London Heathrow Airport - New location!

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foreign then I shall begin [Music] foreign three seven six seven four two Delta Juliet 767 400. X she's rolling [Music] yeah wow run that one on the mines fly baby climb miss that post there it is a little bit crazy right I'm just gonna quickly jump to here and do this if I can see if this works or not hey folks how you doing very warm welcome to uh the Sunday show um but at the moment we're gonna be here for a couple of hours um I hope you're all doing well uh enjoying your Sunday whatever you're doing uh maybe you're already into Monday who knows but a very warm welcome to everybody around the world obviously I'm going to be reading your comments we are at the London fire brigade folks uh here at uh at London Heathrow right opposite Runway two seven right zero nine left and uh we are um we're very honored to be here ladies and gentlemen tape is starting up but anyway I just want to say a big shout out to all our good friends on Blue watch here uh but now they might get called out at any one time folks so just be aware of that that it might happen um and if they do then we have to sort of like jump down blah blah blah but um uh let's hope let's hope everybody said something today or that no sort of like uh in incidents happen and that these guys have a nice and easy um a couple of hours at least but I'd want to say a big shout out to jono uh John Drake he's with us John uh James Chris J Rex and Manny downstairs hello fellas uh thanks everybody for your um for your uh great commitment to this uh to this amazing Channel and um what you've got on your screen folks [Music] you um yeah so uh bought me screen on the right hand side folks let's give these guys some love um that QR code will take you straight to the um the page that we wanna sort of like you know I mean everybody's uh very knowledgeable and um but sometimes there's things you don't think of isn't it when you're talking about fire prevention and uh you know e-scooters best way to store batteries you know all that kind of thing um have a look at that page there and then um click on the relative link you might have a business we on big jet TV have to regularly [Music] um create risk assessments and of course um fortunately for us it doesn't involve um fire but it does involve you know um potential for injury so you need to obviously address all those risks and mitigate them as best you can whether you're um whether you're an individual or whether you're a business uh always good to do that especially when you've got kids and all that kind of thing rolling with the big wheels [Music] [Music] so we're going to be here run run it through to hopefully folks the um the switch over for uh for arrivals because it's still as you can probably guess it's still quite blustery here at London Heathrow was it magnitude eight the uh the the seed of crabbing already on Anchorage TV was it 7.4 it's big enough in it a ball a ball oh not me not me Dave stops it's upgraded to First Class Dave thank you my friend great to see you guys here I hope you're doing well I hope your Saturday evening went well and you're enjoying your uh the rest of your weekend or maybe I don't know everybody still early doors in it today interesting uh the uh the feedback that we got from Pilots yesterday and um thin air as well got a personal email from finnair the operations team who love watching us um just to say thanks for the um for the footage they thought that we actually stopped the uh the feed due to the thin air Landing but um as we all know that was a technical issue but uh just keep an eye on that 380 because even right now she can go around motivated so yeah um folks hit that hit that QR code and uh or if you keep scanning I don't know if you can scan it on your phone or if you're able to do it on your TV or whatever device you're using uh let's um for those people who don't have the capability oh the link is pinned as well folks uh lucky fella doing a Crossing wow what a joke about it part of the old airport there folks um where I am right now I believe that this fire station is actually I'll speak to John about it but I believe this fire station um it's raining is it oh very much or get that Gear Up real real quick of course the gear door is uh the gear doors creates serious amount of turbulence all right instability should I say so the quicker that gear is out the better it's still feeling it though shot still feeling it um as you climb up through um the layers virgin 787 all of 13787 so the dash nine variant foreign but look how long this airplane goes before she rotates past us here they're doing around about 100. 10 120 knots somewhere around about that I see the front end starting to get a little bit [Music] she wants to go that's quite a uh now you see how much longer they are because that bushes in the shot first time here folks so obviously we need to um consider our position in terms of uh getting these lamp posts and stuff out of the shot if we can maybe means going back a little bit further along the roof but whatever happens it doesn't matter we'll always get a bleed in the Lamppost in the way cooling the inside of that 380. whilst they uh prepare her for her flight [Music] the old spot on his face that [Music] what's the gear what's the gear oh there you go there's a whole sequence to it filling that rain now nice funky shot whoa yeah it's just the edge of this Cloud though another 764. yeah lots of um well not lots of but quite a few air crew yesterday asking for uh copies of their Landings one of them is a brother of a my mate who I play golf with um chewy [Music] no tilt mechanism on the A330 to straight up such a long retraction process comes that rain she's climbing in the rain see the wings flexing quite a bumpy ride up there yeah I think it was Anthony ba pilot saying that uh the uh the video just doesn't show how aggressive and how um from about two miles out loud rapid deployment foreign [Music] [Music] 10 minutes folks um look out for this eater um Italy's new Airline and it is new so I don't think anything was uh apart from the roots [Music] tired of being a British Airline eater they would have definitely done a a funny sort of like Skitty sort of uh ad campaign yeah we have right right now we have yeah yeah yeah foreign [Music] he went off and did his PPL while I went off to America and uh just the icon it's easier okay can't you change it we've already done it that's all right you set a Wheels on the front of that 320. man far as I'm aware uh [Music] so fortunately for us today folks for you for everybody watching we have well I'm not going to attempt to fight put it that way Under New Management they'd have it if it would may have failure executive roles [Music] found the A320 a very easy airplane to fly in the simulator that is obviously it's a completely different killer fish I do appreciate in real time in terms of but you know in terms of control and uh you know so well I say it was easier than the the the the uh the dream I know it's a difficult one to compare it with really isn't it should be really comparing you know Dreamliner with uh with an A320 but it was just the it was just the um I've flown both the uh I'm flying the Dreamliner obviously uh and uh mind you next time we do it and we will be doing it um with Captain Chris at Luton simulator which we talked about uh a couple of weeks back um that's definitely on the cards folks now we've got our new system in place again we're uh we need to go back up there and do it um double check uh it looks like it's gonna happen but um what it does one of the hardest things like I said was was actually taxiing the aircraft [Music] it's one of those things you need time to get used to [Music] see how long that run is here look how long that run is going straight through the bush this one yeah we'll um we will move the uh location we'll probably put up x marks the spot at some point if this all works out um yeah give a little thought folks to all the folks at work in the fire service and the Emergency Services as well of course don't forget we've got the ambulance service down here to our right as well um all those um folks who work in there and um you know they do a great job at the end of the day you know come rain or shine on call your service is on call 24 7. it's as simple as that okay GP do you want to run the map do you want to run the map quick tell me when it's up Airy folks so there you can see where I am I'd say uh I don't know what mark this is down the runway but we are sort of like you're able to see the taxiways alpha eight between Alpha eight and uh Alpha nine North um I think that's the right the two uh one is an exit point and one is an entry one isn't it they're both actually exit points I think oh what I don't know if this one is uh but anyway that's where we are folks uh sort of between Terminal Two and terminal three right slap bang in the middle almost opposite where terminal one used to okay GP at least one of virgins three three nines being towed that's something we're gonna see a lot of on them you're gonna see Airbus jets that are uh in different um what do we call it uh phases in different phases of assembly and uh and um manufacturing and well not so much manufacturers more assemblies an assembly line they don't actually manufacture any of the components that Airbus in Toulouse not that I'm aware of of course all your parts are are either floating or or um I think saffron's very close by so there may be engine components but obviously saffron uh very yeah I don't know yeah so we wanna we wanna um uh give the guys a NFP at some love folks so all I'm asking is you just hit that QR code so that we can show the uh the management on um on Monday uh the kind of um amazing spot it's it's it'll it'll probably work I'll imagine I mean you guys uh can get a plane to number one on on flight radar in a in a matter of minutes without me even saying anything so uh you know you guys kind of take care of it yourselves anyway foreign six on the m6 on my way to Holland I mean uh on the m6 on my way to Holland so does that mean we have over the channel you're uh the m6 um I'm guessing that that is yeah M20 that goes down to oh mind you know he's on the m6 probably driving down the m6 to go down to the port I don't know typical specific [Music] man yeah we need to uh go back uh along a little bit to to eradicate these lamp posts it's went on when I went on down the road I have to do that um in terms of positioning let's see once you're in the air and once you're flying um it's still quite aggressive when buffeting you from the left a little bit of crab action going on there still a Southwestern Eagle start up a set of iaees I like a little bit of noise when they start at the old guy i8 okay oh look what's coming out mate look what's coming out GP big long super H2 pencil HP sorry yeah she's a 300 big long super stretch with rb211s on her she's gonna sound great going past this man about what sorry yeah a few people asking about uh if there's anywhere they can donate I don't know if there is a uh is there a central donation line or something for the lfb I don't know I don't know I have a hunting around on their home page but um if anything send them an email just to say thank you and um you know we appreciate everything you do I think that's uh that's gonna go a long way there's jono yeah and also uh can we also say a big thank you to John uh who's um sort of looking after us up here today we uh we obviously every time we come up here we have to have an escort as well or a supervisor should I say somebody overseeing it making sure everything's good we've got a great platform up here big platform Flight Radar 24 on chat saying hello from the team keep up the great work thank you guys lovely to hear from you [Music] great relationship there with Flight Radar 24 man and it's sort of like a natural progression wasn't it big dunk of milk before he's come out 757 rolling on 88 was the best year again TV members members thank you Aviation zone is a brand new member uh Alan Eason is also a brand new member if I have missed you I do apologize folks um just uh great stuff going on here at the moment Rosie Lee Tammy Neil private bone 737 should be behind you any minute behind too many minutes foreign [Music] obsolete but in terms of its manufacture no longer manufactured uh the Boeing 757 and also lots of them being used for Freight of course um oh now these guys might be starting their number two I think they are listen okay see what I'm talking about with the replacement Ray Dome on the front there folks I know we joke about that you know glass and half a milk and all that sort of thing um but it you know it is the one of the most sort of like serviced Parts should I say in terms of you know like like wheels and well brake systems and uh all that kind of stuff uh there's two of them there [Music] oh strong smell of jet A1 then man oh someone's just started his engine I think it's this ba jet here see he's got a a replacement Ray Dome as well nice NBA major might have been that uh might have been that truth I doubt it though it's sort of Shifting in that direction great shot say folks so many people folks grateful to see you all here today I hope you're doing well friends with ba great to get so many messages from ba people yesterday I think they sort of like held The High Ground yesterday didn't they in terms of the uh skills from a skill set point of view [Music] but she wants to go around there she goes come on girl so like just clicking on the 120 knots at this position here to keep beating up like that NBA yeah if you want to scan the QR code folks you just you put your phone up against the QR code uh open the camera obviously do you open the camera do you have to open the camera you do yeah uh and then it'll just bring it up I just click on it um when it highlights it on your phone and then it'll take you straight to that page for the London fire brigade and it'll uh and then scroll down uh to the particular landing page that we've selected uh well the guys here at uh London fire brigade have um and um it will take you to a safety page and then you've got individual and um like you know uh businesses as well so you know e-scooters that applies to uh individuals um privateers and also businesses as well if you've got uh commuters using e-scooters for example or um you know anything with a charging system have to be very careful I charge all my batteries during the day and stuff I don't leave them charging overnight not a big fan of doing that just don't want to overload the systems you know [Music] we got out of the gate quick didn't they thank you any of those uh big mamas going out there down there at all uh olly olioli saying it perhaps uh Android needs a QR app really switch to airport Avro Arrow loving the new camera angle um yeah you always have to see this guy's not using a full Runway um almost full Runway but uh slight very slight intercept uh Mr righty Middle Eastern Airways yeah mea uh in their old delivery I have to say that one last one 88 was the best year gifted five big jet TV memberships a wonderful thing to do folks uh thank you so much we are a great community of of people here on big jet TV all of us together to do like that out there it's a great thing is I've got my charger all the time why not by the time the by the time the other one goes that one should be charged so we should only be switching it thank you [Music] quite uh I'm not sure what the uh what the wind noise is like on the mic folks but um these Road mics with a little um Muffler that I've got on the on the front of the mic seems to work quite well it's Road after all um they're not cheap the batteries are [Applause] Middle East Airlines [Music] whoa easy son perfect okay nice one mate uh firefighters charity folks just Google firefighters charity and that'll take straight to the page um and uh thank you in advance anybody who donates uh much appreciate that's not what we're here for folks we are here to make people aware and um uh get people to um maybe highlight a few things that they didn't think of we all do it yeah I like it but we're very interested in doing folks is obviously just um your home at your office things on charge and uh making sure that your electrical power supply is uh is um oh nice pushback for this version 350 here we go foreign the winner [Music] okay got it eat at 3 30 coming out folks um yeah okay yeah just go straight to the Google the firefighters awesome awesome yeah yeah well there you go mate um what's that GPS that's what's that come on up okay well let's do that for next time then yeah yeah I just want to get I want to I just want to make sure that the other the the the the domain needs to uh get to see a big spike tomorrow morning and I don't mean Spike the a bulldog what a great big um collar on him like the one in Tom and Jerry I mean a spike in the uh in the analytics um so that they can go wow yeah that's really good because uh it's what's commonly known as a CTA a call to action um and you guys are very responsive on that I have to say oh she got she been is she going up to maintenance so just um what you need also I appreciate folks is that this position is now ripe for zero nine arrivals isn't it um because your touchdown Zone we will obviously be a little bit further over to our left so we've got the whole runway in view um she's going up to maintenance she's poorly so air Baltic a220 let's show the uh flight dynamics of this aircraft and how quiet it is the a350 look at that [Music] so the key is to get that gear up real quick in these wins so clean up the airflow as much as you can obviously still gonna get um buffeting for the wings but the last thing you want is what's classic classified as a dirty configuration I think Pilots intersect Debra Davies the answer to your question is yes we can see baby sock Ed himself very well so this is what you call an intersecting departure okay we've got uh at least two 380s coming out folks so uh be patient okay great Deborah Davies early birdie what if we couldn't hear airplanes anymore wouldn't that be boring yes it would look at this ladies and gentlemen and she's got a big oh yeah nice oh it's uh it's their CEO not their Neo interesting so this uh this Jet's gonna be around for a little while longer in it I would just paint it for uh something that's going to retire in another year might you I don't know they might be it obviously this aircraft will be switched out with either a 350 or an A330 neon uh this is the CEO version looks like she's running prep witness oh look at those stubby little exhaust um honor said that you know if you like we can get you up on the big Long Reach ladder and it's got a sway get this folks uh a sway at the top of 10 meters either way can you imagine that man no thanks you're all right uh I think I'll pass I've weighed up all the options uh I'm not interested enemy and Deborah Davis are there lots of delayed don't forget we're gonna try if we can to uh um continue on with uh arrivals or something so we're getting the arriving aircraft we might go down for uh for a 30 minute uh break or whatever it might be but um a price to are there any options not including the camera Airlines can get on an aircraft or is it most everything standard coming off assembly line the windshield yeah if you want an A330 Neo it comes in a standard format then you're uh it means like extras yeah that that's included the paint option isn't it no CF6 is she's running CF6 [Music] I do like that it's the tail that does it see having to dip that Wing into the wind in uh offsetting it say about dead see that big wing she's got like a bird of prey wing on it hasn't it the uh the Airbus completely sort of like different figuration of the wing compared to the Bowie Boeing has more of a sort of like you know um it's got that big Flex in it at the end of the day um doesn't look like it on the ground of course but um airbuses just seems to be a much stiffer Wing however when you actually fly on the aircraft like the A380 you don't expect to see as much Flex as you do when you um when the aircraft rotates is at that rotate Point those wings really do Flex up and it's very very noticeable as well it comes John with the team Here Comes John with the team most important important part of the show coming up right now thanks mate thanks jono [Music] the old uh Lufthansa Fleet rapidly to the to the Neos I think that's why there's a chance that a lot of the CEO jets are it's all about it's all about obviously all these airlines are you know from a financial standpoint it's uh it's sometimes a bit tricky to to juggle the numbers uh in terms of taking delivery of aircraft but it's all pre-planned anyway it's not like this month oh sorry mate I ain't got him I don't get paid till Monday can we pay you on Monday uh but it is more to do with uh you know manufacturing um you know the more the Airbus the more demand there is with Boeing any of us and uh in Briar of course and um Bombardier and all the big manufacturers um it is a case of like you know material costs uh well actually not so much Supply but well yeah costs are up because of you know raw materials but uh Supply is the big thing you know in terms of the uh the Exotic uh metals and Plastics and carbon all those uh they've got carpetanium now as well which is well I'll say now well probably at it for a long time but um mixture of carbon and titanium making even Morse um robust I think that might be fan blade technology carpetanium let me know talk uh get involved in the chat folks oh quite a big old front sort of like that staggered all right let's have a little look online and uh on Flight Radar 24 and have a look uh it's Hussein no rain at the moment it's Hussein without a little bit uh jono's a big Ladson full set of jumbo Deborah Davis come up to Edinburgh Jerry get you get a ton of some wafer to go with that too well um it's a little long way to go for a uh for a wafer but hey you know went all the way up to um went all the way up to Scotland for an eight uh an225 whoa easy son it's a bit different than a wafer and a bit bigger and all he'd probably fit about 40 million in a wafers in a 225 747 fly west to east 39 000 feet almost at reading heading your way Jerry well I tell you what uh we've got Cirrus above the cloud base that I that I've got so um high cirrus um it's amazing when you're flying at 40 000 feet and you're flying just above Cloud wow easy departure might be a funky shot here funky shot in three two one uh we've got a 380 on its way out for the A380 here she comes folks um not sure as well hit you well I'm ready for it anyway um Sky God 1964 Martin Riggs spy walks I'm in Istanbul watching this right now spy walks uh yeah write some feedback from so many different um people yesterday in different places around the world and um great to get the feedback from the ba Pilots as well and thin air as well thank you finnair um hello to everybody in their operations team and United as well we know that the United watches in the United States of America would need zero Stratus Nick Gray there we go zero Stratus that's what's above me right now uh we've got a broken Cloud at whatever it is seven ten thousand feet maybe I don't know uh maybe a little bit less than that and um above that we've got uh let's cut a hole in the sky whatever that was see that is uh that's the shadow being cast on the um on the cloud below clunk it's quite clunky the old uh gear doors on the 350. this is the bit when you really feel it Bonk quite noisy winders as well is he watching this Stewie watching you're watching Stewie around in your Sorrows for yesterday Charlie's pieces we've got done over by an 80 year old Jeffrey Phillips Martin Pete egpx Ian Hannah David Goodman do you ever film at Charles de Gaulle no David is a quite simple answer to that firstly because you have to get permits to film there uh secondly because the permits that you get are normally for uh for videography or photography um and uh thirdly well live streaming is something that I'm not sure about and secondly you need to kind of like the the it's so vast Charles de Gaulle I mean I thought that skip always big but Charles de Gaulle is so massive first of all you definitely need transport secondly the Vantage points at um at Charles to call a few and far between here that actually start now listen to it being burnt crack graduate yeah there's one um it is one thing that we all have to uh you know that's why we were live for the amount of time we were during the um during the covert crisis just so that we could all be together through it together it's finally I watched the show you remember me um you remember me on top of the Hilton Garden Inn saying about Kobe no no no it'll be over in a couple of weeks will it Richard Branson did exactly the same thing he actually went on camera saying uh well you know it's uh it is what it is but uh it'll it'll all be over in a couple of weeks yeah little did he and everybody around around the world know them let's not talk about that we're in happy times now see the uh for us the worst thing that came about in the covert crisis obviously with all the losses um terrible things there but it was mainly the loss of our great wonderful Queen of the Skies with British Airways Virgin Atlantic we're all ready in the process of um of replacing their 747s and um they they just all they did was they just brought that forward a little bit um and so were British Airways but we would have still been seeing you know probably uh at least a dozen maybe more 747s in there they did have a lot of seven four sevens we would have still seen a lot of them in action just like this 380 would be uh probably a few 747s lighting up to go out but anyway it is what it is Gonna Roll With It Stephen Weatherly remembers going on the Queens Gardens watching the early 70s uh tried specie 10 707 727's Comet caraval yeah we've got some T-shirts uh well actually some new um uh Design Line within our merchandise store folks which we're slowly adding in um and included in that we do have 727 737 100 Jurassic uh vc10 and I think we should probably do common as well don't you think Julie just make it easy not another one and of course all those designs are available on all different you know um hoodies t-shirts um keep stuff on them it's on the right is it okay just tell me when it's [Music] when it's a flexy way on it all seven eight seven points 60 meters across same as all uh seven eight seven eight nine and ten so like I say it does look a little bit odd sometimes not odd but so you know you see a 7878 overhead you're looking a big wing on it it's like a 10 year old kid wearing his dad's shoes best way to describe it you know okay TV you can go now on my left yeah on my right so just gonna pop that up quickly folks so merchandising line okay okay so I'm keeping everything in my left side here Julie so there you go folks just a quick one in thrust We Trust borrowed that from one of our members who uh who who came up with it randomly one day on the stream but um as you can see folks we've got a um the new line a313 Neo we have done um we've got triple seven which ones we're going to do 737 Max as well I've got to say the Caps look fantastic man the new caps we've got the stonewash style as well it's the stonewash one up actually let's see let's go lose it lose it lose it [Music] rishikesh that Virgin Atlantic going to Shanghai some great Wing flexes yesterday Helen Clapp uh thank you Gary sibford lobbying the new spot you're in Jerry will it be regular Gary we are hopeful but it will be we're doing everything we should do um we're making sure that we keep tabs on everything and all that health and safety is um is uh is under control which it is full Corden off everything's great um and uh you know when you do something like this when you come to a new position and and on an annual basis you sometimes have to adjust your uh or update your risk assessments if there's anything that's changed um but in general it's a pretty standard format Read All About It Andrew all Andrew albaugh I really like the bright red cap you're wearing really pops okay thank you Andrew go for it [Music] cheers 800s far enough Jeffrey Phillips wants to Bobble that yeah I've ordered a bubble app uh they're sort of like combined colors aren't they um great and gray I think uh Jules Harris yes uh they are what you see are all available in the uh online store uh big Jeff dot shop or Avro Arrow world GP GP and me work on it I mean it is yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so it's my input and then Jilly um uh uh executes the order still got out the whip marks on your back chilly are they all right they soothe down a little bit American is smiling he is smiling Brian you're right look at the uh smile on his face he's our pieces going out flying who would be this would uh yeah don't worry about it Lee that bush is going to go out of shot um it's uh we just have to position ourselves a little bit further down to our left while still maintaining the uh box vehicle man how cool is that [Music] in that in that in that um did you have the pet the dog coat on there as well was it on that Loop was it on that Loop people wouldn't know what it is though without actually saying what it is you're nobody else there I thought it was for a tortoise or something laughs Janine gray good day to you Janine hello everybody hope you're doing well do some milestones in a minute folks how about that um shout out some uh you get you get to do it once a month if you're a member and um it's basically where you get to put a little message in there please keep them short um Roger that hey big smiley face what what we talk about the uh the smile folks it's actually the Pito tubes and the angle of attack sensors that you can see there they look like a a smile perfectly positioned on the Boeing triple seven interesting to see how they've uh kind of redesigned the wing on the triple seven uh nine uh I'm gonna call it the triple seven nine because that's what um it's a bit confusing one isn't it really because you've got the triple 7x triple 710 and the triple seven nine and most of um Boeing's uh most of the boeings oh most of um Boeing's um [Music] yeah yeah you don't get merchandise for someone else especially if they're certainly the same size as you because when you get it you'll be like you know what hold on a minute I think I'll have this I think it is pretty uh it is pretty cool you know some of the designs we've worked pretty hard on um you know the Silhouettes the uh the silhouette of the aircraft which we've now introduced and incorporated into the design as well um bumper stickers die cut stickers mugs t-shirts get while they're on Peanuts shell prices Julian has gifted a big jet TV membership thank you Julian off to Dallas Fort Worth for Trent nine engines about that spool up each engine [Music] see now how droopy that Wing is Manny the wing tips are full of fuel foreign knots 100 knots go about 110 knots right now [Music] you can see the wing tip there flexing it's not droopy like it was yeah we need to uh definitely that's a that's a temporary um should I call it those uh those lamp posts I can actually uh position myself further down the roof take much of a turn I wouldn't have thought she might know is going up over the top or whether she's uh going straight across the Atlantic past south of Ireland in which case she won't make much of a turn probably leave it um a couple of minutes I would have thought before the next jet comes out Apu is now shut down I think a triple trip set quite a high trim set isn't it look on the Leading Edge of that horizontal stabilizer see the pointy bit that's a trim stabilizer there which the autopilot Auto trims but uh they preset that trim based on the aircraft's weight and um all the other different parameters that are inputted into the flight management system the uh aircraft Auto trims itself when um when they put those details in that information but it's quite a high trim set isn't it when you look at um another jet which let's just see another one the equivalent of that triple seven there see he's quite he's about a third of the way down yeah welcome all new subscribers by the way um over 3 000 new subscribers yesterday all genuine all genuine um and uh a very warm welcome to each and every one of you I hope you're well we do get quite a few people switching from um subscription to membership but please once again don't feel in any way obliged or pressured into anything folks we want you to enjoy your time here on big jet TV literally enjoy the ride because it is a great one we do travel overseas into Europe over to the US probably looking like Anchorage the beginning of next month folks a lot of people will be uh um going yes on that one big long haul for me but you know what it's what's at the other end that uh cleaning up that airflow at the end of the wing because if you have a wing um basically creates a lot of drag at the end of the wing if you know what I mean um because it's a it's a it's a flat surface anything it's why that when when you're creating anything aerodynamic it's always good to try if you can't have a smooth exit for the airflow that's why we have wind tunnels it's it's okay 35 minutes left of departures out of the northern Runway and it's going to switch to Southern [Music] what's the undercarriage see the Tilt watch the tilt there it is maintain that climb nice and smoothly she he yeah my uh oh it's all melted by now though Julie in it it's all melted by now isn't it yeah man yeah it's always a difficult balance isn't it seaplanes are are pretty crazy to watch especially when it's busy [Music] great way to see the undercarriage till unique to Boeing that that tilt mechanism and the reason why they tilt it is so that it fits in the undercarriage Bay uh neatly um part of the design procedure obviously uh the ergonomics of the um the inside of the undercarriage Bay obviously there's a lot of stuff that's housed within the fairings of the wing all around it uh air conditioning units um different uh different ancilliaries pumps hydraulic systems uh electrical systems and um just the ergonomics of getting that undercarriage up and in uh it means that they've designed it with a tilt mechanism Airbus not using that system on their a350 1000 with the the triple car on it question making its way out one of the older four-door General Electric Power triple seven two hundreds [Music] lfce and great shot of the tilt on the gear that I've been wondering what Jerry was on about okay there you go so um see just the um I learn it from somebody oh actually Yes actually one of our old members wasn't it who went a little bit doolally that's cheap she'll blame me um big jet TV key ring sounds like a great idea Gary Corbin uh they don't we don't do them do we Julie or nothing yet it's a shame when it'd be great if they introduce that rubber stamp type yeah yeah but the rubber ones are always good at night oh yeah the other ones yeah yeah yeah I like my one I think if they were available on the store they'd probably do that um this is an intersecting departure and it's uh a lot of times these these Jets front wheels set always looks clean and new doesn't specifically mean that it's uh it's brand new I mean obviously when they're you can see that like you know they've got that white shine to them um uh no brakes on the front wheels of course so no brake dust to to make them look grubby like your uh your Alloys on your on your car but um depending on how often they're set they're changed but you can see the the um the hubs or the uh the the wheel rims on the on these big jets literally coated in brake dust from the um from the brake pads the discs carbon discs carbon carbon pads I think um see that it's also on the 787 as well as the uh believe it or not because the 787 doesn't have a try undercarriage but the 787 does have a tilt mechanism on it as well Rolls-Royce [Music] there's a lot of white you're putting out there on those hydraulics so impressive how powerful hydraulic systems are to be able to literally pull that thing up it doesn't get pushed up it gets pulled up so this is going to be an absolutely fantastic spot for zero nine arrivals folks um looking forward to a bit of rain we've got to obviously make sure everything gets passed and we're uh we're back here in the future the few yeah I think it'll go well just need um people to hit that QR code folks that's on your screen right now or click the link that's on your phone or on your um on your tablet on chat there's a link there as well so there's two ways to do it you don't have to use the QR code you can hit that link uh it'll take you straight to the page just so you can sort of like you know oh bloody I never thought that you know uh if you if your kid's got an e-scooter or something like that you know you need to think about things like that never charge them never leave them on charge overnight that's one thing you don't do and don't leave them in like a garage [Music] starting his number two I don't know if you heard that thing he's starting his number two on the roll um it's crazy in it just from there from down there up to here starting is number two late it um saves a shed load of um of fuel um you consider the number of flights that these things do okay watch for the uh Dreamliner tilt hello she is to the ground [Music] there it is that is a crazy wing profile in it always remember seeing it for the first time funky shot always remember seeing it for the first time well mate don't be shy Stephen Billings yes indeed 7.8 on the um 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Anchorage last night um was it Miami where was it I was and and I felt I was Japan wouldn't it I felt a uh a tremor crazy man it was crazy middle of the night whole bleeding the whole bed everything shook very very momentarily I have to say but uh just goes to show didn't it I think um an aircraft also aborted a landing as well into Anchorage yesterday ATC were uh go around go around go around because obviously you don't want to be landing when old bleeding ground shaking do you like really wow they would like to inspect the runway yeah most definitely [Music] a big old lump I know I've mentioned it many times but there's a lot of people on the on the feed right now who have never heard me mention it about the A380 Flight Deck um it is the only one I mean a 767 and the 757 have one little step up and one little step down into the flight deck um but these guys have got a uh got two steps well on the B A Jets anyway uh there's different configurations uh uh Eddie had for example oh sorry Emirates for example um it's uh it's it's steps as well but it's either side and it sorts offset from the center whereas the um very clever way of utilizing the space around the flight deck I have to say uh on the Emirates 380s but these guys have got um a simple uh set of steps which is brilliant man it's like a you know um it's like visiting your granny uh not I'm saying that everyone's granny lives in a um terraced house or something like that yeah with a big still you know but hey oh God oh hello yeah yeah yeah yeah um but uh yeah it's um [Music] it's a very interesting sort of like you know wow don't think of it you know some of you just don't think of you think that you'd walk straight into the flight day like you do on most conventional hero plays um but no these guys have a step um but I would you know it would it would be kind of cool to put like a number 34 on the on the door and you know a doorbell dude check your ring brand new man you've got startups Christopher Moore very warm welcome to YouTube [Music] next week if you fancy a bit of it um maybe plan it into your schedule on Wednesday live from the Airbus manufacturing lines to lose where we get a we're a great vantage point where we get to see aircraft in different different phases of manufacture or assembly should I say Canadians in the house the Norway let's speak to Canada [Music] oh yeah it's a great shots man some great funky shots nice latam triple is that maybe who was making all the noise you've got a big smile on his face foreign Stewart I see four steps to refer for the 380 yeah you're right um um ablutions uh either side um when you walk up those steps actually right hand side turn left there's a step there's step there's a it is four steps he's right um but not into the flight deck up to the toilets yeah [Music] [Music] wow look how dirty our tail is man it's an old triple sound that's gonna be 20. it's gonna be in the 20 year olds in it something like that oh excellent somebody's saying that the XLR should be out testing on Wednesday uh 321 XLR that is the extra long range goes from Rome to New York I think it is well manufacturing the 321 at Toulouse now aren't they taking up the old 380 plant [Music] yeah we'll uh we'll get that uh we'll get that push out of the way folks don't you worry about it we're not going to cut it down we're going to move our position here um of course it's my first time up here today so in terms of positioning uh I'm I'm cordoned off at the moment so I can't move anywhere um obviously for ill for safety reasons um but uh but when we uh when we come back we will obviously um revise our position so that we can maximize the the view in terms of the runway Runway another ba triple seven hand now wait look at this big old lump look that's the bit foreign [Music] temperatures in Italy right now as well that was low man that was low we'll get those lamp posts out in the shot don't you worry about it folks okay it's got the speed tape on his engine that is a that is that is a a temporary fix not not doesn't you know give people a lot of confidence but it's very very safe it's not like you know um that speed type is literally as it says it is very very adhesive and very um uh can put up with high speeds it's not like the tape that like that the wind's going to get up underneath it and rip it off uh they use it on Formula One cars uh they use it on um aircraft um as a a temporary fix until she's in service and they've got the uh the relative uh parts that they need but it's very very safe indeed Tony Haynes the United Dreamliner was heavy girl grab 97 beautiful shots Jerry king of airplanes e like a craft of 1973 I'm completely I think how many passengers on each aircraft that takes off yeah the guys at finnair um telling us how how valuable that uh that uh that footage was that we shot yesterday of the thin air 320 touchdown um because it just obviously can go back uh in the in the training procedures and also uh they can also oh let's just let this one sing 200 pounder roll [Music] listen to her the 7674 is powered by CF6 engines on Delta Airlines Jets Scott saying uh been set on the apron awaiting a PMI when they fixed the outer Wing slash engine cow with speed tape yeah oh we've got two 380s folks for the price of one nice United triple seven [Music] Wrecking [Music] I love the way they're just running on the lane yeah of course as well as the uh pretty lovely if you could hit the like button folks make sure you subscribe to the channel as well like I say over 3 000 subscribers yesterday um was pretty hectic I have to say and um sorry it came out quick [Music] big old three-story building with wings his three stories really when you consider you've got the belly of the aircraft can actually uh consider that is a as a story then you've got the um the lower deck and then the upper deck certainly his eyes are two-story three-story building in it still closing the gear doors there they go it's like she's coming your way GP is that joburg bound or something she's off to Dubai right look at that effortless turn isn't that beautiful man you've got to appreciate that big airplane [Music] what what the initial uh when Airbus announced the 380 program I wonder what the initial thoughts are with Bowie though oh man don't worry about that we tried all that that'll never work um the reason why they um why they uh ditched the program for the 747 double decker original design was because they couldn't Evacuate the passengers in under 90 seconds or within that 90 seconds so they um ditched it for a single Deck with the uh front upper deck and they had to keep that well I'll say the upper deck they had to keep that uh that um that design the fairing um behind the flight deck because the aircraft had already been designed with the flight deck up that high so they couldn't just sort of like Square it off they had to put fairing on it and luckily that fairy turned into a more passage of space let's have a did the 100s have an exit door on the top deck I seem to have called it all the classic 747s passengers went in through the uh through the lower l1s and l2s and then went up the spiral staircase staircase but I might be wrong there um TCB uh Felicia here She's So Graceful in the sky beautiful shot Felicia thank you Tim Rotunda Dave Nalley John Merton hit that like button folks if you want it don't feel obliged you hacked and the 12 was the first design for the double decker aircraft no one was interested in time yes he's absolutely right it was with Donald Douglas wasn't it forgot about that funky time for the big boy what's the rudder folks pilot maintains the aircraft down the center line or as close as they can split Runner assembly on the 380. [Music] get that big gear up again carrying it off to the right look at that man that's insane might as well get it into the turn wait for the gear to close up and then uh turn that thing left or luckily I just got a message from easyJet it's live from flying from Gatwick this time down to Toulouse folks gonna try it out um on easyJet yeah kind of gave up on ba unfortunately we love you ba but um [Music] [Music] yeah wasn't it what was the flight down to Toulouse crazy price on ba it was over 500 quid when it went all was said and done and um as opposed to what off price for uh easyJet um great place to visit if you ever get the opportunity folks uh down at Toulouse they've got their Museum down there of course which is very very interesting I've got a 380 that you can go on board the Old Concord they've got Caravel parked up in there they're indoors they've got the old guppy um the old remember the old guppy based on a DC4 platform I think with the old um the old uh Turbo problems DC side dc7 maybe um I think they were actually anyway um but it's amazing because the door is at the the the whole nose section of the uh of the Guppies unhinged we beat we walked around it before um I don't know where you'd have to search but um Tony Hayes the wind's like well Tony 30 mile an hour wow was low man that's a long departure deep angle of attack there as well gonna get some great blue fish in the Autumn winter folks we all love our flu feature here great atmospherics coming off the wings oh gonna get a bit now maybe is there a little bit of moisture in here everywhere I look around moisture in the air every Satan every sound it's a little bit too warm I think you should go come in or going to maintenance mate 339 now you can see that wing tip ladies and gents did start clear bear like Claire thank you thank you Billy so let's just scroll through this great to have you company hope you're doing well [Music] wow see the vortex just about over the way created by that Vortex generators the Splitters on the uh on the engine cows usually mainly on the inside of the engine um I think the lead engine has gone inner and outer Splitters just about see the splitter on the inside there of that of that engine see now that wingtip you look at that aircraft head-on and it looks like um a beautifully curved weight tip but look at these ergonomics of that wingtip isn't it uh kind of looks odd doesn't it why not Dreamliner [Music] that's a tense you'll have a tilt on the carriage as well might miss it because of the tree the Tilt actuator I think it is the tilt Norman Stanley Fletcher probably fits him it's interesting to see how much distance is covered by the 380. uh once the nose wheel lifts from the tarmac until the main gear lift yeah it's a big old unit to bring up isn't it you've got a bit of lag when you pull that when you pull that lever uh probably takes a couple of seconds before the whole system starts whirring into action you know Hydraulics start to move all the power starts lifting that big undercarriage and uh overall you're talking about 35 tons ladies and gentlemen it is 1500 hours now what's going on standby standby GP foreign thank you okay folks right now here we go then um okay we have got our first arrival of the day um into this Runway and here we go different angle all together now this is going to be interesting because we it's a shame it's not wet I have to say coming up on I've been through the shed effect now hitting a little bit of turbulent air as the uh the winds Rush up through that gap between the uh between the sheds easy son oh yeah this is going to be pretty spectacular man okay they're moving look at that did you see that wow of course sometimes you need to consider when they hit those reverses and they hit the brakes sometimes with the wind it's also you know it's a it's a balancing act in it in terms of um getting the aircrafts maintaining a straight line whilst everything else is going on but this is a great position man the old um a kite having a little look look at the wing being bird of preyish [Music] already no time to hang around um the boys and girls from the operations teams have done their Runway inspection oh look it's thin air look easy yeah once they're on the ground it's not a case of like all right that's it it's nice and easy now it's not far from it it's got a uh if you've got any type of crosswind element built into the landing um it's quite uh you're battling it once it's on the ground as well get that big Lurch left and right that we're used to as passengers but um Anthony yesterday on um on one of my messages mentioning how uh people don't appreciate I'm sure they do appreciate but it's it's difficult to appreciate it by looking at the video um just how um aggressive it is with the um with the approach when you're even two miles out I know what he's talking about because you get that weak flexing you see all the um especially if you're sitting there as a passenger have the anchor Streamliner this could make some noise none whatsoever wow not at all doors are open but no one's own no reverse or action required there still brakes and uh ground spoilers over the wing thank you there's your exit right there look at that exit around there how cool is that yeah we will move the post folks at some point header brakes okay no reverses used doubted it's discrepancy of the uh of the crew themselves the pilots whether or not they need reverse thrust um obviously with the uh conditions he's uneasy that's the shed effect right there he's just hit the shed effect there I don't like this does he sink right sink right oh easy son nicely executed sorry that was the wind catching me there wow jump on the reverses here we go old school sound love that Cafe Pacific 747 one hour ladies and gentlemen count it down it's gonna be awesome Singapore 380 also inbound ATR 42 that's a sort of like zoom out a little bit just to get uh oh oh oh close to a little bit of oscillation there yeah we're talking about Saturday all in a day's work mate see the sliders that's a cold air not hot air from the edges it's a cold air from the front fan blades uh being pushed outwards although um hot um looks like very hot air doesn't it when it comes out is am I right in there Cold Stream I think it's a cold stream system is what it's otherwise known as but it's there when I look in your eyes foreign your uh your footage from your from your Landings yesterday bear with us we will uh be able to get that out obviously if you are a pilot and you want us to clip get a clip of your um it's very easy actually I mean come on man you're a pilot yeah it should not have worked electronic equipment you know screen record on your phone if you know what time okay it is as simple as that if you know what time you came in uh uh basically go to YouTube you know what time you came in make sure you select 1080P or highest quality you can 720 um whatever um and um all you do is squeak find it find it find the time on the screen which is bottom left um obviously yesterday um we had those issues so we couldn't do it then first and second part but not the third part uh so if you landed in the third part then obviously you know we'd be happy to help you out well either way but it's it's just it is quite interesting quite funny that somebody who's who's got all those qualifications all that sophistication and knowledge and capability of flying a bleeding airplane um but um yeah it's very very simple uh on an iPhone scroll yeah yeah no no no no no it's it's yeah it's not it is nice to ask but um you you are more than welcome folks anybody who wants to use after teaching you're more than welcome you don't have to ask obviously don't you know it's it's a bit cheeky when somebody Nicks it and uses it for their own um you know people generally tend to ask but uh yeah I'm landing okay yeah scroll down um pull your screen down if you're on an iPhone you've got the little record button there hit the record button turn it sideways um screen recorder and then you can edit it can't you as well so you can cut the front bit off coming from the back bit off you've got an editing system on your phone uh but yeah we're always more than happy to do it for you um it's so it's our it's our pleasure to do it for you because obviously you bring us this entertainment um you guys you Pilots um and it's and it's and we're honored when you ask us as well I think bottom of our hordes let's just get this foreign little bit of housekeeping thank you once again to the London fire brigade the lfb they are a blue Watcher downstairs big shout out to all our friends on Blue watch looking after the station today and looking after uh everybody's safety call out could happen at any time folks if it does uh then I have to um leave the roof um while these guys are out on call um so let's um let's hope that everybody's sensible and that's the critical that's the key thing um and you know that link um and the QR code whichever way you want to get there and get to that page uh it's great information lots of people already feeding back about you know I had no idea about e-scooters charging things I've got uh all sorts of things that I have to charge easy sun easy easy touchdown once twice through terms touchdown so for the price I want some it's a disembarked airplane uh I for one have got a lot of electrical equipment that needs to be charged v-lock batteries microphones charger um there we go lots of people talking about uh the landing of the cafe pacific 350 yesterday they uh [Music] that was the swing whoa easy [Laughter] oh my goodness me I don't know I don't know man [Music] in the wind uh sorry in the rain when the runways wet folks are going to get to see how those reversers um work wow that was pretty crazy man that was a pretty crazy touchdown do get to see that quite sometimes when there's a crosswind element in it when the aircraft's on the ground and you get if the wing lifts ever so slightly quite easily uh getting updraft um or across sort of you know thing a um yeah sort of like a windshear almost this is uh reality here 38 length to seven right terrible accent sorry got that one nailed down haven't they oh Crown effect s swing when they say wow Comet knows [Music] nice good look at that roll Jordanian Livery Now ladies and gents okay fly me better turn yourself I'm gonna flipping London taxi wow yeah all I would say um kind of makes sense didn't it never charge never charge your batteries um if you're charging stuff generally tend to do it during the day when you're able to keep an eye on stuff and you know because you never know wow you see the lift coming off those wings always could be open it up open it up no just going to run it on the brakes I think uh Barbosa is a brand new member welcome Jesse I hope I pronounced that right Avro Arrow has gifted a picture Deborah Davies never buy cheap battery chargers could be the most expensive purchase of your life yeah never skip that's a great Point actually never skimp on on on anything that's electrical um always make sure you buy from a reputable uh source the heavier the better I find in terms of you know products should I say American Jews starting up distance it's like the whale cry number one gift in the picture TV events and JoJo triples mjld is a brand new member Steve oddie Iran air 334th out thank you Steve and there she is foreign thank you wow wow how efficient that aircraft is in terms of its braking power all of Ba's Fleet switching from i-8e engines to the new revised cfm56 engine which is the leap engine you see the splitter there give that arrow-shaped wing-shaped Splitter on the side of the engine two of those on there on each engine Leading Edge Aviation propulsion foreign [Music] shut down ASAP burn as little fuel as possible one of those engines will be shut down very quickly um for whatever reason political reasons I believe uh Iran air are unable to fuel up here at London Heathrow so having to fly that aircraft um from uh Tehran I think it is is it Terror hmm uh and back uh without refueling all right is a Real Testament oh hello what's going on here on uh we had a little bit of a era Mexico this could make a noise oh [Music] weighs a little bit of a certainly for us now when we hear the sirens oh these fire units seem to be heading towards the end of terminal five Bosh oh oh man you really get to see the swing here don't you thinned out give it a clout yeah on the oranges Apple [Music] cockles and muscles yeah would you like it so far we don't know Sam Hathaway Omar [Music] trumps [Music] yeah albeit for me to want to um [Music] buddy 300 CEO [Music] we're on our way that's not them I normally uh tell the uh the siren of a cool rexa that's that's a vehicle I believe [Music] it's a great shot in it [Music] click that and it comes to the stop though it's amazing but it doesn't surprise you when you know how powerful the braking system is on these things no reverse um Power used there from the engines even though the doors are open oh they're opened for precautionary reasons of course Safety First you've got those blooming great big um speed brakes you've got over the week there and those coupled with the uh with the with the wheel brakes there's a lot of power there man let's put your put your hand out the window of a moving vehicle be careful obviously do it carefully and responsibly not when you're 70 miles an hour down the motorway even at 30 mile an hour is uh it is something that you can see or feel when you pitch pitch your hand um on like like um tweak it on your wrist tweak your hand on your wrist up and down like a flap uh and you will feel the the air get underneath it uh and send it upwards and then downwards if you if you turn it left uh anti-clockwise and then turn it clockwise it'll climb like an elevator um him down sorry 380 two out after this one folks get ready what's that GP oh there we go sorry not divided [Laughter] this is the Slinger it's the Slinger next or is it an Emirates gym she's hanging in the air it's your cameras folks here she comes thank you ah she's gonna make a noise I'm sure she is man all that forward inertia [Music] yeah Make some noise for the A380 let's say the uh the winds are uh the Cambridge to the Cambridge north of me oh okay all right oh Fenway Park here I've got you yeah oh yeah I know these guys at the uh these guys at the fire service of um you know got all where um there's stuff laid out in terms of uh safety and um so they're all from time to time things that you you don't think of you know uh now look at that that's the that's the um emergency slide uh that's obviously been for a service and the panel's been replaced yeah um but you know you just need to sort of like when you're buying things make sure you buy things that are that are you know uh you know I the guys that you see at the gas stations you know the the motorways service stations they've got all the funky stuff to sell you know all that kind of you know phone cases and all that I guess that's one thing but I would never buy an electrical item from uh from for especially one that's um that needs charging you know um I don't want to do anyone out of business on honestly I don't folks but you know uh in general you know everything that's sold in certain places like retail shops uh and good retail shops that is uh have to go through uh health and safety checks and safety Meat Safety standards you know for your Electric electrical Goods Army really war on Earth really well speech to their own but I find that most surprising I find that most of somebody to say that they wouldn't get on an A380 if you paid them a million dollars you rock up with a suitcase billion oh my good gold really very easy yeah yeah last time you heard of an A380 incident they got all you know like the Qantas 380 with the engine that was an engine uh that was an engine issue not nothing to do with the structure of the aircraft so it's an engine issue let's remember uh and um um just goes to show the uh the competence and the and the professionalism of the uh of the flight crew being able to bring that aircraft down on three engines um but also uh with so much of the aircraft um going to sleep really but it was like you know all the parameters were uh were shutting down we didn't have this and we didn't have that Hydraulics to this and electrical feed to that um but they managed to troubleshoot everything and get the aircraft down on the ground safely um so really in terms of uh if it's um record the a380's got an unblemished record in it I mean obviously you know every aircraft that we see you know they've all had um technical issues but in terms of um you know just show him in the A380 or not you know anyway whatever um there you go help him to go on a plane that bit really really thinking about that man hate to go on a plane that big or it's no longer than an a350 it's just double decker and it's very very safe anyway um fully appreciate that as well in terms of you know if somebody has a fear of flying on a specific type of aircon so it's completely understandable the Skylark this year at Heathrow wow it is fun it is it is a beautiful airplane to fly literally out flying on a bleeding carpet yeah you're asking a little bit too much of the camera to catch an aircraft over Bryce Norton oh mind you overprize uh oh no no sorry uh uh arthritis surprising someone a long way away no problem sorry no yeah hit that QR code if you're just joining us folks if you could QR code is there for you and don't matter where you are in the world even though this is related to the London fire brigade um you know fire safety and um safety in general around the house and around the office and uh wherever uh is relative wherever you are in the world so far we can help out in any way in terms of like advice on um you know things that you maybe didn't think of portable charger I wouldn't buy anything like that other than from a reputable source that's why we get literally 99.9 of all our electrical goods come from Amazon because they are uh you know you can go back to them if there's a problem um you can read feedback on them as well you get to see uh you know what other people's thoughts are on it utilizing it um I never buy anything with any that has anything less than four and a half stars and a lot of feedback as well so power banks are a big thing for us great thing is with this position here we get to see the whole run out foreign lots of carbon components all those speed brakes all the flaps what's this in China it's one of the China carries in it self this could make a bird noise wow oh that white transfer [Music] [Music] very smart she looks very smart doesn't she now getting their taxi instructions before they start to reconfigure the aircraft get the flaps up speed brakes down fire up the Apu as well well maybe not depending on how long a stop is going to be here for but we're going to put that thing straight to gate and uh so once they're once they've got those that configured and there we go speed breaks down flaps will now start to uh rise up and there they go Leading Edge slats already uh those beautiful canoes as we call them see the canoes there uh housing the Hydraulics the height the the screws not talking about prison guards that are prison guards hiding in there um now the height the uh the screw systems that's uh powered by uh electrical motors that wind the flaps down some of the uh some of the systems using hydraulic Rams um the uh speed brakes the other Wing overwing speed brakes generally are hydraulically operating because they have to come up quick whereas the flaps are um you know controlled in different um parameters flat one two three and four um different degrees depends on whether you're on a Boeing or or an Airbus the Eastwood very clean China Southern TCC getting those big flat feet down aren't they uh David Rutherford Terminal 5 is down to my right sir there it is uh we're sort of um I think a lot of people do that anything to distract you from uh doing that little bit of gardening or the polishing a cafe cargo 747 due in 30 minutes sailor Mike thank you sailor Mike let's get it to number one folks in fact to be honest with you you don't even have to try to right all the aircraft up to the 747 we believe we've got did you say the Emirates um Expo um what before or after so it's before the oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I was talking like I literally I mean it's not um but by the time we get to that 26 to 50 it's only another 20 odd minutes in it so we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna hang around for that uh A380 the Expo 380 as well folks Mikoto um Philip Jones TCC they just need to consult roles what's called above my house okay Rolls-Royce the original um sorry folks new position it's getting um overwhelmed with stuff going on in front of me I need to make sure I keep an eye to my left um yeah the original Rolls Royce I believe used um a uh it's um the uh suspension system French suspension suspension wasn't it nobody old um it wasn't a ring what was it it was the uh you know that big soft great big egg car um oh blimey I should know I should know I've seen a few um fish let's see it all connections Citroen Citroen the big Citron whatever it's called Uh Rolls-Royce used Citron suspension in their original cars developed something out themselves floating on air those things air suspension I think it was 330. primitive form of air suspension suspension on their undercarriage much like your uh no springs mainly all hydraulic and air I believe oil and air mixture within their uh suspension systems maybe some Springs in there somewhere but generally the main suspension in itself uh is taken up using um air and oil I think far easier to tune than it is high and low speed rebound and compression as well of course compression is the big part here you have a low speed a high speed compression wanted to rebound relatively slowly you don't want it to be bouncy otherwise no don't tell me they've turned around already Corner turned around already mate she's not still circulating is she that Iran agent as in like on the ground maybe she landed about 20 minutes ago oh okay oh was she oh just wait for a gate then just waiting for a gate yeah oh look at that CF thank you CF has gifted 10 big jet TV memberships what a lovely thing to do what what a what a great generous bunch of people you are uh have that ability to be able to do it so it's a lovely thing to know that you're sort of like just giving back to the community the aviation community we've got devil fish salamide Air France 220 and 10 minutes Swiss 220 in an hour they're boxing 220 45 minutes uh for all year 220 Geeks Lord Kinko sailor Mike sorry thanks so much turn around turn around [Music] every now and then I fall apart sorry uh here now the Iran airtail looks like the Air France Pegasus yes it's right here in fact it almost is isn't it and Deborah Davies yeah she'll be running on uh yeah she'll be running on one engine that's for sure she wouldn't have been circulating um on on two but I would have probably told ATC please um please remember we can't fuel up here so we're low on fuel reserves as it is oh oh we'll go around attack uh is pilot induced check out not happy with the approach for whatever reason too high too low probably too high I would have thought blind slightly [Music] ah First Turn Around from the lfb ladies and gentlemen there you go whippy smoked around before we had died yes that's right so uh the following aircraft would have been that pilot that's just gone around would have fed the information back to the to the following aircraft or to the ATC who would then pass the information onto the uh the aircraft behind them just be aware at 100 feet uh turbulent air whatever blah blah blah I think that was a shed effect um go around Uzbekistan nice let's see it's a good looking jet look at these folks green Underside I don't know if you can see that on my monitor it looks very dark but it's a green understood great colors great color combination love that negative group laughs oh yeah that shed effects really coming into play now that's what we like swing it foreign happy triple seven place these uh these Jets again like I say very sophisticated they have a system called Break to vacate as well where the Auto brakes come into play when a pilot's literally just sitting there and monitor everything um making slight adjustments to the rudder as well of course but uh the auto brake system so they basically say right we want that exit there which is what is that Alpha 10 foxtrot or whatever um is that the is that foxtrot the um the taxiway and Alpha 10 is possibly the um the exit point but you put that into the flight management system and it will the system will break the aircraft uh as it will break in those Trends humming she's waiting for a gate could be sitting there for a bit Vietnam Airlines this is a great delivery folks check this out Crow's doing a bit of playing spotting that great opportunity nice great Vantage Point here gotta say a massive thank you to John really because uh you know these guys they invited us up here folks and um you know it's not something you could um set up and arrange in five minutes it's uh it's quite been a quite a long-winded um exercise as it always is you know when you're doing something like this and um a huge shout out to John um for helping us out bringing us up here getting us up here doing the doing the um safety checks kind of stuff that we everyone has to do they are engine starting it's actually start foreign props [Music] of course a big shout out to all our friends at Blue watch downstairs looking after the place John Jones Chris J Rex and Manny on Blue watch today thank you guys for uh for looking after us and for uh basically looking after everyone around you uh next time you head off to bed or you're heading out somewhere and you've got something left on charge then you know what um if you're gonna leave it on charge and you've got a garage or something where you've got a concrete floor and you know then you know just be just be very mindful of where you're charging things up um and also uh don't you know it's always better to do it when you're in the house isn't it you know um because then you're uh then if if anything was to happen at least you could be there to to deal with it um rather than coming home and the place is uh is a it's a bit compensation use that thing being in between your ears and God gave you mom and dad um but yeah it's uh oh it's turned around thank you every day not good idea but I do a straight mirror on uh I'll be up and down like a lot yo yo same Gray there you go there she comes oh [Music] Greg on Twitter how are you doing hello tool now friends on Twitter and follow us on Twitter folks very simple very simple indeed a big jet TV is the uh Twitter account um but also uh make sure you subscribe to the channel as well folks and I keep our opinion on about it but it just means that you if if you've been missing out on all the fun um as a lot of people do don't miss out on it make sure that you keep up to date with what we're doing interesting to see that uh the rudder you can see there the rudder that's cranked over to the left that's because the um that is because the hydraulic system has been um has been drained out of the uh of the systems because I know it's a lot of electrical stuff going on on the Dreamliner but I think it's a hydraulically operated the uh the actuators the actual arms the the control systems that uh um move the rudder assembly and the reason why it's cranked over like that is because it has no force acting on it so as to uh minimize any stress on the components easy um yeah so you can see that on that you can see it on the latam jet as well uh split well not fully split but you can see now that's the trim um that's the trim on the rudder there you see that's that that uh short section segment at the bottom that's the trim for the rudder um a Boeing thing uh well I don't think they've got a trim on me I think it's because it's such a big tail that they have the trim on the um on the uh on the triple seven I think so certainly got a split Runner assembly on the 747. and a Northwest Orion 747 was very fortunate many many years ago when they had a hard over Rudder uh failure upper segment I think was the upper segment was the part that stayed in power it's a bit like well one thing you don't want to be doing using in Flight is your rudder see it cross in the air everything's used um elevators for pitch and the uh high and low speed ailerons on the wings for your left and right laboratory is generally needed to use them to keep the aircraft in a straight line used during Landings and also uh early part of the takeoff once she's airborne very little Rudder input the Weaver s Scott's side let's get CX7 to number one come on folks you can do it very easy to do it within five minutes I didn't do it yet she's still not due in for another 30 is she I was just seven out right good looking airplane that in it that Neo see what amazing how amazing it looks with the uh with the the windshield uh blacked out not blacked out but just the the outline of it a bit like I'm a mascara in it sort of takes out the hard lines of the uh of the cockpit assembly she's at number 10 she's at number 10. come first you can do it so easy sound easy bro we might have a little bit of an see some some Pilots are unfazed by water that's a big sink crate in it some Pilots are unfazed by the older the windy conditions others are possibly a little bit unsure or uh you know that's what you get trained for sometimes they might need to go back into the Sim do a little bit more line training or uh just to uh every six months I think they get checked up every six months that's why these simulated schools are just so uh or simple centers should I say very very busy permanently uh 24 7 365 folks the folks at Avion uh that we're going to be visiting with the 321 um Neo flights it can be configured for a CEO as well but very rarely asked to do that uh a220 Air France or air Baltic one of the two foreign that's a great cockpit in it a spaceship esque also give a while we can give a big shout out to our friends at the comms teams at London Heathrow um where are you at about rear door open on a um passengers alike might be have a um maybe doing that especially for a disabled passenger maybe I don't know oh easy easy I think he was swinging it there wow looks quite violent doesn't it actually's gonna get very much so to be honest a little bit now Trent tract number one hopefully at least have we stuffed over the down the B-52 have we done the B-52 GP I thought it was the okay okay all right yeah wow that is just such a crazy shot that all that forward inertia once she's down on the ground she becomes a vehicle as opposed to the hello play oh yeah somebody on Twitter asking if there's a oh my God draw your eyes mate uh somebody's saying is there an aircraft in the ba hanger but it's tail um covered up no um it's just because it has all that working platform surrounding it um which gives you that impression that it's uh it's perhaps covered up but it's not it's just the uh inspection platforms as you can see one left one right um for uh work for the workers to uh for the engineers to access uh certain parts of the aircraft horizontal and vertical stabilizer this is a Max look out for the um max range of merchandising coming folks not long now if you're a big Max fan all the max aircraft running the leap engine only the Boeing of course running the um scalloped cowl which was a bit of a waste of time really in terms of its design and development oh she's at number three well done folks we're kind of up against it with um the B-52 The Love Shack Captain Ron Cafe 747 four out and there she is Roger that geared down already look on the jumbo head out on the highway The Love Shack is a little old place where we can get together Love Shack baby the NG in it 737 800 possible it's got the uh pre-max swing Network I'll tell you what will be interesting that we might get to here all the way down here folks that you don't get to hear very often is the um the systems that shut the operate the um the Leading Edge slats on the jumbo chair is um is actually uh air controlled it's an air system and um might get to hear that hopefully you will as the pilots reconfigure the aircraft for the ground all the uh pull the slats up get your slaps that son yeah it's a very um it's a very unique sound to the uh 747 the sound of the slats being retracted what's up oh a lot sending the Dreamliner today wow that's uh that's very different normally they're 737 yesterday it was there in Brea wasn't it is there a erj-175 or 95 foreign wash cry beautiful airplane coming in hot snail for those slats oh you know what you know what I didn't notice there but something that you would have seen would be the inboard slat um actually closes when uh when the aircraft touches down if it's a systems automatically oh it's a show we missed it I missed it but if you play it back you might see it um not actually seen that before now listen slats are still extending it's still extended and partially it's interesting Hawaii taxi instructions it's the noise foreign [Music] didn't hear it I said geez [Music] Ellis chernoff actuators our air Motors thank you Alex I love all the discussion on listening to agency in the UK was in the US yes you can see uh you can buy uh you could you can buy a air van radios here as well in the in the UK uh it's a very gray area uh we don't listen to it because it's illegal to broadcast it live uh that's all you need to know really other than that you can knock yourself out you know listen to it as much as you like um because you know they can't police it and uh they can't even police us doing it live if if they wanted to but you just make enemy do not make enemies but they just wouldn't respect you would they um regardless of what people say it's illegal and there's no one that controls it uh definitely not of com it's air traffic control of com is about uh is about uh TV and radio nothing to do with air traffic control um nothing was stupid or something but um yeah um it is uh ATC uh sorry it's Nats that we uh generally deal we've got a great relationship with the air traffic control folks here in the UK and uh but we prefer to stay on the right side of them if you ever want to do anything with them um and you and you and you you make them angry then uh or don't respect them uh then uh they're not going to give any respect to you are they um I'm going to treat you like a an idiot now Phil Sky good night to you John M I love my planes man I love my place what a shot Bobby Fitzsimmons 30 million dollars for a GE 90. hey okay got a light out mate thank you it's not working mates and anyway even if we could do it legally to be honest with you folks I would only use it in certain segments uh for a special aircraft or something you know um because it can interfere with what we're trying to do you know in terms of um you know chatting with you guys I don't want someone over me you know even if it is quite cool but if you've got a like that jumbo for instance that just landed we would have switched it on for that but I always found right from back in the back in the early days of big jet TV when I used to do uh ATC um the um it was it was very squelchy it was either squelchy um with air traffic control or squelching with the pilots one of the two and it was never it was always I was always toying with it playing around stop playing with it um leave it alone get worse if you keep playing with it um which you think to be honest with you okay folks we are waiting the Emirates 380. how far away Julie did you say sorry meter see if I can get a close-up look at the um graphics on this plane it's more on the tail actually see there see the design there can you see that a European carrier going all Airbus um hey is that it there is that it there I know it's United sorry there's lots of streamline to come in here actually is that what is it's on the way is it it's on the ground isn't it oh okay we're going to uh okay folks can we please um um give a big thumbs up to all our friends at Blue watch here at the lfb London fire brigade again um if you're watching on replay um hello uh where were ya and um no um if you're watching on replay then um you know you would have heard all the words that we were talking about earlier on in terms of uh you know um great relationship that we've already struck up with our friends at the London fire brigade always always you know giving them big props anyway in terms of you know how hard they were the Emergency Services right across the ball anyway but um but yeah these folks are very kindly invited us up here um to come and film and um we wanted to obviously know a way that we could return the favor and uh fortunately we've managed to do that with that um that that QR code that you've got on the screen you could hit that and take you straight to the um safety page that way you can read up on some stuff that's you know blatantly obvious but other stuff that's like yeah you know what I didn't think it really helped someone in terms of charging their e-scooter because when those batteries Catch Fire mate uh there's very little chance of stopping it um so you need to you need to be very uh very careful how you store those things and uh where and how and when you charge them uh use the all the official use the official charging unit as well don't try and use some um dodgy um secondhand one or uh one that's not specific to the uh because you have to have all the different charging parameters edening has upgraded to First Class membership thank you Vicky great to see you and uh cashier number four is a new member to pick jet Tails wondering when cashier number four would uh I have been asking them uh for quite some time someone is obviously watching for a while in it straight down the middle radome replaced so obviously with this um one one two one [Music] oh proxy Simmons Thank You London fire brigade you turn back up once to my mum's address because she thought she'd had regrets be careful yeah you don't want to be calling a fire brigade because you think you saw a rat for good so yeah it's wasting time folks go um rspca or a rat catcher or something I don't know ignore it it's gone by the time they get there I call it an exterminator for something like X now me now um you don't don't be calling a fire brigade because you saw before you saw a rat I mean anyway I all do respect Claire bear is upgrading the photographs as well thank you Claire um back in the 80s was it in the kitchen by any chance yeah of course if the rat was on fire then yes yeah let's uh let's take into consideration maybe maybe it had a curry the night before I don't know you know it was um running very rapidly through the house [Music] what if the rat was on fire awesome you guys are brilliant man oh speed up for this Iberia 350. what if the rap is on fire oh man grease that must have been a slow day for them for the fire department what am I gonna do there's a rat okay don't worry love we'll fix it Steve say uh Steve's he's got a rep he knows what to do Steve [Music] hello we've got reports of Iraq squirrel rats and yeah we're now we're sort of like getting on another side of it rats do chew through cables and stuff like that course to do um but uh all right they kill everything kill everything fire fire the world's on fire well it is in a minute I'm going to fix said right that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna fix that but fix it up what's this give me he hamster Mr faulty he hamster his name is basil at 380 um making its way towards us quite soon look at the uh windscreen wiper assembly on the uh thanks mate placement panel is added a little bit of a ding and eat it's crazy how we're sort of like flimsy the 787 um wiper assembly looks as opposed to the uh the 350 and not having any preference or an earlier it's all folks oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah please ignore that last remark folks standing on a fire fire station roof and uh shouting fires uh yeah where's John gone hold on a minute where's everyone go where's all that water coming from and she is there she comes folks we haven't seen this uh we haven't seen this one for a while have we the um the Expo the big Expo blue well Monty colored it this aristana they had a bit of fun yesterday at this the one I called on the phone right now [Music] thank you bless it's gonna be great when we come back here in the rain folks get to see the reverse her action something hammering out of the Southern get to see that uh another air Baltic on behalf of um Euro wings I think these are airport Jets they must have some uh some of their Jets off the line being going through maintenance or whatever Euro Wings I'd imagine well they're sort of like uh the uh I'd imagine wet leasing these Jets otherwise of course they'd have to type rate their Crews onto the a220 which won't be very difficult let's be honest wings um assembled in Dublin uh in Ireland I think assembled in uh [Music] yeah this is gonna be good in the wet height if when why why have you got rid of West Indies then boys okay here we go big boy the beast from the East ER thank you oh my goodness me is this going to be somewhere to film in the wet man zero nines or 27s it doesn't matter it's gonna be awesome mate where others Run for the hills when the rain starts what does old Jeremiah do gets on with it films folks thank you so much it has been wonderful thank you um yeah uh thanks to everybody who's been part of this amazing show today thank you to London fire brigade John and all his crew are blue watch I nearly said Baywatch there um but uh yeah thanks mate uh we really appreciate it and uh to all our friends at the London fire brigade but also fire brigade Services throughout the country and around the world and all the Emergency Services let's not forget anyone who works in that uh in that Arena uh whether they're uh putting out a huge fire saving someone from a building or rescuing a rat even if it is on fire um what's that um yeah folks thank you so much thanks Julie once again um thanks to everybody who's got gold welcome to it did we hit 350 000 GP we're not far off it anyway um on your way out hit that like button if you would please folks um welcome to all our new subscribers as well uh if you're watching on replay I hope you enjoyed the show uh make sure you subscribe to the channel get yourselves on it and uh come and get involved next show will be in Toulouse so no free view show next week folks on Wednesday the midweek show that is of course we will be back next Sunday um but for next week's midweek show we will be in France at the Toulouse Airbus facility uh what a great time we have there always it's a quite it's a bit like a fishing trip where you're sort of like you know you're sitting there waiting for to to get a bite and then you like you know you see this uh 350 coming out at the back of the sheds down the other end and it's only got you know Sally got his tail and every on it and we don't know whether it's going on a test we don't know whether it's what it's doing uh but it's always a bit of a a mystery it's um it's uh to lose I nearly sang it I'm not gonna sing it um but uh look after yourselves thank you so much uh once again to the London fire brigade and hopefully we will be back in the future uh to bring you some zero nine arrivals which is just there at a town Zone and uh there's lots of other stuff that we're going to be getting as well thanks everybody look after sales thanks again John and always mates let's see over there uh that's it thank you [Music] look at how worn out she looks mate I might be completely wrong and uh if I am frankly you go back foreign
Channel: BIG JET TV
Views: 442,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Planespotting, Heathrow Live, Heathrow Airport, Big Jet TV, bigjettv, Bad weather, Planespotting Live, Heathrow, FLYING A PLANE, HOW TO FLY A PLANE, BOEING 747, HOW DO PLANES FLY?, AIRBUS, STORMS, WINDSHEAR, HOW DO JETS FLY?, AIRPORT, AVGEEK, AVIATION, AIRLINES, AIRLINERS, BRITISH AIRWAYS, VIRGIN ATLANTIC, CARGO, FREIGHTERS, CARGO HUB, EMA CARGO, Plane, Manchester, Airport Live, airport webcam, singapore, dubai airport, airplane landing, airplane take off, Boeing, 747, East midlands, Pilot
Id: Fi07r_S5d3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 15sec (14115 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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