Pregnant Woman Plays Pregnancy APP GAMES That Scare Her

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congratulations you are pregnant husband i pregnant what is it why did i play this game i knew it was gonna be a mistake [Music] so in case you're new one i am gamer and two i am pregnant and i have been trying to learn things about being pregnant through video games so far i've tried pregnancy games from okay we got a baby heartbeat what's happening with a baby and i learned nothing so today i thought i would try pregnancy app games because apparently that's a thing pregnancy games okay so this first one the nine months i have seen on the top app charts for like over a month now and it looks scientifically terrifying great are you ready for the most amazing journey i don't know i'm kind of scared oh my gosh this music it's the most amazing journey i'm ever gonna go on on my phone the most fascinating amazing journey is this music to distract me from how creepy this is gonna be okay so this is the egg and i guess if i i tap we're gonna we're gonna begin the process of creating a baby on my phone oh my god we're creating a baby two weeks old the journey continues oh look at it okay tap here to grow the baby oh we're growing it we're growing it is this all it is i'm just tapping the heck is this cells oh so i'm just trying to tap this as fast as i can go go go go go go go go oh my god this is going to take forever ah such riveting gameplay four weeks old what is it oh my god it's like a shrimp oh my god is it nature beautiful just remember this is what we all look like we all look like this at some point ew ew i don't like it oh my god please get cuter 10 heart for great please just get i'm torn between thinking it's cool and creepy i want to know why this was on the top of the app charts like who is sitting around just doing this besides me because i'm weirdo it's becoming see-through is that okay i don't like this game this is terrifying me all right this is six weeks can't tell if this is better or worse than where we started uh it's like a worm it's a translucent worm okay so i ended up paying to be able to make this go faster because it's taking forever but it's still taking forever anyway i just hit the 13-week mark with my phone baby and i wanted to pick up here because at this point was when i announced it on youtube this is what you all were excited about this alien thing it's starting to have arms and legs though when i was growing up we had cute little tamagotchis to grow and today kids are growing legitimate biologically correct babies on their phones what is this all right we'll check back in with you again in another hour probably all right so i'm at the 16 week mark which is pretty important because that's where i am right now in this moment while i'm filming this video let's see what it looks like oh god it keeps getting worse what is it getting cute oh my god this this is what's in there right now this is what's in there right now i don't know how to feel about this don't know how to feel about this why did i play this game i knew it was gonna be a mistake i mean i i know it's supposed to be beautiful but okay we're at the 21 week mark and my baby has skin now it's not see-through anymore so that's great but it still looks very very very scary this has taken me forever to even get to this point and we're only like halfway through it so i think i'm going to work on this in my free time and future lauren will get back to you about it okay it's been four days since i've been playing this game and my baby has only gotten scarier looking fast forward it got a little bit cuter and then fast forward again and it's looking like a real baby but yeah this is four days worth of trying to play this game my free time so i've given up and i'm just gonna look on youtube to see what happens yes thank you pika guy 100 baby complete your baby is now nine months old and is ready to be born i'm like oh my god this is so creepy oh my god it's his baby we finally did it well i didn't actually do it but pika guy did it congratulations pika guy oh my god you're just selects just select the gender oh how cute and there she is oh my god you have to continue to grow her oh this would have taken forever oh this would have taken forever oh oh oh my god do we have to grow her all the way till she's 18 years old oh my god she's learning to stand now and uh there there she is yay game completed why is there always like very calming music in these app games [Music] is it to shield you from all of the terribleness amanda oh my god i can change to my name perfect pregnant simulator i'm pregnant oh my god [Music] what is with my hands just out like i was going to the doctor like this hello ma'am i need help i am having wait amanda i'm lauren i changed the name i'm having nausea fatigue and vomiting since last free day three days okay i'm giving you a slip go to the radiology lab for ultrasound then you can see kinda oh my god so she didn't wanna take a pregnancy test she was like nope hospital here we go open hello why is she's doing some voodoo over me didn't even have to lift up my shirt nothing please tell me doctor am i dying leave the room you're not gonna show me the baby picture i can clearly see right here even though that's not what you'd see this early on but let's let's go anyway hello doctor what is wrong with me oh no your face looks concerned oh it changed back to my name what happened young lady i'm having nausea fatigue and vomiting do you have your ultrasound report yes here it is okay let me check congratulations you are pregnant ye i'm pregnant i mean very accurate representation of what everybody does at the doctor yeah we did it give me my file okay goodbye oh it's me in my handbag i love walking around like this my handbag in one hand and just my other hand and i just walk like this here we go put our bag on the table this is important for some reason pick up phone and call husband where's phone husband i pregnant i am fine i have good news for you what happened i'm having your child having your child wow it is great news i'm very happy i will try to come home earlier i will wait for you the way they look at each other in this loading screen creeps me out so my darling you are having my child go to the bath and take a shower oh point of view yes just rubbing my arm what the heck brushing my teeth my darling pick perfume bottle and apply to body girl that's not how you apply perfume but okay now where we go go to bedroom and pick folic acid tablets wow it was like an advertisement for nature i forget what it's called yes take our vitamins prepare breakfast oh look it's already out for me bread perfect breakfast of champions wow waiting for toast riveting gameplay cannot do this in real life yes yes buttered it okay making coffee pretty sure that's not how it works but pretty sure this is not how you make coffee sit on bedside and order some clothes okay wow oh it's all it's all pregnancy clothing oh i get to pick this the sqo the pjs what the who's that the door what how did this box get inside are these the clothes i just bought what oh my god what world are we living in that these clothes came immediately damn amazon you getting faster and faster every day oh my god i'm instantly pregnant wow i'm eating salad wow point of view eating salad with rocks in it apparently oh my god we get point of view working out wow that's some intense intense exercise more shopping baby names select one boy and one girl name oh oh there's no funny names let's do l names because i have an l name dude luke and lily oh where are we going going back to the hospital hello ma'am i'm back yay more voodoo lady witch yes hello doctor concerned doctor you are having a baby girl and everything seems to be completely normal where's my husband during all of this it's a new day and i'm gonna put on a new shirt oh i'm super pregnant now oh my god all i wear is matching tracksuits taking more vitamins vitamins oh look at how cute it is i'm going into the baby room and we're gonna buy some baby clothes teddy bears very important even though it said clothes cute cute play relaxing music is this relaxing music [Music] oh my god the baby clothes where's my baby clothes there they are it says floral baby dress this is not a floral baby dress this is also not the teddy bear i ordered this is a rabbit oh my god operation theater what happened operation i'm having an operation oh my god i thought we had three babies i thought we had three babies i had to get a c-section where's my husband i'm beginning to think she had doesn't have one she made him up yeah it's just me where's my husband that's staring at me creepily in the loading screen hello crying baby oh my god it's enormous hello it's okay what do i do oh god i gotta get it hold on hold on hold on there you go okay getting the bottle here we go give me that fakie really i got to put this thing away first that's not the important thing there also can we talk about why this dog toy has red glowing red eyes am i the only one that's terrified by this why is this in the baby's room do these oh my god oh my god they're all possessed oh my god okay that one's not as bad but what the heck clearly this is a demon give me a bottle oh my god we actually get to hold the baby now baby are you crying because of the demon plushies i put in here for you ew ew ew and where do i put you here there we go there we go that's lotion on okay i think i think we're past the pregnancy simulator part this is pregnancy app games not mom games we ain't there yet all right let's end on a not so realistic looking note for these app games my new baby allison this reminds me of girls go games all right vitamin oh god what's wrong with you allison are you okay oh you're hot well none of these none of these things will help with that okay vitamins we all know how important vitamins are to pregnant ladies it's literally in every game i vitamins aren't really delicious though but okay here let's take your temp uh take your temperature oh crap take your temperature oh darn damn it take your temperature oh god girl you sick now let's listen to your heart be oh or the baby's heartbeat we don't care about you okay taking your blood pressure normal good omega oh my god there's something inside of you it's a boy whoa congratulations uh are we not gonna address the fact that she has a hundred and one temp she's like no it's not good oh my god we're gonna knit i know it's trying to tell me what to do but it it looks weird doing it right between her bosoms all right there we go wow magic knitting let's make something purple yay what is it with all these girl games that have the same it's like take your vitamins put headphones on your stomach and eat fruit oh never oh fruit nope you gotta have fruit apparently that's all you can eat but she wants a milkshake i'm gonna give her what she wants popcorn what else you want more popcorn chocolate damn girl damn girl damn girl how much you needy is there any end am i supposed to cut you off all right i'm cutting you off oh my god wait was he born there he is oh look at him oh we can pick the crib yes froggy crib i like this are we just gonna change the floors too sure oh it looks like the frog's in water now yes here's your girlfriend because why not powder all over your face that's how you do this right oh he likes that he likes the toy is it pinky here's your bottle oh whoops he must have swallowed the binky probably should have fed him before i had to put put the binky in oh bad bath time rich you off right you do your hair uh oh of course the dress up part beautiful uh you are connected to the internet lies i am connected to the internet was that it that that was that was it wow it was basically a girls go game for your phone a waste of time i mean all those games were pretty much a waste of time but isn't that the point of most app games make sure you leave a like and let me know in the comments below if i should do more of these because there are so many pregnant app games i don't know why so there are plenty to do another video with so let me know if you want that by leaving a like also make sure to check out one of these videos if you stayed this long for this one you'd probably like one of these also make sure you subscribe and check out my new merch links also over here and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,577,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, funny, reaction, reacting, pregnant, react to, girls go games, weird games, funny games, girlsgogames, ggg, girls games, app games, 9 months, 9 months app, mommy simulator, simulator, pregnancy games, pregnant games
Id: 16BzCcUvaqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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