High Winds 🌬️✈️ at London Heathrow Airport [Part 3]

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okay let's just see how this all pans out shall we [Music] um okay that's good that's good that's good let me eat me lunch quickly very quickly folks just gonna eat me lunch foreign [Music] all right seems that side work for the uh stop people dumping the bread it's like he's worked forward [Music] [Music] foreign oh I have a snake of some nice nice [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] ladies and gentlemen introducing for the show here he is [Music] well it sounds a bit we're in a good place man we're in a good place everybody's happy yeah Unleash the Beast roboteers ready [Applause] [Music] okay thanks well we're back as predicted uh Julie actually mentioned it when we were talking about the show and the fact that uh a lot of people maybe were easy go on son go on get it down get it down hahaha uh mentioning about the um the fact that with uh conditions like these um they uh the guys at Heathrow uh I guess the Tower and the operations teams um basically have decided to keep operations on the right hand runway for arrivals purely because of uh what is commonly known as The Shed effect from the big maintenance sheds we'll talk about that in a minute watch the wings flexing folks look at that look at that yeah all carbon of course up I don't know if you could now I don't know if you can appreciate it just how hard the wind is blowing but I don't know what the uh I know that our members will update us on all of that big swing nice bit of elevator action uh let's have a look at the windsock see what she's doing yeah Conifer the Gusty blusty sort of like thing isn't it you know it's not it's not a constant wind it's coming in bursts which uh on the way down these guys feel it because of all the different um levels of air known as the friction layers Mr flipping Professor whatever don't do face ideas no you're wrong hanging it there now look at the plumes of smoke coming out the back of the engines folks that's the auto throttles speeding the aircraft up because it's losing speed if uh it can't come in on idle like they do a lot of the times in cleat in uh nice calm conditions and also as you can see she's crabbing it drifting it in look at that there's a load of rain just Wallops me on the back there we've got rain Easy Come on come on don't look down at me King you're in high on the end of the runway is that gone another big carb of wing airplane nice wow I still would have felt that man full reverser not a massive one word said coming up a little easy to jumbo is it a jump watch again oh I've still got my apple pie I wonder why my bum was warm that's how flipping up they are Journey to the Center of the Earth it's windy out there in order hey come on mate bring it in Gotta Give me encouragement ah hahaha oh well what's a the old truck between friends eh wow straight out the box scodel has gifted a big jet TV membership and Ty another 10. time is on the roll watch the rudder folks split Rudder assembly on the A380 and you do see it being used on these windy approaches okay wow wow that was smoking man smoke Dem mains how many kilos of rubber laid on the runway it's big numbers in it these guys watching The Landing look keep watching it mate see yourself on it oh my God is this uh I need to check see it's dropped now it's dropped the slips oh now mine's fine mate mine's fine Forbes thank you Forbes gifting five big jet TV memberships thanks mate welcome everybody welcome back through his times a streamer [Music] oh did it yeah oh my goodness me cool baby but I watch you hurt you has it got it did he try and get in oh my you are joking mate oh here here yeah [Music] you know skills are really in there now nice nice yeah that's just that's as good as you're gonna get it really isn't it look how quickly the uh the the smoke is dispersing from the runway big words today son don't wear yourself out talking to me let me sleep oh we've got someone's girlfriend who's a crew member uh New Jersey or Jersey as in ba12345 that's easy to look at same okay these are quite berny Visa these xwb engines so you really see the speed up the auto throttle plane Man look [Music] after the gas glossing off a milk foot please off the glass of milk nice nice so you can see the uh from the way that smoke blows away so quickly um the intensity of the Winds so the thing is that at the moment it's not sort of like gusting in the way that you'd get sort of like wind shear effect really it's sort of like a it is a bit of a sort of steady um but brisk and if we throw a bit of water in with it um who's to know so stick around all the fun at a fair Russ ia's both chairs loving the Virgin Livery Nelly um oh sorry Nelly that is and uh Russ Banting my apologies Nelly vulches and uh Russ Ian Northern Angel there we go North and angle Alex 220. see how she flies quite heavy quite stiff get it straight a bit more drip going into it there look at this racy back crazy turning member on big jet TV great civil members here rooting out in chat of course exclusive remember only chat read out [Music] myself handling it at the moment to write almost a bloody windy buy it we lived in shoebox in the middle of Road luxury seven three seven looks like a Max looks like a Max big engines on a look got the t-shirts got all the uh merchandise coming along for this one including the die cut stickers and all that the caps foreign don't show any bias Royal air maroc hello those engines are to the ground yeah get two packs no you only need one oh I know what you mean yeah yes was it 32 is it 32 there was that time when I did put all the caps on didn't I for a laugh Thai Forbes thank you Forbes we've got racy welcome back racy there's a vamos experience as uh gifted a picture TV One mission membership membership [Music] a big dive he wouldn't it oh easy there you go there you go wow and that is the one thing with the simulator also um that it's very difficult to simulate the feeling of Crosswinds in a simulator because you don't get that um that buffeting you get the move of the aircraft but you don't get the the buffeting feel that buffeting behind you you know because you can actually uh almost feel it hitting the uh the side of the aircraft bit like driving a high sided vehicle you know where you actually get to feel that crosswind [Music] 321 Ted Rogers special never understood that well at least we call it kind of going out that got like a Skyrocket mate you watch that take off it's a lineup for uh 2-7 right over there that's the big fire testing apparatus that they have there folks uh kind of quite a common site at International airfields around the world although some of them are quite small are they tiny little things remember the one at um where was it uh New York it's like a little tube with a little very little tube on it um that one's kind of like full sized modeled of course on a uh a tri-holer and a 747 six single hours in a row foreign [Music] you've got someone very important on board jobs on the line now mate jobs on the line uh fair enough fair enough yeah you're safe mate tests heavy on the reverses could be a few uh crystal glasses going across the table there who was it Jersey [Music] [Music] oh there's a little bit of a right wing down a little bit wouldn't it I got it down but a little bit touchy for the old customers on board of virgin's new three three nine what's level down incoming or incoming oh cool the Jersey flight is on approach Jerry Joey biker uh thanks just saw that oh easy cheers [Music] funky shop for a brief moment there I've come quite early because uh what's that 400 feet 300 feet something like that 800 feet really yeah this has got to be delayed flight radar must be delayed by this night it's not a 700 feet now I'll see what a touchdown I'll see what it says a touchdown [Music] 300 feet okay so so so it's 300 feet out it's um blah blah or am I no no that is the right one so this is the Jersey this is the one in from Jersey in it so she's just coming up to 400. minimums here we go yeah very smooth wow I'd say probably a little bit smoother than the private jet let's see uh There She Goes up like a rocket just keep pulling back on that stick well actually I'm not yoking it it's still a yoke on those those old three efforts Charles and what his girlfriend or sister or his girlfriend okay girlfriend was crew okay brilliant well you can tell uh tell your girlfriend to tell the air crew that uh that's all right 10 out of 10. especially hey hey see this is what we need mate we need to come on come on come on keep that going come on come on come on do have big tits on this show by the way folks Lufthansa 321 oh no aristana this is gonna be tasty this is gonna be tasty mate all right this is good go around running all over it come on sad I want to win me tenor back [Music] got it ah winds died right on it actually you never know it's different down there than it is up here oh long Landing come on mate come on you need to get it down soon son come on come on keep going yeah I've won it 10. oh my God that's hilarious oh and it's winch here and oh look at that oh that's pretty oh no I don't think it was windshield that was just like Pilot's like no no I'm an idiot I called it mate I called it and now I called it when he was at 400 feet as well so uh you can all have a direct all have a drink on me mate that's funny man that was really funny that was a good one that was crazy though and that would have been long Landing long Landing or whatever it says [Music] it's not quite like that but it does sound like a bit of Aero break reverser can be very screamy those reverses on those preferences oh side slip here break bias or something like that I don't really know camel roll up roll up fix please for a 10 grand for a drink for everyone yeah isn't it especially 9 000 people watching it's a big old Boozer in it [Music] it's worth the weigh in it it's worth the wait man it's always worth the wait oh that was smooth as well ba Pilots are nailing it today gotta say it they are nailing it today oh here comes the wind again things blowing sheds save it big old lazy undercarriage of the A330 ski jumper I call it this is a CEO oh blind my foot believe the dogs has gone mad hey there we go come on bring it in oh is this the level is the level oh mate look at the flex look at the wing Flex man oh this is awesome come on mate I'll be uh not familiar with the airport I want to focus this pilot unless it's on a dryness [Applause] [Music] that they'll probably be Iberia Pilots match yet easy front set down Bang nice bit of Feathering work there bit of Aero break got it down nicely Iberia Pilots gotta say folks if you ever want to get yourselves down and watch this kind of stuff yourself down here next door right next door to me is Myrtle Avenue which is a which is uh right next door to me and uh it's Grandma at the moment come on come on hurry up uh can you speed up a little bit please run the pilot operating for Iberia from Madrid thank you Kieran Max Bank angle he's trying Matt Jones Aero uh bnz everyone to the three man oh yeah Freddy I'll be watching um early on first stream um kept probably can sleep early for me um never mind mate hope you're in on this one and you're enjoying yourself hope everybody's doing well today staying safe good morning from Texas BP LLB a very good morning to you um Karina robot Bob shallboy uh Livery is level Rd UK yes operating for Iberia fredio um Vicky Denning um yes got a bit of Rudder input really depends on the well you know he's um even in calm conditions you know you might land a little bit of skew and need to sort of like kick the rudder um just to bring her back in line that's why when you land you generally always feel that Lurch didn't you sometimes when when if there's a little bit of wind a350 China Airlines 12 minutes out thank you uh blue Magpie Livery flight radar says Caroline Teague has gifted 50 big jet TV memberships Wow Thank You Caroline wow that list is great uh bootle lad thank you so much Caroline thank you everybody who's gifting um TV memberships no pressure folks please don't feel Under Pressure to do so but it is just a wonderful thing that people do here on big jet TV giving other people um with maybe a little less option to uh to have a monthly payment and it is you know the great thing is with the membership is you can dip in you can dip out that's why we get people coming back and it's great to see so many people come back as well um but yeah it's uh it's a wonderful community that we have giving back into the aviation community [Music] in your own time oh look what's coming oh my goodness me uh I better back down um flipping it yeah this is this is this is something big gonna be coming my way I can feel little spots of it hold on a minute let me just flip this foreign [Laughter] people might laugh [Music] oh my look at that Moody weather coming this way we're gonna have some amazing action in a moment folks because you're going to get to see the reverses in action and of course the visibility is going to drop ever so slightly Runway lights will come on very nicely done young man or young lady sergeant roll up roll up it's gonna happen it's gonna happen rain is in the air where I look around fact man has gifted a big jet TV mention thanks man I know that I'm being mad foreign I hope you're doing well staying self safe you do you do venture out you're around here seriously look out for uh low-flying objects Transit fans that kind of thing at sheds right okay so that's that layer on so we're partially um ready now here we go folks outside outside wipers it's a chance of boots out I didn't know I've got the trainers on but that's all right good kids wet feet never anyone did that [Music] I'm in a bit of an eye right now I'm in a bit of an eye of it you'd mark my words folks I'm in the eye right now oh come on Sam get it down get it down you want to get it down go on then run way too short it's happening like look look at this the Codex you can see the rain falling from the sky above um yes I'm gonna get soaked and um I'm happy about it well not me but um you know let's get the other layer on Sam come on all these people down here in their t-shirts and shorts I you didn't think did you suck on my golf mates they never take an umbrella come back squelch your feet you know that was aristana was it ever since it has a Broly in this weather Embassy I take it you're joking oh okay we are ready and uh Rob 1965. thank you sir more membership gifting thank you rob for those five you're a very kind and generous person as everybody is um nice friendly happy What's the wing of the triple seven really see it flexing on it especially the threes the three's got a slightly longer one number two great wing tip in it Come On Son bring it in [Music] my lights on [Music] yeah kind of like you know didn't Panic there did he did not panic he was like okay okay we're just gonna roll it out on the left for a little while and then I'm gonna swing it nice and steady go put it phone jacket on got me phone jacket on oh okay now I've got time to quickly um let's just uh that people Exodus movement of job people and look all the people running away well actually one [Music] all right [Music] okay fully ready I've got me I've got my wristbands on Derek peacock gifted a big check TV membership Derek thank you so much as as has Catherine green um and Rob 1965 there he is thank you rob right hoodie going up wind coming in we're ready for you mate now how long is this rain gonna last for I don't think forever it's going a bit uh and on the Wiley windy morning doodle it isn't it it's not me man it's not the lens that's the rain so we might see a little bit of wiper action here oh visibility is uh they're descending through through this rain now and that'll be squally up there I think see the water pouring off the wings already man on China Airlines China Airlines a little bit unsure about this anyway [Music] oh nice a lot of weight there a lot of inertia going through those tires struts and everything the whole aircraft now it becomes a now it becomes a car a vehicle sorry oh become so big it's no longer a flying machine relying on steering brake power three different elements of braking those um the flaps on the wings there that you see above the wing that's the speed break the ground spoilers the engines of course are using reverse thrust and um the uh the wheel braking as well so the wheel brakes are extremely strong and versatile Dustin Jackson loves that Airline pouring off of a man drifted that Sky guard 1964. see Simmons need a betting button it's gonna get a little bit interesting now if if the winds pick up at the moment but again it's quite deceptive because the winds up there may be uh a lot worse than what they are down it simply catch these wipers being used usually tell who's bringing it in are both of them going hell for level up [Music] oh yeah beautiful beautiful yeah the old BA boys and girls have done well today haven't they stripes next please so if you're new to Big jet TV and you're watching for the first time is everything all right sorry folks it's not like it's another right a couple Army already and I'll tell you what I've got to do I've got to get in there and get that bleeding microphone because I know at some point all right let's just get this one all right [Music] now we've got a wet Runway folks um sorry about that that should drop out [Music] um yeah not that much rain really but when we see a um is something half decent get involved then uh 737 Max big engines [Music] now you might see a little bit of a reverser here see the heat Heights from them at least okay uh I need to find this uh locate microphone locate microphone [Applause] [Music] locks little 195. it's got a an angular wing tip the other one's got the vertical one one or the other I don't know always yeah white who who uh identified him anyway it's not in there here now seems high and fast yeah the uh I've always said I don't know if it is just me but I'm sure somebody told me once that um you know 737 has a slightly higher about 10 knot more approach me but 10 knots is a lot in it you know it's 1 30 as opposed to 120 sort of thing [Music] is it greasing them at the moment real exercise on how to grease it oh look at that race that rain coming up the runway towards me is that is he just hit a sheet of rain there is or isn't definitely looks uh looks like it's like a like a like a curtain like a wall of uh rain there now if that based on the wind direction with a sock I think I'm gonna get some from this uh this young fella here and in fact right over there there's a bit more so uh you know with the um [Music] wow yeah [Music] is that seven five sevens seven six sevens truck s trucks Baby Come Back sorry oh really oh that's brilliant the Jersey crew saw that Landing awesome thank you gentlemen ladies [Music] with it that one okay now okay that's it here now man I'm getting battered here here we go here we go I don't know if you can see the uh um but I am in it right in it Charles Perry thank you laughs hey mate you can't come in here it's private property fella I'll bring you some stickers in a minute two minutes yeah I'll find that other uh blah blah Summer Breeze [Music] like crew are doing their stuff today aren't they hey just give this kid a sticker over do do do do do I saw some of these boys and girls are singing is it [Music] normally there's a name for it hey there's a name for it isn't there the the the the um the heavy winds that you get before a cell hits you there's a few names for it and I'm gonna probably get it when that thing um comes upon us see if he did so no big uh high-speed flap arounds outboard beautiful jetliner [Music] quite as aggressively as the triple seven looks so aggressive did it I mean that really is kind of a greased land isn't it thank you so um anyone wondering where I am from fence I came uh you're watching Big JTV folks uh live twice a week um usually Wednesdays and Sundays this Wednesday we're going to be in Toulouse with our members uh you're more than welcome to join us if you wish of course all our gifted members today will be joining us if they so desire um we will be there on Wednesday to catch sorts of cool stuff if you're into your Aviation and you're into the manufacturing of aircraft as well I want to see these aircraft with no Livery just tail Livery and no engines flight tests aircraft that are being delivered to customers the beluga's course as well look it up on Wikipedia Beluga XL enormous grabbing thing can carry two sets of a350 wings whereas the older Beluga could only sip up um take one set um incredible aircon based on the A330 platform s [Music] it just goes to show how long ago the um the Beluga XL was in its uh initial design phases because I'm sure that uh is it easy here we go I'm sure that had it been a little later on they may have um opted for the a339 the Neo um might you it's only the engines in it really [Music] Darren emerton has gifted five big jet TV uh memberships as has David Lewis all you wonderful people are you love it Stu y'all uh gifted 10 big jet TV memberships wow you guys are just so generous thank you so much folks uh of course we've got on the front line of that Caroline Teague as well with 50. brand new member returning member Jack Hardy how you doing jack um great to see you back Jack Samuel monoharon uh is a first class member welcome Samuel get involved folks wanna give me any information you like about aircraft that are inbound any any news stuff like that share it with the audience as well find that the person like oh hello [Music] oh Singapore 747 inbound folks see the big um hinge reverser doors opening up on those CFM engines General Electric cfm56 say um probably one of the most manufactured engines on the planet would you say commercial jetliner engines so many CF there's so many um Sony 737s Sony a320s Sony a319s so many a3a teams um and uh also the uh A3 let's see 300 I think this is China big old set General Electrics Bowie build what's up [Music] nice [Music] uh that is big man see I am Wonder Mark and I'd like to say hello hello all the way around me folks um all around my hat and they're coming down through that now just the um outer part of that cell there we're gonna start getting it again Mark Lewis has got it on the surround sound awesome man it is awesome when you listen to it my voice is a little bit so I do tend to shut up you're right Michael I'm gonna take one for the team here boys and girls Sarah Lancaster saying it might miss you I hope it doesn't all fees using headset great to see so many new people getting involved in the chat as well folks chain just receive our place [Music] calm here at the moment an eerie calmness [Music] [Music] skirt in the edge skirting the edge hey James the drummer your pal palate team Gavin Smith uh thank you very much indeed Kevin Hull um Darren Hamilton not de-ice trained yeah there is a um quite a quite a significant amount of uh training goes into uh de-icing an aircraft is just a case of uh you know you've got to learn how to drive the vehicle first then learn how to operate the Machinery whether you're doing one of using one of those um remote ones or uh there are um there's a couple of different types uh the ones where you sit right up high and you operate the uh the movement of the vehicle uh from above um some quite daunting I think looks like an old a300 this indeed it is it's gonna get a big Kate Bush on us folks Michael sent Marie Saint Marie Saint Marie good day to you Michael brass back [Music] for these old Frey dogs boom yeah there he comes I should give him clearance Clarence to cross it's funny in it that no one's actually said why are they um why are they still coming in on this on the southern Runway uh well I don't know if somebody has said that maybe someone has got what's going on here okay One Way Out roads ba625 321 behind him from Seoul Korean Air we do have a 747 um on its way folks what's uh what's the arrival time expected to be Julie 6 27 so 16 about 45 minutes folks we've got a 747 gracing us with our presence 747 400 from Singapore Airlines 13 hours 15 minutes for that uh soldier at the Korean triple so that's um coming down now man oh yeah here it is here it is look at this lone fella out here look go on son good lad good lad in his shorts and all it's just uh at least perfectly dry because it's um okay aren't UK one I used to deep clean the wing Jigs and Airbus brought him wow everywhere I looking for the self to be said I can't find it see that rain driving across now see the sort of conditions that uh these guys are having to contend with but also me even in the height of summer when the war hits hands you're not able to put them in your pocket um they get bleeding cold it's up the road in hartfordshire blowing [Music] go on [Music] yeah fair play mate these things are so robust man that you know you'd have to do it you have to go a long way wrong to for that thing not to uh end up straight down the runway um in terms of like being on all three wheels if you see what I mean it is sometimes it looks a lot more dramatic than it actually is so yeah the big sheds over there folks um British Airways saw that triple seven being worked on earlier has obviously had whatever work done that she might be actually they might have done an initial inspection on that engine uh she's still got one of her no and um maybe we're going to gate to fly tonight or uh possibly deep maintenance where she'll be towed up to the hangers these hangers across here United's hanger is there xb8 that's the um the engine testing Bay right there virgin Atlantics Hangar and another ba maintenance section which is the old Trident sheds these ones here all of them have got um those ones over in a distance there sort of a sort of like a frontage and a rear section uh bolted onto the to the um to the to the front you can see where that new section is bold on Purely down to the fact that they've got these buildings here that you see that big building a there's got preservation order on it um a bit like the old hangers at um uh Frankfurt the old 747 hang has got preservation orders on them so they've had to modify them um as best they can there's one of the sheds over there you just about see the top of it where they used to park the Comets up and Concord and uh all that kind of stuff Trent is a new member tricked this is korean's triple seven folks [Music] very light burst of power wanted to get her Over The Line Auto either Auto or Pilot induced one of the two yeah nice that was pretty awesome man I thought she was gonna go around I honestly thought she was going to go around um let me put the other jacket on because actually you know what I've got down the downstairs I've got I've gone downstairs down in the front these students started with a triple started with a kid is [Music] [Music] create emptied it on [Music] seriously I know these boys and girls have got a job to do but flip naked sometimes so frustrating it is so frustrating man how crazy is that set up oh it looks a bit Moody there oh zombies come on someone run right simple 747 Craig Hicks 36 minutes out thank you my friend thanks Craig are called aristana and won me 10 pound back didn't I uh Roy McGraw there are now three main ba maintenance hangers that Heathrow these being TB standing for technical block tbj tpk and TBA along with a huge maintenance hanger called the cathedral hey uh I'm imagining is that a single hanger oh look this is a tap's retro jet in it this is tap's Retros yet yeah very nice come on mate we're all watching somebody asked to get someone's flight because they wanna rank his Landing [Music] [Music] so PRS boys are busy today aren't they ah look at the beef look at that coming straight through the middle of it hey that's the ultimate um uh uh welcoming committee in it hey yeah straight down the middle yeah and it is more or less down the middle it's slightly offset um but I think that we might get okay just wait for the jet to cover it's only a uh it's it's only a titular but we all love the titlers didn't he want to get his mate Landing or something Julie who was it who was it so his partner's Landing partner sorry or it's just the part that had her or I don't know Alex down in the middle in it Rainbow's gone though [Music] it's a good one otherwise dinner's gonna go cold oh no it was great it was brilliant yeah yeah in your own time it's dark at half nine cute are you able to simulate that as well well I think I think it was he said I I think he might it might miss you I think they're right look at that big old cell beautiful big thing in it 747 is going to look glorious yeah I think I've lacked out mate real Edition long it was a long wasn't it it looks like like crj stabling it very happy with that I'll get it straight son [Music] there you go that's it oh nailed on 737 KLM I think yeah indeed it is buffeted about indeed so this is still uh quite a few uh quite some heavy uh layers of of wind uh on The Descent Darren emerton I was in the hole with one in one of those hallways of on [Music] the boys and girls K and M very smart uniform do like them do like when I go to skip I see their pilots and the uh cabin crew walking through the airport oh that was quite heavy very smart nice uh nice blue it's looking very smart smartly dressed and like I've seen some um I've seen some crew and I won't name them but uh because I don't know their names but I've noticed I've seen sometimes from time to time okay quite scruffy yeah Drunken Monkey Emoji okay man real Edition mini Bosch yeah would I just rock up anyway well it is a field help yourself son Deborah Davies looking for the 747 on flight radar might not be showing on some people's Radars I don't notice if it's see if it's showing online Deborah let's see [Music] what is it is it is there really two going in on oh Okay so we've got dual uh arrivals folks one on Southern and one of them look at that beautiful cell ain't she a beautiful thing 747 just north of amines is it our means our means in France okay okay disregard that regarding the children arrivals folks [Music] so what about tomorrow though what are uh what are we looking at tomorrow then in terms of uh winds and uh spherix and all that kind of stuff anything tasty to throw at us tomorrow yeah uh the cathedral now that's a single um one single shed right there um and it is blooming big I've seen two big aircraft in there before maybe even more than that um I mean they are big sheds but they're all linked up those ones down there uh and over there and just about see there through there see the um so 40 A.M oh 7 40 after 7 40 it's gonna get windy you say let's see what happens little shop did he little chocolate what are you doing up there hey you blurry are you sticks up over there I've been here a long long time I'm the uh main sock of the you know he leaves up oh hello lady Thunderbird six the blisters what are they can question that lady Thunderbird love those kind of bushes um they're all on depending on what aircraft they are but there are sometimes more than one but there is always a sort of like one main one which is the uh satellite Communications blister um Wi-Fi systems that kind of thing uh is underneath that um aerodynamic blister there are other um sensors and um masks along the uh the top of the um Keys it on so well you're flying in your airplane there are thousands of parameters that are being uh monitored at any one time so if you look next time you're at an airport [Music] um and you get a chance to look over the top of the aircraft you'll see along the spine at the back there's a couple of masts there's another blister there you see there's the main satcoms blister um mask that monitor outdoor conditions um etc etc there's one very interesting one on there which I I remember so got a name 22 knots gusting 35 Kaz saying thanks Kaz 22 knots gusting 35. so we need a little Jehovah big second [Music] boss wow that's gnarly in it you have got to 12 rather large sets of tires all simultaneously within a second here in the deck in it you know unless it's a real grease and they roll it out on the back Wheels which has been seen before many many times before but uh yeah what a great site man what a sound like [Music] South Africa or heavy old lady said to the bottom of the world did you actually land the plane or were you shot that is kind of funny I think it's quite funny that's a good one I've been waiting all her bleeding life to say that one Tony Judy that was allowed brilliant man Paul Everson yeah so it's not totally clear what uh the reason for the Emirates is really originally diverted to Stansted was it there yeah give us a like if you want to folks just raise that index finger left or right hit that oh what's use your thumb these days isn't it hit the like button you're miserable son no you don't have to if you don't entirely up to you like it or dislike it hopefully you're enjoying yourself wherever you are in a world whether you're in the planes or not probably are now you are of course watching the pioneers of Aviation live streaming such a great um legitimate group of subscribers and wonderful um crew of members strike crew such lovely people as well man it's always a worry in it when you when you have a channel that involves so much so much I lost track lost track what was actually okay oh okay he's in Cabin Fever was it in the but oh okay right so it's not a one then maybe she was the old the author's dad uh mum so what's the matter with me today Auntie you Liberty on the Air Lingus these boys and girls can't handle Dublin's a bit of a nightmare sometimes on approach has been every time I've flown there anyway oh is it okay well yeah we're not okay until that's uh got some Heavies inbound folks stick around if you're any heavy stuff HDR airport has gifted a membership thank you HDR airport wonderful thing to do uh jf840 yeah let's we can do that we can quite easily get that jumbo jet to number one folks uh Xander round is a new member welcome Xander lovely to see you great to see everybody here like I said earlier on your membership is not sort of like locked in stone you can dip in dip out it gets built on a monthly basis so if you uh if you don't want it if you don't if you want to dip out for a month or two or however long um then uh it's entirely up to you you can uh do with that without any penalty or anything like that we can't be as Fair as we can on the channel uh give as much back to our members as we possibly can as well check your perks don't forget Courtyard Marriott now has a phone number that you can call and find out what availability there there is and make sure that you tell them uh it's big jet TV that you're coming from um and then they will apply the discount to you fuel hours of the fuel are they [Music] there is a certain amount of um there's a word for it that was brakes are applied to the main landing gear during retraction to stop the spinning so I'm guessing the nose will break the Speedy because there are no brakes on the vamis experience there are um little well not little but there are brushes um in the undercarriage Bay um or or a type of braking mechanism or or something that's fixed into the undercarriage base so when the front wheels um are retracted the uh the brushes stop the wheels from turning on most aircraft anyway because you are right there is no front wheel braking on these modern jetliners no need to be because the main brakes are so very powerful even this little 320 here it's probably got six five ten footy twenty braking systems 20 disc systems on um on each side on its on its own [Music] so it's quite a sophisticated system of braking on these modern jetliners and a very easily replaceable so they have to make it relative they have to make it quite simple for mechanics to quickly change the brake assembly if there's a 41 so they can do it literally if they need to they can do it at gate I've had it up to me on a Tui 757 well I was waiting at Gatwick um and uh was able to look down and watch the uh the mechanics Engineers switch out the brake system which is um literally like a big well have a look at it online you'll see what I'm talking about it it comes in a yellow tub literally with all the system attached to it and then it it is a sort of like a slide on maybe ratchet system that attaches to the wheel assembly and then of course the the wheel um break it's uh sorry the wheel hub it's a wheel add tire and hub is attached um with uh with bolts um what's going on here then nothing on approach there's that jumbo can't be that far off can he just north of Hastings I'm interesting interesting I've got 380 after the um after the jumbo as well folks so we're gonna stick around for that one Darcy's a new member welcome Darcy lovely to see you here I think I've got Lee Russell who's gifted five big jet TV memberships thank you Lee uh that's a lovely thing to do as as William Duncan has done as well uh Steph Stephen millward is a new member with a very nice Ginger footy tap there and we've just given Darcy a shout out as well welcome everybody get involved in the chat if you want to get involved you don't have to uh Bobby Fitzsimmons uh 747 number one tracks on flight radar already we already had to do anything Julie as it said he mentioned it passing you know uh well that's crazy man congratulations folks Kaz Dawson ABA Aviator number one for 747 uh boot will add Cathay Pacific 356 six minutes out Mr righty snub has stopped the snubbers there we go uh sayakia resin snubbers stopping those wheel from spinning in the well yes there we go a snubbers I like that they're sort of like a um a material that uh will not obviously damage the rubber uh they used to be they they used to have you know uh what's this uh materials Now isn't there a bit like uh nylon you know what I mean kind of but mind you I think nylon might be a little bit tend to get a little bit hot you know but mind you you need to bear that in mind I don't keep coming back here to see if there's any planes and no bleeding planes going on what's going on son is our our beautiful Concord HDR airport is a new member very warm welcome to you HDR uh Darren emerton uh Nick Hill I'm happy to know I can join the Toulouse show now Nick Hill that's brilliant um I hope you're into your uh well a lot of people are some people are but uh if you want to know about or at least get some idea of how they build these aircraft folks um we will be visiting the um the Toulouse um the main assembly uh plant down in southern France um the Toulouse assemblies uh 321 just opened up their new 321 assembly line um at Toulouse I think they're utilizing the old A380 sheds um of course the 320 is manufactured there as well the A330 as well as the a350 um and uh of course the Beluga which the last Beluga XL has I believe not gone into service yet but uh she is about to be delivered literally down the road because when I deliver her she only has to um well that'll be it wouldn't it but they won't deliver it you're delivered Eric teda is a new member welcome Eric Wentz Vince vanceman uh Vince Winston uh Hooter um great to see you here water let's not wooting my back from uh from uh uh the simulator is it possibly uh lovely to see you so it's quite uh a very warm welcome to you my friend who from Mark Grigg um I'm being asked to say hello to Mark Grigg he's a ba pilot good day to you mark great to see you here um any um if there are any Pilots out there who want us to cover any of their sort of like departures Landings that kind of thing um then let us know and if we can we will always try our best to um to to catch your uh catch your uh departure or or your Landing great in circumstances like this and of course it's always better when we get uh a good amount of notice as well usually we're around on Wednesdays and Sundays uh sometimes it coincides but just send us an email to uh or send us an email to contact is it contact Julie at bigjet.tv okay we've got a big one turning on the back of the stack now so he's about 10 miles out this guy Cafe Pacific 350. single 747 Jordan Rebecca over East London Rec a rat great to see you back Reco rat to worry 747 over the O2 there we go um Andrei campello ah pronounced water like Welter oh okay I've gotcha oh I kept calling him water didn't I thought oh no sorry Welter my apologies um oh uh Arthur two shed saying that Cafe is number one as Cathay Pacific uh taking the place of the 747 oh Cafe is number two Singapore's number one oh okay we don't know yet um thank you uh Stephen Mill award um Cafe Pacific 350 from Hong Kong inbound thank you thank you sir Samuel Danos Aviation so excited for the Singapore 747 number one worldwide on flight flight radar at the moment we might see her actually turning in behind this 350 Gear down on this uh Cafe 350. we've got clear enough skies and there she is just approaching right behind her I think is that her there is that the jumbo behind us yeah that's her right there she is Andrew Cooper uh I'll be honest with you Andrew my answer to that would be not at this not yet not for a long long time will we ever see a supersonic jets flying again um if they do it will be primarily for for the private sector I'd imagine you know but they need some decent enough orders to be able to make it a viable proposition we are of course talking about boom here I think boom is sort of like coming in when when uh jet fuel they're trying to sort of like you know um prize it away from the market and trying to get the sustainable aviation fuel thing going but also the the big money right now especially for the regional stuff is going to be on um on the uh uh hybrid aircraft or even the fully e-jets at this point in time as in the uh electrically operated believe it or not yes it's true that uh Regional commuter aircraft will uh ice I'd say quite quickly once the once the technology has been completely uh dialed in we've Charlie Johnson do do do do do do yeah she's a beautiful bird isn't she [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh my flipping egg wow I'm surprised that's not touch and go mate wow that was pretty gnarly man watch that back if you missed it oh I say might be needing a ride with the check captain on that one I'd be the check captain out by gust of wind that's what it was I think Singapore Airlines 747. 400 freighter swing nose type the uh big nose that opens up for front loading original design of the 747 as well which is pretty crazy all those years ago [Music] yeah smoke nose maze man wow beautiful six and seven chillies in here yeah say what yeah how about that folks Boeing 747 still ruling the skies mate we love 380s but boy oh boy are those jumbos something else especially I have to say the old uh the old 100 style front end on it looks like a classic even a Jurassic 747. it's got the Jurassic head on it another career triple how about that oh it's a cargo jet right okay now the freighter folks lazy son look at that points flexing they're getting buffeted up there man [Applause] [Music] a week's flexing wow you see the pilot just Feathering the uh the elevators before they touch down man just to give it that they're nice and clean don't want the nose to dip or to rise up too quick they're folks who can replay uh just um well move the slider along the bottom yeah yeah out uh it's getting hazy down there in it hey [Music] make sure that we've got that right Germany calling Germany calling Roger that foreign [Music] oh yeah yeah yeah beautifully down not quite on the touchdown Zone directly on the touchdown Zone but on one of the markers very British Airways isn't it they're doing well today the old ba Pilots I know I keep saying it God bless you blind me already calling all planes calling all planes I I can't see boom working to be honest with you I just I I don't like to be a you know a um but uh I think boom is even though they're still putting a lot of money into it even if they get their nose up on that 747 let's just have a look and see um yeah I I don't want to be a and I don't want to say anything negative about uh boom but I just I just feel that it's a lot of money isn't it you know and uh with Rolls-Royce pulling out of uh the uh the the as being the engine supplies or at least they're being involved with the with the project um uh I think they've got I think they've got bigger fish to fry in terms of their new uh Ultra fan program um but uh but yes a lot of money and a lot of expense and and um you know uh who's gonna buy it is the big question you know it'll be uh it'll be seated it's not a return to something like you know Concord um which had a fair amount of seating on it at least they could never made any money Concord never made British Airways any money uh but uh it's it's one of those things where it will be sort of like a bit of a jumped up private jet you know but um instead of jumping on a golf streaming jump on one of the booms and it'll get you across the Atlantic too sweet I can see that working from uh from a from a um a uh from a standpoint of of um of business and uh you know a very upper class sort of like First Class C type you know Travelers people who got a hell of a lot of money if you know what I mean because I think it's only going to be the cabins only be fit to 50 people is it something like that um but anyway hope it works Super Sonic Overland well no they cut you can't but you go supersonic over the Atlantic you are restricted um to Flying uh supersonic atletic fire jet you know you know Edward Davis just rewound to that 350 and put my sound on Cinema brilliant uh is it going off Mike's alright actually yeah yeah Mike's all right you there Julie on here what has changed the earpods you know just you know oh hello hold on a minute let's change the way of odds why are you changed the weird pods I got the flipping thing on my head for crying out loud it's a funny old game isn't it ER 34 I came to watch the Concord where was this plane came to watch it it's that GP it was what 2003 that thing was part there thereabouts maybe 2004 after they've gotten rid of everything another massive expense for uh for British Airways that's for sure because I don't think he ever made many money it's more Prestige thing wasn't it oh Concord says uh Concourse no uh Concord was profitable ba the first profitable year was 83 14 million increased to 54 million and eight seven I take that all back Concord 444 thank you for your um I I was under the impression that it never made them any money but uh maybe I'm thinking of another jet I don't know but um wow there we go so it did make the money up to 54 million wow wow still netted 50 million profit in the last 2003 wow I'll take that all back I thought it was a wow that's been gutted I love it when I'm wrong [Music] down the pump ah no I never made any money that play no no what a wonderful big pointy one yeah yeah no never mind oh okay decent money at all it's uh it's a pretty decent uh bottom line man mind you to uh to kick those things out with um with uh or the maintenance almost the world but mind you was that a net profit all those figures all those numbers are they neck numbers or are they um pre uh are they pre uh pre-tax pre whatever you know maintenance and all those kind of low bottom line figures that 60 Minutes wow airtime Irish Etihad 787 from Dubai airtime 65 6 hours and 55 minutes uh Claire bear I've been nice and there's about triple percent in the middle of and loads of little helicopters oh okay um John North used to work in the Horton Road and would set my watch by Concord taking off yeah wow yeah you've got to be on time if you're paying all that money haven't you um uh XD busy no never went on Concord my friend it was uh never privileged enough well I say privileged enough lots of people had they did some quite cheap flights around the um uh by a fist guy wasn't it took advantage of that I was off doing other things you know by 17 is number one HCC telling us aircraft on number one on flight radar today folks and that's all down to you lot you know it's all down to eulog [Music] class wow that's quite violent in it that the correction once the once the the mains are down and it's all the smoking's gone that big shift it's quite violent isn't it [Music] tasty just in time for the 3-8 son it's a big front on its way what's the uh did we ever get the name of the cold well not the cold but the winds that are blowing before a uh hold up Ted from Formula One mentioned it a couple of weeks back off if you take into account development of capital costs it's uh Paul Martin never flew on Contour my friend um Tim my time yeah um a good question um well the a350 900 does not need um a try truck on its mates uh triple Sim 200 I think the I think the Boeing was it was just easier to develop an aircraft that only had one set of undercarriage across the range if you know what I mean um think it was just easier for them to develop it that way rather than develop two different types of [Music] course it adds a lot more weight doesn't it when it when it's not absolutely necessary but I'm guessing that they felt that it was necessary 767 um no now before a big sell moves in you normally get like strong winds or uh or a sort of like you know a Adventure I think the pressure might either increase or decrease one of the two um foreign [Music] just it's going mad when I can't read it as far as 350 wins Landing of the day oh I don't know that other one just before the end of the show earlier on was pretty gnarly from that 320. I think it was thin air or SAS or something [Music] oh he's high he's high he's high go around go around now that's not wind shear that's pilot induced nice and calm just too far down the runway I think my steep okay ladies and gentlemen sorry about that we were just a little too far down the runway so we've uh decided to go around and uh we'll have you on the ground in a couple more minutes thank you and good day [Music] [Music] kind of called that one at all oh easy oh there you go a little bit of a bounce but we're all good it's got Jose singing any Liam G the little pause before touchdown yeah sometimes that pause is actually created by um what's it called ground effect isn't it pocket of air in the uh it's almost like two magnets going against each other [Music] you love it oh okay rat yes ground effect I got something right Toby is bista great insights I think I do try I get it wrong more often than I get it right it is a big black cow but we seem to have sort of like you know avoided most of the uh really heavy stuff today Nick Gray has gifted another big jet TV membership thanks Nick John North 40 knot gust up the rear on landing approach sorts them out wow yeah up the rear end would be yeah for sure you don't want to be landing in a 40 okay more rain here [Music] and then I looked and it's when you said between six and seven and I said there you go it's six o'clock it certainly was like seven minutes past six and now it's twenty to seven he's eight crazy where's our super jumbo is that is take off go around Paul is what toga stands for oh that's not out there lining up China Eastern triple right here we go watch the gear extension folks sometimes early sometimes late Pilot's preference really sometimes they're very sort of like you know ain't nothing about getting everything done right and uh on time and um happy that everything's locked in place some of them might get the gear down quite early others tend to leave it till about you know seven miles out something like that maybe a little bit less uh Cheryl Slater has gifted a big jet TV membership thank you Cheryl Black Box 711 is new to Big jet TV a very warm welcome to you Black Box Nigel Badger trout a good day to you welcome as a first class member good to see you Nigel it's Emirates 380 inbound eight minutes Claire Francis thank you Rick a rap Patriot 007 do you have a way to the pilots when they are landing no I don't Patriot um you don't want to be putting these Pilots off when they're doing this kind of stuff uh Greeks from Prague Vera it's 35 Celsius here and no wind wow um Lee Armstrong hahaha so get down down and uh three greens are showing on the uh on the panel in front of the pilots three greens continue see they're uh cats oh HTC ek3 over barking Okay so should see it approaching from our left of screen that we've got there Simon Wickenden uh has joined as a big jet TV member welcome Simon Deborah Davies do the go-arounds lose their Gates generally not Deborah um it's um it's just uh you know a delay for everybody involved and of course you know um not good for the airline really but you know it has to be done for safety purposes so you'd rather be safe wouldn't you on a type time schedule for uh for a connecting flight that is it's not much fun for me it's great fun [Music] flipping it mate flipping egg right on the money there man oh gotta do a job I gotta do a job can't get upset I don't can't get upset the timing it's just timing in it fair play with me he's doing his job working on a weekend driving the truck getting the food and the essentials off to off to the aircraft without those folks driving those Vehicles the infrastructure would come to a standstill don't you know uh you wouldn't get your food on your plane even if it is a packet of um nibbles um there you go look at that grabbing hey Emma welcome to Big jet TV am brand spanking new member uh Dave husswaite has gifted a big jet TV membership yes I did thank you very much indeed a lovely thing to do man lovely thing to do um JF 840 For the Love of transport cool let's jump right prior to a touchdown the SNS you are right um well to be honest with you they're probably getting different you know uh strengths of um of winds that they're uh they're flying through as they descend different friction frictional um but yeah most definitely I think there's a bit of ground effect um at the moment perhaps all the time actually to be honest with you get it quite a lot ground especially on hot days as well where the hot air is rising and uh like I say it's a bit like trying to put um two positives or the two negatives of a uh of a magnet together Slim Jim [Music] nope oh here you go there you go good recovery man I see a triple seven behind that I see a rather large shadow oh okay rat this is these this is the go around is it this is to go around second time around traveler next up VA go around thank you my friend so confirming that Stephen Remy triple seven go around is number one how about that Trump the 380. someone from the bushes come on son [Music] bring it in got it got it all righty here we go 500 plus tons gotta stick with the 380 sorry folks my apologies the chat yeah gotcha down the M4 got it so we're gonna stick with it super jumbo Auto throttles doing their thing plumes of smoke coming out the engines there you see you might hear them there might be a little power up just as she goes over the top of us let's listen out locking out the Sun now you hardly feel that on a 380 I have to say smoothest 380s go spit especially if you're on the top deck if you're on the top deck I don't mind calling super jump though not King of the Skies there's only one Queen of the Skies leading the way I'm getting a bit getting a bit fruity now oh so okay France is stealing up a job uh Birdman energy dissipation right there is that as the as all the energy is uh is uh dissipated onto the undercarriage system is that right um energy dissipation and distribution lots of energy anyway going on there that's for sure off two switch Jackson now look yeah off Tuesday Junction [Music] oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah wow as far as Landings go in these conditions that is um 10 out of 10 like can't fault that fair play where's all these big edges that are coming in these two great Aviation Community it is isn't it so lucky man just so lucky honestly it's uh such a wonderful thing in it that we've created together looks a bit unsteady this sled didn't he hey or lady [Music] should know easily how to land in these conditions still gotta feel at one with the airplane haven't you you've got to have that feel it's like anything that you if you race a car or ride a bike or whatever you do if you feel that you're at one with it you know you're part of it you don't expect it to do everything for you you sort of like feel that you're part of it um that uh really oh for now that's it nothing field is a brand Spanky new member gonna be joining us in Toulouse next week Navid if you fancy it all new new members come and see what to lose is like and been there for over a year so he's giving a lot of people who don't have no idea about to lose yeah B.A pilot seriously shown off their skills today man I've got to say Obviously to go around was like you know we'll just let that one go because that was decided by the pilot wasn't it um and it is to go around so uh but um [Music] we all were in the bottom and the window was a blower oh yeah I wouldn't want to be there it's hardship I said Mr righty um Julie lovely to see you here members they're India [Music] children never Dita thoroughly enjoying her uh her retirement but also still remaining quite actively involved in the aviation industry right through those engines folks Come On Son get it down get it down wow look at the energy dissipating what's that cheap rather large camera down there I don't know who that lies people say it's a um it's a TV company who is who asked us to use the footage Julie was it ITV Sussex news are a member on the channel brilliant uh we've got to grab that peso jelly it was waiting to me it was waking to me oh were they oh were they here were they oh sorry folks sorry Sussex news if I missed you oh whereabouts were they at the gate were they at the gate oh sorry I missed you guys yeah [Music] is that possibly when all that stuff was going on chilly with all the bleeding this that and the other was that oh okay during this one oh okay well sorry about that sorry guys [Music] that was a fake Blow by the way folks it's a big old lad coming this way look at that look at that now I'm definitely not gonna miss this one man not gonna miss that one One's Gonna that one's gonna clout me I think Julie Lewis did I say hello to Julie I think I did Judy Lewis a very warm welcome to you and we have uh see wife is it uh C wife um a very warm welcome to you as well these two love the shop Lewis jwa no I was a young kid that was a it was a young kid oh okay another area [Music] wow hello oh my goodness it smells wondering what that is look look look look it's another wall of water mate coming straight at me man look look at it look at look at it look at it oh okay I'll get ready for this one oh my goodness me here we go run away you're gonna get wet you're gonna get very wet mate don't look at me look behind you oh my goodness me here we go what's he doing putting his hood up for it's been bright sunshine you can't see can you see what I see foreign [Music] be ready with your wipers mate because it's gonna go Bosh drops the first drops just wipe us now wipe us now wipers now it comes hey [Music] boys don't get married get another jacket what's this boat doing what's the matter with him here it comes hey nice big rainbow but the streets and houses rainbow climbing I [Music] let's go I've got three layers of waterproof on hmm oh dear area there you go look you see hey [Music] in here off to six decks that's fast Nick W fast let me talk about it welcome everybody hope you're doing well wherever you are in a world let's see a lot of people tuning in from all different parts of the world South Africa United States of America Australia New Zealand South America United States of America Canada [Music] Japan China Philippines I just go straight into that rain look look at that look at that boss I might get some reversal action here that uh if that water settles on the runway probably um a high amount of it is probably evaporating I would imagine due to the high temperatures it's pretty high temperatures whoa okay so that tarmac that Runway is warm guys Emirates from Glasgow arriving Navin field tuning in from Michigan [Music] it's a beautiful time lucky enough again to miss the uh beautiful bless you Dustin Jackson TCC Roxy Simmons yeah we're still here well we came back Roxy we uh we had to go back change the decoder test it and then come back and start all over again um take three and it worked the right in London lady [Music] [Music] that power up man oh beautifully drilled man nailed that one the other thing as well when you type rated on a big jet like that you have to get the feel know the length of the aircraft what you're dealing with especially if you're coming up from say a 737 to a triple seven you know you're talking about one of the biggest things um in terms of flying it um it's more a case of when it's on the ground when it's landing and maneuvering on on the uh on the aprons and uh because of the bigger wing and the length of it for landing as well gotta watch that tail [Music] 600 over Germany Singapore are the best here now uh mirrors uh uh to Maggiano how these shots come into the dark cloud of fabulous Catherine green thank you Catherine two in a row cr96 CR cry 96 Tears how moody is that ladies and gentlemen those ones still about six five six seven miles out gear just starting to come down now the leading jet locked and loaded ready for landing sir yes sir [Music] I can understand getting lost in France but I didn't have that lost in these days Come On Son get it down come on come on climbing not even a a breath of Tire smoke wow now poor man I'm getting warm air now I'm standing here like Michelin Man ah taking it all off again now children football Diamonds and Pearls do people loving the angle thanks folks thanks for the great feedback lovely to see all your comments [Music] okay it's great to see so many people welcoming the fact that we do have subscriber chat on as well easy son nicely done he's done that before any um or she uh it's so nice to see our uh scribes getting involved in the chat course I read out comments from my members only folks that's just one of the other perks of being a member and uh great to see so many people coming over from a subscription to membership it's a great thing man it's a it's a lovely thing to see um and of course if you do come along with us on our journey as a member uh we visit the United States quite a lot and of course Europe as well as you know we've just recently got back from Narita which was quite a journey quite an experience I'll definitely take the driving license with me next time oh no it's not that is it it's you've got to get a license you've got to get a license yeah yeah it's New York man stupid boy [Music] right also yes sir thank you sir [Music] Wilson very well would you mind awfully uh well social Authority it's interesting to see uh that DHL oh all the way down there obviously going to uh well that's a long taxi for that DHL a300 isn't it it's gonna go all the way around the back of the bike so it's through terminal five all the way up um the other taxiway uh to join the queue for uh [Music] he's got to get all the way up there two miles of taxiway to cover thank you very much indeed Helen clap record 77 um TR a monster comments Symphonies have lost cons or so uh you might think they're flashing us folks they're not it's just the it's the camera bouncing in and out of focus just trying to grab these lights sorry [Music] yeah ba are the number one Cruise today now I mean obviously you know based on the fan it's more playing PA planes coming in than any others that's sort of like morning and afternoon and evening uh thank you uh feckler I think it's lineman but um I am alive [Music] but anyway thanks thank you very much indeed for saying that's very kind of you XD busy us to go to my memo graph 85 is returning as a big jet TV member great to see you RAF 85. Robin green welcome brand Spanky new member m3dtler medla I think that might be uh reference but um a very warm welcome to you as a brand new member as well great to see you all you you members dipped his nose in the milk this morning [Music] completely Landing um I'd imagine that our aviation in 4k amongst others will probably give us their uh the time stamps for the uh for the most um exciting Landings shall we say uh and um towards the end of the show right towards the end of the show of part two I think before we broke for uh for technical reasons to go and untechnicalize ourselves whatever um and that was I think an essay either I think it was a thin air 320. a very very aggressive Landing might want to check that one out yes you're right Martin Smith ba do have Home Advantage very true very true we have seen some other carriers carry out some very very beautiful Landing so as well on the other hand we've seen some right perlers [Applause] wow can hear those rollers like it's balling up man [Music] is [Music] thank you forever stop it JF 840 For the Love of Transport has gifted a big jet TV membership thank you my friend uh uh bat has uh joined as first class member very well welcome to you papay bat I see a Lancaster in there uh we've got rap 85 haven't we thank you very much indeed for all those who gifted memberships JD saying that the glass go A380 this is the divert from this morning is over Manchester boat lad says he won't beat the 350 Landing LED have a wine back and have a little look because Talia hey it might have been a small jet but by golly gosh um well we'll uh let's get that 380 and then um pack up and go Julie shall we foreign [Music] oh you've got some Heavies before it yeah I thought I was gonna I thought it was going to be quite Smoky then but well executed what's that murmuration well that was quite freaky wouldn't it look at that I love a bit of murmuration right that was crazy that was kind of freaky down that triple sevens fuselage looked like a moving livery Catherine green has gifted a big jet TV membership thank you Catherine lovely thing to do um what a wonderful thing to do isn't it Clive Clark wonder what the pilots see each other angling up to land um yeah I think they're keeping their eye mainly on on their uh their own um business really isn't it it's so far ahead the aircraft when they're Landing so far ahead of them um they said literally a dot in the distance isn't it um of course they're watching to make sure that the the runway is clearer both the uh both the non-flying pilot the observational uh pilot being the non-flying pilot keep an eye on things right pilot looking up Horizon the odd glance down every now and then to his instruments uh just to make sure everything's online and the um all the parameters are right blimey they're flying on it Veer off the center line quite uh aggressively there I don't know accommodates down Justine Hewitt needs to do more Saturday night for you better than watching telly they're all this sort of same old thing and they on TV unless you're a um you know Discovery or a History Channel [Music] big sports fan or something like that because the sort of like bug standard Telly is a little bit repetitive isn't it nice little flutter of the elevators there look at the elevators though wow so like controlling that uh that that descent right down to the last few feet smooth as possible thank you Breeze 14-7 okay Mike's uh back on oh Julie this mic's gonna die it's Mike dies mate how long have we got how long have we gotten what have we got oh let me see if I can salvage something I'll get this jet standby we've still got a bit left on that mic [Music] all right standby folks standby no that's all right it's all right it's all right so I'm going to be temporary oh mate hold on okay that is charging so folks Billy ball buster he's a new member welcome Billy Chris fry is also a brand spanking new member to First Class welcome to you Chris and Victoria beavers welcome back Victoria lovely to see you here I think we're talking about uh somewhere in the region of 350 new members today lovely to see you all enjoy your trip with us [Music] prophetics um e195 is it surprised to not see their EU uh not e195 sorry it's just a it is an e195 yeah e195 E2 is the other one that's uh limio Riley Reach for the Stars wow nice okay folks we're gonna get that Emirates 380 to number one folks I think uh we've got enough power on the um on the mic [Music] we've got 8 500 people watching great to see you folks give us a like if you want to you don't have to don't feel obliged hey hey so ITV apparently already put a piece out for uh I hope I used a good one and not just some lame one I think they used to really solid you know we'll soon find out it is the SAS what the what the heavy one the one I suggested oh brilliant fan oh they've used it fantastic EK 29 number one Steve Remy Harvey uh number one easy A380 thank you uh these two looks like it's left house same up so what flipping it what [Music] oh my God no no they didn't actually say that did they oh my God you can't say that oh my goodness me that's funny man is it an article Julie or is it is it is a what what is it oh goodness me Dr Ray is brand new member welcome Dr Ray yes they did use SAS thanks folks lovely to see you all Dr Ray getting lots of uh lots of welcomes from our amazing group of members here on big jet TV great to see you guys [Music] commentator summed it up oh they have really nailed it today the ba boys and girls haven't they [Laughter] oh it's funny man hey right EK 29 number one thank you very much in the over Vista now uh Claire bear the A380 Craig B Lewis J W a whistle ah you noticed it then Lewis uh amongst others probably that whistle is a result of the uh the um the the trailing Edge cowl easy the trailing Edge cowl on the engines the scallop shapes of the of the cows um although they poster uh make the the the um quiet in the engine note should I say um but um they actually do that but they create more drag which is uh an unfortunate um design fault I would say but uh no they do I'm pretty sure that's the the whistle noise that we get from the Dreamliner not all of them [Music] well I say not all of them but not all the time it's going to be a nailed on Landing from ba again isn't it look at that wow I hope someone from the executive team is watching uh the stream because uh your um your Crews have done a fantastic job today my map Amanda the demand is a new member as well I meant Buckingham is also a brand new wow [Music] [Music] good day to you Amanda and time one and zero four 1.04 hours Wendy beverage just watched victim TV Joe doing is oh okay what was that oh my lick is there uh is there is there a video with it chilly then as well or is it is it a oh the videos within as well right okay Steve S those triple seven threes are enormous they are big old beasts and they proper bother boys aren't they 2000 tracking EK 29 HGC thank you Craig Garcia agreed even funny because even my part of windy weather Pilot debris oh okay yeah there we go probably you're right mate I think so decrease [Music] you know for a fact that uh some Airlines use our footage as examples for their pilots to uh observe oh I think they got caught out a little bit there wasn't it a bit hard down on that left wing because we've got another front coming now what's Emirates gonna have oh my God he's not going to be up there going oh flipping it we divert and now we're going straight back into it again what have I what have I what have I done to deserve this [Music] situate away what's that GP yeah it would be well would be funny but well it would I mean it would be great if I did eight minutes out airtime Irish thank you uh the Emirates 380 that I diverted at a glass and obviously they've had to wait the passengers have all that away up there haven't they for a slot to uh [Music] it is a it is a great shame for all those people who are uh connecting flights maybe come from the Far East and are connecting to go uh further west or so wherever it might be it's just a wreck to a lot of people's plans isn't it you know be a big debrief of Emirates on Monday morning I'll tell you that much right get in here you lot Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle so yes sir yes sir TCC round three has been superb ding ding sinks out Delta A330 maybe Alexander Flores there's a link for you folks if you want to see the ITV piece they put out I can't believe they used that uh that piece of commentary it is rather funny yeah yeah [Laughter] [Music] only English humor in it eh joke that one again see uh so yeah God give it to the ba boys and girls been quite a few lefties aren't they hey murmuration murmuration we do have a laugh don't we but we're it's all educational but we do have a laugh you've got to have a laugh and yeah um yes uh Declan it is three strikes and you're out literally it is that three attempts um and then you're gone you divert purely down fuel for fuel don't worry didn't take it down a Gatwick they probably asked imagine let's fly up to uh [Music] nice Sri Lankan it does make you wonder didn't it you know um yeah it's just on the left-hand side yeah it is interesting isn't it that you know you wonder there's a lot of people probably asking the question you know if he's if he's gone around three times then you're obviously the reason why they have to divert is because of the reason for uh for uh for fuel you know um um but uh but why why'd they go all the way to Glasgow and not go down a Gatwick if they can go all the way to Glasgow which is an hour's flight then surely uh surely they can have another go here would you want to try and have another go here but I think that is a standard protocol isn't it Lizzy smiley face on it look at the little bit apprehensive there but as he moves on then the smile starts to come there it is see tickle under the chin in it with a big happy triple seven but wow oh beard gotta give him a shower we retired giv pilot B-52 in another career wow uh very warm welcome to you for sure loving it thank you sir um people are laughing about it [Laughter] [Music] China Airlines WB powered 8350 900. [Music] [Music] wow man wow look at the energy man that was insane insane it's all like vibrating and everything just like oh my goodness me and it's a big old unit that undercarriage man shows the amount of flex and give that it has that was crazy I want to see people's reactions to that because that was just insane also got it wrong way around she almost here Douglas butcher maybe Glasgow were offering extra nectar points brilliant oh okay I'll be a givstream for Business Jet okay well that's cool and down and bearings gone on that yoke yeah that was just crazy man the vibration that went through that did you Mark Bell excellent gear wobble catch was wasn't it any of those today [Music] what's a little one shall we still a lot of weight coming down on that undercarriage does depend of course the uh oh it's very oh oh okay there we go there we go a little bit of a uh lurch get this one course adjustment there look see that's that's that's a perfect example of the different friction layers they come down just just caught absolutely perfect then and then straight back into another one [Music] Air France three 320 CEO for a long long time have we 've nicely done very nicely done back of the stack it's coming into the back of the stack now it has been a um eventful day let's say um thank you to everybody for uh for your patience earlier on today folks terrible trouble uh some of you may some of you may not know about the problems that YouTube were encountering and still maybe still are but we're using a different uh we're going direct We Believe to the U.S servers and not the European servers in Ireland so as a result of that um we're uh we're lucky enough to hold this hold this feet [Music] and of course we will be back tomorrow we'll let you know um we'll just keep you keep your um make sure you subscribe to the channel folks I think we've had about a thousand today something like that um but uh great to have you all with us make sure you subscribe to the channel because we don't want you missing out on any future shows um and of course so when we go overseas as well you can follow us on Twitter as well and uh and also download the app but um but yeah um subscribe to the channel it's always a good thing make sure you hit that notification button as well folks because uh again like I say we don't want you to miss out on um on notifications on what's Happening and there she is that big shadow in the background there look Andreas crew um good day to you my friend um what was the uh Andy retired last week Andrea breznicki that was it something like that yeah two big rows in town good eye [Music] sir yeah but the only way you've got to be able to test that is by actually rigging it all up oh okay two more to go and the big one is gonna finish the show a gml has gifted five big jet TV members memberships thank you so much gml thank you again to everybody who's gifted memberships today you are wonderful people and um we're not separating anybody off from other people folks it's just a lovely thing that they're able to do uh be it one bit 50-bit whatever um we thank you so much no this one's going to go as well mate this one's gonna go as well let's see how long I've got let's just see how long it's got now let's just see how long it's got I can keep my eye on it I can keep my eye on it it's even gonna go it's it's doing a quick flash it's doing a quick action is it all right [Music] welcome home [Music] so we're not gonna be able to do the Milestones Julie we have to do that uh we'll have to do that tomorrow I'm going to read out your Milestones tomorrow folks oh it might not actually said it so we'll read out the Milestones tomorrow folks I'm going to say a quick buy because this microphone's just about to go and I was about to sneeze oh yeah folks thank you very much how's the mic oh it's I oh no folks thank you so much uh I'll just keep talking until the mic goes off uh thank you so much it's been a fantastic day even though thanks to Jilly by the way for sorting all that stuff out for part three um thank you to everybody who came and said hello thank you to all you guys uh you wonderful members um both the the the classic ones the Jurassic ones uh the new ones uh very warm welcome to all of you thank you for yours loyalty and your support and sticking around make sure you subscribe to the channel folks if you want a little bit more of this crazy stuff that we do in aviation and uh it has been a wonderful day with all of you sharing it with you we will be back tomorrow uh just keep an eye on your notifications and um download the app do all that kind of stuff you know I want to do look after yourselves have a great reminder remainder of your day wherever you are whether it's the evening the morning or the afternoon and look after yourselves and we'll see you later catching me oh okay
Channel: BIG JET TV
Views: 484,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Planespotting, Heathrow Live, Heathrow Airport, Big Jet TV, bigjettv, Bad weather, Planespotting Live, Heathrow, FLYING A PLANE, HOW TO FLY A PLANE, BOEING 747, HOW DO PLANES FLY?, AIRBUS, STORMS, WINDSHEAR, HOW DO JETS FLY?, AIRPORT, AVGEEK, AVIATION, AIRLINES, AIRLINERS, BRITISH AIRWAYS, VIRGIN ATLANTIC, CARGO, FREIGHTERS, CARGO HUB, EMA CARGO, Plane, Manchester, Airport Live, airport webcam, singapore, dubai airport, airplane landing, airplane take off, Boeing, 747, East midlands, Pilot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 30sec (14010 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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