LIVE | Strong Gusts! Crosswind Landings - Manchester Airport 🌬️✈️

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's [Applause] for [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] hello guys don't panic red arrows aren't coming to Manchester I've forgotten to change the thumbnail hopefully we can get that fixed let me uh can you guys hear me okay check check hello [Music] [Applause] hello sorting the triod out [Applause] guys I [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I uh originally thought about coming down and just doing a little bit of filming guys um so have no idea sort of how long we're going to go for maybe a short stream maybe a normal stream not sure yet um but uh I thought whilst we're here we might as well switch the feed on as well it's only an extra 900 C so yeah I thought we'd uh go live for a short while but I I'm here by myself so um bear that in mind but um yeah predominantly we're here just uh doing a bit of filming today uh Andy isn't here today because it is Samantha's birthday so if we can get some happy birthdays in the chat very happy birthday to Sam today F and Sam but as you can see guys big crosswind Triple 7 s there we go [Music] sorry I'm just making some last tripod adjustments there we go should be back now [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] h oh the [Music] [Music] I a [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] fire training going on again today saw a few uh Flames coming out from over there then on the old uh test area but uh crazy winds already at Manchester at the moment I think gusts are up to 37 knots over the next hour or so welcome in Mark welcome guys hey thank you very much uh beasty for 2 donation I'll read that out in a sec [Music] [Applause] [Music] and uh BC say nice uh surprise sneaky Thursday show you Tinkers yeah as I mentioned we uh I just came down to do a bit of recording to be honest but thought we'd switch the live show on while we're here and see how we get on I have nudged it down to 1080 cuz uh I'll be honest with you guys I can't be bothered dealing with any network issues whilst I'm here on my own so playing it [Music] safe how you doing Mark you flying today Mark or you uh you managed to dodge it mate [Music] hey David welcome in mate Joanne hello thanks for tuning in any special planes coming in today not that I'm aware of no not that I'm aware of mate as I say we are uh already experiencing some uh some gusts and I think they're only due to increase over the next hour or two but then it dies back down again so it's uh it's literally just for a couple of hour period it's gusting about 37 knots as you can see there with the uh ATR on [Music] approach for [Music] hey Wayne great to see you mate thanks for tuning in no sorry guys about the thumbnail that's my mistake I was in too much of a rush to get here and forgot to change it I'm uh I've messaged John but I don't think he's seen it [Applause] yet and my uh remote has just decided to stop working aome one second guys um not really run I don't think [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] egyp a there getting a bit of an updraft on the way in getting it down in the end as well the wind at the moment is uh just off center it's due to move more round to a crosswind over the next 40 minutes or so according to um our app of choice and we're not sponsored but uh we do recommend windy as a uh great source of uh weather it certainly proved to be one of the most reliable apps that we've found anyway whilst uh managing the shows and things so uh if you are after sort of a a bit more of a detailed weather application have a look at Windy [Applause] um and what I'm tempted to do guys is just let this Egypt uh pass in front of us and just see if I can fix this thumbnail on my phone before another uh arrival comes in oh I can already see the next arrival uh well never mind yeah I think we're just going to have to accept that people are going to think the red arrows are coming to Manchester how well [Music] clickbait H I'll be the next hate FR oh how dare to use that screenshot trying to get viewers into here listen guys I'm sorry all it was an accident keep me up to date in the chat with uh who the next arrival is please if we can guys I've um got very limited devices at the moment 260 at 19 on the Metar at the minute so as you can see just slightly off but I think that is due to get worse right Mark cuz there is a there is a gust Factor at least on Windy anyway of up to 36 knots not sure if you're uh seeing that your end [Music] mate easy for okay let me uh let make a couple of changes guys one a [Music] [Music] sec [Music] [Music] okay quickly just want to try and fix this uh this thumbnail guys just one second [Music] um [Music] [Music] for [Music] yeah I think one thing YouTube could definitely improve on if anyone's watching from YouTube please add live stream control tools to the live stream studio app rather the YouTube studio app rather than me having to try and do it in wind in uh desktop mode on my phone which it really doesn't like it's not going to let me is it yeah it's not going to let me okay never mind it is what it is that's um karet that we saw leave yesterday wait if is that the same one guys back already yeah it's not it's not the um I've got a tablet with me Mike it's um it's just it doesn't seem to let you um make the changes unless you're on a PC I was trying to just upload a thumbnail there and it just wouldn't wouldn't let it wouldn't even open the dialogue window to um to do it may just be my phone but I guess we'll uh just have to live with it it's not the end of the world like I say it is a bit of an ad hoc stream and I can change the thumbnail when I get home retrospectively it's just for people who are joining you are probably just going to be a bit confused uh why you not live on Twitch um just because I've decided to go in 1080 and I would have had to have messed with all the restream settings and everything so I've um I've just sent it straight to YouTube for now like I have no idea how long we're going to be live for it's um it's more of a recording session and I've just switched the live stream on to be honest yeah I have messaged fezza to see if he can fix it but it appears he's not out of bed yet gosh to be in your 20s eh and don't forget folks we have currently got a Black Friday sale running on airliners dolive 25% off in stock clothing and stuff guys so head over to the website and get yourself some merch at a 25% discount it only runs until Friday guys so if you want to go and bag yourself some uh Christmas presents and stuff all in stock clothing um excluding hoodies that have just been massively discounted are uh at 25% off along with um other items like our travel wallets and things like that so go and get yourselves uh involved airliners [Music] [Music] dolive and uh check the different t-shirts and stuff guys because if we don't have the size in the one that you pick first we may have your size in uh another design design so make sure you check all the designs to find uh the right size and one that's in stock for you hey Mizan good afternoon to you mate hope you're doing well ah it's a different one Johan thank you very much mate that makes sense [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah awesome pilot skills on display there from the EasyJet got some 10 out of 10 in the chat really catching a breeze on the way in [Music] there no doubt they don't help big sails into the [Music] crosswind [Music] for he [Music] mods it might be worth um pinning a message at the top of the chat if we can just about the thumbnail cuz we're going to get ass out a [Music] [Applause] [Music] lot the thumbnails changed now oh Andy's changed it oh thank God for [Applause] that nice one Andy sorry mate about that trying to have a day off he's having to mess around with [Applause] thumbnails there we go we're not get any trouble anymore now we're going to away from this for the next arrival [Music] this a transavia [Music] [Music] and Miss glammer thank you very much for supporting the [Music] stream welcome back premium economy for five months awesome Andrew good afternoon to you looks like a windy one out there for the pilots it certainly is mate doing a great job so far do love seeing [Music] this beautiful thanks to those who are placing orders on the merch store I can see those coming through thanks everyone as we say we are running a 25% discount on most in stock items on our website new airliners live t-shirt 25% off if it's in stock and as I say if your size isn't in stock in the one you pick check the other designs cuz uh we may have uh your size in there I know we have quite a few in of the um of the newer design uh the cruise altitude t-shirt got a few of those in the a350s especially the purple a350 t-shirts I know we've got a few of those in as well King Of Disguise chew out in about 15 minutes we do have the uh p that's uh not too far away a321 Neo she'll be with us in about 15 minutes time and another flurry of uh arrivals around that time as well as I say plenty of uh departures coming up in the next half an hour or so as well but thank you all for uh tuning in today hope you're all doing well I need to order a beanie yes beanies are on offer as well beanies are on offer so you can grab yourself one of those and new stock arriving a those at the end of the month I'm looking forward to it to be honest cuz I need one for myself so I'll be uh I'll be nabbing one for me put 50p in the jar on the way past yeah but Andy uh Andy swears by the old beanies has them up on uh all of the streams oh wow Robin I hope uh everything's going as good as it can mate had a CT scan and then collected my new specs yeah a lot going on there mate hope uh hope the results come back as you uh as you wish on that mate beanies are showing the sold out oh yeah oh I know why because they've not arrived yet H there oh that's see that's they're not arriving till the end of the month yeah the uh the sales running on in stock item sorry so yeah they won't make it in unfortunately but um yeah we do have plenty of uh other items in stock like I say plenty of t-shirts uh I think there's some caps in stock as well and before you no we' definitely got caps in stock as well cheers is uh isma yeah good luck Robin good luck on that mate at least you can see a bit better as well it's always a plus the one day you get your new specs have uh we're not streaming in 4k mate yeah in stock clothing and also the uh things like the LED desktop mounts and stuff like that what's going on there there might be more just gone Pete Tong again sorry guys I think this uh this remote is uh on its last legs it's definitely been battered over the last few weeks with all the rain we've had here at Manchester But Ken thank you very much for tuning in mate something great to see Al L is live on today yeah just a little bonus show for you guys um it's Sam's birthday today so Andy's uh got the day off he's uh spending some quality time with Sam on her birthday and uh I was going to nip down and grab some filming today anyway so I thought um we just switched the stream on as [Music] well cheers practically geek yeah I think uh I just uh I just went for the um 1080 today cuz as I say I'm on my own so I don't fancy flying up and down fixing things I just want to chill and enjoy a bit of the planes with you guys yeah that's it Dad everything breaking at once yeah yeah we did speak to a camera company yesterday uh a Sony specialist who going to take a look at the streaming camera that's uh got fog issues at the [Music] moment but uh yeah it's all all uh all happening at once unfortunately for us but the wind really picking up now you might be able to hear that on the old uh the old microphone as we wait for our next [Music] arrivals at least night bot's not broken yeah exactly exactly mate hey no worries Trevor hope you're enjoying it nearly a thousand viewers in that's not bad is it chat nearly a th000 viewers this feels like a very old school airliners live just me sat here waffling by myself and of course we're uh just waiting on arrivals so not really much to show you guys at the moment I'm afraid think we can just see a uh one of our regulars over at sign easy jet pushing back in the background as well there you go good viewers to likes ratio oh yeah what likes are we on 270 at 21y KI so he's offset by 20° on the runway [Music] Direction so what sort of uh Direction Mark you looking at when you think yeah that's going to need a bit more finesse shall we [Music] say yeah yeah we just uh just give Matt the dodgey on so Matt's broke it look 270 round to the north okay yeah I think it's supposed to move uh move further around towards the North is that right am I thinking straight I think so no it's it's yeah it's shifting into more of a crosswind anyway whatever that is I can't do quick maths while I'm at the airport 280 to 290 is rotten yeah I think it was uh it was shifting round mate apparently it's according to windy anyway yeah windy definitely uh see look that's what the remote does chat it gets stuck let me see if we've got another remote cuz I think that might give us give us jip all right you got one more chance you do that again you're going back in the bag yeah Mt that's what I saw as well I think it picks up between now and two in sort of uh intensity you'll swing round later yeah I think it does calm down a lot sort of after 300 p.m. mark from what I've seen starts to really drop off Michael England hello welcome to you thank you very much for tuning in hope you're doing well mate but for those who uh are tuning in today feel free to get involved in the chat if you are new viewer feel free to say hello Army Widow hello thank you very much for tuning in Sonia Pickin hello welcome to you cheers guys yeah we always love to welcome new viewers on the channel so if you are new uh feel free to introduce yourself even if you know absolutely nothing about Aviation guys I promise you'll get a warm welcome here on the channel and you'll fit right in we've got a a really good Community spirit here on airliners live and we like to have a nice Nat with everybody hey up Jake Jake I love that um I love that picture you put up on the Discord of mini Matt Smith trying on some shoes that was funny that that was funny Josh feris hello welcome to you Pegasus 321 3 minutes out Roger Dodger that's good and uh Ian Kelly uh new to the channel welcome in Ian Kelly let's get some waves in the chat for Ian guys brand new viewer on the channel hope you're doing well today mate and uh thanks for getting involved in the chat as well oh Caroline you're getting in tonight at 9:00 I think it has um I think it is it is due to to settle right down it is yet yeah don't panic and uh Jimmy tun in in from uh Indonesia welcome to you Jimmy old uh mandon from Indian River Michigan retired Submariner says good morning to that is cool mate that's really cool retired Submariner what was um I don't know if you're allowed to say but what was your what was your role mate on that I always find it fascinating How uh uh how they navigate and the pilots are those as well do you call them Pilots captains how they um navigate the sea when obviously you just relying on instrumentation that's really cool mate and uh designate 6361 thank you very much brand new VIP to the channel you got a bing bong as well we got all the buttons thank you very much for uh becoming the VIP of the channel today mate it does help cover the costs of the stream if you do want to help with the channel today you can uh become one of our awesome VIPs by clicking the dollar symbol then clicking join and you get access to all of our Channel emotes and uh a bunch of other benefits along with access to our VIP lounge on our new community Hub on Discord and if you're already a VIP of airliners live you can uh make somebody's date by gifting a VIP you just click the dollar symbol and click gifted membership that supports the channel and also gives back to our community at the same time Samantha littlewood welcome to you thank you very much for tuning in Virg Atlantic A330 on the way out we're going to be uh turning the volume up for this one guys 90s Soul 8s mind thank you very much tuning in from Tampa Florida Welcome to all of our us viewers in the Stream today and uh Joanna thank you very much for gifting an airliners Live membership I'm going to be really fit by the end of the day because every time I press that button I got to squat down and press it so it's leg day for me on the stream and here we go again here's here's squat number two Mr Matt Smith gifting an airliners Live membership and there he is he's bagged himself another one dad is sorted for another month cheers mate that's three squats today keep tracking the chat guys how many squats we're doing thank you very much everyone I'm going to regret this AR wow look at this [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] it's the yellow yeah it's the yellow [Music] one [Music] oh do a great job there by the Pegasus flight [Music] crew we can see our next arrival as well chat let us know who this one is landing lights on we'll flick round to that in a moment if you enjoying the stream share the feed around don't forget to click that like button as [Music] well nice one Pete that's good one mate love that whoa dad popping off there's some more squats gifting five airliners live memberships to the community cheers [Applause] dad paying forward that gifted membership if you just received a gifted membership in the chat enjoy those emotes guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] want to S are [Music] I really like these conditions at Manchester I think it just gives us a nice lightting it's not really too dark it's just nice and uh diffused that Pegasus a321 Neo not looking off b as well [Music] no stress on board that Ryan Air flight de easy down on C3 right 737 there an easy Jets lined up ready to [Music] go you won't catch me on I'm a [Applause] [Music] celebrity [Music] I think we have enough torture with the uh Manchester weather yeah enjoy those gifted memberships guys cheers Matt have a good rest of your day at work mate as well uh Douglas Thompson no worries thank you very much for tuning in mate hope to see you in another another stream uh Douglas vir Atlantic next to [Music] [Applause] go right I can see you Bab [Applause] [Music] on it disappears into the cloud light A330 departure looking [Music] Mega definitely a little bit out of practice I think on my old pan in it's just uh catching up on my phone here let me watch it back oh oh oh [Music] yeah not too bad not too bad especially with a wind I'd [Music] say Manchester sniper tuning in from Hyde I'm ducking mate can't catch me watching these approaches go over uh as you catch them coming in nice one mate yeah I hope hope you're doing well up in hiy there's a uh school trip today but uh it's good to see all the kids enjoying Aviation maybe the next Aviation live streamer in there somewhere wow big Gus then wind's picking up chat if you're enjoying the stream click that like button if you can let's get a few people in whilst we're on today as I say it is a bonus [Applause] [Music] show gra tuning in from Reading hello welcome to you [Music] mate they're flying over hide sideways yeah we can see it [Music] mate [Music] morning [Applause] C [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh hey Tom andan great to see you guys and hope you're feeling better soon Christopher there's a lot of nasty stuff going around at the moment mate and now please say hi to Dave in congleton watching live uh too cold to come to the airport hey welcome in Dave great to have you with us mate our next arrival the green one now Lingus in the old [Music] [Music] scheme away [Music] [Music] upst [Applause] w [Music] let [Music] yeah hey nice one Tina get a more Heen for me Tina who remembers them um I can't remember what it was for but there was a football thing when we were younger where you used to be able to buy like these head caps and it had all the hair dos of the different footballers on does anyone remember that there's like a a m one on that [Music] was [Music] me [Applause] [Music] open [Music] and absolutely very Happy Thanksgiving to all of our us viewers as you begin your celebrations today you having anything special let us know in the chat no thanks Andy for sorting that thumbnail out if it was you I don't I think the uh the Red Arrows one was really uh fitting was [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it got two holiday [Music] 737 too easy Jets on Final Approach nice one mate yeah I've only got the chat open at the moment guys so if you can keep me up to date with what's coming in in the chat appreciate it may imagine that short yeah you got to switch it back that was from a photo editing stream and I must have forgot to change it and then everyone in the chat was going how my's coming out and I realized what I've done listen I'm just trying to get the viewers in you know what I mean SpaceX departure ready for our next arrival spin it [Music] round take KY and thanks for tuning in mate [Music] [Applause] Easy Does [Music] [Music] It you want up [Applause] [Music] you a Beau [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] another virgin Atlantica 330 on the way out rer and Max next in I'll be very surprised if they have any uh issues the Maxes are usually uh very stable there is a bit of a mixed consensus as to whether that's down to the more power powerful engines for the uh different center of gravity either way they uh seem to ride out strong Breeze is a lot better than their NG counterparts only 28 likes away from 700 ladies and gent can we hit 1,000 likes on this little pop-up bonus show that'd be awesome if we could hey [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] f [Music] you that's got to be worth a 10 out of 10 in the chat guys what a great job awesome [Music] Landing temp welcome in from Toronto hello take care [Music] Sunny May if I just did that Landing my face would be planted right up against that window there I want everybody to see me yeah it was me [Music] guys he's obviously a lot more humble than me and we say 380 pushing back as well [Music] no more reach I'm afraid on that tripod folks yeah katar exac J there it is anyone who's interested beautiful bit of Kit who we got next up [Music] I [Applause] following a321 [Music] Neil nice job nice playe as well ver Atlantic lining up next to go and uh King of the Skies has pushed back as well guys so we'll be uh bringing you that departure as [Music] well yeah I keep mining the uh glove box Jake cuz I'd definitely lose them if I didn't welcome in everybody Welcome to airliners live a bonus show bringing you all the action from Manchester Airport awesome pilot skills on display in some uh pretty strong winds and Gusty conditions [Applause] today thanks for you all coming and uh spending the afternoon with me though great to see you all in the chat 1400 live viewers if you're enjoying the stream click that like button helps the stream out a [Applause] lot oh [Music] another epic Virgin Atlantic A330 departure live from Manchester Airport and there it goes into the cloud layer [Music] [Music] winds now 260 at 19 10° off the nose so not as much of a crosswind as was an initially forecast but uh still some great pilot displays here at Manchester this afternoon and we can just see the landing lights ahead of our next arrival Thiago just saying as's a rer on approach so that's going to be it I would assume thanks Thiago and the king of the Skies starting it taxi out hey we can do cold Jake as long as it's not wet mate [Music] fre8 tail making a Better Door than a window hey cheers Benjamin [Applause] [Applause] [Music] let me have a quick look at the old windy app guys see what the latest uh details are on there really gnarly up in uh in Scotland I've got a big lens but not that big yeah eight it's saying uh 18 M hour going up to 20 M hour by 3:00 but it's got the uh the gusts on here up to 37 knots and 38 knots now obviously that's not what the meta saying um but it's uh it's what we tend to to go with so I'm not sure if uh maybe we're being a little bit too trusting of the old windy app but we'll see we'll see how it develops th000 viewers 1500 viewers tuning in to the stream that's crazy thank you guys here by myself today I even pressed uh the Bing Bong button with me to earlier on you'll be proud to know if anybody wants a toy Bing Bong support the stream today hit the dollar symbol then click gifted membership or become one of our VIPs by clicking the dollar symbol then clicking join so probably get your one and only toy Bing Bong of the year [Music] multitasking I am polite enough to take me foot out of me shoe though before I do it so I don't uh get mud on the old mixer I've done me three squats for today don't need any more thank you Hans tuning in from Holland as I say hello as I talk about my feet and say hello to H welcome in mate well loopy as my nan would say I want never gets I say that gen all the time I won never [Music] get I got special wool socks on today that keep your feet nice and warm I [Music] that's 273 getting a big whack of breeze on the Final Approach there corrected it very nicely ly and KL Crawford there you go son that one's for you big toe Got to Now with a gifted membership thank you very much cheers for supporting the channel KL thanks for all you do on the mods as well [Applause] mate 8080 lined up next to [Music] go [Applause] [Music] sorry [Music] guys 1,600 viewers in the Stream welcome everybody King of the Skies next to [Applause] go there it goes the mighty A380 never gets old seeing that beautiful departure there he goes behind the Concord hanger as we can just see the landing lights of our next arrival here at Manchester Airport Breezy conditions if you're just tuning in welcome to the eyeliners live bonus stream myself Martin here bringing you the uh couple of hours of Aviation action Roberto tuning in from uh Aransas a Happy Thanksgiving to you mate as well thank you for tuning in today and lucky thanks for supporting the stream mate gifting and membership helping support the cost of the channel going to fjb Cheers Lecky thanks for doing that supporting the channel today with a gifted membership and cheers uh Millennium saucer doing my best mate red arrow is are next in Simon don't worry mate just after this hey Karen Monson welcome back 8 months business class member saying there hello and Happy Thanksgiving to all who uh observe the holiday thank you very much welcome back 8 months of support to the channel let's see them VIP emotes in the chat and if you've been gifted a membership today you have access to all of our Channel emotes now enjoy those [Music] guys really smart Livery on the Euro Wings iing what do you think in the chat is it a yay or no for you [Music] Grandma Georgie says hi hey Georgie hello hey Peter no mate just Mega Landings at the moment dude we're nearly at 1,000 likes as well folks we can do that can't we nice and easy th000 likes on the stream got some waves in the chat for Grandma Georgie [Music] guys and Brandon C brand new first class member cheers Brandon welcome to VIP pmate company traffic vacating an easy jet out in front of the London hey Brandon welcome in mate tuning in from Chicago great to have you with us and thanks for supporting the channel as well with a first class membership that'll certainly help uh cover our costs today mate thank you very much and very warm welcome to the community to you as well easy jack vacating no stress on board this one either just dipping that right wing and touching down nice and soft on two three [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] went out before nearly got blown away oh really yeah I must admit it's uh pretty Breezy here as well in Manchester today what time it start going dark guys I don't know if I'm tripping but it feels like it's getting pretty dark already maybe that's just the uh clouds rolling [Music] in about 4:00 p.m. [Music] [Music] but R three okay there's just a few hardcore spotters here at the RVP at the moment and uh silly old me with me had out the [Music] roof [Music] you got your beanie on I've not got one Terry mine uh got battered last year so I thought I'd treat myself to a new one I'm just waiting for the order to arrive [Music] now H saying it's pitch dark outside my door now yeah I don't think we're far off mate to be honest it's definitely uh definitely getting that [Music] way don't forget folks we are running a Black Friday sale on our website at the moment on in stock items most of our instock items included in a 25% discount sale that automatically gets applied to your basket so if you go to your browser type airliners dolive into the search it'll take you straight to our website Michael Singh tuning in 1:00 a.m. in the morning nearly I was uh I was awake till like 2:00 a.m. this morning guys and then I woke up at 10 to 7 like cheers appreciate that 5 right guys they found me I'm off see you later Sharon saying uh strangely for a change but we now have blue skies and sunshine I think that's um that's forecast for the next couple of days isn't it Sharon I think I saw on the um on the weather that tomorrow and Saturday are going to be um very cold but blue skies I think and John saying there it's 8:56 in Atlanta where your day is just starting very welcome in mate Janet re yep little bonus for you Janet Friday Saturday Brian that's right yeah oh really Michelle it's strange isn't it how the weather like seems to sink up randomly uh blue sky from tomorrow for the next week oh wow okay I don't mind a bit of that we've had our fair share of uh wet weather I think chat so yeah I don't mind a bit of um bit of warm weather sorry a bit of uh dry weather yeah Z another great content creator over on the South Side here at Manchester Airport yeah we do give him a uh a shout out as well he's out in all weathers Simon he's been live for a little while as well today I think if we got next then chat Next arrival in view uh Tech Sparky just because I'm here on my own mate and I just um it was easier for me to just go straight to Youtube today I would have had to change quite a bit of stuff to head over to Twitch and I also don't really have the is to be reading the twitch chat either I'm afraid no worries Joanna enjoy hopefully they got tea and biscuits in the Mee that would be nice a couple of Jammy [Applause] Dodges easy jet next to the Rival I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey Alex great to see you mate thanks for tuning in today dude hope alls as well as can be [Music] how are we looking on the next arrival chat oh right there from maresh next to touchdown on 23 rights Welcome to our liners live hope you're all doing well hey Paulie hope you're well mate for [Applause] [Music] and we just hit 1K likes as well thanks guys we'll give you a tow Bing Bong for that then shall we here we go [Music] BOS [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what is he you waiting on Jak want to drop me a message on Discord mate and I'll double check it for you when I get home [Music] my [Music] [Applause] shet 273 on the way out to Poland few aircraft moving as well including the Egypt back to Cairo that arrived in at the beginning of today's show hope you're all enjoying this bonus show guys thanks for hanging out they turn this around pretty quick as well oops [Music] I heard from someone who works for jet 2 at a potential order for the 330 Neo with plans to take the old Thomas Cook roots in the USA this may be false or inaccurate though yeah we've not heard anything of that nature what we heard was the opposite to that that it wasn't something you were interested in at the moment but that's the thing mate it's it's all speculation isn't it and I'd love to see a few uh more 330 NEOS at Manchester absolutely but I think we'd be very very lucky to uh to see that but hey you never know you never know so glad that these have been upgraded though aat previously using the 7 threes moving over to the a321 Neo and how good does that look guys in the egyp scheme definitely an upgrade from a plane spotter perspective and I'm sure from a passenger perspective as well stunning a321 Neo Egypt there one of our brand new carriers at Manchester yeah Dave I love this Livery as well mate I still need to catch the uh a321 I've got the 73 on Southside but I'd love to get a nice rotation shot of this uh a321 NE we just need a bit of sunshine mate so we can go and get a picture I thought we were going to do a bit of Photography the other day with the Saudi coming in with the sticker on it and they were on z5s weren't they but it got diverted didn't it was it into Munich or so not sure what time it ended up arriving in the end but I decided to give it a Miss I was the only playing I was really coming down for picture- wise to be honest [Applause] sorry about my terrible camera skills there guys that was Dreadful didn't expect it to go so long to be honest no nothing yet J uh Janet but as I say just some really uh really good Landings at the moment which in my opinion just is good to see I like to see him you know really working the aircraft and then getting it down that's just as exciting for me as seeing him have another go you know hingus nextn out in the old [Applause] scheme [Music] [Applause] [Music] there Qatar bizjet providing a nice foreground for today's stream as we see the Saudi Dreamliner come around the corner RIS with that in a moment thank you all for tuning in today thanks for everyone smashing the like button as well it's great to have you all with [Music] us something noisy starting up chat hey Jacob welcome in [Music] [Music] I game it was um it was a faulty thumbnail mate I I forgot to change the thumbnail before I left the house sorry mate sorry to disappoint you dude feel really bad there's going to be so many people oh I see red [Music] out yeah it sounded great didn't it sure I to me is there no Landing lights on that British [Music] Airways [Music] up [Music] incredible job getting that down though chat another 10 out of 10 Landing kicking that tail back in line just before touchdown beautiful approach by the crew on Broad on board this uh British Airways Neo A320 10 out of 10 Egypt a lining up next to [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he Andy welcome in thanks for tuning in dude and uh Gaza saying his daughter's on the ryion air in 15 minutes going to shine the torch on takeoff Roger Dodger just put a message in the chat mate when uh they taxi out so I know which one it is and supercars team a brand new viewer if you're a new viewer say hello in the chat guys we'd love to welcome you in if you are enjoying today's stream and you'd like to help cover the cost of the stream you can hit the dollar symbol then click uh super chat or you can click the dollar symbol and click join if you're not a VIP already right now lined up on the runway waiting to go hey up Dave subscribed and the bell notifications on good lad thanks very much for that yeah if you don't want to miss any of our shows guys make sure you click the Bell icon and set notifications to all that way you'll get a uh an alert on your device when we go live here from Manchester today is a little popup bonus stream this wasn't planned it was uh something I kind of decided in the last sort of 15 20 minutes before I was due to go out so having those notifications on you won't miss a little show like [Music] this yeah it's nice and there andy the wings are so big apparently that's a different reg to the one we saw uh yesterday Qatar triple just come around the corner as well another meat take off coming up guys Triple 7 uh if you want to know all about our equipment that we use on the live stream links in the chat to our Amazon affiliate store where everything's outlined on there including the camera gear audio gear you can also take a look at what gear we've got in our podcast Studio as well that's on our Amazon affiliate Link in the chat give it a look hey Richard tuning in from New Zealand good morning to you you mate hope you're well wow up nice and early for the jet to that's unlike them well they're off to CH Che that anymore on the Fe to Mighty aircraft departing next 787 and the Triple [Music] 7 yeah I thought it would be it's definitely got up nice and [Music] quick hey Ted thanks for tuning in mate sorry I missed your initial message but very warm welcome to the community glad the uh glad the community has uh welcomed you in nicely mate thanks guys cheers everyone in the chat as well welcoming new people in it's really important to grow the ain's live Community to have a nice welcoming place for new people cuz it can be a bit daunting to say hello when you've got 1500 people in the chat room so uh thanks guys for helping out with that left hands a Neil from Frankfurt on finals not visual with that one yet you be there around 42 sorry Mac no I won't mate I'll have left by then dude [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] what a deart that guys that was good wasn't it enjoyed that he and uh Martin silam supporting the stream today gifting and airliners Live membership to the community that's gone to Janet re thank you very much mate that really helps the channel a lot that helping cover the cost of today's stream with a gifted membership thank you very much cheers Andrew glad you're enjoying it mate Ryan a being uh shifted and now we're just visual with that left handza now looks like they're going to hold the Triple 7 the left handza for in [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] w [Music] wow what a departure Qatar Triple 7 departing and Mr Paul gifting an airliners Live membership cheers Paul thank you mate thanks for supporting the stream dude great to see you as well [Music] they only really looks like we've got one arrival chat in the next sort of 30 minutes or so so we'll probably finish on that Ryan a just about to enter the uh base leg after that there's uh quite a long wait between arrivals easy jet next to L though they have got a rer lined up ready to go so that'll be uh that'll be out [Music] [Music] [Music] first [Music] [Music] second ryion a is a tenner flight okay got that yeah [Music] yeah super car team as I said mate all the cameras are in that Amazon link you just need to click that link and they're on there mate that's a that's a thing of everything that we use on there we've made that list of [Music] [Applause] equipment second rer then lining up next to go cheers mam thank you mate hey Amy staff nurse welcome [Applause] in and uh Andrew welcome back two months saying thanks for the extra show hey you're welcome mate cheers Andrew cheers Trevor thank you mate see you next time P yeah Nathan I'd agree mate [Music] oh I'm not seeing any torches with my eagle eyes don't know if any of you guys in the chat spotted any [Music] hey you're welcome Andy thank you for tuning in mate aling is 330 to JFK coming out okay nice nice yeah Christopher thank you mate glad you enjoying the Stream take care [Music] Trev Brandon spotted it hey nice one mate did me best to be as zoomed in as I could [Music] there [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] St [Music] [Music] hey awesome Brendon that sounds great mate glad you're enjoying the stream thanks for everyone who's tuned in as well just a little popup show really I didn't even really plan to do this yeah I don't usually uh don't usually stream by myself I prefer to be able to uh have a proper chat with you guys but I think we've cut on top of it today folks really appreciate all the support that's come in as well today and uh thanks us to everyone who's got involved in the chat I didn't expect uh viewer figures like this today on a little popup so thank you very much guys and I hope you uh are all enjoying Thanksgiving as well to all of our viewers across the pond and for those in the UK hope you're having a great day so far [Music] cheers M thanks very much [Music] this is going to be cool though wonder if we're going to get the Ryan Air in before this 330 goes cuz this 330 would be a great end to the show Cheers Peter yeah I'm very much out of practice Peter it's definitely not as easy as it looks mate we uh we're very fortunate to have quite a good tripod but and you got all the gar and no idea you know what I mean thanks to everyone who's uh thrown suppor in to the Hat as well today guys helps the channel a lot thank you and cheers to everyone who's placed merch and dice orders as well as we uh run our Black Friday sale it's live now on for you you don't need to do anything on qualifying items fing waiting to go so it does look like we're going to get this arrival in but then there is quite a big break now until arrivals so I think we'll push our look this is why we end our streams around sort of 2:00ish cuz the arrival front really does drop off there's usually like 20 minutes 30 minute gaps between planes arriving so that's what we're here for today I think we've had a good good [Applause] session [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that's [Applause] another cracking job tell you what some of you guys in the chat have a little dig at Ryan there but they impress me they impressed me quite a bit guys and Sean Cole thank you mate last minute VIP coming in there's a bing bong for you thank you very much for supporting the channel by becoming a VIP if we've got any other new viewers in the chat who've enjoyed the stream today you can get access to all the emotes by clicking the dollar symbol and clicking join and becoming one of our supporting members thank you very much Sean great to have you in the VIP Club don't forget to join our Discord server links are in the chat to the airliners live Community Hub on Discord and if you're a VIP of the channel link your YouTuber channel in the connections page in the settings and you'll get access to all of our VIP rooms including the rate my scran section where everyone's been posting all of their 10 out of 10 dinners in there for the VIP approve approval it's the busiest section on our Discord I think says all you need to know about chicken nuggets life oh we got here then Vis on the way out the uh X Aviation [Music] embrya X Aviation what am I talking about Rex you know what I meant cheers Robin thanks for tuning in [Music] mate A330 next to go deep fried bacon yikes I've never had that [Music] up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] time [Music] guess in how good was that see them ribbons then it's mad that wow oh nearly banned Somebody by accident don't know who it was World Famous Foods tuning in from New York great to see you back again think we saw you on yesterday's show didn't we cheers for tuning in cheers John thank you mate it's very kind of you dude I've had uh about 10 kg of accelerations and quality streak this week too so what's your favorite celebration and what's your favorite quality streak I'm going to tell you mine straight away I don't need any time to think about it I'm going to have the mold Caesars cuz everyone goes dipping in the mold Caesar section and um the uh quality Street I usually go for the long thin gold to sofy that's what I usually usually talk into and uh I don't mind admitting chat we're all friends here I'll quite happily uh look after the bouncy side of things on the old uh celebrations tint I'm not ashamed don't mind a little bit of bouncing me and uh give it 30 seconds and that will have lost me about 500 viewers but it's the end of the show anyway so thanks for tuning in pump trip over the Snickers on the way out yeah I don't mind the penny tofy as well Terry that was me uh that was me second [Applause] choice [Applause] cheers M thanks for tuning in enjoy uh rest of your day Bounty t uh dark chocolate I've never had that Paul might have to be one for the old Christmas list that [Applause] one rose chocolates I don't mind a rose chocolate Robin yeah don't mind one of them I think it's com in vasle a parent chat that I'll have the whole tin by the looks of it don't think there's one that I can think of that I don't like coffee actually not too much of a coffee chocolate guy Andy Parkin tuning in from RM great to see you ni a bit Breezy up there mate [Applause] [Applause] they've done away with the coffee ones good no [Music] regrets sorry chat quick sniff [Music] hey that's I'd call that a bonus Jake if you can snipe a couple of M tees and then get left with the rest that's all right mate yeah I I like a bite-sized Snickers yeah thon's Continental that's getting a bit posh oh Karen Jen absolutely loves Reese's absolutely loves Reese's if you're ever wondering what to get Jan for Christmas or a birthday anything to do with Reese's you can't go wrong that and a Yankee [Music] Candle oh in the chat she knows what she's getting for Christmas now ruined [Music] [Applause] ruined a Rex departing Jackie snow on board quick if you know you know not a [Music] quick and I bet 99% of the chat has absolutely no idea what I'm talking about but I hope there'll be at least one person in the chat he's a Jackie snow fan it's got to be one how many of there's 1,200 of us let me down [Music] guys [Music] oh nice one Paul enjoy that [Music] [Applause] mate getting dark now chat cheers Doris thanks for tuning in today how we looking guys what have we got I know I said I was going to wrap on that 3:30 didn't I easy Jets on approach all right that's fine we'll finish we'll wait for that to arrive then oh got on me wa if You' enjoyed the stream don't forget to uh drop a like [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] w [Music] yo Wings is Shifting at a rate of kns I wonder if they're going to try and sneak him out before the EasyJet comes [Music] in sorry CH just being a bit nosy then Brew time yeah not brought Brew with me today actually I'll uh put one up when I get home might stop at the shop on the way home treat myself to a western I think for this evening [Music] got schedule's in the chat there for you mate look forward to seeing you on a future stream as [Music] well I'm not sure yet Dad I'm trying some of it tonight so I'll let you know the stream's not breaking off is it guys I think it's my I've just got bad uh reception on my phone I think hey and Andrew returning for two months business class member saying thanks for the extra show thank you very much oh that was ages ago I just scrolled up on me Thing by accident oh well you've had to uh two Bing bongs for the price I want try a Weston's old Rosie if you can find some all right I'll have a look yeah weird Matt cuz it's rock solid here obviously I'm only streaming in 1080p I don't know M I don't know don't know me just a bit of focus it be nice if we can oh gosh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right folks that'll do it for me I think if you don't mind hope you've all uh enjoyed this little uh little bonus show for today and uh we brought you all the action from Manchester Airport for quite a blustery period some great pilot skills on display as well and uh plenty of awesome people in the chat enjoying it hey Lori Happy Thanksgiving to you we'll be back live for your Super Sunday show Sunday at 9 a.m. [Music] but uh thank you all for tuning in hope you all enjoyed this stream I've been Martin from airin live and I'll see you all on Sunday take care [Music] guys on the sky and a foot on the road I'm not doing this to try to make a name I just like the way it feels honey the way it looks on me still got the fire when you try to be a Blood Cuz I like the way it feels honey that little rise rise rise you blow I hear your secrets I know your play a the way out without your blood on my hands I T the demons how to scream your name they always sing the best for the business man I'm not doing this to try to make a NE I just like the way it feels on the way it look on me still got the fire when you try to be a flly cuz I like the way it feel Sunday and it r r Ro I'll use it for go [Music] I use it for good R hundreds in holy water just backseat driver flying on the cover different faces but they always a shame say they'll make you a star if you'll just sign your name but that man doesn't know that we are bulletproof keep one foot on the sky and the fo on the roof I'm not doing this to try to make a name I just like the way it feels on it the way it looks on me still got the fire when you try to be a FL cuz I like the way it feels on that little r r r Ro you love I'll use it for [Music] go let was your blood I use it to go I'm not doing this to try to make a name I just like the way it feels I the way it look on still got the fire when you try to be a FL cuz I like the way it feel on that little rush rush R you [Music] oh
Channel: Airliners Live
Views: 41,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live, aviation, boeing, airbus, manchester, airport, planespotting, plane, prepar3d, flight sim, simulator, dcs, dcsworld, dcs world, carrier landings, mfs, mfs2020, microsoft flight sim, uk, vfr, retro
Id: Sb2D7ohsiO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 53sec (10613 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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