Pregnant Woman Reacts to Pregnancy Tik Toks

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tell me this isn't the most messed up thing you've ever seen oh no this is a pregnant woman's body once the baby's head is out we got it down while mom's pushing and there you have it [Music] guys i'm not gonna lie to you today i'm feeling super pregnant take that however you want that's how i feel today nothing to worry about just some normal beautiful pregnancy symptoms like lower back pain tiredness feeling enormous going from not having to pee to feeling like i need to pee my pants there's no in between and just always being hungry always just so we're all on the same page i'm 25 weeks and also this shirt is amazing it was made for me seriously but for everyone asking for a bump update here you go i figured i'd put it into a pregnancy video so i thought what better day than to just chill out and watch some pregnancy tick-tock videos oh yeah there's the world of pregnant tik-tok and it is at the same time reassuring terrifying disgusting and hilarious and we're gonna watch some so that i can feel better about myself today because i need it first one okay so this is a tick-tock challenge known as pregnancy roulette third one where you and all your friends take a pregnancy test and throw them in a box and shake them up and pray none of you are pregnant this is a thing oh my god no no no no no no no no i just okay first of all so this is a trend on tick tock a lot of people have been using it as a funny way to tell their friends they're pregnant which i think is genius just to freak out all your friends make someone think they're pregnant when it's actually you and you just wanted to tell them but yeah whoever came up with this is amazing i just love the girl in the pink hat she's like is it me i'm gonna pass out oh i'm gonna pass out yeah we have to go get more tests turn it off uh it was the girl in the red sweater by the way we can get these four for our future baby four i'm pregnant i am nice i am oh no how it took a test how and this is how you want to tell me are you being serious i can't like what a weird place to tell somebody like in a public store she's like yeah we're out shopping in the middle of a pandemic but i thought this was a great time to let you know that i'm pregnant i mean look at his face for real yes you wanted to tell me at nordstrom rack you really gonna tell me at nordstrom rack he's just carrying around the pregnancy test all right this is not the place to do it not at nordstrom rack yeah there's also a lot of these on tick tock but this was my favorite one so i narrowed it down a lot of them are like emotional we ain't about that i need some funny stuff i'm already an emotional wreck filled with pregnancy hormones i need funny okay tell me this isn't the most messed up thing you've ever seen this is what happens to the woman's body when she gets pregnant this is a standard woman's body before she's pregnant okay okay stomach has space that pink thing the small intestines look intact they're chilling the yellow thing is the bladder and it's also chilling as is the rectum this tube thing now look at this [ __ ] oh no this is a pregnant woman's body okay look at the stomach do you see that sliver of a stomach yeah that's why heartburn is a thing and the small intestines they're just everywhere they're just everywhere oh my god there's no room for the bladder it's smooshed look at the angled rectum okay thank you [ __ ] i love this girl so much but this is horrifying now i know i have to go to the bathroom all the time and why i get very hungry but then get super full very quickly and they get very hungry again i haven't had heartburn yet oh god is that coming i do love the comments on these horrifying pregnancy videos it's like the best form of birth control for people adoption i will be doing that gen z birth rates plummeting don't get pregnant be a lesbian at adopt we should switch to laying eggs dude that would be trippy imagine twins or triplets oh god i always wanted to have twins but i don't know how they do it hey yo i don't look thick until i turn around check oh my god she doesn't look pregnant at all from the front i hate her ugh i mean good for you girl but oh it's gonna be another one it's gonna be another one isn't it oh my god oh my god she's huge what oh my god no no no this is like when i did those tick-tock sims where you couldn't tell they were pregnant from the front then when they turned to the side i mean maybe if i were all black and super tight maybe you wouldn't be able to tell i don't know in a dreamland oh going to kiss the belly what the hell damn it's a food baby oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm just impressed my god how did she make it that big float it's bloat it's probably from taco bell taco bell later i'm hungry okay i haven't eaten much today that's like okay basically like lays potato chips like stopped in starbucks had like one red velvet like two scones and they were like super small and that's just some chipotle but that stuff you know like runs through you she had breakfast lunch and a snack okay so you had breakfast lunch and a snack yeah i feel like i did that the other day i was like i haven't really eaten much today no wait i did but i want more third trimester of pregnancy be like baby i think my water just broke oh you know what no no i think it's urine hey dr lewis um yeah i was just wondering is it normal to feel like you're about to die like a well that part do you realize in like three weeks or less i have to push a baby out of my wall when i get closer i'm just like be nice to me do you know what i have to go through soon it's gonna be traumatic but the laying on the floor part i've done that a few times so far just complaining that i feel big [Music] i'm telling you i think about this every time i go to eat something i'm like i wonder if the baby will like this this is for you or if i eat something bad i'll just be like don't worry it's for the baby not for me this is a very selfless act right now the six tacos from taco bell was a very selfless act okay don't come for me in the comments i have rarely had fast food this entire pregnancy i've been trying to be as good as possible it sucks my feet is all day every day i am hungry i'm very hungry or [Music] oh they just thrown and one lava cake that's definitely my child oh my god this whole video is just gonna make me hungry hey babe i'm just chopping up some watermelon you want a piece just be careful this piece has got a seed in it oh no do you want any more before i put it what'd you do with the seed i ate it don't you know what happens when you eat the seed it's gonna grow in your stomach think you were right i was terrified of this as a kid did anybody else get told this i feel like it's so mean like i was doubly told as a kid not to swallow a watermelon seed and i was terrified it would grow into a watermelon inside of me and now as you can see because everything on tick-tock is real that's true don't eat watermelon seeds don't do it okay i love this one because it's so true that one girl from high school is back with a big announcement i feel like this is every time i go on my facebook and see people from like high school that i have not talked to in years all because two people fell in love we're adding a little pumpkin to our patch our family is expanding by two feet okay turkey isn't the only thing in the oven this year i can't it's so accurate so this happened just for the record when i announced mine i didn't use any cliches i'm proud to say i did not do any cliches it was literally just the photo of bobby me holding up the ultrasound and saying how excited we were that's it you know like a normal person would talk to somebody else this is a simulation model that we use to practice simulations of births we use these models to practice and to help train others here you can see the baby's head starting to crown oh god once the baby's head is out we got it down while mom's pushing so the top shoulder can come under the pubic bone once that's delivered we guide the baby up so the bottom shoulder and the rest of the baby can deliver and there you have it happy birthday baby hope you enjoyed watching that simulation why would anyone eat you i want to see that simulation why is that on i told you pregnant tick tock was terrifying oh my god oh i'm so sorry to my editor who had to watch that oh god anytime somebody asked me to do something in the the last like month of being pregnant i'm just going to send them that video and be like don't ask me to do anything i'm already gonna be doing too much this month too much oh god what's the comments on this one thank you for the birth control reminder yo mom i'm sorry i wasn't worth it why is this on my for you page that's horrible i was at least searching for pregnancy tick tocks and found this but like could you be just like happily scrolling through your tick tock and then this comes up oh god oh god oh no she's at the hospital oh no oh girl i just saw what you're about to go through this is gonna hurt like a [ __ ] i like that that tick tock came right after the birth simulation was oh girl you have no idea me sad because i'm going to miss my baby bump then remembering wine clubs no more pain seafood my body back you know i will miss the comfort of not having to worry so much about what i look like in the mirror because i'm just like oh it's fine i'm just pregnant i'm not i'm not gaining a crap ton of weight i have an excuse to eat like a treat that i want here and there and being able to feel the baby move those are all things that i'm gonna miss but i am very excited to have wine again i did not have any of the symptoms so it kind of cancels each other's out i'm fine i'm fine with moving on from the baby bump eventually this is acting like my pregnant wife babe what's that smell this must have been the baby my skin is terrible this baby is just sucking the life out of me i'm going to start eating healthy for now anything babe i'm ordering wendy's i have a motor in wendy's oh man so freaking relatable these tick tocks are both making me feel better and worse at the same time so it's kind of working stewie welcome to pillow there we go how you doing oh my god if you saw our couch our couch is literally pillow world like you could tell exactly where i sit on the couch because it's just like a pillow throne made on the couch for me and even in our bedroom i have like special pillows and stuff on my side of the bed it's just all pillows hello world it's great i only get nine hours of sleep nine i get seven you get seven but i get four wait you guys are getting sleep so far knock knock i have not had this problem i have slept fantastic because i'm exhausted by the end of the day and all i want to do is sleep i sleep a solid eight hours every night it's been great we'll see we'll see if that changes i mean it'll definitely change at the end of this then i'm gonna get no sleep and you guys are gonna see all different lauren girl was the baby coming any day now okay i'm glad i actually have one of these balls i didn't know i was gonna need it but apparently toward the end it helps speed things up hurry up i don't know why is it like when you see me a terrible analogy i was like is it like when you have a glass ketchup bottle and you're just trying to like get it out i i don't know that was a terrible analogy terrible i don't know why the ball works i haven't looked into it i'm too scared walking through eight months of pregnancy guess what we'll end on like a cool one oh my god i love her bag this is pretty cool this is pretty cool she's pretty creative oh that's the last one she should have kept going what about nine months and after i want to know all right well thank you pregnancy tick tock for once again uh making me feel relatable to other ladies terrified of my life choices somewhat educated on a lot of stuff grossed out but also made me laugh thank you tic toc you do so much for me but as always if you made it this far in the video make sure to leave a like before you go and if there's any other parts of tick tock you want me to explore or to do more pregnancy tick tocks let me know in the comments below also before you go why not check out some of these things there's a subscribe button which i mean you might as well hit if you made it this far you must like me a decent amount or if you're still not sure you could click one of these suggested videos and see if you still like me in another video and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,208,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, weird, weirdest, pregnant, pregnancy, i tried, tiktok, tik tok, tik toks, pregnant tik tok, pregnancy tik toks, funny, react, react to, reacting, trying
Id: Us4BmclmRj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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