I Challenge the Entire Dino Population as a Type-H and I Regret Everything - The Isle

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[Applause] yeah let's do this the whole the Alpha the hunt is on I'm also the Alpha I were on the highness we're on the hunt we have been given a gift by the God of the isle and we are going to kill everything in sight just for the record by the way this is on our own server on the IG paradise where all this destruction and the Dino Massacre is about to all right let's do it we are killing everything in sight including I see no these are precious gifts we must treat them with care before we begin before begin though I want to show I want to show the good people are are we working with you there's gonna be our broadcast this is gonna be a friendly oh that's actually and then threatening and then we're hurt help us Donnie please [Applause] I would love to creep on people just quietly rumble like we're breathing yeah that's like a dragon dude forever Oh ambush ambush get ready [ __ ] sorry I'm ambitious all right here we go you ready coming I'm going I'm going do not hit me yeah nice come inside [Applause] oh I only is 0.8 lead I'm fine I'm fine I'm gonna ambush them whoa he's teleport teleport pour one out pour one out for that little gallon coming up and kick in the car no dude [Music] we're gonna be some water eventually oh yeah two bytes McIntyre pirates are was gone yeah - by comparison for Speights or four bytes on the yeah the whole herd is kinda stamina I need stamina okay I need stamina up dude wait okay a chimera I could probably kill us yes okay we need to be careful if one dies the other one needs to run if we die I'm gonna be so sad let's do it we got this are you ready my spiky tailed sister I think I'm ready they're roaring this is a dangerous turn run this way a shrink pill the [ __ ] oh damn [ __ ] [ __ ] me what we're fighting we're looking at a fully grown Diablo or try can tell light to Kimora's we're gonna die by the Comoros dude that's what's gonna take us out the brandy to ambush I'm ready to ambush - holy it's not me gonna die dude we're gonna die alright we cannot attend it at the same time they're stomping cow he's dead he's dead all right big truck big truck drink yeah I bit the big one too I think I'm bleeding I'm trying oh my god I have first screen of blood yeah oh I think the car is actually oh [ __ ] dude the same one hit strike hey I get the truck first yeah okay and then we got a coordinated tax watch out of this down is down he's down bleating but I'm on this on the second blue screen yeah I'm on the first alright hit him once now come in alright wait wait wait wait why are you stopping oh [ __ ] are you alright I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine there we go he's very weak alright hold on I'm gonna wait wanna wait go in oh man he must be weak [Applause] this entire server bow before your king braided I see more praise you have got to be kidding that was one hit no I think I can't turn on a dime there you go really hope I'm not being led into the ambush yeah that would be amazing now behind the trees dude look at this massacre I know it's more Utah's coming I hear him in the corner so everyone that's dying I think what they're doing is they're coming back as a car no and grouping together to try and take us down to try to take daddy down and mommy take both daddy's death the heretics what oh is it shut then wow you're a nerd [ __ ] nerd wait let's seal oh yeah if you hit me I think I'll die I hear chicken wings they grow you here to get there right there one day do that I don't think they want to play this no they just want screenshots oh that's for trying to photograph come here come here oh god yes I go nice house I may get stuck on a tree oh he's the end he is so dead oh my god like 20 dialogues came out us I just killed two in one side really have a pack of 20 dialogues came out us every single one of them fits us we would probably kill them all we would die it's a little damaged I hear Rex is it a Rex okay we gotta be careful the corner right there - sounds like a freaking elephant oh here comes a that's a Giga that's a Giga and it's an ambush stance the trees they are the trees get them back out of the trees dude there's one they're circling around the circle around I think there's this - I think so all right all right I'm ready to ambush you wait till he roars lien this evening of Oregon once oh Jesus Christ she's fast did he hurt you sorry sorry sorry all right oh sorry no reg say you're dead - I think it's three bait him out beat about I'll come in for here you go I'm coming for the bait go yes I'm gonna hit him oh you were a beautiful ranch you were you're a meaty meal for us oh my god dude turn them into the door [Applause] is this a visera tops trying to kill me and ruin the goddamn moment get the hell out of here dump it Oh tomorrow this way no it's not a Kamara what is that oh my oh it's a might get it eat it Oh put it Y on [ __ ] I killed the friend cupboard jumpers down well we did see that yeah alright it's dead on what suit right mapped we have a long way to go and the mines of moria will not slow us down what we're on for going to mountain are you [ __ ] nerd oh my god oh my god dude slow down hold on they can't possib up wait really yeah dude let go for it back they are Oh fine let's lie down here look old sage and [ __ ] is the ketchup cowards die I see them they're right here are they what the running away is a dry out all right you dry oh yes jump that just makes you easier to snap in the air where'd you go I know you did we are big deal I kill them pretty big I hear something roaring over oh there is it's just smearing over this Rison whoa okay someone just fell down a mountain it's leading us into an ambush okay oh we gotta piss too don't worry next door all right since Rex's erectus yeah we got rank sis let's go should we let show let him fight tell the choice of the fight will pick up the will pick up the pieces they're gonna die though dude they're gonna die like what they're just gonna go do it yeah there they go it's something there's three of them yeah oh you killing everybody well no one's dead alright I'm going in and going in no cloak in there but you're going in dude I think you really really need to call when you're going in dude he's dead I'm bleeding a little bit nobody no Passons trying to get papers from a god try and get me for some gun you die die you ready I'm ready the ball is just Christ we're gonna die so quick I'm getting bitten by anything it's so laggy alright come on I'm Annie can we take we got a whole bunch of stuff dead I don't know Jesus Christ everything is [ __ ] dead I went through the biggest compliment just sneaking us down here we go did yes t-rex is dead get out of there we hit each other that's a [ __ ] [Music] [Music] daddy was like you need a diet with multiple open something's wrong all I see a baby a car no it's made of cartilage I can hit this [ __ ] guy's dead [Music] oh my god why you spazzing out dude oh there's a few of them I can't get these guys Oh way over here Sara's down whoa Jesus Christ dude did you talk here oh my god dude Wow all right I'm gonna stand in this shot right here and I'm gonna roar come on war with me buddy we deserve it and still a couple of living things and ever they're scavengers oh my god
Channel: IGP
Views: 1,678,551
Rating: 4.8876872 out of 5
Keywords: the isle hypo carno, the isle hypo carno gameplay, the isle hypo carnotaurus, the isle hypo carnotaurus gameplay, the isle hypo carno igp, the isle hypo carno roar, the isle type h, the isle type h gameplay, the isle type h carno, the isle type h encounter, the isle type h monsters, the isle hyperendocrin, the isle hyperendocrin carnotaurus, the isle hypo carno vs, the isle, the isle gameplay, igp, the isle igp, the isle update, the isle news, and i regret everything
Id: 8RYTDVnPkog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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