London Heathrow Airport [4K]

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is [Music] okay [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you I'm trying to oh no [Music] um [Music] I've got a previews [Music] does that come on [Music] it says [Music] O2 awesome [Music] okay uh let's get this show on the road boy [Music] [Music] now just this guy lines up and wait he might get he might have been given a clearance for takeoff he doesn't have to line up and wait um whereas that air out gs330 May well do because it clearly goes straight out Direct headwind all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] six engines see the pointy cone out the back which is a nozzle which aerodynamically directs the airflow out of the engine AC 13 200 variant bit more chunky than a 300 sibling here we go oh line up and wait then lining up and waiting because he's got this chap in front of him intersecting departure he's rolling already look wait for it son it's rolling in case it's only just started his takeoff run oh he's just rolling into the point all the captain's like you know easy sign easy easy just just let him go let him go let me Adam let me at him fire it up [Music] [Music] late gear attraction to be honest [Music] we'll see lots of them going up long run out for the uh long takeoff roll should I say for the Dreamliner not all the time uh but more often than not because it's built that way well the engines are like that and just working Unison with the aircraft in terms of its uh its aerodynamic efficiency uh meaning that the aircraft can um to minimize the wear on the engines uh they've reduced the power on takeoff um which then obviously increases the length of the takeoff roll um which uh obviously makes it longer before they rotate then uh than your uh triple Sims and 787s Rolls-Royce Power Trip 1000 here we go [Music] see that's quite a reduced power setting they've got on the engines there all pre-entered into the flight management system so that when they push the throttles forward um they can go up to the stoppers basically uh but the aircraft will let the engines will deliver the predetermined amount of power that's been inputted into the flight management computers see how long that run is that's a long run that is spoken to a couple of uh 747-8 pilots who will remain anonymous who said that they winced uh as the end of the runway was coming most of the times look at this beautiful 760 uh A330 lining up you can hear it oh I'll tell you what you can here you can hear that it's like this there's no profile picture these engines man [Applause] ah who's gonna make it first [Applause] is that triple Gonna Roll straight out he's Gonna Roll straight out well intersect is one it's not offer maintenance is it Julie it's triple it's not off down to maintenance is it it's going to Gatwick is it maintenance there we go or positioning flight Maybe sign in yeah man I told you didn't I hey I've got a sign in and all that Malarkey um so let me just try uh yeah [Music] now that will go up very quickly okay [Music] because he's got nothing on board no suitcases no Freight no passengers couple of cans of pop with his uh co-pilot positioning flight to London Gatwick that went up in um about 400 yards oh someone's impatient nice clean sir upset mate Trent that'll set your car alarm Ablaze that will not so much as the uh 2700 I have to say pretty info C1 there it is might be a bit brake dust from those uh Wheels as they close the undercarriage up nope maybe called it a little bit too late there oh you're gonna turn left mate you're gonna have a little bit of a crank left then we'll get you a nice big funky shot with a triple seven [Music] CF6 now this is a little uh single oil um can't really call it a a shortfall jet generally it is but these things capable of flying across the Atlantic if they're configured correctly it's it or it's it and Danny Harrison welcome to both of you [Music] oh man let me just follow this one and we'll see a lot of them I see a million of these [Music] foreign [Music] oh is it operating Gatwick to Tampa later today that's triple seven who told you that Julie [Music] uh Linda why doesn't Heathrow have their own ba maintenance they do Linda um it's like more like an overflow down a Gatwick that is if it's going for maintenance but it's not it's actually going for a positioning it has a positioning flight for an operation out of Gatwick to Tampa Florida later today from Londonderry interesting I have to be honest with you and I'm not pointing fingers or anything like that but really come on Gatwick man [Music] marketing team start thinking outside the box box jar jarbox give us a call we could have caught that hole Delta Airlines return to Gatwick live and exclusive to to you know but no Dreamliner great night for an airplane I like that by the Americans the Dreamliner not really being massively a dream to them as it uh financially over the last decade or so plagues with many many problems with that airliner um but obviously managing to keep everything afloat or in the air should I say part of the uh big grounding at one point was down to the engines with the Rolls-Royce Trent engine so nothing really to do with Boeing themselves but obviously uh other issues electrical technical and a structural as well bulkhead issues as well on some of the 787s over the last few years as uh giving them quite a few issues but uh things sort of like returning hopefully with their 787 program and congratulations on the 100th Max to United Airlines thank you it's another clever program taking an existing aircraft type and modernizing it uh kind of lot like what Boeing have done with their Macs of course with the 737 which has had more types and spitfire I believe only joking of course um it's funny in it when you look at a 737 front end uh I mean obviously there's a lot of people who would know what what what type it is based on that you know but other than the very early variants with the eyebrows it's quite difficult to tell the front end of a 737 um mark one from a max if you know what I mean I'm sure there are a few uh changes like maybe they've extended the nose they've extended the front end section of the 737 over the years uh maybe just for the max I know the back end of the Max has been heavily modernized um see they're quite full over there that's the maintenance sheds there at British Airways um of course all these old sheds that that what you're seeing there the frontage you're seeing uh is is a bolt-on frontage you can um on on all of the old existing the old um hangers that they used to have here at London Heathrow and still have but masked in um in a a frontage so to speak obviously a huge cost to British Airways but I think they have a preservation order on those um on those maintenance hangers inside there so there's uh very little ba you can do in terms of um they've just had to obviously extend them out oh we missed the jumbos being in there don't we eh kind of like you know you just missed something yeah busy in there though you see um and that's the old um that's the old 747 Hangar I mean obviously not just 747 but B I used to use that extensively for the 747 that's now gone to United uh but I'm hearing um dude wow this sounds [Music] it's okay now is it so it's just a a a temporary glitch right now uh Darren Lawson has gifted five big jet TV memberships what a lovely thing to do thank you Darren long range Qatar triple seven making its way out for departure Singapore Airlines just about to pull around and park up at gate we're going out and imagine into that stand there and look at that boho Jane yeah boho Jane that's a that's a good question um obviously you know he's got his left arm and his right arm his left arm if he's in if he's in the left-hand seat his left hand is controlling um the uh the the aircraft's movement um with with an Airbus for example um a bit of a long Landing uh his right hand or her right hand is going to be operating the throttles um this is just for example so he's left with his right hand and then of course um uh and that is something that comes with training basically it's something that comes with training uh having the ability to sort of like multitask with your uh hands and feet and be coordinative as well I don't know if that's the right word but coordinating uh the movement of the rudder of the aircraft for example with your feet uh also breaking when you're Landing if you have to if they're not on auto Break um [Music] and of course if they're flying a Boeing um the uh the same thing applies where the pilot will be controlling the Yoke with one hand which looks quite a lot more sort of like you know aggressive than with the Airbus because you actually see the whole yoke moment moving but um they will also be in charge of the problems because you wouldn't want somebody else accelerated using the throttle in your car while you're trying to steering it really would work that well you need to control that uh [Music] far more sort of traditional is the is the Boeing system of flight control [Music] yes exactly like an Englishman driving on the continent yeah get used to uh using the um that's why I always rent an automatic when I'm out there not that I'm in any way um you know uh I lived in California for you know where they driving along the other side of the road um but anyway yeah General Electric interesting history to read up on about the uh the triple seven with British Airways British Airways were the launch customer for the Boeing triple seven I believe and uh their early aircraft were powered by General Electric uh ge 1990s I think they are and that's this this one here probably be modified since it was new I'd imagine but they weren't happy with the um with the engine so went to Rolls-Royce for the next batch of triple sevens [Music] still era whining all the way down there man [Music] yeah so did people get my bit about the uh the shed and the the United [Music] so this Qatar jet because of the um because of all this um uh repair work that's going on with the taxiway there uh they've closed that whole entry point off so Jets coming from the other side of the Airfield now not all of them obviously but um that bird very very nearly landed so it's a sparrow hawk in it look at that beautiful sparrow hawk man are you serious oh that's hilarious man oh that's funny model shop in Bournemouth who play out big jet TV on their screen in the shop hello to everybody in that bottle shop if you're listening right now maybe they've got the sound turned down I don't know but uh hello to anybody in any model shop anywhere in the world right now who might be watching listening or um whatever virgin 350 on radar Levy maidenment thank you Livy Paul Brown have you ever been to Birmingham yes Paul um yeah the the shot right down the center of the runway at Birmingham was used to be awesome from up on top of that that uh that field a neglected field it has to be said I know what was in it before but juicy juicy guitar triple seven here we go clear takeoff 2-7 right wins are what are they are they uh two seven zero or something like that or is it the other way around [Music] 270 degrees here 10 knots very in other words winds are calm is what they will say q and H I'm guessing thank you so q and H number actually I've got an age sitting the setting is already at its point on the ground so [Music] um q and H is that I think it's a barometer setting a pressure setting that they have to I wouldn't say regularly but certainly during approach to make sure that the the um the altitude I think it's an altitude setting or something like that which basically um says what the what the um the ground altitude should be on on your aircraft right now or something like that to keep the aircraft in sync with the uh yeah Pilots um impression of that uh Laura Maloney has uh thank you Laura has gifted a big jet TV membership that's very fun John Emil Harrison is a new member welcome John aircraft [Music] military variants have other designations [Music] someone who knows our Wildlife correctly identifying back to barrel water black and yellow eyes interesting I don't think we would have been able to see right into their mince pie and [Music] a Dave feeler Boeing have more 737 Max problems with vertical fin attached points oh my goodness me really vertical thin attach points in other words the rudder or oh no vertical fin vertical stabilizer not the rudder but the attached points of the vertical fin has obviously been brought up in a how would that have been identified as the question during a maintenance check I would imagine uh Jen Llewellyn uh was an Athen Aircraft Museum yesterday with her son and Grandson uh in the field opposite was boak 747 British Airways 747 um which we covered the believe it or not um the arrival of here at London Heathrow airside with thousands of people watching and uh no more than a few years two years later or so uh she's gone what a shame what an absolute shame be an opportunity to give one of them to one or two of them a bath in it a couple of 380s over there uh attitude now for me 12 degrees is it 12 or 16 degrees I don't know but it feels quite warm even up here on the top of the roof 14 degrees wow to see across the bowels there to terminal four vertical stabilizer Kaz saying indeed um sapiro will you be able to catch my flight back to London next Sunday on Kenya Airways about this time sabira who knows uh at this point in time we don't know where we're going to be next Sunday I'd imagine it's going to be um if it's around about this time that means if they're on two sevens you'll be on the southern Runway going out so that would obviously be a little bit more difficult in terms of catching your departure so to speak but um uh Whispering nature do they inspect the runway after a certain number of flights uh generally we when you say uh expect the runway you're talking about oh oh okay okay uh so she's coming in from Nairobi okay all right well we'll look into that sabira um Whispering nature do they um yeah weather dependent of course as well and all those sorts of crazy things wind direction is obviously very um the inspection process is between Runway operations they might do a random inspection if you're talking about the inspection um or in terms of Maintenance um the uh the runway will be uh worked on as and when it's necessary uh I'm guessing oh it has a lifespan one would imagine um but obviously the materials that they use and the um Aggregates and all that kind of stuff are making a Runway are very sophisticated uh can take a real pounding of course and they need to but uh they're even even runways are susceptible to uh uh shrinkage and um and cracking and all those kinds of crazy things uh hello wait a minute I see in the distance [Music] [Music] no no get away quickly he's coming for you it's moving as fast as I just like hurry up um yeah congratulations anyway to Boeing for delivering uh the 100 737 Max to United say uh interesting little bit of news that I heard uh I read today um was that Corsair now we've seen Corsair haven't we um they uh they have been voted uh or crowned as they say the best French Airline uh and thanks to the votes of 200 000 people who were who were questioned over their favorite uh French carrier a beating Air France and uh French B in it so well done Corsair operating uh a339 it's the Neo so we might see one or two of them down at um at um to lose when we eventually get there no I know uh silk way um have just announced as well a new uh weekly flater and I mean that motion Shelly folks a freighter operation uh to Houston uh of course they operate all the way into um they're actually not a US Airline they're uh they're uh I think they're from Uzbekistan or something like that anyway so that means that when we're in Alaska we may see uh a couple more uh silkway 747 operations there but either way whatever we get we're going to get lots of uh beautiful operations Gotta Give a lot of love to the uh the single all folks I was reading a great story about Billy Muhammad um on LinkedIn um he went from flight attendant to a pilot by the age of 27. I think he started working in the aviation sector um when he was 19. so that's uh that's pretty amazing isn't it you know um determination hard work and determination and research it was one of the things that he mentioned it's so easy it's so important to do your research and then you're miles ahead of the game aren't you before you go to the school he studied and did his private pilot license and all that stuff I think he got his CPL down in Johannesburg as well [Applause] [Music] it's a big old lump in it [Music] what's that [Music] would say that [Music] yeah Frankfurt was all the members Anchorage will be first class and superclass members folks but also bear in my mind all um premium members that you'll be able to access the footage uh a week later seven days later after it goes out live uh to our first class super class members seven eight seven look how low she is uh Welsh guy yeah um that's the the the Broughton visit is literally an ongoing uh project which they've they've got a new lady who's just recently started there so I literally uh although she's been briefed on our proposal and um and I also have my good friend in the background who's sort of like overseeing it just to make sure but you can't bug them too much um he said give her a week or so to bed in and get herself uh comfortable and then maybe contact her so we're waiting in the next week or so I'll be reaching out to her and hopefully we'll make it happen but to be honest with you folks it's a tough old life uh trying to get you know these guys to commit because they're obviously busy with other stuff uh and understandably so but this is something that's very easy to organize in terms of the passes and all that kind of stuff and uh you know but obviously the most important thing is the whole we've got to do we've got to go to Airbus and actually do a wrecking a live recce which will not be available to anyone that's for anyone to see other than a select group of people from Airbus themselves who will be able to see exactly what we are proposing to do and then if they're happy with that then we will obviously um are you going mate um oh you're gonna sit there all wait who's that piano and get some big guy in the back of this one hi go get my nuts shot give him a nuts no no no no no no I'll give another hope till I got it just behind me right okay well it's coming up on us then wow [Music] I definitely don't I'm not sure that there's a virgin 350 on weight off [Music] the secondary activity [Music] [Music] the bias is upgraded his membership to first class uh virgin 339 on radar ve uh one one on radar to Boston Paul skillington thank you or not Dreamliner set engine smoke switch to tie right positioning right uh Tobias um the uh I sort of do a run to the uh I do a sticker run at least once a month anybody wondering what that's all about if you want to stick a free of charge then uh just go and download the app doesn't cost anything other than a self-addressed envelope that you said so um box 747 all the details that are on the app just uh scroll down on the app and uh yeah the name rings a bell Tobias put it that way uh because I do look at people's um I'm just gonna we're gonna get lots of other ones don't we let's just get this this big land in so holding at whatever point that is Runway ahead you can see Rolls-Royce trents bolted to that thing man look how big those engines [Music] David Sheffield welcome back David Wing lights now on that means she's uh well got a Dreamliner um pushing in front all right what are you doing that's a vice yeah well Tobias if you sent me an envelope it will be either in the next batch or it would have already gone out I don't know when um about two weeks ago I think the last batch went out Rolls-Royce Trek 900s rolls trollhunters saying yes indeed the Rolls-Royce trick 900 exclusive to the 380. Jordan 78 smell the Jets now depending on what's actively waiting you make it clearance now clear takeoff 2-7 right just doing his final checks now maybe or her final checks everything's good power settings right get her into position sit there for just a five or ten seconds maybe press a repressurization switches one more time and roll her out I think she's going straight out fire it up thank you just looks so slow doesn't it except rolling on to the entry point probably a line up and wait I would imagine because you're still gonna get quite a significant amount of weight behind this 380. long run she's heavy man here she goes wow that's Dreamliner country that is [Music] top that big 35-ton undercarriage up inside big sound of the door slamming shut if you're a passenger over the wing and then about between 60 and 80 seconds later configured up come the uh up come the flaps and the uh Leading Edge sets she's gown see look still leaving it quite some time can be 10 miles long the Wake on that 380 and of course because of the fact that the winds are directly at them more or less uh that wake will be less dispersed than it would be uh if it was say a crosswind if it's clear takeoff happy jet happy jet come on girl watch it get even more happy as it goes past watch and yeah so happy man [Applause] yeah yeah that is so unique on the triple seven man some people say it's like that shark what was that shark that you know cartoon shark [Music] yeah yeah something like Finding Nemo or something like that yeah yeah there's another one that he's coming out of that he's a little bit unsure there you see look different angles they look a little bit different than the facial expression on a triple seven look look at him now she's like I don't know uh yeah he's um yeah yeah uh Jordan's new member welcome Jordan uh Catherine Kelly has upgraded her membership to Big jet TV first class uh thank you Catherine and uh Martine Nolan has also upgraded the upgraded first class no need to do it yet folks anybody obviously becoming a um a member by way of um a gifted membership will be able to join us uh live in Alaska um Anchorage uh for the most incredible uh Aviation sights and sounds and scenery that you will ever see in the world Oh Martin with an e on the end not Martin sorry did I say Martin oh sorry Martin no John and Jane it's like Heathrow on Friday morning to Japan Japan had NADA International Airport with Japan Airlines uh uh Friday morning uh that's next Friday morning I'll take it um depends really to be honest with you it's so difficult because if we did that for one we'd have to do it for for multiple others and we obviously love to do it when it's during a show but obviously when it's a a non-show day it's obviously uh quite uh we'd love to be there obviously for everybody but we'd obviously never get anything done um like trying to speak to me they don't understand the Jaws movie was dead asking for more happy Jacks you don't get it with the 330. 330 is just uh they're uh Pito heads um a very sort of like you know differently spaced but the triple seven now look look he's he's a little bit happier now now watch his watch his smile change as he turns onto the runway [Music] thank you so much lovely thing to do now look now he said oh are we going flying are we well hold on a minute now he's got a smile on his face and it gets happier there it is look he's really happy now he's looking down the wrong way [Music] they're right there man right there nice big old set of cotton fan blades on it just gonna jump to this 330 folks Virgin Atlantic looking forward to meeting up with um Captain Chris [Applause] final checks everything good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Trent 700s go for it such a long wind up on those engines man you listen and compare them to uh to other um engines like these xwbs are just about to see all the power comes on at one point and then it's just bang on it comes whereas the trend 700 is like a sort of like a long delivery long slow sort of beautiful delivery [Music] a350 the xwb watch the profile as she turns head on at us not perfectly cylindrical has a very slight straight straight side to it comes out and then down uh as opposed to the other cylindrical stands they could be going straight out as well then see he's got whiskers in it 350. it's got big nosy whiskers in it there it is I think the noise that you hear them noise just as they're spooling up is actually the uh the valves closing um as the engine spool up all the drain masts that you see at the bottom of the engine and all that sort of thing all the seals close up for that which is what that foot noise that you hear just as they uh yeah a bit funkiness going on there look Funk here Make It Funky identity oh [Music] a couple more triples big heavy loves look let's get this guy just in case uh they know we're on and they're like you know [Music] this one's got a little um a little mole on his face look oh look at that that's quite rare that's nice is your name again the singer with the mole on her face Lindsay to Paul that's nice and rare that is Simon Bamford welcome back oh listen to these edges just getting that back ramp [Music] she must be quite heavy she must be quite heavy because this is a bit of a ramp there that's why she needed to power the engines up to get up that ramp bit of an incline uh probably a like three three percent or something like that three degrees sorry um but this triple I I'm I'm predicting is quite heavy where'd she go James Brown is a new member make it him didn't Get Up Get on Up Get Up Get on Up Get Up Get on Up yeah [Music] that was heavy man nice big Q8 and triple seven making its way around the back of the bike sheds look oh and look at this first 767 Smokey Joe with the day awesome unbelievable guy around that we uh we caught the other day folks probably um I don't know if it's more dramatic than the Dreamliner [Music] I feel good [Music] uh puts in PJ's spy walks that one going to LAX uh Jerry Donnelly g90s rock and roll they do man they do I mean I love the trents you know the eights are screamers the sevens the screamers um but the the the the the the the ge9 has just got that big beefy sound about it isn't it mind you they do really growled and they sometimes the trends uh Salem Mike DHL 767 300 ER arriving at 15 to 20 minutes probably catch that one going out later on in the show I would imagine it won't be a massively uh long one uh gay Pinner cargo 747. aviation in 4k not as dramatic as that dream line a touch ago um but still incredible yeah I I think I think the Dreamliner kind of like just wins out because of the fact that it actually touched the ground um and was like wow man like you know I mean you've got to see it to believe it folks um it is on our channel of course but it is an amazing thing to capture and watch and uh and see uh just how how much of a close shave it was let's just say that yeah uh average passenger way in it average passenger way yeah yeah yeah oh he's happy oh he's very happy look very happy now you can clearly see his uh his smiley face there the two Pito heads uh well actually three Pito heads there uh redundancy for redundancy for redundancy oh hear that [Music] no no I'm just gonna come back to back to this beautiful 767. old school sound proud Wick is probably uh Mart UK uh one yes I have seen flying heavy metal indeed I've had blue stickers sir it's kind of um kind of a little bit uh yeah it's all [Music] [Music] I think it's a 23 um flights a day for United on the plan for 2023 that's their plan wow I can't state that wow Martinez Air France and cmacgm well that's that's kind of KLM as well isn't it because Martin era a Dutch operator [Music] um replacing cargo KLM cargos Jets of course but that's no surprise there to be honest with you hey [Music] Shake farage is just gifted five picture TV how many is it or a picture TV membership sorry I gifted a picture TV membership thanks Jacob farage I'm hoping folks really told me yesterday but um just a lot going on obviously but I must have skipped my mind but apparently this one is going to be going out well you should expect her to turn around and go out um within the show today folks that's possibly going to be our Curtain Call I don't know but keep an eye on her let me know if she comes on radar uh we won't be able to see her from so around about seven o'clock we're thinking we're gonna see this aircraft uh going out now that's a 400 pure freighter of course not there 800 that they sometimes operate into here but 400 pure blooded freighter something that we will likely see in many of uh in Alaska gonna do some gold panning as well [Music] as if I found a massive great chocolate gold on them what would you have to do you'd have to go and sell it I guess to a uh to a gold dealer and then declare the earnings and all that kind of a lot you pay tax on it anyway [Music] this could go up quick [Music] about now ish maybe now 650 okay okay plan to go out at 6 50. uh Tara Payne is a new member welcome Tara Chris Howard uh gifted five big jet TV memberships thank you to everybody who have gifted uh big jet TV memberships of course those memberships are first class and those folks will be able to join us uh in Anchorage um in a couple of weeks time Royal air morocc 737 that's uh Next Generation jet not the max but uh probably a 900 or something like that or an 800. tap went into a to a roller takeoff spy walks the tap was moving fast in the corners NFC and Dash 400 uh will always be the best version for me to lfce and are talking about the 747 uh Ian I mean of all the 747s I've got to be honest with you that probably the early variants you know the the 100 and the 200 would be my favorite in terms of um the ultimate 747 of the jet age you know um but of the current versions that are flying yeah I've got to be honest with you especially those um uh those those pure Freighters that don't have the extended Upper Deck um of course the Freighters they don't need the extended upper passenger deck they can utilize far more space by bringing that using the old 100 variant type humble Laura Maloney has upgraded to First Class membership laser aimed welcome picture TV new member right there laser aim right through that sailor Mike roll morocc 737 Max oh it was a Max was it sorry I've got it completely wrong thank you for that [Music] uh Scott Kirchner does the ground crew connect disconnect the nose gear or is it mechanically disconnected uh no it is the ground crew uh the um the guy that walks out with the tug um will be in in contact with the crew up top um when everything's done the and the and the the link is detached and the tug has moved away the last part will be for him to remove the uh the brake tag which disconnects the front steering mechanism uh from the pedals um with the pilot so that they can't accidentally press the left gear when he's trying to steer it right and snap the linkage um it completely disables it from the pilots and makes it fully movable for the uh for the tug um once he's pulled that pin and all the systems are back up uh he'll then disconnect his mic which is literally just a simple plug system up inside the undercarriage and then walk away give the guy a wave and show the tag which we'll probably get an idea of later and um and off they go so it is all done manually by the ground crew Nick Wilson welcome to First Class the aviation Lounge welcome back uh Clive Clark my nephew should be in terminal 3 by now um leaving Sri Lanka tonight at 9 30 in the evening there is a bypass lever on the nose gear that disconnects the nose from cockpit that's why you see guide hold uh up the pit after turning the pout to yeah he'll he'll he'll he'll hold up the PIN to show that he's related he's removed the pins if he just waves goodbye and there's no pin in his hand and the pilot will be like whoa whoa whoa hold on a minute where's the pin you know and then you're in a right old piccolonia because it's not like in open the window oh where's the pig sorry mate I can't hear you I said where's the pain the what oh for girls sake [Applause] Forbes has upgraded their membership to First Class Aviation land s welcome everybody Uncle Pat uh shooting him from Texas where it is 10 55 A.M [Music] trained 700 here we go big long wind up for these engines listen to this [Music] [Music] oh Mark Lambert flew into Bangkok the other day loaded Thai 747s see how long that takes well that's quite nice to see EgyptAir 737 like that [Music] Lufthansa be very very wary of taking electrical products in your main check-in bag folks if you're going to carry any charger blocks or anything like that then take them in your check-in baggage and make sure they're under 100 ohms or whatever it is oh sorry taking in yet take them in your hand bag it's not your check you once no no I said if you don't put it in your checking bag you just take it put it in your hand baggage oh I I I don't repeat myself then okay so pulse killing has gifted a big jet TV welcome thank you so much sir uh Forbes upgraded to um first class great stuff Forbes Rebecca Weaver did cockpit windows on modern jets ever able to open yes on some of them they still are 767s uh the triple seven I think has a sliding opening window um different aircraft different top yes but uh I think um some aircraft do some aircraft do not g'day Brian saying when was the last time you saw a 747 s play uh for yeah wow you know what I could tell you when the last time I saw a 747 SB it's got to have been around about 2005. was it 2005 or something like that exact exact Year I'm not sure but let me just figure this one out 20 05. I saw I was in London I was in East London and I was um I I I I I was I I re I realized where I was I was kind of like not far away from the approach uh flight path to London Heathrow and I looked up and I saw a South African Airways 747 SP and I was like oh my goodness me and my mate was like what I'm like look at that he goes yes play I'm like yeah right now um and uh he was like oh okay then whatever see look you look at the front end of a 737 now you tell me whether that's a Max I mean obviously they've got uh different Pito just the cockpit uh front end I'm looking at here not the um not the winglets or anything like that literally from uh a foot back and forwards of the um of the cockpit window [Music] oh oh here we were [Applause] like Nigel Clinic Trent 700 uh payday function to 50 knots wow thank you so much for that Nigel Clinic that they're there for answers they're in what I talk about with the uh the long spawn up with the 2700 So it's a modification on the engine uh to um to reduce um thank you so much for that great information love stuff like that keep it coming doesn't matter where you get it from whether you know it yourself or you're an engineer or if uh if you're um if if you're uh uh uh getting it from Google or whatever it is uh Dave feel it just ground just grounded last and flying 747 it was flying telescope but they grounded that 747 now for the flying telescope uh Caroline Brooking I remember the KLM pilot opening his window and waving at Dublin and we also had one a brilliant one um probably even better I'd imagine where the pilot was literally leaning out the window was at skipol looking down on a 7-3-7 I think it was or was it yes it was a 737 being pushed back from gate [Music] Philip Lowry first sighting of an Egypt sm37 for him usually see this in like skip hole and places like that or um Frankfurt normally uh they're operating there triple seven I've got to be honest or even 3 30 at times nice big juicy triple set coming out um hopefully that Emirates 380 is going to line up and just hold his position right there and let these guys go out so that we can get this um because I want to get his his roll up so they roll up roll up Read All About It oh yeah of course blimey all right Pizza very versatile freighter as well the 737 of course [Music] but more rare to see an HTS 737 freighter um but that aircraft would have brought Freight in some of it destined for the UK other uh Freight that might be on board that aircraft as a feeder as it's commonly known the Frida aircraft which will bring out Freight from another country to um part of it to this country and then uh part of the freight will be going on possibly um on that Cathay Pacific Freight uh freighter um it but usually these kind of uh flights are General cargo which is usually uh perishables like fruit and vegetables because we can't go anywhere over here you see foreign it was in the old Alitalia Livery A330 uh going out of Heathrow what was it coming in I don't know final check is complete Roger Have It upgraded to a first class Roger thank you Pete on the move uh welcome to First Class Pete on the Move that's brilliant we got Nick Woodward has gifted uh five big jet TV memberships thank you Nick look at the outpour outboard section of These Wings with the tip tanks fuel tanks in those wing tips heavy heavy [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] return tonight [Applause] hitting two one zero climb and maintained three thousand feet [Applause] something like that [Music] things going into autopilot now anyway flaps going up slats already quite a long-winded wind up for those big enormous uh flight surfaces on the A380 but now she's flying see now the wing tips are uh fully flexed [Music] [Applause] so still even though it doesn't look like it a tremendous amount of flex on the wing on the 380 oh hello and there it is look oh heater won't be liking that why don't we [Music] 767 with no winglets possibly afraid uh originally built as a freighter I don't know a lot of these aircraft inverted [Music] yeah yeah oh goldfish retro jet is over there as well this is nice almost looking retro now that old Italian delivery in it even though it was it wasn't a very um a long time before they were sort of like going through their new phase of Alitalia with their new livery uh then they actually ceased I think there was a there was talk of a bit of corruption going on there somewhere I don't know whether that's true or not but Tobias refueling is a 2 000 liters a minute need 50 or 60 or more tons so you know it takes a while yeah yeah it does take a quite a long time you know a transatlantic Crossing I remember the uh the fueling guys were doing um we're doing a 747 across from Stansted to East Coast I think it was I think it was 90 tons that's a Max 90 tons they put on Border uh 747 Fraser uh Dave bealer a American is eliminating the Retro paint schemes on the street online as it is instead putting the US Airways retro 1321s American deliveries will still be on December 37s like that I like what Americans do American woman American woman sorry [Music] uh squirrel has a model of that Alitalia gym cool uh Helen clap I prefer that ITA Alitalia Livery well like you know what I don't blame anybody that turns around and says you know what I prefer that old Alitalia Livery because I still like it I like it but they just had to completely Rebrand it didn't they uh nice Trend power triple seven 200 lined up followed by his uh Big Brother um pushing in the background there um the 300 varium with the general electric engine as you can see a bigger engine um than the Trent's uh 800 I just put flights from Boston to Heathrow on a 380 the next to move up the ramp it's Jane lovely lhr show really alitalium delivery reminds me of the spirit of sweets when I was looking um [Music] Scott Everett here now [Music] uh es on Friday at 380 from London Heathrow made two attempts to land at Miami then diverts to Orlando to refill came back to Miami about three hours delayed TCC um mentioning also about the um rumored um issues with uh technical issues with the 737 Max production line with vertical stabilizer mounting uh that's what we're hearing at the moment that news will obviously gather Pace as it happens but that would mean a recall I would imagine um which the manufacturer the airlines would not be happy with I have to say because when your aircraft is taken off the line um you're losing Revenue basically look at this I've just spotted something memberships thank you Linda huntsfield Rolls-Royce engines on this triple seven originally um probably like British Airways were going to be General Electrics but this aircraft was probably one of the aircraft that went through the delay procedures [Music] big chunky undercarriage on the triple Sim both 200 and 300 variants got the same system see the um you can't actually see it see that jet just went out I think that's a clipped weak gym doesn't have any uh raked wing tips on it sorry folks just grab that Curry and triple first I saw that created in Miami on flight rate a lot of places a huge thunderstorm over Miami while there we go [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] climbing get climbing [Applause] hey you said I could go first what do you say what a matter where you are [Music] okay Phil Lloyd it was mentioned the max issues are the back for locking tail to fuselage pins and it is a manufacturing issue that Spirit their supplier oh dear is that strength and integrity of the bolts themselves or the anchoring points George it was ready boy [Applause] she went to Bucky that one [Applause] what the hell [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey Chino Gino why you're not a part of the Ballina [Music] you're buying 787 coming out for New York [Music] um that'll probably well [Music] Mark n asking if anybody knows why the Ryanair 737 front nose gear let's see uh collapsed last week but I would imagine that that was probably a technical issue with the locking mechanism or something like that it very unlikely to have been uh an accidental uh you know right we're parked okay gear up yeah Mr of jets over there Uzbekistan ETA and Air France nice little uh nice little cluster of colors sabira upgrade to First Class big jet TV box indeed narrow character [Applause] Lloyd Bell Her Majesty is pushing the e has before this is a 787-10 um I'm only saying that because it looks long um sometimes depending on the angle that you look at them it's obviously when they saw but there are noticeable numbers of windows at the front which are an extension obviously because uh I think primarily it's the front of the aircraft that has been extended maybe the midsection slightly as well but it's it's just been stretched basically it's all I used to call in the old days a super stretch it's the longest variant of the 78739 of course [Music] Ian Snelling Jerry on Thursday I saw several cruises between flight level three two zero three seven zero and none were trailing that will literally Ian B down to the weather itself and the um oh scary copter scary copter oh look at that big spidly thing hanging off the top of it look I know they're the right place see um be an old remote and that's temperature related we'll find uh sometimes when looking above and seeing an aircraft and it's not trading it's generally down to temperature um because obviously normal temperatures above those Heights are normally anywhere between sort of like minus 25 and minus 75 or something insane like that um but uh it all does depend on uh temperature and winds and all that kind of stuff obviously very high winds creates some amazing looking um condensation trails and they are uh condensation uh created by the hot exhaust temperature of the engines just like your car that you start on a cold Winter's morning uh has all that sometimes has that condensation that you see which is a mixture of the um hot exhaust meeting the cold temperatures not Madoka just stop it stop it [Music] Mauritius 350 on radar diesel one for intelligence and there she is I'm just getting this uh hey [Music] Tobias where is that Dash team going I don't know you tell me to buy this looks like it's going westbound okay clear takeoff I thought I was a fun lay in the plane foreign can you hear that hum folks Turn Up Your Bass in the floor on a Singapore seven eight seven Dash tank from Singapore to Manila to come will go completely when they power these things up listen to this uh mid KS you're right Alitalia did go bankrupt or voluntarily or whatever it was but uh New Management it up but they're still using their old aircrafts here we go essentially okay Folks Gotta quickly nip down I'll be two minutes two minutes start the clock foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] man to bang out of order that's taking of Mickey Mouse we've asked nicely and now you're finding another way to do it bang out [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] okay so here's your new it's Italian operator livery ETA [Music] [Music] these guys moving back down to Gatwick I don't know what exactly went [Music] I'd imagine quite soon because probably uh a reduction in operating costs so Gatwick have literally poached these guys uh from London Heathrow unless um they might run a limited service I don't know from Heathrow but um yeah interesting Delta of course back at London Gatwick as well now [Music] he's the one for he actually likes the edita blue Livery I like it don't get me wrong I do like it I think it's very snazzy it's kind of racy in a funny story [Music] oh dream 350 thank you October for Mauritius well still got another year well give or take me out [Music] River s wider than a smile huh [Music] thank you [Music] Royal Brunei that jet folks we don't often see it [Music] thank you comes another favorite amongst a lot of people but looks a little bit odd with the white nose [Music] [Applause] oh what's that screaming emu's talking about it's a lot of stick Shaker pull up a windshield I stretched oh [Applause] is that stormy Landings or crosswind Landings or something oh really oh wow it's amazing [Music] Philip Lowry was it windshield and brought down the Martin air dishes 10 in Portugal 30 years ago well there was a DC-10 I'm thinking of the one in America which was a a Micro Burst which brought back to dc10 down uh or was it Tristan I mean a TriStar I said American operator Kev Parker uh after a bit of research it seems the color is Savoy blue on ETA so named after last Italian royal family brilliant wow great bit of feedback thank you Savoy blue it is hey a luckier play and uh raw jordani look a little bit disheveled with that um with that white radome on it obviously a replacement radar but very um sort of like regularly swapped out piece of um of the aircraft in terms of um maintenance because obviously it's it's the leading part of the aircraft goes through a tremendous amount of stress and impact as well so um these things are a serviceable item they're not like you know [Music] just stay um a throw away uh Mr Oscar three two three welcome to Big jet TV Dallas Fort Worth uh Helen fatly Uzbekistan looks very retro yeah we love the uh Uzbekistan delivery looks even better on a seven fives a seven six and seven inning I think uh Uzbekistan I've got [Music] I'm at work boarding planes fantastic [Music] yeah I love the pastel look of the Uzbekistan jet I'm a bit of a hold of them look at that I'm here Riley now that is an unbelievable intersection [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] rust CT good point May well have um had damage to the uh to the nose section due to ice or flying through a storm like he says [Music] [Music] pop it TCB you see I like those little Snippets of feedback every now and then pop it TCP the sounds good of the engines [Music] yes [Music] [Music] attack over there what do you see odd over there folks who's going to first one to see and answer that let's see Damian Eve's great question do the engines rotate in opposite directions no they don't I don't think I think they all um General Electric rotate clockwise I think and Rolls-Royce anti-clockwise or the other way around or something like that um [Music] but yes what's the jet at T4 with the two red lines I think that's booming isn't it Bangladesh people mentioning uh yes indeed a bit of an odd thing to see is an sas jet at um maintenance at London Heathrow obviously that aircraft's gone Tech I think it's a CEO as well an old gym the 08.0747 well we're hoping to have one before the show around about seven o'clock tonight in about an hour and 15 minutes we're expecting the uh Cafe Pacific 747 to be going out screaming emu left and right engine are identical from every Jet Plane I've flown okay there we go um well I did um a long time ago I heard that apparently they say that one goes once rotates Auntie the other one rotates clockwise Peter wood the wind sock is all over the place uh Mart um Mart UK one yes you can indeed sent a sticker for uh sorry sets and a sticker send an envelope for a sticker you can just go to the app um and grab the address from there just scroll down on the free thingamajigs just put it on the chat anyway box 747 self address it's amazing because you know we get lots of people obviously requesting stickers with their self-adjust envelopes both here in the UK and also around the world I've said stickers as far as Australia us uh the Far East and um and Grimsby no um wider than a smile yeah lots of people send little letters and notes and stuff like that either with their requests or don't even ask for a sticker they just send lovely little either handwritten I've got it's very um very smart letter from some lady in London the other day who's almost got her own letterheaded um paper and everything like uh Dear Mr Dwyer thank you I thank you very much uh very nice indeed it was a lovely letter a touching letter I have to say as well bk3 due in 42 minutes flying over Belgium right now Anthony Allen we will get another Emirates 380 going out um before the end of the show I could almost guarantee it uh Derek Bonfield on the a400 M the props going opposite direction on each Wing there we go um I think that is probably down to the fact that with the with having them Contra rotating like that means I mean swing on the aircraft is avoided you know uh because props um obviously have a lot more sort of like uh what do they call it almost like a centrifugal type um action but obviously not horizontal but vertical um so you need so so you need to counteract that um and that's why back in the old days um the old bombers like the lancasters all their engines the props turned anti-clockwise and that's why they had a big swing as they took off the aircraft tended to pull to the left almost like you've got a break that's um you know sticking on your car or something squirrel eater should have blue edges wouldn't it be too much I'm just wondering Cows as well I like that white nice shiny new a339 the latest this is Queen Elizabeth ladies and gentlemen all stand for the queen talk Nigel cleaning there we go thank you sir sailor Mike P38 Lightning engines rotate in opposite direction to counter talk sailor might yeah P-38 lighting amazing fighter bomber of the second World War I didn't see enough of them I don't think um but an amazing boom uh it was a twin boom aircraft and yes rightly so on the front end of each of those booms was a beautiful I think they were Merlin's weren't they were they Merlin's or were they Pratt Williams Aiden Campbell all Rolls-Royce except one and CFM engines rotate clockwise whilst GE minus the Gen X and Pratt and windy engines rotate counterclockwise so I was I was right but I was wrong you know Queen of the sky didn't um the Condor just received another uh 339 haven't they even gravy brand new the a400 engines are the same rotation is governed by a gearbox infinism oh the engines are the same but the rotations covered by gearbox well there we go David West could date you David look at that clean that back in this man gives you a really good shot of that sky Trent Rolls-Royce tread xwb engine the last of the Trent family uh before they switch to the new Ultra fan which will be manufactured for narrow body and wide body Jets alone [Music] of course the ultra fan Engine with Rolls Royce is a carbon bladed uh main fan blade that is the Mustang once they got that Merlin engine in the Mustang it was a force to be wrecked with them so many purposes as well as escorting the uh the heavy Mighty Eighth the um the bombers out of uh Southern England uh long range into um in deep into Germany as well so that the bombers could penetrate deep and yet be escorted by Fighters all the way to the Target using drop tanks amazing stories behind those we've got to read up on it find out more we'll be right back in these words lifted all the limits on daily operations now Nick can't say I think so yes somebody mentioning uh earlier on this just now whether or not this Streamliner would have gear retraction issues again let me see what a week or so ago that [Music] early rotation for that one that will make a make a left turn [Music] Gear Up successfully positive rate of climb key obviously is to get that gear up ASAP uh SP in order to um maximize the uh hype aerodynamic efficiency of the header plane another dash 10 with British Airways here we go Jerry Donnelly there are a lot of Ba's at Heathrow because it's their home Cherry my friend great tip Dreamliner far more sort of like um appreciated when you look at the aircraft from a overhead profile I remember flying over Seattle at the Boeing plant on my Approach um to Seattle funny enough and uh you could see the 787s parked up we flew over it's it's not pain-filled which is the one that operates the except I'm just down the road it is playing field so I flew over Plainfield that was it yeah Boeing field that we went to payingfield where they manufactured assemble the 787s and you can see them down below and uh the wing profile it's very very heavily swept back but unbelievably so the 747 still has the honor of having the highest swept wing of all airplanes in the world uh with commercial jet stays I think more so than anything nowadays Lawrence is a new member Lawrence raffle good idea Lawrence Avro Arrow is gifted a big chance lovely thing to do thank you Avro Arrow uh China jet coming out interesting let's see where it is foreign obviously during the pandemic these things were like Non-Stop [Music] hey Villa Jerry needs to grab a cargo jump seat to Anchorage well that would probably meet me having to go all over a bleeding place well I work [Music] Ed wasn't screaming you most all Jets take off around between 130 and 160 knots give or take regardless of size yes indeed it is the same more or less around the same and just depending on their what the size and weight is it of um but yes and other conditions but he's right which is around about um I think 120 is uh around 160 mile an hour in it so they're uh it's it's it's um a real illusion illusion It's Just an Illusion could it be that all this confusion look at that uh sorry quite a bit Bee Gees isn't it [Music] hey [Music] um [Music] what was I talking about Sue Taylor the queen loved the plate she did Queen was it was rumored that the queen maybe not so much recently but back in the olden days uh when she was at Windsor she'd be able to look up in the skies and go oh look at that it's a 707. yes Mom wow uh Tim Smart has just gifted 20 big jet TV memberships Tim thank you so much that's a very kind thing to do if you've been um uh gifted a big jet TV membership please come in and say thank God uh very kind of you to do so uh Richard Brown uh Thomas [Music] uh smash dupair um dazza b94 pjc welcome back you lucky so-and-so's being gifted big jet TV membership David Lilly congratulations yeah sorry for the earworm folks [Music] thank you earworms can be a very off-putting thing can't I was playing golf with Gino yesterday so all the way around of course what is it back in 60 over the stone for the club oh Cheeto all the way around man uh Susan whips Jerry nicely reading all the experts on here as I have had three questions answered without having to ask you thank you all Susan whips isn't that fantastic uh yes always it's great when we get so many people on here uh who help others out when I don't get to see it Susan uh I'd like to like to hear the questions that you lost of course but um obviously don't worry about it because if I miss it I miss it I do apologize [Music] thank you [Music] yeah screaming emu is uh our onboard pilot today by the sounds of it um great stuff and this is the jet that screaming emu flies as well the a220 Airbus is uh newest acquisition [Music] oh really now 100 100 [Music] well I did go around and knock on the door didn't I and I've got some I've got some contact details yeah yeah but screaming Amy that'd be great if we could hook something up for with Everett's Air Cargo yeah I did knock on their door when I was in Alaska last time uh unfortunately I didn't manage right at the end and I didn't manage to to hook up with anyone but yeah love to do something with Everts of course Everett's uh operating those DC Nines in Alaska and the dc-6 as well uh incredible old airplane I got an unbelievable um piece of footage of one of their DC sixes flying out of Alaska out of um Anchorage and probably no higher than 70 feet off the ground all the way from the rotate Point unbelievable beautiful um we should put that up again really because I don't think enough people saw that did a bullet sorry please ladies and gentlemen Tobias another try what was that Dublin custom guy's name again no idea what that one's about here now A320 a220 versus a319 um here now obviously talking about the a220 versus uh well it was a competitor at one point uh and um Airbus recognized that and went after um Bombardier and asked to become a shareholder in this in the in the um in the project um but uh very quickly uh muscled their way in and actually took the entire um production of the a220 off of Bombardier bought into it bought it all Lock Stock and Barrel uh uh Airbus 1820 originally the Bombardier ACS I don't know what I was I thought the stank flying down the police [Music] screaming in you um it changes the speed differential and makes the resonating noise oh is that excuse me talking about the The Wookie Howe [Music] how so that's the speed differential is it um in terms of what uh in terms of the rotation of the the the main spawn because the spool is actually the axle isn't it the axle that all everything's attached to obviously there's all sorts of gearboxes and stuff going on what is it a main gearbox going on there but those two aircraft right in shot there um both uh Airbus aircraft hey look at that big old lump coming out for South dc6 all the analog display probably a a single glass like you know um component in there like you know the Artificial Horizon or something or maybe they use iPads and stick them on them above the um above the uh the main the flying panel sometimes oh oh okay squirby with Ellie and who is he being okay okay Phoebe and Ellie watching the show with their dad fantastic um hello Phoebe and Ellie to budding um Aviation fans let's call them and who knows potentially in the future flying one of these Jets sorry folks but uh there he is bang on target [Applause] the true Queen of the Skies jumbo jet the freighter thanks Daryl thanks for the heads up there my old friend jolly good show aviation in 4k watching back ski Athol shows in the reaction to the crows was funny obviously not chopping the whatever they were dropping on the runway that was quite funny here David Sampson the first time [Music] Dutch tourists Paul Kyle I'm still waiting though yeah everyone's just going round and round hey no he's coming out now he's coming out now here we go got a big boom in triple Sim got a big happy smile on his face look let's go flying foreign p.m here in London folks good evening and welcome to Big jet TV [Music] well it's good morning to our friends in America uh and uh is it nearly sort of like Monday in the Far Far flung corners of the world down there in New Zealand strong [Music] you big dealer [Music] see the difference in the design both Airbus Jets A330 closest to us a350 furthest away John Davies is n't your member welcome John Davis sorry John [Music] airworthy DC3 tail dragon as they're commonly known as well [Music] Rob Walker shooting in from the Lux Lounge good day Rob [Music] ca220 checks complete line up and wait to seven right or they may have already been given clearance to take off at their discretion looks like a straight roll out to me it goes [Music] [Music] how derated is that [Music] [Music] beautiful there's your girl look your Workhorse of the Skies [Music] John dates yes thank you John afro now I've got some terrific on the tarmac shots today always guaranteed that here for the Courtyard Marriott um just remember folks that around the corner from here is the uh is the top deck which is available for anybody to visit obviously if you're a resident here at the hotel if you're not then you can of course come here buy yourselves a meal sit out on the deck enjoy some drinks but unfortunately this particular deck that I'm on right now is still uh not accessible to anybody um but it will be they're hoping in the near future I've been saying that for the last year thank you let that Chevrolet I'll tell you when you look in there every place is ready for uh what what bi triple uh oh what on the um the thingy of thingy the the Festival of creativity Anderson Cloud do pilots tend to justify the same type of plane mum swears one of the pilots we flew up to Singapore on the big brew a few weeks ago also flew her off the Dreamliner at Perth on the way home um interesting because most of the pilots even though some Airlines like British Airways and Qantas have Boeing and Airbus in the fleet um you know it's it's it's likely that a uh you know someone like Captain day for example is type rated to fly the A380 but he's on the a350 but they are obviously both Boeing aircraft but I would imagine that generally you will be um you will be a a um assigned to justify one particular type I would imagine off ready where does Iran air pick up this fuel if you can't feel well he has to fly um both sectors with enough fuel on board to fly both sectors adults it goes to show the um you know the capabilities of these aircraft doesn't it the fact that he can fly to set it just means that he's Landing um is when he comes into Heathrow it's a little bit um shall we say uh interesting um obviously I need a pilot to confirm that but obviously he's carrying a lot more fuel and therefore a lot more weight by coming in with enough fuel to fly him back or her back to uh to Iran [Music] Festival created off two creativity sorry off to Vancouver [Music] okay third person in the flight deck there that could be a line training it could be a line check going on there a training Captain giving uh a check to one of the pilots [Music] [Music] [Music] no window number or anything like that with jelly [Music] what's up nice wow let's correct myself a bit of a tough tied situation of course the A380 the a350 are both Airbus Jets I think out you're going up in a nice uh this is a right turn [Music] [Applause] straight out no messing about get the hell out of here boy [Music] oh look at that nice jet [Music] what's that trailing there man it's a trailing something out there number one yeah yeah there's too much to look at for golf site I don't think we'll ever see that oh I've just seen one land what's just landed a 320 or an a220 with Air France stew Seymour still Simone is a returning member welcome back Stu oh [Music] proper old school workhorses these 767s with United [Music] how could you leave me when I needed you funky shop coming up funky shot coming up [Applause] nice nice three three nine sitting there with Delta Airlines Bangladesh 787 crept its way over from T4 aristana 321 remember they're 757s they used to operate out of here not any longer [Music] [Music] now for War Thunder War Thunder Alpha War Thunder is anything a welcome or Alpha here as a new member got Stu Jane Max 72 was on pretending 767 as a kid and he dropped like a stone and they started the fear of flying all good now okay yeah it's it's not uncommon but it is quite sort of like unless you hit really bad turbulence uh clear air turbulence a lot of the time of course um a dizzy height then you know obviously uh sometimes it might wake you up on a transatlantic flight Sunset shirts coming up now nice that thin air 350 the One World delivery is on its way out that's nice a lover 747 well tell you what they're happy they don't have to lease other aircraft due to uh you know the high demand for uh for passenger Jets at the moment that's why they've kept hold of their 346s 343s um 747s 400 and 800 variants [Music] seven thousands here we go back to that in a second just grab this beautiful succulent why I love your airplane no sir that is not true because I am the Scarlet pimpernail [Music] Cliff dick up Martin Pete I have flown on the aristana 757 business class effectively meant lying on the floor a flatbed but primitive not missed wow that sounds kind of crazy didn't it [Music] John gridham likes the Air France into 20. yeah I agree with you soon [Music] [Music] of what bonjour Papa bonjour mama [Music] I do like the all white just the tail Livery on the um on the One World Jets like Qatar have done it thank you and thin air have done it too looks good Graeme Hepburn what engine on a 220 uh it's the Pratt Whitney um pw1100 or different fairies a variants of the engine PW 1900s 1700 whatever it might be [Music] I'd fight the next round thank you the usual uh um Aer Lingus [Music] um double stacked departure and usually at the same time double stacked arrival as well [Music] Sonia Keenan nice looking jet that SAS between TV has helped upgrade me from a nervous flight to a confident one that really enjoys it wow J mate that's fantastic that is just great feedback isn't it Steve right in the afternoon [Music] Pliny to all commercial airline pilots need to learn English yes clinic is the bottom line it's the internationally recognized language when we talk about English we don't mean like hello I'll buy we mean um just English as in the yeah um like Americans speak English although they would probably not want to admit that but it's American we speak American yes but we speak you speak the English language good evening to you uh to Ann Curley it is evening now isn't it uh really lovely clear pictures all in amazing 4K 4K 4K foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] guys I'm gonna have to cut back to this sorry folks but this is a beautiful airplane man love it in this livery of course it's cheap as nuts for the uh for the operator as well as well in it we got Arthur winglet on his way out hey Andrew Gates uh first 12 hour shift at Gatwick tomorrow starting the day should be fun wow Fair Playmates good for you 12-hour shift at Gatwick it's that airside Buffet um that will go quick if you're busy of course thank you [Music] [Music] oh funky shot could be a good one could be a good one oh maybe not there we go [Applause] Make It Funky make it funky looks great Royal Air maroc Max on uh radar for departure interestingly enough double Max lineup there look folks LOT Airlines and uh the Royal air maroc chip how about that there's something Bo would like to see in there Mike 350s best looking plane at the moment Here Comes Arthur uh Joe Thompson can't wait to fly again fantastic thank you by the way through these engines High bypass ratio turbo fans and when we talk about high bypass what we're talking about is the amount of air that is bypassing the um the core of the engine and being used for forward um by the main fan blades for forward thrust around about 70 of the air that's ingested through those engines is used uh that actually bypasses the core of the engine obviously making them very efficient a lot less bypass even though they are high bypass ratio turbo fans those iae engines um a lot less air bypasses the core of the engine and therefore a lot more um a lot less in terms of their efficiency which is quite interesting isn't it because you know um I'm quite surprised it's taken so long before uh engine manufacturers have looked at of fan blade sizes uh because it it makes perfect sense doesn't it the bigger the blade the more rare it can ingest and therefore the more efficiency it's got the bigger the obviously with a bigger blade you need uh you need a bigger cowling and therefore you obviously need more bigger engine the the internal structure of that engine the core as it's known the mechanical working parts or the in the combustion engine part of the uh of the engine is relatively the same size as the uh the original um CFM 56 engine uh much smaller compact blade assembly as well multiple fan blades titanium blades um whereas now they've switched to these amazing big blades I think half the amount of blades in these uh in these newer CFM engines compared to their older um uh cfm56 uh sibling which I think that is a CFM 56 engine right there so as you can see uh that is the old one and that is the new one um doesn't really do it a lot Justice when you look at it on a 737 because of the ground clearance you can see how squared off the bottom of the engine is and that is literally for ground clearance purposes you'll see as this 737 taxes it's got wheel covers on it because the wheels of the main undercarriage are actually exposed because they because the aircraft's so low to the ground it doesn't actually have any ground clearance to be able to put um undercarriage doors on it believe it or not whereas these uh 320s you can see they've got much higher ground clearance on them the Airbus Jets um but uh oh I think that lockjet's gonna be the first to go I think Lacy why is the tail so big on an A380 well Colin it just makes sense doesn't it it's it's all relevant to size um you know the um the size of the uh the A380 uh demands it has a big potato it's a bit like uh it's a bit like a boat really and you think about what's underneath the boat in terms of its Keel uh the tail vertical stabilizer on a on a on an airplane is the equivalent of a keel on a um on a boat and therefore obviously the bigger the boat the bigger the uh the necessity for the bigger Keel on it uh to control its stability um although the Keel on a boat is not used for steering whereas the aircraft has uh both abilities to obviously it needs a vertical stabilizer to maintain its stability in flight but also its steering mechanism in terms of left and right um is the the rudder assembly let's see the uh I can't really see them on what aircraft ba what okay we're looking now for ba16 16 to Marley folks apparently um got somebody on it see the uh just about to see the wheel covers ba 61 not 16. ba 61 folks you see the wheel covers on the uh on the outboard um wheel assemblies hey all right [Music] [Music] split scimiter winglet type on the 737 Max and also on the uh 900 as well although uh slightly different uh design on the uh on the max compared to the 900 um [Music] Daniel Paris what engines are on the 737 Max just mentioned it was the CFM leap engine uh Leading Edge Aviation propulsion same as that engine there as you can see uh Airbus because it's taller it doesn't need squared off uh engine base yeah stretched a321 variant Ted Rogers special and that is the big bad thing and then the pink party right here it's true they are bringing 380 back into full operations no my friend I don't know where you're at from but no Airbus have um dis dismantled everything in their A380 production apart from the um the uh the The Sheds themselves which will be used eventually I believe for um 321 production yeah they're moving um Airbus a321 production to um or or adding it on uh bolting it on and to lose uh because of obviously it's such a high demand aircraft that they uh they need all the space they can get and big sheds that are available um obviously serve purpose Marcus D thank you Daniel Burns are the engines test run before dispatch uh you're talking about um they're talking about a a normal flight there um if so no engines will be tested during their any maintenance procedures um and of course uh the aircraft will be tested along with the sanctions and everything before it's delivered as a new aircraft but uh before flight uh the engines will just be started and obviously the onboard flight management systems will check each ND engine individually um make sure it's they're all running perfectly right temperatures [Music] dropped about five degrees no I mean it's gotten cold here uh Daniel Harris this one heading to Washington [Music] there it is then that's why we call him Arthur because he's only got half a wing tip I'm here away oh [Applause] this big old triple seven making as well get the other one we'll get the other one doesn't make any difference really in terms of its uh operational capability but not having that upper section of the winglet will interestingly enough mean it will burn more fuel uh still got all the same capabilities everything like that no safety issues whatsoever purely down to a aerodynamic um drag issue which will mean she will burn more fuel um over a period of time as well so they kind of want to get that fixed but it will be fixed I'd imagine during its next major maintenance check or even if it's a sea check or whatever it might be because it is quite a major component the winglet doesn't look it uh and it's not like a die-cast model or a flipping you know airfix to grab grab the glue quick and uh wallaby on there leave it for 24 hours to set and then uh it's done I didn't know that is a big happy triple look look at me with me smiley face Joe Thompson um it's absolutely perfectly 100 safe to fly that aircraft a bit just like I say creates more drag on the aircraft in terms of its fuel burn is it [Music] going going west yeah [Music] all right I missed this one pulling on hopefully [Music] oh yeah we're gonna get the it's going to go up the ramp watch this listen to this Wing lights not on yet so he's uh holding at that position at that Runway intersection [Music] someone who's told that he can move to the runway [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Tony is watching this uh Hotel book Chandigarh India wow how cool is that yeah because well so still operating the tiller if they want to use the tiller the hand crank steering mechanism left or right of the pilot depending on which uh which side of the aircraft they're sitting on um but it's a hand cranked uh tiller system much like the rudder tiller on a on a um on a uh on a on a boat um and that will disconnect uh around about 60 knots when the aircraft rolls out so the um the pilot the flying pilot still has the capability if he or she wants to steer the aircraft by use of the tiller up to around about 60 knots but most Pilots generally tend to use their feet um to steal the aircraft can still steer the aircraft on the uh on the taxi as well using the rudder pedals it is literally down person preference condition Roger the walls were the ba-61 787-9 taxi up to two three two seven right I'm guessing he's talking about two seven right um and uh I'm gonna wait for that yeah [Music] no no no no Tales have moved across and over this picture [Music] the aircraft depends on the 7a70 ba61 it's pleading helpful in it [Laughter] and we kind of need to know there it is taxiing out now well we'll get it taxiing if if we see it we see it [Music] great shot virgin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh they scared the living out of me in Breyer like a little cf-34 engines not like these big old lamps look but there is of course the E2 jet the uh the replacement for the uh for the old uh for the old fella here that you see with these little engines but I tell you what they could deliver a punch mate just watch the skiathos show uh to show you exactly what I'm talking about that Ian Morrison thank you Graham Hepburn DCI Reagan Regan on it Regan and Khan I'm crazy what's that the expected Reagan had a present performance yes what's China pointy notes on the Empire on the uh the prayer indeed Ben Brown's still buzzing about the United toga on Wednesday he was there when he watched it live oh my God but yes not as not quite as dramatic let's see oh well hello hello third window from the blah fourth window from the back was it okay so nothing there from the front sorry okay on the right okay okay okay so we've got someone on that hello plane ladies and gents that was nice and clean that left obviously in the very Posh seats as well don't you know sitting up front like that off the glass of champagne when it got on take some champ pants huh with um [Music] so British aren't they music playing on their thing it's like going around your mum's back in 90s but mum do you need to play the Opera when we made Syria this is the Classic FM somewhere else [Music] such a battle boy oh look at that look at that hole that's been cut in that cloud there look at it look at that man we missed that okay that's interesting that's a long range that hole um so we need to um monitor the hole [Music] or that cloud no it's getting bigger and bigger it's definitely freshly um pasteurized that whole nice baby Slinger arriving on the southern Runway [Music] full form back I know exactly where it is Come On Son did you say they don't have a window seat actually the only thing is that sometimes when you're in the first class or Business Class C you can't actually reach the window you're sitting at an odd angle old eyes playing tricks on me oh there no [Music] I don't see anything look like We're Gonna Shine the Light did it do Shine the Light Of Me nope statue ran out hurry up trying to swap the batches out frantically blippinick serious definitely that's it in it it's definitely the jet in it because there's another 787 taxi now oh Lord geek okay well if you're too if you if you're unable to reach the window you're unable to reach the window but why would somebody say that they will do it when they say they will oh okay there we go i hidden camera virgin upper class on the dream line is a weird shape absolutely what talking around the bleeding anyway [Music] oh Thai jet just arrived [Music] it wasn't a liar [Music] sorry Tobias it does uh at times get very quick the uh the chat does get quite quick so a Saturday um but obviously uh you know keep your comments coming don't feel in any way that you can't get a word in edgeways we want you to feel that you can uh chat in here and uh get your get your questions over and uh um also advise us on what is happening or uh everything coming out everything coming in anything over the top although right now um I have high cirrus above me I believe it is oh we did it uh Kellogg's k Special K it's okay so uh our Cafe Pacific jet is a little bit delayed by the sounds of it [Music] [Music] it's time left anymore what's wrong six zero in it is it one six zero that direct left one six zero splendid big long stretchy 321 um of course Airbus have tested um uh all of their aircon almost all of their aircraft are 100 sustainable Aviation field all part from the A380 because it's no longer a uh a manufacturer but um all the twin engine Jets have been tested 100 sap oh that's it now uh Paul Watson Cafe Pacific 747 on radar don't go anywhere folks get sharing uh because that's our Curtain Call be doing more evening shows here at London Heathrow of course right the way through till Darkness uh in the future uh where it's sort of like crazy still still able to film at 10 o'clock at night [Music] sundown a look for all games temperatures caught me out a little bit today I've got to be honest with you it's lovely when I've got it it's bleeding freezing now um let's bring a thank you everybody by the way um for your likes we really appreciate it um we we don't beg for likes we don't beg for subscribers uh we've got a very very healthy um a subscriber base and uh you folks are all the foundations of that thank you so much for subscribing to the channel um if you do subscribe to the channel turn on your notifications folks uh because that way you get to know when we are live we're live twice a week on Wednesdays and Sundays the original um uh live stream program that uh we as big jet TV put out others have followed of course um but that is our original program of um Wednesdays and Sundays timings will vary as well it might be early morning it might be uh into the evening depends on the time of year of course and also where we are is also um based on whether we're in the UK or not for example we will be in um Atlanta up in um Anchorage uh at the end of this month a lot of people very happy about that listen to these lovely and I'm pretty sure that these are CF6 engines on this Iberia A330 bootleg very atmospheric evening shows uh yeah so um Nigel Armstrong that guy with the window seats shun his mobile out the window as it took off have a look back thank you Nigel I will do that and uh hopefully uh who whomever uh did that made a timestamp thank you uh Helen Harrington 747 on radar jdgr4 um j-mank if you like it like it exactly there you go if you don't then God [Music] beautiful airplane somebody mentioning earlier on that they uh recently flew into Bangkok saw a lumber of uh Thai 740 Sims all parked up in storage it's quite interesting I have to say that they've still got them there makes you wonder doesn't it have they got a um a plan for them are they on the books to be sold and uh converted into Freighters or our Thai Airways even considering uh bringing back maybe a couple of seven 40 cents in the service depending on passenger demand of course my uh my walks great question are the engines on the 330 similar to the ones on the 747 yes spy walks um well of course the 747 powered by a number of different types of engine um but yes the CF6 engine was a popular and still is a popular engine that powers them other ones being the Pratt Whitney power plant the Rolls-Royce power plant as well um so uh look them up and of course the latest 747-8 powered by the Gen X the Gen X General Electric power plants also Powers the Dreamliner as well not all Dreamliners but some of the dreamline is very busy out there look at that well to be honest [Music] here we go [Music] about the Thai CEO I mentioned a few months back internet into the 380s or under the under consideration to return okay chat's just going too quick mate uh future of planet Earth is it new member welcome to future of planet Earth wouldn't that be great if we could um if we could possibly get some kind of indication as to what is our future here on planet Earth um but uh it probably uh uh it wouldn't sound very good are you sure you want to know uh why why are you asking that well you know [Music] a planet of course we've all invested in it we're all invested in it up to our eyeballs [Music] um but just how much we take note of that is uh is another thing [Music] jumble gym tomorrow [Music] wow Grime Hitler my only 747 fights were with Iberia in 1974. uh Becky were wearing flares we weren't flares in 74. I think they were I think that was the flat um era wasn't it [Music] lineup Joe Thompson my sister what's the storm show the other day she made me laugh she said it's really bad now it had gone on to storm Eric shut up bless I said it's finished he thinks you're very entertained Catherine yes Cafe is indeed waiting to cross Runway 2-7 left and it's a 400 as well I don't know if she's Pratt Whitney or uh CF6 powered we'll soon find out just coming over now here she comes they chill 767 or so uh making its way out Toby bagman so nice to see a jumbo at London Heathrow isn't it Justin and a lovely old 747 400 freighter as well I did you do are you able to capture Airways to MW what's that um a little bit more specific my friend I'll see if I can wow Daniel been on Ward air 747s and luftwes back in the old days thank you standard spawn up procedure with a spirit [Music] can't have a special dispensation Bruce McDonald and lands John Brenham good to see this in the evenings night repositioning these wonderful Jets so they sell seats to cover the costs debash mode might be reposition repositioning some of these uh long widgets so they sell seeds to cover the cost um did I miss a conversation this song thanks deepesh [Music] [Music] [Music] she looks quite uh quite full up on fuel look at her wings uh tip tanks full by the looks of it she's a full-on freighter and it looks like she's got uh Pratt witness I think they're Pratt Witness [Music] there we go uh Matt Smith confirming practically pw4s different variants of the Pratt Whitney of course depending on the aircraft um 767 slightly uh maybe a lesser thrust rating on them [Music] [Music] RT's in the house Richard Tom what a wonderful thing to see Frank uh Jerry domini uh the United States of America uh HGC cx-8 is number four on flight radar right now folks let's get into number one shall we um and can I just finish saying thank you to everybody who's given us a like on the channel we do obviously appreciate it um just because it it shows that you like us not because we want likes or we're like oh we got 2009 so oh come on make it ten thousand is like hey if you like it you like it you don't have to feel forced into doing it um DHL coming around the back of the bike sheds you're behind the bike sheds stunts don't want it and James jump Trent Whitney PW four thousands I've been around she's only going to Paris so she's just doing the rounds really that Cafe 747 before she get gets uh really loaded up and heads off to some uh or at least back to um to fence she can Dubai not dxb but uh dxb whatever it is the uh the dwc ewc yeah yeah dwc this is just a as nicer playing in it really lovely old 767. it's nice 14 years old spy walks telling us Cafe 747 it is our call out folks this is our Curtain Call this is a cafe 747 we will of course be going further into the evening as the days uh as as the um as the nights do get longer as the days do get longer sorry [Music] we're going all the way through into sort of like 10 o'clock that sort of time I think this 767 is Gonna Come and line up I want to get that jumbo turning I think we're all I don't think she's going long I think she's going which way she's going you're going all the way around yeah she's gone long oh it's a tricky one in it hopefully she's going to line up and wait at that intersection point just give me a bit of time to film this 767 I look at this man I'll listen to her man [Music] oh giant Dudley loved my jumbo trips on Can-Am Cafe high tech [Music] this could be a Turn and Burn [Music] [Music] well 60 Seconds oh no it's going Upstate she's going up steep she's got nothing on board man look at that [Music] wow what's that climb rate on that it's got to be close to the 3K Mark isn't it [Music] two six two four wow [Applause] what you're going to do that we're gonna get us here in that classic Bank Shot pose [Applause] [Music] There She Goes [Music] get it to number one we got it to number one folks you're a great bunch of people aren't you a way all around the world man all around the world well [Music] geeker she'll be backed up in Paris before Jerry gets back right it's that shot there's that shot [Music] slings around the sky [Music] now she's flying man look at her go look at that wow wow go for throttle up get me sir let's see wait for this one dhljet [Music] Skyrocket [Music] well I thought what's only 10 more 747s were delivered after that 747 wow trying to fight Nigel Armstrong's going to quickly run out see if you can see it uh rabbi's lovely Bank Shot thank you Brad James 78 thank you great show uh Lisa G great into the show John H 2 968 likes well there we go thank you that's very kind of you thank you everybody what happened to the other three thousand though miserable budget no I'm only joking um a 3240 people tracking that aircraft HGC saying uh early bird deep ash mode gold throttle up and Kristen Robertson uh Tobias uh Maggie koala Ola uh thank you both great viewing as always Tony O'Reilly someone got their foot down absolutely the future of planet Earth I've got a video of campaign for 77.7 from where I am in raysbury we'll send it via email Elizabeth Smith um thank you very much everybody fabulous show as always thank you to Jerry Julie early birdie Bruce McDonald uh thanks for uh everyone and indeed it is everybody involved it's great to have all of you folks involved in this and thank you um all our new members for getting involved I really appreciate it um and um uh opening up this space for people to come and chat that's what it's all about not just chat but also give me information that's what I feed on I'm like an animal feeding at feeding times uh for uh for information from you folks whether it be correcting me on something whether it be informing me about something or whatever it might be uh we really do appreciate it Roger Norsworthy thank you uh Joe Cameron good to see you throw busy again yes isn't it just um and this is a busy London Heathrow [Music] do all cargo planes have a cargo manager on board Please Mr Pingu um no not all cargo planes sometimes they will have a um um a load master that flies with them sometimes they may not um generally they can't you know the the if it's a specialist Freight operation you know like a like a um an oversized piece of freight I've seen that for a long time ever Julie there may be a load Master on board but in general uh the loadmaster will be um starting to see the uh we're starting to see the the evening flights now aren't we you know that we would normally be uh would be normally be touching down in the evening in the darkness during winter time uh yeah somewhere some carriers will operate with a a load Master on board the aircraft cargo manager you see it depends on the airport on the destination uh like I say but it's a specialist freighter operation uh then they will obviously need to have somebody managing the flight on board but if it's like um UPS or DHL uh generally they will just have a dispatcher on the ground at the Airfield who will do all the paperwork uh run up say thank you very much sign anything you think of very much uh off they go and then they'll wait for the next one [Music] announced third flight to LAX starting in October with the A380 lots of people going to be happy about that Daniel Banks a a triple Sim hopefully gives it the beams yeah coming up on the back of you uh Sue tonkiss thank you very much indeed Jill Perry h a a little soon [Music] now Tobias Joe Thompson Mark J B Hudson um [Music] assignment I'm sure you mean that uh [Music] normally like I say if it's if it's the sort of like um Logistics operation which is just hail and stuff like that there will generally be somebody on the ground who will someone oversee all of the uh stuff going on but the uh the pilot or the captain where they will monitor the weight of the aircraft weights and balance is also very important um and of course the aircraft does come with monitors or or um [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] someone on board that cockpit must be a third person yeah it must be a third person on that flight deck they've just flash the lights mate I'll go on the ghl did he just slide his bleeding window open now [Music] the DHL gonna give you all the love now man regardless of all the noise you can hear we're gonna give these boys and girls the love no no there may be a third person on the flight actually that's that's that's watching it right now he said we'll soon see when they line up here mate we'll soon see when they line up here the fact that they just flash their taxi lights we're gonna see now we're gonna see right now so that whoever's in the backseat Center seat lately [Music] [Music] keep looking at it now you see you can't look away [Music] that's right line up and wait [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] that was just awesome thanks guys thank you oh Goosebumps and all that like the DHL good son nice and steep at all it's gonna go on like one of Richard Branson's Rockets foreign [Music] hey flipping it it's like an air show takeoff [Music] 3 700 feet per minute man well I hope those Pilots contact us [Music] this will be more than happy to share the footage with them although we'll have to do is go on the phone and do a screen record in it but you know amazing how many Pilots actually don't know how to operate the phones properly but they can operate a bleeding jetliner but how do I do that well is he going to break the clouds is he actually going to break the cloud what's that crowd height has got to be and imagine quite high but his kids close towards it isn't he that was awesome man that was absolutely awesome yes it is a good job in it yeah it's a good job we stuck around folks thank you to those DHL Pilots have a great trip and um we'll see you next time around it's fantastic I think because of the frequency of those DHL flights there's a good chance we'll see them again um but listen guys I've got to say thank you first of all a little bit of um housework just to say thank you it's not houseworkers uh yeah uh folks thank you so much it has been fantastic really appreciated your company once again thanks to all the wonderful people who've gifted big tit TV membership welcome to all our new uh members who will be with us in um uh um Anchorage um you know there this uh the end of the month folks we will be um in Anchorage in Alaska we're going back to 747 Heaven just for you and after uh a lot of people asked for it actually is ABS um and we've also got somewhere else we're looking at which is Washington Dallas I think it is uh uh Washington folks um going to be looking very uh closely at that for a possible show um in what would that be May um but yeah stay tuned make sure you download the app it's kind of important that you do folks because uh it's another way of getting your um getting your notifications if say for example you don't get one from YouTube the chances are you will get one from uh from the app and vice versa if the app doesn't work then the chances are you'll get it from YouTube one way or the other you'll get your notification we don't want you to miss it we don't we it's horrible when we come on and a lot of people like oh just come on I didn't get a notification well I mean let's face it at the end of the day we're always live on a Sunday so I've been caught sure and you somewhere um what what's going on then just uh then open your phone and just have a look and see whether it is or isn't um don't massively rely on the on the on the notifications because obviously these are you technical World in it and we obviously have a technical issues from 10 to 10. uh somebody even as big as YouTube etc etc so um thank you to everybody thank you DHL uh thank you once again to the Courtyard Marriott folks you can visit here great rooms and of course you can go on the deck around the corner there or I will keep you posted as and when this top section is um is back in use or is in use um but yeah another great show and of course of course you're running through to Darkness in uh as the as the um as the summer comes into operation um and um yeah other than that uh enjoy the early part of your week and we will see you on Wednesday not sure exactly from what position because we've done all the wind's going to be doing at this point and if we do then um look over there what's all this storm [Music] A380 in the uh in the engine test area um right folks look after yourselves be good be happy be happy that's the most really okay it's the most important thing is that you're happy and thank you to everybody look after sales but we'll see on Wednesday have the rep have an enjoyable rest of your Sunday and uh we'll see you then cheers it's gonna matter [Music] TV thank you
Channel: BIG JET TV
Views: 474,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Planespotting, Heathrow Live, Heathrow Airport, Big Jet TV, bigjettv, Bad weather, Planespotting Live, Heathrow, FLYING A PLANE, HOW TO FLY A PLANE, BOEING 747, HOW DO PLANES FLY?, AIRBUS, STORMS, WINDSHEAR, HOW DO JETS FLY?, AIRPORT, AVGEEK, AVIATION, AIRLINES, AIRLINERS, BRITISH AIRWAYS, VIRGIN ATLANTIC, CARGO, FREIGHTERS, CARGO HUB, EMA CARGO, Plane, Airport Live, airport webcam, singapore, dubai airport, airplane landing, airplane take off, Boeing, 747, Pilot, Emirates
Id: Vzz9szGoBw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 35sec (14315 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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