Pregnant Woman Plays Pregnancy GIRLS GAMES That Scare Her

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mommy tanning oh my god you're not supposed to go tanning when you're pregnant what okay okay we got a baby heartbeat what's happening with a baby so if you somehow missed it last week i announced that i'm pregnant that i'm pregnte that i'm pregnant whatever your favorite way is to say it but yes i am pregardinate and ever since i've been trying to figure out what resources i can use to you know learn about what it's like to be pregnant and suddenly it all became clear there's one website that should be able to tell me a woman what it's like to be a pregnant woman girls go games your number one resource for all things women's and oh look just like i thought there's lots of pregnant games it's either under pregnant some of them are under mommy but yes i a newly pregnant person will be playing these games and i'm very very nervous for it i don't even know where to start but first i need to tell you a little bit about today's amazing video sponsor dice dreams so dice dreams is a super fun mobile game that lets you build your magical kingdom and become the dice king or queen so the game is based on dice basically you roll the dice you earn coins and you restore your kingdom the game concept is super simple which i feel like makes it super fun and also causes me to find myself just constantly opening the app to throw some dice earn some coins and keep building up my kingdom in my free time there's tons of exciting social features where you can attack your friends kingdoms steal gold from them and trade stickers to complete your sticker album this is my actual gameplay of playing the game and the oddly satisfying feeling of rolling dice and having them all line up and get coins and gems and then again the oddly satisfying feeling when you use those to build your kingdom bigger and bigger when you want to attack your friends kingdoms you can either attack or steal just aim your slingshot fire and loot away fight battle with your friends by playing rock paper scissors or take part in the super exciting competitions and events that are constantly happening as you progress and rise up the leaderboards it's just so simple so fun and so cute looking that i mean it was just my type of game so if you want to check it out too make sure to use my link in the description below to download and play for free thank you so much to dye streams for sponsoring this video and now back to more content goldie princesses pregnant bffs oh no i will never be a goldie princess because i am not blonde hi hello all right we have to take care of these two pregnant bffs with vitamins yes you need your vitamins why are these these vitamins are the size of their necks here you go girl please don't choke she chewed it you're not supposed to you're not supposed to chew the vitamins you're supposed to swallow the vitamins barbie okay now don't chew this swallow it oh my gosh she chewed it she chewed it i mean unless they're chewable vitamins but those look like chewable vitamins for their benefit we'll say they're chewable okay which one will i feed first here barbie that was an aggressive bite this is aggressive eating here you go you get watermelon delicious oh my god they're like tamagatches what oh are we letting the baby listen to music wow it's beethoven they're gonna be so smart we're getting stomach tattoos okay so i'm taking notes i need to chew my vitamins even if they say swallow only eat fruit put headphones on my stomach and play beethoven and get stomach tattoo thank you gross go games i did not know any of this barbie's gonna get this butterfly in pink and then the other one's gonna get this little bow thing and yellow yay okay now what are we doing oh it's the dress-up stage it's the most important stage of every girls go games game get beautiful all right i don't care oh my god sure yes don't care yay we did it we kept them alive and then we made them look pretty yay us oh oh it's an ellie game my favorite person oh my god is there an ellie pregnancy game is that what this is crap neither of them are ellie you look closer to ellie let's go with you help mommy find this food in your bedroom oh my god girl girl this wait are you hiding food in your bedroom what girl girl you know you're allowed to eat right why are you hiding food in your bedroom i can't even find it is it that no well you have oh my god can you eat one of these other pieces of oh there it is you wanted this here delicious the heck oh we're cutting the bananas oh oh this is gameplay delicious what's this oh we got some kiwi for you girl if your breakfast consists of chocolate cake and fruit i don't know if you're doing it right are we making a smoothie okay that's better here you go you want me to click your knees oh god what are we doing oh what are we doing what's happening what am i doing am i giving you a leg massage this is really weird lady okay what is happening what am i doing to you okay there we go there we go am i giving you a leg massage [Music] what what did i just do to you are we putting together furniture for you oh you're doing it wrong you're supposed to play beethoven i learned that okay now we're brushing your hair okay yay don't worry pregnant lady i will take care of you oh my god i'm so talented i am so talented look at this oh god what's happening at the hospital what is this oh no what happened who is this why do you have a skull bunny man here where are we ellie look alike do you need help okay okay we got a baby harpy what's happening with a baby oh god give her oxygen i'm so nervous your baby's heartbeat was not good so we just gave you oxygen and fixed it did you forget how to breathe girl okay we're taking your blood pressure all right looks looks good here's a pill don't chew it don't chew the pill okay good she did here's some jelly on your belly the heck is happening oh god what is this oh god i don't want to alarm you but you have a child you have a full on toddler living in your stomach not a baby a toddler this isn't no not congratulations we're very concerned why do you have a toddler in your stomach this is not a baby she even has a hair tie in all right so the rest of these games seem to be like labor pregnancy games which i'm kind of nervous about because i'd say this is probably the worst part about being pregnant and i i don't i don't know what girls go games is gonna show it like i don't know who this lady is violetta her smile looks like she's just like help me that's the smile of somebody who needs help i'm scared okay what are we doing you're sweating you're crying um this thing oh look look you have a baby in you i did not know if you knew that give her a pill okay here you here you go just drop it right into her creepy smile oh check to okay okay let's stick it in there i can't read celsius so i have no idea if that's good or bad we're just gonna assume it's good there you go are we putting her to sleep don't put her to sleep not supposed to do that okay here here i'm i'm wiping your head there you go wait that was it it wasn't even what that was it i don't know what i just played oh okay this is just a checkup one okay this this is gonna be okay here you go beautiful gotta take your temperature girl uh celsius again don't know what that means i guess it's good this is what you get when you pay for a discount doctor like me that is not how you mess okay take your blood pressure girl i may not be hitting on you but i'm definitely hitting on you girl there's some jelly for your belly i would have way too much fun if i was an ultrasound technician and i would creep everybody out that's why i'm not here look here's your baby oh she's so cute we gotta measure her um like this oh how cute okay your baby's good go to the next level what does that mean oh my god it's the same exact setup take your vitamin don't chew it this one you definitely do not chew look at it it's a capsule do not chew this she's a freaking idiot why why are you giving birth i just told you not to chew it no some watermelon delicious listen to beethoven oh yeah we can't forget about the stomach tattoo i like this one let's make it blue do i need a stomach tattoo didn't know this was a thing okay and now we're back here oh my god guys it's talking angela if you don't know talking angela hi hi i don't like this i found pictures of what people thought they saw in angela's eyes yeah this is the image that i keep seeing up in this corner here that's so creepy oh god okay kitty pregnant fashion yes kitty teach me how to be oh god the baby's name will be oh is this up to me bad choice gabe sub to lauren perfect your baby will forever remind people to subscribe to my channel just like you should do right now that's watching this yep nothing nothing wrong with putting wigs on cats not at all weird i'm gonna put this one on you because it makes you look really creepy it matches your eyes beautiful beautiful beautiful that was it sub to lauren well thank you for naming your baby after me ella gives birth here we go hair's gonna be a lovely labor game can you help me pack a bag for the hospital sure what do you need a bottle diapers blanket baby clothes baby cat slippers toothbrush wipes lotion oh no oh no oh no um oh no oh i'm scared this is not a kid's website right it's on a kid's website it's gonna be fine it's going to be fine all that they show them this is what the baby's currently seeing okay we go give you a little shot there you go you're going to feel better girl now what do i do am i what push push now i'm going to twist your tummy this is how you do it right there's some water here's some water have the water there you go you're doing great you're doing great push push twist the top i don't know what i'm doing oh the baby's loading we're helping the baby to load let's see it's almost loaded it's almost there it fell from the sky oh god you're so dirty already baby suck out your burgers what the heck is happening ew ew ew okay it's all better now it's all better here's a band-aid a cleaning yeah you clean i'm gonna give you a little booster shot hold on hold on there you go we did it yay that wasn't scary i'm very scared about this one now oh god the sounds the sounds the sounds here it's your phone nine one one you're not supposed to call 9-1-1 by the way but here's your hospital outfit what do you need the bell for what here's water here's a bell oh my god it's one of these games it's one of these games husband come kiss me thank you i need love lady you're not supposed to be you are using the ambulance instead of people who are dying you're supposed to drive yourself to the hospital if you're able your husband seems to be fine people are gonna die because of you they're gonna die because of you yay up here's the hospital we didn't even it wasn't it okay it will be okay now what are we doing yeah this is why i can't become a doctor here baby all right what what here here here's a blanket there you go there you go your stop crying don't chew this i think she didn't chew it oh my god how many am i giving you where's your husband why am i doing all this for you oh my god pregnant and selfie we're all best friends we all got pregnant at the same time by the same person i'm ruining all these games i'm so sorry also what the heck is this is it a tablet oh i hate you all so much i mean sure we'll make you look like elsa cause that's who you are you know they're pretending you're not i don't even i don't even know what i want here yeah share a crop top great now you can put a stomach tattoo on also i love they give all these pregnant women high heels to just wear for fun wearing high heels while you're pregnant is not fun it's horrible um i don't know what to do from here none of these clothes match okay that sounds better i don't even care i don't even care i don't even care this isn't teaching me anything oh my god it's the karen haircut yes you're you're getting the hair the karen haircut oh god what is with these outfits what is this sure yeah you all look great i hate it i hate it so much i can't no mommy real life shopping you know just like real life mommy to be i want clothes but i need money oh my god is she an influencer look at all them likes look at all look at all the social medias oh oh i gotta collect the money ah she must be streaming yes thank you for the donations thank you for the donation thank you for the donations yes subscribe give me donations and likes i need more more clothes not for the baby just for myself i just want more clothes just want more clothes thank you for all the money oh my god i'm making so much money oh god oh oh yeah you're going out shopping and everything cost 400 it's horrible is that the most expensive no this one's 450. yeah let's go for that let's find the most expensive thing of every category just because i just wait what i just i had another dress on now it's totally different yay okay she definitely shoplifted because i didn't buy all this mommy tanning oh my god you're not supposed to go tanning when you're pregnant what okay so um what did i what did i learn uh that dressing up's really important don't chew your vitamins oh and i need to invest in some pregnancy stomach tattoos yes thank you girls go games i now feel like i know everything there is to know about being a pregnant woman but if you made it this far in the video make sure you leave a like before you go especially if you want me to try out other pregnancy related games i know there's a bunch of apps pregnancy game apps that i haven't tried then definitely make sure to leave a like so i know also why not check out one of these videos if you liked this one then you'll probably like these too also make sure you subscribe i named a cat's baby just to make sure that you did so please don't let them down and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,230,363
Rating: 4.9641042 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, parody, satire, funny, reaction, reacting, funny cartoon, pregnant, family friendly, funny pranks, react to, animated, animation, avocado couple, girls go games, weird games, funny games, ellie, girlsgogames, ggg, girls games
Id: 0CPyjsrOGpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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