T.Rex Hunting! - The Isle

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hello look like I'm the game beaver today we're going to be the Raptor this ticket oh there we go our first hunt let's get this guy am i holding up Ryan is a piggy I can't even tell if I'm doing any damage dude he's hurting me a lot I don't know if I'm hurting him oh okay screw that let's be a condo Oh God oh you hate me oh my god these things are impossible to care what oh hello mr. t-rex oh you little bugger really really really really far yeah I am King for a while and still nothing no sign of food water sign of anything oh there it is again oh this is there isn't a Soros over there and now if we can communicate we could probably take that down so I'm greedy thirsty I'm really hungry I think there's a way to run while like yeah there we go that's it that's stalking that sounds like a therizinosaurus no I'm not confident in my abilities to deduct a call I don't see work if they make some sort of smell so you can track these t-rex had an incredibly strong sense of smell most of its brain was devoted to that I think so be cool if you could see scent trails okay I don't think it's in the area anymore oh there it is it's running you know moving like this I would imagine takes more evidence standing normally over this way towards the noise oh it's a raptor but I'm hungry Oh always it wanted to eat me stay away I will eat you if you come here right then we made your bed now you were laying it it's a doing everybody what you doing I'm really hungry you know really hungry really hungry tasty looking very tasty looking beautiful lovely jubbly can't average record either oh now I feel bad at least it Spidey's gonna go to waste I eat there we go there we go beautiful okay well we ate something alright with the trail you serious there he is if I'm followed him all this way the source is still over there the hunt for fluffy bottom date who I find fluffy but I'm hiding in a thick trees he's just standing fluffy Potter appears to be moving towards the east oh there you are fluffy bottom this guy's been searching aimlessly he's following the trail that's what he's doing hah see the trail light goes round all that way and back there so by going this way I'm taking a shortcut it's fall off like a bottom well there he is there's fluffy bottom look at it wobble oh goody get you so he can't see me now you can't see me I think I can get over that fine he's going into the mountains I don't get the feeling that flooded bottom would have had enough stamina to keep on going far enough away for me not to see it see this wood where it would be really handy to have a sense of smell track it all day let her go round this oh yeah I think he might went right though because that would be more so in the opposite direction of where I was originally mr. fluffy bottom Oh a river oh there is definitely a chance of there of it being good right okay now I have full stamina oh no I'm the pig okay let's go finally see something it's another fluffy bottom I don't know if you see me I kind of stand out I have a hundred eleven stamina thirty I'm gonna need at least 200 to run up to him he's walking my way ready guys should we faint limping it's faint limping they're gonna go yeah I hear footsteps ready you ready guys you have your job oh it's running it's running Oh No bollocks damn it it's it's running with the other three there's mattes I can't take that out oh my god it just never stopped running let's hope those guys oh so they were walking so you sprint all the way up to them and then rest no there isn't a Soros is looking for me and me I need all the stunner I can get I done I'm done okay should we casually stroll over and see what they do and announce it as well I am oh there's a guy in a tree I look friendly all I'm doing is drinking yeah Oh everybody's limping oh that was good these to do any damage oh wait I see something in the distance I think they're calling I'm not in a good condition though I am NOT in good condition I'm still yeah I'm not kneeling I bow down just to make sure oh my god it's too car nose I'm not liking this do I risk attacking them oh look they still can't see me shall I present myself you ready let's present ourselves Oh Triceratops who are you guys oh is it oh it's those two again but these are different he became fine uh they want to remove who are you not liking I'm being out members oh I gotta get out of here no I'm not hanging about hi I'm not talking about mm is right now I'm full I just need to heal so is it real no I'm a fakie who would want to be the real one he sucks party oh my god the dryer so just sat in the middle well hello everybody nice to see you here just so many so you take it up Petra I personally don't want to but I'd love to see you dance too as I my god oh they're attacking it I'm just gonna circle on it whips with its tail Daniel Oh does he die guys let's see you dry oh I can get that I can get that do this guy has no idea what's gonna happen oh it does how long can you run the pool I've got the stamina is everything else coming are you stuck buddy ah damn it man I can't chase those things I'd rather go you wanna cook you little [ __ ] come back here come back here deep run all the way back just to tease me oh did you despite me did you just bite me oh damn yo I need your face you trying to kill me put me back to 1775 hell oh not stunning for that you know I'm just gonna let you rot you don't deserve a t-rex deck they're chickening out of killing the thing if this game has taught me anything it's that anything is possible you guys attack it first I'll arrest what did you call us he called are you all cowards thanks for one to know one there's a line between brave and stupid is that is there a line between brave and stupid because I think I'm about to call it oh yeah oh yeah I didn't say I'm surviving you guys are all second and to take some damage man but I got it yes you killed it God they're all cowards beaver hates you I'm sure that's not my problem and I'm stuck in it ah damn it they think that's gonna have to run up the city bug wow that was quite entertaining you wanna see more leave a like it until next time I'll see you later
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,959,651
Rating: 4.9020758 out of 5
Keywords: The isle, t.rex attack, carnivores, herbivores, team, herd, hunting, attack, pack, fight, battle agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver, therizinosaurus, carnotaurus, dryosaurus, jurassic park, lost world, dinosaurs
Id: CkUluDZLnec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2016
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