Crosswind Landings💨Storm Debi at London Heathrow Airport

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okay ready get ready okay go now now there h I think that's why I always like roller coasters right going PTC cheing hey folks uh well here we are you know we said we would plus three conditions at London he hello London heo by the way who're in the chat right now um southwesterly um it's pretty strong about well I don't know 30 mph something like that you can hear from the uh from the from the from the cover I've got around the sticks nothing I can do about that microphone's on the other side so hello microphone so that you'll hear me a little bit better over all this wind so um let's get on with it hope you're well uh stop move that just move that coffee cup there you go there we go under theat roll yeah okay so uh let's just have a little look at got a sock if I can see it there yeah there it [Music] is horizontal at the moment um trees are uh Treet tops are well you know the score come to your comments in a minute folks see how far we go with this there's always something clattering around in there [Music] right I could say yeah we're not in the padic folks cuz the uh the ground is too it's not it's not good enough for me to be able to drive through it had a lot of water recently can't see the horse is flipping e man watching planes in we yeah Rick yeah 500,000 mil when it oh no no no no no that wasn't Rick was it yes was it I don't know his name I don't know why he doesn't tell me his name a isn't that [Music] nice say Rick Freeman yeah a thanks Rick if you're watching that's a love l l thing to know so we do like to try our best for uh for the hardworking air crew and oh bless isn't that lovely an es covered 500,000 mil or E doar I don't know why is it Eric I don't I just don't know why didn't has he told me his name has he told me his name or well I've got an email from him it just says it's signs off es all right okay 500,000 mil yeah that's pretty G that's pretty gnarly a it no no no no no in total in total yeah he's hit half a million miles yeah early flare went for an early flare there got it fair play yeah one might think that uh the cabin crew life is a is a is a is a luxury life but hard work man it's very hard work you know um and Long Haul flights they do get AR rest you know during the flight when you know when you know after all everything's been served and cleared away and blah blah blah but they you know some of them take a rest and have to wake up and serve again um it's uh it's it's it's um yeah so we are on the roof of MTL Services folks uh Heath R van Center as well um so um just be aware that if you are potentially looking for a uh an electric um mode of um trade transport then um this is the place to come uh well not even if you even sorry I'm just trying to get something living uh even if some distance from here who me at me at it nearly went it nearly went there uh British Airways maintenance or or it's not really mainten well it is you know on-wing stuff and um and uh uh or aircraft waiting to go into uh [Music] maintenance so this is the tail end of storm Debbie is it thank you Flight Radar 24 don't know who does that is that it's it's obviously their UK is it Ian is it he's he's sleeping an isn't he yeah it must be the UK armor flight rad 24 overlooking Terminal 4 there folks um sort of Blends in doesn't it with uh with um oh yeah yeah yeah they're at and speding yeah I'm guessing that you're kiding how's the audio all right everything okay in terms of uh it's just okay just uh that oh sry dead so the holds are busy are they storm [Music] Debbie Mia welcome back Mia yeah yeah gold way the lead for a r air and a and a easy cheet that's it bye then and they didn't go around they didn't go around it's great is it should have driv out of Scotland really Audio Great 747 in view what could be better Nick Gray well um yes good morning everybody CLA bear Carol crosier hops Michael White tuning in from Bangkok is that a little bit loud perhaps I'm wondering if I shouldn't just uh okay I'll just put the mic on the other side folks stand by Simon l i find your lack of horses disturbing G Grill egpx Gram nor grve good morning to you uh moft Holmes has the wind sock shredded yet not yet uh I mean I'm I'm talking but I can only hear talk let me just uh straighten this up just a tad just a little little tiny adjustment stand by lovely old buildings there got a preservation order on it we are the north preservation Society uh Trident used to be uh maintained in there should I sh a little bit louder oh l loading oh Chile I'll just go text first we're carrying out essential works yeah right that's that's a bit of a coincidence is it after Drive no mate Ian Hannah audio is good Jerry are you tied to the roof uh I'm not but the equipment is uh he so Jilly it's just too I rate it's an excuse mate I it's an excuse It's a load of old baloney yeah it's a load of old baloney mate know cuz I'm I messaged not that Arman guy didn't I and he's obviously messaged them and they've got oh just send yeah yeah yeah yeah I re it's all yeah Nick Gray nice to be back at mthl shrock 105 great to see you doing the show today thank you 105 Alistair Bur audio's been considering the win thank you carry out essential works in the evening mate at midnight not flipping 11:00 in the morning you dumb bunch of that's why I that's why I call it I'm calling bsgp I don't shadrock Alistair B RAV H good morning de Davies Alan Lee from a calm Newcastle way uh Ben Brown good morning to you Ben who's seen the new emirats at the Dubai air show oh tell us more Ben go on S uh Marcus G uh you tell him to stop blowing on the mic just landed on gttn R 15 minutes holding poppington today was too bumpy it wasn't too bumpy good job by the VA Pilots Graham mclan there we go oh Paul the PLS Mrs Debbie's getting a load of stick today it's not her fault poor old Debbie anyone with Debbie with the name Debbie yeah it goes from one sort of like you know flipping I think I might have to turn the mic around should I turn the mic around okay all right give him a load of stick mate I'm on me own wow Wade Perry South is nice Andy P Rachel vanzela Tony Rivers Paul Martin M mam good morning to you rob ashplant scroll to the bottom of the chat morning everybody hope you're doing well mythical mermaid loving the views of Concord this morning isn't she a beautiful old bird such a classic jetliner and um yeah Paul Jones has gifted a membership thanks Paul Randy Bush bound good morning from Palm Springs but it's not windy there oh nose down attitude there still got it flaring it oh go around yeah that was a bit odd it now let's wait for the gear to go up I think that was windsh that was called windsh no no it wasn't Gear's going up now so let's pilot and ju go around number one tick it off go B it sorry about oh so he would have reported back to ATC wow this is a constant win now man hey look alali in the old Livery hey you way hey hey forget about it so obviously uh maybe one of their uh one of their Jets being uh offline due to the uh engine issues easy swing it there we go no problem for the Italian hey it's easy it's easy you know that was from clona that ba uh 72 I don't know if how what it's worth me talking cuz you can probably bleed not hear me can you I don't know so just talk to yourself we 747 This Global Airlines wants to disrupt the transit atlantico it won't try disrupt it trust me uh uh bi operating food creation it's not going to happen uh it's not going to happen we 747 um I don't I don't really honestly I I will I I am in the process of built of of growing a hat um and when that first shut [Music] up great St beautiful Zod 424 anybody else got the Concord Lego set I so I'd imagine excuse me I'd imagine there'll be a few uh Christmas presents being opened this uh this Christmas with the uh excuse me uh with the um a Concord uh out air btic have ordered aurther 382 2300s wow they obviously love their aircraft don't they Deborah Peterson is a new member welcome uh Patterson sorry Deborah good morning to you good morning everywhere Philip Lowry no GL no wind in Glasgow uh oh this is A3 uh 767 400 behind him lining up easy pilot manipulating the throttles here we go straight on the ezy oh there we go right on the 1000 ft Mark nicely done okay what happens if I turn the mic around folks let me just try this is that better is that better can you hear me better now sath is nice em a deal Cafe Pacific Airlines Dallas good day to you Charlie or Gro oh we can e just fine should I just turn it around again then I just thought that but uh maybe it might be uh Anne hodkinson loud and clear uh Deborah Davies Elizabeth Campbell Jones and fing fettel today here we go all right I'm going to scroll it to the Bottom now uh we got Deborah Patterson didn't we oh it's worse oh okay I'll turn it around again look at the outboard adorons folks I know I think off and on about it but said hopeway down I I get it down there we go there we go there we go nice oh yeah oh yeah in boms good morning to you Randy bus bow Su Cruz Deborah Davies Flappy noise yes piano keys Brian ster Phil Sky sounded better now that's their new 220 isn't it hello hello Robert Ashwood JC Phil Sky sh shut f Dian 78 good morning to you working and lurking M red sounds very blustery well that's because it is Andy Pete Brian Stewart yeah very simple liy on the bul area a less time in the paint shop I guess and again it you know in terms of the layers and cutting and all that sort of stuff it would definitely mean less time in the workshop in the Paint Shop Mia has gifted a membership lovely thing to do mia thank you very much indeed rang G has been gifted of membersip okay sort of like this uh it's this uh point at which it you know it's it gets quite bumpy but like uh like we were told not too bumpy on the way down it's because mainly because it's a well it is a southwesterly there is a little bit of a crosswind element in there isn't there whoa sure about that one was that ly I think it was wasn't it Steve Vincent gifted a membership thanks Steve um looking at trying to get ourselves out to Frankfurt this Wednesday folks believe it or not um put the call in Stand by so didn't send it oh my God oh my God serious man are you serious oh man oh my God oh my God it's just unbelievable unbelievable I'll be honest with you no surprise though no surprise have they got have they got tra have they got have they got information on who took the call and who did the order surely they will cuz they that that person needs reprimanding oh dear oh dear oh dear you just can't rely on anyone these days can you you really can't who where is he there we go here we oh he's going to have another go oh fair play big round of applause big round of applause man watch that one one back what that one back yeah and we just nearly had another one oh fair play Rant incoming Goose uh yes it's got to be done Goose uh lak and Heath don't worry about the burger my friend um we're all good there but I definitely want to get myself back up to laking a military show is way over that was yeah the passengers would have felt It Go like a bit like a sort of like a roller coaster going uphill downhill sort of thing two land is right oh and hodkinson go around is two out well that was a that was a a bit of a go around fair play touched he touched wow yeah fair play quite High there is he s ah got it got it got it oh oh oh nicely done skills that's a lot of inertia that you're dealing with there folks as soon as that aircraft touches the ground and all the white all the all the all the lift is gone from the from the wings and it's a no longer a flying machine the there's a significant amount of inertia that's being moved around you know that that on the wheels so that's why you feel it sort of like you know uh snaking from left to right when you land I love it man I love it I mean I wouldn't even mind if had a little Excursion off the side of the runway cuz uh they're very safe these airplanes um like it just a little just just just one wheel off just one and then back on the runway hey M mam as nice landing bit of charm good morning everyone hope you're well Bobby Fitz Simmons in the house CLA Bear yeah what do what what do what oh oh [Music] oh oh let's see if this is this is the go around is it this is the go around he's having another go come on S yeah come on there you go nicely done it's quite smashy wouldn't it Steve Lacy spy walks this was the 321 that had the go around yes goodday uh from Nighttime in warm tropical Northern Australia Glenny J good day to you Glenny J hope you're well mate Nick Gray hats boss soty UK Nick class twist boss that one Rachel vanel Michael White has gied five memb thanks Michael Swiss a321 hey uh who's going to be able to um confirm whether it is or it isn't uh in a second wait a minute oh float it float it yeah nice yeah um eer somebody uh yesterday on um on Twitter or uh LinkedIn one of the two posted pictures of the iter 321 cabin and um it's amazing they've got business class um uh um uh premium um and economy and it is just amazing I don't and and the the guy who posted it said do you know of any other 321 operator that has a three class cabin in it I was thinking maybe that uh Jet Blue maybe had it for their transatlantic stuff but I don't think I've ever seen an interior like that on an a321 absolutely beautiful 33 neon TR 7,000 these are high he's high man like you need to think about getting that thing on the ground oh I he's a long way down the runway he's a long way down go on son yeah no fear man no fear oh little bit of a Lurch on wow that was a long time getting that left wheel down or the front set um big load of reversa Ellis chernof American Airlines on their trans Continental flights uh what 321s 321 NEOS transcontinental 321s on the Transcontinental talking about 321s here yeah Ellis uh Steve Parker uh L doing great things Jerry really working hard these days uh pares Bob sha booy meta uh uh winds from 2 5° 24 knots with gusts up to 35 excellent um yeah American uh Shamrock 105 oh Air Lingus do have a three class configuration okay when I talk about three class folks I'm talking about the lay down seats yeah uh the amazing laydown seats not just uh you know comfy seating I'm talking about lay down seating that you [Music] have wow that's a strong win man yeah Rachel van a serious wheelie on the left Mains it was was was actually on the right Mains wasn't it and then the uh well I guess yeah on the left Mains was up uh right what Mains were down Nick Gray nice picture on Twitter of new7 freight conversion for for Keta oh uh RB M Plano a 321 t on American for transcontinental so thank you uh for that and uh apologies to um Ellis for uh I didn't realize that I wasn't aware of that to W call me boys uh so there we go so it is American on transcontinental transcontinental American 321s on transcontinental so what he talks about that what what roots are those transcontinental uh uh services on forgive me for asking and being ignorant about it old man knuckle old man kn he just David 747 loving the stream from Australia Wicked wind love it thanks mate uh on on on eer oh was it for class oh sorry my apologies it's four class folks it was only three images though is that se two classes in one image or something maybe okay four classes folks yeah yeah four classes ladies and gentlemen of the EA [Music] 321 so not three classes my apologies so I definitely think that trumps um the American jets and any other ones that are running a three class configuration and Harris shooting from Northern California Mama Todd good morning Lee M never noticed the Concord sitting there before it's not the model one from the roundabout is it no it's not it's certainly not uh the model one from the roundabout is at Brooklyn's mum it's the gate Guardian at Brooklyn's Museum do we have a uh he's just crossing in he um yeah that is um one of the original Concords alha Bravo yes I did I think I might have retweeted it actually I don't know rexed it there we go four class 321 Neo with eer sorry business premium economy economy plus and economy how about that in eer 321s suit to um I don't know if they're going to have that configuration on the London route though are they it's going to be uh the Long Haul routes isn't it I say Long Haul dead butl good morning to you oh Debbie ha dead Butler it's all your fault so James D Tech question if anyone can help uh oh how do I slow the mouse down it's quite simple go to your mouse settings on your computer sir and then you can change speed B of a crosswind I've got a bit of a wind cheer then 29 knots gusting 39 knots but looten apparently luia American Ain have L flat seats on the 31 transcontinental well Lucio like I was saying just now it's a four class configuration on eus 321s Sarah Parry I wonder if uh oh oh oh go on there you go brilliant brilliant it's that moment when it looks like it's going to go around in it heyy um yeah I wonder if uh just on on a technical from a technical stand Point whether General Electric and Pratt Wy were given the option of developing an engine uh a new engine for the uh oh wow the go out right okay um yeah whether Pratt Whitney and General Electric were offered the option to supply engines for you need to get off the Runway here M you need to get off the Runway he's is turning he's turning crisy yes it was a four class my apologies I'm going to get I'm I'm just coming to the comments now where everyone's correcting me so uh thank thanks crispy Brad windy like Melbourne on a strong Northerly Jess hum good morning to you just join what are we seeing wind's W in this pretty Cal here in cornall yeah um well about 30 knots plus gusting we believe uh as you can hear the sock is um presenting itself what rather well today isn't it a strong post that isn't it uh Chris nun and air lingers 321 has full lay flat beds in them as well yeah uh I'm understanding all of that in terms of the uh in terms of the um business class configuration for the Long Haul route um but eer has trumped them all with a four class configuration amazing looking seats as well very looks very very comfortable I can you can almost smell the new car smell uh from just looking at the pictures look at them Shamrock 105 and it's not that expensive on a lingers they uh are they doing the New York doing the New York rout are they uh Dublin I think on the 321 Neo bit of John blustery here in Northern irelands going 30 m kilom peral what's it like further north don't know Goose fry air had three classes sitting standing and left behind Rob BL that's brilliant Goose uh Jeffrey Phillips Jeffrey Phillips if lay if lay down is a is a class two class okay so uh that's interesting is that why uh is that why JetBlue is so expensive because they have uh high class am right Bob sh you see that oh easy so you see the FL white surfaces on the wings look who yeah little see if you're a nervous flyer I would understand a bit of White Knuckle there to be honest with you um because Laura Maloney very windy in the sad wow Cheryl Howard it's official I an AI introduced 2 a.m. okay so nothing out with the volcano yet then it's not going to do it while you're watching is it hey so it's uh showing a lot of skills these boys and girls uh Lucky Luke not this time mate um obviously you know we're on a we're on a time schedule buy H Hoy hell hey hey M say think I'd rather be on an A380 in these conditions well even the big uh even the big jets um are just as much susceptible to uh to gusts and uh Crosswinds and all that kind of stuff uh we've seen it many many times before con and I don't mind a bit of win these boys and girls I've had a couple of bumpy approaches in the dubling that's for sure oh man River when it's a constant wind it's actually not so much an issue it's it's when it when you get a sudden gust he Kevin Beasley Dubai a show started today um trip 7 x yeah well I can't think that Boeing would uh would not fly the the um the trip 7x into the Dubai a show it's got to be the sort of like you know um you know in terms of displays uh in terms of you know um IE candy I'd say the tri 7x is going to be the the major puller at all all places isn't it but 707 oh I oh yes I've seen it I've seen it yeah yeah oh man we got to get we yeah yeah we that's St is it an hour before you know you there um Joe magio is going to head off white see you Joe yeah the uh the 380 uh sorry the 78 the Triple 7 K right 7 x is obviously a showcase isn't it at any air show uh because people are just fascinated by you know the look of it in on ster but in uh in reality you know the big question that um you know have Boeing gone to the Dubai air show armed with new dates to say right cuz cuz the the the you know the uh The Operators are going to be like well when is it coming man it's already like two or three years late in it um Drew Down on here gifted a membership thank you drew down on here uh that's very kind of you my friend um whereas you know the likes of Airbus even with their freighter uh they're able to um you know sign orders and uh uh commit to those orders whereas I'm hoping that whoa easy son now that wind came from a different place I got a wind shear then man why didn't I get a wind shear warning oh oh yeah Big Al's flying I need to tie this off from that side I it's on the wrong side okay she's tied off sorry about that creating on approach okay heavy underc Carriage all that wind whistling through those uh under Carriage just uh creates a hell of a lot of turbulence and um Michael White skip to the memb thank you Michael would big noow panic because of the conditions in the padic unfortunately obviously you know obviously if I could make the paddock I would do the paddock but you know you know I got a dirty great big van and you're talk talking about a dirty great big field with lots and lots of mud at the uh at the gate point at the Gate entrance so uh and I don't want to get stuck in it simple as that Jack fan T say man yeah look at that R movement man nailed it yeah she's down man ain't nothing going to stop her now yeah I wonder whether uh pratton Whitney and um and uh General etching were given the option of uh manufacturing or supplying a uh a revised engine for the A330 Neo um or whether Rolls-Royce would just like you know given the option and they just said you know what why don't we just do an exclusive right across the board stop all the messing about just do Rolls-Royce I don't know what the story was behind that to be honest with you fared Abed good day lean James any proms doing all have a look on Flight Radar 24 and have a look folks let us know Emma deal Darren Nichols darl Nichols I say darl I did didn't I I did Rachel vanel the mighty Logan a should be doing so poor old Daryl get it right he needs to change the name on the on the on his on his thing to just like d e r d a r e and then dot dot dot l l or something oh start up S St rangi cyia selic J D A320 Neo B a better world liery through out do you know where you going to Nathan pulling that will cost 8 Fred vanal great to have an extra show today thank you big jet TV thank you Fred for supporting us this is flu Air Canada in next and it's abandoned triple oh oh okay well we'll give you that one sort of jumped off the step there didn't he Nigel Gale ATC busy today lots of aircraft in the holding patterns and he P up watching from can of truck on my break can of truck is that at the ti HC sewing and snakes good morning flying is fine just look at The Blacklist and avoid cheap dodgy Airlines and you will be okay Blacklist CL yet wow no oh like alond f f no man oh Andy that's fantastic mate I don't know if he's watching but his mom has sent us an email and he was on the uh Steven sorry oh sorry Brad was on the 3A let me start that whole thing again email from Steven uh who is Brad's dad Brad was on the A380 uh he'd been out in San Fran Francisco uh mixing and armman Van buan um uh some music uh which is just awesome man cuz he's one of my favorite artists uh van buen but anyway um he's not but but anyway he said the turbulence was so bad on the 380 on approach this is the first one that we caught coming in people were uh throwing up on the approach I'd have been like yeah but not with someone hurling up behind me or in front of me at least it wasn't a line of poo Anonymous uh Chilean sanky Simon Morris um yeah no calendar Simon you know why because we go to all the trouble of making it and we'll sell about 10 of them um yeah it would be screenshots as well they wouldn't look very good we're not we're not into photography love photography don't get me wrong love love seeing people's photography but you know it have to be a moment from one of our shows and oh it's just you know it's just a lot of a lot of yeah jge wants to see the wind po Lorenzo there it is J Danny c train Andrew's tuning in from Perth Australia good day to you mate uh madira Aviation spotting good day to you have a deal Jillian sanki Petros from a misty Orlando wow CL don't Google what oh God yeah yeah I turn that e CH that eat chip I was going to say analia still in the old Alitalia liy in it have they taken the uh words Alitalia off of a fuselage I did play vanan on one of the uh lockdown shows didn't I on the quizzes wasn't it on the quizes yeah oh no it's still got anatalia r on it it's quite surprising that they haven't sort of like they brought this thing out of moth balls or it's just obviously still operating it um yeah got you yeah joh p again again I can't think we'd sell very very [Music] many Alan Brook sked Advent look at the ad look at the this is that amazing all computer controlled BOS nice ever deal favorite 380 Andrew picking lots of lots of 380s today Lisa Bin's Carol cupcake watching on my lunch break you're enjoying it big ass playing you want a being thrown all over the place and you sh yeah I know what he's talking about I know what he's saying little ping Glenny J hear the throttle modulation on finals yeah um he's talking about um the pilot sort of like modulating the throttles just uh just teasing the the throttles to uh to to to to maintain the speed um of of the aircraft just to keep it on that on that approach speed um it's quite critical you know if you land or if you try to land like even five knots faster than you should be landing the thing's going to float and float and float and float or you can have struggle actually you know getting it on the ground Mel White was it big or okay Su Freeman Rober Ash come on everybody Dar Aviation SP that engine is nice Eng 10 m me thick that cowling composite material there folks 10 mil thick at least um when I've knocked on the um and felt the uh the carbon on a GX engine um on an old 747-8 that was with um cargo logic many moons ago uh saabir what altitude do pilots deploy the landing gear well to be honest with you saber it's down to the pilots discretion however um there is uh you know um you know you'd be crazy to sort of like do it now um I think there's a there's a minimum but uh the likes of emirats as a company uh encourage their um their pilots to extend the gear around about uh anything from you know 5 to 7 m out I think it is you know um maybe a little bit less but um oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh goodness me Al car worth what went around oh you know what I was wondering I I did see some yeah oh BL that's typical is it yeah that we had a rogue Landing just now folks and it went around oh the fun of the fair outside outside come on girls the louder you stream the faster we go just 50p ride come on girls I know it used to be would it just 15b a ride hold on TI hold on TI yeah they're trying to clear the backlog aren they he and Hannah landing on the other r way yeah got the old uh we got the wind uh rushing over here and then as you can appreciate if it's a it's a uh Northern Runway touchdown see these that big car park there which is very old and these big old um sheds here that's the height that they used to be uh they're the original maintenance um sheds um and that's the bolop section the Sandy colored struct gold HW Road parallel Landings well not so much but they are they are I think they they're trying to clear a little bit of backlog because of um oh Easy Come On Son there we go I think that's associated with a little bit too much speed Jack Van Jack's Van Halen we're just mentioning Delta incident I've Just Seen A new story of someone who wouldn't stop singing We said somebody was obviously cuz then he'd be asked to shut up but if he's huming like Mark Razer is a new member welcome Mark get involved in the chat folks don't uh don't be shy that's for sure Ethiopian frea [Music] well I disagree CU I've been told by a captain that sometimes when you see them float that is sometimes down to the fact that they're carrying a little bit whoa check that gear pck making sure that one son um yeah I was told by a a captain um that uh sometimes when you see the aircraft floating a little bit too much it's it's either ground effect or uh or or or you know especially in a direct headwind element um uh that they may be carrying a little bit too much speed and of course it is a it is a a difficult well not difficult but it is something think that they have to weigh up isn't it you know approach speed uh and wind speed because uh too little approach speed in the aircraft will drop uh too rapidly uh too much speed and the aircraft is is is not Landing within its limits Dean Bella Simon Morris 10 tons of rubber there Fred burnell's BOS I'm down candy [Music] Dandy w wow look at the Flappy on those wings man oh oh oh oh mate if you get that down oh Fair Play What a recovery mate wow that was windsh was it hey wow wow man oh the cabin crew asked her to stop it was loud enough um Jack Halen saying it was loud enough that she was asked to down by she must have had head headphones on and like an elderly lady with headphones on doing car things uh making reference to uh his Lord Jesus Christ Jill per uh car North now go holy moly Mrs H Jack's gaming channel oh my god dog also mentioning Jesus Christ Jack's Van Halen wo Toby F five cheese and rice yes Simon Morris has gifted a membership thank you Simon that was pretty crazy man that was pretty crazy your big wing of that Triple 7 being caught there mark Razer again a new member welcome Mark get involved in the chat folks you want to get involved ask any question L Bell bit of Chunk Rob gold horn PR Landing them now think we'll just uh see Parker skills yeah behind me wow that was gnarly man that was Rob JFC Marie Michelle Simon Gardner Nico well play yes I was right you know 60 million people 66 million people at heo a year I think their record in 2019 was 701 or 72 million passengers uh through Heath Row in one year folks get that isn't that an incredible achievement um so you got to give uh these big international airports a little bit of credit uh when they have um when they have delays or uh you know issues with whatever it might be okay so katar a bit sympathy as well man cuz these uh all the people it is literally like running a city big flying he's got it he's got it he's got it well I don't know I don't know yeah he's got it he's got it there he is wow 10 kilos of DL it's quite interesting when I uh when I was taxiing out the other day and we um and we uh did a um intersecting departure you can see as we uh as we turned onto the runway uh the touchdown Zone the thickness of the rubber was actually quite uh quite impressive I've got to say um which is why they have to they've got these amazing machines you know that are uh water jet powered or whatever Andy law thank you so much sir Andy has gifted 10 memberships thank you Andy thank you to everybody and Ed Fernandez has also gifted five memberships thank you Andy Ed sorry I think that uh these uh Pilots are are most definitely being um advised to be on their very best behavior no just be aware that um oh there we go there we go candy Dy cargo plane uh talking possibly about the Ethiopian jet his parked Tu there opening the uh open the main cargo deck door now Jill Perry I'm guessing the big Emirates Boe order has already been discussed no I know that um I know that Ben was in the house earlier on uh is he still here oh no that's not Leon de love the wind sound of the mics adding to the drama there we go you see arene Jasmine is a return has gifted five memberships thank you arene that's very kind of you see I've never never spoke to before no arene this a lovely gesture sit I I'm begging of you please don't say my man I I I sorry sorry Al lead GG now that I've been gifted a memb I'm going to get addicted to this channel I think you will mate M Era Aviation SP David sounds windy it is windy GG nice landing ke trenchard my client is arriving on the aan flight 3602 at 330 uh Keith they'll be switching runways at 3:30 onto the northern Runway for rals M Horner CL twist AO Arrow Tony River's been dropped to the back of the Que Now he definitely needs a radio 2 uh station though didn't he Jeffrey Phillips much windier than storm Kieran Laura yours yeah don't take GJ w45 andan chamers my thoughts on Humanity have gone up today from being gifted memberships oh Alan that's good that's good so roundabout now is the uh point of which it starts to get proper bumpy now yeah DJ watches the inbound fls about 10,000 ft over his house and I watch them land at he thr not High Ground oh easy oh sinkr sinkr oh nicely done Philip Lowry when does the storm Peak well uh look at that man bleeding Triple 7 which is a monstrous aircraft sit next to an A380 makes it look like a little 321 it P Up full up big gra CG GG sorry him he mean send you a chef of what 1990 gusting 46 means approach speed 14 knots higher than normal monor chevra M where m is it I think uh I'm sorry n gusting 46 is what it is right now wow approach speed 14 knots higher which is what we were talking about earlier you need a slightly higher approach speed because of the fact that if you worked to maintain that speed you'd lose height I'm guessing is that right m is that how you spell m then on oh is it okay sorry forgive my ignorance I do apologize terrible at fren St CL said yes you have you have missed a go around and a couple of proper dodgy ones as well josephin F best cure for a fever and a coughing cold um a hope you're feeling better Heather be Mike and Tav ever ordered 55 new trip 79s wow okay 35 78 wow so Emirates have really put their faith in um in Boeing then that's wow that's pretty massive isn't it 55 new Tri 7 9 as in the tri 7 x that is that's crazy man and 35 Triple 7 800s which is quite surprising got a brand new member Tracy H is a returning member actually she's a four striper welcome back Tracy lovely to see you here hope everybody's doing well everything uh everything's tied down at the moment let's do a class to 5 534 and get one free triple seconds that's that's a serious order that is 55 X's so I have uh easy they have ordered the 351,000 haven't they um uh Emirates as far as I'm aware uh Ben Brown Bloomberg yes today um uh I think said every also trying to come to a deal with Airbus for more 350s not sure how much there is in that now okay coming to a trying to come to a deal for more air but say 350s him he me Simon Morris Tony I wonder if their plans for routing of flight case the runs turn into something uh well they will there will be um plans in place for that Tony I think I would imagine so re-rooting aircraft but uh involve much longer route wouldn't it because Iceland is you know they'd have to bring them all over the Atlantic but if the cloud was to drift South that's where the problems lie isn't it because it would be like a wall literally a barrier really I guess Steven Smith um good day to you welcome back upgraded to Prem sure how that work anyway Got Back need to uh try and become a connoisseur of oh look at that sink R man that is a that is definitely a fast approach isn't it wow Jenny Carver welcome Jenny Carol cupcake Michael Barrett can see what oh really hey got it David [Music] H also announced fly Dubai hold with 30 Dreamliners wow you know what I'm happy for Boeing someone landing on com out 767 7067 Stuart Lawson welcome back Stuart and rcg is a new welcome rcg the first two Ls of yeah yeah yeah Evo good CL welcome back Evo what was that got something flash Eng almost like the camera almost like the camera wanted to go off for a second please don't skilly Martin in good afternoon everybody hope you're doing well hold on tight gusting 40 plus apparently here L Neo easy easy oh good there you go Jordan Charlie um American airines one of the best deliveries in his opinion okay can I just uh can I just put people's um I want I want I'm going to I'm going to show you or I'm going to let you hear what it's like without the mic cover on ready so that shows you uh how effective the dead it's called a dead cat although it had to be a very little dead cat so there you go stop Jordan Charlie C coming up yeah there you go cheese and rice yeah yeah it just goes to show folks how efficient the uh the mic cover is yeah one to Chance is fur balls no easy easy get it lined up big engines on the Neo of course that be uh oh he's he sing great there you go there you go nicely done dead cat converter him he me I don't think it'd be very effective oh this guy looks like he's struggling man this guy looks like he's struggling man he's not a happy bunny this one look or lady whichever W that was a big gust big shouldn't have had that extra bit of pizza this guy's not looking too happy oh here we go look right at the end going to straighten it up pop it straight on the wrong way oh oh mate I'll tell you what a fair play but really wow that was kind of crazy man top Drake great C very funny allow me to show you the dance of my people I thought that was going to be a go around 737 on high speed approach clearly see how much faster that approach speed is with that 737 wow stuck that one atsp Mike wind direction 240 17 kns gusting 27 knots 15° Centigrade moderate turbulence on 1 mile final so they're just entering that point now GCL M because i' to read comments thanks for the info thanks for the info folks John Davies bit heavy Steve bucking spe London he 38 and 72 mph Bel hit me Meo messing about St Clon should have been wor uh Snickers uh Snickers sketches might be a bit difficult with sckers on your feet AR you you never know embrace it embrace it and enjoy it wow good Swing Man good swing good late swing W lipping egg lordy out come on quickly keep going wind keep going keep going come on come on keep it going keep it going don't die on me don't die on me yeah that's fast man look how fast that is nice Mike speak the singing sales welcome back Mike good to see you here spood salesman oh it look like he had a big smile in his faing well strapped down folks it's quite mile got say it's 15° up there oh C CH heading to ja okay I tell you what yeah W fire bit right coming this way free right just put captions Charlotte SL welcome back Lippy egg liquid egg f for C egg a oh yeah it's difficult mate I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine thanks yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you thanks Jordan thanks for your offer not good thank you chill Parry AR Arrow where's more town today likes to play with big guys yeah GG fining serious blustery man much more than the other day it get still over here it's not still up there oh inside he oh oh little Tippy Toe there now nicely done oh man I got to say if you're a nervous fly at the only point of of an of a of of a flight where you're like oh I don't like this I don't like this but you know it's over in second you on the ground and then blah blah blah oh [Music] h a that right stand yeah with a pop from the roads sanitation education is that realit that oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh slipping it oh don't oh I've got flick again JY I got flick again what's going on okay all right all right Charlotte Phillips Lin did I get Charlotte as a returning member welcome back Charlotte and the 38s look amazing in the sky they do don't they oh you should have heard me before I came on there I wasn't having fun can tell you puts me in a better place doing this I tell you yeah yeah seasoned Vier a sh there's a bed down no up attitude there Scandinavian yeah JP Krauss Shannon liid egg s Paul prober good afternoon to you Paul poor old stits can't keep up getting oh nicely recovered covered there going in a little bit hot but uh back Jordan charie unit here loing an elevator Jil Rivier shoting in from Paris good afternoon to you Jil isue with that d gear was stuck there for a second oh Li me it's all over the place look Li me riy look at that going on little fell yeah there you go there you go you got it you got it wow that was crazy the uhan I've had a few bumpy um a few bumpy climb mounts in my time I can tell you uh they're looking pretty bumpy there though I've got to say man yeah look at that very ke to get themselves out through that cloud base get up it's a cruise altitude at s finette can fuy of super see there's that easy that keyboard Jil sounds like you're playing flipping drums on a load of sawu spoons it's fake brilliant wow very clever is it it's fake okay I think this is the got in it on it chees but yes that's very true take off still very heavy aren't they still they are this is Jesus Christ now that one Donald uh back to back 351000 there we go pro yeah yeah she's she's she's weepy windows isn't she look at the uh look at the um stal you can see her ribs you can see the ribs on the uh on the wings there she's looking very very I mean you know it's all it is all superficial stuff folks it's all like uh just just Moss you know it's it's literally M I'm afraid to say but uh yeah you leave an aircraft standing out on a on an Airfield for any specific amount of time and uh you know they will always start to look a little bit is there someone in there hey J see office blue blow in y ni sun is shining in the sky see how the clouds shine brightly on shoulder day it's so beautiful today hey wow I st went into a sto there if you know what I mean obviously didn't but you know just because of the strong headwinds that was crazy Sky please tell us why you had to away for so long so long Vince GS Concord New York's Concord getting a makeover um well you know what uh the trouble is Vince like I've said so many times before if you uh if you clean that conord today it will be literally a month uh before it starts looking the same again American jet almost looks like he's got a a different tail delivery doesn't it he de what is uh what is see old um uh you know what you call it s see office blue yes Mr miss one go around and a couple of very near misses and a few proper dodgy ones as well Mark Garner yes appreciate what to say Mark but uh space it's just something that's not possible here here of course Manchester you know they're able to do it because they have the uh the runway visitors Park which is a fantastic facility um but it is a standalone facility which is you know on private land and um you know unless they unless somebody with a lot of money was able to build a facility here and turn around to British Airways and say look you know I'll tell you what we'll we'll take your Concord off your hands and we'll um and we'll give it a new home they probably say no um at least it's there at least it's there let's be Gary sipthorp bonus M to catch up live feet got to get ready for take care Gary fing the dodgy Landing over a departure maybe say Virgin Media Virgin Media think would like to know what you think of then I to see the last that's the first two lines I'll tell you what I think of goes into a datab base in it no no human sees it to pointless absolutely pointless great fanel yes um I think we would all be um happy to uh to lend a hand um I think we'll all be happy to lend a hand at cleaning uh the Concord uh but as you can appreciate and understand um you know you can't just have volunteers wandering around the uh the Airfield uh ously but not that they would not that we would we would be happy to be you know in a controlled environment it's all fed off which is so you know uh space like I say space is at a premium here at London Heath R um for for British Airways and uh you know unfortunately over the years that uh that Concord has just become a uh sort of Dumping Ground for um for uh steps and um and and other vehicles and things like that you know uh is a great shame but uh it is the way it is John Dayton has gifted 10 big jet TV memberships thank you uh John that's very very kind of you James sorry James sorry my friend James datting I repeat James D has GI it 10 ramps Thanks James this is catar 350 if it's a 10 a 1,000 or a if I say 900 it's going to be that th000 in it so I'll just say it's a 350 is it St in a little bit look at that Wing flexing [Music] man wow thumb that was down it it fish didn't went on brookens yeah it's a great exhibit but uh when you walk up the steps into the Concord of Brooklyn's uh you'll see the week uh and fuselage are just as grubby as as this one that we're looking at here Rob Ash looks like half the speed of the 737 did didn't it in Mar just 350 old man yeah you're right you're right it is such a sad end hey they did something did they uh unlike the jumbos which have uh I believe there are still a couple of 747 3 ba 747s that are uh that are that are uh at um terroll isn't it the uh why that is if they have uh put them out to Tender for uh freigh conversions don't oh CL be like about 5 747 a r that means I must have plans for them see car again unfortunately qr7 parked on the a314 EAS Le a38 line Simon Morris 838 carry w uh thousands what a cold shot oh Michael K good afternoon to you is doing well you forite to dou mon for you m sure wag dos elevated yeah Captain annabis I know what you're saying the only problem is you know is is the infrastructure parking and so on and so forth although saying that you could uh dedicate a uh a small part of the uh of the parking area down there for uh for people to have a walk through area uh which would then have that DRS around up have that as a uh like oh easy easy come on the Irish should know how to do this should they this one's all over the G no no no no no no play fair play all in the day work there don't what you talking around it's absolutely vo little bit of a breeze there love to see it happen Captain anubus uh TR trust me I would love to see it happen um and you know his person it's actually soit his uh next children just power there again done it again looking those zapper on man yeah all the uh ground spoilers oh so working as uh flight surfaces flight control surfaces that is nice SP of B there that 1350 don't Road Landing the pilot should Runway you need to get on the runway get up the wrongway some the WR way interesting only the uh I he's f Anthony Manel good after to you force wow look at the way that that just reaching up over the terminal building man it's insane is it Charlie No7 today there's one parked up down at that's about it Jan it's intense today Tim Johnson shut a window will you there free blowing in there son hey you going be front in you hey sh than sh got steady this way got steady this one will they won't they come on turn the volume down a little bit cuz the wind's so insane check check one two let me hear it he me he the wind but it's bleeding windy is it why wind shut up yeah yeah yeah yeah but it should be hard hard to hear me cuz he's cuz he's windy and it makes it more intense does it I'm not toing I'm Shou the only thing I could do is turn the mic around I did that earlier and people were like no it's too loud now or it's worse turn the M around turn the mic around come on right what's thaten how's that well just tell me how that is J [Music] that's that's all about that's what it's all about the wind the wind the wind the wind is you know makes is it like know you know go watch so mate that that wind's too much I can't watch this I can't watch this you know this what it's all about is it come wait easy easy oh oh it's funny see look look at the wind over there look at the wind in it see how buy the entrance to the P was see that big load of slot there that's what I have to drive through and I do not want to get stuck in it D Dam nearly did last time I was there and I don't want to do it uh [Music] okay yeah twin boo memor 380 here and Hannah you two super twin boo Sid cheese love the winds you see little bit of manipulation on those elevators I like that ay shock yes hot mess Mama pick some cherry with the wi okay who Andy Williams in this time is he work for Ford then does he work for Ford does Andy Williams work for Ford I thought he rank I thought he wrote songs I like watching was morning until I think it'sing me so a Learning lesson thing going on over there back to back triple SS D it is thank you I John H this is l wow look we've had a show haven't we we got a show out of it be back to the pic don't you worry your pretty little heads about it we'll be back oh really Andy I'm more than interested in um replacing the van mind you I need to show it to you first because it's been molded by horses literally what other bits and Bobs that um GG laam is Latin American Festival of creativity bloody miles away killing t spotter latan from Brazil exactly 11 hours that flight some learning lessons going on down there I think that might be uh they um possibly loading operations maybe learning about uh loading operations sorry who oh awesome Ana Pokémon Livery 20 minutes out like it that's a special one isn't it we need we need dark great we need it we need it to be overcast when it comes fast we need it overcast yeah we need Cloudy Skies when she comes past cuz otherwise it's just going to show a couette hopefully she do a go around TTFN see off this blue I know not TT TTFN to T for now Def now you see down there folks see that uh see that yellow that's a remote controlled tug right there the chances are it's got his own Twitter page or whatever it is isn't it that's a remote control tug so I think this is a Learning lesson down here for these folks here learning how to um operate the uh the loading procedures it's good there is it come on Caleb uh-oh excuse me BL me out very pleas blowing me nose and I'm dying yeah yeah that's it it's all over there's uh there he is come to take me away oh come to the lights Jerry for blowing your nose appreciate your uh concerns folks all in all uh honesty and um seriousness I'm absolutely fine it's just uh sometimes when you're standing in one place and you uh and you got the wind permanently blowing in your face it uh does create the sniffles and I do apologize uh for the uh [Music] sniff Mar in the a it's a 7 8 10 in it I think is that 10 10 Ruby cable good afternoon to you HGC KC 135 over top uh well I'm not going to say it loud who is it who's on on the chat the other day uh was yesterday was it um it was the uh a400m um and then I went to and then I went to sa pron one went over AO Arrow thank you my friend gifting five big jet TV memberships what a wonderful thing to do thank you sir Tom Elliot good afternoon everybody hope you're doing well if you've been gifted of membership take a little bit of time come back in and say thank you to your gift door as a [Music] gifty screaming emu we usually don't carry much carry don't much carry speed for steady slate wind Max we can carry is 10 knots the max i' ever car is five yeah what he's talking about there is the uh is the approach speed I'm guessing The Descent speed and also the the landing speed um sort of uh um uh uh different to what somebody was saying earlier on about like you know right about in high windy conditions could be anything up to 14 knots find that a little bit what um but um yeah most you can carrys on aircraft type as well um this is prly the important thing is to maintain that speed isn't it that's the crucial thing certainly don't want to go much lower than what you're uh oh way easy son get that straightened up SE just FL Margate United States a sue Taylor just got him from the night Shi didn't B it there it is there it is he hey Martin no coner does not still have its engines my friend wow me egg a liquid egg hurry hurry hurry oh the F of the F come Patrick criming thank you Patrick giveen wow stop that one down alpha bravo concrete boots um in all in all um you know seriousness uh what's his name was his name what was his name the fell who Andy Williams please uh email me um contact at bj. TV please uh let's have a chat my friend oh liquid egg Derek peacock has GI a memb thank you Derek very sh r five Ms oh 10t step Downs I know exactly what he's talking about there you're floating along the ground what I think that's see office blue as gifted aent thank you s very look at that for a wheelie yeah elevators right up look wow he F to blow the bloody doors off oh there you all right Dave got windsh Jerry stazy oh okay we have uh we've got an email in from from uh from a pilot's partner I wife I don't know uh Morgan's a brand new member welcome Morgan oh there's your step down there's your step down here it comes here it comes um lean white is a new member uh returning member sorry lean uh very warm welcome back to you so what was that GP virgin 350 Victor Eko from Lagos a fearless lady um named after Richard Branson's uh mother and we got Captain Mike Greer did you say Okay Captain Mike Creer um at the controls arriving at any moment Now isn't it 10 minutes out wow the wind's just died just stopped it's going to be very temporary that is I'd imagine no we don't want this sun don't want this sun no way Sun oh it's broken really bro opened up the cloud now works at Bristol airport when I'm going on the planes to work they sway side to side with this crazy [Music] St the key is to obviously reduce the reduce the uh you know reduce the speed is basically the thing you need to do uh cuz otherwise that plan's just not going to want to land is it just want to keep flying we have a ba 380 uh inbound folks as well it isier uh shanon wind still aoft yes it is look at this big L Arro Arrow we just got it for you mate Euro Aviation we had only thick fog hard wind and hard rain and Skip think F like a bit of that for some of that s got it down pretty got it down SQ 38 uh 308 Aiden C 32 minutes out the Singapore Slinger um might just make this run Roo parel an ugly old lum the3 I don't think so I think she's uh she's uh she's beautiful in her own ways I know what you're saying um luck 97 good day to you she's moving Li ever 380 Stuart Ross has gifted five memberships thanks stew uh Dylan Smith that one Air Cargo stand has only recently joined Fair Fleet and is a p2f passenger to Freight used to be with Air Canada and is now Freight is rewi his Jeep there quite some time ago though isn't it that uh her in all cure old FL didn't we he drove with one air I think quite sometime good CLE I see Rec Max good afternoon to you Max July 26 that one air jet that recently joined Toby skner easy easy easy line it up straighten it up there we go there it go let it go there we go thank you Dean for the info f yeah Hill Crest arpine or arpine sorry 380 next in oh just a speech HGC Sandy happy the of Euro Aviation TV it's wobbling just kid they me the Skinner 38 Thank You Toby oh would have felt [Music] that the whels man it's nuts in it whoa wow man that was heavy on the left yeah GG that big ba plane was an A380 G James melany uh learning so much about Aviation that's fantastic well learn we all learn together that's for sure but thank you my friend this is the Triple 7 the three 100 big foot sometimes wow look at that g905 BS no messing about GG this is a dreamline here my friend this one that we looking at right here behind it is the A380 VA 350 3 minutes out Steph saying this uh Ethiopian Traer that we caught coming in oh that's nice I like that James everyone is helpful yeah it's great great Community man we're so lucky it's like moving into a new house and having wonderful neighbors either side is it lovely neighbors I'm very fortunate to have very very nice neighbors quiet t spot of that Japan triple 7 13 hours and 14 minutes be a chi that's fair enough my friend you to Aviation you'll learn over time um all the different variant different types of aircraft um that used for short Hall Long Haul cargo this is a cargo jet right here with Ethiopian kind of says it on the ttin doesn't it but um a lot of a lot of airlines around the world having their own dedicated um cargo division um sometimes um not dedicated aircraft but um you know they you have a Freight division wow that was that was a pretty this is a dream liner just get her on the chat jisa and say thank you to her thank you to Lorraine and Sky no stepan uh Steven Cheeseman yes indeed um no windows I mean you know it's interesting some Freighters are conversions uh and therefore they still have the windows uh many Freighters still have the windows although they are blanked out um but um a pure freighter will not have any Windows well it will have one or two windows uh on the fuselage observation Windows more than anything else usually on the doors or whatever but uh yeah this is a pure freighter it's a it's a 200 variant it's got the ra wing tip of the uh 300 and uh always the Triple 7 200 freers powered by the um General Electric ge9 1115b most powerful um general electric engine uh currently flying 8 51,000 with Airways out by the TR xwb engine exclusively developed for the a350 program by Rolls-Royce selling like hot cakes in all those 350s but I'm have I'm very happy to hear that Emirates have uh signed for um 55 uh 79 and uh 35 perhaps uh triple 78 uh very happy to hear that because Boeing needed a little bit of a boost didn't they that will put uh that'll put a spring in their step out there in in America okay wine is at T4 heading to New York on a ba7 later uh Ken have a great trip my friend Aro Arrow St there's not a great deal out there I'm only got maximum two in the stack at anyone time yeah nothing spectacular in that department I'm afraid Ian Hannah there will be a SP switch over today [Music] Co son wow look she's low on the horizon early birdie Ireland UK and the Netherlands use the same names for storms but what could have been a storm in irland and UK might never reach the Dutch Coast at storm power thank you for that early birdie James Mel I don't know if the win pass that people oh G 1110s not 115s interesting it's the first time I've ever heard that uh said on the rating can't can't drate your engines but uh I was always told that the uh the um Triple 7 freighter were powered by the 115 BS but um SM down so Lo to break or something Shay sky is a new member welcome Shay and we have five gifted memberships by Matt Weaver thank you Matt you do oh Daniel Burns just seeing the Singapore Slinger over Essex hopefully she'll make it before the switch over virgin from Lagos 3 minutes out Miss VM Miss milm I think that is thank you Miss V milm okay D there's two ways you can uh become a member hit the dollar button isn't it dollar sign um and also um you can also enable gifting uh join uh you can enable gifting on your uh uh the link is pinned oh nailed it Pokemon yeah 01 oh out windows definitely not decrease so oh strong gusting now man yeah really we are so this is Captain Mike up next folks he's got a little hat on there very little at look what his little out look you got little at look there there there okay come on Captain Mike don't let us down misses is watching they mer number 7 FL Radar 24 CH bird thank you see if we get to number one before we uh before he lands there's a challenge for you folks come on number six come on 7,5 watching we should get to number one let's get captain M to number one folks yeah niled it many going to number five Sandy help be super smooth Landing he's out yeah that squirrel certainly has poor old Alan blessing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah poor old Alan go and go run cry run cry to Martin come off you go poor little lad it's not I thought we go for some W digital 24 number one interesting Miss V Mel thank you we going to get Singapore sleep on this round 10 minutes remaining you're p p yeah let let Jil show you what Alan said Alan the um insecure little man poor Alan we love it we love it when people come on crying on to uh crying on the show and it's so blly obvious where he's come from and all yeah we might be the most UN under subscri uh uh lowest subscribed channel uh folks but uh we are all our we are proud very proud that all of our um Channel subscribers are organic Channel subscribers we haven't purchased one single subscriber ever never will at all um whereas other people have to resort to that which is an unfortunate thing for them because they viewing figures are so low how can you have nearly half a million subscribers and only get 20,000 views 700,000 then whatever ever and then only get 26,000 views where does that how does that all work out you know it's not what you've got it's what you how you use it mate poor Alan or is it Martin should I say I don't bless him bless him sub thank you Joey stonean uh bblb has gifted a membership good to see you bblb hope you're well my friend he's good thank you just they they just open themselves up don't they oh obvious and then we get me size 10 out and booting down the road this is their 10 I think 787 oh that's is wow nice wallet Corum you got it step Shay Sky just joined what a great afternoon show thank you shay great to see you here along with all our new other new members if you've been gifted of membership or if you are an organically grown member a very welcome to you uh lovely to see you here returning members as well of course don't forget and of course all our fantastic members uh that have been with us for uh such a long time great to see you uh Kristen sorry Kristen Stein I think that is sorry Kristen has gifted five memberships thank you Kristen there's a little bit of a stack shot now Rick Freeman thanks Jerry Jilly uh Jerry and Jill shout out yesterday arrived in Maryland safe and sound after a great flight with ba thanks Rick glad we caught you mate great Bank shop wasn't it is it a good banking shop Tri line for Martin yes other electrical appliances are available Douglas butcher has gifted a membership thanks Douglas 351,000 PO he knows that oh aircross starting to line up already for departures are we going to get the Slinger or not Aiden Campbell looking forward to the mystery USA airport intriguing uh going to try and get out to um Frankfurt this week ladies and gents uh it doesn't look like we're going to get the Slinger on this Runway t spot thanks T spotter tp's lunch 2 hours late Gare retro delery now three out Shane D thank you Shane uh Tim Johnson wind sounds like he starting to drop a little bit uh just before your shorts St happy more to go got three more to go peeking over the top look hello thank you Christen love to see you Bruce F last oh Deborah shood thank you Deborah gifting uh five memberships it's very kind of you Campell Frankfurt is L to 747 34s yes indeed Jill D thank you for your company and everybody else as well appreciated it um of course this is outside of our remit Max has gifted a membership Thanks Max it's outside side of our normal remit folks uh our normal shows are Wednesdays and Sundays um this week we're going to be in Frankfurt on Wednesday well that's the plan anyway I need to see if I get a reply from uh from my contact there because we just need to um make sure that we've got the uh option for filming from where we shot last time which should be good Jess hump is hoping I'll get the Retro golf air in February obviously flying in February Bluebird do you know wow making a making a Bel line for 27 left it's straight down the O2 store thanks jge Andy has gifted a membership thanks Andy Amy has gifted a membership as well thank you Amy be uh noticed a few treat lers with speed tape around the radar maybe uh watch that Wing deflex folks last one to land oh she's there well there we go thanks everybody bit of housekeeping just to say thank you to our good friends here at mthl not HDMI mthl Services folks if you're looking for an electrical vehicle um to do your uh deliveries get yourself down here look them up folks look them up seriously um but listen uh it's been great it's uh thank you mother nature for bringing us aw some excitement and uh we will see you on Wednesday um we'll let you know exactly where we're going to be but we'll see you on Wednesday um probably hopefully uh out there in Frankfurt so look off Sal be good thank you for your company and thank thank you for everybody who's gifted memberships once again and thank you to everybody who supports the channel as well go subscribe if you want to cuz we're not going to buy a subscription see you it's just starting to rain it's just started raining mate uh we need a cut we need a cut oh yeah check that out B [Music] flipping you're watching Big jet TV yeah yeah
Channel: BIG JET TV
Views: 162,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Planespotting, Heathrow Live, Heathrow Airport, Big Jet TV, bigjettv, Bad weather, Planespotting Live, Heathrow, FLYING A PLANE, HOW TO FLY A PLANE, BOEING 747, HOW DO PLANES FLY?, AIRBUS, STORMS, WINDSHEAR, HOW DO JETS FLY?, AIRPORT, AVGEEK, AVIATION, AIRLINES, AIRLINERS, BRITISH AIRWAYS, VIRGIN ATLANTIC, CARGO, FREIGHTERS, CARGO HUB, EMA CARGO, Plane, Manchester, Airport Live, airport webcam, singapore, dubai airport, airplane landing, airplane take off, Boeing, 747, East midlands, Pilot
Id: uh-lrx8mFUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 10sec (13390 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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