Hear the sound of the Shofar | Feast of Trumpets

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there it is is my microphone on it is now excuse me did you guys have a good time last night [Applause] i think it's really i think it's really great that we got to have a wedding celebration and then the feast of trumpets right there together especially with all the the symbolism in the feasts that have to do with wedding and the return of the messiah and how they all kind of connect together i think it just was a great opportunity to see that picture and you know you have the blowing of the trumpet and the bridegroom comes in the blowing of the trumpet and the bride comes in and so it's all kind of shows us prophetically what what the bible is talking about when it talks about yeshua coming back all these different things that ties in with the wedding celebration and so as you guys know today is the day of trumpets began last night at sunset and uh so it's the first day of the seventh month this means that in 10 days we're going to have day of atonement and in 15 days we're going to have feast of tabernacles so we know that those things are coming up and yom teruah begins a 10-day period of prayer and self-examination and repentance at the time of turning our hearts toward god time of searching ourselves doing some inner turmoil in our searching it's also time of getting right with each other you know if you have something against the brother you need to go to them men fences make things right forgive repent all that kind of stuff and so that's kind of what this time of year is about is getting right getting right in our relationship with each other and getting right in our relationship with god and so i want to encourage you guys over the next 10 days to really be doing that spend time in prayer pray god if if there's somebody that i have an offense against you know help me to get that bring that to the open you know bring that to my attention so i can go deal with it if there's someone who has an offense against me you know bring that to the service so i can deal with it help me to find forgiveness in my heart for this person who has done this thing to me or help me to get up the guts to go ask for forgiveness from this person whom i have wronged whatever it may be but i encourage you to take these next 10 days to do that um according to jewish tradition tradition yom kippur is is when the names of the righteous are written in the book of life and so they say that um on the day of yum teruah actually what this is on the day of yom torah the righteous written in the book and then on the day of yom kippur the book is sealed as i think how they say it and they say you have 10 days in between there to to to get in if you if you're not in you know it's kind of like your last chance to get your name written in the book and i don't know exactly where that tradition comes from but i think it's interesting when you look at what revelation says about the reading of the book of life issue is going to return and after the thousand year reign it says that he's going to sit on a big great white throne and he's going to open up the book of life and he's going to read from it and whose names are not written in the book of life they're going to get casted like a fire and so i think it's an interesting tradition that they link the writing of your name in the book of life with the fall feasts here around trumpets and atonement the bible gives us a list of appointed times and for some of you this may be review for some of you this may be brand new information but the the bible gives us a list of appointed times when god wants to meet with his people he says these are my feast days these are my appointed times hey listen off he talks about the sabbath he talks about passover first fruits unleavened bread pentecost trumpets atonements uh tabernacles he goes through all these different things he lists them off he describes them and he says these are my feasts my appointed times he says these are times for a sacred assembly it's a time when we're supposed to gather as his people and to worship him and one of these special times is today yum the day of trumpets and the word teruah literally means shouting or blowing shafar's as with making a noise making great noise and we're commanded to blow safaris to shout and to raise a noise on this day and i mentioned last night in the devotional you know i gave i told you guys i was just doing a really quick brief devotional last night well i'm going to expound on it a little bit today um that's why i get away with doing a quick one last night but so we make a great noise we shout we blow so far as we we make a commotion we get excited why because this is the rehearsal it's a rehearsal for when yeshua is coming back it's a rehearsal for his return he comes with a shout and with the sound of the shofar and so we're we're rehearsing we're practicing what is it going to be like when he returns we're going to be excited we're going to be shouting we're going to be excited blowing shafar's joyful rejoicing in his return and so this is a practice for that to get ready for him leviticus 23 verses 23-25 it says then the lord spoke to moses saying speak to the children of israel saying in the seventh month on the first day of the month you shall have a sabbath rest a memorial of blowing trumpets a holy convocation you shall do no customary work on it and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the lord and this is pretty much the extent of what it says about the day of trumpets is there's a little bit more in numbers but uh you know if you look at what's said in in leviticus 23 you have a pretty good sized section on passover you have a pretty good sized section on uh you know all the other feasts really and then this just this little little tiny section on the visa trumpets or the day of trumpets and so when you look at it in comparison it's kind of interesting that it's just so so brief compared to some of the other feasts and there's really not a whole lot said about it you know you think about passover you have exodus what exodus 16 and uh you know there's sections basically in all the books exodus talks about it leviticus talks about it deuteronomy talks about it numbers talks about it there's there's a whole bunch i mean there's chapters written about passover what it's about what it's for and it tells us this is what you're supposed to remember these events in egypt when you came out of egypt and you were saved by the blood of the lamb this is what passover commemorates but then you know another feast you know the sabbath is is supposed to be remembered and it says you know for in six days god created heaven's earth it's a reminder of god created everything and so it's a memorial of creation passover is a memorial of the exodus leaving of egypt and then yeshua comes along and he says at passover he says this is my body that's broken for you this is my blood that shed for you do this in remember to me in memorial of me of what i've done for you so it's it's also a memorial of the salvation that comes through the blood of the lamb of god so you're saved you know passover reminds us of what we did what happened in egypt and how god saved us and it reminds us of what happened at calvary on the cross when yeshua saved us and we get to trumpets and it says this is a memorial of blowing the trumpet it doesn't tell us what we're supposed to remember it doesn't say what it memorializes and so it kind of leaves you wondering what what am i supposed to remember this day why am i blowing or so far what am i making a noise about and there's several things that that are connected with the trumpets that i think we need to be aware of so one thing to think about is that trumpets announce a king right they blow trumpets when a king shows up when a king is inaugurated when a king is anointed and brought into power when the king comes in after he's been gone trumpets announced the arrival of a king trumpets also prepare for war trumpets our wake-up call blow trumpets to to sound the alarm watchmen on the wall were given trumpets and they say if if you see danger coming blow the trumpets blow the shofars announce to the people what's going on wake people up alert them and so there's a lot of different things that trumpets show us and could be part of this feast and i would argue all of them are part of this celebration so we have trumpets that wake us up and say wake from your slumber sleeper wake up and repent turn to god right repent because the king is coming so you have the the trumpet sounding the alarm that the king is coming back he's returning he's coming back sometime in the fall feasts the fall feasts are prophetically connected to his return just like the spring feasts were prophetically connected to his first coming the fall feasts are connected to his second coming he died on passover as the lamb of god he resurrected on first fruits as the first fruits of the resurrection he poured out the holy spirit on pentecost all those things happened in prophetic fulfillment of his first coming it talks about the former and the latter rains right the spring rains in the fall rains the two comings when the fall we have his second coming his return and what we have is the first one is trumpets trumpets announced the return of the king it says that when he returns there's going to be a shout that the angels are going to give a shout and the great sound of a trumpet the dead in christ are going to resurrect so this is this is the announcement of his return and some some year when we blow those trumpets it's going to be to actually announce his return that he is going to be present at that moment and i think that's exciting wouldn't that be great if one day we put the trumpet to our mouth and as we look up we see the sign you know it says that we're going to look up and see the sign of the son of man in the sky wouldn't that be awesome you know it's one of those things that i i hope that that happens in my lifetime that i get to witness that and i believe that we are living in the generation that's going to see that that's my my personal conviction i believe that we are in that generation that will see his return i know that lots of lots of believers throughout history have hoped that that would be their day and some of them believed it might be their day and so i could be mis i could be wrong maybe you know maybe it's not time yet but i just i feel like we're getting very near but uh you know the bible tells us that it's a day of remembrance remembrance of blowing the trumpets and i think that there's two things we remember really like one is to get us to remember god wake up you sleep but remember remember the lord turn from your sins turn to god repent it's a it's a time to get us to wake up and remember who we serve to remember the lord and to call out to him and to cry out to him but i think it's also it's a reminder to god don't forget your people don't forget your promise don't forget what you said you were going to do don't forget you're coming back return we're crying out to you calling out to you to return oceana right oceana blessed is he who comes the name of the lord hosanna hosanna in the highest return this is the call that we're to give before he returns and so it's a cry out to him not to forget your people you think about if we're in the time of tribulation we're going to be crying out to him we're going to be saying god don't forget us we need you to come back soon and so this can be our cry to get his attention as well so it's not only a sound the alarm to get our attention i believe it's our cry out to him to get his attention to remind him not to not to abandon his people which he won't he is faithful to us god is faithful he's not going to abandon us but it's a day it's the day of the king it's the day when the return of the king happens and it's a day when we sound the shofar to announce his coming and so we are to be announcing his coming every year at this time we blow the shofars we proclaim the king we proclaim that yeshua is king of kings and lord of lords we're to go out into the streets and proclaim this to pronounce his kingdom to pronounce his glory and i think it's interesting i mentioned this tuesday night on my live stream i said i think it's interesting that we're supposed to be going out and talking to people witnessing to people sharing our faith proclaiming the king blowing shofars making a joyful noise shouting and they tell us to wear a mask and they tell us the social distance and i think it's honestly i think it's a uh i think it's a part of the enemy's agenda i don't think that those in charge necessarily are plotting that i don't think it's like oh these these liberals you know these politicians they just want to get in the way and keep us from blowing our trumpets i don't think that's what it is but i think that you know the bible says that principalities and powers and rulers of darkness that's who's behind all of this and so as the enemy comes along and he says i got an idea i know how i can stop the spread of the gospel i know how i can stop the spread of the kingdom of god let's put a gag order out make everybody wear gags it'll tell them to stay separate from each other so they can't have interaction with each other so you can't how can you witness to somebody if you're not even supposed to come near him so he's trying to separate us and then you know on top of that we're supposed to be gathered together as a community to fellowship and to worship and so they're trying to prevent that stop that and say no you just stay home you can't you can't gather for worship especially you know in places like california which happens to be on fire right now you know they say you can't have church and then all of a sudden california is on fire you think that that might be god's judgment i think that i think it is so but the trumpet is an alarm to wake us up and to prepare us for the day of atonement say wake up sleeper repent the day of the lord is at hand the bible talks a lot about the day of the lord it's the day of his wrath when his wrath is poured out on the earth when he sure returns it says he's coming with a sword in his hand and he's going to slay his enemies the first time he came and he got slain he was hung on a cross he died for our sins but he defeated he defeated the enemy death he resurrected and so that he can bring us into the kingdom with him so that we can be defeated that he defeated death for us so that we could be part of that resurrection with him it says when he returns he's going to slay the rest of his enemies those who oppose him check check all right the trumpets tell us to wake up tell us to repent because the day of atonement is coming the day of his atonement is a hand to we need to repent and get our hearts right with god it says sleepers wake up when you are when you're asleep when you're slumbering you're not paying attention right you're not aware of what's going on you're not aware of the times i know sometimes if i'm in a deep sleep i have no clue what's going on even if all the rest of the people in my house are awake and this happened today i was so tired today and amanda got up the kids got up there all up eating and making all kinds of noise and i'm totally out clueless asleep not even aware of what's going on i'm not aware of the passing of the time but if someone were to blow a shofar i would suddenly be alert right but suddenly be brought out of that slumber and completely aware of what was going on around me right so this is what the shofar does is to wake us up and to say wake up the time is at hand you've been asleep too long it's what's going on and so like ephesians 5 14 it says therefore he says awake you who sleep arise from the dead and christ will give you light romans 13 11-14 it said uh says do this knowing the time that now it is it is high time to wake up out of sleep for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed the night is far spent and the day is at hand therefore let us cast off the works of darkness let us put on the armor of light let us walk properly as in the day not in revel not in revelry and drunkenness not in lewdness not in lust not in strife or envy but put on the lord jesus christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lusts if if you look in the bible at where trumpets is used i think there's something very interesting the very first use very first place we find the trumpet is in exodus chapter 19. and it says and what it's used to do is to signal that we're supposed to draw near to god and if you're if you're aware of like how the the the idea of the first first mentioned first use when something is first mentioned in the bible it's considered to be tied to its meaning or its usage throughout the rest of scripture and so when we look at the first use of this word for trumpets is in exodus 19 it says when the trumpet sounds long they shall come near the mountain then it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were thunderings and lightnings in a thick cloud on the mountain and the sound of the trumpet was very loud so that all the people who were in the camp trembled and moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with god and they stood at the top i'm sorry they stood at the foot of the mountain now mount sinai was completely in smoke because the lord descended upon it in fire its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace and the whole mountain quakes greatly and when the blast of the trumpet sounded long and became louder and louder moses spoke and god answered him by voice then the lord came down upon mount sinai on the top of the mountain and the lord called moses to the top of the mountain and moses went out for what what is going on here the trumpets are announcing it's time to draw near to god everyone's supposed to come near the mountain when you hear the trumpet sound draw near to the mountain and then what happens it says that the trumpet sounded and god descended and moses went up the mountain what happens in the last days says that the last trump yeshua is going to put his foot on the mountain he's going to come down and when he puts his foot on the mountain the trumpet blasts his foot hits the mountain and the dead resurrect it says that we're going to be caught up together with him what's happening right here in exodus 19 is prophetically telling us about when yeshua returns we draw near to him and we're going to be raised up to meet him and he is coming down to meet us you see that interesting connection he says that he he shows the end from the beginning right he does nothing except that he shows it through his prophets he's revealed the end from the beginning the things that we see in the torah point to what's going to happen in the end days so it's important for us to understand these things to understand the feasts and to understand the prophetic significance and to practice these things so to help us prepare and get ready for what's coming so the feast of trumpets should cause us to draw near to god when we hear the trumpet it should cause us to wake up and to turn to repent and oppress and to draw closer to him the voice of the shofar calls us to repent the feasts of the lord are prophetic about the messiahs colossians 2 16-17 paul talks about this he says so let no one judge you in food or drink regarding a feast or a new moon or sabbaths which are a shadow of things to come it says these things the feasts the sabbath the new moons these are a shadow of things to come he's saying this is prophetic there's prophetic significance in this but the substance is christ so he's saying that the feasts are a shadow of messiah you think about where's your shadow at if i don't have anything to put a shadow on right now oh maybe right here i have a shadow right you have to be close to me to be in my shadow don't you like you're not in my shadow are you you guys are way out there if you wanted to be in my shadow you'd have to draw near right you'd have to come closer to me if you were going to be in my shadow so if we want to be in yeshua's shadow we need to draw near to him or maybe the other way around if we draw near to him we're going to be in the shadow when we're far off we're not walking in a shadow it says that the feasts and the sabbath those things are a shadow but messiah is the substance isn't that interesting we want to walk near to him walk in his shadow be close to him this is the bible is telling us this is how you do that draw near as i said earlier the spring feasts were connected to his first coming the fall feasts are connected to his return i want to read a few verses that are talking about his return and listen listen to what they say first thessalonians 4 16 it says the lord himself with the sin from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first the shout and the trumpet that's teruah that's what this day is about is shouting and blowing trumpets right first corinthians 15 51 and 52 behold they tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall all be changed i want to make a i want to make a correction right now this is something that tuesday night i made a statement and [Music] found out that that was an incorrect statement so on my live stream tuesday night i said that on on the feast of trumpets trumpet was blasted 99 times and then the 100th blast was on the day of atonement that is incorrect information the day of trump's they blow the trumpet 100 times and the last one is called the last trump on the day of atonement in the year of jubilee there's a trumpet that's blown it's called the great trumpet now used to only be blown on the year of jubilee but at some point they decided to start blowing it every day of atonement every year and i think it had to do with them not knowing when the actual day of atonement or when the actual year of jubilee was and so just to be safe they just blow it every year just in case this is the your jubilee because it kind of got lost like a lot of things it kind of got lost over time and so the last trumpet is blown on the day of trumpets 100 blasts of the shofar the last great trumpet the last long blast is the last trump on the day of atonement there's one more last in the year jubilee it's the great trumpet that one's interesting as well psalms also speak about the trumpets prophetically connected to yeshua when he will judge the earth psalm 98 for example says go sing to the lord a new song for he has done marvelous things his right hand and his holy arm have gained him victory who does the bible say is the right hand of god yeshua is the right hand the mighty the mighty right hand of the lord the lord has made known his salvation salvation in hebrew is what yeshua the lord has made known his yeshua his righteousness he has revealed in the sight of the nations he has remembered his mercy and his faithfulness to the house of israel all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our god they've seen the yeshua of our god salvation shout joyfully to the lord all the earth break forth in song rejoice and sing praises sing to the lord with the harp with the harp and the sound of a psalm with trumpets and the sound of a horn shout joyfully before the lord the king right who's the king yeshua he's the king of kings and lord of lords shout joyfully before the lord the king let the sea roar in all its fullness the whole the world and those who dwell in it let the rivers clap their hands let the hills be joyful together before the lord for he is coming to judge the earth this is talking about this is talking about his return when he comes he's going to judge with righteousness he shall judge the world and all the peoples with equity so that's for psalm 98 that beautiful isaiah 27 13 says so shall be in that day the great trumpet will be blown remember i talked about the great trumpet right on the day of atonement the great trumpet on the year of jubilee jubilee is about setting the captives free it's about releasing the debt forgiveness of debt forgiveness of all that's been done wrong rewriting everything setting everything back in order returning land to those who has been taken from it's it's it's a reset it's god's god's way of putting everything right putting everything back the way it's supposed to be undoing the mistakes that have been done fixing it all that's jubilee it's every 50 years and i'm not sure when the last jubilee was actually kept it's been a long time it's kind of been lost over the years so we don't know when the actual year of jubilee is going to be but i i believe it's tied to the return of messiah i believe when he returns it will be a jubilee and he's going to undo all that's been done wrong he's going to reset everything he's going to right the wrongs wipe the slate clean forgive the debts right return the land to what belongs to all those things it's a jubilee it's it's a time of return it's a time of reset and so when it talks about the great trumpet that's what it's referencing the great trumpet that's blown on the year of jubilee so isaiah 27 13 as i started it says so it shall be in that day and that phrase in that day is often tied to the day of the lord the day of his return so you notice that throughout scripture as well this is in that day the great trumpet will be blown they will come who are about to perish in the land of assyria and they who are outcasts in the land of egypt and shall worship the lord in the holy mountain at jerusalem joel also makes similar connection joel chapter 2 blow the trumpet in zion and sound the alarm in my holy mountain that all the inhabitants of the land tremble for the day of the lord is coming for it is at hand again the trumpet is tied to the day of the lord joel chapter 2 verses 15 16 says blow the trumpet blow the trumpet in zion consecrate a fast call a sacred assembly what does that language sound like blow the trumpet call a fast call a sacred assembly that's the day of atonement right sacred assembly this is a very specific language this is this is talking about something something very specific trumpets fasting sacred assembly blow the trump in his eye concentrate it consecrate a fast call a sacred assembly gather the people sanctify the congregation assemble the elders gather the children and nursing babes let the bridegroom go out from his chamber and the bride from her dressing room isn't that interesting it's talking about the day of the lord he links it to the day of atonement talking about trumpets and fasting sacred assembly consecrating gathering the people sanctifying the people all of this language dealing with this time of year trumpets and atonement and then he says let the bridegroom come out of his chamber and let the bride come out of her changing room this is the end of time and what is the language he's saying when yeshua comes back it says he's coming as a bridegroom for his bride and it says that he is wanting a bride who has been made clean and perfect washed and beautified washed in the water of his word sanctified by the holy spirit this is the bride he's looking for when he returns is this the bride he's going to find is he going to find a faithful bride who is wearing her white robe shining and beautiful and pure and ready for her groom is this the variety he's going to find when he returns i guarantee you that's the brightest going to get the question is are we part of that bride are we part of that bride are we going to be cleansed washed sanctified purified made ready for his return there's going to be a separation that happens there's a great falling away that's going to happen people will be deceived led astray led into sin led into all kinds of things they're going to fall away and what remains is going to be the pure bride he's going to separate sheep and goats he's going to shepherd wheat and tears the ones that he brings into his kingdom are his bride those are the ones that belong to him those are the ones who have sanctified themselves to him so the question we need to ask ourselves is am i going to be part of that am i going to be part of the bride or am i going to be part of the wheat part of the tears that are separated from the wheat am i going to be a goat that's separated from the sheep gather the people sanctify the congregation assemble the elders let the bridegroom go out from his chamber and let the bride from her dressing room zephaniah chapter 4 or sorry chapter 1 verses 14-16 it says the great day of the lord is near it is near and hastens quickly the noise of the day of the lord is bitter there the mighty men shall cry out that day is a day of wrath a day of trouble and distress a day of devastation and desolation a day of darkness and gloominess a day of clouds and thick darkness a day of trumpet and alarm the day of the lord is the day of wrath he links it to the trumpet against the fortified cities and against the high towers for the day of the lord is the day of his judgment on the earth the day when he returns he's coming to judge revelation chapter 1 also does the same thing i don't know if you've realized this or ever noticed it but he tells us what day he's talking about right here in chapter 1 verse 10. he says i was in the spirit of the i was in the spirit on the day of the lord this is a reference to what this is a reference to the last day this is a reference to the return of the lord the day of judgment the day when he comes back he says i i was in the spirit on the day of the lord he was saying is spiritually i saw this vision the lord showed me what this day is going to look like i was in the spirit on the day of the lord and i heard behind me a loud voice as a trumpet right the day of the lord and the sounding of the trumpet right there at the very first revelation chapter one he's telling us right there what he's talking about he's talking about the end days he's talking about when messiah will return he says that there's gonna be a trumpet well then we jump to chapter eight and he's he mentions some more trumpets there's seven trumpets seven angels with seven trumpets right it says and i saw seven angels who stand before god and to them were given seven trumpets then another angel having a golden censor came and stood at the altar he was given much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar which was which was before the throne and the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the saints ascended before god from the angel's hand then the angel took the sensor filled it with fire from the altar and threw it to the earth and there were noises thunderings lightnings and an earthquake noises thunderings lightnings and earthquake so then seven angels who had seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound the day of trumpets the announcement of the return the announcement of the judgment announcement of the king notice that it talks about the prayers of the saints being connected with the incense right the offering the prayers of the saints are often times throughout bible throughout the bible compared to an ascending offering because what your prayers are going up to heaven and it says that it's like sweet incense the the incense that stood in the in the tabernacle or in the temple at an altar of incense right in front of the curtain and that sweet incense would rise up and carry the prayers of the people up to god is what that's what he's referencing when the high priest would go in he would take the incense and he would offer the prayers of the people with the incense and so when you think about that when your prayers are considered a sweet smelling aroma a sweet incense that rises up to god your prayers are connected with sacrifice with offerings to the lord it says your body is the temple of the holy spirit your prayers our sacrifice are an offering romans 12 2 right it talks about the acceptable sacrifice that we give does anybody have a a bible with them handy open up romans 12 2 for me you guys remember sword races who get there first romans 12 2 oh tracy found it tracy wanted to read it for me uh-huh okay what does verse 1 say yeah present your bodies as a sacrifice do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the name of your mind so we are to offer up this is the kind of sacrifice that we're supposed to be offering up to the lord it's not where we're not taking animals on an altar anymore the sacrifices are different we don't have a temple we don't have a priesthood we have a temple and a priesthood it's in heaven it shows our great high priest in heaven serving in the heavenly tabernacle right but we don't bring goats and rams we don't bring various animal sacrifices to the temple what do we bring we bring him ourself sacrifice ourselves offer our life as a sacrifice offer our self to him that is no longer i don't want to serve me anymore i want to serve you i don't want to be the king of my life you i want you to be the king of my life i don't want to be lord in my life i want you to be lord of my life right that is the offering that we give to him that is the sacrifice that we give to him this is our prayers ascend up like sweet incense again is a call to pray to repent and to cry for his return because the day of atonement is coming is the time to get right with god before the day of atonement and these days these 10 days between trumpets and atonement are called the days of all why or are they referred to as the days of awe so we should be gazing at god and being awestruck by him this should cause us to draw near to him and to put our focus on him we are we stand in awe of the lord this time should remind us to do that remember that trumpets were sounded when joshua led israel into the promised land you guys familiar with the story moses leads them out of egypt they wander in the wilderness for 40 years because they were scared of the giants after 40 years of wandering the wilderness that whole generation passed away moses even passed away and joshua was given leadership over israel joshua was the one who would bring them into the promised land and i think it's interesting that joshua his hebrew name is yeshua [Music] my dad's name was mike meyer actually his name was michael meyer but everybody called him mike right yehoshua is the full long version yeshua is like the shortened version we see in in nehemiah that he refers to yeshua son of nun that's how it's written it's not written yahushua son of mine it's written yeshua son of none we see in the new testament in greek when it talks about joshua son of none joshua who led them out of egypt into the into the promised land that joshua he calls him jesus in greek same name that's used for our messiah this trust jesus is the greek name is translated as jesus this is where the name has come from so we have yeshua the quesus became jesus same name joshua son of nun has the same name as jesus same name as yeshua our messiah and as joshua the son of nun prophetically leads them into the promised land you read through the book of joshua you see that he is the one that's put in charge he is the leader and he brings the people into the promised land well who is going to bring us into the promised land yeshua our messiah this is a prophetic thing that the bible is showing us those who have eyes to see can see it but those who don't don't that's why the jewish people don't get it they don't understand the yeshua of nazareth has been prophetically proclaimed throughout the old testament but their eyes are blinded they don't see it but joshua led them into the promised land and what was he told to do to blow trumpets seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of ramore ramshorns what do we just read in revelation chapter eight that there's gonna be seven angels with seven trumpets do you see the prophetic connections here seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of ram's horns before the ark but the seventh day that you march around the city seven times uh i'm sorry but the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times and the priests shall blow the trumpets it should come to pass when they make a long blast with the ram's horn the long last what is that right we have either the great shofar on the year of jubilee or we have the last trump on the day of trumpets but it's a long blast this is a type of blast that's referring to it shall come to pass when they make a long blast for the ramsword when you hear the sound of the trumpet that all the people shall shout with a great shout again tarua shouting and trumpets then the wall of the city will fall down flat and the people shall go up every man straight before him this is this is what they did right before they entered the promised land and this is prophetically tied to what's going to happen in the end of days yeshua comes with the trumpet with a shout and all of his enemies fall down and we go go with him into the promised land into the kingdom traditional blessing that is recited on yom teruah is blessed are you lord our god king eternal who sanctified us with your commandments and commanded us to hear the voice of the shofar to hear the voice of the shofar listen to what jeremiah prophesied in contrast to that jeremiah 6 17 it says also i set watchmen over you saying listen to the sound of the trumpet but they said we will not listen we're called to hear the voice of the shofar and jeremiah says that they refuse to listen to the trumpets to the shofars to the watchmen those who keep the feasts i'm sorry those who refuse to keep the feasts those who refuse to keep the feasts are not learning to hear the voice of the shofar have you ever thought about that they don't know it they don't recognize it it doesn't make sense to them they haven't been keeping the feasts and so they don't know anything about it they don't know what it means and so when they read things like matthew 24 first corinthians 15 first thessalonians 4 revelation chapter 8 revelation chapter 1 and they hear about the trump and the shout they don't have a clue what is talking about because they don't know the voice of the shofar they don't know the feasts and so pray pray for your family and friends who don't know the voice of the shofar who don't keep the feasts pray for them pray that they will wake up look for opportunities to talk to them about it as well but pray that their ears would be opened and it's really interesting that this is happening all over the place there are there are christian churches who have never kept the feasts before in their life who are all of a sudden saying i think we need to be keeping the feasts and i think it's really awesome but it's also really curious because it's like okay they're out of nowhere they just say hey i think we should be keeping the feasts what does that mean i think that means that god is telling them okay wake up wake up time is at hand it's another reason why i believe that we are living in the time very near to his return because he's waking up people all over the place ezekiel 33 verses 3 through 5 says speaking speaking about the watchmen it says when he sees the sword coming upon the land if he blows the trumpet and he warns the people then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take the warning if the sword comes and takes him away his blood will be on his own head he heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take the warning his blood shall be born himself but he who takes warning will save his life the watchman is responsible to blow the shofar when the watchman sees the danger coming he blows the trumpet he announces to the people there is danger be prepared prepare yourself but someone who hears the trumpet they hear the watchmen call and they i don't need to listen to that guy he didn't know what he's talking about he's one of those those wacko guys those crazy guys he's too religious or he's too whatever they ignore him for some reason and then they perish because of it the watchman is not responsible for that person the person is responsible for himself because he didn't listen to the warning that was given now if the watchman sees trouble and he refuses to blow the alarm he does not sound the alarm the watchman is responsible for all the people who perish and so if god has given you a warning and he tells you to blow an alarm and blow the trumpet to shout wake up there's danger ahead and you refuse to to warn the people then their blood is on your head if you're watchman you've been given the responsibility to watch out for those people and you don't say it their blood is on your head if you don't make the announcement if you don't sound the alarm but if you sound the alarm and they don't listen your hands are clean and they are responsible because they did not listen the feast of trumpets is an alarm it is a wake-up call to tell us to repent a wake up call to tell us to forgive others that's part of it as well as between trumpets and atonement it's about asking for forgiveness from other people who you have wronged and giving forgiveness to people who have wronged you that's what this time is for to mend those relationships to mend those fences it's also about asking forgiveness from god but what did yeshua say he said if you can't forgive your brother how can you expect god to forgive you forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us so how can you go to god and seek forgiveness from him for your sins if you're unwilling to forgive your brother or sister who is sinned against you here this is the this is what atonement is about as we're preparing to come into the day of atonement this is part of it the trumpets say wake up get right with the lord and get right with your brothers and sisters get right with your neighbors and co-workers get right with people in your life mend the fences wake up the day of trumpets acts as a watchman saying danger is ahead why because judgment the judgment of the lord is coming and you need to be prepared for that if you're not prepared for that it's not the it's not the fault of the watchmen your blood is on your own head psalm 89 15 it says blessed are the people who know the teruah blessed are the people who know the teruah yom teruah right the day of trump is the day of shouting blessed are the people who know the trua the sound of the trumpet some of your bibles may have a different translation there may say the joyful noise or the joyful sound the word in hebrew there's teruah blessed are the people who know the sound of teruah all right travis do you have your shofar ready i've asked travis to help me with something tonight we're gonna i want to talk about a couple of different things related to the shofar and i want him to give us an example of what those sounds are and so a takia is a long single blast announcing the coronation of a king would you show us a tequila wow you imagine that announcement of the king chevarim is three short whale blasts signifying repentance that kind of rinse your heart the whale teruah is nine staccato blasts of alarm to awaken the soul to awaken the soul [Music] better wake up in the morning right now there's one more there's one more is the takia ha gadol the great long blast announcing your jubilee basically you just hold this as long as you possibly can thank you thank you travis so the tequila that first one announces the king's return shivarim is that piercing whale for repentance to wake us up call us to repent tarua is the sound the alarm is the watchman who sees the danger coming when yeshua returns he will come with an army to slay his enemies the taqiyya hagadol the great long blast is announcing the year of jubilee it's loud piercing sound humbles and fills us with awe before god it foreshadows the day of judgment at the end of the age and the shofar gives us hope because of the sound of the great shofar our messiah will return matthew 24 29-31 it says immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken then the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he will send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they will gather together his elect from the four winds from one and of heaven to the other everyone who has a shofar would you stand with your shofar in your hand i don't know how many we have tonight but if you have a shofar would you stand i would like to just sound that one long blast all together is everybody ready go ahead [Music] thank you [Applause] let the sound of the shofar cause you to seek the lord to draw near to him to come up that mountain i pray that this year and every year when you hear the shofar it causes you to draw near to come near the mountain to pursue the lord to look forward to the return of our messiah i pray that every time you hear the shofar that that's what you think is is this the shofar that's announcing his return does this mean is this the year that he is coming back when you hear the shofar i pray that that just excites you and you look up and say is this is that the shofar i'm waiting for is our lord coming today the voice of the shofar calls us to prepare our hearts i pray that that's what happens this year as you hear the sound of the shofar that you prepare your heart for the lord the day of atonement is coming these next 10 days i want to encourage you to really press in really pursue god dig in deeper than you ever have before let this be a time of repentance repentance and turning from your sins turning to the lord let it be a time where you are giving grace to others give them forgiveness give them grace give them mercy what you expect god to give you give to them the people who have hurt you the people who have wronged you lord forgive us as we forgive those who sin against us let this be a time where you press in i hope this is a time where you grow where we all grow in our walk with the lord i hope it makes you uncomfortable i really do because like i tell the guys in my discipleship group i want you to get uncomfortable because that's the only time you're gonna grow if it's easy you're not growing it's only when it's difficult that you grow okay so i hope you get uncomfortable this year i hope it's not easy you know the the traditional greeting for yom kippur is you know may you have an easy fast i don't want it to be easy i want it to be beneficial i want it to cause you to grow to challenge you to cause you to get deeper to know the lord more to know him better to hear his voice to purge you to cleanse you to sanctify you that's what this is supposed to do it's not supposed to be easy it's gonna hurt and that's good let it do its work let it purge you weep wail cry get it out forgive repent one of the things that a lot of people like to do is is called tash leak and you go out to a river or a lake or something and you take a stone and you throw it in there right but you you confess your sins on this stone and you throw it as far as you can right this is to symbolize casting your sins into the depths of the sea some of you may want to do that i don't know it's a tradition it's not a commandment you don't have to but whatever it takes to get this stuff out of your life to get right with the lord to get right with each other mending fences do it do the work hear the sound of the shofar draw near to the lord would you buy your heads with me heavenly father we love you so much lord we thank you we thank you for the sound of the shofar i pray that we would draw near to you that we would press in and draw close that we would not shrink back but that we would climb that mountain and come into your presence but i pray that you would help us to purge things out of our life that need to be purged to forgive those who need to be forgiven and to repent for things that need to be repented of i pray that you would restore relationships that you would bring healing to broken hearts lord i pray that you would pour out your holy spirit from this people that you would fill us with your holy spirit bless the lord with your ruach hakodesh the holy spirit that you would sanctify us wash us and cleanse us that we would be a beautiful bride a torn adorned for you when you return we love you and we praise you the name of yeshua man
Channel: The Grafted Church
Views: 2,034
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Keywords: sermon, church online, sabbath service, live sabbath service, preacher, bible teaching, Lex Meyer, Grafted Church, Torah Portion, Yeshua, Jesus, Bible
Id: qjcv1U_ZILk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 47sec (4007 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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