Flying First Class to Every Continent in 7 days

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today I'm flying to every continent in the next 7 Days entirely in first class from Australia to South America to Antarctica in nine of the world's most luxurious planes with a sticker price of $60,000 you can expect inflight showers private bedrooms and Michelin star dining oh and you're invited along for the ride let's pick up my Mammoth Journey then on the ground in Doha [Music] katar well hello there and welcome back to the channel I cannot quite grasp the magnitude of what I'm about to embark on let's go and head straight in and check in for my first flight cata Airways offer a separate check-in channel for first class passengers which feels more like a boutique hotel check-in rather than an airport with formalities processed promptly let's head through security rather uniquely as you exit passport control there's no dutyfree or busy terminal to deal with just to private entry to the first class Lounge which by the way is absolutely massive to begin with IO my bags in the provided private bedroom which is a handy feature especially if you have a long layover I think we'll start off with a spot of dinner in the restaurant the menu is extensive and you for sure won't go hungry here to kick things off I'm served a tasty glass of Rosa champagne sadly Krug is no longer served in here for main of course I just have to go for a track trendy staple which is beautifully presented with dinner out of the way our finale will involve a trip to the spa facilities specifically the jacuzzi offered on a first come first serve basis it's genuinely hard to Fathom this is in an airport it's time to board our first flight I'm proactively offered a transfer service to the gate which is a nice touch for first class guests I'm LED over to the front of the queue and upstairs because of course today's flight is operated on this huge 8-year-old Airbus A380 Let's Get Down that Jet Bridge and onto our new home for the next 14 hours I've assigned myself 1 kilo today though there are only two of the guests in first so I have my pick of where to sit there are no overhead bins so instead I'll Stone my carry-on in the forward closet space and my rock under my seat let's settle into my Suite then priorities of course it's time for a predeparture champagne I'll go for the luron perier Alexandra Ros which is Punchy stuff retailing over $350 a bottle let's get my seat belt fastened as the safety video begins to screen baggage should be securely stowed in the overhead compartments or under the seats in front of you to help with the final preparations for takeoff please ensure your seat is in the fully upright position finally it's time for for push back and so begins our epic journey to every [Music] continent our first flight will take us nearly 8,000 Mi over to Sydney Australia and our first continent of the trip oceanana it's not long before we reach altitude and given that it's past midnight now let's get changed into my PJs there are two bathrooms located at the front of the first class cabin it may not be the Emirate Shower Spa but for an airplane bathroom it's still Mighty impressive in terms of amenities shaving and dental kits are provided along with a dipti amenity kit which you're free to take home with you you also get these super soft white company pajamas let's boot the Tims off and get changed much [Music] better join my absence the lovely fa has turned my seat into a bed complete with a mattress topper fluffy pillow and super soft duvet let's get some sleep in as given the amount of time zones we're passing through this week I'm going to need it good morning we're about to make landfall off the West Coast of Australia I slept particularly well partly due to just how quiet and smooth the A380 is whilst naturally I feel like breakfast local time dictates I should probably have a late [Music] lunch with my order placed let's return my seat to the upright position in preparation for Food [Music] Service the tray table retracts from the right console and this is promptly set up with white table linen and a faux candle first class is not first class without caviar service complete with all the traditional trimmings for main I opt for the seared wagu beef with Maman curry sauce which is utterly [Music] Divine with dinner service complete let's explore this plane's party piece located towards the rear of the aircraft is the barcum lounge it's a lovely space to hang out with plenty of seating with individual seat belts so you can remain here should there be any unexpected turbulence there's a wide selection of drinks available from cocktails to Champagne this time I'm offered a 2007 Alexandre [Music] Ros time really does fly when you're having fun it's almost time for our final descent into Sydney let's head to the bathroom to change and freshen up before [Music] landing I'm aware that these time zones are going to be a constant challenge during this trip but given the Sun is setting already the jet lag is real special thanks to my friend and fellow YouTuber Josh Cahill for this footage of my flight coming into land here at Sydney airport with that it's Welcome to our first continent of [Music] oceanana I'll be staying downtown at the Four Seasons next to the rocks and circular [Music] key good day I'm up nice and early to collect my Express overnight laundry and of course to enjoy a veggie might Wy downstairs there's enough time for a quick morning explore to get those steps in before heading onto our next flight and indeed next continent and just like that we're back at the airpol let's head straight inside go and check in and I think it's going to be pretty obvious where we're going as soon as you see the airline of course what would flying first class be without Singapore suit check-in is a breeze and within moments ready to head through security and exit Australia time to collect the obligatory dutyfree timtams before heading over to the lounge Singapore Airlines operate their own Lounge facilities here which sadly gets rather busy at peak times this is largely because of the several A380 Services operating to the airport daily of which ours has just landed in terms of FNB offering it's solid but not quite first class however that will come on board so I'll opt instead for a cappuccino for the mandated caffeine hit it's not all too long before boarding is announced this unfortunately is chaotic to say the least after a moderate Stampede of passengers it's down the Jet Bridge we go and time for a better look at our 12-year-old airbuzz A380 taking us over to our next continent here we are then upper deck of the A380 again but this time a single aisle to one of the very best airline products in the sky Singapore sweet like with Qatar there are no overhead bins but each passenger gets their own storage closet let's get settled into my Suite then as the champagne begins to flow SQ server personal favorite Krug champagne which retails at around $280 a bottle if there is a change in cabin pressure an oxygen mask will automatically drop in front of you pull the lateral straps to tighten it and breathe as usual now for push back with only a short taxi to the runway it's no time at all before we're hurtling along it and up into the Australian mid- morning sunshine our flight today will take us some 4,000 Mi over the next 8 hours all the way to Singapore it's not long before we reach our cruising altitude of 38,000 ft so I'll take my seat belt off and get comfortable each Suite also features a closing door for additional privacy so let's get that shut right away my armchair can rotate 240° all at the touch of a button how cool is this I've made the James Bond villain joke before isn't it fitting right let's take a look at the menu then which is pretty extensive you can also order from Singapore's book The Cook service which is what I've done today as we wait let's take a more detailed look around there's a total of 475 passengers on board across four classes of service and two decks we're on the upper deck today right front I've chosen one alpha as Row one is slightly bigger complete with comfy leather armchair TV and a separate foldout bed now I'm served another delicious glass of Krug champagne as I'm told my food will shortly be served it will come as no surprise that my appetizer consists of caviar as I said it's a first class staple and something I only ever enjoy in the sky or perhaps the old luxury Cruise or train for main I'm served my book The Cook selection the lobster thermador with buttered asparagus slow roasted tomatoes and saffron rice with dinner service out of the way it's time to check out the famous Singapore bathroom located to the front of the first class cabin and one I ranker second best after Emirates SQ provide PJs and an amenity kit with the latter offering leik branded Cosmetics let's get the Tims booted off then and change into my [Music] PJs I make it nap time a common theme on this trip that's for sure join my absence my bed has been folded down and made up ready for sleep without any more to say let's close the sweet doors get those slippers off and settle in for a [Music] doze [Music] it's almost time for our Landing into Singapore we'll head this time to the other bathroom which whilst lovely is not as large or as special as the other let's make our way back to my suite and prepare for landing our next continent is [Music] imminent well there's actually a Twist to our tale here whilst we're arriving into Singapore we're not entering the country this is a transit to another country still within Asia mind you so we'll officially take off the next continent When we arrive in our next stop tomorrow [Music] morning let's go and find the coveted Singapore private room which we have access to Singapore Airlines have a special Lounge within first class called the private room access here is strictly guarded no frequent flyer membership can get you in here it was actually only opened last year and is a truly beautiful space indeed I think we'll head straight over to the restaurant first up the wine list which is relatively limited but Punchy with a tasty 2012 con however in terms of food there's plenty but I'm still feeling rather full so opt for the wagu SAT which goes down an absolute treat for the remaining layover I've booked out one of the private rooms to get on with some work and lastly a shower in preparation for sleep on the next Redeye flight it's it's time to head to the gate next we'll be flying on board Singapore's Boeing Triple 7 Let's Get Down The Jet Bridge and settle in for our overnight welcome to Singapore's other first class product flown only on the triple 7s with just one row of first class nestled in the nose it's still a lovely place to be as with our previous flights there are no overhead bins but instead ample floor space for my bags I'm warmly welcomed and served a night cap of crude champagne it's not long at all until we start to push back and the safety video is screened as we bring you through this important safety briefing sto your luggage under the seat in front of you or in the overhead [Music] compartment so where are we heading over the next 7 hours we'll fly 3,000 Mi over to Tokyo Japan with arriv a short overnight flight I'll opt to skip meal service and instead get ready for [Music] bed now doesn't this look inviting I'll catch you all in the morning well good morning I slept pretty well to be fair and we've only a short time to spare before our final descent let's get a c hit on the go in form of a cappuccino now we really must go and get changed as frankly I don't want to ro around Tokyo in my [Music] PJs there we have it Welcome to Tokyo and formerly to the continent of Asia we'll be getting out of the airport here so it actually can [Music] from my layover I've booked into the Conrad Tokyo the perfect base for today's activities now one of the more complicated parts of this entire trip has been to keep on top of all the travel planning join my layovers flights are only one of the many components in this ambitious Journey For example where to stay eat what to see and how to get around luckily there's a solution so I don't have to do this all on my own introducing today's sponsor magic your personal AI travel assistant let me start off by saying magic is 100% free with no subscription fee or charge to book through them magic does so much more than just suggest itineries based on your preferences such as dietary restrictions interests and for this trip working within time constraints it can give you an overview of what a certain hotel is like based on what people are saying all over the Internet so you know what place to book and what to expect when you get there the best part is if you don't like something you can just ask magic for change things around or recommend new activities and it will help straight away use magic to plan your next trip follow the link in my description or in my pinned comment and check out magic for yourself thanks again magic for sponsoring today's video well hello there and welcome to Tokyo of course I'm in the very famous Chaboya Crossing and uh it's quite hard to film and talk however our Focus today will be a few blocks over where I get to drive something pretty [Music] special I'm living living Living Well it's fair to say that was incredible now we really must head to the airport as we have another flight to catch today I'm trying out an Ana in their newest first [Music] class jacken is efficient with no cues and I'm escorted over to Security in a matter of minutes through into the terminal let's head straight over to the gate 109 we'll be flying another Boeing 7 for this Ultra Long Haul leg it's a matter of moments before priority boarding begins and with formalities processed I'm down the Jet Bridge Bound for our next continent welcome on board an Ana first class Suites a product introduced back in 2019 it still feels brand new though it's not long before we requested to fasten our seat belts as the safety video begins to [Music] [Music] screen and just like that we hurtle down the runway and up into the sky so where exactly are we going we'll fly for the next 15 hours some 7,000 M over to New York City what makes this even more unique is we'll cross the International Dateline so technically we'll land before we've even taken off I know these time zones play absolute havoc on your logic I'm promptly offered a post takeoff drink and I'm happy to see an Ana serve Krug just like Singapore Airlines next let's take a proper look at the menu this consists of both Japanese and International options with my order placed I think it's time we take a look around our aircraft there are a total of 212 passengers on board across four classes of service specifically first class features eight private Suites and I'm seated in 2 kilo it's time for meal service and to kick things off I'm served gooey duck with Japanese parsley and sea lettuce [Music] sauce so far delicious but not something I've tried before Now we move on to the sear Bonito and North Pacific giant octopus Sashimi it's so impressive to have this served at 35,000 ft for my main I go for the SAR grilled tilefish with Crispy rice and tilefish stock sauce to close off I choose the dessert of the international menu served with perhaps the most expensive whiskey I've ever tried hiiki 21 which sells for over $1,400 a bottle with dinner service out of the way let's boot the Tims off and get the comfy Ana slippers on we'll head to one of the two bathrooms at the front of the first class cabin they're not the largest but modern super clean and feature a Japanese toilet well at least the bday function as for the PJs the oversized soft cotton and particularly comfortable back at my seat it's been turned down by the lovely flight attendant into a bed needing no invitation let's pull those privacy door shut and settle in for a much needed [Music] sleep well hello day two we've crossed the International Date Line which means we're going to get the same dat twice how surreal well I'm certainly in need of a caffeine head to come too it's also a chance to try out the phenomenal inflight entertainment screen pretty sure this is the largest I've ever seen in a commercial aircraft I'm notified it's not long before our final descent into New York so let's get back to the washroom to change into my [Music] clothes welcome to the next continent of our trip North America we're almost halfway would you believe so to get into New York City let's try something a little different you may at this point think I'll short an Uber will come with me over to JFK's private terminal just 5 minutes from arrivals of course it's been long overdue it's time to try out blade and the helicopter service to Manhattan this is meant to take just 5 [Music] minutes well it's fair to say that was epic now for a short layover in Manhattan I've checked into the new virgin hotel with the most fantastic views of the Empire State Building now for a shower a slice of NY Pizza in perhaps the most touristy place I could possibly find and before I know it it's time to head back over to the airport thank you for waiting ladies and gentlemen we've invited first class this is only a short domestic hop down to Washington DC but of course I'm sticking to the first class rule thank you for flying with us and have a pleasant day welcome to DC we have a few hours spare before our next flight so I make it time for a quick explore around the nation's [Music] capital I should honestly just live at the airport at this point but our next continent is beckoning Washington Dallas will play host to this evening's departure on the UK flag carrier British Airways I'm pretty sure you can guess where we're heading now there's no expedited security for first class guests but that's where my TSA pre-check comes in handy on this particularly busy evening all through security and it's time to check out the lounge offering ba have their own operation here at Dallas which is a pleasant surprise there's even a separate concorded restaurant for first class passengers now seeing as we're in the US wouldn't the cheeseburger be a fitting [Music] Choice it's not long before we're invited to head to gate B44 for boarding formalities tonight we'll be flying this 14-year-old Boeing trip 7 we sure are flying a lot of Tri 7 so far on this trip down the Jet Bridge we go and into the ambient ba first class cabin I'm aware this cabin is on the older side but I do love the coziness of it orbe it with without the bells and whistles of well any of our previous [Music] flights your retention is essential as this may differ from any aircraft you have flown on before please check your seat belt is fast and securely and warn whenever the signs are on please now check your seat is in the takeoff position with the armrest [Music] down so if you haven't guessed by now we'll be flying over the next 7 hours to London's heo airport and indeed our next continent of Europe now we've reached our cruising altitude let's get that seat belt off and take a proper look around our aircraft there are a total of 235 passengers on board across four classes of service I'm in one of the eight Suites right at the front which while slightly dated it's still a very comfortable place to spend this red eyee some like to claim Ba's first is like like business but the real estate you get here is significantly more than any business class flying and yes that does include Q sues anyway let's take a look at the menu offered not bad at all though seeing as I ate in the lounge I'll save myself until breakfast I think it's time to get changed into something a little comfier whilst my bed gets turned down by the lovely fa there are two lavat trees for first class passengers which uh leave a lot to be desired for first class things improve with the template amenity kit which I rate as one of the best in the sky and what's more they provide fantastic cotton PJs which I'm a huge fan [Music] of I think all this travel might be taking its toll on me I'm super tired and what a bed I absolutely love the ba bedding and rate it among the best in the sky let's get comfy Under The Fabulous duvet and sink into my fluffy [Music] pillow well well good morning I think I've slept well but these time zones have me waking up at the most bizarre times I'm also pretty hungry so let's take a look at the breakfast menu my table is beautifully set and I'm initially served some fresh fruit with some warmed pastries washed down of course by that all important caffeine hit for a premature Taste of Home I go for the full English breakfast which to be fair lives up to its reputation as a greasy fryer given our flight is so short it's nearly time for our Final Approach so let's get changed back into my clothes and put the Tims on ready for [Music] landing could you get any more stereotypical the Glorious UK in the rain Welcome to our fourth continent and incidentally where I'm from Europe can I have a cup of tea so anyway rather than show you London which I'm sure most of you have familiar with let me show you a brief snapshot of my home in bourman of course this means fish and chips a British Seaside tradition and some time with the lovely Millie Oh and before we head back to the airport I must give my barber Jack a visit for a fresh [Music] trim welcome back to Heath bro and to this time Terminal 4 we'll head straight to the Air France check-in because of course La Premiere is incoming whilst Air France la Premiere doesn't operate from London will be connecting in Paris there is however some elements of the service still present such as being escorted to the plane and being first aboard ah Euro business class I have not missed [Music] you one uneventful flight later and I'm on my way to my Parisian Hotel day four brings yet another continent given my early start and late arrival perhaps staying centrally in Paris was a poor move welcome to Charles de airport I can't say it's my favorite but today will be a very different experience La Premier guests are invited to use the dedicated Channel whereby checking formalities are done in a private Lounge along with a chaperon through security all the way to the main FirstClass Lounge it's a truly special place and one I rank among the highest in the world it's not showy but classy with ample seating a quiet Zone and even a spa mind you just look at the price of some of those treatments we however are interested in the restaurant for a spot of breakfast naturally let's start with a caffeine hit along with the eggs benedict now it's time for our departure but alas this is no ordinary Affair I'm driven directly to our aircraft across the apron we're taking yet another Tri 7 and an older one at that nearly 20 years old let's head up a level to the Jet Bridge and get on board as with our Singapore experience earlier Air France features just one row of first class and only on their triple 7s it'd be interesting to see how this changes when their new first class cabin debuts next year I'm actually one of the last to board and within moments the Jet Bridge retracts and we're ready for push back let's get my seat belt securely fastened as the safety video is run on behalf of everyone at Air France we wish you a very pleasant [Music] flight so where exactly are we flying well for the next 12 hours we'll fly some 6,000 M all the way over to sou Pao Brazil now that we've reached our cruising altitude let's take a Peak at the food on offer today lunch seems extensive and certainly A Step Above what ba was serving on our last vog light with my order placed let's take a proper look around air France's 7 300 ER which play hosted 296 passengers in four classes of service up front there are just four first class Suites and I've chosen one alpha for the occasion it's certainly a nice place to be and there are even privacy curtains to fully enclose your Suite which I'll show you in just a second now for meal service first up let's indulge in a 2006 rare pip behinds [Music] this will go nicely with our appetizer the French caviar with a vodka and lime whipped cream goodness the amount of caviar consumed on this trip so far now for main the lamb comfy rouard with pistachio and kumquat which is a welcome change up from my usual steak with lunch service out of the way let's get changed into something a little more comfortable there are two lavat trees to the front of the first class cabin which is most impressive as you're only sharing with one other passenger so the amenity kit packed full of sisly Cosmetics an eye mask pen and wooden comb it's time to change what do you think they're certainly very comfy Upon returning to my Suite it's been made up beautifully and by now you know the drill let's catch a few hours shut I to mitigate the jet [Music] lag I awake as we make landfall over South America I'm offered a delicious glass of green tea whilst I settle down and watch a movie for the remainder of our [Music] flight I'm reminded by the friendly flight attendant that we're not far off our Final Approach into sou Paulo in which case A change is in [Music] order welcome to South America our fifth continent now whilst I'd love to explore sou Paulo Rio has been on my list forever and I have Simon Wilson to blame for that by the way do go and check out his channel so let's catch a short domestic hop up there for an overnight Welcome to Rio I've decided to book a room at the famous Copa kabana Palace opened in 1923 and a regular haunt of celebrity throughout the years from Marilyn Monroe to Justin Bieber [Music] good morning it seems odd not to have slept at 40,000 ft for once next we'll take a transfer up to the cavado [Music] mountain we have finally made it up to one of the wonders of the modern world this is Christ the Redeemer back to the airport we need to drop down to sou Paulo for the next leg of our trip I'm sure many of you were inquisitive as to when we'll be seeing the familiar sight of Emirates and now finally it's time right let's head through security and get Stamped Out of Brazil with little time to spare we'll head straight to our gate 303 Let's Get Down that Jet Bridge and onto our 7-year-old Airbus A380 I'm warmly welcomed on board and shown over to my Suite whilst the design may not be for everyone's taste there's something really iconic about Emirates first class I'm initially offered a traditional Arabic coffee which should hopefully Puck me up a little only inflate your life jacket when you're leaving the aircraft your cabin crew will now pass through the cabin carrying out the final safety check oh our flight today will take us 15 hours and just under 8,000 Mi all the way over to Dubai it's not all too long before we reach our cruising altitude of 35,000 ft and service Springs into action due to the flight's timings I think I'll prioritize getting some rest first of all uniquely I can take a relaxing shower prior to bed it still seems so surreal to me that such a facility exists thousands of feet in the air practically speaking you can actually have an enjoy shower though you'll need to keep a close eye on the water dial as you only have a few minutes of continuous running water much better durin my absence the flight crew have turned down my Suite ready for sleep needing no invitation I make it time to sink into the memory foam mattress topper and soft duvet at the touch of a button my sweet doors close cocooning me in privacy and comfort see you in a few hours I slept particularly well in fact I'd rank this as the best sleep so far of the trip anyway I make it time for well I'm not really sure what meal it is but let's take a look at the extensive dine anytime menu with my order placed let's transform our suite back into a seat at the touch of a button the wooden tray table Springs out of my console to my right the lovely fa proceeds to set my table and pours a delicious glass of 2013 Dom to begin rather than another round of caviar i instead op for the Arabic mes which is extensive including hummus babaan stuffed Vine leaves and plenty of Pitter bread for main I go for the chicken Mandy in a traditional emirati spice marinade with fragrant rice I've not tried this dish before but I think it just might be the best man I've had before on Emirates which is quite a statement with dinner out of the way and still a number of hours to go until we reach Dubai let's kick back and enjoy some inflight entertainment Emirates have a huge selection of movies and TV shows which I rank as the best in the sky I'm informed it's almost time for our final approach so let's head back to the bathroom and change into my clothes back at my seat let's get that seat belt on and we finally come into land hi baby come to Dubai welcome to Dubai and whilst this is back to the continent of Asia we'll only be changing PLS here on route to our penultimate destination we'll take a brief transfer to downtown and to the wonderful water of Historia for my overnight layover [Music] well good morning from Dubai it's back over to the airport for us we'll be continuing on Emirates for the next leg so we can use their dedicated first and business class checkin facilities at dxb unsurprisingly it's a breeze with zero weit time and within moments we're ready to go through security now time for the emirat first class Lounge there are three to choose from but seeing as we're at Gate C today which is essentially in Shar I think we'll have to track over to loung sea so there's no risk of missing our flight one 25-minute walk later and we're here so the lounge it's not as impressive as b or a concourse but will certainly do the job this morning really all I'm looking for is something to wake me up so a quick cathine hit for the Bingo cards won't go a mess within no time at all I'm invited to board which sadly is not directly from the lounge as you'd get in Concourse [Music] a here's our aircraft then again an Airbus A380 which will be taking us over to Africa let's get straight down the Jet Bridge then and settle in I'm warmly welcomed on board by the friendly flight crew and directed over to my seat I've chosen three kilo today the same as our last flight it's only a few minutes before the safety video begins to screen your window blind should be open and your seat in the upright position in the unlikely event of an emergency landing please brace yourself like this against the seat in front of you now for push back for once the taxi is pretty short and can get very busy at Dubai airport and within a few minutes we're hurtling down the runway and up into the emirati morning sunshine our flight today will take us South and down into the continent of Africa some 4,000 Mi all the way to Johannesburg it's not long before we reach altitude so let's get my seat belt off and take a look at the menu today I'm most impressed to find it's different to my previous flight often Airlines have the same menu regardless of flight not looking at anyone in particular ba let's kick things off with a delicious glass of 2013 Dom fun fact Emirates are actually the only Airline which serve Dom because of their exclusive arrangement with lvmh now for a proper look around our aircraft the Airbus A380 has a total of 491 passengers on board across three classes of travel we're in one of the 14 first class Suites in 3 kilo today which is a lovely place to be from the rich comfortable leather seats to the automated popup mini bar the writing kit and of course snack basket it's time for food the tray table is released at the push of a button and is promptly set by my lovely flight attendant first up and after a brief Hiatus caviat is back on the menu for me me had to have a weave break on the last flight as there really can be too much of a good [Music] thing now for something different the mixed grill I've not seen this on the Emirates menu before but wow what a find beef Kebab lamb cutlet Kofa and chicken shees absolutely delicious to close off I'm offered a selection of Swiss chocolates concluding a Fab meal now being back on board the A380 the shower facilities once more however many times unfortunate to fly this it really never gets old let's get my new moisturizing PJs on and head over to this plane's party piece and one we missed out on during our last flight located to the rear of the aircraft behind the business class cabin you'll find the bar choose from a selection of wines or perhaps a cocktail whilst you relax on one of the comfy sofas as with qatar's bar you can stay here throughout the flight thanks to the integrated seat [Music] belts next we'll head back to my Suite as it's been made up into a bed now given it's a daylight I wouldn't ordinarily sleep for a long period but after all that food and a couple of drinks here we are I awake to find we're not far out from South Africa so after a quick change back into my clothes and of course putting the Tims back on we're on our Final [Music] Approach I'm delighted to welcome you to the sixth continent of our trip Africa it's certainly been quite the journey so far and only one to go now I do have a special guest joining me on the next section of this trip my dad of course who's just flown in from London I'm taking him on Safari something I know he's always wanted to do this will involve a trip a few few 200 mil North not all that far from the Botswana border let's get briefly settled in to our two-bedroom Lodge here at the mabaso black Rana Reserve now of course no visit to South Africa would be complete without a safari and hope to spot the big five so without any further Ado and of course welcoming dad back to the channel let's go on Safari you ready I'm ready let's [Music] go [Music] dad and I will now fly down to Cape Town for the next leg of our journey well there we have it six out of seven continents visited of course we've got one remaining and perhaps well certainly the most difficult to get to Antarctica dad sadly won't be joining me on this next sector instead opting to enjoy The Vineyards of Cape Town with some family friends worry not I'll be back to join them just after I pop to the seventh continent now this is where things get a little different I'm sure it doesn't surprise you but there are no scheduled flights to Antarctica but there's a solution a company called White desert offer passenger and scientist trips to the icy continent and this is exactly what we're doing now to drive across the apron to our aircraft a golf stream G550 I've never flown on anything like this before but I guess there's a first for [Music] [Music] everything this is certainly very different to any of the first class flights we've been on so far emergency exits can be opened by moving the handle in the direction of the arrow please study the exit instructions when you board and just like that we hurtle down the runway and up into the night skies over Cape Town so what exactly is the plan we'll be flying for 5 hours due south over 2,700 Mi all the way down to wolf's fang Antarctica let's take a proper look around our aircraft then with room for just 16 passengers at nearly 600 mph I'm sat in the main section of the aircraft which features a dining table sofa and two comfy armchairs to the rear there's an enclosed room with two sofas which convert into one or two single beds it's time to boot off the Antarctica Edition Tims and indulge in a glass of champagne I'm still to be honest in disbelief this is happening I make it time for dinner and the offering is impressive considering there's only a small Galley on board for main I opt for the steak topped with wild mushrooms and potato dolono then for dessert the Greek lemon cake I think it's time to get a little rest this also gives us a chance to check out the bathroom located at the rear of the cabin it's compact but finished to a high standard time to get my teeth brushed and off to bed we still have a few hours before we land on the icy continent now whilst it looks like Sunrise outside the sun actually never sets at this time of year in Antarctica and it's currently 1:00 a.m. for context we're very nearly there so let's get the Tims back on as we make our Final Approach into Antarctica well there we have it welcome to the seventh continent we've done it every continent in the world in 7 days I honestly can't quite come to terms with just how Wild this whole experience has been [Music] as I explore Antarctica by skadoo I guess there's one last thing to mention how much did this all cost in total this came to £ 32,5 45 I've included a full breakdown of cost for you down in the video description thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you all again next time
Channel: Trek Trendy
Views: 3,927,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first class flight, first class, first class review, luxury travel, emirates first class, singapore airlines first class, first class suite
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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