I Opened A Diner With My HUsband ...but it ended in LITERAL TEARS

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there we go black cheese just cheese live blood sweat and tears hey guys I'm here with Bobby hi guys we've decided that it would be a good idea to play this game where we run a restaurant together it's gonna go great I'm pretty sure it was always your dream right yeah they'll run a restaurant together yes I think we do great we communicate very well so good definitely won't be yelling at one another nope no yelling no we're just gonna what one of us should probably be like head chef me and okay and we'll just like communicate that way you'll be you can tell me what you need me to do and I will hopefully do those things you will say yes chef right so we have never played this game before nope we don't know the controls or anything we're just gonna hope for the best that's me locked in this guy's kind of creepy he's also holding oh I thought he was holding a croissant but it's a mushroom hmm you that guy okay yeah we're so cute oh it's a tutorial god they want a burger Lauren make a burger come on oh my god I got it oh there we go and get Emily wait wait are you cooking it I'm cooking it okay tell me what to do oh we need bread bread I'll talk to her hey right man okay I guess we gotta let it cook first hi ma'am hi Yonny god I need to entertain you I will entertain you here you go ma'am oh not going you could give it to her it's Oh Oh what did you do oh you can't give it to her now it doesn't go wait you gave it to her Oh grab a plate oh wait oh I can't oh wait me me me oh my god put it down yeah but it was on the floor it's really good right she's like distance cubed distance Oh money money money money money what do you want you be the bread and plate person ah greet customers and get done wait the burgers I got the burger move here's plates it's cookin you will bring them to the customer I'll bring I'll bring them to the customers here you go sir there you go enjoy I'll get the money you get the money yeah what's this person [ __ ] Lauren I'm sorry look it's ready ready what do they want soft him talk to him oh oh oh ma'am what do you want bargain Oh done well go get the bread in the plates Oh times up we did it were the best we definitely don't look like brothers oh wait we've to buy new stuff oh god it's bigger okay plates I don't know where to put the lid here I'll put this over here oh wait I got to me going to bread with the bread Danny hang on go breathe no man put it down put it don't give it to him don't give it to him get it which one this one okay you want to burger she I don't know move don't give it to him okay okay okay I got it I'll get I'll get the money hello ma'am how is your burger delicious I will take of me go see what that person wants okay would you like man burger it's ready to go grab it uh-huh another burger it's coming hurry the burgers on the plate oh god wait I got it move move go no the burgers burning my god it's good don't you dare be wasting it gradients what do you want burger there you go oh I can come to the window yeah there we go we got 64 bucks okay we did let's go five stars we did it yay we're the best I know but I could add one more Garner bros my stuff boo tomatoes tomatoes oh no it's tomatoes for your hole we have to chop up all right combine them y'all chop you go serve customers okay hello sirmium burger holding shopping burger burger video it's not doing anything I did it good how'd you do it I was just a wild control so you gotta find what button does it for you lose got some bags the burgers really good hold on I need a regular burger and I need one no I need one with tomato Tomatoes learn to chopped tomato it's right there get it what do you mean you're the chef I I'm come out here jumpin up jumpin where's the burger I need the back do you need a tomato burger no just a regular one we need bread oh I need what would a tomato that is without for no sweat it's coming No all over the place we did it we're doing really good I mean I wouldn't say really good we've made $70 we don't enough money see we're not doing good go out you go do you go me too sir go o go yes chef hello ma'am and or sir burger with tomato hello dantdm burger this is not wait there we go get it hello ma'am burger tomato dantdm did you enjoy your food delicious it go go get it ah lady she's so rude yeah what do you want rude lady it's ready go get it so focused on this tomato I will get customers know what happened No Oh God Oh No what'd you do I grabbed the burger don't grab one more tomatoes wait yes tomatoes 1 and another tomatoes 1 Kirk oh I took the weights out them crap gatok tomato 1 hello I need it tomato 1 tomato 1 so much pressure in this game go how do we hundred and we can buy stuff you did a lot we did really good there two hundred and two dollars good that's our total that's what we have secret ooh change flavor oh that's not fair for you Oh God a lot more responsibilities all right tomato they don't want to drink thank you that's coming go it'll be ready it'll be ready fine just wait there in the red give it time what do they want it's ready coming chef Sherman there go my man here to Drake respect me what do you need a regular ok it's coming all right there right there go there you go yeah these ladies Oh God red how do I know changing gene I don't but I got what already ok here we go I need a tomato hold on it's coming guys ready ready ready go tomatoes ready go another tomato now five seconds still worry about anything else so much money yes Oh lettuce okay I gotta chop the lettuce all right you're getting more work you're right here if you have if you have free time get plates and buns okay I'm away I'm the chef this lady just wants lettuce and tomato okay I don't know why all right oh that I will plate for you you please no I don't want buns what do you need lettuce and tomato just lettuce and tomato on a plate just lettuce yes here there's the lettuce and go okay now I need lettuce and tomato on a burger hey wait I got bread there well done why is there smoke why do you keep making so many burgers all right I need a burger with just lettuce my job I am the burger man oh go there take it got it got it got it I keep grabbing the wrong step putting everything up there's so much time just salad just salad on a plate yes here it's coming without a plate wait it's coming hold on hold on plated no and lettuce I mean tomato salad sir otherwise it's just lettuce on a plate salad again salad now means lettuce and tomato okay why do they want this why do they not watch my burgers okay that I can do ready okay burger with lettuce burger with lettuce okay it's coming hold on plated go no no wait there there there's tomato burger right there go get no I got it make it work figure it out our kitchen is chaos no rainy bun you said you know I don't I need one for I need lettuce on this one lettuce lettuce on this one once you hit assume we're going right back into the Hellfire we were a burger restaurant people coming to one salad as you call it okay what sweat and tears ready I've been we call the timeout we're good to go I'm ready I'm ready to serve it's cooking sir look at your kitchen area okay what do you need burger right there ready go the controls okay seventeen seconds I need a burger with nothing on it and a burger with lettuce burger nothing on it burger with lettuce you pleaded so many burgers by themselves stop playing burgers with nothing else the food critic he's coming wait where who ok salad two salads so don't make any freaking burgers well I've already got burgers me hearty burger joint and I don't care of people like we'll start plating normal place with nothing on them you put buns on those go like that one okay another salad stop Thank You Bernard if it's another salad it might be all sounds cuz everybody's at workout outfits Bobby they're running in for food Bobby they will all want another salad Oh salads ok one bird no I can take care of that what kind of burger plane nothing is this the critic this is the critic ok Bobby could you he pushed me out of the way ok he wants a salad ready oh yes the critic wants more what does he want he wants a burger with everything on it wait what wait wait wait there that's offer it yeah good good critic Scott burger tomato done no that's lettuce tomato just tomato just tomato look at a salad no no pretty salad not patient at all no she left no our first failed customer Bobby ok oh yes this lady wanted all stuff that we already had flying around slime flying around salad here it is hurry take it he won't thank you oh we got one bad well five-star though the food critical is good we took care of the food that's all that matters quest is done you can renovate we have a counter we've uh we have more space you've earned your first star what is this it's bigger it's bigger crap that began a run further burger with everything oh my god this is worse why did we expand burger with lettuce you can come compile stuff and I can cook it oh there's another door you be the compiler I will take care of everything but the bread and the plates that'll work I don't know that we're kid who's taking care of the outside bed you go out you serve and you get and you ask at the same time oh god I need a burger lettuce and a burger with lettuce and tomato stat take it give it to him what everything no let salad I'm running this restaurant okay now I need one with everything and a salad salad I need a burger with tomato and lettuce burger with tomato and lettuce what's burning Dory burger with lettuce and tomatoes lettuce always just have salads me yeah she all God hurts go go go go it would patient person salad go at the burgers get the burgers off the girl ah construction worker new customers said construction over to five stars dominating we're doing really good bring on the challenge oh god it's a two-step process ready I'm not let us burn and fries fries are cooking yeah keep doing that that's perfect okay shut up sew it up I can't get drinks from there oh the head I'm having drinks troubles we've got the drink machine in a really hard to reach spot I didn't put it there right go go oh God I left the burger salad salad up ones up to the wrong person why is no one wanted fries I know now you've moved on for making a billion burgers to make a good ton of fries I thought that'd be like the new thing ever unwind oh crap the construction workers want more burger with tomato at burger with lettuce go salad ah crap so many people are about to leave so people eat salads up salads up get that burger with what get that 105 stars were stolen cuz we're left without pain what do it that is your responsibility you were the front of house house doesn't make a profit when you're not charging people it was really cute let him go what running shoes running shoes running shoes running shoes get the running shoes yeah yeah look at us in our efficiency now this joggers gonna want a salad ASAP burger up oh yeah wow I just gave it to him dominating one custom board sorry my they said I was pretty and I was like okay take whatever you want that's a more money let's go to it let's open up a pizza restaurant I do love pizza pizza all right I want to be a pizza pie maker I'm the same guy I am the best I'm the same guy do you want to switch you want to cook and I'll be the server sure that'll go great let's do it Oh God need wine oh no wait a minute we'll work together we'll work together wait let's no we got to switch it up I'm scared you'll be the main kitchen person but I'll help you when I can I'm scared okay murrs - cheese and tomato slices I don't know what I just white in the dough I know but I don't know what I just did with the dough I planned already it's like I put it in here and it just disappeared oh it's in there take it out why do did you need it yeah it's in there I see it how do I get it what do we do how do you bake it it's done it goes away maybe I'll put them all together and then bake it come on need it need it I'm put it together put it in I'll get the other one I'm throwing dough straight in the oven we got it man take it what are you doing so let me give it to her I'm pushing it it didn't let me give it to her nobody I was pressing the button it's just money Lauren we didn't do anything we just ran around putting dough in the oven take care of the dough okay now I know what I'm doing so hi welcome a cheese and tomato - cheese and tomato I'll get the other cheese and tomato going here you go pizza doesn't let me give it to him this is not right it's not as we sliced it this is so much more complicated give me a plate how do you divide it it's said how to divide it oh I got it that's one okay okay there we go give me apply I can't get it oh so one pizza will feed a lot of people yes there you go take it it's ready that I plate Chiefy tell you we serve anybody how many people do we serve three okay that's okay we got it we kind of got it down now you get the pizzas all chopped them put all plates here and I'll put all get the pizza go we doing the pizza going first make the pizza pie just keep going keep keep cranking out the pizzas regular I'll just call that regular for that one well that's the only type we can make right now sure that's what you want so there you go what do you need a pizza there you go hi what do you need oz me - quick assert ever sit down yeah there you go I bet you wanted pizza there you go that's all we got here you go there's your pizza there you go there's your pizza we're doing good I dropped the dough on the floor nobody on this oh there you go that's what you want give it to him give it to him damn 9 people could you imagine that happen when you were at a restaurant like they didn't like oh sorry do it time's up Vick I just could I just like have it you know you're it thumbs up you know the system you know the game plan all do plates just once you cook it throw it down I'm doing plates get away from our plates turkey oh how you doing there ma'am is that drink really good let me just oh you're in the yellow okay put it down get it get it put it down I'll take it I got it you had a chocolate Oh God you told me to put it down I'm gonna do it for you boom Oh your stupid thing like oh hey there man what can you all just the cheese pizza no problem easy there you go I didn't need a blue drink oh I got that ready for you there's that let me get your pizza here it comes yummy yummy enjoy thank you ma'am thanks for coming uh-oh it's a regular page easy peasy check that person in read what I gave it to him a blue drink I got it I got it I got it what's this this guy's crawling it's a hobo he need pizza you toe fake the pie pick the whole pie dude the pies gone the pines gone Lauren make another party according all we got a bud coming oh no what a friend hi a [ __ ] cheese pizza just we're a little behind in the kitchen they're probably not gonna pay just give us a second you know we're just we're bye to the kitchen because somebody threw the pizza into oblivion no oh no the hobo is coming back it's coming back in the kitchen I was trying to give you all the whole pizza I'm such a nice person right here just take it no need a plate just take the pizza so like I'll start making the pizza right now yep but then you should start the fries and stuff yep pepperoni pizza pepperoni pizza pepperoni pizza we need three pepperonis oh my god really what can I get for you ah pepperoni slice easy-peasy there you go lumberjack new customer wants pepperoni here's a new one what do you need they're pepper cheese we need regular cheese regular cheese regular cheese you can do it I believe and to regular cheese's what's another pepperoni and fries and cheese pizza just just cheese just cheese just cheese like why won't they be surprised oh can I have to put it all on one plate are you making just a chip say cheese tomato and tomato and tomato and here I got it just pieces wait the pizza not what happened I put in anything didn't go maybe they just want cheese on fries cheese fries yeah cheese go go go go make more pizza get a lumberjack coming pepperoni boom done uh cheese fries cheese fries cheese fries what's next sir drink okay okay cheese fries how much cheese fries up in there 30 seconds where am i cheese fries he didn't get his cheese fries hey pizza with cheese sake oh my god bread yes who's ordering just bread though just me just you Oh Newton bacon oh god we got food credit Lauren the food critic is coming so if I don't need the bread then it becomes a pepperoni pizza and bread pepperoni p.m. Brian I'm making bread take the bread out they got the bread and cheese fries I'll take care of the cheese fries we're gonna pie not pepperoni you heard me make it happen make it happen chef every now and then when you tell me to do something for a second I'm just like what do i do what do i do what do i do I'm away customer what do you want pepperoni there you want more right what do you want no pepperoni we got another order of rigor pushing the Elton John oh it's the critic what do you want cheese fries already good good good job good job oh we got another food critic need they want pepperoni pizza I got it there you go and a red drink red drink sure no problem you want that cherry drink here it comes Elton John we need regular fries those regular fries first those regular fries first get the regular fries get the regular fries get away a red drink a pepperoni so good oh this is intense now you know I love playing games let's dominate our last round let's go welcome to the new pizza place it's a bigger drop items and smack okay is it like smacking hobos no no to get them out I got the plates you get the food smack this guy oh god he's a ninja oh no I don't know what he is he's stealing stuff he's the old he stole my what did you see I don't know him I gotta get out of here I need to know where oh god if people outside what watch when is this happen cheese fries cheese fries okay too much I got a bomb in here in my way cheese fries and a red drink and more check everyone's cheese fries no one wants to eat some cheese fries go get him out there I can't I need bread i cuz I played it it by accident how do you unplayed it you can't pepperoni pizza out here and a bomb in here and fries and a blue drink [Music] I don't know how to feel about that round oh no five star four stars that's it we got a retire we're just simply not cut out for the pizza for the world pizza making alright guys well if you enjoyed Bobbie and I try to run a restaurant together yay they make sure to leave a like on this video and if enough of you like it that we can play again yep another one I don't know what other like restaurants they have but I'm sure there's Maddy as always guys make sure to subscribe if you're new the channel I put out new videos almost every single day there's always I will see you guys soon bye [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 991,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, kid friendly, family friendly, funny moments, funny overcooked, funny diner bros, worst cooks, bad cooks, worst restaurant, cooking game, diner bros, diner bros coop, overcooked, cooking coop, diner game, husband and wife, gameplay, husband vs wife, married couple, restaurant, crying, laughing, laurenzside bobby, laurenzside husband, laurenzside boyfriend, laurenzside diner bros
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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