New Albertosaurus, Already Dead! - The Isle

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whoo well then hello welcome back how became beaver I just spawned in on I guess the same server I was the Raptor last time and I was kind of going to show you the Alberta saw which is actually the new dinosaur and it's it's the one that Sam dead right in front of me like right here we are now eating yeah so um I'm gonna go and find oh my god oh I'm gonna find a way to die oh you know what let's just fight a therizinosaurus oh he wants to go does he want to go look at the log yeah I think I bit by bit by bit it could you kindly please thank you alright and this is what I wanted to show you the albertasaurus so I don't I think it was in depth testing not too long ago there is an it's an added skins but I think that's in the testing kit but it's actually been out to the game I think we have one extra skin will be this one Oh looks awesome so let's hear the broadcast first gorgeous oh that's awesome it's like oh my god I gonna die awesome so we're on I think it's vision - I think of the Isle map aisle version - it's what I barely remember and since all the photos and stuff has changed we still sound like we're running through garbage faster oh it might be it might be the new stagger model oh wow they have made those plates on the back incredibly reflective haven't they looks so reflective yeah I looked awesome a lot of them see from this view this this angles so much better yeah yeah like I've asked way more cinematic beautiful so if you didn't know Alberta sources like she related to t-rex as you can see by those cute little stubby arms but the common misconception is that albertasaurus was actually found in Alberta but it was actually found in Michigan yeah oh god I wonder how many people are pissed no he's wrong I've recognized this I recognise this rock formation um and if I remember right over this way I don't know I'm thinking of the wrong Mac though I think that was vision 3 or something well we'll find life I'm sure subway oh hello you that's the dead bodies here hey it reside I killed that were you friendly please don't please no well then well it ain't that just great you are awful at this but if this doesn't look wrong I've been pizza boy oh no oh oh my god Oh guys they think this is the first time ever I've had 60 FPS while playing the aisle we just how smooth is that oh he's beautiful so this is the new map actually I think can I insert either so I can't even tell but I think this is the Rhett the Redwood part of Easley's LeMat dial the isle of garlic on a photographer there is I however it is only me that's quite nice just seeing it like this it's beautiful it really is it just highlights because I never get to see the game like the way it's supposed to be seen look at this man this could be like some sort of TV series or a movie I would powder I'd play top dollar hey can we swim though oh we can swim oh it's graceful I've got a black shadow follow whichever way I look is a black shadow I can I just want that reflection when I'm down here but someone reason black nourish oh we have we have people coming in you have eye lasers or visibility but still oh the list is filling up now oh no and I need to kill though I'd feel bad if I killed any of them see now it feels more realistic I'm not seeing dead bodies everywhere I'm quite alone and all I all I can hear is the foot as my own footsteps see now it's turned into something like sorry on like I'd imagine like a proper immersive experience as opposed to 14 frames per second and round every corner being a bloody dead body yeah it's gorgeous though it's brilliant I like it it's very different to how I've played the owl in the past I mean in terms of recording it's exactly the same I've got sunlight blaring in here and it's dark and I just want to enjoy it damn it Coe a Sun the Lighting's changed is it turning day or night oh god damn it's beautiful well have a fog system they use oh it smells nice too Oh Drake said to a group I don't know okay go on then fine I'll except to a group see we can find somebody Oh well hopefully going to the best oh good lord I miss alive nope no I'm dead Wow just like that the night vision in this is actually looking really nice are you knock hey hmm how do i first I'm never really keen all night in this game I mean I mean that's fine actually yeah this one's done a really good good job of night and the night vision yeah I can hear somebody running oh there we go dust Alan no separated smell like The Land Before Time separated by giant earth tremor I'll show you my sleeker blacker body are you impressed it would be if we could get down oh this is the one awesome we've got two mates that I've answered who I call she's lucky today oh there's a log is something every way to get in and out well there we go oh there we go I didn't realize I was I was on the wrong chat I was in like local so no me I nobody was talking oh you found it can't be today I have copies in this it's really him oh my god guys for the first time ever we are playing a game of the aisle and people believe I'm real looks like he's looking at the chat box like I'm being led down here oh god this game looks so gorgeous the models are beautiful environments gorgeous oh I'm gonna love it really I can't wait to see it like during the day because at night oh yeah it's pitch black now I was wondering if everybody sees Wow now if we sit down we turn into ducks where are you I need to give you loves a good explanation well I think it's a swamp isn't it now I'm a goose oh my god the hell's going on somebody's got a torch there's a spy no chasing me wait what really where unless he's the one showing that god damn bright torch Jesus beavers are we must grow because I give we go huge I'm gonna do an under oh no no I'm gonna go yeah that's the hole in the floor I fell through shining light don't follow the light it's a trap fake I can't always oh god it's him confirmed oh it's adorable is our cookie come on even tell how many people are here I think 1 2 3 5 what is the name for this vid beaver epic Albertosaurus Wow well I gotta admit Eric took 10 minutes for us to turn on each other that must be some sort of room there lies definitely some world record I guess we can't let him go to waste can we come on I didn't even speak me it what was that that was a utahraptor oh these are different species we can't have that where is he end it I actually got it looks like a baby version of us just cuz in the sunlight you pry you're probably gonna get killed though that's what happens that's must be some weird psychological effect in it oh no he's bleeding already no muffler no I'll protect you muffler oh well well mufflers dead your body won't be will be wasted beaver doesn't play games of fun he plays it for a living yep yep don't you know it if I was to enjoy games I did to be awful all the dead bodies that are going to appear on this map Oh from people that have joined so there was yet there he is there's a dead body down there so I'm warning if you like yes was ready a boo she fell straight so I think the interesting thing about the yeah Albertus or is that they've actually just put another skin onto the skeleton so it's basically like a sub R X except for it looks like an Alberta soul you know that saves them loads of time I suppose they have to make a whole new model though so can I give him some credit go and I'll wait for you then wait oh my god already Jesus so dark I know all of you would turn on me to get the last bite say I killed people I know you would oh no oh no I've lost this good job just connected up nice like why you just won't pass me that I noticed there's a guy walking into a rock there yep yep although I'm by myself now and I have no idea where I'm going there's so much better oh love it so oh right I was over here this is where yeah we followed the lake okay well this is daylight now go on go on go on go on jump jump your buggy ban him he killed you just like one of the reasons why I don't necessarily want a discord because there's so much damn drama between people like that was a problem I had when I ran the ark server and it was like some people would destroy bases there's I pay the punish it was like we get but I don't have time for that sort of play games not that I don't care it's just if I was to do that for every single person well it would be well impossible to be honest oh I've been invited to a different group if I join theirs would I then come out of this one oh I do I vanished Hey now if I stand up they won't know who I am so this this guy I think it's blue and now doesn't know if this is me oh that's so cool I can confuse him supposed to attack him right now I mean the only thing he's gotta go off is the coloring he's like it could be happy don't follow me yes oh he doesn't know for sure though and that's I'm like you can tell if I've left the group are they are they saying we've lost him hold on oh this is day two curious he left the group so now I can commit crimes without punishment oh this looks cool I'm owner of the bridge mind I just want to love him Hey another River dis you ready no bad giggle ah you need to get down there how do we get down there we fight him for those fall straight down dammit ah beaver like the real one can you stand up sick so we get a screenshot yeah look at things like screenshot yay oh yeah you can all turn I'm an idiot ah I could I could have got out of it damn it just like watch me die you like what oh it's this this is a new dinosaur the Camarasaurus why would I use this before dammit this is awesome oh you kidding me I'm finally at the swamp and I'm this bloody thing which can't even attack dammit being eaten alive any bites to take I got a broken leg now go I bite each other by accident I totally happened we're gonna become Nessie the Loch Ness monster like it was meant to be this isn't how nice is supposed to work oh good for sellers yeah I'm gonna slowly catch up to him ah awesome well you didn't really put up much of a fight did you buddy no oh no we copy ah he's gonna walk away should we just same dude let's just end it let's end it ah who's gonna die first yes awesome and no doubt imma like bleed a hundred there we go I'm yum-yum now I can die happy there we go so guys we tried this video by colors like two hours later like it until next time I'll see you later bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 781,104
Rating: 4.9327917 out of 5
Keywords: albertosaurus, new dinosaur, The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosaurus, spino hypo, spino, Hypo Rex, hypo cargo, hypo Utah, hypo raptor, hypo Giga, hypo, Utahraptor, unlocked, acrocanthosaurus, Update, ac
Id: 7dASq46Qb1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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