LIVE: London Heathrow Airport

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we're going to [Applause] [Applause] miss yeah old school okay nice little line up FN F check nice he's not in the pad up where's the hes [Music] so we just left it leaning against the uh it's cold outside there's a knock at the door the new version there's a ring at the [Applause] door that was a smokey start up for his number one let's see if he uh this is the time of year where we get a little bit of oil uh little bit of excess oil left in the bottom of the um in the bottom of the uh I really said After Burner then in the combustion chamber um little remnants of oil when they shut it down so there's sometimes a little bit of a uh shame I'm going to miss this well I'm not going to miss it oh I am am I no I'm not come on Landing him long Landing him long Come On Son get it down I tell you what wow I tell you what w oh still traveling out of right of knots yeah man here we go trots independent Traders here we [Music] go Landing into a very slight Tailwind folks which is why I think oh there's a bit of a breeze there now was calm right up to literally he long off the markers nice wow it's good job I'm not sensitive to Tire smoke cuz I tell you what a right face full at the moment morning everybody hope you're doing well London Heath R Sunday morning 10:54 a.m. and um thought we'd do a bit of old school stuff because uh the plan was that we were uh going to be on 09 operations but as it stands uh at the moment they're still bringing them in on 27s so you know um as it stands at the moment we'll we'll stay here I was going to go down to the Courtyard uh the boys and girls down at lfb have got exercises so they're sort of like things going on so I thought you know what um well the plan was to do Paddock departure 09s out of the Southern Runway but um as it stands now we're going to be uh on 27th for the foreseeable but as you can see the sock is is pretty limp um and as a result of that they leaving them on [Applause] 27s Euro Aviation 24 years old uh CH was what are you doing 24 years ago uh shout out to um everybody who's here at the Renaissance a lot of people um was it that's interesting that they've uh that's interesting that's the trim you see how the elevators are pointing down there folks it's not just the elevators it's actually the whole assembly there the whole tail um horizontal stabilizer assembly and um the the uh the the the tail system is uh the horizontal stabilizer system is operated um can be operated manually but is generally operated uh during flight uh which is called trim uh so it trims the aircraft out um now you can see quite clearly how far down it's pitched see that it's right at the lower edge of its of its trim there really interesting that because you know sick roll it all the way down at T5 um but what I'm talking about here is you see that see how it's sort of like in the middle there um the horizontal stabilizer not the elevator elevator is obviously attached um to the horizontal stabilizer but you can see there uh that the trim is sort of like neutral whereas this 767 that's coming um is's um or she mind you I think they've just uh they've just actually put it back to have they just put it back to its neutral position I think they have was that the one or no was this was no no no they're all um yeah kind of missed that unfortunately no surprises there then Steph 24 years ago living in Sydney um hello to everybody by the way folks uh if you're listening I apologize to um to anybody who's come up and said hello and uh I sort of like brushed past because I uh was in a in a rush for this uh for the 380 uh to get get things going little bit early little bit of it's I'm guessing I'm guessing that until um the pilots report that um it was a little bit dicey not dicey but you know I'm surprised you're not operating uh the opposite Runway directions um they're going to keep them they're going to keep them as they are I think for the time being um of course and I don't know if this is right or wrong but uh perhaps um uh somebody can uh let me know but apparently the uh as far as I'm aware the flight plans with these um with these guys and girls the uh the the the the the flight Crews um will have already been um uh preset for um for 27 right arrivals so if they have to switch to 09's it's not a major issue you know it's not uh like you know um going to cause major delays it just means that uh they have a a different flight plan that they have to adjust to make um course adjustments and uh so on and so forth only very marginal of course um but even so it is uh it is a slight change in the flight plan what was it what was the Fell's name and his dad GP Ashley and his old man that was it Ashley and his dad from wil Sher hello there um staying at the Renaissance so a big shout out to them and everybody else who's here um lovely fell okay to be one fell who's uh it's fell in he came over and gave us a shout up mate lovely lad um from from axbridge just up the road so um yeah and and the other young lad where is he he's down there a he that's him that's the little fell down there little fell he not he wouldn't like that would he he wouldn't like that um but yeah they're popping up out of the bushes look um okay Aiden Campbell looking forward to doing some spotting from the garden in the Hilton Garden in I'm guessing he's saying there Mato gun Papa te beautiful landing and takeoff good view uh RAB H Jessica rainbow um mad Matt UK Euro Aviation Philip Lowry RAB Alex Hilton San Sharma good morning everybody hope you're doing well Steve bat if you're new to Big jet TV if you've been gifted in membership or a new member please come in and say hello let let me give you a shout out and um if you're uh if you got any questions of course or got any information that you want to hand out then uh please feel free to do so and I'll try and read them out Andy fishlock me and the family are staying at the Renaissance in February can't wait for that there we go make sure you mention us although to be honest with you it's probably pointless because uh they goes through so many um so many staff changes here at at the Renaissance that uh very rarely um is the general manager the same general manager that there was 6 weeks ago anyway um look at that see that smudge on the other side of his belly there someone's left the generator running haven't they so at some point in time that's a ground power unit I'd imagine a GPU that's been used um underneath that aircraft because that's the exhaust SMUD in it don't look very happy to see the old jet tell you what was in folks which we missed um see that's a relatively not long Landing but oh listen to that Ellen MTAR good morning to you to sha Bennett British Airways a322 from Zurich uh Mark Bart Thomas Davis can can you grab the new IC and air 757 Livery leaving at 12:15 an old American plane has been in service for 2 weeks Thomas Davies that's what I was uh trying to um to talk about just then Thomas thank you um we're sort of like um trying to get our heads around it well I am anyway uh of that um Iceland Air 757 which is uh operating on behalf of Iceland Air but in a uh in a in a completely different Livery um he says it's a new Iceland a 757 I think maybe um uh new on the books but it's under their Charter arm as well so um it's a great Livery and and the sort of Livery that we've seen before is I can't think where we've seen it I know there'll be se's landing in a Tailwind there folks yeah Steve Parker some lovely butter Landings already get that toast out Steve rangit Singh in Pro uh as usual on a Sunday um Sue Freeman good morning to you Lloyd Bell retro uh ba retro 319 is on radar in Madrid that's interesting that's interesting what's she doing then I thought they were going to uh wow keep us uh posted on that one Lloyd you're obviously looking out for that thank you uh Steven greenage good morning to you marello renold good morning Ben Matthews looking forward to some spotting at Gatwick this evening before my early flight to inbrook tomorrow morning um oh look at him this old school delery we we're filming old school today and we've got an old school Alitalia jet so that will be I'm guessing CFM 56 engines I'm guessing um that will be part of a training uh procedures wouldn't it Landing in a Tailwind would it would it you just about see the tale of that Iceland there 757 there we'll definitely get that pushing back and you'll be um you'll be pleasantly surprised to see it I was uh I was gutted when I realized that I'd missed it um Max has gifted a membership Thanks Max have I missed people gifting memberships I think I have James Bond um yes we need to talk more horizontal stabilizer how much it can move when moved we know the rear and can move to cause rotation uh James B yes the rear being the um the elevators uh which are are responsible for for for the aircraft getting into the air well when they pull the stick forward or uh or move the the the side stick forward uh backwards um swards towards themselves obviously it's it's uh rotating the aircraft but yes the um the forward section of the horizontal stabilizer is called a trim uh um trim stab I think they call it uh trim stab but um and that is all dictated based on um or the angle is is all based on aircraft weight and so on and so forth but basically to uh to keep the aircraft at the at the optimal pitch angle uh that that works best for its um it its flight characteristics uh that will be moved by the autopilot system on the horizontal stabilizer there you see it's a bit of a shame we didn't see it well I've only seen it once and I think it was overseas when I saw it where an aircraft was was taxiing in and you actually saw the uh the horizontal stabilizer going back to its neutral position of course none of them there that big long trip 7 300 man it's a long old thing is it down at ard Aviation retail direct uh the other day what's that GP John Walton 7% let's keep an eye on [Applause] that yeah see now I don't know whether uh I'm not sure whether um Arrow breaking is more used during uh these um these um touchdowns when they when they're touching down into a into a slight Tailwind um but we'll see uh well I don't know can somebody mention that to me or let me know uh 380 on approach Matteo gun peti uh we've got Karen no Nel um no narel not Nel Karen's gifted a membership thank you Karen just for YouTube just just just yes not me but yeah just for us can just north north just yeah yeah yeah but just on YouTube it's not like you know not like all the family tuning in hold on a minute it's not you F name just make it easy thank you Karen lovely thing to do the Yorkshire Tomb Raider and stuffs Yorkshire Tomb Raider and stuffs big old set by the C very derated look at the uh horizontal stabilizer shaking away there and that's because of the dirty air that's being kicked up by those inboard um ground spoilers or speed brakes um of course the speed brakes are armed uh on approach but um but on the ground they're known as the ground spoilers uh spoil all the speed and uh get the speed off as soon as POS possible but also the in inboard spoilers um for uh for maximizing the amount of um pressure on the on the on the tires uh Wheels um underc carriage for for in order to maximize braking see the angle of that 320 there folks interesting isn't it so that's the lift and pull type um tug system uh rather than a a tow hitch system system it's a noisy old 330 200 as well I think isn't it is that 200 h good morning to you AO Arrow good morning everybody hope you're doing well American triple Landing see it yeah got straight on it pulled that inboard lever up the levers in front of the main um thrust levers uh specifically um used for reverses but is that that must be all preset then because when they pulled those leave us up um it's not a case of like oh we'll only pull them up halfway cuz we're only going to do a very derated um uh reverses today you know because of the conditions um so the the the the the braking distances and all that kind of stuff must be preset into the flight management computer so that the reversa systems the computers can um pre uh can know in advance exactly how much thrust they are going to apply uh I'm thinking is that right because you can't be oh hello hello beautiful man look at that look at that man not sure about the big 75 on it I wouldn't have I would have left that off isn't it funny how some uh Triple 7 300's look massively longer than you know I mean that's a 300 is it look and it doesn't look as long as uh as as the one that we were just looking at funny enough it is a it's a I think it's a one of those things that the uh the the The Livery makes it look longer is a long J squeezed xwb clever what air bus have done with the a 351,000 or the a350 in general in terms of um magd delain CZ y good morning to you Magdalene um of course we're not going to be here this week for the uh all 100% saf flight with Virgin Atlantic um we have been um invited to contribute towards it but um we were already pre-booked going to beep beep in the United States of America um and of course that is uh we are going to be doing a freev view in uh this coming week folks um but uh we we're going to it's it's it's um purely because we've got special access to the look at the swrs man look at the swrs uh but yes um Gareth has told me that they're going to try and get uh a video recorded for um for us from the crew from the flight crew um that we can play out to you guys Ian goldsworthy has gifted five memberships thank you [Applause] Ian go on Chile it's a new member go on Chile uh good morning seeing the Tui 2757 going into St Athen um oh 2757 going into St Athan that's uh that's a one-way ticket I'm afraid that is a one-way ticket um Mr lizardlick uh how do I get gifted a membership um well you're already a member Mr lizardlick Beverly George Scott Thompson Euro Aviation Cafe Cathy Williams good morning to you uh Carl Mason Nick Grace sorry Jet Blue 321 departs at 1220 for JFK and there it is there uh then flies back back tonight to Amsterdam wow crazy it busy man these Jets I tell you just got to give um you know the the the the um how how how robust these engines are and the systems you know Festival of creativity Landing it fast a she's filthy man look at all that break dust and Tire Deb and stuff sticks to the flaps thank you William fiso videos flew into he thr this morning from Amsterdam and felt like some side wind from around 3 ft interesting yeah he's a little bit tiny a picked up a just a minuscule amount I'll tell you what is interesting folks um you have to go with me on this one um but um the um we will look at what was it storm Unis Chile that you were looking at last night storm Unice about 1 hour and 40 minutes in um there is a very Gusty section watch it in double speed and watch for the tap 321 Neo I think it is or 320 Neo and watch it in double speed it's quite funny but also quite remarkable when you look at the uh when you look at the um the the the the aircraft being literally thrown around like a paper plane I'm not joking man it is just crazy listen to those uh Trent 800s Steve H is a brand new member morning Steve hope you're doing well thank you very much for supporting the channel and everybody who continues to support support the channel new and old uh we love you is ba still using a352 Atlanta or is it back to the 787 now Jeff Anderson asking I don't know um I'm sure somebody will answer that they have gone literally from the best looking uh sorry the most drab looking Livery on the um on the High Street to uh probably the most um the best looking really with their with their um overall Livery not not just a special Livery um even though that aircraft may have been um finished before that's gone uh it might have been finished before the um the um the new livery or new old Livery was was actually announced I don't know but um yeah interesting that uh that that Saudi Arabian Airlines uh have decided to revert to nosy attitude on this 320 see when they come to flare it I think landing speed is landing speed um a little bit harder to control um during approaches uh with a with a Tailwind question uh Andy P Jeff Anderson Carl Mason Mrs fluid good day to you so just hoping to get some uh we're going to go right the way through this afternoon folks departures as well on this Runway so um we'll get some aircraft turning towards us pushing back and starting up right in front of us there hoping that this Cafe jet is going to move cuz if that Cafe jet moved then we would be able to see he's looking quite quite cheeky there is he sitting there with his big smile on his face uh Martin 757 DHL uh a300 inbound Lucy mclusky L hanser 380 overhead 39,000 ft LAX to m not going to get that unfortunately see look it's quite it's all about timing isn't it it's all about timing when you're when you're Landing an aircraft um in terms of you know I mean departure got to kind of be the one of the easiest parts of of of in terms of controlling the aircraft on the ground um whereas um unless you got a massively heavy duty crosswind um but um you know Landing it um there there's quite a quite a number of different parameters that uh that you need to take into consideration and that are also um inputed into the flight management computer so um you know you got to work with your airplane haven't you Jess h HGC Scott Thompson Dave Carrington uh storm munis show was amazing yeah you know what I got to be honest with you um see she's Landing in her tail I'll keep going on about it but look at that it's quite long in it yeah yeah the stor Unis show was crazy man God [Applause] s I should have said yes to that cup of coffee shouldn't I oh look at the little one what do I get to drive a little one drive a big one um yeah yeah uh storm Unice uh just watch go to storm Unice scroll through to 1 hour and 40 minutes and that's only 1 hour and 40 minutes in where at that point in time there's about 85,000 people watching us live which was just insane um but put it on double speed it is quite funny you can still understand me um but but there's a lot going on you think I'll talk quick now you wait till you play it back and ironically enough it was this one here wasn't it see he's quite long there man it's not a heavy Tailwind don't get me wrong but look how long that is oh but yeah but but it is quite it is quite interesting to see the aircraft looking like a toy plane folks honestly just do that after the show uh just just take a little bit of time search storm Unice on bigj TV and then um and and then scroll through to 1 hour 47 put it on double speed and watch the team AP um jet that makes a go around and watch it on the climb out well I mean watch it watch its full approach it's just insane man because it looks because it's in double speed it looks like a toy plane it's insane man should I say it one more time uh Nick Gray good morning to you loving American Triple 7 eggs Aviation Deborah Davies Craig J craigy jard in the house theyy take it easy night uh Joe Spitfire 19 good morning to you Trev line Kathy Williams Nathan pulling heer 220 London City lcy e220 lcy he went for the flare there but that created a little bit of lift didn't it nice big old snow shovel speed brakes look on the outboard oh Pete Yates you're a legend mate wherever you are um I'll have a latte with an extra shot please my friend um and uh I got sticker waiting for you or a sticker or two you've got to have a sticker or two you've got to have a sticker all to uh leand welcome Lee a returning member uh Phil sky has gifted 10 memberships thanks Phil lot o nice trash Panda going out America another American triple to thanks Phil by the way appreciate that gav burn is a new member welcome gav Landing it [Applause] fast yeah it's just a great feeling when you're on board the Jet and me is he [Music] stting don't think don't think that's the dream lineer fire it's not a billy Fuller a couple of days ago there was a oh man my my chat's doing that funny thing again Jil where I try to read it and then it just pings up um Alan Chambers good morning to you Miss Miss mil by 7200 in M keeps going keeps going uh maybe it's because I've got to do me Chat thing uh do chat filter uh to all messages all messages all messages yes yes yes Lee Shand uh good afternoon uh good morning Lee sorry um and welcome back to first class and Nick fishenden um is a returning member as well welcome back Nick great to see you here my friend quite low clout base man Mark Perkins J M suon Park Sandy P hello mate nice one fell oh nice one Ben thanks mate you want a sticker [Applause] [Music] mate fisty Jerry see you later mate cheers thanks man take care cheers and thanks for your support as well man the nice one mate bless aren't people lovely man aren't people lovely you know cuz if I was do if I was a if I was a uh a football live streamer I'd be very on me own wouldn't I because just PE people shouting out oh y and all that yeah he he's got this she's getting fired in the morning and all that kind of thing and um you know you know you know the cameraman the cameraman said hey I told the pies yeah Jerry D's got a big fat anyway whatever uh good afternoon everybody hope you're doing well um good afternoon yeah bit early in it Jerry klouse cloner is a returning member is that right klouse did I get your name right there my friend uh Susan new um Graham norro good morning Ronda cat 380 27 minutes out thank you uh keep me um keep me uh posted on any uh on anything coming in or uh that you want to see coming in folks that you've uh that you're watching on Flight Radar 24 Flight Radar 24 is our uh our um radar um aircraft Aviation radar of choice um we got a great relationships with the with the guys at flight radar which is amazing because when we started big jet team he didn't even want to know us but but um they are really a great bunch of guys not [Applause] interested dashon Bennett Air India 111 I think that is not b 111 but uh Air India 111 flight number 787-8 from Delhi thank you to Shan es um football streaming would be loved and hated that's exactly it I mean not that we are completely loved across the board because there are some uh funny people out there but in general our family our community is a is an amazing Community big old noise going on there what is that about what's going on with the bus um l d Atlanta uh Phil WL croner um oh no he didn't oh yes he did oh no he didn't uh Jim does ATC cros flights coming first depending on where they FL no Jim it's all down to um uh the that no no prioritizing at all unless of course there is a um uh an issue with the aircraft watch it sit BOS look at that man all that weight down there not tremendous amount of well I say it's not a tremendous amount of travel you know the bottom line is that these these these large airlin as even the small ones they're not designed toh to have suspension as in you know bouncy suspension um well actually funny enough suspension is actually not supposed to be bouncy it's supposed to have a a a soft rebound and not a heavy rebound because otherwise it's um it's it's not operating properly but it is amazing to see all that white sitting down on those um on the on that undercat all the all the um the aircraft weight being transferred onto the to to the main undercarriage Slinger going out Nick Gray Renaissance is the best spot for landing gear closeups she's going to disappear in about 3 seconds wow beautiful beautiful it's like art in it Super G watching from a bar in Taiwan I won't even uh question HGC Barry price good morning to you about retardation Barry price uh what is that Barry's talking about with uh when he's talking about retardation he's obviously meaning that um you know as the aircraft reaches a certain point um in Flight the um the uh there is the the the the onboard systems uh only on Airbus not on um Boeing uh call out which is basically drop it uh it's another word for drop it literally uh where the throttles come back and the aircraft just sinks to the ground well it's supposed to anyway uh there may be a point of sort of like where they call at about 10 ft uh that again is is something that's all um uh uh dictated by the by the flying pilot themselves um oh hello mate oh you're a star mate 2 seconds yeah s737 tuning in from Cincinnati middle of writing my dictor my doctoral [Applause] sorry do yes he's writing his dissertation um good to see you here my friend thank you for the early morning treat so watching in the background hear that trip 7's Trent 800s listen to that vibration there [Music] man thank you appreciate it so uh yeah JAM stand I always remember when I used to do the shot somebody make me a cup of tea and about 2 hours later I'd be like I all about that let's give him a shout thanks man bless him two cups of coffee Lely every look at that look at that look at that wheelie King yeah it's interesting a it I was watching an ACI the other day on Discovery or whatever it was and uh they were talking about the um the the engine reverses pushing all the air forward to slow the aircraft down I was like no no no no it's not that it's a wall of air which is partially pushed forward but mostly outwards um and it is literally a a um a wall of air that's pushed out the side of the engines because if you look at the uh the fins if you look at the fins they actually um they actually Point ever slightly forward but um but mainly uh outwards uh Jeff Anderson how many days until you are on the Slinger no idea Jilly will probably more like keep it the check on there oh my god really 105 days apparently Slinger alert oh flipping whatam call it calendar in it [Applause] yeah yeah oh man that is so cool and of course the great thing about the Renaissance here is the fact that all the sound is um uh pinging off the uh bouncing off the side of the see it's not so noticeable when you got a big long airplane in the um in on using that um lift and toe system because it's obviously a lot longer so you you don't get to see but you can see that the the front wheels are actually clamped and lifted um by a very just goes to show how powerful hydraulic systems are doesn't it because I mean you know you know it's probably the um you know obviously the middle of the aircraft is the heaviest part of the aircraft that's the way it should be but you know with the uh the front of the air still a lot of weight to to get up there in the air even though it might only be sort of like you know um less than a foot screaming emu he's off to catch the tube highspeed Landing km 737 in from Amsterdam go on son AR shell so when is that Iceland airjet going out it's not going to be a very long time turnaround I wouldn't have said Steven that's uh Dark Cloud good morning to you Jerry Donley dearry rabit uh Liquid Dragon uh Deborah Davis Aviation 4K Sue Freeman that really does look fast it does doesn't it uh the 737 always I I'm I'm led to believe that the 737 has a slightly faster even if it's only 5 knots um approach speed uh than the um than the than your average sort of like 320s and so on and so forth and you look at this 320 here looks a lot more sort of like you know um a lot slower okay so Euro Aviation uh skipple they have longterm longterm Tesla taxi bot uh which was controllable from the top pit uh but they didn't use it cuz it didn't work out like they wanted there we go Euro Aviation you know what those guys at taxi bot they actually contacted me and asked me if I wanted to do something on it and I was like well you know what let's wait until it's developed and in use but hearing what Euro aviation's saying there is it uh it was um something that the flight crew perhaps were not keen on operating um but there we go uh Richard Dal gash hope you don't get five in the morning yes um Chev lion San sha Sher Helia why is he going so fast to land that km bless you uh Sher well it is just um I think it is just a approach speeds on the 737 are just um ever a slightly faster than than uh than other aircraft um for what reason I don't know maybe a slightly um taller uh vertical stabilizer tail on the on the um on the Airbus compared to the Boeing I don't know um just the uh aerodynamic shapes and the you know the shape of the aircraft [Applause] so now let me get this right um it's a very interesting story about Concord um and uh and its historical um relevance um this time was it 20 years ago Jil this time 20 years ago was it the last flight of the Concord um out of London um heo I believe or was it the last one coming in was it the LA no was the it was it coming in was it oh okay yes that's right yes yes yes yes but at Heath thr that was the final time it arrived at heo and that was it wasn't it is that right but here's the question how many flew into London he that day was it just one was it just a single one was it a passenger flight and also how did they distribute the other Concords because obviously they needed to fly them to get them to their destination did they fly one into New York and leave it there it was that the plan um you know how did they how did how did they coordinate all of that in terms of uh Concord um being on display in so you know Manchester for example um when did the Manchester Concord fly into Manchester uh did it come from he throw did they um did they Ferry it up to Manchester they wouldn't have you know um done it any other way um uh so so those sorts of um questions are quite interesting to to to to to discuss but what was interesting last night was um the whole idea of the aircraft came about as a result of Cu of course in 1949 uh the comet um we Brits are responsible for the first uh jetliner um you know passenger jetliner um to operate anywhere in the world of course we know the history of of the Comet not everybody does but um you know um crazy thing about the comet and this is where I got it wrong the other day Jill by the way vc10 versus Comet it was the comet that only had it was the comet that only had seating for 40 between 44 and 56 passengers depending on the configuration but but anyway uh the comet um it was obviously very well received um by the the aviation Community uh anything prior to that was literally you know um prop aircraft so three landed at herro in a row there we go somebody saying there um three in a row Robert Dean I remember cuz I was working there that day we stopped work and we were on top of the building watching them come in and they passed below us great memories a lot of people who will have that memory who were around around the airfield on that day or wherever they were watching uh watching Concord on its final flight um but the interesting thing is that obviously you know um because of the uh the the comet when that when the Comet came back into service um Boeing had already um uh started operating their Boeing 70 7 which was um you know uh a very popular aircraft amazing to see when I was down at ard the other day folks I was looking at a 200 scale 727 up next to a 707 I still can't get my head around how big the 727 is or how small the 707 is it it's just uh it's just incredible but anyway that's another story um so the 707 was in Service uh no talk at that point of the of the 747 as far as I'm aware but um uh because of course the original 747 uh plans or drawings um or ideas were to have a Double Deca again another story but um of course uh France and the United Kingdom got together uh and decided that um you know uh that that they should experiment and look at the possibility Super Sonic um travel you know um because they were thinking right well if the 707 can do it in 11 hours or whatever like that we we we we need to really compete with them and try and cut this thing in half um not really thinking of uh high capacity travel you know because uh because Concord had a very uh it was a very slim aircraft it had to be really to in order to to cope with those high speeds and all the um all the all the uh you know um stresses on the aircraft at supersonic speed um America of course um was uh was desperate to to to to to to introduce their own um supersonic jetliner uh the Boeing 7072 I think it was or something like that was it a 7072 or um anyway uh huge great big thing with a swing wi um which never got off the ground because the swing wi the the Dynamics and the engineering of the Swing wi just made it too heavy um of course it was double the size of Concord and of course you had the TU 144 wasn't it uh with the Russians and there was a lot of spies going around nicking people's plans and stuff uh which is quite interesting but apparently nice [Music] yeah apparently the uh the Russians uh kept it really quiet in terms of their development of an SST um huge great big thing and of course the Russians once again um because um Airbus well it wasn't Airbus then was it I don't think it was Airbus then it was just the Consortium between the UK and the French the Concord and it was named Concord because of a Concord agreement um and uh apparently there was a there was a big hoo-ha between the the the French and the English because uh the French wanted it spelled with an e at the end and the English wanted it spelled without an e at the end um so you know it's anyway um but um the TU 144 actually was the first aircraft to uh first SST to fly um in n in 19 um was it 196 1979 it it was 79 um I think 79 anyway um so yeah they the Russians were first okay let's just uh and and and and and the French and the English never really lived that down but then of course um they needed to um they were also the first to break the sound barrier as well but um we kind of pushed that all underneath the carpet because it was never really a successful um uh platform in terms of you know uh air travel uh Mika Macky is a new member welcome M Macky um Phil Sky gifted 10 memberships thanks Phil nice so there was obviously a a hell of a lot of um you know um Espionage going on with um with with um with the uh the British and the Russians and of course the Americans as well um I mean the Americans SST was a beautiful looking airplane it has to be said gin great big thing massive great big engines no strem linity whatsoever if that's such a word um for the engines anyway no casing for the Eng just slung on the back of the wings um and hope for the best but uh looked beautiful in its design later on of course uh they but they they dropped the idea of the Swing wing and um and went for um [Music] I start fitting [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you so we've got somebody on that ba 380 apparently folks lining up 27 left at the moment um yeah of course the Americans then switched to the delta wing design by which time they'd already pumped over half a billion dollars into um into the into the into the development of the aircraft and yet not one single piece of aircraft had been built so someone made a lot of money out of that um that uh with with Boeing but um you know it is what it is developing uh aircraft costs a lot of money because you have to pay for um for people who designed them and develop them and engineers and technicians and um all that kind of stuff uh just waiting for this 380 to clear the clear the buildings there folks and there she is got somebody on board that aircraft what's their name jul who what speedbird fiso videos f own videos on board that 380 there folks look at this lovely old um United Triple 7 yeah crack [Applause] witness d-rated whoa you see that block so come outside of the engine then did you see that did you see it Pratt Whitney PW 4000s at one point um the uh any Pratt Whitney pw4000 engine was uh aircraft was um banned from flying into European Skies uh until they had uh dealt with the uh the issue after that um engine literally exploded uh after takeoff on that Triple 7 videos of that anyway getting back to Concord um so yes it was uh it wasn't until I think 1976 and I'm pretty sure it was 76 cuz I remember as a kid uh being at school uh and it was of course a very very hot summer 1976 um crazy add the engines I believe oldest of the day are going to keep track if there will be an older one 27 years old Euro Aviation well I I think you're fine there probably will be flare it flare it there it is oh he free stack inbs yeah yeah oh that guy's going to use all the available Runway there I think still going revers is still going Captain Bob I helped to make the Prototype air speed indicators uh on the light decks wow of the seven of the um of the Concord air speed indicate that is so cool of course all analog displays um so back in those days you're talking about Precision Instruments more than anything else as opposed to all the um electronic gadgetry that we have these days max eggs Aviation um Aeros Centric which would Ben who relented and agreed to include the e oh and anony Wedgewood Ben was it who relented and agreed to include the E uh I think it I think it works perfectly actually I've never looked at the word Concord and thought Oh I don't like the uh don't know why is it why is it got e on it Steven Lusk floater Aro Arrow smooth Tim roric good morning to you Tim clear B suus rap dear Dre RAB beat good morning yeah I think it was uh hello mate you all right I think it was 1976 am I right in saying that um do you want to sticker fella or not we're immigrating tomorrow oh are you yeah where you going Marley Marley Marley oh barley oh nice man who like that was so flipping low that was so flipping low yeah man I mean he literally touched down I don't know if he actually touch down you know see see that is why that is why Jerry you've got to look at every bloody Landing off to Bley then mate have a great time for keep up the good work enjoy take care wow lucky guys man immigrating to Barley what was that all about look at the hole look at the hole it's left oh man that just goes to show you've got to watch every Landing mate I don't know why that went around but you'll see that the feet on that not the feet but like the altitude of that aircraft was literally on the G on the ground see I'm wondering if this is is Def it's definitely a Tailwind now man they're Landing into a Tailwind I think that was uh oh man why is it Alan Paul welcome back Alan big jet TV member yeah sorry folks sorry oh it's just bleeding typical isn't it it's just bleeding typical but anyway Nigel Armstrong that ho was a Time Warp um yeah I reckon it was no more no more than uh no more than 50 ft off the ground Lucy mclusky New ba321 World delivery next in DEA Davies um yeah what's the um any more any more update on that um baa chck I think they are landing a we go [Applause] fast oh yeah definitely a Tailwind element now look it's definitely a um an easterly element to that to that wind now um so you'll see these aircraft when they flare normally that's where they'll just drop and sink to the ground but sometimes we're seeing depends on speed as well they may um seem to be watch here comes the flare now there oh there there there oh nicely done [Applause] oh uh NAD I would suggest um going on Flight Radar 24 and just having a look my friend your be able to see if there's any 350s coming in there I need to keep me bleeding eyes on the keep me eyes on the road here don't I I mean it's not you know a Tailwind like heavy Tailwind you know that's going toh really affect them but you know um it's picking up a little bit I've got to be honest if you've looked at the sock earlier on it was most definitely uh very droopy now it's got a bit of um it's got a bit of life in it Ain it see this look at this look at this I re they're going to switch I reckon they're going to switch it's [Applause] not okay okay okay okay Nick CRA saying that apparently screaming in you said 10 knot Tailwind is a limit uh for any plane that he's flown so um that's not 10 knots yet is it um katar 380 start up that's the [Music] tie [Applause] yeah yeah t you Nick Gray as of 1150 wi at he throw 140 at 4 knots okay so nowhere near um um strong enough yet in fact that sock is sort of like struggling in it I think the uh I think the sock is um is in increments or elements and at the moment that element is showing around about three three to five knots something like that AO Arrow loving the uh the sound wow lots of uh Tire smoke Barry price Big Bird Sue mayor or major uh Dian 78 Mark brog thanks to the gifters I feel blessed mark saying thank you Mark for coming in if you've been gifted a membership please by all means come in and say um thank you to your giftor uh Nigel Armstrong uh Max Chrissy Michael stocks some power there kro Al Lam every aircraft is limited by Design restricted by runway length uh in conditions for Max Tailwind component somewhere between 10 and 15 not some Airlines restrict them even further um than the certified limits oh weey son well he's coming in Fast Man nicely done okay it's a bit you've got to pick up the pick great landing by the katar 380 Andy P kenw 100 4,900 shorts of likes please hit the like button thank you uh kenw yeah don't feel obliged folks if you you know um it's entirely up to you if you want to hit the like button um again I have to say I'm I'm a bit of a lazy sod I generally tend not to um just be not because I I can't be bothered it's just because it's just one of those things that's just not in my sort of like psyche in terms of you know uh because I I don't watch a lot of YouTube to be honest with you so uh is this the go way easy easy [Music] Stewie norfol could a jet engine melt the runway well not one of these jet engines not one of these jet engines uh Stewie but um you know no is the answer to that really um I guess unless you tilt with the aircraft up 45° and put it on full thrust but then you anyway um Andy V daor has cats this flich Deshawn Bennett West End girl headed off to Shanghai agx shed effect in action but but look at it now it's a very sad looking s in it but the fact that they haven't got any um headwind um you would have thought that it might sort of like Karen thank you Karen has gifted another membership RAB H these days I watch more YouTube than TV well a lot of people do don't they so if you are an avid YouTube Watcher and you're casting it to your TV or whatever it is that you're doing um you know I'd understand that it becomes part of your sort of like oh yeah I like this video I like this YouTuber I like what they're doing here um let's give them a like you know uh Brian Stewart these Pilots are having a fun time today Su Freeman some kind of shed effect well it's not strong enough is it it's not blowing across the um across the field um it's not strong enough to create uh I think it is just the fact that they're controlling an aircraft with a with a Tailwind um would mean that sort of like you know the the the aircraft's era Dynamics the aircraft are built to operate um in an Ideal World with a Tailwind that's why they're you know designed that way but um who got that one down Terry Slater ba 350 from Phoenix 35 minutes out Jeremy Smith seems a bit sketchy at 100 ft does doesn't it um which is around about the point where the uh where the shed effect normally comes in the play see that blue tail there see the um CA trip 7 in our foreground here see the blue see at the a the very far end of the back of the aircraft see that little blue tail sticking out there that's the Iceland Air I I'm going to call it a charter jet because I just feel that it is a charter jet um AO Arrow shed effect or Tailwind causing that uh yeah I'm going to say Tailwind at this stage just because of the fact well I don't know just sort of like unstable um you know hello yeah it's uh let's just have a look at this way so this one so just under 500 ft now still descending obviously 350 ft rapidly descending 137 knots now that's quite uh I don't know if that's the right background about the right spe this is the gr go around jet 150 ft see finding a little bit that's better that's better there we go don't what the reason for that [Music] purpose IE engines serve them well those uh V 2500s oh there she is now there it is now there you go folks now look at that now you tell me on one of our International shows where we've seen a tail Livery similar to that I'm sure it was on got something big over the top of me but I can't see it obviously so now I'm I'm just intrigued as to the reason why uh Iceland a are operating that particular aircraft because I think that is from their Charter division as far as I'm aware rb211 onor American woman let's just grab this just think in [Music] case that is a model that Paul's Paul hasn't got new airport is taking shape folks did you see it J you didn't going did you see you're right yeah of course I will man let me just grab this just in case cuz we just had a gar saw yeah Max never seen this one Loft ler was the previous incarnation of Iceland Air Steven L saying Loft L air was the previous incarnation previous incarnation of Iceland here okay I know I know they're Iceland there I'm just wondering if they're the charter division there you go M oh cool man take care yeah all the best see you thanks mate enjoy he's got an ARD model I signed it bless him thanks mate look out for the gos look out for the go round shall we oh really they used to operate in the 60s and 70s nice sking Stewie Norfolk that IC there is a charter VIP service okay well it might be a CH an aircraft that's used for Charter slvp uh service but I think today it's being used for um for a for as a as a a passenger operation as far as I can see anyway bit of precept coming my way mate bit of precept I can I can see it Deborah Davies Captain Bobs do you remember when rollsroyce stopped rb211 engine to vc10 and it flew on one engine stopped an rb211 engine to VCT and it not sure about that Bob um if you could uh sort of elaborate on that stop to [Music] Ard do have a shop here do have a shop here at London heo as well as there out at Hillingdon um but uh they got a little shop here at uh at Heath Road just around the corner from me uh where that young lad got his uh his birthday present from which is pretty cool a bac1 Nigel Armstrong Canadian in the UK Brian mime was a British caliper vac 111 wow bcal 111 yeah wow proper Pocket Rocket Man Penny H Haskins Kath B has gifted five memberships thank you Kath he's definitely not the um gentle of course some you know hear the hum of those Trent thank you Cath Nathan pulling uh Phil Eagle they started in the' 40s with DC 4S they all they do all sorts of Charters they flew some Disney F around all of the Disney parks worldwide so there we go I was right all along when I first clapped eyes on that jet I said to Jil that's got to be some kind of a charter arm of Iceland Air um because it's uh you know there you go um and I was right so Rarity folks take note of that cuz it's a rarity fman has gifted five memberships thanks fman and that's fa C yes C for Charlie fman not Pac-Man yes uh Max it's only business class no economy wow so some people getting a I wonder if that's because of a obviously it's down to them uh having an aircraft either out of operation one of their 757s what you got to appreciate these days folks is that those 757s well not so much the jet but the engines um uh are becoming more and more you know uh difficult to maintain uh wow look at the look at the hole these things are making in the clouds there man look at that look at that man C it that's insane man I mean anyone who doesn't know about Aviation would be looking up at that and going the aliens are coming quickly get on social media it's lasers um who's that asking actually Brad Pettit Pettit asking about um Landing in um let's just see if I can find there um uh viani leing saying Iceland Air 30 years old started life with American Airlines at 757 wow she's done a few miles isn't she Nigel Armstrong um looking at South Africa as his destination always Nigel um let me just ask him cuz he cuz he did ask him the do aviator um what is that I'm miles behind on the comments sorry folks um where is it Carl Lewis Simon plastic scale [Applause] modeling wow that's crazy is it uh go moving on from that uh vc10 rb211 test bed um apparently according to Simon uh the vc10 had to be scrapped after finish after testing because the RBT 211 was so powerful it twisted the rear fuselage so what was that just one single RB 211 bolted on with the other conoy were they Conway conways the other uh the other engines uh or were they or did they put two um RB 211s on one either side of the vc10 and that would have been down at wisley wouldn't it I would have thought um Brad am I correct in saying it can be as hard or dangerous Landing um with completely zero wind as it is with gusts um well with no winds it's calm isn't it so therefore it's a a far more um uh uh preferable um approach for a pilot in calm conditions with zero wins than it would be with uh with with a crosswind element built into it one would imagine anyway I would have I would have thought um Brad what's that mate yeah she's going out yeah what's that GP say that again [Music] whoa okay so apparently Mark grig telling us uh he's just landed and yes and somebody else did say that around about at 100 ft there is definitely a an element of um of some kind of uh well I'm guessing you would say crosswind element it's kind of crazy to think that but Nel Abdullah give us a Sublime Landing a 351,000 uh leand Ellis chernof calm is great unless it's hot then I prefer to have a good 20 knots there we go calm is great uh but he's talking about yet unless it's hot because you got the the all the heat rising off the ground haven't you so um that creates uh um a marks a ba Captain so there we go thank you Mark he's just emailed us to say that yes there is a so they'll be um messaging that back to ATC and ATC will be uh notifying the um aircraft that are on approach that at around about 100 ft there is a crosswind element so they will be prepared for it and it's catching some of them out and not others but it just does depend on the um that's crazy is it absolutely calm here down on the ground but the crazy thing is that you know different friction layers SSH lhr has its own micro clim yeah when you've got heat right heat rising off the ground it causes a thermal effect doesn't it it's it's ground thermals um which which push the aircraft up yeah yeah James mclenny um Mel sorry respectable pilot is coming to E Today tricky conditions yes yeah yeah iel Ed moving out for call it Iceland there for now shall we AO Arrow would a crosswind Be steady or gusting uh either way um Avro to be honest with you um a crosswind element can be um literally there is a crosswind element at the moment believe it or not um even though it's very very mild a very mild Crossing I mean we're talking about like now you see the the socks picked up now just ever so slightly there so that's increased the wind speed certainly seem seems to be catching out the um that's maybe why they're Landing a little bit faster whoa I don't know are they Landing a little bit faster yeah go on the Trent no nice I tell you what you can see it's getting it's getting Misty man it's getting Misty I and DJ's going to go up PR St steep I think RB 211s good old Rolls-Royce she goes it's going to be gone very very quick I think this Cloud base is definitely descending now yeah the rumble the rumble Robin Rambo how it dreamers always make a great reverse of sound ravage saying James mckel uh Mike James Canadian in the UK lean this was the news headline Nashville over our achieves over achieves for British Airways spurring plans to upgrade a bigger plane hey what's that now bit of Vortex coming off the outboard flap sections on this Triple 7 it's a little Joy over there we set Skippy uh Mark Morgan micro bar first question mark not really Mark um you know I mean obviously micro bus is there a very special specific sort of like uh climate or um or or conditions weather conditions that dictate micro bursts isn't it and these normally storms um yeah I can feel that we have definitely got some prip in the air um yeah micrus bur are normally from sort of like a accumulus cloud which uh literally uh drops everything from a dizzy height um and then um you know everything is yeah they definitely seem to be landing faster they do don't they definitely I mean normally or sometimes you'd be going down as low as sort of like 120 um between 120 137 sorry 120 130 knots depending on the um on the on the on the aircraft type and weight and all that kind of thing but these guys definitely seem to be landing in the high 130s aviation in 4k ba787 next Leslie green good day to you sha Bennett Virgin uh Atlantic 351,000 is number one V6 J okay listen to these lovely old engines man I think they're pratton witness ellish OB see the weather is deteriorating going to be capped to later on um there are obviously cat one two and three conditions so that uh that again is something the pilots are uh given information on in terms of the uh the conditions the weather conditions at the airport uh a lot of it is is um is uh based on visibility as well um you know um when they approach when they hit minimums when the pilot when the uh auto system calls out minimums they must have the runway in sight at that point if they don't then it is a whoa easy son see look at this man that's messing with the approach in it but nicely lined [Music] up yeah see that little bit of um Tire smoke rotating with the tire there how cool is that you can see the uh the weather is coming in from the West somebody mentioning it earlier on I did um I did see it on the news as well that the uh uh conditions rain coming from the West wasn't supposed to be till around about 3:00 this afternoon but it looks like it's going to be a lot sooner than that and I haven't got me walk through trousers really hey hey hey hey not oh no n had always a beautiful Landing as usual for 351 1,000 uh RAB H definitely unstable air low down he's got a big smile on his face he's happy a he gml royal blue Rich ety had 380 arriving in around about 25 minutes thanks Rich Max Rachel vanzela yeah so um we did start talking about Concor didn't we well I actually went on through a little bit about it but um yeah of course the American um project was um was dumped eventually wasn't it when there was just too much money going into it there was an aircraft that did have a um a swing wing on it but it was a military um aircraft wasn't it whoa uh scopy I'll leave that up to any pilot here who uh who might want to discuss the whole cat one two and three and that's not cats it's not meow that's category um as in like there's not one two or three cats on the runway um it basically is visibility related I think uh the cat one two and three TCC fast reaction minimum decision decision height Euro Aviation um kenw 100 va8 138 knots there we go I did say didn't I that it was a little bit a higher speed 140 knots hitting the tarmac Clare Bear um ety had 38025 minutes Kevin Beasley rain coming in Paul Skilling thank you Chrissy uh she's got a new snoot is the uh oh look at that now what's going on there is that a little bit of deicing going on or is that an engine start I think that must be a cold engine start that was a cold engine start for the number two aircraft in the queue there for its number one engine I think uh Karina robot there're fighting that last 100 ft below um definitely Landing faster a TCC could Autoland correct that sudden movement uh yeah there is a minimum uh there is a maximum speed at which uh autopilot can be used for for Landings this could be uh 99% of the time though um uh the the flight crew will prefer to land manually uh as opposed to Autoland um but yes they could Auto Land if they want to but you know autopilot could be as late as where they are now for landing Believe It or Not folks many a time I've been on a British Airways short ho flying up as we're sort of like you know just ch pushing back in a day that would have probably been a DC 10 or a TR start I don't know if you Turkish operat the T don't think they did in DC 10 short hul did Melanie Rachel vanel Paul Turk thank you Paul him he me uh him he me is in Brisbane good night NAD Michael k 13 years old that Triple 7 this one here uh are we talking about is he running yet is he is he number one running yet no no engines running yet so we should Bo 2707 oh that was the uh sorry folks just going to jump to this [Music] 330 [Music] yeah yeah Sher hel AO Arrow Max flu Ken him he me Jerry donly that Landing was 135 knots Flight Radar 24 there is a slight amount of delay I have to say on Flight Radar 24 but in general that's what you're getting um Nigel Armstrong conord had to have NR to allow flights into parts of the USA she only flew it in New York didn't she San charma's mom just caught a glimpse of the stream and said it's scaring cat 3 is auto Landing Euro Aviation okay so cat 3 is all auto Landing okay interesting well I won't get to that today I don't think yeah cat 3 is almost zero visibility uh so you have to but do they still have to whoa there's that little yeah that's crazy man that's what would have happened to that that 320 that went around man Drop it yeah mle starting now mate let me jump down before I uh right I'm going to jump down and get me uh get me range because Mitchell man on but I hav't got that's cats maybe cats operating in gangs plain mad de jets are moving Ellis shof once the visibility gets below cat one you'll likely see lots of Auto lands interesting Pete keting 1979 organically grown member welcome to you Pete welcome back should I say Mark Morgan Barnes Wallace did design a swing wi passenger check as a Rivals Concord if I remember rightly never got off the drawing board interesting I wasn't aware of that Barnes Wallace of all people blim me um yeah well anyone any any design that comes out Barnes off off of Barnes Wallace's drawing board has got to be taken seriously is it um although um he wasn't so much about the airplanes he was more about the the the the the the the design of um bonds and the amazing upkeep um as well so here comes a uh see now they've adjusted that um horizontal stabilizer the trim stab oh Daniel scoffield uh swing Wings on the B1 and the tu60 bombers B1 is the one that I was thinking of uh when was the B1 developed was that was that as a result perhaps of the um the Concord uh the American Concord being developed I don't know but thank you Daniel Crow of ICT West Che line it [Music] up yeah nice Max cat impossible there I don't know visibility is probably still 10 miles uh well I don't know what is the viz at the moment uh it's it's it's a funny one because obviously you know um at a certain altitude and also one needs to appreciate and I was told this by um I think it was Captain Dave once that um the um the lights the high-intensity runway lights that they use nowadays these strobe lights are very very bright and uh you can see them even though uh we can't see the jet yet that's on approach they will probably be able to see the runway lighting because it is very very high intensity Nigel Armstrong fman no headwind faster landing speed component there we go he's right you know um although is a direct sort of crosswind at the moment Roy Roy what's Roy said and I can't see it because uh it's gone Ed shof automatic Landings with the autopilots r h uh one left two right uh TR line Rachel vanel looks like that jet blue is only one engine going still okay Rob Van can is also dependent on o just crab this one John Pierce uh John yes there is a uh the fact Airbus have been um testing for some time now with their um automatic taxi and takeoff um system Haven they yeah he's going to get off uh Cedric fransan still 10 kilm visibility in Cloud base 800 ft far away from catf 3 Autoland there we go Cedric yes so like I say um you are um start up number one little bit of uh again these pratton Whitney engines seem to be quite um common to have that uh that little bit of oil left in the uh in the combustion chamber I think um I'm right in saying that most Pilots you know um prefer to uh uh uh use manual Landings uh because it goes down in the books doesn't it um you know every Landing takeoff flight that they have it just it all goes down in the in in the in the books so you know uh you know in their hours and that sort of thing you know the log book I guess you would say is the log book Now sort of like all digitized is it like you know when you take a car for anot you don't need to get theot certificate anymore you know remember the old school days Andy P Scott Thompson Paul Skilling Nigel Armstrong the lower View today um no lower or higher than I any than anytime Nigel um I'm top of the van but I'm in the Renaissance parking lot oh yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're going back to old school today Ian burn was that guy seriously in shorts yeah well you know what it's understandable easy son easy easy there we go look how fast this guy is going man hope everybody's doing well hope you had a good week you've had a good weekend and um ourselves ready for another week of um enjoyable work again it's according to so standard operational procedures per Airline Roy van Canan yes um some it what he's talking about there is it's like you know some Airlines uh that's a full and free check going on there uh speed brakes and um the um the flapper Rons which is the big chunky flap right in the middle there what Rob is talking about there is uh standard uh company operation operating procedures you know um Emirates uh have a very a very tight window at which they um extend their undercarriage when they are approaching um different airfields um and if they don't extend them um within that window they um they might get asked when they return to uh to base the next day or whenever they return to base just all that information is obviously uh record Ed and what is amazing as well is uh something I was discussing with Paul the other day was about the fact that um you know um all these modern engines not so much these old pratton Whitney I don't know if it is or it isn't um but certainly all the modern engines of today you know uh they have a live record of everything that's going on with those engines so let just say for example a uh a 787-10 with British Airways is halfway across the Atlantic and there's a slight issue with one of the pressures uh or or temperatures or whatever for a component or you know uh whatever it might be uh that will flash up on the systems back at uh Rolls-Royce um or General Electric's um head office well not head office but their uh their their technical division um which will then uh inform the um if the pilot haven't already got a um a reading up on their uh FMC which normally it does it'll flag something on the glass system um to show them that there is a uh there's an error with uh you know temperature a faulty this or faulty that or whatever it might be and then when they get to their destinations of Chicago or wherever it might be they can have somebody look at it from the uh from their team or from a a Rolls-Royce technical team when they're out there or general electric or whoever it might be wow man this definitely is not your sort of average Landing um interesting it's definitely still who foxy digital David as in which filming location I don't know what you're talking about there David um that's obviously I've missed uh we're at the Renaissance ladies and gentlemen the Renaissance Hotel uh very popular spot with plain spotters um with people who are staying here in London um and they know us very well here at the Renaissance which I still find quite interesting why they just don't want us to promote the hotel but there we go it is what it is we can do it verbally we can do it um visually we'll lose this yeah nice I love it when they power down like that man 1: look at that wing profile man it's nothing like it I've got to clean that um that smudge off my window haven't I my my patio doors a pigeon flew into the doors man and it is the most beautiful um impression of you could even see his bleeding feet um I hope he was all right cuz he must have flown in there at some rate of knots not quite 130 knots but you know the perfect impression of a wing and um almost Dreamliner Es as well if I can bring that up on a and SE people here I want waterproof I need to get the waterproof can you see this folks look at that you even see his little look see his little feet look he's like oh sh what Happ a window too late that would have made a right old bang wouldn't it man I mean it's it's OD enough when a little Sparrow flies into the bleeding window into your window but uh yeah it's getting some serious uh getting some serious um it's getting P supy here now man I'm telling you look at if you scroll back to the beginning of the show folks look at the visibility from here no that's uh that's oh yeah I feel the pr now yeah yeah yeah right okay time to put this uh put this phone into his water jacket okay bear with me folks I think it's still cat one it's crazy is it you just don't you don't get to see the runway lights at all from this angle but I can assure you that it's uh well go online and have a look and see what I've talked about oh good okay that's not good is that going to uh is that going to clean up or [Music] not okay I can work with that there we go there we go tmy R these are get towards that did get on B T didn't he yeah it's coming down [Applause] now get the waterpr cover on the camera now as well there you go he's uh he's got his little jacket on need to get the hood on Jenny satad at 1204 a.m. in Australia where she is oh nice retro jet what new [Music] livery yeah that's a new era play we haven't seen that one have we what's say TCC York shaba liking the liy Chrissy liking those stripes cheat lines is they from the Mist appears the big [Applause] lad Michael White thank you gifted a membership thank you Michael very kind of you see it but worth having a look gr Stewart 380s in the mid J said Griff 840 never get tired of seeing the 380 no neither me either run that flare there we go wow that was a late flare man drove that one in let see uh Ben Maron uh Emirates 38 just over the Netherlands arriving in 30 minutes thank you cig jard Micha all right Steve batty all the best to you my friend see you midweek um thank you for another great show Steve don't forget we'll be in the United States of America this coming uh Wednesday and Thursday live from deep deep and uh on um on Thursday we will also um be um doing a Freeview segment from on the beep beep first time ever visiting beep beep very excited to be [Laughter] beep we might do a quick test stream from beep who knows oh he's flared up already man this guy look at his nose attitude look at the attitude on this thing man but that's the thing you see like Zane Dunning told me don't look at the uh and it makes all the difference was it Zane who told me or was it the fell in the uh it might have been the fell up at ston or was it Luton Luton wasn't it um at the at the at the um at the simulator um who told me don't look ahead of don't look down at the runway look right at the end of the runway um and that gives you a much better line in if you look down the runway rather than looking down in front of you like over the nose if you see what I mean yeah never get it this streamer is reversing attention this streamer is reversing you're lifing it you're lifing it oh who who easy easy easy oh [Applause] [Music] bus Chrissy so we're going to beat beep support in V got it uh Scotty Felton tuning in from the Sheran Resort in sham El Shake cool him he me thinks the Beats m co look at that beautiful um trash Panda trip 7 is she beautiful man w that's see for a 767 or a A330 going out with Trent sevs look at his big smiley face little [Applause] [Music] Dean P's going to be wandering around New York not such a bad thing to be doing um obviously you know um some areas of New York bit like some areas of London you got to be a little bit on your toes and you know um wary of those around you um keep all your belongings like firmly secure inside your jacket or something iPhone poking out the top of your back pocket John King uh kill Ganon uh saying bit of a temperature what was he saying there bit of a temperature inversion uh due to the weather but it was occurring yesterday I believe oh he's greased that one what a lovely Landing R beautiful there's a seasoned pilot if I ever saw one no clues I'm afraid say beefy beefy is a new member welcome beefy it's not even both of them is it what a good thing he's got a bit of moisture on the runway now haven't we so anybody who wants to open it up on the reverses you are more than welcome sir or Madam and um literally as I speak the conditions are clearing from the West now it's not foggy Liz it's just um Misty c yeah um oh easy easy easy oh nice look at that run out on the tires man wheelie King yeah what a shot man that was so cool man yes indeed welcome all new members sorry I'm missing them aren't I I've got beefy haven't I he's a big lad uh Tyler Lewis is also a new member and we've got Paul Skilling um has gift did a membership thank you Paul conditions are back to sort of like decent now um don't have any rain on the lens do we no uh yeah we got a little bit let's just get R of that eight one we do about eight this can go back in there I'll tell you what I might do I might get me other wooly gloves off these ones have uh sort of gotten a little bit fingertip cold let's just wait for this one learn me lesson now not to uh not to miss a single aircraft approach and Landing after that crazy go around that we had earlier on which I think was um down to the uh down to those well down to the winds at 100 ft Karina robach has gied a membership thank you Karina and Andy trip 7 ER has gifted 10 memberships thank you Andy what a wonderful thing to do thank you my friend yeah Che line in buron Brian Stewart Ian Austin no jumbo du I don't think these are jumbo in isn't there but I believe it's chew out around about 6:00 tonight oh there's a a corficolombiana terrific Airlines folks it's less than 100 ft now it [Music] Ian Morgan um seeing saying there's a predictable predicted snow tomorrow next week tomorrow next week I'll get me Co Scott Thompson Donovan Davidson uh saying thank you to Karina for the membership uh feel please feel free to come in and uh and check with us folks it's what we're here for combo of Korean and C Pacific terrific air Prime Stewart there we go cfic Pacific you say San charma's 9-year-old nephew RG good afternoon to you my friend hope everybody's doing well Barbara cenan has gifted a membership thank you Barbara uh actually she's gifted five memberships my apologies thank you Barbara lovely thing to do you guys are just great what a lovely bunch of people you are I've got a lovely bunch of members she yeah wow listen listen to that 767 going out wow can you hear that Rumble [Music] folks uh Terry Ashworth me and the mes uh watched a rerun of Anchorage yesterday absolutely brilliant wow how cool is that uh like I said earlier on folks um if you want to see just how amazing an airplane uh reacts to winds um then go and watch uh storm Unice um scroll in one hour and 45 minutes something like that uh just keep watching it until you find um the tap 320 that does a go around but watch it in double speed that's what's really critical watch the approach and the abort uh and and the climb out is absolutely amazing looks like a toy airplane like literally being buffeted around like a like a like a paper plane honestly it is incredible what watching it at Double speed that's what's imperative is that you watch it at Double speed good way to watch shows that he might get this down eventually okay pitch [Music] Ang Nick gr is gifted a membership thank you Nick eggs Aviation 1 hour 47 minutes in it is absolutely amazing did you watch that in double time though that's that's the important thing watching it in double speed it is amazing thank you for that thanks Nick very kind of you thank you everybody's gifting membership much appreciated CL switching Michael gesic good afternoon to you and there you have it folks right on your screen there if you're looking for a gifted membership then uh just uh hit that link and um follow the prompts to allow gifting on this channel shobo 26 has gifted five memberships thank you shobo is it shobo I think I got that right shobo [Music] yeah or Shinobi 026 my apologies Shinobi nope it'll never happen Rob not going to happen no you can not even bribe her with with with kittens not going to happen mate not going to happen Andy P good afternoon to you so this is one of the um hybrid 320 CEOs in it that they introduced the uh the newer winglets sharklets wow I think that's the um I think think that that is the 1000t markers there uh so you can see how long they're running I think those white lines there um indicate the uh or is it a little bit for actually I think this is the I think these may be the markers here I don't know is that the uh is that the 1T marker I think it might be Jill Blake yeah Jill's just just resigned to it now isn't she he's just looking forward to where we're going to end up you are going to be pleasantly surprised folks I think Michael muan Keta 747 400 overhead flight level 370 yeah not going to see that my friend uh the closest you're going to see is the Keta Airlines or Keta uh hat that I'm actually sporting today um TCC Max oh Skilling yeah still into the Tailwind Paul as you can see there folks um tail slash crosswind uh very slight crosswind isn't there but uh certainly enough to um cause a little bit of turbulent air over the over the um the sheds and apparently according to one of our PA pilots who emailed us 100 fot CRA jard I'll show you the hat at the end folks it's only a hat it's only a beanie it's a bean in it I wonder if that's the uh I wonder if that's the uh the 100% saf flight with vir in Atlantic it's a Dreamliner isn't it now you know why I know that's a Dreamliner folks there's a couple of things that give that well actually you know what it is mainly one thing because I know it's a boing why do I know it's a Boeing eggs Aviation if the Tailwind continues then may switch to nine hopefully it stays on 27s as it's annoying to move around jum Spitfire blue dragon fool uh Craig we've already done Pearson uh Toronto twice my friend a beautiful snowy owl of Pearson didn't we beautiful actually did a um we had that time of doing shorts when cing though sound really booming off those uh off that low cloud out man uh Steven Archer no because of the wing on that Boe that is parked down no I'm I'm asking why I can how I can tell that that is a Boe over an Airbus kin PJ's the snowy owl was amazing um Liz matthewman daor has cats we know it's a Boeing I'm going to tell you now Richard says my dog Ralph Ralph come on wys he's just gone mad at what's that Get It Go Ralph Ralph what a great name for a dog easy S easy oh went for the flare and sort of like wow nicely done though yeah the region I uh the region the reason I say it's a Boeing um is because of the uh the wing flapper on you see the flapper on in the middle there folks something unique to Boeing um I know the a300 has a flapper on um but um apart from that X Aviation wins 170 um 3 knots so a slight easterly wind but it it's below 5 knots they can continue on Tuesday s yeah they're opening it right up now what's that pull me another one my dog is now looking around Captain Ron the dogs waiting they're all all the dogs have uh people who are watching have gone to the door sitting at the door with a collar in their mouth p g how many points I get oh he must have got it right expected e is by first Friday Ellis sh off flapper on he's got it my two jaet Russell now want to go out thanks to Shawn Bennett space odity off to JFK Chrissy thank you um to you he lifted his head at the whistle but that was it s sh this me him he me flapper on the flaps yes there we go you got it folks I don't know if that's the 100% saf jet um unfortunately um virgin were going to um uh uh uh slate this as the first ever 100% uh saf flight but apparently um who was it um GF stream I think Gulf Stream have pick them to the post um with the first um 100% saf flight across the Atlantic I think um so I think virgin are now going for the all um passenger flight Across The Atlantics 100% sath Bill the Russians bit like the Russians in Concord in it the T 144 they made it they did it first because I think it was um I think it was uh the um the Concord Consortium said that they they delayed it until um 19609 wasn't it so December the 31st literally the last day of the year um uh the Russians flew the te 144 I think it was 68 December 1968 December the 31st 1968 I think it was um there we go thank you wvia wow they're really really making a noise on departures man Barney Rubble are you doing a little jet TV episode with one f scale fighter jets and Airlines do that in J are we talking about is that is is that um miniature vland yeah Lo it [Music] up maybe got to go for a reverses yeah look at that making a righto mess of the runway man um any uh any um any update on the uh on the makd Run GP Chucky literally oding on big jet TV since being a gifted memb since being gifted a membership thank you chocky um Dyan 78 Max Chrissy TCC my Springer door is still as sleep front not interested he has going put it as he going and done it dumped it at the front Des oh man [Applause] [Applause] yeah still going still going still going shutting him down now which way which way to my left or to my right okay he's coming round is he here he comes here he comes right let me pull it let me bring it in bring him in Come On Son big things bloke standing on the top of a roof you can't miss me mate seriously man when they come to much sometimes just hello hello look look he can't see me look look he can't see me look hello here mate down here flip it honestly really he's got to drive past me mate he's got to drive past me I mean how many other BLS are standing in the parking lot with a on the top of a van mate really come on man you must have gone to school for some period of time he's still looking he's still looking look look he's still looking look look he's still looking is he actually going to figure it out in a minute look look look still not doing look look still not doing oh there he is you're right mate Blow Me O Ry you're right fella how many other big jet TV Vans are there in the parking lot he still doesn't he yeah you know I I take my hat off and and I give them a lot of respect for doing what they do in all weathers they've got to deliver stuff and all that sort of thing but they need to just s slow down a bit didn't they maybe pay a bit more attention look at the special not what's the point in having special that's my question what is the point down thanks mate thank you very much give him a tip Julie give him a tip don't eat yellow snow no no no give him a tip give him a tip not blessing I don't deserve any better at all at all in any way shape of don't deserve any better treatment I just it just just it just it just does they would actually be more efficient if they were to slow down and look at their phone before they go to to deliver it before they look at their satav and all that see if there's any special instructions on there and then they save themselves a load of time you think of that during the whole Space of a year how much time they'd save I'm fine Ken D drop it that's the one we caught coming in earlier on is it hey giving us a hoop hooting and the hollering [Music] Honestly though man the the biggest respect I have is is you know the fact that they do what they do but if only they were to look at the bloke standing on a van in the middle of the parking lot well I have to say as it stands at the moment I am the only bloke Standing On Top of the van in the parking lot if he read that if he saw it oh there he is yeah I got him or maybe have a drive around the whole thing just to see even when he saw me he was still a bit unsure about whether but you know if it wasn't for these guys we would not eat well those who order from Uber that is big respect to them man we gave him a a a um uh always give him a tip as well man oh Rob as plant China Southern going rogue oh we want other way [Music] around wow G yeah given those little v2500 a bit of a blowout I James and K maybe I was hidden in the low Cloud Bas he approached me cat three though didn't he I think what's got no picture ching oh it's a private jet that's why is that maybe the reason why they're going rogue on the China suburn start up it's the Sha Bennett um the um Virgin Atlantic uh shout out um advisor today I don't understand it is there a is there a reason he loves see he loves Virgin Atlantic obviously yeah fair enough Joanna B stealth CH did we see Kim kin Runway light on the F yeah y yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep 100 yards away and he still couldn't see me unbelievable he went up to the other black van down there didn't he he went up to the Volkswagen van down there when I was right in his I was looking straight at me and it's still miss anyway stop talking no [Music] nice wow good night sweetheart beever George Taron 1458 is that little baby [Music] one Des sea are you going to be at London he thr for New Year's Eve uh yes I would have I I I would like to say Yes um that we will be operating out of London e [Music] y fully agree with you roit um I've uh operated a motocross bike many many times used to race Motocross so I know the you're right mate oh I don't need another one man I've got one here hot one thanks cheers all right thank you oh they're free are they are you off yeah thanks for the thank you cheers that's three 27 coffees now yes TC clearer conditions now Lam Triple 7 yeah nice bit of moisture on the wings there go some light it out sorry about that Steven farmer good afternoon to you Max Sandy humy Jag Coffee Jitters TCC uh they are very generous people Jo to be K PJs unlikely to uh yeah the home of British Airways and there's too many British Airways sh the main worldwide hub for British Airways and there two as in um to [Applause] for thought I was in America then nice sounding va8 cig Gerard nice Wing flexs Steven Callahan good afternoon for you 56 still 27 HGC rolls Ry ma Mar Joy yeah maybe that's what I'll do in future Jil I'll get a flag that I can raise a big illuminous you know like like high visibility flag like can raise up the Mast KW green waking up big jet TV and Cofe there we go yeah be H their coffee they like their sort of like the Americans like they they straight coffee don't they like old school coffee they don't don't they're not I mean they obviously still a lot of people are now um um uh used to drinking their lates and this and that blah blah blah but U just s like straight out and out coffee a get Mr Blobby suit don't temp me man don't temp me Blobby Blobby Blobby he probably still wouldn't see me skins and sits and skit te for me how do you actually pronounce that skin oh gee just seen an AI generated picture of a 757 Max AI generated interesting did anyone actually you know um trace the uh Trace that post back to from when it came uh the the crazy post about Boeing um um uh releasing the 70 rebuilding the 707 and the and the 727 this is interesting this is a Belgium uh is it oh it's the it's the mousy one isn't it Euro Wings there we go yeah yeah yeah yeah is it always had that yellow [Applause] nose oh we missed him we missed him oh okay we've got a um a ba jet just pushing back for Acra uh was it Acra or from Mexico City um first officer getting the shout out for the first officer Ross first officer Ross Sedana uh KN air in Thailand had one of the cutest noic I don't know if that um if that um Euro Wings check originally had the yellow on it did it originally have the yellow on it is it or is that a um is it I'd imagine it probably was actually oh you can change it you know mate you can edit your uh your name go in there and change it L that's a big old typo is it so the final flight of Concord as she waits patiently over there on 27 left heading to New York Steve B good afternoon to you thank you Jonathan uh correcting me um yeah now now looking at it I can see the yellow markings on the on the port side of the aircraft it's not so apparent on the starboard side yes if I'm me b the last flight was to filter p o a wow now you see that was very calm that was wasn't it that was a that was the normal speed that was the uh yeah you see now on this side of the aircraft you can see why it's got the yellow nose on it but on the other side there's none of those yellow markings as far as I can see anyway nextor sto moves from charie watched an old 2020 quiz the other night with a shot of Chie stretch out on his back onto his patio oh wow is that one of those been literally stretched out right on his back like you know Mark sprag loving the Euro Wings L he got some moisture over the wings on approach now no [Applause] nice this interesting to see a a ba jet parked up down at those Gates isn't it very often that we see that's usually uh you know um a sporadic Cafe Pacific jet or something like that but um I mean I know that British Airways do use that terminal but you know mainly it's all on the fours and the fives isn't it it's on the it's the um it's the five and the satellite terminals are five still got a low Cloud it's not a push and start it's just a uh push to gate I think that Jet's going the gate possibly atc4 VJ menam went to Europa Park as a kid CX7 1 hour out over Frankfurt Mike James is that a CX7 jumbo is that Freight oh that's interesting Mark emailing us again telling us that apparently it's switching from a headwind to a Tailwind at around about 100 ft which is why it's catching these guys out so that's interesting so in other words yeah that that means that they are approaching at the normal speed um oh sorry yeah at the at the normal speed and then and then getting and then the increasing speed because of the the Tailwind that's crazy has he done it yes being goldsworthy take care I Canadian in the UK I remember Air Canada 747s yeah I do as well you know back in the old days of uh I think I only I only ever came to London he thr once on the um on the Queen's Terrace or the Queen's [Applause] building what a great job man t f CH Emma deal came into T5 last night at 321 Neo good smooth Landing but the flight was a bit bumpy in points from lanica turbulence stresses me a lot yeah I mean I can understand people getting stressed by turbulence um you know the the the the the the only time that I get stressed by turbulence is it's more a case of being annoyed and I can hear you all going oh surprise surprise um is when you're on a long haul flight and you and and throughout that flight you are flying in um clear air turbulence and it um and it's sort of like your work I mean you can't go to sleep or um chocky set a Trent 800 uh from what see um you know from a a Triple 7 I'd imagine sits on display at kaaki not 50 m away from my window wow is that is that inside is that that's cool is it the Trent 800 at Kawasaki [Music] [Applause] d Professor he's called himself Professor now okay I'm just going to call you Prof pushing that jet out I want to see what reg is to see whether that is the 100% Sapp flight um as far as I'm aware they don't have to make any changes to the engines in terms of you know filter changes or or anything with the fuel pumps or the igniters or anything like that uh when they're using saaf because they're already running these engines at around about 5% saff um but for 100% saf would they have to make any um changes to the uh to the engines the parameters um and that sort of [Music] thing plain mad Molly uh poly sorry plain mad Polly is a uh brand new member welcome Molly Polly God's sake sorry Polly Mr lizard wasn't there a Lizard Lick Towing M remember that Geographic or something run by a bunch of rednecks you're not around these parts are you boy what in the goddamn hell you doing about a TCC saf capable engine it's the other way around TCC can a normal jet engine take 100% saf yes is the answer to that um you know these uh I'm just uh I'm just intrigued as to the uh the ignitable capabilities of um the biofuel Northtown Carolina okay let's just uh get her R if we can d d is it you there Jill Steven Rouse good afternoon to you my daughter will be flying back home this morning from Providence Road Island to Orlando Florida on Southwest 737 Max comes into view now secondary axis freak it's got a cold nose oh no it goes red doesn't it cold nose um I don't know which jet it is that they're using for the saf flight but um hopefully they'll be putting some stickers on her or something I don't know um Castrol or something like that 18 see fool what are you talking about fool TR Andy V here in Hanah Lucy in the skies okay see this guy's too high man isn't he too high no no not just be getting [Music] excited Savannah steeno from Charlotte North Carolina hello to you hey there they are look we got them well the old Bill lovely bunch of people like anyone and they all human beings and um it's always uh great to have a good communication relationship with the uh with the um the police around Heath Ro this is the real jinian I think you there Chile or of are you eating or something or oh there you are [Applause] okay yeah yeah they're not going to paint it in blue obviously because the uh the saf flight is is a oneoff flight um it's it's it's just one flight um unfortunately I believe they were beaten to the post by GF stream who have flown now the first transatlantic flight using full 100% saf um didn't read anything about it which was quite interesting uh Gulf Stream didn't make a point of it did they I was una aware anyway s noisy old CF6 [Music] on bar fre [Applause] price okay 220 40 minutes till the switch over folks as far as I can see they're going to leave it as it is so uh still nice and warm in there for that 350 es North flew a787 to the Antarctic yeah they certainly did Landed It On Ice not the first time I have to say I saw a video last year of Iceland Air Landing um uh either I whatever I think it was a 757 or a 767 on Ice in uh in in in the uh colder reaches of the north um so it's not the first time it's been done uh Alex Scaris brick uh Scaris brick Alex good afternoon to you uh he was on the night shift Crow of ice C I'm back snow shoveling is hard nice it is it's heavy old stuff snowing it yeah this guy's going to lay it on here we go here we go go on S so banka usually uh gives it uh 101 on the um on the old revers meter okay Stuart s uh it was the first 787 to land in the antartic okay so the other one must have been somewhere in a in in the somewhere that but not the Antarctic I'm guessing thank you for that update Sasha McCarthy thank you Michael White biggest regret was never flying comport well we've all there a lot of people have been down that road isn't there Trev line loving the sound look another one man that's three of these Jets we've seen today we haven't even seen an old Saudi Arabian jet today that is awesome mate that is really cool he a little bit fast in [Music] he best looking plane on the Airfield so far man gone from being the most Bland looking air of Livery um in aviation to one of the most colorful well not colorful but it's just that cheat line is it it's the cheat line that does it retro style well it is retro style cuz it is their original well not their original original I don't think but when uh what what what era does that that Livery date to can anybody say is it 70s or is it 80s I think it might be 80s Steph there's another Saudi Arabian jet 8 minutes out okay well then we're going to get to see I can't imagine that it's it's another uh new livery I think it's the I think it's the high VIs stripe on it as well that does it isn't it that is so cool man well done Saudi Raben Whoever thought that up or um you know someone someone from the from the you know from the upper reaches of management or CEO must have turned around and gone you know what I really like our retro aircraft why can't we paint all our future aircraft in well why why don't we then okay well then let's do it uh Rebecca won't be the case won't be the case they have no idea that we're [Music] here how old terminal for looks Professor uh feels like an updated version of the 80s design in a really cool way I'll have to have a look at those um and I'm guessing that uh does does Ard have a uh might actually have one you know because you know um even though it won't be um marked on the box as new livery will it or new old Livery it'll be marked on the box as uh retro Livery I'm guessing Max loves the Livery TCC ba should go back to the old liveries next time yeah but which one it's a big um it's a it's a big Financial overhaul um logistical and financial overhaul when you are um uh repainting a fleet of aircraft because obviously you can appreciate you know these things aren't earning them any money or they're losing them they're losing money the more time these aircraft are on the ground uh the more the more money they literally Hemorrhage so uh um you know it's uh it's it's a it's a big shout it's only when the aircrafts undergoing significant maintenance or whatever it might be um they get to change the liveries or uh update the liery or do whatever it is they can paint the aircraft in any way shape [Applause] yeah what's that Des Virgin Atlantic to Dubai oh okay mirrors uh Saudia had now this is what I remember the old um Saudia Liv in uh they had the locked L10 111s in 87 in that retro Livery it looked awesome there we go um now my dad flew for Saudi Arabian Airlines on the 74700 I think it was or the 100 one of the two um because obviously uh back in those days I was at school so uh I wouldn't know um what was going on in I have to rely on uh people who kept any kind of records I only found out sort of like in the last 6 months that my old man flew for um had a brief spell with um um trade wins on the cl44 swing tail not the long one um but the uh the swing tail was based out of Gatwick so I think that was before he went to IAS um on the DCA and after he was on the britania with British eagle Steph uh 350 from Las Vegas 4 minutes out Desa apparently no it's not rare um virgin have been flying to um Dubai uh for some time from one hero love love hand dely uh Saudi Arabian Airlines 747 s an 89 in that same retro Livery uh mirrors saying okay there we go Emirates ek2 on taxi that's it there my James Emirates ek2 ba 380 also for Dubai and katar qr4 380 on psh for Doha yeah another 30 minutes of operations um of um arrivals and then we'll be uh switching to departures Stewart big bold letters yeah that uh the new Emirates delery is a third bigger isn't it I think thank you Liz RB H nice recovery Savannah Ste and condo Airlines J yeah me old man was pretty cool man he was a he was a bit of a swash buckler I guess is the best way to describe him um how do had one of those um proper mustaches pilot back in those days you know these guys will always use brakes rather than engines uh to slow the aircraft down and of course of the ground spoilers on the wings uh to conserve fuel because they cannot uh they are not able to refuel here in the United Kingdom or or anywhere in Europe as far as I'm aware uh for political reasons oh look at this spider on me phone no you can't go up there mate no you can't type either no you can't type no no you can't type no I know you're in the chat thing and you're trying to type no bless him little legs are trying to scramble up me phone oh he's making it go on Sam go on you can do it go on let me go he's nearly at the chat Point go on oh he fell down little money he's all puffed out now yeah maybe [Applause] yeah oh blimy have roero got no idea where me old man did his Pilot training no idea at all um yeah yeah that's uh that's almost uh where did Pilots do their pilot training oh he got a bit of um deicing fluid on that 380 most definitely a bit of type two is it a bit of type two on that jet man I'm telling you come a little fell come a little fell I don't want you uh oh there i' got to be very wary of him when I pack up he I'm putting you in a back of van if you like nice and cozy in there oh is that type two the yellow just don't crawl up here mate cuz I don't want to squash you with me gloves fat fingers oh Kevin Pride yes they have Emirates have indeed oh look at that going from a headwind to a to a Tailwind bit nosy bit nosy get it down there we [Music] go yeah Emirates have um changed the liery on the um the uh on the gate Guardian at London Heath R to the uh the new livery but also the new world wildli living um which we've not seen at all but apparently there is a new oh you know what Jo Joanna B put that emoji the the the the thing of the spider and I thought it was the spider Jil cuz it's the same size as the spider that that's on the phone bzy little SPID de Davis thought that nose wasn't going down there yeah we're hearing from um uh oh this is an old boring Saudia Livery is it still uh chucking some fluish out there though look Vortex coming off those outboard section look there we go wow that's crazy in it so going from a so I'm guessing these guys will have been pre-warned by the tower who have been advised by pilots who are landing um oh you might want to let the guy behind me know that there's a uh there's a headwind uh changing to a Tailwind around about 100 ft so be be advised chipmunk boy good afternoon to you like Sunday morning coffee for me uh Max Trevon Captain Mary tuning in from Memphis Tennessee I don't know where TR to be that Livery is definitely from the 80s the um oh oh the Saudia Livery Come On Son come on come on camera you're right now there you go nice there it goes look at that you can see the speed up man that's crazy now it's just loitering around there a't it that that Tailwind on the night shift Sandy hum be Fab floof yeah folks putting together the uh the uh the new um airport uh it's all coming together very nicely um but having to make adjustments here and there obviously because of uh you know this that and the other but you will it be introduced to it trust me um you will be the ones who will be introduced do you want to come see me train and [Laughter] sit uh yes hey come on anybody who's got the space would love to do that wouldn't they have their own airport in their house obviously not you know the whole house but now watch here comes the speed up now there right there look at that wow wall yeah oh I think that's Max asking how long the flight is uh for next week Jil no nope nope not interested captain man nice Professor saying flu so so what so Pro tell us what is the s c k i n n CN what is that in relation to is that is that what does it refer to is that an actual name SK or is your name Steve or something uh I don't know um but I'm going to have to call you Prof from now on my friend um trevine the outro is fantastic the outro is fantastic wow they turned her around quick didn't they she didn't come in that long ago Mark bar thank you Mark always good to get feedback like that that you know really enjoying the chat and the you know it's just uh I learned so much man from you guys oh Professor it's the it's the initials of my name Scott oh Scott please Professor Scott change it to Scott please just put it to scar please oh look at that h t pushing [Applause] back [Music] okay just put it to Professor Scott yeah so you're not a professor of typing then are you probably knows the square root of four 40,000 in uh in a few seconds but but fair enough fair enough we'll do it we'll do it Professor Scott I'm going to call him that for now giant a beast start up yeah number one on the Egypt a Triple 7 number two sty Tristan waro do like the liery on the Egypt Air Triple 7 that's great liery in fact in a funny sort of way J it's almost the same Livery was that 757 earlier but in a different do you know what I mean Jo to be surprising how start how loud the startup is well Joanna when they switch operations you wait till we get a Triple 7 facing us here and or even one over there and you'll get to hear the uh looking very menacing that Triple 7 isn't he look he hasn't got a smile on his face he's looking now he's going to turn into a smile watch this you don't want to be call you Ops vehicles liveing liy look at the new Ops Vehicles deliveries cool is they uh TCC what what questions did TCC say a rapid yeah narrow boy narrow Bo boat Georgie Boy my favorite position can't wait for this ball up Roxy Simmons this is the SE where she is Professor cuber calculus was the best Ro um killing luk Thompson currently revising for my exams next week while watching uh well Luca I wish you all the best for your exams and good for you do you know what I can never actually remember revising for exams terrible sure I did at some point but yeah yeah tell you what that was a decent recovery wasn't it I say recovery I mean you know he was coming in hot man that Tailwind really is pushing them so they must be being advised well done Luca JS Rivier shooting in from Paris good afternoon to you JS or Jil should I say my apologies J Bryson I see big J TV is as journalism wants journalism more than just streaming especially all the air Side Access yes well we do try we do try our best see that uh Saia see now that's uh come on son get it down hey hey I tell you I tell you it's crazy is it all seems to be nice and calm and then all of a sudden they're hit by this Tailwind oh thank you KY J ass uh Trev lion most others 140 to 160 that approach Speed Max use less brakes as possible um yeah it's uh Braun G many more tickles in the look at this uh United don't often see this yeah I did trip uh 767 coming out of the old ba hanger surprised not to see stacks of pratton Whitney engines there like they do in uh in the US at some of the airports in the US where the the maintenance hangers see how the Iberia crew can handle it [Music] whoa there it is you see he hey a SC say the um your best is amazing uh the show for the last virgin 747 lives on in my memory as something extraordinary yeah it was uh we were very honored and very blessed to be able to do that um and um uh especially the piece that I put together with the uh with the music on it um every single time I played it out when I edited it I almost cried big lump in me throat right AO Mexico this should light up the runway I think wow look at the speed man for yeah nice nice so I'm looking to see apparently um we had a message from somebody earlier on um saying there was a considerable amount of um was that a uh a bit of a exhaust smoke coming out out that chck s then or was that just me those engines are running aren't they AO Arrow well AO you may have missed what I said earlier on but if you go back to storm Unice um 1 hour and 40 minutes in there abouts um anywhere between 1 hour and 40 and 1 hour and 50 find in that space in that 10minute slot you will find um a t 320 go around watch it in double time and then look at that plane being literally thrown around the skies man literally thrown around the skies insane wow this gu's again seems that the smaller jets are uh struggling a little bit more than the bigger ones maybe a little bit more susceptible to the uh to the Tailwinds of course um don't forget that the uh the auto systems will um will operate the um the the uh the speed Brak on on approach so if those speed braks are up ever so slightly and there's a Tailwind element all of a sudden there's a possibility that that might be you know slightly towards the reason why they get that push from behind is still there in [Music] it now you know what this is a ba 7 coming out for departure 27 right this is definitely um vectoring for the northern Runway I think Martin Smith do they Glide a bit further past the sheds to minimize the shed effect before land no Martin they won't do that um because you know they have to stick to the normal parameters what's that GP oh okay so when they don't raise that half a million where's that money going to go then yeah yeah man it's not that's not right that's not right you know has it been officially you know has the you can't do that you have to get planning permission first you have to get everything the whole project okay by the London um you know who are these people we need to find out who they are mate because uh they might have yeah I mean all they they all interests at heart they have it's plain mad Polly asked the question and I've missed it narrow Bo Georgie boy I think hey there Georgie boy I think you were probably dreaming about 390 bit like me I dream things like that Dre to a lovely 727 the other night I missed it that was only came in on another Runway PE PE B MC C devil grab is he going to turn right I think he might make the uh he might make the the southern [Music] Runway 3 f Captain [Music] Ron is that it is that the last one skw welcome back skw big CH TV fin 350 last one in mirrors saying thank you mirrors NAD beautiful Landing here's your final Landing folks this is uh the last approaching aircraft and Landing aircraft before the switch over if you're new to Big jet TV or new to watching Heath thr L matthewman notice some wing tips are curvy on ba some are not the most modern ones are curvy it's otherwise known as a um either a shark Blended wing tip also this is the 350 with the Blended wing tip but he's Happ to be down it and now this departures um I think they're going to be quite loud you know um oh look him up then Jil oh okay well that sounds pretty legitimate but I still want to know and make sure that the uh if they don't raise the the not messing around at all oh okay okay nice lamp post there Jerry who who was who who was that what was that oh Rolls-Royce screamers here we go oh G sorry thank you [Applause] Steve oh we're going to get some flage we're going to get some fluish yeah exit stage right yeah well we should get in touch with him then Jil and see if we can sort of like push it push give it some give it an extra bit of beef you know but San um where is that Triple 7 headed 2 Scotty Ambrose has gifted five memberships thank you Scotty yeah is he uh Twitter is he is LinkedIn oh she screaming yeah I hear a prop W look at that oh look how beautiful that is nice nice Auto f five glass 99 Shad Euro Aviation do ba even have new Triple 7 uh yeah they got a Triple 7 that they took delivery of not that long ago actually less than a year ago or something wasn't it didn't they take delivery last year of a Triple 7 interestingly Boeing have not delivered Ed any trip 7s 300s that is um this year 2023 as far as I'm aware turn that um private airb on interesting microf homes I'd say cloud base is less than 800 fet in it half a million years yeah right it ain't going to happen it ain't going to people have yeah oh my goodness me now well in that case get I now never going to get it no you're never going to get it great sentiment don't get me wrong Julie great sentiment you know the thoughts there in it yeah but ain't going to happen is it yeah good the I wow man all that thick air clattering against those fan blades and I think because again like I say there is uh there's still a Tailwind element there taking off into a Tailwind uh that's why they're probably giving it a little bit more in terms of power I'd imagine 5 tons of air in each engine about to be ingested William Riley is up greater to first class thank you William uh Chris Clark sound like 757 but that's why an A340 300 sounds like uh you know a clutch of uh um 320s going out do it Arness [Applause] yeah and micro climate in the engine intakes yeah sailor might giv updates on weather at London he throw winds variable variable there you go you see so it could be uh the tower will give the um these flight Cruise the um the wind speeds and directions on the clearance on the takeoff clearance go on son yeah ah yeah man oh Tren sevens man proper racket oh man that's beautiful okay right up on the flu meter here 10 on the fluish scale Steve blue 67 Tri 7 class Euro Aviation TV TCC Max fuselage of the 737 fits in that g90 engine well doesn't fit inside it forgive my um sort of like being anal about it but it's sort of like the outer the far outer diameter of the engine cowling of the ge90 um is as wide as I think the inner um fuselage of the 737 I don't think the outer diameter of the 737 um I might be wrong but I think it find it is actually you know um a lot of people say that to make it easier just to sort of like for that wow factor but when you actually look at it in terms of you know actual dimensions um I think you'll find is it 33 configuration on the 320 or uh is it uh 33 configuration on the 737 you definitely can't fit six people sitting down and an aisle inside a ge90 engine I'm pretty sure I think it might be I don't know it's a tricky one in it I might be completely wrong there uh but please let me know if I am wrong we we've had this discussion before um and that's another thing that we could show on the uh on the airport J actually the actual scale oo oh here we go here we go here we go here we go Dian 78 is gifted a membership thank you Diane yeah I mean I I I'm all for it you know that wow factor but six people and an aisle is that little private air bus in it should go up quick here we go now we get a big booming start on these uh on these engines but great visuals did this land earlier watch for the uh watch this watch for the wizard no ground wizard but an intake wizard yeah oh oh my goodness me pure art that is pure art he's an artist oh oh folks scratch and sniff number four on your T-shirt please jet A1 oh that kerosene mix so they'll rotate anticlock and then here we go number one start now he's just running it up now and once they get to the point where it starts creating its own bleed air then bang they'll open up and fuel injection will go ahead any second now there it is how nuts is that how nuts is that man his flash highly unlik over Thea can't see us from all the way over there we do have some United uh air crew that um follow us start up number two so the starter motor the air starter is turning that right now and that will kick up to a certain speed building pressure in the engine and then it will inject the fuel and ignite the the um the the burners which will get the whole engine running here it goes yes are you off man take care nice to see you good is that a gra LEL I think it was for the ground crew although normally the ground crew walk to the um to the side of the aircraft not in front of the aircraft so but maybe it was a uh normally they give them a wave didn't they the air crew have to actually physically wait for a wave to make sure that they're happy that the air crew have acknowledged the fact that they've got the um the pin in their hands so elevator being check there look see the elevator's moving up it's quite an interesting oh hello we got triple pushing behind him as well interesting that those elevators are uh have he got the um the whole uh stabilizers at that angle there you go elevator's up there's elevator's up there we go that was elevated right okay that was interesting r a check speed brakes spoilers we're going to get spoiler check going to get a big booming start off that Air Canada jet I'm telling you now there's a speed Brak checks on the uh starboard side photo bomb by a ba7 nice lovely old 200 and all Mike James Miami bound 380 taxi in and here she comes to my right now I can see her I can chill Mr Shawn Bennett got a new job with in Atlantic or something Adam B will there ever be a bigger plane than the 380 answer to that Adam negative um no they won't my friend other than the very very futuristic um aircraft that Airbus have um got on the drawing board the Flying Wing literally um potentially but that's way ahead in the future Bruce fine loving the black pit Flight Deck going to get a bomb any minute here we go dude here he comes it i' s isn't that nice that the um United Jet crew uh turned their uh taxi lights off for that 380 just wait for the start up on that triple atc4 thank you atc4 oh let's get this it's heavy a clock in it it's heavy clock ladies and gentlemen oh listen to this thing man wow man how can a 60y old get goosebumps like that man it's insane is it sorry folks kind of missed out that GPX take care Aviation of Sarah Lanas that's the horrific 747 Brian Stewart indeed it is start up well you can hardly hear it with all this racket going up look at the different spiners man that 747 made a right old no [Music] finir photo bomb spinning up the number one hit the injectors here we [Laughter] go yeah check line e a there's a blast from the past gulpers that's another ba 380 coming out as well Jill Todd B is a new member welcome Todd and ety had so two ba 380s ety had just miss Singapore just come in these can go out short uh what was that young fellow uh that young lad that I talked to earlier on he's a member um he uh mentioned about uh British Airways confirming uh replacing the um embas was it Ashley yes confirming uh British Airways replacing the um the current uh E2 uh sorry the current e190s is it or 195s I don't know um at um e190s I think the CEO variance of the um imraa jets at um at London city now confirmed to be switching out that ba are going for the um for the E2 oh yeah preet de Davies my subwoofer is ready and waiting yeah man crank in here up oh Turn and Burn on this 380 who good son blue men group oh oh look at that big old flying wing look go up girl up you go oh that's insane is it she's gone she's gone doing engineering works or something Craig Hicks awesomeness it's insane in it AO arrow that one off to Miami thank you Chris Clark stunning departure Janette Haynes fantastic kenin PJs looks amazing we kind of getting to that stage where it might be worth switching out the um let's just give it a try shall we Andy V thank you if hos it does look like it's lumbering on climb out doesn't it [Laughter] oh oh there you go well why you saying what Jil makes perfect sense what do you think it means it is the world's best kept secret in a tongue and cheek sort of way I don't know they've obviously said something haven't they who said that oh okay okay Trev line oh I'd sacrifice um possibly um well I don't think one of my fingers but you know maybe uh I don't know to see if I could fly again well obviously they have chissy Euro Wings Li is far too C it's great like NY Andrew hicking bot him apparently that's been ongoing for years that Consortium um trying to raise £500,000 uh and so far in about 5 years have raised two grand so uh and that's just the plan yeah oh look she got a bit of paint peeling off look she's a paint peeler you remember the paint peeler that's a bit of paint peeling off there go on go rotate here we go the ice in fluid on any of these bhet at this point in time oh uh swi sorry about [Applause] that is that in the guardian J did you say yeah yeah but they're talking about by 2030 only having 10% yeah look at this bio fi for gold s you know man if the if the if the aviation industry are taking it seriously at least the flipping um the the the the um excuse me the media can take it seriously you know what I'm saying well uh I'm sorry say yes it's yeah but not for another 30 40 years no it's not is it really look at that beautiful S no and even though what did he say the net emissions out of the aircraft will be identical did he say but the field costs more like twice or three times more oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's not good is it it's not good it's not good anyway whatever here we go the big Bandit dep yeah yeah go on a Canada you can do it rotate maybe an old one J maybe for crazy physics going on there man different air pressures above the wing 350 [Music] those big big blades clattering man she's gone up early yeah wow a lot of break dust man wow must be a very um heavy on the brakes that that pilot who was steering that across the uh taxiways I can smell jet A1 I think it might be a oh it's just lots of lots of airplanes isn't there isn't it lovely what I'm hearing the humming that I'm hearing is coming from those rolls or receptions Martin Smith they never seem to be going fast enough to get all that weight in the air well yeah it is it is one of those things it's a bit like when you're flying you know uh at Cruise altitude you look down at the sea and you see the break Waters and you see all the the the white and it looks like nothing's moving but you know it's just that sort of like um look at the look at the size comparison there I mean he's he's 100 yards or so away from that 380 man that 321 insane didn't they say it was going to [Music] be yeah it's interesting is it would have thought I'd say that he one of them most popular Roots isn't it how they do that oh well sure they worked it out roit parkal pul Skilling Great Lakes games Chrissy the mice de spell jet line sailor Mike don't just love the smell of jet fuel in the afternoon mate I love it well obviously if you kept smelling it I think you get you get fed up with it would you Evo Arrow thank you yeah obviously there was a bit of a glitch in the system there um a here we go look look at that ladies and gentlemen isn't that beautiful God blim me sayar Triple S look so you did do free2 Neo listen to these big old gulpers man little golers mini goers Jeffrey heart cheting in from Muscat insulting it over Omar MCAT mline beautiful craft Co on son wow going send it mate get ready for it rotate lumbering as someone put it it's just a beautiful sight get big heavy Gear Up 35 tons ladies and gentlemen so imagine 35 Transit fanss full of a ton of whatever it might be but best way I could describe it cuz the transit Van's got a ton carrying capacity in it big load of Transit Vans hanging off your wing TR line the power Craig jard oh really oh really oh de Davis I know these enges are huge but tiny against the fuse LGE something big just landed this ticket 1965 this mman loving the heath thr lights fully loaded 380 is 560 tons Lee Shan thanks Lee insane in it oh Lloyd Bell that was the bimman 787-9 wow that's least the under the nose to give it a r Brian Stewart It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas slow in every SP up Michael hella Jing from Columbus Ohio what's that GP repeat repeat repeat say again [Applause] uh Ro par out as far as I'm aware yes the um I think they I I don't think the Dreamliner um windows are can be opened um I think new modern aircraft don't have that capability because they have an escape system above which is like an escape hatch literally above the fuselage Max has gifted a membership thank you Max Andrew hicking bottom I love the triping S and then big ice cream andin a fair old lineup for 27 right yeah go on the L out I think these are Rolls-Royce Trent 1000s I thought I said Norm on the side there this thing can Fu F watch this slightly out of sink wow oh sorry mate flipping it that seriously went to N1 quick didn't [Applause] it oh beautiful adoring punching Lisa bins loving the fluish marang C Smith amazing shot see a jmd Brian Stewart plan coming from s Mar he always delivers AO ARA what's that J what's that email I just so flag up yeah no okay wait till I wait wait wait till the debrief J and I'll yeah what's his name what's his name Ian I got your email Ian thank you very much indeed Ian Morgan and um uh yes mate thank you look forward to the joke my friend I'll read it out later I won't read it out but I'll read it later I tell you what though I was at the uh I was at the golf club the other day and um Gino said to me yeah J why do you want to try one of these uh one of these cocktails that I know all right I'm not really don't really drink cocktails Gino but I'll try what is it what is it hey it's called a uh it's called a grasshopper and I'm like oh okay okay fair enough okay well I'll try it I guess you know I'll have it go um and um I had it it was very nice uh and I had another one anyway so I was on me way home and I uh I was walking down the street and I saw this grass Opera and I said uh here uh they got I just had a cocktail named after you he went what alen I'll get me coat I'm not going to explain it if you haven't got it I'm not going to explain it [Music] yeah well um no I know and I'm not going to try and explain it either if you don't get it oh the UK Peter ster how I love that sound s exactly good son I tell you what hold it held it on the brakes there for a bit man a a slingshot departure B yeah that is that him on the brakes I think that might be him on the brakes he an artist guys's another oh it's nice that's nice 764 big rake on it not Garden right there Deborah Davis has to go stuffer chicken well good luck with that you that's actually quite funny that's actually quite funny okay folks we're going to go with the 767 and then we're going to uh then it's um time to go oh what oh it's a attack a 380 taxi now oh okay sorry no no no don't go yet folks okay we're going to close on the 380 then oh yeah baby [Applause] yeah already got fluish on the wings she hasn't even rotated yet wow look at that everywhere I look around moisture in the air every sight and every sound okay atc4 woohoo go on go Flex it Flex it guys you see that sort of like split point between the uh the engine cow oh really only three operators all right mate got screaming that's Jerry on my my husband is one of your biggest fans oh awesome dra some sckers as we go on holiday and leave in my home here you go you want some stickers oh cool one of your direct debits direct brilliant I've never heard it explained like that before fantastic thank you for your uh support good evening have a nice day thank you one of your direct deits that's one of my direct deits S standing on top of that van there so only three did did did he only three operators of the of the 767 Berry price paint again wow three I know he's only going to gate I know he's only going a gate but he's a big lad in he big feet and everything rap H 400 400 of the 76 7400 right I see what I mean yeah yeah yeah to appar one of my DDS too Ste Delta 330 and me a arrow never heard of Ty deit sound so positive Maran Cafe big foot she's going to gate folks she's not going to fire up in front of us Chrissy he got big feet in it big Dr Martin Michael AO uh this best Channel I love it I live in New York so I love that I get to see London Heath row thank you Michael haab [Applause] a must why why why why is it that people saying what's a direct debit well it must be called something different in America then if you buy something on and and you have a yeah yeah and you have a monthly payment to it I don't know what you call it in America but uh there's one in and one out don't say yeah they need to be really yes you can hey oh it's direct deposit in the US Lee shansen there we go oh okay Aero saying St deit this side of the Atlantic too so okay Michael um not quite yet Michael but um I'm glad you could make it my friend worth definitely worth having a having a um it was a great shot Mike James EK 31 Landing ek3 departing spell it back a the at effect King thank you Mark Marley enjoy all right there Marley Mar is full of joy of the joys of spring later on in the year CLI Clark whatever it is money leaves me oh lovely smell of jelly one James kitland 2:35 a.m. here in Australia uh he's going to go and DEP posit himself in the bed thank you James um all the best to you and all our friends out there in Australia good night wow even the little IE man do you know what I think that smell of jet A1 is I think that might be some of these jets that are taxiing up here may be firing up their second engines um and that's why this smell is wafting over cuz they won't taxi all the way up this guy all lit up to the nines oh this will sound good this will sound good old light bulbs here we go wow got your base turned up folks that was nuts that shook the whole paruma get it Flo on still crumbling away nice okay nearing the end of the show folks now don't forget we're in America next week okay Wednesday and Thursday there will be freev view on Thursday um because you'll understand why we're running in Freeview on the Thursday okay um we're going to be live from um so uh so be ready uh make sure you download the app folks if you want to uh keep ahead of what's going on on obviously subscribe to the channel important that you do that because we don't want you to miss out we're live every Wednesday and Sunday um if we're not here at Heath row we're obviously overseas with our members wind it up these conditions to this man look at the purple lights inside as well man she's got her tail all lit up nuts Mel cells spin those turbines fir that up quick atc4 best 330 liy out there [Music] wrong thank you moft J Bell super stream good to see you J Bell thank you very much indeed obviously being uh in the background great great to uh great to see everybody um and this is a big shout out to every Everybody in the lurkers lounge as well folks um who who've been watching in the background it's uh it's you know it's great to have you with us thank you so much to everybody who supports the channel um and uh if you want to uh if you want to become a member it's entirely up to you but um make sure you subscribe to the channel and download the app as well just because not we're desperate for subscribers or anything uh but just because we want to make sure that you don't miss out on any future streams that we do Marlene Joy thank you Marlene Mark B thank you Mark Mark Morgan laugh it up he meew uh yeah it's first time uh where we're going to this week folks next week should I say it is the first time we've been there so it's not somewhere we've been before have mentioned that I've said it Dian 78 Salem M Captain Man Rich S sedan thanks thank you sedan early birie suon kin thank you everybody to enjoy this sh here we go thank you Lee chill backer ja VR Cy jards yeah CH B Chrissy thank you everybody too many names to mention sah Lan law that Bruce Fine learned a lot Bruce Fine said okay here we go folks yeah that was ni well folks that's about it thank you everybody thanks Jil and um yeah there we go thank you so much we'll see you in the United States of America next week Wednesday and Thursday and um you will there learn where we're going to be uh other than that thank you so much take care of yourselves be good to each other and be good to those around you and look after the animals as well and we'll see you next week in the year United States of America see y'all yeah CH out BOS fli it yeah you're watching Big jet TV
Channel: BIG JET TV
Views: 97,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Planespotting, Heathrow Live, Heathrow Airport, Big Jet TV, bigjettv, Bad weather, Planespotting Live, Heathrow, FLYING A PLANE, HOW TO FLY A PLANE, BOEING 747, HOW DO PLANES FLY?, AIRBUS, STORMS, WINDSHEAR, HOW DO JETS FLY?, AIRPORT, AVGEEK, AVIATION, AIRLINES, AIRLINERS, BRITISH AIRWAYS, VIRGIN ATLANTIC, CARGO, FREIGHTERS, CARGO HUB, EMA CARGO, Plane, Manchester, Airport Live, airport webcam, singapore, dubai airport, airplane landing, airplane take off, Boeing, 747, East midlands, Pilot
Id: uaU_jo6WTJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 328min 50sec (19730 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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