your messiah and it points to the sacrifice you made father on our behalf not only did you create the kingdom not only are you the king but you paid our entrance into that kingdom father every one of these days points to your messiah are you sure help us to see that father help us to recognize and to be grateful i'm nothing without you father nothing without your spirit you are amazing you are a great great and worthy of every praise that i could even imagine to give to you father if there's anyone here tonight or anyone listening or hears this message father at any point in the future that maybe they have an issue maybe they are unforgiving of somebody maybe they're walking in a sin that they can't seem to break father i pray that your spirit would rest with them and that it would wrestle with them father until they submit until they walk away from that sin until they offer that forgiveness because i don't want anyone to miss the kingdom for those reasons father i love you father i know your kingdom is going to be forever i'm so excited about that brother thank you for your anointed salvation in whose name we pray tonight yeshua amen thank you [Applause] all right so i feel like the holy spirit is saying that there's somebody here who is thinking to my to themself i've already done that i've already forgiven i've already repented i've already done that and the holy spirit is saying you're not done okay it's started but it's not finished and so you need to continue so i don't know who that word is for but i just feel like that's word from the lord for someone here tonight that you need to continue to press in keep doing it i feel like we need to open up the altars and wherever you may be sitting wherever you want to be comfortable but just give you guys some time for prayer [Music] as corey said he was talking about how he likes to procrastinate this is one of those things we don't want to procrastinate about [Music] you never know it may not be that the lord comes back but your days may be numbered you know he was talking about well if you know if it's not this year the lord comes back maybe it's another year whether the lord comes back this year or not it may be your last year you never consider what could happen and so i just want to encourage you if there is someone you need to forgive them if there's something you need to repent of repent do whatever you need to do to get right with the lord because our our time is limited you know whether the lord comes back soon or whether we die we have a limited amount of time you think about in the whole scheme of things you know maybe he lives 60 70 80 90 years it's still a limited time not everybody's even given that much time are they my dad was 65. i was thinking about him today because today is his birthday he was 65 when he died he had a limited amount of time and i've known other people who died much younger i when i was in high school i knew a girl 15 she died she had an asthma attack died on the soccer field you never know how much time you have so don't don't think to yourself well i already did that or i can do that later right the bible says today if you hear his voice right so i want to encourage you if you want come there's some altars up here you can come and kneel and pray if you want to use your chair as an altar feel free to do that if you want to go back into the corners spread out around the room but i just want to encourage everyone to take some time go before the lord okay go ahead and make your way there everybody stand says nobody's standing i'm going to just instruct you everybody stand and do something either come up here and kneel go to one of the corners or kneel at your chair okay c um
Channel: The Grafted Church
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Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: sermon, church online, sabbath service, live sabbath service, preacher, bible teaching, Lex Meyer, Grafted Church, Torah Portion, Yeshua, Jesus, Bible
Id: QedrZ5DSuxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 12sec (3612 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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