PREMIERE: Storm Ciara - Best Of

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foreign [Music] folks good morning welcome to Sunday hope you're having a great morning uh listen put your feet up enjoy the next I don't know how many hours we're just gonna keep going I've just had two go arounds in succession I've got a Boeing triple seven right here right now this is Storm Chiara live from London [Music] look at those wings flapping man yeah oh easy son oh yeah nicely down mate I've parked it on The High Ground this time okay here we go now you can see if I pull out a little bit there he's into the prevailing wind there we go son this is like landing at uh Dublin but um ten times worse here we go Stormy Weather [Music] [Music] skills the final skills there we go every where very easy easy hey there he goes the car around yeah he wasn't happy with that stuff Pegasus Sim 37 should have done the other night success oh it's a smoky Joe from United and we go oh my God look at this [Music] babies I mean I know we're going to the windy city next week but he's got it down he's got it down or as he as he has he oh yeah yeah sorry folks thank you oh he's going around he's going around he doesn't like the approach he doesn't like the approach doesn't like it that's number two [Music] hold on hold on to it they're jumping jumping [Music] I was there hold on sorry he's going around he's going around he's going around don't like it suspended operations on two seven left [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh for Flip's sake bloody hell I tell you if you freeze that because he's quite low isn't he wow mommy's very low [Music] yay oh my word that was crazy man so maybe even a night yeah that's a 300 by the looks of it [Music] it's still sideways use that right on a flick it rounds up wow man wow yes yes that is totally nuts easy son really watch these wings flap folks carbon wing oh it's done back he's done a good job there wow yeah [Music] oh man that's another one of those phe line is going at it with the reverses option Auto adjuster [Music] there's number four GP there's number four I like it they don't like it up sir that'll kill us shuffled fire iberia's turn this time oh [Applause] my it's got to be a car out and a beer car around you can't correct that oh fair play if you do so oh my goodness me [Music] oh skills oh that is skills like oh he's still struggling oh man that's a White Knuckle ride right there still struggling yeah yeah oh man nice fair play fella so he's coming straight towards me mate look at this [Music] easy son [Music] go around let's copy and go around there we go there's your number five the rain's starting to come now here we go the rain is here [Music] look how he swapped that man they're swinging them oh oh oh oh oh guaranteed every time [Music] everyone's doing that 50 P girl really this is Algiers easy easy oh my he's miles offline he's not gonna pause yes yes oh [Music] technology special really oh no actually done mate this guy's drifting man look at his drift sad [Music] oh I've got double plus got double bass oh yeah seven British Airways uh this is an old 200 I think dying dying uh headed to Chicago next week with my members folks if you want to join me join up you are more than welcome support us on Facebook and uh members on first class and super class members on YouTube give us a like thumbs up if you like it thumbs down if you don't search giving us something wrong with you I don't really like it come on girl [Music] got dirty Flats yeah oh yes swinging still giving enough time to get that front end down nice and soft but there is no need Virgin Atlantic A330 here we go big heavy sidewind here lots of side slip here we go she's drifting wow look at this oh easy son [Music] Wings on that oh no flies on that fighter what a greased Landing it's landed yo Mike's doing well okay bye triple seven it's an old banger I think [Music] [Music] thank you yeah [Music] back to back PA oh my word oh yeah [Music] to check it out number seven Dreamliner [Music] power up now that should be heading straight downward towards us folks but look how much he's crabbing into the wind it's starting to swinging right now oh easy son they're paying in this boy's all over the shop [Music] foreign [Music] whoa look at that did you see that flipping egg almost like dips his nose into the ground man is this the uh this is the go-around [Music] his second and that's his second missed approach and now he'll either divert keep an eye on him they'll either diver or come around for one more try and then that's your lot son [Music] easy easy go to hell [Music] over the gap oh no he's just found a pocket dead air wow I swear you really feel it as a passenger you're like whoa whoa it's sort of like sways left to right now 's up Who's down [Music] [Music] come on yeah look at that getting on the reverses Come On Son yeah [Music] [Music] get it down son get it down is that okay [Music] oh play panic [Music] let's go around missed approach didn't like that he didn't like that [Music] [Music] oh wow oh easy son easy easy oh my goodness me he don't like it he don't like it this point I think he might be a bit of a rookie uh [Music] [Music] thank you he didn't like that one either that's his second attempt that's his second attempt wow very minimal power-up for the garage so so powerful those big engines are man wow still geared down man tap 320 Neo or 321 now this is the one we went out to Lisbon on yeah traveled on this very jet liner the other day folks down to Lisbon with our members [Music] oh yeah oh we bounced the front end man that would have been quite harsh on the front didn't feather it at all very little wow look at this point [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow look at the wing flexing man whoa yeah it's the air traffic control folks um up there in the tower and of course uh in the towels all over the world tirelessly working I think they'll get uh it's around about a 30 minute turnaround time uh between um between shifts obviously to keep them on the ball foreign strike on takeoff apparently for the yam yam folks wow is that a confirmed or suspected possible suspected tail Strike wow wow yeah we do have a confirmed uh Return of the Qantas yam yam Dreamliner wow that would be a difficult one if she goes Tech with a tail strike that's something that uh yes [Music] [Music] number 13 I think exactly whack the quill uh fat white uh wow [Music] [Music] Qatar 350 1000 Plastic Fantastic folks Rolls Royce xwb engines easy big carbon wing manufactured uh and assembled here in the UK built in the UK and obviously sent out to to lose in France where they are assembled saffron I think uh manufacture the other carriage of course Spanish taking care of the empennage a lot of [Music] sorry folks sorry here [Music] no issues quite a skinny tail on the 350 has to be said sorry thanks fingers [Music] wow no way did you see the exhaust coming out of that thing back [Applause] [Music] there's another one look there's another one [Music] yeah gusting 60. [Music] wow foreign [Music] yeah oh how cold is this back big flexor no he's not liking it that's his second attempt GP bloody hell man [Music] proper sidekick [Music] there's nothing underneath that aircraft he has not had a tail strike bloody hell put that one down son next one up folks 20. [Music] go around go around go around go around that's windshare windshear windshare [Music] does anyone have an official account how many have you been it's got me getting on for 20 in it [Music] all the falls [Music] upon it so look at that [Music] oh this case is that enough he's adding up I'll leave it outside remove it [Music] goes up attitude and everything he's not he's having it he's going for it good line good line well held son oh big round of applause gotta be the best one of the day in terms of holding him in it crazy go around he he started to he must have had a uh a down wash because he looked like he was going downwards he derated departure there it is yeah [Music] beautiful [Music] crazy spoilers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you so now it is time much slower this time it's gonna make it [Music] yes he's down oh man [Music] chatting feverlessly about this [Music] what's the wings folks what's the wings easy sound go I'll get it down get it down get it down easy get it down yeah good lad it's a big long two more Runway here at London Heathrow so it's got a long way to roll out of course [Music] oh here we go oh this is a 300 in it it's a 300 I think [Music] easy whoa yeah hahaha oh Touch and Go Touch and Go touch and go first ever touch and go on Project TV well it isn't but it is for the big jets anyway wow look at that oh my word touch and go can you flip in Adam and Eve it normally you should see it about 3 30 in town foreign had that been a case it would that wouldn't have been a reason for that wouldn't have been a reason for it [Music] [Music] [Music] is isn't it it is though oh with your own time son wow now that was a late touchdown way past the birds [Music] he kind of grease that seasoned pilot are you gonna be the next welcome to all our 100 plus new members on YouTube as well of course Katie's quite nose down attitude then this is one where you can really see the rudder look at the rudder action Colorado here we go [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] 25 tons of undercarriage right there look at that boom wow look at that inside inboard reverses only folks so now are you serious really really wow [Music] foreign [Music] beautiful wing on the dream lineup look at that watch it go to knit Mutual if he gets it down of course then she will straightens it up on the runway straight down a Center Line kick of a Rudder and bang straight very distinctive twin blinking strobes on the uh [Music] seemed like a lot earlier he put it down there because this is the uh this this is the the best uh configuration of a Boeing 747 in my eyes she's a pure freighter uh she's a nose loader um obviously has that small hump which uh you know represents the old school 100 variant of the 747. it's got a big set of uh Gen X engines on her uh four Gen X engines the uh extended wing tip and of course the extended cabin uh perfect freighter and in my eyes the most beautiful aircraft in the world Boeing 747 800. with Cafe Pacific here she comes down foreign [Music] really on the reverses full set it's using the full set there she is guys there she is there she is look at that [Music] [Music] he dropped that from a dizzy height what's the deck what's the wow what's that race of descent man I just uh Rolls Royce [Music] dirty Flats here she's happy usually that dirt grime is uh as a result break dust and uh Tire debris there's another go around [Music] I didn't like that either it must have been a windshield warning man cats maybe cats operating in gangs [Music] come on son keep it going go around I'm not surprised [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah he's shouting us as well okay this is the Slinger folks this is the Singapore Slinger one of our favorites here on big jet TV watch the rudder watch the rudder it's on the auto thrust [Music] it's got his uh either his left hand or the right hand depending upon who's bringing it in that's crazy that is crazy man okay boys and girls here we go Hotel scream now Girls scream loud [Music] [Music] yeah I know [Music] [Music] folks look at him self uh stay tuned for any updates on the website get a big jet dot TV um that's where you need to go thank you to everybody for viewing and watching today I really appreciate your company it's been great having you with me um and of course um all the new members cannot thank you enough all you guys around the world um [Music] [Music] [Music] you're watching BJ TV [Music] all right
Channel: BIG JET TV
Views: 445,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TyE9HnPzyQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 19sec (3139 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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